Presentations on the subject of electronic libraries. Presentation on the topic "electronic libraries"

"Knowledge is such a precious thing that it is not shameful to obtain it from any source." Thomas Aquinas (ok)

A) according to the degree of accessibility: - freely available - imply completely open access to documents; - conditionally available - representing in the public domain a fragment of the document and a way to order the full text; – commercially available – providing resources based on reimbursable contract only according to the results of authorization and in the presence of clearly defined financial relationships.

C) by types of publications: - mono-documentary - contain documents of only one format (for example, only audio books, text documents, multimedia textbooks, etc.); - polydocumentary - contain documents of different formats (text documents, audio books, videos, etc.).

D) by the method of creation: - generated - collections that are created by the holder of documents; - consolidated - are created from already existing documents and assemblies; - mixed - are organized from generated (created by the holder) and aggregated (collected from different sources) documents.

Library of Old Russian Literature (

Gaudeamus (Military Literature (

Electronic library of Maxim Moshkov (

E-library fiction(Non-commercial electronic library "ImWerden" Non-commercial electronic library "ImWerden" (

An electronic library is an ordered collection of heterogeneous electronic documents equipped with navigation and search tools. Can be a website where gradually accumulate various texts(more often literary, but also any others, up to computer programs) and media files, each of which is self-sufficient and can be requested by the reader at any time.

Fundamental Electronic Library (FEB) "Russian Literature and Folklore" (

University Information system"Russia" (Electronic library IQLib (

Google Digital Library (Google Book Search -

Educational project Runet (Digital Libraries of Russia (

summary of presentations

Books on the Internet

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What to read to children on the Internet. Internet resources in support of children's reading. Website of the Russian State Children's Library. Regional Library for Children and Youth. A.S. Pushkin. Book hit parade. What a children's book on the Internet might look like. Children's network library. Biblioguide. Site "Fairy Tale". Fairy tale almanac "Read-ka". Magazine "Murzilka". Magazine "Bonfire". Vladislav Krapivin. Kir Bulychev. Wizard emerald city. Site of children's writer Tamara Kryukova. Links to Internet resources for children. - Books online.ppt

Digital Library

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Libraries and the Internet

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Integrated library and information space. Internet and information. Time of excessive information load. The need for knowledge. Knowledge Society. Expert groups. functional fragmentation. Libraries in the Internet Age. Influence. Modern library. Library catalogues. Libraries and Google. library links. Possibility of choice. library portals. Libraries and the Internet. library corporations. Protocol value. Distributed information system. The role of standards. Library Development Trends. - Libraries and Internet.ppt

Digital Libraries

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Reading without limits. Library of Maxim Moshkov. Aldebaran Library. Online - Flibust Library. Scientific electronic library. World Digital Library. Journal room. E-library. Electronic library Fundamental electronic library. Library. Library. Russian virtual library. Library online. Book-online electronic library. Open Russian electronic library. Information process. Library Gumer. Library system IQLib. Electronic library GPIB. Library of DonNTU. Digital catalogue. - Digital Libraries.ppt

Consolidated Catalog of Libraries

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Consolidated catalog of libraries. Continuation. Two main models of electronic union catalogs. One entry. SK model. SKB APK. EC in NRU libraries. Model SKB APK. The effectiveness of the creation of SKB. Efficiency. The ability to provide users with new services. Creation of a single information field. SKB structure. Books. Magazines. Selection of documents in SKB NRU. Publications of NRU RAAS. Process documents from 2000 to 2010. Log processing. Abstracts. Dissertations. Stages of inclusion of publications in the EC. Instructions. Sheet preparation instructions. Recommendations for using the exchange format. - Consolidated catalog of libraries.ppt

Internet resources in the library

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Internet resources in the practice of libraries. What is the Internet. Internet resources in the library. Russian Committee of the UNESCO Program. Interregional Center library cooperation. Net Literature (seteratura). Network vocabulary. Prologue. Smuggling. Modern literary magazines in Russian. Non-fiction. Today we can already talk about the main trends. Literary study. My coast. Best Literature modernity. Reading-21. Journal room. Problems local government. youth technology. Headings TM. School of "Ecology and Life". "Ecology of production". - Internet resources in the library.ppt

Electronic Libraries of Russia

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Electronic libraries in Russia. Projects in the library environment. National level projects. National EB. Consortium. Library of educational resources. Arbicon. Regional level projects. Trends. Limited access. Questions. - Digital Libraries of Russia.ppt

Library electronic catalog

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Development of an information access system. Easy to see, hard to predict. Creation of an information access system. You can drown in a sea of ​​paper information. Access space. World experience. Europeana. Stages of work. Composition of contributors. Organization of project work. Client Access Devices. Subsystem information security. Technology platform. One of the tasks of the system. Additional services. The system is not a replacement for EBS and EB. Full compliance with the requirements. Application management processes. Management processes external resources. Processes of formation of the unified catalogue. - Library electronic catalog.pps

Electronic library for children

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Children and librarians. Problems of using Internet resources by children. Children's browsers. Filters. What to do with mobile content. Expert selection of the best content. "Guides" to the best resources for kids. Example. The best content for kids. Problems of expert selection of sites for children. Conclusions. The role of children's and school librarians. National Library of Ukraine. Electronic library for children. Electronic library for children. The best (“wonderful”) sites. Electronic library for children. Electronic library for children. International children's electronic library. - Electronic library for children.ppt

Electronic library for school

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School electronic library project. Presentation of the members of the mini-group. Goals and objectives of the project. The relevance of the project. Libraries are one of the "repositories" of information. Description of CORs. Electronic library for school. Conclusions. Approaches to the classification of DERs. The content and features of the definition of an electronic document. Approaches to the classification of DER. Classifications of CORs. Information structure electronic library. Library. Navigation system for the resources of the electronic library. The user gets access to the main sections. Resource search system in the electronic library. - Electronic library for school.ppt

University Library Online

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University Library Online. Features of the aggregator. Principles of selection of literature for EBS. Historically, the most representative areas represented. History of 4000 books. Fastest growing collections actual literature. Categories of literature contained in the EBS. List of publishers. Replenishment of university publications. "University Library Online" Today (Brief Statistics). Publishing collections. multimedia content. Multimedia content of the University Library Online. Start page. Open catalog, section "Textbooks for universities". - University Library online.ppt

Library Information Resources

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Reference and information resources and services in the practice of libraries. Changing the information sphere. Reference - information resources. Search engines. Electronic libraries. Professional reference resources. Library electronic resources. Resources of municipal libraries. Electronic legal systems. Electronic catalogs. Number of records. Formation and use of electronic resources. Prepared on the basis of our own database. Analysis of resource usage. Use of electronic resources. rural areas. Reference and bibliographic service. -

General information Since January 2009, employees have begun work on the creation of an electronic library. The purpose of creating an electronic library: to provide effective use information resources and technologies in educational, research areas.

General information When selecting software library programs were studied -IRBIS, MARK, Unilib, Bibliographer-2007, UFD-Library. To solve the problems that the library faces, a more flexible and promising program UFD-Library.

Electronic library: main components Electronic catalog Database of full-text publications Information retrieval system System of access to full-text publications

Electronic catalog The electronic catalog is available from computers located in the reading room of the library, as well as via the Internet.

Electronic catalog At the moment the catalog is exposed as a web version on the Internet to provide remote access to it.

Electronic library status on the number of descriptions in the electronic catalog 12319 The number of descriptions of articles from periodicals in the electronic catalog 2577 Number of descriptions of the works of LGIKI staff 399 Electronic full-text documents (total) 3410 Number of articles from periodicals in in electronic format 586 Electronic documents - works of LGIKI employees 35 Number of audio and video materials in the electronic catalog 277

Electronic Library Currently, work is being carried out in the following areas: creation of a collection of music (full-text), audio and video materials; reflection in traditional catalogs of documents that do not have printed counterparts; analytical painting and digitization of articles from periodicals.

Electronic library: search engine Search by title, author, Search by classifiers: keywords, personalities, LBC Search ISBN, ISSN Search by abstract

Search result In addition to the search results, the page displays the search terms, the total number of documents found, and the search range. If you need more detailed information about the document, select the "Document Description" link.

Search result In the next window, a full description opens in place with an annotation of the document

If you need an electronic version of the document, just click on the "Get" button and select "Open" in the dialog box.

Search for articles and journals Registration of periodicals consists in compiling bibliographic descriptions of articles with their binding to the corresponding document: issues of a journal, newspaper, etc. The journal number is the main document. Linking an article in a journal issue facilitates the ordering process: after finding an article, the reader easily jumps to the journal issue that can be ordered. In addition, if a bibliographic description is created for each issue of a journal, then all articles of this journal will refer to this description - therefore, it is easy to select all articles of this journal.

Modern information and bibliographic technologies make books more accessible. Providing information becomes possible in any part of the world - just visit the library's website. Our website:

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Electronic_library is an information system that allows you to reliably store and effectively use a variety of collections of electronic documents (text, visual, sound, video, etc.) localized in the system itself, as well as available to it through telecommunication networks.

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Reasons for the emergence of digital libraries

First, the number of publications in the press is growing very rapidly. Libraries simply do not have time to process information. The way out is to present periodicals in electronic form in full text with standard search engines.

Secondly, the storage space for funds is limited. Creation and use electronic versions is one of the real ways to solve this problem.

Thirdly, it is necessary to ensure the safety of library collections. To do this, libraries need to create themselves or collect along with print media their analogues on other media, including electronic ones.

Libraries should also promptly serve users, making it possible for them to quickly find the information they need. Today, users have a choice: use modern search tools and, from the comfort of their home or office, browse the Web for the full text of a document, or go through all the circles of traditional library service.

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Tasks of digital libraries

providing wider access to documents, the provision of which to readers is difficult or limited (rare books, photo albums, handwritten books, dissertations, etc.)

organization of document/data collections existing exclusively in electronic form, their cataloging and providing access to them to consumers of information

providing users with qualitatively new opportunities for working with large volumes of electronic data

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Benefits of Digital Libraries

The user receives information regardless of time and location - his own or the library.

The efficiency of providing users with the necessary literature, documents and data is significantly increased.

The user has the ability to access heterogeneous electronic resources.

The implementation of new forms of library and information services for users is facilitated.

Documents that are available in libraries in a limited number become available to a much larger number of users.

Working with digital electronic documents can go far beyond simply reading text or viewing an image. Fragments of the original data can be used in the work, combining, adding and editing materials.

It is possible to quickly and qualitatively search for certain fragments of a document, its semantic analysis and other types of software processing.

Achieved savings in space and space compared to a conventional library.

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Classification of digital libraries

  • A separate electronic library is an ordinary classical library, and it is fully automated.
  • An integrated electronic library is a group of several independent libraries united by a common theme and communication network.
  • Collective electronic library - a virtual library that provides uniform access to resources scattered over the network and thematic materials.
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    Types of digital libraries

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    Examples of digital libraries

    Catalog of electronic texts on Russian and foreign literature, culture, philosophy, history and other humanitarian disciplines.

    On the site you can download books of all genres and authors who lived at different times for free.

    Over 100 genres e-books. You can download books not only in fb2 format, but also in txt and rtf formats. You can find any fb2 books using the site search. You can read any books directly on the site without downloading them.

    Domestic and foreign prose and poetry, literature on philosophy, medicine, psychology, etc.

    You can download books, reference books, magazines and dictionaries for free.

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