How to open a hat department. Business idea: sewing fashionable stocking caps at home with appliqués

What is the deposit successful sales? Main secrets profitable business is great idea and quality goods. Hats are a necessary wardrobe item that helps not only keep you warm, but also look stylish. The domestic manufacturer knows better what styles are in trend today and what the buyer needs. The collection takes into account all the wishes of customers, presents new items of the season, original and classic models, and the attractive price will be a pleasant bonus for budding entrepreneurs.

Hat - always relevant

The well-known headdress has a centuries-old history. For example, in ancient Egypt, wearing a hat was considered the privilege of noble people. And in Ancient Greece, such a wardrobe item was used by practical people who valued comfort and convenience. Initially, the hat was considered an exclusively male item of clothing, and women began to wear them much later, appreciating all its advantages. For your business to generate financial profit, it is profitable to buy hats in bulk from the manufacturer. And it's not just about the affordable price. wholesale goods, but also in impeccable quality. Therefore, a conscientious and decent manufacturer vigilantly monitors the quality of the goods produced and the relevance of the styles.

Why is it profitable to organize a business selling hats?

The advantages of such cooperation are concentrated on “three pillars”:

  • Saving. Buying goods from domestic manufacturer, you are not only rapidly moving the economy forward, but you are also benefiting yourself. No intermediaries, simple registration without unnecessary complications, best price- all this helps to save money that can be invested in developing your own business.

  • Quality. The relevance of the models and the quality of the materials used are confirmed by certificates. Beautiful, fashionable, original hats are a product that is always in demand.

  • Bonus programs. The manufacturer values ​​and respects not only its customers, but also its partners. For wholesale buyers we offer interesting promotional offers, sales, bonus programs, which makes cooperation more profitable.

Buyers choose clothes carefully. Even in the cold season, you want to not only feel comfortable, but also look stylish. Statistics show that people change their hats with enviable regularity. When choosing a manufacturer, it is important to remember that reputation is something that money cannot buy.

"DavydovFox" is a company for sewing and wholesale of fur hats in Russia and the CIS countries. You can order on our website! The range includes products of impeccable quality at affordable prices.

The analysis of other people's accounts on Etsy is surprising. The sales results of knitting shops are simply impressive, inspiring, there are, however, millions, even if not dollars, but if dollars are converted into rubles, then millions of rubles a year for sure!
Moreover, what’s nice is that you can live anywhere - even in the taiga, and you don’t need to knit all the time, it’s enough to knit something interesting once!

These knitters knit quite affordable and sometimes simple things ONCE and make money on each one daily! How?.. Well, okay, I won’t torture you anymore! They are simply masterful at selling their descriptions!!! How? And like this…

My auntie knitted a very cute bear and showed it to her family and friends, as well as on the Internet on social media. networks or on forums, everyone liked it, the smart lady compiled detailed description how you knitted your creation or even prepared a high-quality master class. I went and registered, for example, on etsy and put my file with a description up for sale. People started buying, because they also really wanted to knit the same cute bear. Then they began to write laudatory reviews and the auntie was so inspired that she began to come up with other toys and sell their descriptions again and again...
So far everything is clear. And if you try to count how many “sales” of this description file she made in a year (you can look there on Etsy)?

Below is a small selection of shops.

TwoGirlsPatterns. This needlewoman mainly knits booties and slippers for children, as well as for adults. Cute faces and simplicity of execution attract many buyers.
Registered on etsy since the end of April 2011. To date, she has 41,346 sales. On average, one description costs $5.50.
We count: 41346 x 5.5 = $227403. Translated into rubles, this is almost 8 million. And the needlewoman earned this money in 37 months, i.e. in 3 years!

Thevelvetacorn sells mainly knitted hats, but not simple ones. I think her store has become popular thanks to children's snoods with ears in the shape of teddy bears and other animals.
It has been registered on since mid-October 2010 (for some reason the store is unavailable today). To date, 49,785 sales. Description costs 5.5 dollars.
We count: 49785 x 5.5 = $273817. Translated into rubles, this is almost 9.5 million. This money was earned in 3.5 years!

ATERGcrochet became popular thanks to bright colors. Her work is a kind of color therapy for the eyes of knitters tired of monochromatic fabrics.
Registered on in August 2011. To date 26265 sales. Description costs $6 on average.
We count: 26265 x 6 = $157590. Those. translated into rubles, in about 2.5 years the knitter earned about 5.5 million rubles

Bonitapatterns knitted cute little booties with a crocodile skin pattern and everyone liked them so much that the knitter’s shop quickly became popular.
Registered on in October 2010. To date, it has 26231 sales. Descriptions cost an average of $5.
We count: 26251 x $5 = $131115. The minimum in rubles is 4.5 million rubles for 3.5 years, I say the minimum, because Bonita sells a lot of sets of descriptions, and this increases her income and I think very significantly.

Amazing stores where money is “made” only on one lot:

Miligurumis. This knitter may have sold descriptions of toys, etc., but what made her famous... were her tank slippers! There is only one lot on display in her store!!! Those. in fact, she once knitted them and does nothing else, unlike previous knitters who replenish their shops regularly.
Miligurumis was registered on in September 2012. To date 4074 sales. But each description costs 6.99
We count: 4074 x 6.99 = $28,477. About 1 million in rubles. Agree, earning a million in a year and a half by trying just once is very cool!

Customers mainly come to TheLilliePad store to buy a description of a funny wig cap. This is the second example of a one-model store. More precisely, the knitter comes up with other patterns, but mostly they only buy a cute wig. Although, for example, I like her knitted crown better.
Registered at the end of June 2011. To date 10201 sales. One description costs $6.
We count: 10201 x 6 = $61206. In terms of our money, this is a little more than 2 million rubles. Again, you will agree, it’s very good to tie one successful model to earn good money on it for 3 years.

lucyravenscar very successfully connected all the heroes of the films “ star Wars", "The Lord of the Ring", characters from the cartoon "It's Time for Adventure" and others. In fact, they are the only ones that are successfully sold out in her store. She, in my opinion, is the most successful seller of descriptions of knitted toys. However, something strange recently happened (copyright problems?) and she removed her most popular products from her store - Star Wars characters.
Registered on since the end of March 2009. To date, it has 18,530 sales. She mainly sells sets that cost from $18 to $40. According to my careful observations, she sells more than $120 per day!!! And translated into our money, this is more than 120 thousand rubles per month and about 1.5 million per year. I think this is a lot, considering that she knitted her star characters only once, even though she spent perhaps more than one month on their development.

DeliciousCroche only sells descriptions of knitted toys.
Registered on since the end of May 2007. To date, 23,900 sales. One description costs $6.20.
We count: 23900 x 6.20 = $148180. Converted to rubles, this is a little more than 5 million. Again, I note that the main sales began only a couple of years ago; the knitter waited very patiently for her success.

Let me note something important - on Etsy, unlike the Crafts Fair, everyone is scrupulous about copyrights and no one will repeat your product after you - and if they do, you can complain and it will be removed!
I wish everyone good luck!


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  • sale of knitted items

So, you decided to make money by selling knitted items things through the Internet. And now, you have already posted a photo and description of your product on the website, but for some reason buyers are in no hurry to buy your product. Why is this happening? Most likely, the issue is poor-quality photographs of your product and/or its inappropriate description. Therefore, before putting your work on public display, read the tips given in this article.


Photo of the product When buying on the Internet, people first of all pay attention to the photo of the product, because they do not have the opportunity to touch or try on the item they like. Therefore, photos of your knitted items should always be of high quality! To obtain high quality photos your products, consider a few points on how to sell knitted things.

2. If you are going to sell a knitted garment, then it is best to photograph it on a model. I think that finding a model should not be a big problem for you. Surely you will have a friend, daughter or sister who will agree with your model. If for some reason the model cannot be found, then a mannequin may come to your aid.

Description of the product So, you already have good, high-quality photographs of your knitted products. But that is not all! Also important point In the sale of knitted items there is also a description of your product. When describing your knitted product, be sure to indicate its size and the composition of the yarn. You can also indicate the individual characteristics of your product. For example, if the item is very delicate to the touch, then indicate this in the product description; also, if the item is itchy, then indicate this too.

Many more potential buyers like it when a designer item has its own name. For example, when writing a product description, write not just a knitted handbag, but a knitted handbag “Gentle Dawn”. Feel free to come up with ideas for your products, because each of them is unique, so each one simply must have a name. Anyone who wants to buy yours will feel that he will become the owner of a unique copyright things, which has its own face and character.

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Many talented needlewomen who know how to knit beautiful and high-quality knitting sooner or later begin to think about turning their hobby into a small home business. But not everyone knows how to do this. Some craftswomen are faced with the question: how to implement knitted things? There are several ways to sell handmade products.

You will need

  • Yarn, knitting needles, hooks, knitting magazines, a computer with Internet access, a camera, personal business cards.


The first and most important thing you need to do is determine what you will offer your potential buyer. Don’t knit miserable gray sweaters a la “goodbye to youth.” Look through fashion magazines (nowadays all magazines necessarily cover fashion trends in the new). Find sites on the Internet dedicated to new fashion trends. See what famous designers have to offer. Learn all this and start creating.

Link several models. But first, take good photos. To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy a professional camera; you can get by with a regular point-and-shoot camera. The main thing is not to photograph your work in a regular home interior. Pick up beautiful background. Aim the light correctly. Take several photos from different angles, with and without flash. Look at the photographs taken by craftswomen who display their work on the Internet. Look for sites that teach you how to take photographs of handmade items.

Here are your pictures ready. It’s good if you have skills in working with photo processing programs - correct the images. Make two catalogs with your works. Alone in in electronic format. You will use it to post your products on the Internet. The second one is in the form of an album. It will come in handy if you decide to sell your creations through stores.

In every city there are shops and shops that sell handicraft goods, including yarn. Many of them willingly take handmade products for sale. Also, many stores of children's goods or goods for animals willingly agree to work with private craftsmen (this is if you knit or animals). Take your work or the catalog that you made in the form of an album with photographs, go through these stores and offer to collaborate with you. Just keep in mind the fact that when working with such stores, you will not receive a 100% guarantee of the sale of your products.

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  • sale of knitted items

Knitting – favorite hobby many women, and some of them want not only to give joy by creating high-quality handmade things for themselves and loved ones, but also to turn their hobby into a source of income. Perhaps this will only be a small increase in the budget for a woman on maternity leave, but for some, custom knitting becomes their main income.

Before you start knitting to order, you need to decide how much this painstaking work costs. creative work. There is not and cannot be a fixed price for handmade products: each craftswoman decides for herself how to value her work. But there are still several ways to find out the cost of your work.

"Piece-work payment"

Of course, payment for knitting will be piecework in any case. The point is that the price of the item will depend on how much yarn the knitter used, on the method of making the product, and other factors. But first things first.

First, the basic knitting method is assessed:

The price for the front is 2.7 rubles. for each meter of yarn used;
- for a simple canvas - 2.9 rubles; for machine knitting - 3 thousand rubles. for every kilometer of yarn used;
- if the item is knitted with motifs, the knitter can charge from 3 rubles. for each meter of yarn used;
- for making a product using the Irish lace technique - from 5 rubles.

It is clear that both motifs and Irish knitting can be of varying complexity, so the craftswoman will set the price per meter of thread in a particular product at her own discretion.

If the pattern is simple, then the cost of yarn consumption is multiplied by a factor of 1.4.
- If the product contains several patterns, for each subsequent one another coefficient of 1.09 is added.
- For knitting complex patterns, a coefficient of 1.3 is added.
- Jacquard patterns are considered particularly difficult to execute and a factor of 1.2 is awarded for each additional color

Knitting individual parts of the product also adds additional factors to the cost of the work:

Knitting the neck – 1.3
- knitting a single strip – 1, 3
- double all-knitted placket – 1.5
- double strap, knitted separately – 1.7

The cost of the product depends on the color and quality of the yarn. It is more difficult to knit with dark threads, the eyes become more tired, so a factor of 1.5 is added for using dark-colored yarn. The yarn obtained after unraveling the product is more difficult to work with than new yarn, so if the product is knitted from such threads, a factor of 1.5 is added.

The yarn obtained after unraveling the product has more knots and breaks, so it is more difficult to work with.

And, of course, the cost of the yarn is also paid by the customer.

"Hourly payment"

However, many craftswomen believe that the above calculation makes it too expensive and prefer to calculate the cost of their work based on the time spent on making a particular knitted item.

For the calculation, the average salary accepted in the region where the craftswoman plans to sell her products is taken and divided by the standard working time in hours per month (on average 167 hours). It turns out average pay hours of work.

Next, the craftswoman takes into account how much real time she spent on making a knitted item and multiplies the result by the average hourly pay. The cost of the yarn is added to this amount and the price of the finished product is obtained.

Knitting as a job is not only a hobby, but also an activity that brings in money. If you want making original things by knitting or crocheting to bring you money, you will need to take into account some of the nuances of this difficult business.


Initially, you will need to determine your level of knitting knowledge and skills. If you have just started mastering this craft, then you will have to forget about making money for a while.

Determine your minimum client base. For example, some of your relatives or friends may want beautiful and unusual gloves or hats. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain experience and potential clients, because if the work is done at the proper level, “ word of mouth».

Basically, professional knitters are ordered to wear both ordinary and original items and, sometimes, complex accessories (umbrellas, bags, etc.). That is why you will have to learn how to knit various sweaters, hats, scarves, socks and other wardrobe items and bring these skills to automaticity.

At the beginning of your knitting career, you are unlikely to receive a lot of money for your work - most people want something unique and unusual, but almost everyone forgets about pay.

Make a minimum price list that clearly states the complexity of the patterns, the products you are making, and the cost of the work (you can indicate it in hours, or for a finished item of clothing).

The cost of materials for the work should not be included in the final price of the product. Warn the client in advance about how much threads and accessories cost for a future dress or sweater. It will be better if you show their price on the Internet or go to the yarn store with the client.

Discuss in advance with the client what he wants to get in the end. If this is not done, there is a possibility of bandaging the product.

After finishing knitting the product, it is better to make sure that the clothing or toy is knitted perfectly several times. Even though the cost finished products may be negligibly small, the client will “cling” to any little thing that he discovers.

Communicate with clients (including potential ones) politely and do not conflict, since the manifestation of any negative emotions can put an end to your future career as a knitter. Try to communicate in a friendly tone, but be adamant when agreeing on the price of the product.


Very often, relatives or friends want you to knit something for them for free. This is the difficulty of working with loved ones. Try to explain that any work costs money, otherwise you will spend most of your working time on free orders.

Helpful advice

Choose high-quality threads for custom knitting. If after the first wash the product stretches or fades, the client will blame you for this. You will encounter such a problem, even if the customer himself insisted on purchasing this particular material.

When done well, knitting calms the nerves and improves mood. Craftsmen with extensive experience often wonder whether it is possible to turn their favorite pastime into work. You need to think a hundred times before taking on this difficult task.

Are you doing what you love at home, but don’t yet know if you can make money from knitting? Or do you have a store on Esti, but sales are not going well? I think now is the time to get inspired by ideas that other sellers have already implemented.

Explanation of the article

In this article I have collected 100 ideas for knitting products. All of them are sold on Etsy and find their buyer (this is if you are wondering where you can sell handmade knitted items online).

There are obvious items on the list, for example, clothing. But there are also a lot of completely unexpected ones. At least I myself was often surprised when I found this or that product on Etsy.

For each type of product, I wrote down the level of competition and the average cost of the product, which the website helped me determine. Competition, in this case, is the number of listings offered by an Etsy search for the search phrase found.

I would like to note that many products can be described with different phrases. And therefore the number of “competitors” will also change and differ from my figures.

The average cost of goods is affected by a large number of schemes/patterns that cost 3-5 dollars, and finished goods can be valued at several tens or even hundreds of dollars.

What is the difference between crochet and knit

There are two types of requests in the selection of products: crochet and knit. The first option is crochet. The second is knitting. Both these and other products sell well on Etsy.

The selection most often shows the most popular knitting option for these products (based on the frequency of requests for the search phrase on Google).

How much can you earn selling knitted goods?

Let's look at a few successful Etsy shops and try to figure out how much they make from their knitted items.

VendulkaM is a store from the Czech Republic that sells knitted patterns/patterns. About 200 sales per month with an average price of goods of about 5.5 dollars. That's $1,100 a month.

BUBUCrochet is a store from Bulgaria. About 100 sales per month at an average price of about $20. In total, the store owner earns about $2,000 a month from knitting.

ReddApple is a store from Turkey. About 20-25 sales per month with an average price of goods of about $30 bring the store owner approximately $650-700 monthly.

Plexida is a store from Greece. About 20 sales per month. The goods are quite expensive, for example, $120, but there are also $40. If you imagine that the average price for a knitted item is about $60-70, then the profit per month is $1,200.

Already from the examples of these 4 stores, it is clear that with the help of Etsy you can earn large amounts of money by knitting at home (crochet and knitting), $500 per month or more. For Russia, for example, this is about 30,000 rubles. And for Ukraine - 13,000 hryvnia. And this is more than average salary in most non-capital regions.

The main thing is to choose the direction of the goods. Let's see what they sell and how they make money on Etsy.

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1. Hats

Probably the most popular look yarn products on Etsy.

Hats are sold in a variety of options: women's, men's, children's, babies, holiday, funny, with cartoon and movie characters.

Competition - 150,000 products. The average cost is $27.

2. Headbands

A small branch from the topic of hats. Competition for knitted headbands is much lower than for hats.

Competition - 25,000 products. The average cost is $17.

3. Gloves/mittens/mittens

Don’t think that mittens are worn only in cold countries, like Russia, Ukraine, etc.

Fingerless mittens/gloves are also very popular on Etsy.

Competition - 23,000 products. The average price is about $27.

4. Scarf

Scarves, like hats, are extremely popular on Etsy. In addition, scarves can be not only warm, but also decorative.

Competition - 100,000 products. The average cost is $40.

5. Snood

A scarf-tube or a scarf-collar - snood is not losing popularity.

Competition - 6,000 products. The average cost is $37.

6. Shawl

This knitted scarf can warm you up not only on winter evenings, but also in unpredictable summer weather.

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $77.

7. Socks

Despite the fact that socks are both clothing and shoes, this accessory is worn by everyone - both big and small, both women and men.

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $30.

8. Knee socks

But knee socks, compared to socks, are predominantly a female wardrobe attribute. Although in modern world one cannot be so sure and exclude men from the number of owners of this item of clothing.

Competition - 2,000 products. The average cost is $45.

9. House slippers

House slippers can be an ideal gift for any occasion, don’t you agree?

Competition - 10,000 products. The average cost is $28.

10. Dresses

Competition - 45,000 products. The average cost is $125.

11. Wedding dresses

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $270.

12. Pants

Did you know that leggings, leggings and pants can be not only knitted, but also knitted?

Competition - 15,500 products. The average cost is $37.

13. Swimwear/bikinis

Despite the fact that knitted swimsuits have proven themselves for a very long time, it is still not often possible to meet girls in this “outfit” on the beach.

Competition - 15,000 products. The average cost of a set is $50-60.

14. Sweatshirts

Competition - 22,000 products. The average cost is $60.

15. Skirts

Competition - 13,000 products. The average cost is $65.

16. Vests

Competition - 13,000 products. The average cost is $50.

17. Cardigan

Warm, large and cozy, a cardigan differs from a poncho in its design, although their purpose is approximately the same.

Competition - 40,000 products. The average cost is $125.

18. Poncho

Competition - 11,000 products. The average cost is $80.

19. Shorts

Knitted shorts can be either warm for autumn or winter. And openwork - for the summer, crocheted, for example.

Competition - 18,000 products. The average cost is $37.

20. T-shirts

Competition - 8,000 products. The average cost is $37.

21. Crop tops

Competition - 5,000 products. The average cost is $32.

22. Underwear

No, no, not a swimsuit, but underwear.

Competition - 4,000 products. The average cost is $30.

23. Tunic

Option for the beach or for hot summer walks.

Competition - 9,000 products. The average cost is $75.

24. Booties

Competition - 14,000 products. The average cost is $18.

25. Diaper panties

I thought for a long time about what to call this type of product. Either a cover or clothes for diapers. In the end I settled on this option.

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $23.

26. Kippah/yarmulke

Traditional Jewish men's headdress.

Competition - 300 products. The average cost is $22.

27. Collar

Competition - 10,000 products. The average cost is $22.

28. Boot tops

Roughly speaking, a cuff that is worn on the legs.

Competition - 4,500 products. The average cost is $18.


29. Bags

Large and small, over the shoulder and purses.

Competition - 19,000 products. The average cost is $50.

30. Backpacks

Competition - 1,300 products. The average cost is $45.

31. Yoga Mat Bag

Considering that yoga accessories are now more popular than ever, I think a mat cover will be very popular.

Competition - 160 products. The average cost is $30.

32. Wallet

Competition - 7,500 products. The average cost is $15.

33. Jewelry (earrings, bracelets, necklaces)

Competition - 110,000 products. The average cost is $35.

34. Tie

Yes, yes, who would have thought that they even knit ties!

Competition - 9,000 products. The average cost is $20.

35. Bow tie

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $13.

36. Belts

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $20.


Competition - 2,200 products. The average cost is $16.

Things for the home

38. Blankets

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $96.

39. Blankets for child car seats/chairs

40. Carpets/rugs

Competition - 3,700 products. The average cost is $100.

41. Mug holders

Competition - 2,200 products. The average cost is $11.

42. Clothes for the teapot/teapot

Competition - 3,500 products. The average cost is $22.

43. Hot pads/potholders

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $13.

44. Napkins/plate coasters

Competition - 350 products. The average cost is $22.

45. Cosmetic bags

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $25.

46. ​​Covers for chair legs

Competition - 60 products. The average cost is $13.

47. Ottomans

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $95.

48. Pillowcases

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $45.

49. Kitchen towels

Competition - 5,000 products. The average cost is $11.

50. Napkin holder

Competition - 200 products. The average cost is $13.

51. Afghan blankets

Competition - 9,500 products. The average cost is $90.

52. Curtains

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $60.

53. Toilet cover

Competition - 200 products. The average cost is $16.


54. Paintings

Competition - 3,300 products. The average cost is $55.

55. Wall decor

Competition - 5,500 products. The average cost is $40.


Competition - 6,000 products. The average cost is $16.

57. Garlands

Competition - 3,200 products. The average cost is $20.

58. Lamps

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $40.

59. Mandalas

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $35.

60. Portraits

Competition - 500 products. The average cost is $100.

61. Dream catchers

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $40.


62. Hair clips

Competition - 6,300 products. The average cost is $10.

63. Soft toys

Competition - 96,000 products. The average cost is $22.

64. Rattles

Competition - 3,500 products. The average cost is $18.

65. Beard

Competition - 400 products. The average cost is $24.

66. Dolls

Competition - 31,000 products. The average cost is $28.

67. Clothes for dogs

Competition - 2,000 products. The average cost is $22.


Competition - 360 products. The average cost is $20.


Competition - 900 products. The average cost is $43.


Competition - 2,600 products. The average cost is $7.

71. Mermaid tail

Competition - 700 products. The average cost is $43.


Competition - 120 products. The average cost is $9.

73. Flowers

Competition - 96,000 products. The average cost is $25.

74. Bouquets

Competition - 1,500 products. The average cost is $35.

75. Letters

Competition - 600 products. The average cost is $12.

76. Names

Competition - 1,800 products. The average cost is $28.

How to open a store selling hats and what features it has of this business? Read more...

During registration entrepreneurial activity OKVED code 52.42.7 is indicated - “Retail trade in hats”. An ordinary individual entrepreneur is suitable as an organizational and legal form. The taxation system is UTII, it is best option, since the tax is not large (2-3 thousand rubles per month) and it is not necessary to use the cash register.

Now about the range. According to existing entrepreneurs, expensive hats sell better than cheap ones. Of the best selling brands We can highlight the Polish Willi, Tonak, Italian Totti, Tavitta, and Monteleon headdresses. Among the inexpensive models, Forti, Lapland, and men's Canoe hats sell well. The ratio of expensive and cheap models should be around 70/30. That is, 70% expensive models and 30% cheap ones.

There are quite a few manufacturers of hats, but Polish and Italian manufacturers enjoy special authority. In any case, “you can’t go far with hats alone.” The assortment of a retail outlet selling hats in most cases is supplemented by such goods as: scarves, scarves, gloves, mittens, stoles.

One of the advantages retail The best part is that setting up a business requires minimal investment. The required capital for starting in most cases does not exceed 150-200 thousand rubles.

Another advantage is the lack of need for large areas for a store. A small department can easily fit on 6-8 m2, somewhere near the escalator in a shopping center. In this case, we have a high traffic outlet and, accordingly, large sales. At the same time, we have low rent, since we rent only 8 m2. In most cases, this amount will not exceed 10 thousand rubles. per month.

Of course, the hat trade also has its downside. The main one is the low margin that the entrepreneur receives. Judge for yourself. In most cases, the retail price for a hat + scarf set will not exceed 1000 rubles. Purchase - about 400-450 rubles. That is, from one sale you will have an average of 500-600 rubles. Rental costs should be deducted from this amount. wages sellers, taxes and other expenses. In total, there will be approximately 300 rubles of profit left from one item sold. In order to have at least some tangible income, your a store must sell at least 10 sets of hats daily.

Don't discount competition either. Your outlet's competitors will be entrepreneurs who sell hats along the way, along with other clothing, such as winter jackets or youth clothing. And there are many such points. Of course, in most cases your assortment will be larger, but still a significant part of customers purchase hats as an additional item.

The main point that you should pay attention to first of all is seasonality. The high season for the hat trade is quite short, only from September to December. It is during this period that you receive your main income. Then comes a gradual decline. The most difficult period is spring-summer. Many entrepreneurs who specialize exclusively in the sale of hats are curtailing their activities during this period.

Others are trying to “swim out” through the sale of summer hats, caps, panama hats, and the sale of other goods, such as bags, sunglasses. Expensive hats, by the way, are in good demand. Especially if your outlet is located in a popular mall, where there is a buyer “with money”. Also, starting in February, some sellers organize sales, which allows you to somehow get rid of the remnants of last year’s collection.

There are several development options for this business:

1. Develop a network of such “mini” departments, open new points in shopping centers and clothing markets;

2. Expand, in the truest sense of the word. Rent larger ones retail space, increase the range and add clothes. It is possible that hats will become just additional goods, however, in another way, it will not be easy to significantly increase your income.