“Achinsk oil refinery of the Eastern Oil Company. OJSC "Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company" Rosneft Oil Refinery

Achinsk Oil Refinery (JSC Achinsk Oil Refinery), part of the Rosneft oil company. The design full capacity of the plant is 7.5 million tons of oil per year. Location: Achinsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The plant's specialization is the production of motor and aviation fuel, as well as various types petroleum products. These include: gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, fuel oil, nephrases, process fuel, bitumen, etc. In total there are about 100 types of petroleum products. The company processes raw materials from deposits in Western Siberia.

The plant became part of OJSC NK Rosneft in May 2007. Before that, since 1994, the enterprise (JSC Achinsk Oil Refinery, registered in May 1993) was part of the Eastern Oil Company, created on the basis of Tomskneft. Since 1997, the plant (ANPZ-VNK) has become the property of NK YUKOS. With the acquisition of YUKOS assets, the Achinsk Oil Refinery becomes part of Rosneft. For 2015 this company owns a full stake in the plant.

The Achinsk Refinery OJSC includes: a primary oil refining unit ELOU-AVT-6, a complex for vacuum distillation of fuel oil and bitumen production, a gas fractionation unit, a catalytic reforming unit with preliminary hydrotreating (L-35/11-1000), a kerosene hydrotreating unit and diesel fuel (S-300/1, 2), isomerization complex, granulated sulfur production plant, etc.

History of creation and development

In December 1982, the plant began operating.

In 1984, a combined bitumen plant was launched.

In 1990, the production of high-octane gasoline began.

In 1993, the enterprise was corporatized and its large-scale reconstruction.

In 1997, the production of high-quality polyethylene film began.

In 2005, the launch of an oil sludge processing plant.

In 2007, a light gasoline fraction isomerization unit was commissioned.

In 2008, the beginning of a complete reconstruction and launch of a plant for the utilization of hydrogen sulfide and the production of granulated sulfur. Entering the production of Euro-3 gasoline.

In 2011, a gasoline mixing station was put into operation.

In 2012, the production of low-viscosity marine fuel was launched. Entering the production of Euro-4 gasoline.

In 2013, production of Euro-5 fuel began.

Main current activities and strategic objectives

With its entry into Rosneft, the Achinsk Refinery was the first of this company's enterprises to begin producing high-quality fuel that meets modern environmental standards and meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations.

Since 2008, after the approval of a comprehensive development project for the Achinsk Oil Refinery, work began on its modernization. The project provides that oil refining volumes will be increased to 8 million tons. The processing depth will be 96%. At the Achinsk Oil Refinery it is planned to build reforming units, a hydrocracking and hydrotreating complex (the planned completion date is until 2017). The second stage of the isomerization unit will be put into operation. Commissioning of a combined delayed coking unit is planned for 2016.

The production of high-octane gasoline and diesel fuel that meets the Euro-5 environmental standard at the refinery began in November 2013. Since January 2015, the production of Euro-3 fuel has ceased. From January 2016, it is planned to stop producing fuel according to the Euro-4 standard. Entry into premium brands that meet international requirements is being achieved ahead of schedule. At the same time, products are sold not only on the domestic market ( Krasnoyarsk region and neighboring regions), but is also exported abroad. According to Atyrau Oil Refinery reports, petroleum products released from the plant are shipped to 10 countries.

The plant has unique technological positions. These include, in particular, the water supply and sanitation scheme. Not only purified materials are used for repeated technical needs. wastewater, but also storm and melt water from industrial sites. In August 2012, water intake structures from underground sources were put into operation at the Atyrau Refinery, which allow the plant to obtain its own water for household needs and at the same time reduce its own operating costs.

In 2011 and 2012, the products of the Achinsk Refinery were among the winners all-Russian competition"100 best products Russia" in the nomination "Products for industrial and technical purposes". The oil products of the Atyrau Refinery (diesel fuel “Euro” according to GOST R 52368-2005, grade C, type II and unleaded gasoline “Premium Euro-95” type II) are winners of the all-Russian competition “100 Best Products of Russia”.

In 2011 and 2012, the plant won the prestigious All-Russian competition “Ecoleader”.

Production figures and statistics

In 2014, the enterprise processed 5.12 million tons (a lower output volume was due to the shutdown of the plant due to the accident on June 15, 2014), the processing depth reached 64.4%. The yield of light oil products was 55.8%. In 2013, the plant processed 7.4 million tons of raw materials, the depth of processing was 61.3%, and the yield of light products was 55.5%.

In comparison of these years, 4.97 million tons were produced in tons against 7.16 million tons. The main petroleum products were produced: gasoline - 1.03 million tons, diesel fuel - 1.35 million tons, fuel oil - 1 .73 million tons, jet fuel - 0.18, marine fuel - 0.26 million tons. In 2013, the same products were produced: 1.53; 2.04; 2.74; 0.19; 0.33 million tons, respectively.

High-octane gasoline was produced: in 2014 – 0.66 million tons, in 2013 – 1.23 million tons.

Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company, JSC ANPZ VNK

The logo of the Achinsk Refinery amazes with its imagination...


Address: 662110, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk region, Bolsheuluisky district, industrial zone of the Achinsk oil refinery
Telephone (391-59) 5-33-10
Fax (391-59) 5-37-10
Email: [email protected]

OFFICIAL SITE Achinsk Refinery

Demakhin A. A.

History of the Achinsk Refinery

The refinery produced its first products on December 12, 1982.
From January 1983 to December 2014, 193.5 million tons of oil were processed.
The refinery's current processing capacity is 7.5 million tons of oil per year.

Achinsk Refinery cares about the environment...

The main fuel sales regions of the Achinsk Refinery: Krasnoyarsk, Altai, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk region, Republics of Khakassia and Tyva. A significant part of the fuel is exported. After the start of production of EURO fuel, sales are made to the western regions of Russia.

Since May 2007, OJSC ANPZ VNK has been part of the Rosneft oil company group.

In 2014, the plant processed 5.1 million tons of oil and produced 4.9 million tons of products. Depth of processing – 64.4%. Also, since 2014, the Achinsk Oil Refinery has been producing Euro-5 motor gasoline.

Performance indicators of the Achinsk Refinery





Processing volume, million tons
Processing depth, %
Output of petroleum products, million tons
— gasoline (including straight-run)
- diesel fuel
- fuel oil

MAIN PRODUCTS OF Achinsk Refinery

  • fuels for various purposes:
    • automobile gasolines, gasolines for petrochemicals,
    • aviation fuel,
    • NGL (wide fraction of light hydrocarbons),
    • diesel fuels,
    • road grade bitumens,
    • fuel oil,
    • technical granulated sulfur.

"Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company" is an oil refinery located in the Bolsheuluisky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The only oil refinery in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Shareholders of the company "Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK"

Management of the company "Achinsk Refinery VNK"

General Director - Kinzul Alexander Petrovich.


Rosneft promises to repair after the fire and launch the Achinsk oil refinery in the fall

Rosneft plans to launch the Achinsk oil refinery in the fall of 2014 after a fire occurred in June.

The number of victims of the accident at the Achinsk oil refinery increased to eight

RBC 06/17/2014, Moscow 16:15:50 The body of the eighth victim - Evgeny Oreshin - was found by rescuers while clearing the rubble at the Achinsk Oil Refinery in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. ITAR-TASS was informed about this by the Achinsk administration.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20140617161550.shtml

Media: Seventh person killed in fire at Achinsk oil refinery discovered

RBC 06/17/2014, Moscow 11:34:48 The number of deaths as a result of a fire at the Achinsk Oil Refinery (ORP) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has increased to seven people. A source in the region's emergency services told Interfax about this.
“The body of the seventh victim was found in the rubble. He has not yet been identified because the remains were badly burned,” the agency’s source said.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20140617113448.shtml

The Achinsk oil refinery will be able to resume operations after the fire in many months

RBC 06/16/2014, Moscow 13:50:30 The Achinsk oil refinery will be able to resume work after the fire only after a very long period of time. This was stated by the acting Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky, Interfax reports.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20140616135030.shtml

Five people died in an explosion at the Achinsk oil refinery

The number of victims at the Rosneft-owned Achinsk oil refinery, where an explosion and subsequent fire occurred last evening, has increased to five, the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia clarifies. One death was previously reported. Seven people were hospitalized, the fate of three more is unknown.
link: http://top.rbc.ru/incidents/16/06/2014/930260.shtml

Metal beams collapsed in a workshop at the Achinsk Oil Refinery: two people died.

Today, metal beams collapsed in the coke shop at the Achinsk Oil Refinery. According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there were five workers at the scene of the incident, two of them died, the rest were injured.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20130110145125.shtml

The East Siberian Bank of Sberbank opened a credit line with a limit of 5.5 billion rubles to the Achinsk Oil Refinery.

The East Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia will open a revolving multi-currency credit line with a limit of 5.5 billion rubles to OJSC Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company (Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK) with a limit of 5.5 billion rubles, the bank’s press service reports.
link: http://www.vedomosti.ru

Russia's fuel and energy complex will grow with Siberia

In the region within all-Russian program modernization of oil refining capacities, the modernization of OJSC Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company (JSC NK Rosneft), the only large oil refinery in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is being carried out. (The capacity of the Achinsk Refinery for primary processing of petroleum raw materials is 7 million tons per year).
link: http://energyland.info/project-show-88597

The Board of Directors of Rosneft decided to increase the composition of the board from 5 to 11 people

In addition, the board of directors agreed to Eduard Khudainatov combining the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC NK Rosneft with his position as a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC USC, Pavlov with his position as a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC ANPZ VNK, Perepelkin with his position positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Center, JSC, IDGC of Volga, JSC, IDGC of Center and Volga Region, JSC, IDGC of the South, JSC and VOLS-VL Management JSC, as well as the planned positions of a member of the board of directors of Kubanenergo JSC , IDGC of Volga, JSC, IDGC of Center and Volga Region, JSC and IDGC of the South, JSC.
link: http://www.gazeta.ru/business/news/2012/06/14/n_2389029.shtml

The Achinsk Refinery is the best among Rosneft oil refineries in terms of industrial safety.

As part of the event held on May 12 in Krasnoyarsk round table“Sustainable development of Rosneft Oil Company in the post-crisis period and prospects for 2011-2012”, Igor Pavlov, General Director of OJSC ANPZ VNK, presented a report on the results of activities in 2010.
link: http://www.advis.ru/php/print

A sports complex with a football arena will be built in Achinsk

The city hall of Achinsk hosted solemn ceremony signing a tripartite agreement on the joint implementation of a new project - construction sports complex with a football arena on the territory of the Olympus sports complex. The total investment volume of the project amounted to 60 million rubles. The document was signed by the General Director of Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK OJSC Igor Pavlov, the mayor of the city Ilay Akhmetov and the head of the Achinsk administration Vladimir Anikeev.
link: http://zapad24.ru/news/achinsk

There is a new manager at the Achinsk oil refinery

According to the press service of the oil refinery, the acting general director Alexander Petrovich Kinzul was appointed to JSC ANPZ VNK.

The Achinsk Oil Refinery, which was founded in 1983, is part of the Eastern Oil Company and is the company's only oil refinery. In August 1997 the functions executive body Achinsk Oil Refinery were transferred management organization VNK. The plant is located in Achinsk at the address: 660014, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk, 14. It employs 3,281 people.

The company processes petroleum products and produces gasoline and diesel fuel. jet fuel, road and construction bitumen and pyrolysis raw materials for petrochemicals. The Achinsk Refinery is one of the five plants with the highest load. However, in terms of the quality of gasoline produced, the Achinsk Refinery is inferior to other enterprises. And, therefore, the main task that the enterprise has to solve is to increase the depth of oil refining. Today it is 64.2%, which approximately corresponds to the Russian average. The plant’s immediate plans include achieving a depth of oil refining to the level of 80–90%; for this purpose, a plant reconstruction project has been developed. It is financed by both enterprise profits, and by attracting external investment, in particular a loan from the EBRD.

Achinsk Refinery is strategically important enterprise for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since it supplies a significant part of gasoline and diesel fuel to regional consumers. In this regard, the leadership of the Krasnoyarsk Territory joined the leadership Tomsk region in a statement about the inadmissibility of selling the state stake in the Eastern Oil Company (VNK), which includes the Achinsk Oil Refinery, to investors from other regions.

Recently, the Achinsk plant has been in a rather difficult financial condition. He is one of the largest debtors in federal budget, and consideration of his debts was submitted for discussion to the Cheka.

JSC “Achinsk Oil Refinery” was privatized according to the first option tax benefits May 26, 1993, from authorized capital 521,794 thousand rubles. A total of 17,464,160 ordinary and 3,047,600 preferred shares were issued.

The main shareholders of the company are: VNK (44.63%), Gamma Limited (Vladivostok) (10.29%), Krasnoyarsk Administration (6.24%), CS First Boston (4.88%) and City United Bank (Moscow) (17.72%). Based on the results of its work, the JSC regularly paid dividends on preferred shares with the exception of 1993; payments on ordinary shares were made in 1993, 1994 and 1996.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest region of Russia. Its territory is 2339.7 thousand square meters. km (13.7% of the territory of Russia), which is home to 3105.9 thousand people. In total, there are 25 cities in the region, the largest of which are Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Achinsk, Kansk, whose population exceeds 100 thousand people.

The most developed industries are the fuel and energy and timber industry complexes, non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering.

According to the main socio-economic indicators in the first quarter of 1998, the Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies a fairly prosperous position. The consumer price index was 99.9%, the producer price index for industrial products was 96.3%, the ratio of accrued wages and social payments to the subsistence level - 288.2% (214.0% in Russia), tariffs for freight transportation increased by 0.3. Volume industrial production

increased by 17% compared to the same period in 1997 and amounted to 10,673. Sales of gasoline in the region increased by 4.9% and amounted to 153 thousand tons, while at the same time sales of diesel fuel decreased by 14.7% and amounted to 141 thousand tons.

The refining capacity of the Achinsk Refinery is 7 million tons. In 1997, 5.67 million tons of oil were processed, which is 0.6% less than in 1996. Thus, its utilization in 1997 was more than 80%, which is one of the best indicators in the industry. 76% of refined oil comes from supplies from VNK. In January 1998, the processing volume amounted to 50.5 thousand tons and increased by 11.9% compared to the same period in 1997. In addition to producing various types of fuel and fuels and lubricants, in 1997 the plant began producing high-quality polyethylene film.

Equipment for its production was purchased in Italy and Germany, and the plant spent more than 40 billion rubles on its purchase. The plant intends to establish production of other products and plastics, the total output of which will be 100 tons annually. The plant purchases raw materials for production from related enterprises in Angarsk and Tomsk, but in the future it is planned to establish production of the source material in its own workshops. OJSC Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company

- the only oil refining enterprise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Owned by the company since 2007.

The ANPZ VNK enterprise was built in 1982. In 1993, the plant was reconstructed. This led to an increase in capacity, expansion of the range of products and an increase in their quality.

The Achinsk Refinery produces more than 100 types of petroleum products and has an oil refining capacity of 7 million tons per year.

The main products of JSC ANPZ VNK:
Gasoline (including straight-run);
. Diesel fuel;
. Kerosene;

. Fuel oil, etc.


    To improve the environmental situation, in 2008 the Achinsk Oil Refinery commissioned a unit for the utilization of hydrogen sulfide and the production of granulated sulfur.

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