I want 3 things. Before taking up photography I wish I knew these three things

There are things that every man will think about and desire always, or from time to time. Despite all the beliefs and promises, it is impossible to force a man to give up things that he himself is not able to refuse, no matter how much he wants.

The attention of other women to your beloved.

Men always yearn to be desired by women and try in every possible way to contribute to this, attracting attention, flirting. Women also have this feature, even several times more than men, but unlike men, women try to attract attention in order to be able to choose one worthy one from the proposed options, and men in this regard will be satisfied with everything at once or in turn.

One more woman than we already have.

Even if a man chose you as his life partner and promised to remain unquestioningly faithful to you, this does not cancel the law of nature. This is how the male gene works.

The female gene is focused on finding a worthy partner who can ensure the survival and preservation of offspring. The female gene is all about quality, while the male gene is quantity oriented. Men are programmed to spread their gene to as many women as possible.

We may not like it, we may not agree with it, but the fact of genetic predisposition cannot be disputed among all living beings. Saying that it doesn't specifically affect you or your loved one can be considered self-deception.

If you do a little research, just by even talking to men you know, you will find out that if a man has the opportunity to own several women, then he will certainly try to use this chance. The only thing that hinders their desire is a lack of opportunities, for example: there is not enough Money, in order to be able to ensure women and the consent of women themselves.

If aspirations coincide with possibilities, then not a single man will deny himself such pleasure. IN modern world men try to comply with the imposed norms of behavior and suppress their desires, but I assure you that these desires do not disappear anywhere. Therefore, we should not rush to blame men for this; they are partly hostages of their desires.

Sex with several women at the same time.

Sometimes our actions cannot be explained in any other way except as a manifestation of the instincts inherent in each of us. Several women in bed for any man is not a fading dream that realizes him as a man.

As mentioned above, men are determined to own as much as possible big amount women, and sex with at least two women realizes all the above points at the same time. Therefore, such a dream is an integral part of men themselves. Every man is eager to make this dream come true.

You already feel that the right moment has come to change your life. But where to start? The first three steps in an interview with the HR-tv.ru portal were suggested by Ekaterina Chizhevskaya, a specialist in personnel search and selection.

Each of us periodically thinks about the changes that we would like to bring into our lives. About once a week, right? Someone goes on a diet “from Monday”, someone starts running in the morning or doing exercises, someone starts looking for a job or training.

One way or another, we all literally crave these changes, without which, as it seems to us, life is not sweet. At the same time, if everything is more or less clear with the desire for something specific, then it is not at all clear how to approach it if a person dreams of some positive changes, but has absolutely no idea what they should be.

Well, for example, someone wanted to find a new job. The desire is obviously quite specific. Therefore, specific actions for its implementation can be selected. At a minimum, you can simply write a resume, post it in open sources and wait for calls with offers.

Or you can approach the issue more seriously and analyze your experience and skills, compare this knowledge with the requirements for the position you would like to take, obtain the missing knowledge, thereby increasing your value as a professional.

In general, this approach is applicable to any specific wish. You just need to identify it, analyze it and start acting. But it’s not that simple, you’ll say, and you’ll be right. Even if we achieve some external changes, be it new job or a new hobby, our joy and satisfaction often disappear after another month.

And here those very expectations of something uncertain appear, which should certainly make us happy and make life better. We search again, sometimes we even try and don’t understand why happiness doesn’t come. I really love one quote that you probably came across in in social networks. “People think they will be happy if they move to another place, but then it turns out that wherever you go, you take yourself with you.”

It seems to me that it explains why these changes do not happen to us. Just think about it: we take ourselves with us. We ourselves don’t change, that’s the point!

In fact, for many years we have been “learning” to react and act according to the same pattern. Many of us are already really used to complaining, noticing negative points instead of positive ones, condemn, look for the guilty.

All these emotions and reactions certainly affect our actions. But it is very important to remember that everything is interconnected here. Our thoughts influence our actions, and our actions influence our thoughts. The chain reaction works always and everywhere. We've failed, become frustrated, and are less productive when we're in a bad mood, so there's a good chance we'll fail again.

On the other hand, even if everything is not bad, and we are, on the whole, happy with what is happening, changes are necessary. Just to not stand still. And for this we need to act. Change your way of thinking first. Because without internal changes it is difficult to achieve external changes. The words of Albert Einstein are very suitable here: “The greatest stupidity is to do the same thing and hope for a different result.”

Therefore, I am sharing a plan of action that will certainly help you move on. dead center and bring any changes you want into your life.

The first and most difficult thing to do is get rid of the junk. And both in your head and around you. In order for something new to enter our lives, we need to make space for it. Think about old grievances or negative thoughts prevent you from taking a deep breath.

What unresolved problems burden your every day? The time has come to resolve issues that have long been postponed for later, and leave old grievances in the past. For this, sometimes a simple strong-willed decision is enough.

But, if this is difficult, various practices can help, for example, forgiveness, which are stored in great variety on the Internet. Choose what's right for you. There is no universal recipe, you need to try it, look at the result and your feelings.

The space around you also needs to be freed up. Clean up your desk, computer, and home. Sort out papers and get rid of unnecessary things. There is a wonderful exercise. You need to imagine that tomorrow you are moving to live in another city, and think about what things you will definitely take with you and what things you won’t.

From what you don't take with you to new house, you can safely get rid of it. A less radical way - things you don't use already more than a year, are unlikely to ever be useful, so there is no point in storing them.

And you can start in any order you like. It’s a well-known fact: general cleaning of the house helps a lot to put things in order in your own head.

Once the space is cleared, it, and you along with it, are truly ready for new emotions and achievements.

With a fresh mind and lightness in your soul, any undertakings are much easier, ideas are generated with redoubled force, all that remains is to catch this state of inspiration and readiness to work and create.

The logical third stage is action. Just start, and then you will get into the rhythm, and it will be much easier to move. If you suddenly don’t like it and want to give up, go back to the first step, remember that acquired state of lightness and try something else.

To be honest, only a few clearly know what they want and tirelessly follow the chosen route. Most people lose interest pretty quickly. Therefore, you can and should try different things. Life is motion.

And it is always important to remember that there is no magic pill, magic technique or magic belief. Any qualitative change, especially if we are talking about internal changes, and not just external ones, is achieved through hard work and regular practice.

Concentrate on good thoughts, positive emotions and actions that bring pleasure. Go for it! And never stop there.

There are some lessons that we learn the hard way. Trial and error, although difficult, is still the most convincing teacher any of us will ever have. We often learn more from our failures than from our successes. But as Newton said, sometimes we move forward only by standing on the shoulders of giants.

More than anything, I wish I had known some things sooner. There are so many lessons that could have been to my advantage if I had learned them early on in my journey into the unknown world of photography.

So out of solidarity, I'll share three things I wish someone had told me when I first started getting into photography. There may have been those who tried, but for some reason I couldn't figure it out. I hope that the knowledge gained in difficult battles will help you move on and provide the necessary basis for creating best photos. Here they are in no particular order.

Type of camera I need

This dodgy topic plagues the lives of many beginners and those who want to take their photography to the next level. I started my journey by shooting on a 35mm Nikon N65 with an 18-55mm lens, which I bought when I was 18 years old. This was my first real camera. As a young man, I saved up and paid $265 for it, but still felt like taking photos best quality, need a better camera. This was 15 years ago.

Even then, I was convinced that I needed a “pro camera” to become a professional photographer. If you had asked me then what a “professional camera” was, I would not have known what to answer.

I wish someone had told me at that moment that there was no better camera. The only thing that really matters is understanding how to use the camera you have to the fullest of its (and your) abilities. True, times have changed, and technology has developed rapidly. Some people earn their living using just the camera on their smartphone.

But you have to remember one thing: most cameras are only capable of producing amazing quality images when combined with user experience. Whatever camera you have, this is quite enough. Let your skills mature and you will know when the time will come update equipment.

What post-processing is and what it is not

Before you start flipping the page in horror at the slightest mention of post-processing, let me assure you that these are not scary comments about what can and cannot be considered “Photoshopped.” On the contrary, we will talk about some misconceptions that arose when I first started processing my images.

I was convinced that “everything should be done in camera.” This inclusive thinking meant that once a photograph was taken, there was nothing to do except show it to the world. This is not always true.

I wish someone had told me that all photographs, even analogue (film) ones, virtually always benefit from some follow-up work on them. The quote that changed my thinking about post-production came from none other than Ansel Adams himself: “The negative is the equivalent of the composer’s musical score, and the printed photograph is the performance.”

Ansel emphasized that, yes, you should always look for the best exposure in your camera to get the fullest picture of the scene, and show off your final photo with your creativity. Post-processing should not be avoided, but rather seen as a logical second step towards achieving your visualization, no matter what it may be.

Perfection unattainable

This is true. No photograph is perfect, and few photographs are elevated to the level of a work of art, whatever that means. It was an illusion that burdened me in the days when I was learning photography. I had a lot of misunderstandings about how this or that actually happened in the process of creating images, both from the technical and creative side.

The only thing I knew for sure was that my pictures were nothing like the beautiful photographs I had seen on the Internet and in photo magazines. I began to despair, feeling that I was doing something completely wrong.

I would like to hear from someone that even if you work in the photography industry for the rest of your life, you will never get the perfect shot. By honing your technique and purchasing more powerful equipment, your photos will definitely become stronger. But don't think that the day will come and you will say, “Ah, now I am perfect. From now on, all my photographs will be flawless.” This day will never come.

The craft of photography is a practice in personal evolution. This is a path of constant learning. So take a breath, relax and enjoy this exciting journey for what it is.

Today we will talk about a topic that is fundamental in a woman’s life - relationships with a man. Even though we are all unique and each of us has our own balance of interests, there are basic expectations that men have and basic expectations that women have in relationships. These are not whims or fantasies, it is a vital necessity to obtain certain components.

So, the first female quality is self-sufficiency.

What it is? This is the ability to rejoice regardless of the circumstances. Those. in essence, this is a resource state. If a woman feels good, if she is inspired, if she chirps like a bird, if she is happy about what she does or does not do, she generates energy. Even in ancient Chinese sources, the wisdom was written that a woman is a source of energy.

Therefore, a man, coming home from work, falls to her to get nourished. And if a woman Bad mood, he has nothing to gain in order to do his business later. Therefore, first of all, a woman should do what she likes. If she wants to embroider, let her embroider. If she wants to sing, let her sing. And if she doesn’t want to, let her not sing or embroider, let her admire herself in the mirror if it makes her feel better. If a woman is happy with her life, then a man will receive the nutrition next to her that will allow him to win the war, create his own income and solve all other men’s problems.

Without a state of self-satisfaction, we women lose our attractiveness to men. Biologically, men and women are designed in such a way that one of them is a donor, and the other is a consumer. And the donor is a woman. She doesn't need to get energy from a man, she gets energy from nature. No matter how many children a woman has, she is capable of loving them all. No matter how many hobbies a woman has, she can be carried away by all of them.

Because it contains an endless source of development, it is designed by nature to generate new life. It is very important that you understand this simple thing: a man’s basic need is to receive energy from a woman. We, the women of our time, took the baton from our mothers, who, unfortunately, were forced to survive. Not even from mothers, from grandmothers. Therefore, we want to combine all the roles at once (or we don’t want to, but we have to), forgetting about our most important role - the role of a source of energy.

If you are not joyful, if you are not happy with what you are doing, if you are unpleasant to be yourself, then it does not matter what virtues you have, what a wonderful housewife or mother you are, how much money you earn... If you are not interesting to yourself how can a man be interested in you? You must admire yourself, then others will admire you. So, the first point is your own happiness, your personal ability to enjoy life, independent of a man.

The second point is your generosity, your ability to believe in a man, despite the fact that at the moment he is showing weakness.

Mastroianni, the famous Italian actor, said that every man in every woman, deep down in his soul, hopes to meet his mother. If I had heard such words 25 years ago, I would have been terribly indignant. I would say: “Why do I need a man to love like a child?” But when I have lived my life, I know that we simply love our children in the wrong way. The word “mother” in our Russian mentality has a very different meaning than in Italian.

My beloved wife,

Lately, I began to notice that you have become dissatisfied with yourself and your body. I really don’t know why, because I think you’re perfect! As your husband, I want to tell you about your body:

1. You are stunningly beautiful

Here I don’t want to give hints, I’ll say it straight - I find you incredibly beautiful and I hope that you won’t forget about it. I am very attracted to you and I want to always be with you! Yes, I think there is chemistry between us!

I agree, I don’t always say what I think (I’m a man!!), but I always say to myself how amazing you look and how lucky I am to be your husband. Sometimes you notice that I look at you appraisingly and you probably think that I am holding you to unrealistic standards. You have no idea how far from the truth you are, But the truth is that I just can’t get enough of you! You look so good!

2. I love you the way you are

I appreciate that you take care of yourself and try to look your best. I know this is one of your ways to show me your love and it really turns me on. I love our dates in the evenings and I am very happy and proud to have you by my side.

But I would like you to know something important - I love you just the way you are! Today, no one is surprised that women do not hide their bodies and put everything on display. All of these promotional photographs are altered to such an extent that they create an unrealistic beauty. And we see it everywhere: in magazines, on billboards, on television, on the Internet, etc.

You are constantly under pressure and feel the need to look a certain way and live up to imposed standards. I see it. You look at yourself in the mirror and worry about extra grams or wrinkles. I won’t be able to completely solve this problem, but at least I’ll try to relieve you of your worries - I love you for who you are!

I am very lucky that you chose me and now we share everything together. You are beautiful not only on the outside, your inner world is beautiful too! My love does not depend on how you look and I want to grow old only with you, even if you have wrinkles and stuff!

3. Your smile lights up my world

We have been married for several years now, but I still like to hold your hand and enjoy our closeness. I want to remind you that before I could enjoy all of you, first I saw your smile. It was the smile that attracted me then. Of course, my attraction became stronger each time, but it all started with your beautiful smile and shining eyes.

Your smile is simply contagious! She illuminates the entire space around and, of course, my life. If I'm having a bad day, then nothing can cheer me up better than your smile or your laughter. Your optimism and cheerful disposition are the best things to energize and are so attractive! You don't have to wear the fanciest clothes to get my attention. All you have to do is just smile!

My beloved wife, I wrote all this so that, having a variety of reasons for worry, your body will not be one of these reasons. Although I am not very good at expressing my thoughts in words (but I will try!), you are beautiful! Thank you for being my everything! And remember, I LOVE YOU!