What to do if you fail to find a job. Practical advice for those who have been looking for a job for a long time. I will find a new job this year.

Catherine Gracheva

ICF career coach

Things to think about

Calmly analyze the situation by answering a series of questions. Who am I? What are my strengths, values, what are my motivators at work? What inspires me, where do I get my energy? What are my skills (competencies), what marketable knowledge do I have, what professional experience do I already have? This way you will understand the direction in which you want to develop further.

Then determine what you really want. The goal does not have to be a vertical career. Take a broader view and also think about horizontal career opportunities. It is worth understanding in which related areas you can find application for your talents. Are there any areas at the intersection where you can be unique?

Analyze the market. Research what requirements your dream company has, what competencies and knowledge you currently lack. Find resumes of other candidates for positions that interest you. Compare with yours. What can you do to get up to the level you need? At a minimum, you can actively engage in self-education - now the Internet has all the opportunities for online learning: read professional forums, books on your topic, search thematic groups on social networks (there are also interesting vacancies), follow experts in your field.

Update your resume to take into account the new information and do it professionally - show it to an expert. When your Career Objective is based on knowing yourself and your inner desires (not generally accepted standards), then you will be confident in yourself and you will have more energy to search for new opportunities.

What to fix on your resume

You can only panic in one case - the financial airbag is deflated. When calculating, take into account possible risks: from exchange rate jumps to an underestimation of your own monthly expenses. If you've been unemployed for a long time, then you probably want too much (and the market can't give it to you right now) or don't know how to sell yourself. If the request does not match and market supply You will have to solve the dilemma - settle for less today or wait. If you decide not to wait, start moving. If the problem is selling yourself as a specialist, then analyze your resume and work on your self-presentation skills.

Rewrite your resume according to the requirements of each specific vacancy and companies. The selection specialist will “filter” you if he doesn’t see you keywords, matching the requirements.

Previously, it was extremely important that relevant experience be recorded in work book. Fortunately, this is not the case now. Companies do not look at employment records or even actual experience, but at specific results. Emphasize them in your resume.

Use more active verbs (“made”, “developed”, “implemented”), voice numbers confirming your result. Broadcast an active position - it confirms that you are ready to take responsibility for the result.

Do not voice your desired salary before your first face-to-face meeting with the employer. First - the benefits that the business will receive from you, then - how much it will cost the company. It is especially important to consider this point if you are more expensive than the market. For example, when we were selecting a product trainer at Mango Telecom, we only considered those candidates whose salary wishes fell within our range. We didn’t even consider the CVs of candidates with requests higher than we can offer. During the interview, one of the candidates announced a higher amount, but I already liked the specialist. In addition, I realized that he would close another important area, and I went to negotiate the possibility of a higher salary for him. An expert will always bring added value. Now he works in our company and, in addition to training employees, is also involved in mentoring aspiring managers.

What affects the number of invitations

Your profession is “developer” mobile applications", three years of work experience, do you have a portfolio? The search time will be a negative value - most likely, you have offers from employers before changing jobs. You - Chief Editor publications with low ratings and don’t understand what your colleagues from successful media are talking about? Six months of searching is your minimum. It is employee hygiene to periodically monitor objective indicators in your industry that may affect your search time. For example, using such data.

The search period is directly influenced by the individual characteristics of the candidate: objective (professional level and experience, possession of search and self-presentation skills) and subjective (motivation to search, expectations from future work, ambitions).

What slows down the search:

Are you applying for high position and salary. Top managers are unhappy people. Once they fall out of a certain circle of connections, the search for a job that meets their needs and expectations turns into painful work.

You are old and have low qualifications. An excellent doctor, an excellent engineer, an experienced builder will find work at any age. A resume for the position of a junior copywriter indicating the experience of “courier”, “loader”, “cashier” in combination with an age of 45+ can be compared to a search handbrake.

Personal passivity (you don’t send responses, don’t update your resume, don’t use personal connections).

How to solve a problem

If work is needed yesterday, then it’s too late to do prevention. Personal activity is the most basic tool. Online, these are responses to vacancies and the correct settings for a resume. the main objective problem that an online resource can solve is receiving an invitation to an interview. Every point on your online resume influences an employer's decision to hire you. Every missed or poorly completed section is a lost opportunity. From the experience of searching on Superjob, for example, we see that if a person writes “not ready” in the “business trip” column, then the number of invitations he will have is 1–2% less.

Again, online is a powerful tool, but not the only one. If you are looking for a job, then expand your circle of contacts: former colleagues, friends, family, project partners, institute friends, members of professional groups on social networks. According to Superjob.ru, 85% of personal recommendations lead to successful employment.

Where to look for alternatives

A long job search is, first of all, an opportunity to review your experience and skills. Let’s say you have correctly reflected your experience in your resume, written your cover letter correctly, regularly monitor vacancies and are ready for an interview. But in the current conditions, when massive layoffs create enormous competition for jobs, and the employer selects a new employee from ten similar candidates, this may not be enough. If you haven't been able to find a job for a long time, it's useful to think about what other industries your skills might be useful in.

For example, if you worked as an economist, financial knowledge and Excel experience are applicable to planning - for example, in Digital positions where many new employees are hired. If you have worked in procurement, experience in searching and working with suppliers, drafting contracts can be applied in an event agency or in design organization. It's certainly smart to continue to regularly monitor job openings in your current profession, but you should also take the time to develop your skills and explore other industries.

Profession occupies an important place in the lives of most adults.

It depends on how comfortable we are in the office and how much money our position brings in.

Whether we have enough opportunities for self-realization largely depends on our mood and even our well-being.

But what should those who are forced to exclaim: “ I can't find a job!»?

How can they break the vicious circle and find their place in life? Find a position that will bring not only pleasure, but also money?

We will try to answer these and other questions within the article.

I can’t find a job: reasons and stereotypes

The fact that a person cannot find a job does not happen on its own, but has very specific reasons.

The point is not that someone is more lucky, but you are not lucky at all.

The fact is that you yourself are mired in stereotypes that do not allow you to be realized in your profession, and you do not notice the obvious reasons for your unfulfillment.

"Reasons why I can't find a job"

There are 5 most common reasons that prevent you from finding a job:

    Reluctance to find a vacancy.

    This is the most common reason why people cannot find a job.

    You can convince yourself and those around you as much as you want about how overwhelmed you are trying to find a suitable position, but somewhere deep in your soul you understand that this is not true.

    Figure out why you don’t want to find a job: you are doing something you don’t like, you want to change your life, you are more comfortable in the role of a “kept woman”, you want to open own business etc.

    Once you discover the reason, you will know in which direction you should move.

    The demands are too high.

    Of course, we all want to get the most out of life.

    Profitable position, opportunities for career growth, convenient schedule, impeccable boss, friendly team, simple responsibilities, high salary, etc.

    But think carefully about whether you are worthy of these requests.

    You, as a specialist, can apply for a position that everyone dreams of finding, or for now you should be content with less, improving your qualifications.

    Inability to “sell” yourself.

    You may be head and shoulders above all the candidates who came for an interview, but if you cannot convince the manager of this, then you will not be able to find a job for a long time.

    The ability to “sell” yourself is as important as high qualifications and impeccable professional skills.

    This is not where you are trying to find a job.

    Does your mother claim that recruitment agencies are robbers, and the Internet is a haven for charlatans, so you can’t find a job there?

    You believe her and act the old fashioned way: you study advertisements in the newspaper and deliberately walk around offices in the hope that they have a vacancy.

    Don't be stupid! You need to use every opportunity to really find Good work.

    You are not taking full advantage of your benefits.

    Do you feel ashamed to ask a relative who works in the government to help you find a job?

    Is it also a shame to write about all your advantages on your resume and praise yourself at an interview? You are not right.

    I can tell you with confidence: those who quickly climb career ladder, use all their advantages.

    Do the same to find what you need.

Stereotypes that influence people who cannot find work

But perhaps the most serious reason you can't find a job is because you've been stereotyped.

In fact, the stereotypes that are imposed on us from childhood seriously destroy our lives, both personal and professional.

If you can handle them, nothing will stand between you and your dream job.

The main stereotypes that prevent you from finding a job:

    “Yes, well, such a small salary.”

    If you are a young specialist without serious experience, then you need to look for a small salary (which is unlikely to be offered to you by anyone).

    And a promising position and large company, in which you can grow and develop.

    “This job is not prestigious.”

    Of course, in the eyes of people, being a doctor is much more prestigious than being a plumber, but who said that these people are right.

    It is important not to look for imaginary prestige, but to choose a specialty in which you can easily realize yourself and which will bring you money.

    Love Agriculture and are you good at it?

    So don’t give a damn about people’s opinions and become a farmer, only a farmer with a prosperous farm and large incomes.

    “Working on the Internet is not serious.”

    The network today provides much better opportunities for professional fulfillment than a poor government organization or a tiny, dying company.

    “All these newfangled professions won’t last long.”

    When 5 years ago, my friend from a small regional center spat on the lack of prospects in her regional newspaper and became a freelance copywriter.

    Everyone, including her close relatives, was wondering: “How can you change your real job to an activity on the Internet, the name of which is impossible to pronounce?”

    Then only her husband supported her, who was tired of his always twitchy, angry wife, who was “not doing well” at work.

    Now she earns 3 times more than her former colleagues, she chooses her customers, topics and work schedule.

    “The main thing is stability.”

    Yeah, Viktor Fedorovich seemed to say something similar and look where he is now.

    If there is a choice between boring government organization, in which you can count on promotion only after the death of old personnel, and young ones.

    But as a promising company, choose the second option without hesitation.

2 stories of losers who can't find a job

No matter how anyone whines about difficulties modern life, I believe that everyone is provided with wonderful conditions for implementation.

It’s just that not everyone considers it necessary to use them.

Often those who moan, “I can’t find a job,” simply don’t really want to look for one.

They constantly find a screen to hide behind so as not to grow up and take responsibility in the profession.

I think the stories of two non-fictional losers will convince you of this.

1) “I can’t find a job – I’m tormented by depression!”

I came across this story on the Internet, but I know for sure that I wrote it a real man, because I know this girl and recognized her (the photo on the avatar was real).

Anya graduated from the university with honors in finance.

It would seem that the education is excellent, the specialization chosen is profitable, there is enough work in the field and it is not difficult to find it.

After working at a bank for 3 years, the girl married a colleague, gave birth to a child and went on maternity leave.

While she was on maternity leave, their bank closed, meaning Anya had nowhere to go during her maternity leave.

It would seem that what the problem is: look for another place - in every city there are at least a dime a dozen of those banks. But Anya’s search dragged on for 2 years.

At the meeting, as in her post on the forum, the girl cried to everyone and everyone: “I can’t, I’ve lost faith in my abilities, I’m depressed, etc. and so on.".

At first, the forum guests treated the girl’s tragedy with understanding: they consoled, encouraged, and told their stories about how they, too, were not immediately able to find a free vacancy that would suit them in all respects.

But it seemed that Anya simply did not hear them - she continued to whine about the misfortunes that had befallen her, depression and so on.

Forum members began to suspect something and ask clarifying questions: “How many interviews have you been to?”, “For what reason are employers refusing you?”, “What don’t you like about this or that position?” etc.

From Anya’s answers it turned out that everyone around her is bad, she is the only good one, no one understands her and no one is offering her dream job (what it should be, the girl herself does not understand).

And then it started...

In general, I won’t retell everything, I’ll just say that the forum members gave Anya an accurate diagnosis: she simply doesn’t want to find a place for herself.

Perhaps the girl relaxed after maternity leave, perhaps she simply chose the wrong profession at the time, there may be other reasons.

It will become much easier for her if she honestly admits to herself that she does not need a job in a bank and tries to realize herself in another profession or find happiness as a mother and housewife.

2) “I can’t find a job in Moscow, no matter how hard I try...”

The second story was told to me by my friend Ira, who has been living in Moscow for 5 years.

Once upon a time, she was not afraid of the difficulties associated with moving to the capital of another country, she was not afraid to go through a super difficult interview for a position in international company, and in the end I was able to find high paying job which she adores.

One day, friends dragged Ira to some party, and there a young man tried to hit on her. The young man was a Muscovite, of which he was incredibly proud, he lived with his parents and at the age of 24 did not work.

To my friend’s direct question: “Why?” He waved it off: “I can’t in Moscow.”

“It struck me so much then,” says Ira, “that I walked around under the impression for several more days.”

I, too, like my friend, cannot believe that in a city with a population of millions, one of the world’s capitals, in a settlement where such opportunities open up, where many dream of moving precisely because large quantity well paid positions.

A native Muscovite from a good family with higher education can't find a job.

Most likely, it’s all about laziness, immaturity and spinelessness young man, and also in the irresponsibility of his parents, who calmly support an over-aged quitter.

What to do about the “I can’t find a job” syndrome? How to deal with this?

The fact that you constantly whine: “I can’t, I can’t find a job at all,” will not improve your life in any way.

To realize yourself in your profession and at the same time financially secure your future, you need to act.

Moreover, you need to start acting now, without putting everything off until another reason appears why you are still unemployed.

What you need to do to find a job:

    Decide what you want from life.

    Even if you have already received an education, even if you have some work experience, honestly answer yourself the question: “Do I want to do this all my life.”

    If you're dreaming of something different, it's never too late to change direction.

    If you are firmly confident in your choice of profession, then think about how best to realize yourself in it:

    • doing business;
    • starting from scratch in a large company;
    • promoting a small but promising company;
    • staying in your hometown or moving to a larger one locality etc.
  1. Create a flawless resume.

    A resume is what the employer sees before even meeting you, and if it is made with errors, then you have little chance of finding a good job.

    If you can’t write a resume yourself, pay a specialist from recruitment agency or get inspired by samples on the Internet.

    Send your resume to all the companies you would like to work for, even those that seem out of reach.

    Learn how to behave correctly during an interview.

    If the employer likes your resume, then the next stage to go through is.

    Never be late for an interview.

    To find a common language with the employer, during the interview you must behave:

    • calmly;
    • confident;
    • charming;
    • relaxed;
    • politely.

    And don’t forget to smile and answer questions competently and thoroughly.

    And be sure to take care of yours appearance to make a favorable impression.

    Thanks to the posted photographs and posts, you can see how people who seemed quite normal to you are revealed in a negative light.

    Remove from the pages everything that can compromise you: nude photographs, photographs of alcohol and cigarettes, indecent jokes, posts that hint at your racial or religious intolerance, and the like.

    Don't try to jump over your head.

    When you go to a clothing store, you know your size.

    If you wear an L, would it even occur to you to try to squeeze into a dress size S?

    I think it’s unlikely, because it’s stupid.

    You should do the same with the job you want to find: try on the position and company of your size.

    Don't be afraid to take risks.

    You are offered an excellent position with a good salary, but for this you need to move to another city.

    What's stopping you?

    Do friends and relatives stay here?

    So when modern means You can keep in touch with them.

    Fear that nothing will work out?

    Well, if it doesn’t work out, then go back home.

    Don't be afraid to take risks, otherwise it will be difficult to find a good job.

    Don't freeze in one place.

    At one time, you were able to easily find a good job, but over the years you began to realize that you had stopped growing, the salary no longer suits you, and you want a career boost?

    It's time to try to find another job.

    It is not necessary to take root in one place.

For current tips on how to find a job without work experience, watch the video:

If, despite all your attempts, you keep repeating: “ I can't find a job“, then you need to overcome this mountain with the help of a professional.

For example, a personal growth coach or a psychologist specializing in professional fulfillment, or an employee of a recruitment agency who can solve even difficult problems.

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Finding a job in 2017 became more difficult: if in 2016 there were 6.5 resumes per vacancy, now there are 7.2. According to analysts from the HeadHunter portal, the annual growth in the number of vacancies will slow down from 12% to 8%. Analysts predict the most favorable situation for job seekers in Chelyabinsk and St. Petersburg (+9%), the most difficult in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don (+4%). The situation with vacancies for workers (+23) and IT specialists (+19%) looks most promising.

Last year of growth

Experts from the Superjob portal give approximately the same forecasts. They believe that the growth in the number of vacancies in 2017 will be 5%, but in the future there will be a decline associated with job cuts. This will especially affect low-skilled workers - the number of offers for them will decrease by 5% per year. Accordingly, real unemployment will increase, which by 2022 could reach 20-25%.

Regarding unemployment, analysts at the HeadHunter portal have a different point of view. They believe that the economic situation will improve and there will also be an increase in vacancies in 2018.

Who will be left without work

Superjob analysts believe that increased competition among job seekers will occur primarily due to accountants. They will be reduced by the average and large enterprises regardless of the form of ownership. By 2020, the number of jobs for ordinary accountants and office clerks may decrease by 3 times. The number of call center employees and data entry operators will be seriously reduced as many jobs are automated.

Who will be in demand

The demand for specialists in the exploration and production of mineral resources, mechanical engineers, and qualified employees in the aviation and food industries will increase.

Employers will intensify the fight for competent specialists. People who can boast of serious knowledge, skills and work experience will be lured with high salaries and good conditions.

The demand for specialists with experience in selling high-tech products will increase. The banking sector will need more anti-crisis managers and employees specializing in the collection of problem debts.

Market transformation

Superjob experts note that against the background of the overall positive market dynamics in the first months of 2017, the decrease in vacancies in the banking sector stands out sharply. Many clerks are forced to retrain, quit or move to another field of activity.

According to independent HR consultant Alexander Sivogrivov, the role of the banking sector and organizations operating on the principle of “bought cheaper - sold more expensive” in the economy is decreasing. Accordingly, the number of jobs in them is declining.

A business model based on the production of in-demand products is becoming increasingly relevant. The defense industry and agriculture are developing most dynamically. Import substitution has had a positive impact on the meat and dairy industry and the production of spare parts.

Labor market trends

Employers in Russia and abroad are now interested, first of all, in competent personnel, and work experience does not play a big role. When a person stays in one place for a long time, it can have negative consequences for a career.

Another global trend is production automation. According to international experts, in 2020 the number of jobs will decrease by 7 million, and in 20 years 35% of the planet’s inhabitants will remain unemployed.

Good day, dear friend!

The employer has now become picky. Which of course applicants don’t like. But what can you do, this is a reality that cannot be ignored. How to look for a job in 2017?

If you look at the comments and posts of irritated candidates online, you get the impression that from year to year the employer and its HR representatives are becoming more and more stupid, arrogant and picky.

This is an emotional assessment and people can understand. Let's try to figure it out without unnecessary emotions.

Finding a job is a task in the field of "marketing". Essentially, this is the ability to understand the psychology of the employer in order to solve your problem.

I would highlight two succinct characteristics of today's typical employer:

1.He is annoyed

Sometimes more sometimes less. Sometimes extreme.

There are reasons for this

  1. He doesn't find what he wants. He searches, looks at resumes, conducts interviews, and doesn’t find him. He thinks he's wasting a lot of time.
  2. He believes that they are trying to deceive him. False recommendations, unconfirmed experience and results, avoidance of answering frank questions. They want to push him, and this makes him irritated.
  3. Sometimes he's just tired. Stress levels at work today are quite high. Someone will say, “That’s his problem.” Everything is true, but does it make you feel better?

I think it's clear that meeting two irritated people in an interview is just a waste of time. They will never agree on anything. Therefore, a positive attitude is critical for the applicant.

2.He is armed

Armed with choice. He can close your resume in a couple of seconds, or during an interview in five minutes he can say, “They’ll call you back, goodbye.”

Both of these features of today's employer cannot be ignored in your job search company.

Below are several ways or principles on how to behave more correctly in these conditions. I already spoke about the correct positive attitude. Let's move on.

1.Who am I? Mini-presentation

Almost every interview asks you to tell us about yourself. The tendency is that no one wants to listen to long, boring autobiographical stories. The employer is annoyed. He would like it to be shorter and more basic.

“You have three minutes...”

“Tell me briefly who you are and how you can be useful to us?”

Hence the conclusion: In addition to a full story about yourself, you need a mini-presentation.

For a couple of minutes or even less.

A mini-presentation can be built according to following diagram:

  • My name is...
  • I am an expert in the field...
  • In the profession since... years. Worked in the following companies in positions...
  • My best results/achievements...
  • Why was the employer's offer interesting? Why am I ready to help your company?
  • What benefit (value) can I bring to your company?
  • Why is it comfortable to work with me? It is not necessary to voice this yourself. Suitable as an answer to a suitable question that is sure to follow.

This mini-presentation is not only for an interview. Some elements can be included in cover letters on a resume or when dating.

And sometimes an even shorter version is useful, the “elevator” version. That is, very briefly about yourself during your first acquaintance with a person who may be a potential employer. For example, at some party.

Don't put on an aura of mystery. The employer is annoyed and will not understand you. Try to be clear.

2. Convergence of opinions

The employer wants to benefit.

Carefully study the company and the vacancy. What is the main task of the position? And most importantly: what is the employer’s benefit from working with you?

How can benefit be measured?

Profit, cost reduction, risk reduction, realized new project. Or organizing work with the precision of a clockwork mechanism.

The answer to this question removes the employer’s fears and gives him hope. This is the key to the heart of an irritated and choice-laden employer.

3.Your results

In development of the previous point. Refrain from tediously listing your job responsibilities at previous jobs.

What you did is of interest only in the cognitive aspect. IN What matters is not what you did, but what you did.

Essentially it's about achievement. We discussed this issue in detail.

I was not just involved in recruiting personnel for the company.

In project N, I did it on time and saved the budget by 30%

Show unity in your approach with your employer. Try to think the way he thinks.


Employers today do not think about the long term. He no longer wants to hire people “for growth.” He's annoyed. He needs benefits and as quickly as possible.

Seeing the benefit, his eyes will light up. But when will it be possible to calculate the profits?

Having understood what value you can provide to this company, immediately try to assess when this benefit can be realized and how?

If you can’t give a clear assessment, just confidently state the deadline - confidence in itself is captivating. Quarter, six months, maximum a year. More than a year no one wants to wait.

5.Remove doubts

Remember that your communication - self-presentation, answers to questions, your own questions are needed, by and large, in order to dispel the employer’s doubts and objections regarding your candidacy.

Take a pen, a piece of paper and write down all possible objections of the employer. 10, 20 50. Put yourself in his place.

a) Divide the sheet into 2 columns . In the left column are objections.

For example: “Does he want too much salary? Will your lip crack?

b) In the right column – removal of the objection.

For example: No, it won't crack. I can save you 20% of your budget compared to other specialists. In absolute terms, this amounts to 3 million rubles per year. Essentially, this is an additional return on investment in my salary.

c) Then cross out the words “no, it won’t crack” . What remains is the phrase “I can save you 20% of your budget...”

In the left column: “Will he solve problems on his own without pushing and standing over his soul?”

To the right: “Of course I will. My distinctive feature– ability to create ready-made solutions for management"

As a result of the work you have done in the right column you will receive a set of abstracts, phrases, digitized data. In some sense, your competitive advantage set.

It's like a set of tools. Each of which can and should be used for promotion in the market or in a conversation with a specific person.

Sometimes you meet candidates who seem to live in the last century. In the 70-80s.

The behavior of the typical employer has long changed. And it changes from year to year depending on various factors. Today he is angry and armed. And this must be taken into account when looking for a job, because knowing your “client” and adjusting your behavior is more than half the success.

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