What to write for professional purposes. The purpose of the resume is the key to interesting work

When submitting a resume for a job offered by an employer, it is important to let him know that you know what you want. When in doubt, it is better to look at an example of a goal in a resume. The sample will provide an opportunity to figure out how to fill in the specified column correctly.

Basic Rules

Please note that the specific goals for applying for different vacancies vary significantly. Therefore, you should think about what goal should be indicated in the resume when applying for a job. Depending on the proposed vacancy, your goal can be formulated as follows:

  • take the position of a manager engaged in active sales;
  • get a job as a manager who knows how to find an approach to clients and make profitable deals;
  • apply for an open position as an experienced sales consultant;
  • getting a job as a cashier in one of the stores of a large supermarket chain;
  • take the position of commercial director in a distribution company;
  • plan the financial and economic activities of the company as a leading economist;
  • employment for the vacancy of the administrator of a beauty salon;
  • maintain accounting and tax records of the company as a deputy chief accountant;
  • develop new products, increasing the range and popularity of the confectionery shop, working as a technologist;
  • engage in the promotion and development of sites as an SEO specialist, to demonstrate their professional skills;
  • work as a Sous Chef in one of the restaurants of the chain;
  • achieve growth in sales and promotion of the company's brands in the position of senior sales manager.

It is better to indicate the name of the vacancy for which you are applying as a potential employer called it in his ad. This way you can show your interest.

Common goals

But there are situations when the applicant applies for several vacancies at the same time. In this case, it is better not to look for a sample of resume goals without a specific position, but to write a resume for each of the vacancies that interest you separately. General goals can be formulated as follows:

  • work in a large trading company;
  • realize their increased efficiency, organizational skills and enthusiasm in a distribution company;
  • get an interesting job in a large manufacturing company;
  • applying for a position in a stable company, getting the opportunity to show their skills.

But, it is better to avoid such formulations. The recruiter should not decide for you what kind of job you want to get.

Underwater rocks

When compiling a resume, you should pursue one goal - to interest the personnel officer. And for this, it is not enough to write only the title of the position in the “goals” column. Of the three options presented:

  • head economist;
  • work as a chief economist;
  • engage in planning and analysis of the activities of a large manufacturing company as a chief economist,
    the latter will attract attention.

When deciding what to write, do not forget to indicate the selected vacancy.

The following options will be unpromising:

  • desire to get a well-paid job in a bank;
  • get a job in order to pay a mortgage;
  • find an additional part-time job to pay for studies;
  • to get a job that will allow me to demonstrate all my abilities and talents;
  • I want to get a job with a decent salary and a convenient schedule.

Therefore, before looking for a resume example, it is better to find out what vacancies are open in the company and demonstrate in the “goal” column that you know what you want and can be useful to the company.

Career (from French cariera) - successful advancement in a particular area (public, service, scientific, professional) activities.

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person makes in their life. A person's achievements in a particular area of ​​life depend on the correspondence between his personality and the nature of his work, as well as on the compatibility of personal career expectations with the organization's capabilities.

In a broad sense, a career is professional progress, professional growth, the stages of an employee's advancement to the highest level of professionalism. The logical conclusion of a successful career is the high professionalism of the employee, recognized by the head of the organization. It goes without saying that the assessment of professionalism may vary throughout a person's work activity.

In a narrow sense, a career is career advancement, the occupation of a special status in one's professional field. In this case, a career is a desired upward path, consciously chosen by an employee to receive some moral bonuses in the form of self-affirmation and enjoyment of their favorite work. This is the main motive for moving towards a certain status (social, official, qualification).

Career growth is facilitated by:

  • 1) official steps, levels of hierarchy;
  • 2) the steps of the qualification ladder and the categories associated with it, differentiating skills and knowledge;
  • 3) status ranks, reflecting the employee's contribution to the development of the organization (length of service, rational proposals, etc.);
  • 4) levels of power as the degree of influence in the organization (participation in making important decisions, proximity to management);
  • 5) levels of material income (the level of wages and a variety of social benefits).

Career is the professional growth of a person, an increase in his influence, authority, status in the environment, manifested in his advancement along the steps of the job, qualification, material and social ladder.

Career types

Career intraorganizational- means that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee goes through these stages sequentially within the walls of one organization. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

Interorganizational career- means that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. Each individual employee goes through these stages sequentially in different organizations. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

Specialized career - It is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support for individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially both in one and in different organizations, but within the framework of the profession and field of activity in which he specializes. For example, the head of the sales department of one organization became the head of the sales department of another organization.

Such a transition is associated either with an increase in the amount of remuneration for work, or with a change in content, or with the prospects for promotion. Another example, the head of the personnel department was appointed to the position of deputy. HR director of the organization where he works.

Non-specialized career - this kind of career is widely developed in Japan. The Japanese firmly believe that the manager should be a specialist capable of working in any area of ​​the company, and not in any particular function. Climbing the corporate ladder, a person should be able to look at the company from different angles without staying in one position for more than 3 years. It is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the supply department. Many Japanese leaders worked in unions in the early stages of their careers. As a result of this policy, the Japanese leader has a much smaller amount of special knowledge (which will lose its value in 5 years anyway) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, supported by the same personal experience. An employee can go through the stages of this career both in one and different organizations.

Career vertical - this is the type of career with which the very concept of a business career is most often associated, since in this case the promotion is most visible. A vertical career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by a higher level of remuneration).

Career horizontal- a type of career that involves either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, playing the role of the head of a temporary target group, programs, etc.); a horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous level (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration). The concept of a horizontal career does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.

Hidden career - the kind of career that is least obvious to others. This type of career is available to a limited circle of employees, usually with extensive business connections outside the organization. Centripetal career refers to the movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that are inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, an employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, and certain important assignments from management. Such an employee may hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position.

Career step- this is a type of career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical types of career. The promotion of an employee can be carried out by alternating vertical growth with horizontal, which gives a significant effect. This type of career is quite often and can take both intraorganizational and interorganizational forms.

The main task of planning and implementing a career is to ensure the interaction of all types of careers. This interaction involves a series of specific tasks, namely:

  • 1) Link the goals of the organization and the individual employee;
  • 2) Plan the career of a particular employee, taking into account his specific needs and situations;
  • 3) Ensure the openness of the career management process;
  • 4) Eliminate "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;
  • 5) Improve the quality of the career planning process;
  • 6) Form visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;
  • 7) To study the career potential of employees;
  • 8) Use reasonable assessments of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;
  • 9) Determine career paths that will help meet the quantitative and qualitative need for staff at the right time and in the right place;

Proper self-assessment of your skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you correctly set career goals.

career goal it is impossible to name the field of activity, a certain job, position, place on the career ladder. It has deeper content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have a specific job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions.

Some career goals:

  • - engage in an activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore delivers moral satisfaction;
  • - get a job or a position that corresponds to self-esteem, in an area whose natural conditions favorably affect the state of health and allow you to organize a good rest;
  • - to occupy a job or position that enhances your capabilities and develops them; have a job or position that is creative in nature;
  • - to work in a profession or hold a position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;
  • - have a job or position that is well paid or allows you to simultaneously receive large side incomes;
  • - have a job or position that allows you to continue active learning;
  • - have a job or position that allows you to engage in raising children or housework.

Changes in career goals are influenced by:

  • - age;
  • - growth of qualification;
  • - personal qualities of a person.

Forming career goals is essentially an ongoing process.

is the result for which a person or organization is engaged in its work. It is sometimes referred to as the "purpose of work". Let's open a little secret. A huge number of specialists do not know how to set their goals. The process of writing them (for example, in a resume) or speaking (for example, at an interview) becomes simply painful for many. But you and I are stubborn people, so now we will turn the process from painful to exciting, write our goal and make it work as we need.

Information for those who came for examples of other people's work goals, professional activities, etc. : you can immediately.

If it is important to understand your own - let's get started.

In modern conditions, the goals of work (and job search) are needed like air. Before, after all, as it was - a boy was born in the family of a serf, and his whole life was scheduled in advance. At best, he will go to "learn his father's craft." And now we have a huge freedom of professional choice and a large-scale job market the size of the whole country. And what is a market?

Imagine that you are entering a real food market. You look around with a falcon's eye at the long trading rows with a lot of delicious food for the stomach. With a satisfied look, pat your pocket, looking forward to a quick hearty dinner. And suddenly you notice - something is wrong in the world around you. There is no price tag, no date of manufacture, no indication of the manufacturer on any product. You to one seller: “What price?”, And he answered: “Worthy!”. You to the second: "What kind of manufacturer?", And you proudly: "Highly qualified." You to the fourth: “What is the composition of the product?”, And from the other side of the counter: “Interesting, promising, creative!”. You to the fifth: “What will happen when I eat it?”, And you answer: “Joy, satisfaction, development and advancement!”. And while you are shaking out information from each seller about what exactly he offers you to buy, what he wants to get for it and what this deal will turn out for you, the market is finishing its work.

That's about such chaos in our beloved "modern labor market" is happening. The thoughtful question arises: “What to do?”. And here's what you can do. For example, write on a poster: “The product is such and such, the manufacturer is such and such, the release date is no later than such and such, the price ranges from so much to so much. Who has?". Come to the market, stand on a stool and raise the poster so that everyone can see it. Whoever blurs in a smile, waves his hands, begins to beckon to himself, go to that. Well, if it’s uncomfortable for you to declare yourself so clearly, then you can continue to go hungry and waste time on unpromising conversations. Freedom of choice is always with you.

And now let's study what and in what sequence to write on our "posters", i.e. communicate the purpose of their professional activities. Or, which is the same, about the purpose of the work, the purpose of finding a job, the purpose of employment (as an option - getting a job). Let's find out what elements such goals can consist of, how to determine the elements you need and write them down in one single sentence. We will also share information about in which situation it is better to strengthen some and slightly weaken other elements in order to open up exactly the perspectives that you need.

The purpose of the work - what interest drives us?

Any real goal of professional activity is based on the real interests of its carrier. Any interest that a person pursues in their work may reflect their personal or professional passions. Accordingly, in the first case, these interests will be called "personal", in the second - "professional". If you want to learn how to set adequate goals, first of all learn to distinguish between your professional and personal interests. Always and very clearly.

3. An easy way to identify interests for a combined goal.

If you decide to make a combined goal for yourself, choose from all the personal and professional interests that have appeared above (see paragraph 1, paragraph 2) the most important for you, the main ones for today. Ideally, there should be 1-2 of them (limit 3). Have you chosen? .. Then you can collect all these elements in one sentence. Below are links to pages with an algorithm for assembling goal elements in one sentence, as well as examples of other people's work goals.

Hard to choose? It happens. Do not worry. You can, who will tell you where to look and what to pay close attention to in clarifying the elements of the future employment goal.

Purpose of job search: what to look for

Suppose you need to write down your job goal, job search goal, employment goal, or career goal. In this case, you are not limited in the choice of interests that will fill this goal. But you know perfectly well that the goal should first of all talk about the result. About the result you are focused on achieving today. You can claim the result you want for yourself, or the result you want for others, or both. Just do not be like the monkey from the joke - "smart and beautiful" at the same time - which remained in place, unable to give preference to any of its advantages.

Write about what really interests you the most. A certain amount of earnings means a certain amount of earnings. The specific gain of a specific target group means it is native. Remember the poster on the stool example. State in the purpose of your work only the most important interests that you really find it difficult to give up. And remember one more important nuance.

An employer does not always need an employee who strives to achieve his own professional goal for a declared vacancy. It happens that you need a person who is able to clearly follow existing instructions and get a clearly prescribed result. For example, in a certain period of time, bypass the building, draw up defective statements, calculate the volume and cost of construction and installation work, and then monitor the quality of these works by contractors. Moreover, as a result, only white toilet bowls and only from a specific manufacturer should stand in the toilets, and the walls should be finished only with the specified materials and only with the specified colors. In such cases, among all candidates, one is sought who possesses two things. A certain resource (education, experience, personal qualities, etc.), and certain expectations (corresponding to the size of the remuneration planned by the company).

However, there are employers who need a certain, but not always “standard” result. The means and methods of achieving it are not always regulated and can be proposed by the employee himself. This is the case when both “working hands” and a “clear head” of a specialist are required. Such proposals, as a rule, come from organizations that are focused on development, on improving the quality of their work or are conducting promising innovative, science-intensive, high-tech projects. For them, candidates become archival, and at the interview, as a rule, there is a person in whose direct subordination the accepted employee will be. If you like this workplace more, start formulating your professional goal.

If the methodology described above for determining professional interests does not suit you, you can , more convenient for yourself (fortunately, there are several of them). When the elements of the job search goal you need (employment, professional activity) are determined, use the step-by-step algorithm for formulating the goal - assembling different elements in one sentence. Link just below. When your professional goal is aligned with corporate goals, you will experience what real professional development and professional success is. Be mindful of your potential prospects. After all, who knows why you ended up on the pages of this site ...

And the last. There are no "good" or "bad" goals. Goals (just like their carriers) have the right to be different. Something similar, something unique. It is desirable that they be. Formulated, stated. And reflect your real professional and personal interests as accurately as possible.

We remind you - on the material of individual articles you can:

  • get to know the topic in detail personal gain(if you want to adequately set personal goals in work, it is advisable to start with an article about options personal problems, which are usually solved through employment);
  • learn more about all elements professional goal(if you want to adequately set professional goals, it is advisable to start with an article about target group);
  • use step by step algorithm for the final assembly of the elements of the goal in one sentence;
  • look by examples that represent other people.

If you are currently looking for a job, then you can determine what you really need it for (find out your leading interests) using special test . The test will help clarify which goal (personal, professional or combined) you are most focused on right now and tell you what elements you want to work on in order to clearly articulate your goal of finding a job or employment. After all, you and I are well aware that the more accurately the stated goal reflects the true interests of its owner, the more chances he has to get exactly what he really needs.

Will need specific help - .

Sincerely, the employees of the spacecraft "So-Being".

2. Classification of manager's goals: personal and professional goals

The manager's goals can be divided into two groups (two types). The first is personal goals, the second is professional goals. Let's talk about each group (type) of goals separately.

2.1 Manager's personal goals

Personal goals are a clear understanding of what you want to achieve in life. These are the goals of development, personal growth, Achievement of values ​​and development of a worldview. Ask yourself: “Would I like to be remembered in the future, if so, why?” This will help you set your personal goals. In the narrow sense of the word, personal goals are sometimes called career goals, of course, without putting a negative meaning into the name. People who do not have clearly conscious personal goals usually obey the demand of the moment or other people. And people who have personal goals are largely protected from such requirements, which allows them to achieve what is important to them personally, and to assert themselves as an independent, independent being. It has been established that correctly set personal goals help a person achieve great success in the following cases:

a) when a person feels, realizes himself personally interested in achieving them;

b) when there are opportunities to successfully move towards them in small steps;

c) when precise time limits are set;

d) when a specific end result is clearly visible.

In order for these criteria to be met, two very important things must be kept in mind:

1. Goals should be formulated specifically as clearly as possible.

2. For each goal, an exact deadline for achievement (time limit) must be established.

As regards the clarity of the formulation of personal goals, here, I think, one can do without comment. Instead of the abstract “Be lucky at work,” it is better to use the specific “Over the next month, carefully monitor the use of your working time.” This will bring more benefits. Or: instead of "Know how to relax at home," it is better to set such a goal: "Daily, for the next eight weeks, do yoga twenty minutes a day." As for the second requirement, namely the establishment of exact deadlines, here researchers and experts in the field of management psychology advise to distinguish three types of goals:

¨ long-term (long-term) - for a period of up to 10 years;

¨ medium (medium-term) - for a period of up to 5 years;

¨ next - for a period of up to 1 year.

When starting to define personal goals, follow the basic rule: first, outline long-term prospects, strategic goals, then, in accordance with them, medium-term goals, and only after that - immediate and tactical ones.

M. Woodcock and D. Francis offer a list of questions, the answers to which, formulated with the utmost precision, allow the manager to set strategic goals. These are the questions:

1. What level of income do I want to achieve?

2. How important is the organization (company) where I work for me?

3. What professional position do I want to achieve (what position would I like to take)?

4. How important is creativity and innovation in my work?

5. What is the likely fate of my firm (or industry) in the next 10-15 years?

6. What makes me live and work in this country?

If you answer these questions as specifically as possible, it will mean that the strategic goals of your life are quite clear. Now ask the question, "What should I do to make this happen?" (Naturally, it refers to points 1, 3,4 and 6). The answers will be medium term goals. And finally, questions like: “Where could I start?” - allow you to formulate goals for the near future.

Now let's talk about professional goals. Of course, in reality, in the life of a manager, it is quite difficult to distinguish between personal and professional goals, however, from a psychological point of view, this is absolutely necessary.

2.2 Manager's professional goals

The head-manager, by virtue of his status and profession, is, as it were, between his enterprise (division) and the outside world (market, consumers). Therefore, professional goals can be of two types:

1. Goals in relation to the external environment. These may include, for example, an increase in the quantity and quality of products, a reduction in costs, an expansion of sales markets, an increase in the number of suppliers, the opening of branches, the formation of subsidiaries, etc.

2. Goals in relation to the enterprise (firm). For example, such as improving the structure of the enterprise, material support of the production process, social development of the team, etc.

Of course, we know from the course of management that the strategy of using not missed chances is most suitable for solving problems of the first type. Its essence: we are talking about the analysis of the market for goods and services from the point of view of the real and potential capabilities of the enterprise in choosing and using the most favorable of the available opportunities. To achieve the goals of the second type, a strategy is recommended for finding and eliminating "bottlenecks" that hinder the development of the organization. Without revealing in detail the content of these strategies, I would like to dwell on some psychological aspects related to the manager's professional goals:

1. Discuss goals with subordinates. From a psychological point of view, this is very important. The goal, in the formulation of which the employee takes part personally, becomes, in a sense, his personal goal, and hence the motive. The more subordinates have the opportunity to participate in the selection and setting of goals, the less time and effort it will take to convince them in the future! Goals dictated from above are bad goals though

2. because they are "strangers", and each person is interested in his own. Involving employees in setting goals creates a sense of belonging to the company, the importance of which can not be overestimated, not to mention saving the time and effort of the manager.

3. Such goals, the degree of implementation of which can be measured by quantitative and qualitative criteria, are called operational. Remember that only operational goals make sense in management. Only they give the manager an idea of ​​the real state of affairs. Neither planning, nor control, nor self-management is possible without reliance on operational goals.

4. When developing goals, the following circumstance should be taken into account: short-term goals contribute to internal mobilization to a much greater extent than long-term ones. Think for yourself: it's one thing when there are two weeks before the exam, another thing is when it's only one night before it. Therefore, experts recommend breaking down short-term goals into intermediate ones (for example, annual, quarterly, monthly, and even weekly).

4. Don't set too many goals. Who takes on everything, often does nothing. The amount of work should be commensurate with the capabilities of the team and your own. Then the goals will be quite realistic both in quantity and volume. It is better to concentrate on a few targets: in this sense, a tit in the hands is preferable to a pie in the sky. Continuing this analogy, I note that in management, a few tits in the hands after a while turn into a crane.

5. It is clear and natural that not one, but several goals arise in the work. In order for the set of goals to turn into a system, some structural construction is needed. The general goals of the enterprise should be divided into smaller, private and, therefore, even more specific. We recommend crushing in several stages: from top to bottom (by managerial floors) and horizontally (by divisions). As a result of splitting, we get a "tree of goals". There is one very important rule that must be observed when creating a structure: goals must be defined in such a way that with the help of the lower level it is possible to collect, “fold” the upper one. This means that the "tree of goals" should not have unnecessary details - goals that are included in the lower level and not included in the upper one.

It can be seen from the above that setting goals is not an easy task and requires taking into account many psychological and production factors, requirements, and criteria. To facilitate this task, consider the "step-by-step method of setting goals" developed by M. Woodcock and D. Francis. You can use this method when setting both personal and professional goals.

from these components. What should the manager know about each component of the activity in order to organize it as efficiently as possible? There are certain conditions for mastering the main components of managerial activity and managerial actions. These conditions can be formulated in the form of requirements for the knowledge and skills of a manager. Goal setting. In order to effectively organize...

Certain group goals; it is the very act of management. Secondly, the organization is at the same time a certain structure, a “framework”, consisting of a number of main components and stable, stable links between them. In this regard, it is both the result of management activities, and at the same time the basis for its implementation. At the heart of building any organization is a combination of two ...

Suppose a person knows the labor market well, is looking for promising areas for applying his strengths and finds out that it is difficult to find a job for his knowledge and skills, since there are a lot of people who want to work in this area, as a result of which there is strong competition. Having the ability for self-esteem and knowledge of the labor market, he can successfully find the industry and region where he would like to live and work.

Proper self-assessment of your skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you correctly set career goals.

The goal of a career cannot be called a field of activity, a certain job, position, place on the career ladder. It has deeper content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have a specific job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions.

Some career goals:

    engage in an activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore delivers moral satisfaction;

    get a job or a position that corresponds to self-esteem in an area whose natural conditions favorably affect the state of health and allow you to organize a good rest;

    occupy a job or position that enhances your capabilities and develops them; have a job or position that is creative in nature;

    work in a profession or hold a position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;

    have a job or position that pays well or allows you to simultaneously receive large side incomes;

    have a job or position that allows you to continue active learning;

    have a job or position that allows you to take care of the upbringing of children or the household.

Changes in career goals are influenced by:

Growth of qualification;

Personal qualities of a person.

Forming career goals is essentially an ongoing process.

Career management should begin as early as when you are hired. When you are hired, you are asked questions that outline the requirements of the employer organization. You should ask questions that meet your goals, form your requirements.

Here are some sample questions that job applicants ask employers: What is the organization's philosophy in relation to young professionals? What are the chances of getting a home? Is there a discount when employees buy products manufactured by the organization? Does the organization practice overtime? What pay systems are used in the organization? Does the organization have its own children's, health-improving institutions? Will conditions be created for training, advanced training or retraining? In case of layoffs, will I be able to count on the help of the organization in finding employment? What are the principles of formation of the pension fund, the possible size of the pension?

To achieve the goal, it is advisable to focus on the following general principles. 3

The principle of continuity. None of the achieved career goals can be final or serve as a reason to stop. Compliance with the occupied status should be confirmed by the process of its development and the implementation of social or service expectations and requirements. In the process of development of the way of official activity, changes accumulate, which, exceeding a certain threshold, lead to an increase in status, if not even official, then role-playing and, consequently, social.

The principle of meaningfulness. Any career action should be expedient, carried out in accordance with individual and general goals. Knowledge of the general goals and features of the movement ensures the choice of the optimal route and tactics for its passage. The choice of a goal implies a result that can be calculated, compared with the achievements of competitors and used as a starting point for further goal setting. The activity carried out must be socially productive, only then the promotion will be supported by the environment. The most important condition for a service career is finding and combining the meanings of personal life, service and social processes.

The principle of proportionality. The speed of advance is maintained in proportion to the general movement. In any movement there are leaders and laggards. A successful career is promotion in the group of leaders. But there will be no sustainable movement if leadership is expressed only in the high speed of individual advancement. Leading in a career means engaging others.

Principle maneuverability. Rectilinear movement is possible only on a "polygon" or "clean track" free from other movements. There are no such conditions in a career. The principle of maneuverability gives room for maneuvering in building a career.

The principle of economy. In a particular field, the method of activity that gives the greatest result with the least expenditure of resources always wins. Productivity is increased by improving skills, by combining efforts, increasing interest, inspiration. A career path for many is practically the whole life. It is important to distribute forces along this path, to correlate your career aspirations with real opportunities.

visibility principle. A person who follows the above principles in life and work will sooner or later be noticed. Often talented people fail in their careers because of "invisibility". If you can be proud of the result, you must present it and use the opportunity for this. The wider the fame of the master and the need for his work, the wider his career field.

An employee's career is a long process that may include a number of stages, often repetitive.

To such stages (periods) should include:

    advanced training (retraining, internship in the system of continuous learning;

    enrollment in the personnel reserve for promotion to managerial positions, when the employee is required to undergo training in the system of continuous learning according to individual plans;

    appointment to a higher position (based on the results of training in the reserve or by decision of the competitive, attestation commission, or the management of the enterprise);

    rotation of an employee within his unit or enterprise to expand his horizons, in which job duties change without changing wages.

Career management is a scientifically substantiated rational determination of the terms of holding positions, taking into account the wishes and capabilities of employees. This is the management of personnel development in the direction necessary for the organization.

Career Management can be implemented by solving the following tasks:

1. Planning for individual professional development and career advancement. This means that the employee must be included in the career promotion scheme, which can be drawn up for the next 3 to 5 years from the date of his appointment to the position. A complete scheme of career movement should be developed.

2. Organization of acquisition by employees of the necessary level of professional training, professional experience both within the organization and outside it through the organization of vocational training, internships (in their own organization or outside it), etc. training with indication of possible terms, educational institution, training programs. This should precede a change in the official status of the employee. Thus, education will become in demand in a new position, and the fact of receiving it will be associated with his career growth.

3. Activation (motivation) of personnel activities in order to encourage the disclosure of their own creative potential. This is the creation of a motivational environment, and this environment should be transparent for each employee and it should have a predominantly direct impact on the behavior of the staff.

4. Regulation and coordination of the employee's involvement in the implementation of career strategy objectives (for example, the implementation of the internship plan for the intended positions, the time of appointment to the position, the implementation of the individual professional development plan), as well as the efforts of the employee and the organization's ability to implement the individual and professional development plan, and staffing plan.

5. Analysis and evaluation of the results and methods of activity, personal and professional qualities of employees, the level of their professional experience.

6. Control over the activities of employees, their professional and job growth, the rational use of their professional experience in the organization (positional transfer, implementation of an individual professional development plan, etc.)

The development of a career process is based on a specific individual potential, which is a source factor for promotion. Its basis is human resources. The resource base of a career is based on the abilities of the individual, his knowledge, experience, ability to manage them in solving official tasks. Career goal - the maximum rise in professional skills in relation to job requirements is achieved in stages.

Unfortunately, many people have a superficial or distorted idea of ​​a professional goal. Although in fact this is a unique thing. can lead to results that entire institutions struggle to achieve. There are so many amazing things to say about her. Here we will answer a number of questions. How are professional goals different from others? How to define your own and declare in one goal? What to do if it is not possible to clearly articulate professional intentions?

How is it different from any other?

Not every goal that concerns your professional activity is strictly a professional goal. What distinguishes a professional goal from any other is that it reflects the content of a specialist’s work. Unfortunately, sometimes you can find such formulations of “professional goals” that are either not at all or do not strictly relate to them. If you want to recognize professional goals among many others, remember the following.

If you say that you are going to find practical application of the latest developments in the field of nuclear physics, are struggling to create a perpetual motion machine, are engaged in solving problems of reducing enterprise risks, controlling the build quality of a unique model of a domestic car, or contributing to the development of the creative potential of fur seals, it becomes clear to everyone what you are. are doing. Because you are talking about the content of your work. Therefore, this information is directly related to your professional goal.

If you talk about your intention to receive a Nobel Prize or head the representative office of your organization on the North American continent, about an unshakable desire to improve your professional effectiveness or be in the top ten richest people on the planet - everyone understands your intentions, but what exactly is your work remains a mystery. . Therefore, you spoke about your personal goals in your professional activities.

Whether you're talking about wanting a job as a production director to increase the profitability of your sawmill at your business, a willingness to increase your income by increasing sales of household appliances, or winning a prestigious national award for merit in preparing astronauts for a long intergalactic flight, everyone gets an idea and about your work, and about your personal intentions. Therefore, such a goal is a combined one and is not strictly a professional goal.

In other words:

  • If the goal tells only about your personal intentions, it is personal and not a professional purpose.
  • If the goal speaks to both your personal intentions and the content of your work, it is combined rather than a strictly professional purpose.
  • If the goal reveals only the content of your work and tells you what kind of help you can turn to, what kind of results you will help you get in the course of solving your professional problems, this is yours.

To better understand all this, let's look at specific examples. Here is what people sometimes write in the column about their professional goal:

be useful to other people; engage in interesting, promising work; become the best specialist in your field; professional growth, development and self-improvement; career advancement, decent pay...

Do you understand what these people do? Do you know what kind of professional help you can turn to them? Personally, we, not possessing supernatural abilities, from such a formulation cannot even find out what area a person is an expert in. You understand that such formulations have absolutely nothing to do with a real professional goal. And now, as they say, feel the difference ...


  • provision of customer enterprises with souvenirs and stationery
  • construction of objects of any complexity "from scratch" and "turnkey"
  • promotion to the market of new types of products of the production company “…”
  • performing the functions of a personal attorney client to support transactions for the purchase and sale of residential real estate
  • increasing the efficiency of gas production at various stages of field development

It’s a completely different matter, right? Employers see it too. Among the crowd of applicants and employers, customers and performers, professional goals immediately attract the attention of people who need each other. This is one of the most unique properties of clear professional goals. Why it happens? What valuable information do professional goals carry?

Clear professional goals reflect:

What are professional goals?

professional goals can be true And false, complete And abbreviated.

False goals are declared and never achieved. They can attract, but are unable to retain. What results a person actually achieves becomes clear pretty quickly. Therefore, false goals lead to the loss of partners (colleagues and customers).

True professional goals reflect the real ones of their carrier and are always focused on the interests of other people. Their achievement helps other people (clients, colleagues, specialists in related and other professional fields, etc.) to solve their own problems and tasks. In other words, such goals have not only individual, but also social significance. Therefore, they lead not only to professional development, but also to public recognition.

True professional goals indicate work that captivates a person, which he is able to do for a long time and with high quality. They are consonant with the tendencies of the inner world and are provided with the resources of the specialist himself (his actual and potential abilities, opportunities, etc.). Therefore, as a rule, true professional goals are always achieved.

Another unique property of true professional goals is that they are like fingerprints - they never repeat themselves.

What elements are included in the professional goal?

Professional goals consist of professional interests and intentions of a specialist. The nature of the emergence of professional interests is not fully understood. The only thing that can be said with some certainty about them is that any clear-cut professional interest falls into one of four categories:

  • problems (tasks)
  • means and methods, which he uses in solving these problems,
  • result, which he achieves by solving these problems,
  • a group of people, for which this result is important (important and necessary), because, using it, they can solve their own problems (tasks).

Complete professional goals consist of all four elements.

Complete professional goals provide comprehensive information about what a person is working on, how he does it, what result he achieves and whom he helps, i.e. fully describe the content of the specialist's work.

However, professional goals are not always complete. Sometimes they appear in a shorter form, reflecting those elements that are of paramount importance for a person at a given moment in time. As a rule, less important elements that are not strictly regulated or not yet realized by a person are skipped for professional purposes. And everything important, conscious and regulated, is indicated clearly and briefly.

To illustrate, let's look at the examples above:

  • writing articles on a given topic, editing texts
  • development of ear for music and singing skills of students, expansion of the range and correct intonation, development of repertoire
  • expansion of the network of cellular communication salons, provision of sales plan by salons

These goals include only one element. And it is absolutely certain that this element does not describe the target group. Of course, you can guess what kind of group it is. However, you can be wrong in your assumptions. For whom are texts written and edited - for owners of electronic, printed publications, and maybe for radio station employees or students? Who acts as "students" - children or adults, beginners or professional vocalists? Who most of all needs to expand the network of mobile communication stores - the owners of the company, its customers or someone else? But it’s better not to guess, but to make a small note for yourself:

the absence or lack of specificity in the formulation of the goal makes it possible for a free interpretation of the stated intentions.

How to define your own and formulate a professional goal?

The formulation of a professional goal usually occurs in two stages. First, find and clarify your intentions. Then you collect them in one sentence.

1. Definition of professional interests. You know what interests and intentions are the building blocks of a professional goal. You know that in a professional goal, all elements are interconnected. Therefore, in order to determine them, it is enough to “hook” on at least one such element and, starting from it, clarify the rest. We recommend taking as a basis, a starting point, only the element that is as clear as possible (does not raise questions, does not allow interpretations, reflects specific figures, facts, terms). Otherwise, others will also be "blurred." To find at least one specific professional intent, you can do the following.

BUT) Answer four questions:

  • What problems (tasks) do I most want to solve?
  • What means and methods in my work do I give the greatest preference to?
  • what result do I intend to help other people (partners, colleagues, clients) get?
  • Who do I hope to help as a result of my work? who should benefit from the results of my work in the first place? What are the main features that distinguish these people from any other?

B) Refer to the articles about the individual elements of the goal (the articles have questions that can help):

  • problems (tasks) on the solution of which the specialist is working,
  • means and methods which are used for this
  • result, which is planned to receive,
  • a group of people for which this result is important and necessary.

IN) Use one of the following special methods:

  • set a goal researching work experience
  • set a goal getting out of the crisis
  • set a goal looking beyond problems
  • set a goal using imagination

G) Work out elements on specially created resources:

  • "Step by step wizard"- a virtual assistant in setting a professional goal.

When using techniques, remember why you turned to them. The task is not just to find the elements of a professional goal, but to understand your true professional intentions. The main thing here is “I want!”, Not “I can” or “I must”. Remember that you are clarifying your own interests, so start from your real desires. Check each answer to see if you really want it or not. Once you've identified at least one exact element, build on it by asking questions of others. Leave vague, fuzzy elements alone. When the time comes, you will understand them. Now we only need specific ones. These are the elements of a goal, and the goal should be clear, specific, and short.

The verification method is simple. Let any person read the final wording of the found element of the goal and ask: “What does this specialist do?” If in response you get an almost verbatim repetition of your version, most likely everything is fine. The element can be taken as a starting point. If you hear an interpretation of what was said in response, the element is most likely “raw”. We'll have to work on its specification.

2. Formulation of a professional goal. Specific elements must be collected in one sentence using small rules. Refer to article "How to formulate a goal - step by step recommendations" and collect all the elements in one sentence. Write the resulting goal statement in your resume.

What to do if it is not possible to clearly articulate professional intentions?

In the column about the professional goal, you need to write a clear statement of your professional goal, the constituent elements of which are your intentions. If attempts to answer the four questions proposed above were unsuccessful, and the chosen methodology led to the formulation of a personal or combined goal, then remember the three rules.

Rule 1

If it is not possible to clearly formulate your professional goal, then in response to a question about it, you can list “raw versions” of professional intentions and interests. Your narrative will be like a list of jobs that you do or want to do. Variants of such goals are among the above examples. In principle, the presentation of such a list instead of a clear formulation of the professional goal is acceptable. Especially if it consists of a couple - three short options. However, keep this in mind. Any list is perceived as a list of equal and equivalent elements. Consider, for example, the list of your classmates' names in the school magazine, or the list of groceries you were asked to buy for the holiday. Please tell us which of them will cause you the greatest interest and personal activity? Most likely, the most important for you personally in life in general or at the moment in particular. Right? The same will happen to those who will get acquainted with the list of your professional interests. From the entire list, they emphasize (highlight, first notice) the most important options for themselves and, in accordance with them, will make you a business offer. Therefore, if you have the imprudence to equally enthusiastically list your most and not the most important ones, then blame yourself for being busy with “not the most interesting” work for yourself.

Rule 2

If all attempts to express your own and formulate a professional goal were unsuccessful, you can leave this column empty. But in no case should you write in it about what you would like to acquire as a result of your professional activities. Everything that you acquire or receive - from material and moral compensation to professional and career growth - refers to your personal gain ( personal goal), to what is most interesting and useful to you personally. When a person indicates such things as his professional goal, he demonstrates his incompetence, declares that he does not know at all what his workplace was actually created for. After all, you are not a “great child” who is sure that employers and clients have come into this world to lay gifts and blessings at his feet. Be careful with professional goals. They are very informative.

Rule 3

If you don’t have a specific professional goal or specific professional interests, but you need to fill in the column in your resume about your professional goal, you can write something like this in it: “Quality performance of entrusted work” or “Quality performance of assigned duties”. At least it will be clear that you are ready to take on the work offered by someone (needed by someone) and perform it with due quality in order to get what interests you personally.

So, briefly about the main points.

1. can be true and false.

A false goal does not lead to the promised result and contributes to the breakdown of partnerships. True and articulate:

  • reveals the content of the work of a specialist (to whom specifically, in solving what problems the specialist helps, what result he strives to achieve, what means and methods he uses);
  • reflects the real and intentions of the specialist;
  • excludes the possibility of free interpretation of the declared information;
  • a group of people for whom this result is important and necessary.

3. Setting a professional goal involves two stages:

  • search and concretization of the elements of the goal (to help - 4 questions, thematic articles, special , step by step professional goal setting master);
  • formulation of the found elements in one sentence ( step by step recommendations).

4. In the absence of a clear professional goal, in the summary column you can:

  • provide a list of jobs that you do or want to do;
  • write: “Quality performance of entrusted work” or “Quality performance of assigned duties”;
  • do not write anything (this is not very good, but what can you do).

You now know everything you need to know about your professional goal. We draw your attention to the fact that by sincerely and accurately formulating your professional goal, you will be able to achieve all the benefits to which it leads, on your own - without outside help. Determine. Formulate. Reach.

Indicating the purpose of the work in the resume is comparable to the key that opens up the opportunity to find the most suitable job. If you correctly formulate the purpose of your activity, then in this case you can count on receiving business offers that will interest the applicant. The goal box on your job search resume is important and should never be overlooked.

A resume is one of the most common and reliable generally accepted ways to inform an employer about your skills, skills, and experience. It enables the employer to deal with a potential applicant. A competent indication of the goals in finding a job can attract the attention of the employer, and this is already a good bonus for a positive decision.

It is no secret that having a goal speeds up the decision on the issue of employment. A purposeful approach to any business is a good sign of thoughtfulness and adequacy in the search for a favorable path leading to the established goal. But when going blind, there will be little hope for good results.

When consulting and then compiling a resume, few people wonder what the purpose of the work should be indicated in it. But there are times when the applicant must familiarize himself with this issue in more detail.

When filling out the document, one column about the desired position is enough. The document is produced in a simple and understandable language, and lends itself well to reading. And additional information, along with specific wishes for future work, is better suited for a cover letter.

  1. I would like to work in HR.
  2. I am looking for a job as an accountant.
  3. Need a job as a production manager in the field of mechanical engineering.
  4. I can work as the head of the department for sales of household and computer equipment.

By specifying specific goals, the applicant receives additional points to his karma. Employers value specialists with a narrow specialization, especially those who are one hundred percent suitable for them.

First you need to decide on the goal, imagine which company you would like to get to work in, and what benefits it will bring with your activities. Therefore, the focus should be on the end product of your participation. What can a specialist do? What are his? If the applicant is a road builder, then the final product will be a high-quality and timely commissioned road built or repaired.

And how can you prove yourself in the specialty of a secretary, accountant or manager? In this case, it is better not to pay much attention to the current workflow, it would be better if you tell what benefits the applicant can bring while staying in the company, in other words, keep the focus on the final product. Only in this case, the employer will have an understanding that the applicant is well aware of his purpose for his company. For example, if a person worked as a system administrator, then with great pleasure they will read in his resume about the goal:

  1. We need a promising, constantly developing company that is interested in a well-functioning IT structure.
  2. I organize a clear operation of a computer network, including all specialized programs along with the Internet. I optimize and create maximum convenience for users. This will cut their time costs and focus their attention on the main tasks to the maximum.

Goals at work: an example

Each applicant for the position held has a specific goal, which may differ from the goals indicated by other applicants. If the applicant has rich professional experience, then instead of the goal, he can briefly describe his career achievements. For young professionals and novice workers, only the correct formulation of the goal will help in finding a free job.

For example, what can be written on a resume as a goal for any type of work:

  1. Beginning career in the service industry.
    I want to work in the service sector of a reliable company in order to use my skills and abilities, which I received from my previous work experience.
  2. Working as an editor.
    I want to work as a newspaper editor with the practical application of my experience and skills.
  3. An example of a common goal for all applicants.
    I am going to work for you to realize my enthusiasm, high performance, experience and responsibility gained as a result of working in the following areas: (listing skills with experience).
  4. Work as a cashier.
    In this field of activity I have five years of experience, assiduous, hardworking cashier with outstanding responsibility.

Purpose of an accountant

Possessing certain skills and experience, the applicant can show his advantage in the labor market, bypassing the required minimum with a common set of skills inherent in most specialists. If there is a predominance of such skills, then all this should be displayed in the resume. Let's look at an example:

  1. I create accounting and tax accounting from scratch, or restore it, correct mistakes made by other accountants;
  2. bring accounting to automation in new firms;
  3. I can freely conduct personnel records management, form and maintain personal files of company employees;
  4. develop job descriptions;
  5. participate in the liquidation of firms;
  6. I can lead several legal entities;
  7. I carry out economic analysis of the company.

An important point is to add your importance to the employer by mentioning in the resume not only skills, but also achievements in the same block.

Here is an example of reflecting professional achievements:

  1. I will ensure the correct accrual and timely transfer of payments to the accounts of the state and local budgets;
  2. I will independently and timely prepare and submit tax and accounting reports;
  3. I will develop the accounting policy of the company, taking into account the minimization of taxation.

The purpose of a resume without a specific position: an example

Often there are cases when the applicant has nothing to say about a specific goal. This indicates. That he has no purposefulness and goals in general, and he cannot navigate the question of wording. Therefore, in order to figure out what professional goal should be indicated in the resume, you should decide on your own professional interests. Everything that the applicant can extract from his intentions must be carefully laid out in one sentence. Usually there is a certain relationship between them and a common focus, which are within the framework of the same profession.

The following are examples of defining professional interests.

Answer questions for yourself:

  1. what list of professional tasks I want and can solve;
  2. what methods I will be guided by;
  3. what results do I want to achieve as a result of my work;
  4. who will benefit from my work.

State your goal with:

  1. possession of own experience;
  2. analyzes and forecasts of problems of professional activity;
  3. presenting the expected result of your work, which will suit you.

Purpose in resume what to write

There should be a clear and concise statement of the purpose in the summary. This part of the section must be filled in no more than two or three lines.

In the goal setting section, you do not need to operate with general and vague phrases, for example: “I want to get a job in a large company with high pay, with further professional and career growth”, “I am looking for a prestigious job with further growth and advancement”, etc.

A few examples of goals in a resume:

  1. I am looking for a job as a chief accountant in a financial company.
  2. I want to find a job as an economist (indicate the desired level of earnings).
  3. I am applying for the position of manager in the banking sector.

Describing the goal in the resume is an important component that the recruiting manager will be interested in. To increase the chances of getting an invitation to an interview, you need to take a serious and responsible approach to compiling a resume.

Purpose in the resume for the student

Provided that the student has never had to work, he still has practical skills. Often they receive them during practice - when the student has to work in production. Even in the course of a short practice, this is a direct contact with the profession, and not with theory.

It is advisable to mention the internship in the resume: where did it take place, how long did it last, what tasks were performed, what responsibility did they bear and what results did they achieve. It would be nice to provide recommendations with feedback from people with whom I had to cooperate (from the practice management).

For example, you decided to try yourself in the position of a manager related to the purchase of goods, and you have experience as a counselor. No matter how direct the connection is, it may have happened that in the process of working as a counselor, your duties included planning purchases, or you had the resources available to you at your disposal and you were planning their expenses. Otherwise, you still have some experience with people. And with this question is connected, practically, any position.

Such work is associated with great responsibility, self-discipline, the ability to make quick decisions ... The set of these qualities is universal, useful in most cases, so their presence in the resume is highly desirable.

Purpose in a sales manager resume

The sales manager has a great responsibility, as he is the face of the company, because he has in his hands a direct connection with customers. To create an effective resume, you first need to list your leadership qualities, how quickly you find a common language with clients who have different age categories. Of particular note is the readiness to go on business trips, and the seriousness of their attitude to their duties, as well as to mention the readiness to donate personal time and effort in achieving the tasks assigned to you.

The column on personal qualities should be filled in with a list of how persistent and purposeful a person you are in achieving the desired result, since the employer needs an employee who wants and strives to earn. For sales managers, most often, are paid a percentage of their sales.

Purpose in a lawyer's resume

The main task of a lawyer is to guide the company in the cycle of legality and legal relations. Such a specialist is trusted by everyone and everything. His duties include not only advising, but also directly fulfilling the instructions of the employer, which include documenting the main points of law in the work of the company, as well as being an expert in the work of the organization under contracts. An experienced employer reads a lawyer's resume with prejudice, as this specialist will need to be scrupulous, demanding and comply with the law.

As a lawyer, as a specialist in the field of law, all the work of the company is brought to strict compliance with legislative rules. Therefore, a lawyer should compose his resume without exaggeration. On this occasion, it will be difficult to find officially fixed forms and recommendations, but a set of unwritten rules in order to make a successful written presentation has been developed by practice. They work according to the principles of compiling business documentation, interspersed with individual perceptions by employers of information about job applicants.