Who should I study for? Where to study or how to make the right choice

So it rang last call, all exams have been passed, and every eleventh grade graduate is thinking about it after school. Perhaps this is the most important choice in a person’s life, because it determines his future destiny. Finding a profession you like is not an easy task.

D In order not to regret the wrong in the future step taken, it is now necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, thoroughly study everything that universities offer and compare your desires with the possibilities.

Which institute you end up enrolling in depends entirely on you. Please note that the more serious the establishment, the higher the points for crossing the threshold. When choosing a profession, it is important to take into account the amount of money for study that you can afford, the number of points you received on the Unified State Exam, as well as your preparedness for entrance exams and competitions that are established in many educational institutions.

Getting admission anywhere in Moscow is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. The minimum number of points scored should not be lower than one hundred and seventy, but the maximum number is four hundred.

Of course, the more prestigious and popular the university you have chosen, the easier it is to find a job after graduation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start studying the structure of entrance exams and preparing for competitions as early as possible, because your future life.

The most popular universities in Moscow

So, the list of the most famous and prestigious universities in Moscow is as follows:

Of course, the above list of institutes where you can go to study both part-time and full-time is not complete, because our capital is full of first-class educational institutions. It’s quite difficult to enroll in all of them, but it’s worth it, because by doing so you not only strengthen your position and can hope to get a good and, importantly, desired specialty, but the program itself, subjects and highly qualified teachers will make your student life unforgettable and interesting.

Medical Universities

Doctor - definitely, a very important and useful profession for society. More and more people every year decide to become specialists in the field of medicine, guided by very different principles and desires: some want to help people, some are interested in studying human nature, some want to achieve financial well-being.

However, no matter what your goal is, it is worth considering that competition in the medical field is incredibly tough, and in order to get the best job possible, it is advisable to have a diploma stating that you are a graduate of a fairly prestigious educational institution . List of the most popular and best-in-class institutes in Moscow, preparing future surgeons, dentists and other specialists, is as follows:

Where to go to study after 11th grade if you want to acquire a creative profession?

Creative professions are still in demand and important, as are work in the fields of medicine, education and economics. Moscow is on par with St. Petersburg is full of a variety of educational institutions from which you can become an excellent designer, animator, artist, fashion designer or architect.

Each of us understands that the education we receive is in some way the foundation of our lives. Choosing a future profession is an important and responsible step that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. And, of course, our parents always want to take part in this process. The first thing you need to do when taking such a step is to remove relatives from this. Although they want the best for their children, this decision should be made on an individual basis and without outside pressure.

Carefully study all areas and faculties of the institute, where you would like to go to study after 11th grade. Their complete list is presented on the official websites of the educational institution. You can learn about student life on special forums.

The list of professions after 11th grade is huge, and some of them look very tempting and promise to be in demand in the future. But always balance your abilities with your desires. If you want to become a doctor, however, your Unified State Exam scores in biology are just slightly above the threshold, then this means that you simply do not need to enroll in medical universities. Always listen to your inner voice and know that it is not you who should adapt to your career, but, on the contrary, the rhythm of life should remain familiar and comfortable, and work should bring pleasure.

Before deciding who to study for, you should figure out what the most in-demand profession in Russia is and what professions will be in demand and promising in our country in the future. The most prestigious and highly paid specialists today are considered to be lawyers or, for example, economists, but, unfortunately, today the labor market is overcrowded with these specialists.

According to Rostrud, the most in-demand professions in Russia in 2015 are blue-collar jobs, workers Agriculture and engineers.

So what professions should you pay attention to first? This article provides a list of the most in-demand professions in Russia.

Web design

Today it is impossible to imagine a company that does not have its own website. This is, at a minimum, not solid, and at a maximum, does not allow it to develop rapidly. Today, not a single company can do without a website: neither large holdings, nor small firms, nor even private individuals. There will always be a lot of work for programmers, 3D designers and web designers.

IT specialists

The development of the computer world is constantly gaining momentum - you can’t live without it. Quantity computer equipment, users of the world wide web and a variety of opportunities are only increasing every day. After all, even people of retirement age use personal computers for communication, part-time work and even to pay bills. Just ten years ago this would have been hard to imagine! In this regard, the demand for specialists in software, computer-aided design and testing of new components. The most popular professions in Russia in this area are programmers, system administrators, 1C programmers, local network engineers, developers, etc.


Due to rising pollution levels environment In some five to ten years, highly qualified ecologists will become in great demand. The use of nanotechnology is becoming more widespread and accessible, giving more and more work to relevant specialists.

Management and marketing

It is no secret that the more experience and professionalism a businessman or manager has, the more profit the company will receive in the course of its life. The skills of good specialists are very highly paid today. Representatives of such professions are highly valued. In addition, workers in this field - businessmen, advertising specialists, sales or purchasing managers and marketers - will be in demand for a long time.


Banking is a fairly rapidly growing field in which a large part of the population is involved. And despite the fact that today the labor market is oversaturated with specialists in this industry, professions in this field are still in great demand. The most popular professions in Russia in this area are financiers, loan officers, accountants and financial analysts.

Tourism and hospitality

Every year, citizens' interest in tourism only grows: day after day, the tourism sector is gaining more and more momentum. Speaking about what is the most popular profession in Russia for women, many sources unanimously say: this is tourism and hotel business. Indeed, it is in this area that most representatives of the fairer sex are involved. The work is very interesting, varied, prestigious and highly paid. The most popular professions in Russia for women are managers, administrators and reception desk workers.


Construction is an area of ​​activity that will always be important. In addition, thanks to active development and due to the shortage of personnel, the professions of architects, engineers, and construction specialists will be in demand for a very long time. And wages will remain quite high.

Working specialties

Most school graduates choose professions in the economic sphere, so there is a certain shortage of workers in the field of blue-collar professions. It follows that the demand for blue-collar skills is growing rapidly. There is a large shortage of representatives of blue-collar professions on the labor market, and, whatever one may say, people have always been and will need electricians, mechanics, turners, installers, blacksmiths, various craftsmen, etc.

Medicine and education

Specialists in the field of education and medicine are always needed - this is a fact. It is worth noting, however, that, unfortunately, such professions are characterized by very low wages relative to others, except, of course, paid institutions. However, there will always be work for owners of such professions.

Translators and linguists

The development of international relations, increased interest in oriental languages ​​(as well as the widespread public opinion that knowing one language is not enough) will provide work for specialists in this industry for a very long time.


Recently, psychology has been of increasing interest to both businessmen and ordinary citizens. The former, with the help of various trainings, want to unite the team, improve the level of managers and increase profits. And people want to better understand themselves, other people and, with the help of the same trainings, learn to raise their spirit and change themselves for the better. Therefore, psychologists, psychoanalysts and other psychological specialists are becoming more in demand, and their work is becoming well paid.

There are various lists: 100, 20, 10 or 5 most in-demand professions in Russia. However, you should not think that all other specialties will “sink into oblivion.” This article provides a list of the most in-demand professions today, but you should pay attention to the fact that logisticians, chemists, physicists, biotechnology and electronics specialists are also needed in the labor market.

To choose the optimal profession for yourself or your child, you first need to decide on the field to which you or your child is closer. After passing a simple test, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of school, college or technical school. Our test [Choosing a Future Profession] will give your child or you the right to independently choose a future profession and will help you better realize your abilities in life. Answer all questions with the utmost sincerity, making sure to believe in your strengths and that you or your child will be able to handle any job. Testing for children is best done between the ages of 12 and 13. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of the area of ​​activity that is most relevant to you or your child. Our online test: [Choosing a future profession] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

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You will learn the most popular professions for graduates of grades 9 and 11, learn how to choose a suitable specialty and who to study for in order to earn a lot.

Choosing a profession is an important and responsible moment in the life of every student. Your future career, income level and even lifestyle largely depend on this choice.

You will learn everything about the introductory campaign and preparation for it.

1. Where can you go to study after school?

Each applicant has a choice - university, college, technical school, college or specialized courses.

So that you can weigh all the pros and cons and make right choice, let's consider all the available options.


Higher education - the best option. Having a “tower” greatly increases your chances of getting a good and highly paid job. In addition, studying at a university provides other advantages - extensive and structured knowledge that will definitely be useful in the future, even if you do not work in your specialty.

Universities train qualified and in-demand specialists. But there is another side to the coin - not all graduates of higher educational institutions have Good work and high salary.

Surely you have come across a situation when one of your friends or acquaintances told you that he has a diploma, but is unemployed. This happens often. Most likely, this person went to university for a diploma, and not for knowledge - this is the most common mistake.

A good specialist will not be unemployed. If you strive to become one and are interested in your chosen profession, go to university, study and educate yourself. Age is not a barrier to advanced training. Even at the age of 45-50, people successfully master new professions, including remotely (by correspondence).

Technical schools, schools, colleges

People enter technical schools, schools and colleges both after the 9th grade and after the 11th grade. It’s easier to get into them than into university. Duration of training is from one to three years, depending on the specialty and educational institution.

They teach here practical specialties associated with economic activity and work at enterprises, often for free, with the condition of further development in their specialty.

Graduates of a technical school or college receive an associate's degree, and graduates of colleges receive a diploma of secondary specialized education.

These educational institutions have their pros and cons.


  • a large number of budget places;
  • the possibility of employment at the company immediately after graduation;
  • short training period;
  • the opportunity to go further to study - to university;
  • paid practice.


  • low chance of getting a highly paid position;
  • slow career or its complete absence;
  • low wages.

Narrow-profile courses

The specialty can be mastered in a short time - through specialized courses.

You can learn to be a hairdresser in a short time - there will always be demand, and therefore a salary

After completing the courses, students receive certificates that confirm their qualifications and help them find employment in the future.

Popular courses include:

Earning statistics taken from the website russia.trud.com.

There are courses related to IT. They teach how to create websites, design, programming, advertising, and make money on the Internet.

Often, already established specialists enroll in courses to improve their skills.

Not only your future material well-being, but also your social circle depends on your choice.

If you're reading this article, you probably already have some options. To make the right choice for you, read the recommendations.

Most educational institutions hold days twice a year open doors– in spring and autumn.

In order for you to form an objective picture of the institution, you must visit it and communicate with the teaching staff and administration. You will have such an opportunity - they are interested in you. For this reason, such events are held.

Prepare in advance a list of questions to which you would like to know the answers.

If you have several options, visit each of them to then compare and choose the best one.

The specialty must be in demand, otherwise after completing the training you will have difficulties finding a job.

For example, in the early 2000s, the legal profession was especially popular. Everyone tried to get legal education and make a good career as a lawyer or notary.

This has led to an oversaturation of the market with lawyers. There are more people with such education than demand requires. Because of this, most of them do not work in their specialty.

Conclusion: carefully study the labor market and make the right choice.

Tip 3. Understand your preferences

The best job is a highly paid hobby. You must love what you do. This increases productivity, and engagement increases the speed of career advancement.

Do not choose something that is not interesting to you or that is fashionable - this is a grave mistake.

Tip 4: Take a career aptitude test

If you find it difficult to make a choice, a career guidance test will help you. It will show which areas you are most inclined towards. Psychologists conduct such tests. The duration of the test is not limited. It is determined individually. Usually - from 1 week to 1 month.

There are ready-made career guidance tests on the Internet, but they show only approximate results.

To take this test, you must contact a qualified professional.

3. TOP 8 in-demand professions

There are specialists whose demand is only growing - these are doctors, managers, programmers, engineers, bankers and farmers.

The right choice of profession is the key to a successful future

These areas are the most popular, promising and highly paid in the period 2015-2020.


A good doctor is worth his weight in gold. Representatives are especially in demand narrow profile– dermatologists, nutritionists, speech therapists, otolaryngologists and ophthalmologists. There is a shortage of workers representing these areas in hospitals and private clinics. Therefore, they are ready to hire even young specialists.

Dentists and surgeons earn the most. They are in demand all over the world.


The development of the IT sector is impossible without programmers. Companies strive to have such specialists on their staff. The higher the qualification, the higher the salary.


Process engineers and design engineers are especially in demand. Industrial companies, construction firms, and manufacturing companies are interested in them. Enterprises are ready to fight for a good and experienced engineer.

TOP managers

Companies need good managers. The success of the enterprise, the number of sales and its reputation often depend on them. Therefore the need for professional manager always great.

Working specialties

Businesses cannot function without labor. There is a significant shortage in the labor market for electricians, mechanics, machinists, tractor drivers and welders.

For example, qualified electricians are needed for every enterprise, and a welder can work in various fields– in factories, agricultural enterprises, repair shops and shipbuilding enterprises.

Representatives of this specialty are especially in demand in Europe and the USA.

Agricultural specialists

The agricultural sector is the fastest growing in Russia. For example, in 2017, farmers harvested a record grain harvest of 130 million tons. This is 11% higher than a year earlier. The previous record was set in 1978 – 128 million tons.

Russia is the world leader in grain sales after the United States.

The need for farmers is already high. It will only increase in the future. On farms We need agronomists, veterinarians, combine operators and tractor drivers.

Banking sector

The banking sector in the Russian Federation is well developed. Representative offices of large banks are opening even in small towns. The need for employees is growing.

Consultants, credit specialists and cashiers remain in demand.


The attitude of analysts towards this profession is ambiguous.

In 2016, the Ministry of Finance stated that the accounting profession was losing its relevance. The development of digital technologies will make it unnecessary.

A similar opinion was expressed by the general director of the accounting service Finguru, Alexey Ermolov. He argues that this profession will be replaced by technology, just as the driver’s profession will be destroyed by driverless cars.

However, not everyone agrees with this opinion. CEO FreshDoc document designer Nikolay Patskov said that these conversations have been going on for 25 years - since the advent of the 1C program.

We are talking about ordinary accountants who are used to doing routine work. Good specialists, capable of learning and mastering new technologies, will maintain their position in the labor market.

4. How to choose a university for admission - useful tricks

Choosing a university is the first step in your career. It is important not to make mistakes and make the right decision.

There are 1,256 higher educational institutions and their branches in the Russian Federation, so you have a very large choice.

Chat with Alumni

Only those who studied there can provide objective information about an educational institution. Ask around as much as possible large quantity students and graduates. If the university is criticized, clarify the details - why, what is bad about it. Abstract criticism means nothing - there are many dissatisfied students everywhere. The exception is the country's leading universities.

I started studying in 2013 and chose 3 universities. I submitted copies of documents to each of them to increase my chances. During the admissions campaign, I spoke with students and graduates of these universities. This helped me make a decision that I have never regretted.

Pay attention to the number of directions at the university

The more specialties a university has, the better. Sometimes during the learning process you realize that your chosen craft is not your calling. But this is not a reason for frustration - you always have a chance to transfer to another specialty or even to another faculty.

To do this, you need to pass the academic difference - disciplines that your future classmates have already studied. The easiest way to do this is in the first year. At this time, they study general university subjects - often they are the same for everyone. Profile items on initial stage little training.

Find out the scholarship amount

A budget place is an ideal option for an applicant. If you passed on a budget, you will definitely receive an academic scholarship for the first six months. Next - based on the results of the session.

According to the law “On Education in Russian Federation» The scholarship is awarded to students who completed the session with “good” and “excellent”.

The scholarship amount at Russian universities and academies is 1,633 rubles, at colleges and technical schools – 890 rubles.

Due to unstable economic situation scholarships are constantly indexed. Thus, at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year, scholarships were indexed by 4.0%.

Don't get hung up on the name

The loud name of the university and its popularity are not the main thing. Your task is to choose the university that is right for you.

For example, you want to become a programmer. To do this, you do not have to choose the most reputable university. To become a programmer, you need knowledge and practice, not a beautiful inscription on your diploma.

5. School graduate checklist

In order not to forget anything and do everything correctly, do it consistently.

The checklist includes 5 main recommendations.

1) Decide who you want to be

The introductory campaign begins with choosing a profession. If you have not yet decided or are in doubt, choose several specializations. You have the right to apply to 5 universities at the same time.

2) Make a list of universities that offer the required specialty

You should know which educational institutions train specialists in your chosen specialization. Make a list of such institutions. When compiling it, pay attention to the number of budget places and the passing score.

If there is no data on the amount of the budget for the current year yet, look at how many budget places there were the year before. The numbers will not differ significantly.

3) Cross out schools that you can't afford

Not every specialty has a government order. Tuition costs vary significantly.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg it is higher than in the regions. If your chosen university is in another city, calculate how much money you will spend on rent, groceries and other expenses.

4) Check the ranking of universities that remain on the list

If the list is long, keep crossing things off. Visit the university website and its pages in in social networks, find out the details.

5) Choose several universities and take entrance exams

You have the right to apply for admission to 5 educational institutions simultaneously.

To increase your chances, choose 1-2 universities that you are confident you will get into. This will be insurance, and submit documents to all 5.

For more information about choosing a profession and educational institution, watch the video:

6. Conclusion

The choice is yours. Choose wisely and don't make hasty conclusions. Your decision determines how you will spend the coming years - in vain or with benefit for the rest of your life.

Question to readers:

Which universities in your city, in your opinion, are the most promising?

We wish you good luck with admission and successful studies! Thank you in advance for your comments and feedback on the article. See you again!

At the very time when graduates are deciding which university to send their documents to, and those who did not score on the Unified State Exam are thinking about entering college or getting a job, psychologist and TV presenter Andrei Maksimov released new book- this time for teenagers. Maybe it will help in a difficult situation of choice, because it is dedicated, among other things, to a vocation, to the search for a life’s work. Yes, the author categorically does not advise parents to read this book (he says it will irritate adults) - so we warned adult readers of the site.

A vocation is not finding a prestigious, high paying job. It's about finding the thing you want to do.

For several years, the famous Harvard University studied a large group of graduates who had achieved their goals in life. It turned out that 85% (!) succeeded because they strived for it, and only 15% - because they had the ability.

That's the power of desire! Aspiration is realized only when you really want to fulfill it.

Maybe you know that in our world there lives such unique person - Nick Vujicic. He has no limbs. Everyone advised young Nick to become an accountant, believing that for a man who had neither arms nor legs, this was a completely suitable occupation.

But Nick wasn’t interested in this activity at all! He dreamed of becoming a preacher, traveling all over the world and telling people how to become happy! Nothing seemed to help make this dream come true. And first of all his physical condition. But desire won. And today Nick Vuychich is one of the most famous and, by the way, highly paid preachers in the world.

Have you ever thought that in all centuries, all - without exception - great people did only what was interesting to them? great person is someone who has found a calling and dedicated his life to its realization. Great people had a lot of problems, a lot of difficulties in their lives. But they are everything! - worked with pleasure. Why?

Because they did what they wanted. It is impossible to achieve serious success in a business if you do it, say, only for the sake of money or for the sake of prestige.

“You will know that you have found the object of your passion,” writes Nick Vujicic, “when your talents, knowledge, strength and willingness to work unite and fill your soul with the kind of joy that is familiar only to a child who has received his favorite toy. Work and pleasure will merge together.”

You may object: where are the great people and where am I?

Or you can try to follow their example.

Vocation and money

“Well, okay,” I can hear your voice - the voice of the reader of my book. “We understand that a vocation is a desire. But no one canceled money, right? What happens? When you look for how and where to apply your talent, you don’t have to keep the financial side in mind at all?”

All - without exception - great people did their work with passion and pleasure. They could work for twenty-four hours, essentially, because they really loved their job. In their work, they liked the process, not the result. Some of them achieved enormous material well-being. Others failed. But both of them were happy. Because only a person who is passionate about his work can be happy.

By choosing a job for financial reasons, you automatically cross yourself off the list of those who can at least try to become someone outstanding.

I treat money with respect. I understand that they offer great opportunities. I understand that they are needed. But I really like the statement of some genius, in my opinion, the great French writer Honore de Balzac, who argued that money is a good servant but a bad master. Very accurately said!

The world around you endlessly shouts to you - from TV screens, from the pages of glossy magazines, from advertising posters: “Get rich! And your life will become wonderful!” And almost no one ever says: “Find your calling! Discover yourself! And you will become happy!”

To a large extent, this is why you see so many people around you - both rich and not so rich, and even poor - who are doing something they don’t like and suffer because of it.

It's a choice. And no one will do it except you.

The method of finding a calling was developed by me based on the method of natural conformity Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. Let me remind you that Pestalozzi proceeded from the fact that man’s task is to discover and develop the talent inherent in Nature (God). Hence the name of his method.

The genius of pedagogy believed that a person should search for a calling starting from the age of five, moreover, at the age of seven he can already generally decide what to do in life.

My method was created for parents who need to help their children find a calling. However, if a person at the age of a scout reads this chapter in the hope of deciding on his vocation, it means that his parents missed the age when it was necessary to assist the scout in finding his talent. And now you have to do it yourself.

First task: find out what you like to do most. Let me emphasize again: not something that will bring you a lot of income in the future; not something that comes easy to you; but what you like to do, what makes your life interesting, without which it is difficult for you to exist.

For example, you like to play on the computer.

OK. But playing on a computer cannot be a matter of life.

Because the world is so structured that a person’s work must certainly be directed towards others. Otherwise the world will fall apart.

Playing on a computer cannot be a matter of life, but inventing new computer games can be.

Little Walt Disney loved to draw since childhood. And the boy John, named Rockefeller, from an early age wrote down his income and expenses in a small book: he liked to watch the movement of money. As a result, the former became a great animator and the latter a great businessman.

It is very important to observe yourself and think about which of your passions could become your calling.

Do you like communicating with people? Wonderful. This means that your future profession may be related to communication. For example, a psychologist. Or a journalist, but in this case you must love to write, because even a television and radio journalist has to write a lot of texts.

Do you like being an organizer? There are a huge number of professions related to this matter. For example, a producer.

The main thing is not to be afraid of your desires!

Testing a vocation through boredom and laziness

Next stage- foremost. I call him setting more complex creative tasks.

What does it mean?

You like to draw. Great. You draw what God puts on your soul. Make life difficult for yourself. Try drawing something you've never drawn before, say a portrait or a landscape.

Do you like doing physics? Very good. Do you easily solve problems in your class? Amazing! Try solving more complex problems.

If what you like to do is your calling, then more complex problems will only provoke you and arouse interest. It may be difficult, sometimes you may even give up temporarily, but desire will definitely win.

What if he doesn't win?

So there was no desire.

Vocation in no way cancels work, but it makes it desirable.

Many famous musicians have told me that at the beginning of their careers there was always a moment of music fatigue. For example, when I had to learn scales. But sooner or later the desire to play still took over.

Have you ever wondered: why a person is never lazy to do what interests him? If you like to draw or solve physics problems, then you may, of course, get tired of this activity, but so that you are too lazy to do it... Hardly.

If laziness, that is, the reluctance to continue working, constantly arises when you are doing what you think is your calling, this is a sign that you are on the wrong path.

Boredom is something that absolutely cannot happen when a scout realizes his talent. And if you regularly experience it while doing something, it means you need to listen to yourself again, look for new desires and test them with new creative tasks.

There is nothing wrong with giving up one thing and going in search of a new one.

How to choose a future profession if you like several things at once?

Here comes the turn of a conscious decision.

One intelligence officer I knew dreamed of being an artist. But at the same time he played football very well. And one day, when he was fifteen, he was invited to a professional football club.

The moment of choice has come. It was clearly impossible to play football professionally and at the same time go to drama school and play on stage.

The young man thought about it. I consulted with my parents. I spoke with the coach and director of the theater studio. I figured out where he would like to see himself all his life: on the football field or on stage and TV screen...

And I chose acting. The main argument was that he could always play football. Even if not at a professional level, this game will not leave him. But it is impossible to engage in acting at an amateur level.

What if I don’t have a calling?

Know that this doesn't happen. There is no person on earth to whom the Lord (Nature) would not give any calling. I am convinced that God (Nature) creates only soloists. People turn themselves into extras.

How to find your calling?

Search. Listen to yourself. Consult with those people (both adults and peers) whose opinions are important to you. It also happens that a person does not believe that some of his aspirations can become a profession. This is where wise advisors can help.

Finding a calling is a business that always ends in success. There can be no defeat here if you do it consciously, focusing on your own desires.

Have you found a calling? Test yourself: 7 questions

If you think that you have found something that could become your calling, ask yourself the questions that recommend asking Nick Vujicic. Read them carefully and try to answer them.

  • What turns you on?
  • What makes you greet every day with joy?
  • What are you willing to do for free - just to do it?
  • What do you never get tired of?
  • Is there something for which you are willing to give your all? material goods?
  • Why are you willing to sacrifice any comfort just to do what you love?
  • Achievements in what area bring you the deepest satisfaction?

Do you have answers to these questions?

Great! This means the job is done: you have found your calling, in other words, you have embarked on the path to achieving happiness.

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Choosing a profession: where to go after Choosing a profession for schoolchildren: an exercise. Choosing a future profession and career guidance tests: who needs it and when? How to choose a profession. Is the profession in demand? How to decide on the choice of profession?

Professions in demand in Russia Career guidance for schoolchildren: how to study? We offer several practical advice on career guidance for schoolchildren and exercises How to help a child choose a profession. Who to be: choosing a profession from an early age?

Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions. Testing your vocation through boredom and laziness How to choose future profession, if you like several things at once?

We choose a profession. How to help your child choose a future profession. In-demand professions of the future: nuclear medicine, renewable sources Choosing a profession for schoolchildren: exercise Experience in choosing a profession: Rihanna, 16 years old...

If the question is for me, then I have a girl and she seems to be planning to enroll. You are having a boy, as I understand it? and not a technical university. Checking your calling: 7 questions.

Enroll in 2 years, but it’s completely unclear where. Favorite subjects are chemistry and especially biology. As I understand it, it’s impossible to get into honey without money. What is more promising and interesting - chemistry or biology? Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions.

MITHT traces its history back to the Moscow Higher Women's Courses (MVZhK). Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions. Admission to a chemical university. Mothers of last year's graduates, please respond!

Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions. What do you never get tired of? Is there something for which you are willing to give all your material possessions? ...sent to a sewing technical school (no one in the USSR knew how it would be financially later... College of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

School, secondary education, teachers and students, homework, tutor, vacation. But although this is confusing, the choice is not as great as it seemed to me. Next, there is summer camp in Moscow for future doctors, founded by a certain company Maximum in collaboration with...

Would you like me to write where our children go to the stable 1. Institute of Physical Education (grade no lower than 2, it’s very easy to get a clean ride of 110) or 120 with one stick. See other discussions: Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions.

Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions. Have you found a calling? Test yourself: 7 questions. At the same time when graduates are deciding which university to send their documents to, and those who did not score on the Unified State Exam are thinking about going to college or getting a job...

Where to apply? Checking your calling: 7 questions. Maybe you know that such a unique person lives in our world - Nick Vujicic. Just retake the exam. Why go anywhere? This is understandable for boys, but for girls everything is simpler.