Quotes about bad mood sadness. Statuses about mood for the right opinion

When you enter someone's life, act like you're visiting. After all, you don’t beat the master’s dishes at a party and don’t shit on the table? So you shouldn't be surprised if you broke a person's heart and shat in the soul, and he put you out the door. All in fairness.

If you are in love with someone, it is impossible to be sad for a long time. After all, one has only to think about this person, and the heart becomes light, and the mood suddenly rises.

I put on glasses so that no one sees swollen, from tears, eyes. I put on a fashionable dress so that no one can see a broken heart and a wounded soul. I try on a smile near the mirror so that no one would know what a lousy mood I have. What? How am I doing? Everything is wonderful, everything is just brilliant!

When you have good mood it seems like the whole world is smiling at you. When the mood is bad - this smile turns into a grin.

Best Status:
Are you saying that the mood is not to hell? Come on, go to the mirror, stick out your ears and puff out your cheeks. And just try to laugh!

And like, nothing terrible happened, everything is as usual. But, for some reason, when I put together all the little things, I get a bad mood as a bonus.

Hangover… Bad mood… Quiet sniffing over the ear… The kitten is trying to introduce me: “Enough, Masha, drink on weekdays!” :)

Are you in a bad mood? - Then I'll go to you)

Well hello, mood, but I thought we would not see each other this year.

there are days when a scientist cat hangs a sign next to him: “Caution! angry dog".

Only our technology has a bad mood, and only our technology can be offended!)

Of all the states of the soul, it becomes more and more natural when we hit it ...

Do not yearn for the impossible happiness, rejoice in the failed misfortune.

A burnt mood is when boredom and passion flooded in an instant.

We hide a bad mood behind smiles, a broken heart behind a beautiful appearance, but inside is just pain.

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

Such a mood that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor swear words can be formulated.

For some reason, it is so arranged that when a person feels bad, he feels good with those who are also feeling bad ...

There is a huge black hole in my soul… no condition… so I went into myself… I won’t be back soon…

Most the best remedy for the treatment of mood - an injection of a joke or a money potion.

I'm not upset because we didn't meet! I'm STUPIDLY in a bad mood!

... deaf longing for no reason and thoughts of haunting frenzy ...

Although I feel bad, but this is not a reason To cause suffering to others.

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

People who ruin my life.. intentionally or not... rejoice, rejoice until your successes... in hell you will not be up to it!

Why, when in a bad mood, do you want to leave Vkontakte so much?

Nothing spoils the mood for a very short period of time like an unopened parachute

She left, inspiration returned.

she loves to cry, but she won’t say what she’s dreaming of .. and only songs on the page will tell about her tears

If you're in a bad mood at home, call a friend at work.

Is it worth ruining your mood by thinking about how your mood was ruined?

Shut up everyone or I'll fuck your brain!

It feels like someone took a shit in their hearts and forgot to clean up after themselves…

Why are you sitting on the floor? - I feel so comfortable. Why in the dark? - Save electricity. Why are tears rolling down your cheeks? - I'm cutting onions. - In the dark on the floor ??? - Yes.

Nothing cheers up guests like crooked wallpaper!

I appreciate every person who at least once made me smile in a bad mood.

And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to ...

In order for the mood not to spoil longer, it must be kept in the freezer of self-control.

To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people.

why don't I answer you? because there is no desire! =(why? because there is no mood!! why?

In life, a bad mood should be expressed by a thoughtful mood, lips with a bow, meaningful sighs, longing in the eyes, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, squelching nose into the pillow.

tears...the best antidepressant...

The mood is excellent. Flight is normal. Rainfall is not expected.

I am so kind today, and the mood is so wonderful, let me kick your dog!

Apparently, miracles are not aware that they should happen.

Everything is going well - just passing by.

There are moments when people love crime.

Sometimes you think: “And when will the day come when I will answer the question “how are you” “excellent” and not lie?”

If you are in a good mood, then only money is not enough for complete happiness.

We need to stop all this boredom.

Not apathy, not depression. And fatigue ... and just infuriates everything.

Rain ... Only he gave consolation - stroked her hair, her face ... He hid her tears in his drops ... Hiding her pain ...

And I'm going to hang myself. Just. The weather is nice.

Life is shit, no matter how you twist it ... don't twist it, otherwise everything will fall on you!

In life, something is always missing for complete happiness, then stools, then ropes, then soap ...

I wanted to cheer up and overstrained.

When God was handing out a good mood, I was sitting in the toilet in the past ...

Everything would not be so bad if it did not leave much to be desired.

He was so gloomy that even thoughts stopped visiting him.

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood !!!

tea without sugar, warm blanket, pile negative thoughts, bad mood and emptiness in the soul ...

The mood matches what you see.

I'm like a small child, when I don't get enough attention I cry, when it's too much it annoys me.

I'm fine. In some very bad way, but okay ...

I'm in the mood. Shitty some, but in the mood.

In fact, we have few reasons for a bad mood. But every day they are different.

When cats scratch their hearts, it’s not just like that. They're burying shit...

I love the rain ... You can hide your tears in it ...

I'm in the mode - I don't care ...

The most annoying thing is that everyone is doing well! Feels like I fucking slept through a free giveaway of pizzle with a magic shovel...

Depression is simply a period of acute need for happiness.

You can’t buy a mood in a store, but ordinary purchases cheer you up.

You write only when you are in a good mood, probably it is always bad for you!

Everything can be attributed to a bad mood, even people

How to write a statement to the police when your mood was stolen?

Fun mood! Come, eat! Bad mood! Don't come near, it's contagious!

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not for life.

avanakidavra… sektumsembra… just die… freaks bad mood!

It's hard to forget the person who made you smile at least once in a bad mood¦

It is harmful to live, because they die from it ...

I am not vindictive and not evil. I'm just indifferent.

you can't escape the rain if it's inside...

when you are in a bad mood, but in the status you put that you have fun feeling like a hero

The format of a smile depends not only on the mood, but also on the shape of the teeth.

AND LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL (antidepressants are found in cotton candy)

Let's do this: I am now pretending to be cheerful and happy, and you believe in it.

It's just an illusion that the mood is worse than ever. There is always something to do, it would only get worse.

I am in a depressed mood.

Everything depends on the mood. If there is a mood, then you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if there is no mood, then you lie on the couch without any enthusiasm.

I want to become a small child again, without problems, without worries and suffering ... ((

everything is as before, everything is as usual, everything is too familiar and sad, because there is no meaning in the heart, in life, plus autumn is cold in the weather, frost in the soul ...

When you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut!

Good morning will come, I know ..

Here comes the long-awaited Monday. Signature. Club “Depression”

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can still be fucking bad ...

I will lend a good mood, at interest.

A good mood is when you even want to sing on the toilet.

To be out of your element - to climb into someone else's.

Depression is when you turn on the Internet and don't know where to go.

You know, my mood doesn't smell like violets!

marvelous ... I am strong ... I perivayte ... everything .. but the buttocks are not worth it ... SORE ME (((

Tears are the words that the heart cannot say

A pessimist is a person who looks both ways when crossing a one-way street.

To torment your envious people is to be in a good mood.

Good mood? No, have not heard.

Depression is when your life becomes like a sad black and white cartoon.

If your friend is in a bad mood, don't worry, it's not sexually transmitted.

bad mood, the weather is not happy, the guy threw, nasty thoughts in my head?!?! EAT TANDARIN and smile!!:)

Do you often suffer from depression and bad mood? Cuban rastamans will teach you to laugh.

when you're in a bad mood, you don't want to hear anything but your favorite music.

Life is good if you choose the right antidepressants!!!

When everything in life goes NAH, then there comes a moment when you FSUs!

bad mood ... goosebumps ...

If you got up on the wrong foot, do not spoil the mood of others!

All day, I dream about you, and this is not a lie ... Hurry to you, hurry to you ... my favorite sofa!

Yes, I am the owner of the mood! .. But he has a different opinion.

A good remedy is to cheer yourself up at the expense of worsening it in others.

Despondency and a bad mood are not only painful for others, but also contagious ...

It's not easy to always be graceful and sweet, As if there are no cloudy days in the world. But to become the only one in the world for someone, Believe me, it is more difficult, much more difficult ...

I don't give a fuck what they say behind my back. Because they wouldn't dare say it to their face.

There was one good thought ... But she died of loneliness and longing ..

Do you want to know why I feel bad? -Yes -Because love has come...

Depression is a state of deep spiritual anus.

I went into myself, I will not return soon

The best mood statuses on Statuses-Tut.ru! They say that a woman's mood is changeable, like the weather. Now she is overflowing with happiness, smiling at you, and love is read in her eyes. But a few minutes pass, and a formidable Valkyrie appears before you, ready for battle! If you want to always be aware of the mood of your other half, tell her or him about Statuses-Tut.ru! Let your loved ones choose statuses about mood and share them on their page in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

Statuses about the mood for all occasions!

Light rain is drizzling outside the window, damp and cold, and you also forgot your umbrella and now you are thinking how not to get wet on the way home. The neighbor has a new car. A work colleague is going on a picnic with the whole family for the weekend, and you have a report. You may have had a fight with your loved one. Statuses about a bad mood will help you find support and sympathy from friends in social networks! But then a strip of clear sky appeared on the horizon, the rain stopped pouring, a colleague offered to help work on the report and invited you and your family to join their picnic. You called your husband first, and now everything is just fine with you. Then do not forget about our site, rather replace your previous saying on a page on the Internet with statuses about a good mood. Share your mood with loved ones!

Cool sayings about the mood!

Do you like to joke? In the noisiest company, are you the first joker and the ringleader? April 1st is the main holiday of the year for you? Friends are surprised by your inventiveness and sense of humor, and your practical jokes have become legends among family and friends? For you, the main thing is the preparation process itself, and at the end of the joke do you take funny photos for memory with all the participants? cool statuses pro mood always dominate your page? Keep it up! After all, it has long been proven that laughter prolongs life!

Sad Mood Quotes!

Does your girlfriend like to watch romantic comedies and movies about animals? Will she never walk past a stray kitten? Do friends respect her for her kindness and sincerity? She is so one in a million and you love her for who she is. On her page you can only find quotes and sayings with meaning? Who said that sad mood statuses are bad? Sometimes you need to stop and think about the soul. And on Statuses-Tut.ru you will always find an excellent selection of sayings about a sad mood. So many different events happen to us that the Olympian calm can hardly be our constant reaction to all cases. Sometimes a person wants to be pitied, at another moment he hurries to share his joy with everyone. Sometimes he seeks to express sympathy, sympathy or even hostility to someone. One of the best mood expressions are mood statuses that tell your friends if they should bother you at the moment.

Does it affect the perception of others? So that everyone understands whether it is possible to have conversations with you on this day or not, choose the appropriate mood statuses for your pages on social networks. They will help to fully convey their condition and readiness to solve important issues.

Statuses about mood for self-expression

  • The mood is great

There is cash in my pocket.

The day off is today

I am very, very pleased.

  • I'm in an epic mood today

Thoughts visit even heroic ones.

The day off has come -

He gave me the mood.

  • I am in such a mood today that only travel will save him. And if you are not going to offer me an interesting trip, then you should not apply.
  • It's strange, but I perceive the same hit differently in a bad and good mood. When it's excellent, I hear only positive, and when it's bad, there are notes of negativity. I'll go and turn on this song, otherwise I can't understand whether I'm good or evil today.
  • I smiled in the morning, and the sun woke up. Although there were clouds, so it's better to smile.
  • How you treat the world is how it will be for you. If you laugh, you will give the sun, you will constantly cry, you will get rain.
  • Creative mood - I can do anything.
  • Today I got up from that foot, but only on a cactus that was near the sofa. Now I don’t know how to believe these beliefs.
  • Even the darkest clouds are dispersed by the smile of soundless lips.
  • And I always smile, let them think that I am sick rather than feel sorry for me.
  • People are strange creatures. There are so many good things happening around, and they pay attention to all sorts of bad things and silently become depressed.

It is better to write statuses about a good mood, let people envy. After all, gloomy thoughts attract bad events, and only positive is able to color everyday life with all the colors of the rainbow!

Bad mood statuses for social networks

Of course, a person is not obliged, and cannot, due to fatigue, troubles and weather changes, always be in a good mood. Statuses about a mood that leaves much to be desired also have the right to exist.

  • If you know how a time bomb works, then you should understand how I'm feeling right now.
  • I urgently need a recharge for my mood, it is discharged for me.
  • There are days when only a bottle of whiskey and a pussy purr will help.
  • Today is not a very good day for me. Apparently, my rise began with a fall from the couch.
  • I'm in good mood! Just don't look at me with such doubt!
  • Today I am in such a mood that I want to go to kindergarten - to be fed, watered, played and put to bed at lunchtime.
  • Even the most better mood will be spoiled if someone insists on it very much.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether you set out statuses about a good mood or about a bad one on your social media page. The most important thing is that you express the emotions that are really in your soul, and you get better from this.

Poetic statuses about the state of mind

Sometimes only in long rhymes can you fully express your emotional experiences. For example:

  • My mood is to move mountains,

Go to the goal, pave the way.

May it always be like this

So that there are no beautiful pictures behind the screen.

  • I'm always cheerful

Why grieve?

You need your life really,

Live positively.

Let the mood flow like a brilliant stream,

Everyone and delicious cookies.

Mood in short sentences

Of course, not everyone wants to write a long and overwhelmed with meaning delightful, may consist of a couple of lines.

  • I'm fine, but my perfect order is a mess.
  • Why ask about my mood if you're not interested? In any case, the answer will be that everything is wonderful with me.
  • Watch out for me when I'm in a bad mood if you don't want to see the bombs actually go off.
  • Life is beautiful if you smile at it.

Only a good attitude and a high head provide positive in life. Laugh more often, the world loves our smiles!

Choose statuses that fully convey your inner mood and state of mind. Don't be afraid to show emotion.

What's with the mood? - Finished in a few days.

When God gave out a good mood, I was sitting in the toilet...

I'm like a small child, when I don't get enough attention I cry, when it's too much it annoys me.

Good mood? No, have not heard.

Not apathy, not depression. And fatigue ... and just infuriates everything.

My good mood and my mother's bad mood are incompatible.

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can still be fucking bad...

If you see faces full of false smiles, hear hundreds of phrases filled with hypocrisy, smell rotting souls. Congratulations, now you see the world as it is.

A person who does not know how to be satisfied with himself will never be satisfied with anything at all.

Sometimes it happens, you just want to forget and start living from scratch ...

This is a strange thing - the mood ... It comes from nowhere, goes nowhere, and when you call, it pretends not to hear ...

Depression is when your life becomes like a sad black and white cartoon.

There is a garbage dump in the soul, emptiness in the head, anger in the eyes, and a dream in the heart ...

Mood swings are so nasty... it's so great... it's so nasty... it's so great.

How nice it is to fall into hopeless despair. This gives the right to sulk the whole world.

Such a mood today is good, which cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor formulated with a foul language.

I appreciate every person who at least once made me smile in a bad mood.

Again he appeared in my life .... This terrible Frenchman De Pressniac ...

Well hello, mood, but I thought we would not see each other this year.

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.

The autumn wind played the saxophone... My autumn blues is a little sad...


We are all familiar with the term “mood”. However, not everyone is able to manage it, and many succumb to negative thinking almost every minute. Every day we get up in the morning and perform our duties at work, at home, family responsibilities. And day after day, our mood jumps like a roller coaster. What determines the daily mood? Some people blame everything on the leg with which they get up from the sofa in the morning, some say that the weather is to blame for their thoughts and mood, some blame the whole environment and their life, supposedly it didn’t work out and it’s hard for them to be on this White Light, so miserable and abandoned. However, there is another opinion on this matter. Not everything is as bad as it seems. The mood for the most part depends on our inner World, how rich and developed it is, how well we feel ourselves. After all, you must have met people in your life who never complain about life, they are always cheerful, cheerful and look great. Not because they are special, but because they have learned to bring peace to their souls and notice all the beauty around. To do this, you need to work on yourself and more than one year. Statuses about a bad mood will show you everything that a person under an emotional block can experience. Develop, be kind to others and Peace be with you.