Make a photo collage for your birthday. DIY collage of photos for the birthday of a friend, husband, child, mother

A photo collage is original. This is a great solution to surprise all your friends! Such images look truly stylish, and even if the photographs themselves are nothing special, their competent layout can solve the situation!

Making a collage of photos is quite simple: choose the template you like and upload several pre-prepared photographs (square, rectangular, vertical or horizontal). After this, the free online editor will do everything itself and all you have to do is download the finished photo collage to your computer. The pictures can be the same - templates allow

Make a collage from photos in 5 seconds!

Have you ever wanted to show off your photos? Introduce them to at its best, and not like everyone else? Our online photo collage editor will allow you to make this dream come true and create a truly interesting composition!

The term “collage” refers to a unique method of presenting images, when several different illustrations are combined into one thematic block, combined so as to create a single composition. At the same time, in a photo collage, everything does not have to obey one idea - for example, all four photographs are dedicated to nature. Often, a collage is a combination of a number of unrelated images. Sometimes they are completely diverse, but thanks to skillful arrangement they form a single information space.

There are no restrictions or frames for collaging and creating such photo installations. You can be creative by choosing the right templates and placement of photos. And if just five years ago it was possible to make a collage only in Adobe Photoshop, which means learning to work with it, today all this can be done online, using our graphic editor.

What could a photo collage look like?

With the help of our editor, you can create selections of the best family photos, effectively combine the most beautiful images, turning them into a real work of art!

You can make a collage online from photographs in several ways, depending on the required quantity and effect.

  • Combination. This method of collaging involves creating one image in which several others are combined, positioned end to end. Of all the photo collage methods, this is the simplest.
  • Overlay. During the creation of such a photo collage, several images are superimposed in layers, partially overlapping each other. Various photographs of such a collage can be further processed with filters and effects.
  • Sample. Photos are located strictly in designated areas. They can be scaled, moved, swapped, but in the end the structure of the collage template will remain unchanged. For example, there is a narrow horizontal photograph at the top and two vertical ones at the bottom. And underneath them is a large square one.
  • Special structure. Such a photo collage can combine the three previous methods of arrangement, creating a unique author’s design.

How to make a photo collage

Creating a photo collage couldn't be easier, just a couple of clicks!

First, select the photos themselves, and then decide exactly how you want to arrange them. Run online application and select the appropriate template, upload the prepared photographs and use the mouse to arrange them in blocks so that general composition looked as impressive as possible.

Save the resulting collages to in the required format and publish on social networks, share with friends and acquaintances.

You can make a photo collage online in just a few seconds! Completely free and without any restrictions! Just try - and we are sure you will succeed! Launch the application right now!

Do you want to give a great gift that the hero of the occasion will remember for a long time? Everything you need for work - and photos. You don’t need to spend money and time visiting photo salons; you can prepare an original collage with your own hands at home. From the text you will learn how to create a collage in the program, and we will also talk about popular collage compositions:

How to make a collage

What is the best way to design a collage? Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, so everyone will have to make their own decision. Often, for congratulations on an anniversary, a collage is chosen, where photos are placed illustrating important life stages hero of the day from birth to the present day.

DIY postcard - a touching gift

Also popular are collages in which the main role is given to those who congratulate the hero of the day. When choosing this option, you need to think through the composition in detail and collect material in advance. As a rule, the source materials are photographs of friends and relatives holding sheets of congratulations or individual phrases in their hands. Afterwards, the photographs are arranged in the desired sequence on a sheet in the editor.

Let each of your loved ones convey warm words

In both cases, do not forget about decorations - with them the collage will become more interesting and brighter. You can also make room on the sheet for a touching congratulation in poetic form. Then the collage will become a full-fledged postcard.

How to make a collage with your own hands

Ready ? Great! First, you need to follow the link and download the program. It won't take much time. Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the instructions on your monitor. When the installation process is complete, double-click the software to launch it.

1 Song selection

Now you can start making your anniversary collage. The program will prompt you to indicate the type of project: you can start creating a photo collage from scratch or use special page blanks and various templates from the collection.

Select the appropriate option, click " Further", and then adjust the size of the future collage and the orientation of the sheet. Click on the " Ready».

2 Collage setup

Find it right away on your PC necessary photos, drag them to the work area and arrange them on the sheet. Go to the “Background” tab and select the fill type. The background can be a color, gradient, texture, or any image from your computer.

An excellent solution would be a photo frame for a collage of several photos, which you can choose from the software collections if you click on the line “ Outline and frame background».

3 Collage decoration

After adding and customizing text elements, save your results. To do this, click the button Save in the lower right corner of the program. In the window that opens, you can change the file name and the format in which it will be saved.


Great! The collage is ready. You can then save it on your computer or print it out and present it to the hero of the day. An anniversary photo collage will certainly please the birthday boy! Use the PhotoCOLLAGE program and you can easily create original collages as gifts in a short time.

Once you’ve found the perfect position for all of your photos, the 100 photo collage maker gives you the option of printing your collage. Printing onto canvas or as a poster are particularly suitable for this. But if you have created a photo collage for 100 photos, you should be careful with the size you select for printing. Choosing a small size will mean that the 100 photos are too small to be seen clearly.

The photo collage for 100 photos is the largest photo collage in our collection in terms of photos used. If you don’t need as many as 100 photos, you should also have a look at our other collage templates. You'll find many other interesting templates, e. g. for a wedding collage. That’s a big advantage when creating a collage with many photos. Admittedly, a photo collage for 100 photos is a lot of work. But creating a collage with our 100 photo collage maker couldn’t be easier. Our tip: Just give it a go and create a photo collage with 100 photos!

  • Huge variety of photo collage layouts

    Create stunning and expressive photo collages online – great way tell your story or promote your online business. With Fotor's online photo collage maker, you are given the opportunity to choose from a huge number of photo collage templates. Artistic photo collage templates will help you turn your photo collages into art in just a few clicks. Stylish photo collage templates give you the chance to add your family photos in fashionable and beautiful shapes and add even more warmth.

  • Don't hesitate and try Fotor's collage photo editor. Here you will find a photo collage template that suits your requirement and occasion.

    Custom Photo Collage Templates

  • Fotor welcomes everyone, because... This is an all-in-one photo editor. It gives you the opportunity to add a personal touch to your photo collage styles. You can adjust the border width and roundness of the corners, change the background and its color when you apply the Classic Photo Collage Template. After that, you can import your image and add text to your photo collage. At the end, you can resize your photo collage and post it on different platforms. Come in and experience it for yourself!

    Options for using photo collages A photo is worth a thousand words, but how many words can you fit into one picture? Try Fotor's photo collage maker and create amazing photo collages online now, make your image amazing. Photo collages are very popular on Pinterest for online businesses . This is a great way to show off your product with more detailed photos in one image and give people the opportunity to see the product in all its glory and then go directly to the online store and buy it. Photo collages are also popular on Facebook and Instagram. Share your life every day with multiple photos in one image and express yourself in a unique way, gaining more followers quickly. Want to try Fotor's online collage photo editor right now?

Photos preserve moments that will never happen again. Therefore, personal and family photographs carry deep meaning for any person. Receiving a collage of photographs for your birthday means once again plunging into these significant life moments.

A collage of photographs presented to the birthday person on his birthday helps create a festive atmosphere. Such gifts are always discussed. Guests are happy to look at photos where the hero of the occasion is small or captured in a funny situation.

From the point of view of the value of the gift, the collage indicates that the gift was thought out, time and effort were spent on it.

Paper photo collage

If the donor has a desire to approach the process creatively, then humorous masterpieces may appear. But even a simple thematic selection of photographs arranged on a white sheet of Whatman paper can be an excellent gift.

A collage of birthday photos will be a pleasant surprise for both a close relative and a loved one

A paper photo collage is the simplest collage option.

Matchbox collage

An ordinary thing, like an empty matchbox, becomes good option source material in capable hands.

This version of photo collage has many advantages:

  • Economical. You can make it from scrap materials. For decoration, remnants of multi-colored paper, postcards, leftover jewelry, ribbons and braids are suitable.
  • It's easy to choose the frame size for any photo. In home photo albums, all photos are usually the same size. But the collage looks better when there are a lot of different-sized photos. By experimenting with photos and boxes, you can find the perfect size.

Making a collage from matchboxes is not difficult, but it will require perseverance and accuracy. One evening will be enough.

To work you will need:

  • Empty matchboxes – 72 pcs.
  • Photos.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Glue, scissors, paint, brush.
  • Colored or wrapping paper, old postcards.
  • Decor.

Stages of making a collage:

  1. You should start work by preparing the boxes. You will need 12 pieces with lids and 60 without. 12 whole boxes will serve as the top and bottom frames.
  2. Next, you need to lay out the boxes in the form of a rectangle, where the long side will be formed from 12 boxes laid horizontally. The width of the rectangle fits 6 boxes. The first and last row are made from solid boxes.
  3. The next step is to select photos and determine where they will be located. If necessary, adjust their dimensions to the dimensions of the boxes. This is where the most difficult part of the work ends.
  4. It is necessary to glue the boxes onto a sheet of cardboard. To do this, you should draw the boundaries of the rectangle on the cardboard so that the template does not warp when sticking it on.
  5. You need to take each box separately and glue it. On some, the sides need to be cut off to accommodate a larger photo.
  6. After all the boxes are glued, you should align the borders of the cardboard to the borders of the resulting structure.
  7. Next, paint the inner and outer sides of the boxes., and also completely cover the first and last row of whole boxes with paint.
  8. When the paint has dried, you need to paste the photographs into the places selected for them, and trim them if necessary.
  9. Boxes not filled with photographs should be decorated. You can paste it as a background colored paper and then decorate the resulting cells with any small things available in the house: unnecessary jewelry, buttons, flowers, herbarium.

A collage of birthday photos can be signed with wishes for the birthday person. To do this you need to use the first and last row of boxes.

Photo collage in the form of puzzles

It’s easy to make a collage of birthday photos in the form of puzzles. This is an original version of a photo collage, since it can actually be disassembled and assembled. And if you make the parts of the same shape and size, then the photographs can be swapped at your discretion.

To make a collage puzzle you will need:

  1. Puzzle piece blank form (10 cm * 10 cm).
  2. 4 photos.
  3. White and red paper.
  4. Thick cardboard.
  5. Glue, scissors, utility knife, tape, rope.

Stages of work:

  1. Using a blank puzzle piece, transfer its outline onto white and red paper and then cut it out. You need to make 2 puzzles of each color.
  2. Next, you need to assemble 4 puzzle pieces together and glue them onto a sheet of cardboard.
  3. The cardboard should be cut along the outer contour of the parts.
  4. In the center of each puzzle you need to glue a photo.
  5. If the collage is supposed to hang on the wall, then you need to glue a rope to the back of the cardboard using tape. The work is ready.
  6. If the photo collage must be disassembled and assembled, then the cardboard should be cut along the contour of the puzzle pieces.
  7. If you want to place more photos, you can use the back side of the cardboard. To do this, cut out 2 more pieces from white and red paper and glue them to the back of the cardboard.

The final step is to paste 4 more photographs.

What size should I make the collage?

The size of the collage will depend on the place where it will be hung. Especially when it comes to large products. There is no point in giving a large collage if a person does not have a free wall for it. The design of the collage also matters. For example, if it is heart-shaped, then its place is in the bedroom.

Accordingly, you should find out how it can be placed in the bedroom.

How many photos will you need?

The number of photos for a collage depends on the size of the work, the available photos and the chosen design. Even a few photos in original design may look interesting. The event for which the collage is being prepared also matters.

For example, if it is a birthday, then often the photographs indicate different periods of life. For a child, this is growing up over the years. For an adult, important events such as school, college, wedding, birth of children and others. Therefore, the number of photographs should be such as to show “ life path» person.

Are captions needed?

Inscriptions on the collage allow you to make the gift more personal.

People with humor can come up with funny comments on photos. On the collage you can write your wishes on the occasion of a festive event. If the collage is made for a colleague or on the occasion of graduation from school or college, then after many years the inscriptions will serve as a reminder of past events and people whom we have not seen for a long time.

How to make a collage using a template: materials and tools

When creating a collage, several issues need to be addressed:

  1. Subject of work.
  2. Selecting a base or template.

The value of a collage is that it can be made from scrap materials. Therefore, it is possible to use different bases for the template. For example, wooden surfaces, or plastic. Large or small photo frames will also work. The template can be made from corrugated cardboard. It is suitable if you need to cut out a base of complex shape.

Even an ordinary wall can become a base.

If you glue photos directly to the wall, you need to use double-sided tape. Or you can come up with original ways to attach photos. To make photo collages you will need the following tools: glue, regular and double-sided tape, scissors, a stationery knife (for cutting thick cardboard), and a ruler.

Any things that can be used to make decoration are suitable as materials for a collage. Usually the materials are limited only by the imagination of the performer. However, the main ones include: paper (white and colored), cardboard, paints, photos, various pictures, postcards, beads, buttons, artificial flowers, leftover ribbons and other decor.

Master class on creating a paper collage

Making a birthday photo collage is easier than it might seem. WITH simple collage, where the basis is ordinary cardboard or whatman paper, and the photographs are selected in the same size, even a person far from creativity can handle it.

To work you will need:

  • A sheet of whatman paper, you can use the remains of a roll of wallpaper, both on the clean side and on the side with the pattern.
  • Photos are the same size. The quantity can be any, as long as it is a multiple of 4.
  • Glue with a brush.
  • Double sided tape.

Stages of work:

  1. It is necessary to place the photographs in even rows. By rearranging them, you should choose the most harmonious option placing photos on paper.
  2. The accuracy of the work depends on how accurately the sizes of the photographs and whatman paper are adjusted and whether the rows are even (for this you can barely noticeably draw guide lines on the paper).
  3. After all the preparations are made, you need to stick the photographs on double-sided tape or glue.
  4. The collage will hang on the wall. To prevent dust, sunlight and time from damaging photographs, it is recommended to use the decoupage technique. Namely, paint the entire surface of the collage with one or two layers of PVA glue or special glue for decoupage. This will add shine to the surface and protect the collage from external adverse influences.

You can attach the collage to the wall with double-sided tape, or thread a rope into the upper corners of the collage and hang it on a nail.

Collage in a wooden frame

As a wooden frame for a collage, you can use any frame available in the house, for example, a photo, painting or mirror, or you can make it yourself. The master class uses a ready-made frame for collages.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden frame.
  • Scrapbooking paper, or you can use colored paper, wrapping paper, magazine clippings, and more.
  • Rhinestones, flowers, buttons, lace, sparkles and other details that your own imagination suggests.
  • Photos.

Video demonstrating the process of creating a collage from photos with frames:

Stages of making a collage

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the placement of photos. Placement may depend on time stages, on the size of the photograph, on the presence or absence of sufficient materials for decoration.
  2. If necessary, photographs can be signed.
  3. The spaces not occupied by photo cards should be filled with colored or other paper. Achieve best result It is possible only experimentally, trying different placement options.
  4. Further, also experimenting, you need to try different decor options.
  5. After best option collage has been found, you need to photograph the resulting project and remove the decor from the photo.
  6. At the final stage, photographs and colored paper should be glued into a wooden frame.

Lastly, you need to attach the decor to the collage with glue, focusing on the saved photo.

Ideas for designing and decorating a collage for mom

A collage for a gift for mom on Mother's Day is usually made on a family theme. These can be photographs of mother and children separately, or general family photos, photos from family vacations and holidays. These photos should evoke warm feelings. This idea can be used when there are few photos.

The collage benefits from the originality and simplicity of the idea. The photographs in the collage are selected in such a way as to show the mother her achievements in family life. Photos selected in the same style or from the same photo shoot look especially organic.

Original collage for a child

A collage for a one-year-old baby usually features photographs showing his growth month by month. Collage will also help to cope with festive decoration rooms for the baby's first birthday. For older children, the idea is the same, but the stages of growing up will be counted over years.

Collage as a gift for your wife or husband

The simplest idea for a collage for a husband or wife, including for the wedding day, would be to use wedding photographs. These photographs are usually taken in the same style, so you can create a beautiful collage without additional decorations. Other romantic photos will also work.

They can be laid out in the shape of a heart directly on the wall in the room using double-sided tape.

Before attaching photographs, you should make markings on the wall. The lack of free space on the wall is not a reason to abandon the collage idea. The original family tree will allow you to change the foliage from the photo, in accordance with the events taking place in the family and holidays.

Collage for a friend's birthday

On a collage for a friend, you can place joint photos as a souvenir, or photos related to some common events. There are usually secrets between friends, so photographs can be accompanied by inscriptions that will be understandable only to the author and the person for whom the gift is being made.

You should avoid photographs where the birthday person looks bad, or the event may cause a negative reaction in him.

A collage of photo cards for a birthday is a simple and original gift that will become the object of attention of all guests at the holiday and will remain in the family archive of the birthday person for life. Article format:

E. Chaikina

Useful video about photo collages WITH original ideas