How to open your own kiosk, what goods are best sold in a kiosk. Advantages and disadvantages

With the advent of the Internet, the press is gradually moving to a different level, especially among young people, but at the same time, at the moment there is a large number of people who like to read the news or flip through their favorite magazine in the morning with a cup of coffee. After all, the sensations that you get from printed edition, you won't get the benefit of reading news or articles on your tablet or phone. It is these people who still regularly buy magazines and newspapers that make a constant demand in this niche. In this article we will talk about how to start selling newspapers and magazines in your city and what additional products You can still sell it.

Selection of premises and equipment

The best solution for selling press is to purchase and install a kiosk, and install it in a walk-through location. These may be stopping places public transport, or food markets. This is where your main audience is concentrated. The most profitable outlets for selling newspapers and magazines are considered to be places at train stations, where people buy newspapers to read something on the road. As a rule, the markup in such places of sale is higher.

Another good solution might be to rent an already promoted kiosk with the press. In this case, you will not need to wait until the buyer “gets used to” the fact that this is the place where you can buy all the necessary press.

In order to present the entire range of printed products, you will need to equip the press kiosk with special shelves, preferably glass, and tables. And also racks on which you will place the entire circulation of newspapers that you purchase. Also, do not forget about equipping the seller’s workplace.

Typically the area of ​​the pussy varies from 10 to 15 sq.m.

Assortment and additional products

To develop a stable product range, you will need to do a little work and see the preferences of your customers. What newspapers do they read, what magazines do they use? most in demand whether they buy crossword puzzles and so on. You will need to study your audience and offer your customers something new. If a person gets carried away computer equipment, you can invite him to read not one, but several specialized publications. In fact, all this works, and this is how you can increase sales.

Here is a basic list of assortments:

  • newspapers. Various areas: politics, economics, gardening and more.
  • magazines. Various topics, from historical to auto publications.
  • crosswords and scanwords.
  • newspaper advertisements.
  • books.

Additional products:

  • various office supplies.
  • chewing gum, water.
  • lighters, matches.
  • covers for passports and documents.
  • other.

The assortment of such a retail outlet can be constantly expanded with various small items. Only in this case can the business of selling newspapers and magazines become truly profitable.

When choosing a location, consider the competition.

How much starting capital is needed?

Of course, the amount initial capital to open a newspaper and magazine store will directly depend on the volume of assortment and location, since rent in different cases can vary significantly. Also, if you plan to set up a press kiosk from scratch, then you will need to obtain all the necessary permits, and this is also part of the cost. We will only indicate basic costs.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $3000 – $6000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$800 – $900
  • Sign - $50.

What kind of income can there be?

As already written above, income will directly depend on where your press kiosk will be located. This is a business that relies on people passing by, not on marketing campaigns, so location plays the most important role, everything else is secondary.

The average markup for press (periodicals) is from 20% to 60%. Same for books.

For additional goods in the form of chewing gum and water – 30% – 35%.

For stationery and covers for documents – 90% – 120%.

From these numbers, you can estimate average level earnings.

Conclusions. A business idea for selling newspapers and magazines is good start for a budding entrepreneur. Success depends on the location, for example, a press kiosk near the metro is very profitable. To make a good profit you need to open several retail outlets.

Do you have anything to add in this business niche? We are waiting for your comments.

One of the least expensive and labor-intensive types of small business is your own stall, trade tent or a small kiosk. It is the lack of high initial capital that attracts a large number of aspiring entrepreneurs.

But before you start opening a store, you should choose a suitable niche for yourself - what you can sell in a stall. These can be everyday goods (bread, chips, newspapers) or specialized luxury products (cigarettes, tea, coffee, jewelry).

But remember that retail It also has disadvantages. These include high competition. For your business to be profitable, you need to locate your kiosk in a crowded area. Walking distance, impeccable knowledge of client psychology, the uniqueness of the product sold, convenient work hours and an individual approach will allow you to quickly earn money and acquire regular visitors.

What about advertising? If the store is located in the central part of the city or town, then about outdoor advertising you don't have to worry or spend money. The most important thing is a bright, inviting sign and correctly placed goods in the window.

The total income most often depends on the territorial location. The products on store shelves are also important. If you have not yet decided what you can sell at a stall, then we suggest reading an article written specifically for novice businessmen.

The legal side of the coin

Even opening a small kiosk requires registration with tax office. You should register as an individual entrepreneur and register with the Pension Fund and State Statistics Committee. Since 2004, the registration procedure has been significantly simplified. Now it is enough to register only with the tax office. If you want to sell low-alcohol drinks, you will need permits from the Licensing Chamber. The procedure may take up to a month.

You will need to obtain a document from the Department of Construction and Architecture, it will need to be agreed upon with the Department of Trade. During this period you will have time to find a suitable point. You can use the services of specialists from a real estate agency, but in this case you will have to pay a commission.

A stall for trade is usually rented. Building a store is more expensive and takes a lot of time. The kiosk can be located both indoors (shopping center, train station, metro station) and on a street square.

Of course, an indoor store has advantages such as communications, security, heating and traffic flow. Among the disadvantages is the high fee. After you install your kiosk, you should coordinate it with the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES). Business in a stall requires a lot of effort and patience, but if you want to become the master of life, then do not give up.

What can you sell in a stall with a small area?

You can choose food items. Specialize in several product categories at once: dairy products, sausages, vegetables, fruits, bread. Don't forget about chewing gum, chocolates and other little things that young people often buy.

The business idea is quite profitable and profitable. Just carefully monitor shelf life, as products such as milk, sausages and yoghurts spoil quickly. If there is a hypermarket next door to you, then do not go overboard on the price and strictly monitor the quality.

Music and video discs

Questionable business. Immediately prepare for constant inspections by regulatory authorities, because the law allows you to sell only licensed products, and this, accordingly, will significantly reduce profits. If you are ready for this, we recommend locating street kiosks close to shopping centers, where the traffic of paying customers is much higher.

Alcohol products (beer, gin and tonic, cocktails), juices, water, chips

This range of products is the most common and least profitable. However, if you live on the Black Sea coast, then this niche is quite promising and can bring good income. But it’s better to set up a store closer to the coast and include kvass, corn, and ice cream in the sale. Everything will more than pay for itself within the season.

Souvenirs and printed products

It is better to open such stalls at train stations, airports and metro stations. There is a lot of traffic in these places, so the income will be considerable. Attract customers with bright covers, new products and interesting souvenirs (Olympic toys, coins, hats).

How to open a stall on wheels: equipment for small-piece goods

The business organization scheme for opening a kiosk is the same for absolutely any category of goods sold. Reporting and registration were written above, now let’s talk about what equipment will be needed to implement the idea. So, let us immediately note that the area commercial premises should not be less than seven square meters.

A full-fledged kiosk cannot exist without auxiliary equipment:

Refrigerated display case (freezer),

Cash machine,

Racks for products,

Furniture (chair, table).

The list of equipment directly depends on the product range. Once you have installed everything you need, you can get to work. At first, it is better to trade on your own in order to gain capital and evaluate the correctness of your choice of niche.

Financial component

If you have clearly decided what you can sell at the stall, then it’s time to move on to financial plan, so to speak, to drawing up an estimate. Of course, compared to a large store, the capital investment is not so large, but it still exists.

- Preparation of documentation – from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

Buying a cash register – 5-7 thousand rubles.

Kiosk rental – from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Purchasing a stall – 50-100 thousand rubles.

Scales – from 2500 rub.

Refrigeration equipment – ​​from 10,000 rubles.

Purchase of goods – from 50,000 rubles.

As seen, minimum costs big enough. To start, you need to have at least 150,000 rubles. This is excluding wages employees. As practice shows, small retail trade brings the first profit after six months, but again, a lot depends on the traffic of customers, location, schedule and product. As you work, you will understand which products are more in demand and which are not in demand. Based on this, place your bets.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 4 minutes


Calculating the options for which business is best to start from scratch, many come to one decision - to open a food stall. It does not require large investments and deep knowledge in the field of management. The owner does not need to be constantly at the point of sale. The main thing is to get the stall running and control the sales process.

Advantages and disadvantages of a food stall

First, let's look at the main advantages of a business - opening a food stall in a residential area.

What are the benefits of running a food stall?

The stall business is good for beginning entrepreneurs - for those who are just gaining experience in the trading business.

It is enough to give just a few arguments in its favor:

  • To open a stall Selling products, you don’t need to have a lot of money, no more than 300,000 rubles.
  • For a range of similar outlets is chosen relatively inexpensive and hot commodity, which does not need to be promoted through advertising. What do the stalls sell? Cigarettes, beer, water, bread, chewing gum, chips, peanuts and so on.
  • Minimum number of staff – 1-2 people are enough. The time for his training is also short. The sellers at the stall do not need special knowledge and experience.

That's all you need to open a stall. The markup amount is no more than 30%. On the list fixed costs: payment utility payments and rent trading place, staff salaries. The cash register also requires paid maintenance. How long does it take for a stall to pay for itself? If his work is successful, in 6-10 months.

The most promising business ideas for opening stalls are kiosks with food or inexpensive goods, let's look at some of them.

Pancakes CREPA

An interesting business idea could be opening a pancake stall. Crepa are thin Greek pancakes with various fillings. They are baked from wheat dough with the addition of buckwheat flour.

The profitability of a business depends on the location of the kiosk. Choose places with high traffic: near metro stations, parks, stadiums. Equipment you will need to make crepa pancakes:

  • pancake maker or stove;
  • fridge;
  • dispenser ensuring uniform thickness.

There are a large number of fillings: sweet and spicy, meat and fish, special for children. You can experiment with fillings for true gourmets. It is recommended to place tables near the stall for the convenience of customers.

To attract customers, it is possible to carry out various promotions. For example, sell a mini-crepa with a new filling with each order, or make an assortment of mini-crepas. In addition to pancakes, you can sell drinks: tea, coffee, juices, water.

To implement such a business idea in a kiosk you will need from 150,000 rubles. Selling and preparing pancakes, on initial stage, maybe one person. As your clients increase, you will need to consider hiring an assistant.

Ice cream on wheels

The opening of an ice cream kiosk on wheels will be profitable idea. IN warm time During the year, the kiosk can move around crowded places, and in winter it can sell fried ice cream.

In order to open an ice cream stall, you will need the following equipment:

  • freezer;
  • showcase;
  • cash machine;
  • plate;
  • deep fryer (for making fried ice cream).

A waffle iron can also come in handy if your ice cream will be sold in waffle cups.

Selling ice cream is seasonal business, so you need to prepare for the fact that profits will decrease in the off-season. Ice cream stall idea winter period time it is possible to transform into a stall with waffles. The equipment will remain the same, you just need to think about the filling.

A business idea, ice cream on wheels, is not very expensive; to implement it you need from 180,000 rubles.

Bubble tea

The bubble business idea is quite new. The basis of this drink is tea with various fillings. In addition, this tea has beneficial properties due to a special ingredient, tapioca (balls of pressed starchy flour).

Tea, as a base, can be anything. You can add juices, syrups, coffee, milk, honey, fruits to it. The drink is served hot and cold.

To prepare bubble tea you need:

  • machine for shaking cocktails in shakers;
  • scales;
  • cash machine;
  • tapioca;
  • Juice balls.

Tapioca is not sold in regular supermarkets, so you need to buy it in online stores. You can also order various syrups there.

At the initial stage, to open a bubble tea stall you will need from 500,000 rubles. When the business begins to make a profit, you can buy a bubble-ty machine and place it in a shopping center or children's play center.


The main condition for opening a book stall is a favorable location. The place should be a walk-through place, for example, train stations, metro stations, airports. To attract all generations of people, you need to offer the client a diverse range. The sale should include classic works, as well as currently fashionable fantasy books.

The book business can be profitable if you find your client. When implementing a book selling business, you will need the following equipment:

  • cash machine;
  • showcase;
  • books;
  • copier and printer.

To implement such an idea you will need from 450,000 rubles. Most of the costs will be the purchase of books and the purchase or rental of a kiosk.

Do not forget that to open any business you need to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permission from local authorities to place a kiosk.

A business plan reflects the effectiveness of your idea and also shows how much profit your idea will bring.

Successful kiosk business plan lies primarily in making the right choice directions. In this case, there are various directions, the implementation of which, with good miscalculation, can bring you a stable profit.

What business plans exist for opening a kiosk?

First of all, you need to choose the direction in which you will write a business plan for a kiosk.

There are the following directions:

  • flower kiosk business plan;
  • tobacco kiosk business plan;
  • newsstand business plan;
  • business plan for a bread kiosk;
  • business plan for a trade kiosk;
  • business plan for a pharmacy kiosk;
  • business plan for a vegetable kiosk.

All these areas have one thing in common - it is necessary to highlight the following steps:

  1. Description of activity.
  2. Description of services.
  3. Market analysis.
  4. Documentation for opening a kiosk.
  5. Production plan (required equipment).
  6. Financial plan.

Disclosure of the main points of the business plan for opening a kiosk

So, first you need to decide on the activities of your kiosk.

It should be noted that a business plan for opening a kiosk involves investing relatively large amounts of money. You may have to take out a loan.

Small businesses start by answering the question - how to download for free ready business plan kiosk.

First, you need to decide - what kind of kiosk you want to open, - what you want to sell (bread, trade equipment, vegetables, flowers, newspapers, etc.). Whatever type of activity you choose, in the end it will not harm the analysis of the success of the business plan. Choose the type of activity that is dear to you and those things that you like (for example, selling flowers, vegetables, bread, the same newspaper can be sold in parallel with other things).

You need to choose a tax regime, to do this you need to register as individual entrepreneur. This means simple reporting that you can outsource and relatively minimal (sometimes fixed) tax fees.

For example, you chose to sell piece goods that people need in the first place. Trade area- from 5 to 10 square meters. Seller - 1 person, stationary kiosk.
The business plan for opening a kiosk is based on the fact of selling, as already described above, everyday goods. Working hours: shift work. You can also opt for 24-hour operation if there will be a large crowd of people at the location where the stationary kiosk is installed (near airports, shopping centers and etc.).

Next, you need to analyze the market for kiosks and stalls where your kiosk is located. Choose a location that stands out from your competitors.

What do you need to open a kiosk?

So, according to the business plan, you need to open an individual entrepreneur and switch to simplified business. This can be outsourced (entrusted to someone else for a fee).

Next, you need to obtain permission documents to install a kiosk in the selected location. It is necessary to coordinate this issue with your local municipality if you live in small town, or at the village administration if you live in a village or village. In a big city, it will be more difficult to obtain a permit, because in this case there are various restrictions that you will become familiar with during registration (so-called tenders for places apply).

What documentation is needed to open a stall?

First of all, you need to obtain permission from the Department of Architecture, then, based on this permission, you need to negotiate with the city department of trade.

What equipment is needed to open a stall or kiosk?

Of course this is:

  • racks for goods;
  • scales;
  • refrigerated display case (if you decide to sell perishable goods);
  • kiosk (stall);
  • It is necessary to equip a place for the seller - a chair and a table.

The kiosk must also be connected to the electrical system.

Financial plan must contain the costs of opening a kiosk.

  1. Refrigerated display case (for example, for selling vegetables, fish).
  2. Construction of a kiosk (purchase) - from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles.
  3. KKM - 6,000 rubles.
  4. Libra - 2,000 rubles.
  5. Preparation of documentation - from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles.
  6. The seller's salary is 150,000 rubles.

Thus, to open a stall, according to the business plan, is from 230,000 to 400,000 rubles.

The payback period for a kiosk (stall) is from 2 to 6 months with the correct calculation in the business plan and the right choice of direction. This is due to the fact that starting a business requires relatively little money.

Either way, your kiosk business plan will be profitable if you choose to sell the products you like the most. And most importantly, you should like it!