Four-sided machine for planing timber. Quadrilateral Beam Profiling Machine

Modern construction technologies involve the use of high-quality lumber, which can rightly be attributed to profiled timber. This product has a number of advantages (strength, ease of installation and excellent thermal insulation characteristics), which guarantees high quality structures built on its basis.

However, for self-production of timber (if it is impossible to purchase it in finished form), special equipment will be required, namely, a four-sided woodworking machine.

Design features and purpose

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a four-sided machine at home, you will need to familiarize yourself with the design features of a typical planer unit.

The classic design of a 4-sided woodworking machine can be represented as a combination of the following main parts:

  • mechanism for receiving and feeding blanks;
  • type-setting section, consisting of a spindle with a cutting tool (milling cutter or knife saw);
  • engine (gasoline or electric) with a drive;
  • bodies for setting cutting parameters, adjusting, feeding and controlling the entire process.

Four-sided models are known, in which several spindles with a cutting tool are arranged in one row.

According to the features of their application, all known designs of machines for profiling boards and making beams are divided into two large groups, within each of which many intermediate options are possible.

Firstly, it is a portable (mobile) machine for profiling timber, which can be assembled by hand and is widely used at home or in small workshops. Its main advantage is mobility (the ability to move to the place of work), as well as good adaptation to any processing conditions. The disadvantages of such a 4-sided unit include the impossibility of expanding the range of products and low automation.

Secondly, it is a universal woodworking machine in a stationary design, which ensures the production of significant volumes of lumber. Stationary machines are usually equipped with CNC systems and a whole range of interchangeable cutting tools.

The four-sided stationary machine is designed to perform a range of woodworking operations, including milling (in this way it is similar to a milling tool), planing and jointing, as well as thicknessing and profiling. With their help, it is possible to process the most different kinds wood raw materials and receive finished products of various names and sizes (beams, lamellas, rail and lining).


The feeder of a modern four-sided machine with a planing function can be represented as follows.

The supply of wood blanks (future timber) is carried out by means of four drive rollers, and a set of upper and side clamps is responsible for its correct orientation in the direction of movement. The rollers located on top perform their function due to their own weight or under the influence of spring amplifiers.

Note! Adjustment of the size of the removed chips and profiling of workpieces is carried out by shifting the front of the table vertically.

Wood lumber is fed into the device in a continuous mode, in which the gap between the following one after another blanks is completely absent.

The latter is explained by the fact that even a slight gap in the supply will require a new filling in the rollers, which significantly reduces the productivity of the equipment and increases labor costs.

It is possible to increase the productivity of the entire four-sided woodworking machine as a whole by partially automating the receiving unit, carried out by combining the functions of positioning the board and its feed. It is usually set at a speed of about 8-22 meters per minute, however, in some modern equipment, this parameter has been increased by almost five times.

The number of revolutions of the cutting tool per minute averages 5-6 thousand units (in the latest models of the latest design, it has been increased to 9 thousand).

Processing zone and node

A typical processing unit of a four-sided woodworking machine contains upper and lower horizontally fixed shafts and a pair of vertically mounted spindles. Each of them has a cutting head equipped with a straight or shaped knife. The size of the workpiece is set by horizontal movement of the spindle (by changing the position of the cutting edge). When cutting boards, their thickness is set by the vertical movement of the upper shaft.

An additional (fifth) cutting or planing shaft can be included in the processing unit kit, which ensures the arrangement of the profile along the lower edge of the workpiece. To eliminate the effect of a wave formed on the surface of the tree from the circulating heads, special knives are provided in this zone. They provide an imitation of smoothing. The knives are made in the form of a block of blades fixed on the base of the table, attached at an angle of 45 degrees to the feed plane and cutting about 0.02-0.2 mm of wood from the treated surface. Thanks to this arrangement of the knot, the wave crests remaining from the work of the jointer are completely cut off.

Control system

The operation of four-sided stationary wood equipment is usually controlled from a remote control, however, such a system is not suitable for a home-made device.

Note! In the case of self-manufacturing of the machine, the main thing is to provide mechanisms for setting the size of the workpieces and the speed of their supply to the cutting zone.

In addition, it is necessary to provide the ability to set the position of a set of spindles relative to the part, as well as varying the type and diameter of the cutting tool. The mandatory presence on the machine for wood should not be overlooked. functional elements responsible for turning it off and on.

Homemade machine (option for profiling timber)

A four-sided profiling machine must include such mandatory elements as a base (bed), a drum with a set of knives and an electric or gasoline engine. In addition, it must be provided with a movable frame, which has the ability to adjust the size of the workpiece according to the processing height, as well as special fixing and locking elements.

When manufacturing a device for profiling blanks with dimensions of 150 x 150, it is necessary to select a sufficiently powerful engine with suitable characteristics. For the stated purposes, a Honda gasoline unit with a capacity of 6.5 horsepower, developing up to 3600 rpm, is quite suitable.

After choosing an engine, you should prepare a set of metal plates, corners and channels and weld a frame structure from them according to a previously drawn up sketch, on which the selected unit must be securely fixed.

From the motor shaft, the torque is transmitted to the knife drum through a system of pulleys. All these parts can be removed from old non-working machines or ordered in the workshop, having previously prepared their drawings.

The movable frame must move along specially prepared guides with rollers built into them (they are attached to the corners of the structure). In total, it is necessary to provide four rollers fixed from its lower part.

The supply of workpieces is carried out in a home-made device manually (due to the muscular strength of the operator). To change the height and depth of processing within 5-10 cm, the engine with the knife drum must move freely vertically to the limit stops.

It should be noted that before manufacturing a woodworking machine with four-sided processing, it is necessary to carefully study the theoretical material and practical implementation options. Only under this condition it will be possible to produce a reliable working structure that guarantees the solution of the task assigned to the user.

Modern trends in construction make it possible to obtain more environmentally friendly and durable material every year, which cannot but include profiled timber. This product has a number of advantages:

  1. High strength;
  2. Excellent noise and heat insulation;
  3. Ideal geometric shape;
  4. Availability;
  5. High productivity and fast payback;
  6. The ability to eliminate defects on an uneven beam;
  7. Ease of installation.

Due to its advantages, profiled timber has found wide application in the construction of cottages, villas, summer cottages. In order to get a profiled beam, you need a special machine. Of course, you can buy a ready-made timber, but it is much more expensive than buying a forest to perform profiling on your own. However, what to do if it is not possible to buy an expensive machine for the production of profiled timber, the cost of which is 150-400 thousand rubles. The answer is quite simple - you can assemble a cutter for profiling a bar yourself, and now we will look at how to do it.

Do-it-yourself beam profiling machine - step by step process

Profiled timber requires high-quality assembly equipment. To know what the machine should consist of, let's look at what functions it should perform:

  1. Multi-blade processing of timber;
  2. Four-sided processing of timber: planing and profiling;
  3. Trimming and marking of profiled timber;
  4. Mezhventsovoe connection - a cup is cut out.

Previously, 4 separate machines were used for such processing, which significantly complicated and increased the cost of manufacturing technology for profiled timber. Today, however, one device can handle this.

The profiling machine consists of:

  1. Bed;
  2. knife drum;
  3. Engine;
  4. Movable frame with the ability to adjust the height of processing;
  5. Fasteners and stoppers.

Step-by-step process of manufacturing a machine for profiling 150x150:

  1. The first step is to choose an engine. Under our parameters of the finished timber 150X150, we can recommend a Honda brand gasoline power unit with a volume of 196 cm3. 6.5 HP - 3600 rpm.

  1. then, with the help of metal plates, channels and corners, we make a frame structure for mounting the engine on top of the machine, which, with the help of pulleys, will rotate the knife drum. To do this, you can use ready-made machines and take measurements from them.
  2. the profiled machine will move along the guides with the help of rollers that will be attached to the corners of each side. There should be 4 rollers in total, which we fix at the bottom of the frame structure;
  3. after that, we proceed to fixing parallel to the knife drum motor, which will interact with the help of pulleys. It is worth considering that in order to regulate the height and depth of timber processing (5-10 cm), the knife drum, together with the engine, must move along the vertical axis. To do this, you can use the adjustable stops, which can be fixed.

  1. then we need to make a bed (emphasis), on which the beam will be located and the profiling machine will walk:

a) it is necessary to measure the length of the beam, which will need to be processed, for example, take 6 meters;

b) now we turn to the manufacture of the bed, where the timber will be fixed. It is necessary to make two metal guides 7 meters long. Our processing engine will drive on them. The width of the guides must be selected from the account of the rollers, which you can find under the mobile machine;

6. when the guides are made, they must be fixed with the help of channels between each other. To do this, you can use an I-beam or conventional channel;

7. we set two guides to the width of the machine and begin to fix them with channels in increments of 50-80 cm, depending on the thickness of the guides and the channels themselves;

8. when all the channels are welded, we proceed to welding special square or rectangular plates on them at the same height. Our processed timber will lie on these plates. We place the plates strictly in the center of the channel, so that the knife drum during operation is located in the middle of the plates. Every 1-1.5 meters from the bottom to the channel we fix special adjustable clamps, you can use clamps that will securely hold the processed timber.

9. After the bed is fixed, you can install a frame structure with a knife drum and a motor on it. To process the timber, you can use curly, straight, semicircular knives for making grooves. To prevent the machine from moving beyond the guide frame, special stops can be welded along the edges.

The operation of the machine for profiling timber video:

How to make a beam profiling machine

Profiled timber is one of the most popular building materials. It is used for the construction of residential buildings, baths and other structures. Despite the apparent complexity, you can make a machine for profiling timber with your own hands. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the equipment.

Stages of manufacturing profiled timber

Machine for the manufacture of profiled timber

In the production process, a wooden blank goes through several stages of processing. The best option is to use a ready-made square or rectangular bar. Its surface is subjected to milling - finishing and the formation of mounting grooves.

The machine for the production of profiled timber consists of a support frame on which the workpiece is placed. A processing unit is installed in the upper part of the structure. It has an electric motor that drives the working shaft. Cutting knives are installed on it - from 2 to 4 pieces. Depending on their configuration, the workpiece is finely leveled or a recess (groove) is made on one side and a spike on the other.

In order to make a profiling machine with your own hands, you should decide on the design features of the main elements of the equipment:

  • processing unit - mobile or stationary. For homemade designs, it is best to make it motionless. This will simplify the manufacturing process;
  • number of processing shafts. In industrial models, their number varies from one to three. In the latter case, the possibility of complex processing of the workpiece from three sides appears. For do-it-yourself machines, the scheme with one working shaft is most often used.
  • the possibility of installing cutting knives of various configurations. This eliminates the need to use several types of cutters. To perform the following operation, it will be enough to install other knives on the shaft.

In self-made designs, a manual workpiece feeding system is used. Guide rollers are located on the frame, along which the beam moves to the block of the workpiece.

To remove chips in the front part of the cutting block, an enclosing screen is made with a socket for connecting a forced air circulation system. This prevents waste from entering the working parts of the machine.

Cutting blade configuration

To draw up a diagram according to which a machine for beam profiling will be made, it is recommended to take the factory model as a basis. An important point is the choice of cutters or blades. The shape of the finished timber depends on their configuration. It is problematic to make them with your own hands, so it is best to buy ready-made models.

The profiling machine is most often made of frame type. For this, a welded structure is made of profile pipes of square section. Additional stiffening ribs will ensure its stability. Additionally, it is necessary to make clamping guides, which are needed to position the workpiece of various widths in the processing zone. These can be steel strips with the function of changing the position on the frame.

  • processing block. The engine must be placed separately, the transmission of torque to the working shaft is carried out using a belt mechanism. The processing unit must be height adjustable. To do this, you can use hydraulic cylinders (increase positioning accuracy) or a worm gear;
  • change of cutting knives on the shaft. This process should not take much time, so it is recommended to purchase a factory model of the shaft. This will improve the quality of processing;
  • additional components. These include measuring rulers with which you can adjust the height of the processing unit and protective mechanisms that prevent overloading the electric motor. The latter is important element designs.

In addition, the main technical characteristics of the machine for the production of profiled timber should be taken into account:

  • maximum and minimum dimensions of a wooden blank - width and height;
  • the speed of material supply to the processing zone;
  • working shaft width. This indicator affects the possibility of forming groove / tenon joints of various configurations;
  • motor power.

An important factor is the dimensions and weight of the machine. They affect minimum sizes workroom and installation requirements. These indicators are calculated in advance.

For example, you can watch a video that shows the operation of the factory model of the machine:

Beam profiling machine: what are its varieties?

A modern beam profiling machine is designed to process material, taking into account all modern technologies. Since houses made from such raw materials are valued for their high thermal insulation qualities, a geometrically ideal shape that allows the construction of buildings of various parameters, profiled timber is in great demand. Active production of this environmentally friendly and safe material is surprisingly cost-effective. To organize this business idea, you will need to buy professional machine. It is worth mentioning right away that this equipment belongs to the category of very expensive devices. However, they pay off in a very short time.

Beam profiling machine

The nuances of choice - dependence on the goals set

What can be a machine for the production of profiled timber? What are the features of the whole production process of this material? The correct manufacture of profiled timber is not just a complex process. The procedure is carried out in several stages to make the products reliable. The following types of wood can be used in the process:

  • cedar;
  • pine;
  • larch.

Profiling process

The first step is the sorting of raw materials. The selected material is sent to the frame machine. This is necessary for filing the product and cleaning its trunk from the bark. Today, it is not customary to use only one type of equipment in production for profiling timber. As a rule, several types of equipment are purchased. This allows you to file the log with the highest quality from all sides and only then proceed to its profiling. In order to get a dry beam as a result, special chambers are used, after passing through which you can proceed to the manufacture of a profiled product.

The process of creating this type of product is divided into several stages:

  • processing by means of a multi-blade machine;
  • four-sided processing;
  • trimming and marking;
  • cutting out the cup and interventional connection.

Key features of milling tools

Woodworking machines can be milling. The photo clearly shows that this type of technique is universal. The device allows you to carry out each stage of the creation of the material. The key feature that characterizes this innovative profiled beam machine is its versatile tooling. They are removable. Each new stage production allows them to be changed, which is a guarantee of high-quality wood processing.

The technique of such a plan provides the possibility of using several types of grooving knives. They are equipped with various profiles, which allows you to get thermal locks of various levels of complexity.

SPB-200 - a unique machine model

Among the most popular and demanded machines for timber profiling, it is worth noting the SPB-200 model. This type of technique is focused on planing and making material that can be dry and have a natural level of moisture. The device perfectly copes with different types of wood with a width of no more than 220 mm.

The modern machine for profiled timber SPB-200 has a number of key characteristics. The technique has 2 cutters. The device rotates at a frequency of about 4.5 thousand revolutions per minute. This functional machine for making profile parts requires a power supply of at least 7.5 kW. The weight of the device is more than half a ton.

As for the advantages, the main advantages of the device are:

  • the presence of interchangeable cutters;
  • compactness;
  • relatively affordable price;
  • high and operational payback.

Modern machines SPB-200 for beam profiling is also a unique opportunity to correct curvature and other deformations of wood blanks. The work of this type of technique can be seen in the video.

Machine tool Altai: characteristic differences

The popular machine for profiled timber Altai differs from those versions that are sometimes created by hand. What are its features? First of all, its versatility stands out. The device is aimed not only at profiling the beam, but also its prostration. Such machines make it possible to construction material with different specified slot parameters. The thing is that the Altai device is equipped with 4 milling carriages. The device for the manufacture of profiling parts is presented in the format of a rail table, complemented by clamps for timber and stops. The profile here is installed, as a rule, of a rectangular or square type. All carriages are manually started by the operator. Each cutter cuts only one side of the workpiece. As for the profile parts of the Altai device, curly knives are installed on them. It is this kind of elements that allow you to set the desired shape of the groove on the beam. Knives may also be used:

  • straight;
  • semicircular;
  • focused on giving the blanks a cylindrical look.

SF-250 technique: nuances of functioning

Modern profiling machines for timber SF-250 are designed not only for profile planing, but also flat. The device is aimed at creating house-building parts, which are necessary for small and medium scale works.

An excellent planer SF-250 is suitable for processing material in an array format, which is characterized by natural moisture. Also, the device is designed for profiling timber from the category of glued varieties. The device is equipped with special spindles, which differ in the average speed. It does not exceed 5000 rpm. Profiling machines SF-250 are a guarantee of high quality. The surfaces to be machined on do-it-yourself devices are completely different. It is a professional machine for profiling timber that allows you to get ideal parts for construction. However, it is worth noting the advantages of self-created technology. It is great for those who make fragments in small quantities for personal use. A wonderful machine for profiled timber with your own hands can be made according to an extremely simple scheme. Even those who in everyday life rarely encounter such issues will figure it out. Such profiling devices do not require special skills to operate. You can always adjust them yourself, without the help of professionals.

Beam profiling machine: device and performance

All photos from the article

The beam is very popular in the construction of various structures, and the demand for this type of product is growing steadily every year, so many entrepreneurs and artisans are thinking about how to independently produce such products.

To work, you need a special machine for the production of profiled timber, and if you decide to engage in such activities, then it is important to choose best option equipment for certain conditions. In this review, we will tell you which parameters you should pay the closest attention to.

In the photo: machines for the production of profiled timber can have a different configuration, depending on what functions it should perform

What does the production process include

To begin with, let's consider what operations the production of profiled timber includes:

Procurement of materialEverything is extremely simple here - for work you need wood, which is harvested by specialized forestries. For timber, wood species such as pine, spruce, larch and cedar are best suited, so work should begin where there are no problems with wood, otherwise transport costs will significantly increase the cost of production
Preparing the elementsIt is impossible to cut the finished product from a log, you need to cut the round timber into blanks of the desired size, and for this special installations are used, which can have a very different design. It is important that the prepared elements are cut as accurately as possible, without distortions and distortions.
Drying of raw materialsIn order for the quality of the products to be highest level, it is necessary to dry the blanks qualitatively. This can be done in two ways - either naturally (in special stacks under canopies without direct sunlight), or in a chamber that provides the best drying conditions and allows you to save the optimal parameters of the elements.
ProfilingAt this stage, the products are given the desired configuration, this can be done either in one or two passes, depending on the type of equipment, after which the timber can be used to build a wide variety of structures

Important! It is not necessary to have all the equipment described above, some manufacturers simply purchase prepared and dried blanks and process them.

Profiled timber is much more expensive than usual, so this option is also profitable and economically feasible.

Drying - difficult process, in which it is important to maintain optimal parameters of temperature and humidity

What you need to know about the equipment

If you have never encountered such a type of device as machines for profiled timber, then you need to understand their design and basic operating parameters, on which a lot depends on autumn.

Beam profiling machines can look completely different

Machine device

Regardless of the model, equipment of this type consists of several main components:

  • The power unit, most often an electric motor, must have a certain power reserve in order to provide high performance. The more reliable this element, the greater the resource of the equipment;
  • The knife drum is responsible for giving the elements the desired configuration, the designs use various options for these nodes, and the most important requirement for them is the reliability and high quality of wood processing;

The four-sided machine can have up to six drums, which allows you to achieve the highest quality of processing

  • The bed is a load-bearing element on which all other nodes are supported, therefore the main requirement for this part of the structure is reliability and resistance even to high loads without damaging the geometry of the system;
  • The mobile frame allows you to change the location of the working elements, in some models adjustments can only be made vertically, and the assembly itself is static, in others it is this part of the system that moves along the workpiece;
  • The system of clamps and stoppers is also important, since without them it is impossible to ensure a high quality surface finish.

Operating characteristics

There are several parameters that directly affect the performance of the equipment and the quality of its work.

When choosing a machine for the manufacture of profiled timber, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The width and thickness of the processed workpieces can vary within a fairly wide range, you need to focus on the range that is needed in your case. The most commonly used options are those in which these figures range from 80 to 240 mm;
  • The number of milling heads may vary depending on the type of equipment, there are options for both double-sided and four-sided processing. Everything is simple here: the more these nodes, the higher the quality of processing;

Important! Another important criterion- the number of knives on the milling head, it is on them that the smoothness of the surface depends, these elements must always be in perfect condition.

Industrial equipment is much more powerful and productive, but its price is ten times higher

  • The rotational speed of the heads is also important - the higher it is, the smoother the surface turns out, you should pay attention to options with an indicator of at least 4500 revolutions;
  • If you are going to use the equipment constantly, then it is better to choose the option with a powerful engine, and even better if there are two of them in the design. This increases energy costs, but significantly improves reliability;
  • Finally, consider how much free space you have, as fitting equipment 8 meters long into a six-meter room will not work.

Some craftsmen assemble the equipment on their own, you first need to make drawings of a machine for profiling a beam with your own hands, and then purchase all the components and assemble the structure, and it is best to take the factory version as a basis.

Homemade equipment, when properly assembled, is not inferior to the factory


It is very important to choose reliable equipment that will meet all your needs, then the result of the work will be excellent, we hope that this simple instruction will help you in making right decision. The video in this article will talk about some of the features of the equipment in more detail.

Flagship 4x240, timber profiling

Flagship is a specialized four-sided machine for profiling building timber. The enterprise, the only one in the Russian Federation, has mastered the production of a specialized four-sided machine for the manufacture of profiled construction timber (Flagman series). The supply of the workpiece (bar) to the Flagman machine is carried out using a pusher (boom), which allows the processing of a bar of any size and freeform sections, incl. with a very large thickness of the layer of material being removed (up to 50 mm) (for a four-sided machine of a traditional design, this is a cosmic value). Boom pusher provides uniform supply of the workpiece under any conditions, including the workpiece (beam) with a significant deviation in geometry. The machine quadrilateral Flagman 4х240 is intended for profiling of a construction bar. The maximum cross section of the beam is determined by the configuration of the machine. The machine is used as the basis of a high-performance complex for the production of wooden houses from glued or massive timber. On a four-sided machine, it is possible to produce construction timber various shapes. The cross-sectional profile of the beam is determined by a set of tools installed on a four-sided machine.


Equipment manufacturing time in working days.

Design and operation principle of a four-sided beam profiling machine

Machine Flagman 4x240 belongs to the class of heavy quadrilateral machines. The frame of the machine is welded from a large number of large-section square tubes in a special way to ensure maximum geometric rigidity. The design of the frame guarantees the complete absence of excessive vibration during the operation of the machine. The workpiece is processed from all four sides in one pass. The workpiece is fed from the end by a special swept pusher, the speed of the pusher is regulated by the operator. The pusher does not lose contact with the workpiece throughout the entire processing cycle. At the end of processing, the pusher quickly returns to its original position. The guide rail, top pressure rollers and side rollers ensure the stability of the workpiece during processing. The sectional profile of the manufactured products is determined by the tool installed on the machine. Each machining spindle has a chip chute. Working surface tables, machining spindles, guide bar, pressure rollers and rollers - all elements of the machine are adjustable.

Advantages and features of the four-sided machine
  • The main advantage of the design of the flagman 4x240 beam profiling machine lies in a very reliable system for feeding the workpiece during processing: a long pusher on the carriage pushes the workpiece through all the spindles, providing a constant force and feed speed, which is impossible to achieve using feed rollers and ripples. Accordingly, a stable surface quality is ensured over the entire length of the resulting timber. A frozen or not too even beam - it does not matter for the pusher, the feed is guaranteed to be stable and clear. The return of the pusher to its original position occurs on top speed in 10-15 seconds. Only such a feeding system makes it possible to produce complex sections, for example, with one or even two side semi-circular sides for a "block house", while guaranteeing an accurate geometry and the complete absence of dents and other marks from the feed rollers on the finished product.
  • The feed by the pusher also allows you to increase the "fool protection": the force on the pushing carriage is transmitted by means of a chain (rail) rigidly fixed on the feed table and a drive sprocket. The sprocket is pressed against the chain by a spring, and at a certain rolling resistance (for example, someone forgot to reconfigure the pressure rollers to a larger section), it simply wins back, disengages from the chain and turns. This solution protects the elements of the machine from careless handling.
  • The position of all working elements of the machine: spindles, table surface, pressure rollers and rollers, the guide bar is adjustable. You can always set the optimal relative position of the elements for comfortable and high-quality processing of workpieces of a wide range of sections.
  • The design of the machine frame, in addition to the required rigidity, also provides quick and easy access to all elements of the machine: adjustment, maintenance and, if necessary, replacement of machine parts are not difficult and will not require much time.
  • The adjustable workpiece feed rate allows you to select the optimal operating modes depending on various conditions: the size of the workpiece section, the removal depth, rock hardness, etc.
Beam sections that can be made on the machine

The standard machine is designed for the production of profiled timber with a width of 90 to 240 mm and a height of 140 to 200 mm with flat sides. At the request of the customer, the dimensions of the sections can be increased, and the shapes of the sections can be changed. With a certain modification, it is possible to manufacture a bar with one or two radius (or curly) side surfaces. The profile section and the specific size is determined by the tool installed on the machine.

Recommended to purchase additional

Machine capabilities in basic configuration can be significantly increased, so we additionally recommend purchasing:

  • Workpiece length. If it is necessary to process a beam longer than 6.5 m, the infeed table is extended to accommodate a beam of 8.5 m, 10.5 m, or 12.5 m.
  • The maximum width of the processed timber. The width of the beam is the most important parameter that determines the actual thickness of the building wall. In the basic configuration, the maximum width of the finished timber is limited to 240 mm, which is sufficient in 95% of cases. However, if it is planned to manufacture products (beams, or profile carriages) of greater width, this value can be increased.
  • The maximum height of the processed timber. The greater the height of the beam from which the structure is made, the less potential places for heat leakage in the walls, the easier it is to achieve high energy efficiency parameters of the structure. In the basic configuration, the maximum height of the finished timber is limited to 200 mm, which is sufficient in 90% of cases. However, if it is planned to manufacture a beam of greater height, this value can be increased.
  • Spindle drive power. In the production of profiled timber, the workpiece is based on two planes: right and bottom. On these sides, the minimum removal is adjusted so that the workpiece does not skew. Ideally, material removal from all sides should be minimal, as this is beneficial from an economic point of view, but for a number of reasons, in practice, I will usually eat more from the upper and left parts of the timber. Firstly, most construction timber profiles themselves suggest the greatest removal from above (the cavity for insulation is most often selected from above), and secondly, if the original workpiece has a certain curvature, or is sawn with too much margin, all this removal falls precisely on upper and left spindle, because to the right and bottom, the removal is always limited to a certain minimum value. In this regard, the drive power of the upper and left spindles is usually greater than the drive power of the lower and right spindles. The power of the motors in the basic configuration is optimal based on such parameters as performance, energy consumption, cost, load on the tool. However, if you want to increase the potential productivity of the machine, you can install more powerful motors that will allow you to increase material removal or increase processing speed.
  • The cross-sectional shape of the resulting beam. In the basic configuration, the machine is designed to produce profiled timber with straight side surfaces. With a certain refinement of the pressure rollers and the guide line on the machine, it is also possible to obtain a beam with one or two side surfaces of an arbitrary shape. The specific profile of the beam is determined by the tool installed on the machine.
  • Tool. The cost of the basic configuration includes side vertical drums with straight blanket knives that process the side planes of the timber. For the manufacture of timber, milling cutters for horizontal upper and lower spindles are also required, which will determine the profile of the finished product. There are several standard kits to choose from: "H" stands for tungsten carbide-tipped router bits. Such cutters are the most affordable, but after grinding the soldering, you need to buy new ones. The letter "M" denotes cutters with mechanical fastening of knives. This type of milling cutter is more expensive, but overall operation will be cheaper in the end. the cost of knives is usually lower than the cost of cutters with t/s soldering. The cutters marked with the letter "P" with t / s cutting inserts are the most serious tool in machines of this class and the cost of these cutters is appropriate, but the operation will also be more profitable in the end, because. the cost of sets of cutting inserts is lower than the cost of whole cutters with soldering. If a special profile of the product is needed, for example with one radius side, then the tool will need to be selected accordingly. Our experts will help you choose the best tool for solving your problems.
  • Compensation saw unit. To select a compensation cut, which reduces the likelihood of cracks in the material of natural moisture, an appropriate unit is installed.
  • CNC module A1. In real-time mode, it automatically determines the load acting on the tool and, in accordance with the received data, adjusts the processing speed. With a fixed power of the motors of the cutters, the maximum amount of wood removed is limited. Therefore, the greater the thickness of the layer to be removed, the lower the processing speed should be. The Flagman machine, equipped with a workpiece feed drive with the possibility of smooth speed adjustment, allows the operator to control the processing speed depending on how much wood needs to be removed at the moment. But the operator objectively cannot absolutely accurately maintain the optimal processing speed. At some points in time, the speed will be higher, and at some times it will be lower than the maximum allowable speed. At a speed below the optimum, the machine is operating below its capacity, not doing the amount of work that it could do. At a speed above the maximum, an overload occurs, which puts the machine in an "extreme" mode, which negatively affects the life of the main components (tools, motors, spindles). Control system block Module A1 allows you to monitor the current load on the cutter motor and, depending on it, automatically change the feed rate of the pusher. Using this unit is the most cost-effective way to increase machine productivity without increasing power consumption. In addition, the use of this block eliminates the possibility of extreme overloads, which increases the life of the machine and reduces the likelihood emergency situations. Control unit Module A1 is switchable, i.e. The operator can at any time turn off the automatic feedback and continue processing manual mode. One unit Module A1 is connected to only one motor. When profiling a classic beam, the maximum load usually falls on the upper motor, to which the Module A1 should be connected in this case. If the maximum load can often fall on different spindles, it makes sense to install the feedback system Module A1 on several motors.
  • Reception table. During processing, the workpiece, passing through the machine, at the exit must be supported by a receiving table, from which the finished product is then removed.
  • Sectionalization of the bed. When ordering, you can limit the maximum length of one section of the machine bed so that it can be transported by a certain truck or railway container.
Specifications KBS Flagship 4x240
The minimum length of the processed workpiece, mm 1100
Width of the received bar, mm 90-240 (up to 280)
Height of the received bar, mm 140-200 (up to 240)
The greatest thickness of the removed layer, mm 25 (30)
Number of spindles, pcs 4
Cutter dimensions on horizontal spindles, mm 160-200x60
Dimensions of cutters on vertical spindles, mm 160x60 (160-200x60)
Diameter of branch pipes for aspiration, mm 100
Overall dimensions of the machine, mm
Length 3000
Width 950
Height 1850
Working table height 750-850
Pickup table length - (optional)
Total power, kW 46.7 (up to 76.2)
Lower spindle drive power, kW 11 (7,5, 15, 18,5)
Upper spindle drive power, kW 15 (11, 18,5)
Drive power of the right (base-forming) spindle, kW 7,5 (11, 15, 18,5)
Left spindle drive power, kW 11 (15, 18,5)
Spindle speed, rpm 4500
Feed drive power, kW 2,2
Feed speed, m/min 0-30
Supply voltage, V 380
Weight, kg 3000
Basic equipment of the four-sided machine

1. The machine bed with a work table, the maximum section of the workpiece is 240x200 mm.

2. Feeding table for timber up to 6.5 m long, swept pusher with electromechanical drive, adjustable feed speed.

3. Adjustable guide rail, pressure rollers and guide rollers.

4. Four adjustable processing spindles: lower and left power of 11.0 kW each, upper - 15.0 kW, right - 7.5 kW.

5. Remote control panel.

6. Spigots for aspiration.

7. Protective covers.

8. Ammeter for each spindle.

9. Rulers for adjusting the dimensions of the finished product.

The procedure for working on a four-sided machine for profiling a bar Flagman 4x240
  • The guide rail, pressure rollers, support rollers and machine spindles are adjusted to the required section of the timber.
  • The workpiece is placed on the feed table of the machine.
  • The rotation drives of the machining spindles are started.
  • The workpiece is fed by the pusher through all spindles.
  • At the end of processing, the pusher returns to its original position.
  • The next piece is placed on the infeed table.
  • The cycle is repeated.

Depending on the section of the beam and organization production flow The productivity of the Flagman 4x240 machine is up to 60 cubic meters of profiled timber (molding) per shift. A set of machines Flagman 4x240 and Format 250 allows you to produce up to 60 cubic meters of wall parts per shift.


Machine Flagman 4x240 can be adapted to use any processing tool. In the standard version, the bore diameter of the cutters is 60 mm. The diameter of the cutters themselves is 160 mm on vertical (right and left) spindles, 160-200 mm on horizontal (upper and lower). You can use cutters with soldering, with knives with mechanical fastening, with replaceable cutting inserts, etc.

Buy machine quadrilateral for profiling construction timber.

Always up-to-date price for a beam profiling machine.

  • Distinctive characteristics of the production of profiled timber
  • Milling woodworking machine
  • Machine SPB-200
  • Machine SPB-200A
  • Machine VPK340 and VPK
  • Profiling - canting machine Wood-Mizer MP-100

Profiled timber is made according to the technologies of our time, using modern equipment. Log houses are environmentally friendly and have high-quality thermal insulation. His correct form in geometric terms, it makes it possible to build from this material, both large cottages and small structures. All this makes the production of repair profiled beams now very cost-effective. The machine for the manufacture of profiled timber, although expensive, is instantly reimbursed. This makes everything much more interesting for individual traders like this business. What equipment is needed for the production of corrugated timber and how much does a machine for the production of corrugated timber cost, let's look at it in detail.

The production of profiled timber is a very multi-stage and not an easy process. For its implementation, a machine is required in order to manufacture. They make such a product from coniferous wood, for example, larch, cedar, spruce, pine.

In the first stages, all raw materials are sorted in production and are already selectively fed to the frame machine. There, the tree trunk is peeled and sawn off.

Often, more than one type of technique is used to make. One of these machines is the apparatus for profiled timber. The log is sawn from four sides and then it is profiled. To obtain a dry bar before profiling, the raw material enters special chambers. And only then profiled.

All production of profiled timber can be divided into stages:

  1. Finishing raw materials on a multi-blade machine.
  2. Finishing on a four-sided milling machine, where the bar is planed and profiled.
  3. Designation and trimming of a ready-made profiled beam.
  4. A cup is cut out, an interventional connection.

Milling woodworking machine

But there are machines that allow you to do all these stages on one machine with one log installation. Machines of this type are called milling multifunctional devices. This technique is equipped with removable tools that change before each new finishing step. The quality of the resulting profiled timber is affected by the quality of the cutter used on similar equipment.

Grooving knives on a similar machine are of a removable type and have a different profile. Therefore, it is possible without much effort to get a thermal lock from the usual single-groove to the complex shape of the "comb". This provides an increase in the range of goods in production to the limit and increases the profitability of production.

It is necessary to consider briefly the very popular models of machines for the manufacture of profiled timber.

Bar profiling machine SPB-200

This technique is necessary for the processing and profiling of raw materials of natural moisture and dry. Used for woodworking with a width of up to 220 mm.

This mechanism is made up of:

  1. Bar support.
  2. Stops and clamps.
  3. Carriage with traverses placed on it.
  4. Motor.
  5. Cutters.

Important properties of the SPB-200 machine can be presented in the form of a table:
the number of many majorities
2 pcs.

4500 rpm

7.5 kW
Machine size

The advantages of this equipment:

  • The cost is low compared to similar devices.
  • It is possible to finish both dried bar and natural moisture.
  • Unlike 4-sided machines, it corrects the curvature of the workpiece.
  • Can be placed on the square small size, at 7 meters.
  • Replaceable cutters.
  • Has a great payback.

Work on SPB-200, see the video:

The cost of such a machine in the Russian Federation is now on average 145-250 thousand rubles.

Machine for the production of profiled timber SPB-200A

This technique is used for processing and profiling a bar from 4 sides. This version of the machine is intended for finishing material of natural humidity or dry workpieces with dimensions of 200x250 mm. Suitable for a small private farm, as well as for a huge sawmill. The machine has a small size, which makes it possible to put it on an area of ​​11 meters.

Important properties of the machine can be represented in the form of a table:
Number of cutters
2 pcs.
The frequency with which the cutter rotates
4580 rpm
Required electrical power
7.5x2 kW
Machine size

Advantages of this machine model:

  • Calibrated guide frame.
  • Easy replacement of one nozzle for another.
  • Not very difficult to operate and maintain.
  • Small cost.

It costs an average of 150-165 thousand rubles in R f. The operation of such a machine can be seen in the proposed video:

Bar profiling machine VPK340 and VPK

This complex includes two machines. Both of them have four horizontal milling heads. The material is profiled using a similar technique from 4 sides. In the mechanism of the technique itself, the milling heads first process the bar vertically and then horizontally. In pairs, machines are used to finish 4 blanks at once.

Important properties of the complex of machines can be viewed in the form of a table:
VPK340 value
VPK value
Number of cutters
4 things.
4 things.
The frequency with which the cutter rotates
4700 rpm
4750 rpm
Required electrical power
2×75 kW
Machine size

The advantages of this complex:

  • You can trim 4 blanks in parallel.
  • Processes the bar from four sides to a depth and adjustable height.
  • Has good power.

Each machine from the complex costs 100-150 thousand rubles, which means the cost of the complex will be approximately 300 thousand rubles, but since productivity will also be twice as high, the payback is relatively rapid.

Profiling - canting machine Wood-Mizer MP-100

This technique is necessary for companies that have a small production of profiled lumber. It has a frame where the workpiece is loaded with the help of a saw carriage, and a cutter log. It is not necessary to load the workpiece on such a machine manually, since it is automated.

Since the cutters of this technique are adjustable, you can get up to 10 types of profile. This provides production with an immediate increase in choice, which means increasing consumer interest. And due to the automation of loading and unloading of the machine, labor productivity will be increased by approximately 30%.
Number of cutters
4 things.
The frequency with which the cutter rotates
4890 rpm
Required electrical power
4x2 kW
Machine size
10 t

Purchase this equipment in the Russian Federation from companies involved in timber processing automation. This kind of car costs from 350-400 thousand rubles.

If we declare the cost of machines for the production of profiled material, then they depend on the power and practicality of the equipment. But the more purposes such equipment has, the more profitable the production will be. And this will attract customers and give a quick payback for the enterprise itself.

1. The main advantage of the design of the flagman 4x240 beam profiling machine is very reliable workpiece feeding system in processing: a long pusher on the carriage pushes the workpiece through all the spindles, providing a constant force and feed speed, which is impossible to achieve using feed rollers and ripples. Accordingly, a stable surface quality is ensured over the entire length of the resulting timber. A frozen or not too even beam - it does not matter for the pusher, the feed is guaranteed to be stable and clear. The return of the pusher to its original position occurs at maximum speed in 10 - 15 seconds.

Only such a feeding system makes it possible to produce complex sections, for example, with one or even two side semi-circular sides for a "block house", while guaranteeing an accurate geometry and the complete absence of dents and other marks from the feed rollers on the finished product.

2. Feeding by a pusher also allows you to increase the "fool protection": the force on the pushing carriage is transmitted by means of a chain (rail) rigidly fixed on the feed table and a drive sprocket. The sprocket is pressed against the chain by a spring, and at a certain rolling resistance (for example, someone forgot to reconfigure the pressure rollers to a larger section), it simply wins back, disengages from the chain and turns. This solution protects the elements of the machine from careless handling.

3. The position of all working elements of the machine: spindles, table surface, pressure rollers and rollers, guide rails are adjustable. You can always set the optimal relative position of the elements for comfortable and high-quality processing of workpieces of a wide range of sections.

4. The design of the frame of the machine, in addition to the required rigidity, also provides quick and easy access to all elements of the machine: adjustment, maintenance and, if necessary, replacement of machine parts are not difficult and will not require much time.

5. The adjustable feed rate of the workpiece allows you to select the optimal operating modes depending on various conditions: the size of the workpiece section, the removal depth, rock hardness, etc.