Journal of safety engineering. Features of filling out a safety journal

Familiarize employees with the rules safe behavior in production is the main task for any employer, since this is indicated in Art. 212 Labor Code RF.

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Systematically informing employees about what factors, when performing job duties potentially dangerous to their health and life, prevents the occurrence of emergencies. Therefore, all organizations need to create a system normative documentation and correct order their use.

general information

The organization of safe behavior at work is impossible without maintaining labor protection journals.

They are necessary for fixing the briefings conducted for the employees of the enterprise.

The manager must take care of the appointment of a responsible person for labor protection, who will train workers in safe behavior at work and make entries about this in the appropriate logs.

Documentation must be kept for the periods specified in normative act Ministry of Culture.

There are many forms of journals that are used for OT. This is due to the numerous number of different kinds of instructions for employees.

Regardless of the direction of the enterprise and professions, mandatory briefings are required for all employees.

These include:

  • familiarization with safety instructions when hiring a new employee at the workplace;
  • periodic training of workers in the rules of fire safety and labor protection.

The fact of conducting each employee is recorded in the journals on labor protection.

What are they for?

How can an employer confirm that they have informed or trained their employees about safety rules? Of course, only available logs, which contain the dates and signatures of employees, instructed by the OT engineer.

If suddenly an emergency occurs at the enterprise, then an investigation of its circumstances is necessarily carried out. Inspectors study the TB documentation available in the administration.

If the organization strictly adheres to the procedure for conducting briefings and training in labor protection rules, then the logs will be the main evidence that management is constantly concerned about safety during the work of workers. In this case, the blame is removed from the leadership.

List and Description

It is difficult to list all types of journals needed for fixing briefings, since at different enterprises, due to the specifics of production, documents for specific professions must be entered. Therefore, there are their mandatory and additional forms, depending on the direction of production.

Let's take a closer look at different types such documents and find out how many magazines should be in the enterprise.


Forms of labor protection journals can be divided into several categories, depending on the briefing:

  • fire fighting;
  • at work;
  • repeated;
  • when issuing an order - admission, etc.

In turn, they can be combined into 2 groups: mandatory and optional.

What must be in the organization?

All businesses should have the following set of OT logs available:

  • on conducting introductory briefings;
  • for registration of training briefings directly at the workplace for engineers and separately for workers;
  • about receiving instructions on PPB;
  • on accounting instructions in the field of safety;
  • on issuing instructions;
  • for registration of accidents;
  • verification tests of rigging equipment;
  • to account for non-electrical employees who are assigned 1 electrical safety group.

In addition to the list of required accounting books given here, most businesses often require additional health and safety journals for professions related to high risk in the performance of work duties.

Optional Documents

There are additional journals that are required for some organizations.

Especially high-risk work, which can lead to personnel injuries, should be carried out under the increased supervision of a safety engineer and senior officials from among the engineers. A separate work permit is issued for such work, and the workers are given a preliminary briefing before performing the assigned tasks.


It is required to insert an additional pipe into the gas pipeline through which natural gas medium pressure. Before starting welding on the pipeline, the safety engineer and supervisor technical department tell the welder Ivanov I.P. in advance. about how he needs to get the job done to avoid the explosion. To perform work in the service of the chief engineer, a work permit is issued for Ivanov I.P. Then in a separate special magazine registration of its issuance and receipt of instruction is carried out, about which the employee puts a signature in the appropriate column.

General rules for the design of magazines on labor protection

In order to correctly draw up and fill out safety journals, it is necessary to follow the generally accepted order of their maintenance.

Each document must be stitched, numbered pages and indicate the start and end dates for making registration entries.

The order and specifics of filling

Each log should contain the following information:

  • sequence number of the record;
  • the date of the ;
  • personal data of the instructed and his signature;
  • personal information about the instructor and his visa.

Even if a general briefing is carried out for all employees at the same time, records must be made separately with the obligatory signature of the employee.

Who is responsible for the management?

By order, the head appoints an employee from among the engineers who will be responsible for conducting safety briefings. They are responsible for filling out and storing journals accountable to them.

How to keep such a register book?

In subdivisions, the heads of departments are entrusted with keeping a log of briefings at the workplace.

First of all, they are obliged to issue them correctly:

  • number the pages with a pencil;
  • lace up all the sheets in the magazine;
  • seal the knot and ends of the cord on the back cover with a small paper square;
  • indicate on the glued sheet the number of bound pages, put the signature of the responsible person indicating the surname and initials and make an imprint of the organization's seal;
  • specify the start date for logging on the last page.

If the book is completely filled, then it is transferred to the storage of the OT specialist.

The following must not be allowed while logging entries:

  • skipping blank pages or lines;
  • correct entered data;
  • correct errors.

If an error was made during registration, then the incorrect entry is taken in brackets. Then, under it, without missing an empty line, you must re-enter the data on the briefing.

How to flash correctly?

Not everyone knows how to stitch such registration books correctly.

Without fail, all pages of magazines must contain numbering. Then they need to be laced. The ends of the cord are sealed at the back of the book, indicate the number of pages and are sealed with the head's signature and seal.

Required document for title page must contain the name of the organization, division, start and end dates of maintenance.


Sheets in magazines should be numbered.

They are numbered in the upper right corner, in pencil, and the serial number is put on those sheets that are stitched. If the cover of the magazine is not stitched, then the countdown starts from the first to the last stitched sheet.

They write down all the numbers with a simple pencil, because almost all registration journals and accounting books are, according to the Nomenclature of Cases, separate cases.

Who is vising?

A numbered and bound magazine can be approved by the head of the organization or responsible person for OT and TB.

The seal of the enterprise must be put on the signature in such a way that it only partially captures the stroke, and not completely covers it. Surname and Initials must be written in legible handwriting.

How much and where are they stored?

Storage of logs on TB is assigned to the person responsible for labor protection.

Their shelf life is indicated in the table.

The concept “Journal of safety briefing” that is common in production is very general. There are many departmental documents of this kind: construction, for harmful and dangerous working conditions; of which separately - electrical and radiation, for work at height, in underground structures, underwater, etc., etc. There are even school magazines safety briefing. In addition, there are books for recording safety briefings, issuing safety instructions, accounting for safety instructions, etc.

A single form of a safety briefing log for all occasions is available and approved by GOST 12.0.004-90. This is a job briefing log. All departmental options for specific specifics are derived from it.

Procedure and rules for filling

The journal of registration of briefings at the workplace is kept on the spread of an A4 format stationery book. The working field for recording consists of 12 items (column) arranged in a line. If necessary, one record can capture two or more lines. Then dashes are made in the remaining free points. Often they, in order not to bother themselves with unnecessary writing, are left empty. In this case, the commissions do not find fault, but suddenly, as they say, God forbid what, the investigating authorities will have a lot of questions.

Each New Year marked by writing in the entire line with dashes on both sides to the end of the line, for example: ———— Year 2014 ————. In each successive year, the numbering starts from number 1. If necessary, refer to the document, they write: “Record No. of such and such a year.”

The order of filling in the columns is as follows:

  • Column 1. Ordinal number.
  • Column 2. The date is written in the format More than one journal can be filled in a year, or the old one will end, and a new one will be started, so we write the date in full.
  • Column 3. Surname, name, patronymic of the instructed is written in full - Romanov Ivan Vasilyevich.
  • Column 4. The year of birth is written in numbers, it is possible with the date: 08/19/1987.
  • Column 5. Profession, position of the instructed. We write both the profession and the position. For a seconded (visiting) employee, we must indicate the main place of work and data from his official ID. If the company where the business traveler came from does not issue “crusts”, we write on the basis of which he arrived at the enterprise and was allowed to work.
  • Column 6. Type of briefing: introductory, primary, target, repeated, regular (scheduled), extraordinary (unscheduled). We write the type of instruction. For targeted briefing, we indicate how regulatory documents instructed: target, instruction No. such and such or, for example, target according to paragraphs. 2.2.7 PUEP.
  • Column 7. The reason for the unscheduled (extraordinary, repeated) briefing is indicated again, on the basis of what. We write: “By order of the head of the workshop” or “By order of the general director No. such and such from such and such date.”
  • Column 8. Surname, initials, position of the instructing (allowing). If the instructing and allowing are not the same person (this is permissible only in exceptional cases, for example, during the liquidation of an accident), we write: “Instructed by such and such; allowed such and such on the basis of such and such.
  • Column 9. The signature consists of two sub-graphs 9.1 instructing and 9.2 instructed. From the explanations only - it is impossible to sign with a pencil; The signature must be indelible.
  • Columns 10, 11 and 12 are combined into one subsection Internship at the workplace. Columns 10 and 11, the number of shifts from ____ to ____ and the internship passed (signature of the worker), respectively, are filled in if necessary. In column 11, it is the trainee who signs. His signature certifies that he is ready for independent work and is fully responsible for himself. The signatures of the person being instructed in columns 9.2 and 11 must match.
  • Column 12. Knowledge checked, admission to work produced (signature, date) is filled in by the admitting person. If there is more than one person instructing and allowing, then the signatures in boxes 9.1 and 12 may not match, but this must be justified as described above.

Sometimes column 12 is divided into two: “assessment” and “instructor's signature”. There is no point in this, because. There are only two ratings: “knows” and “does not know”. If the instructor does not know, the instructor simply will not sign. Columns 10, 11 and 12 are for internships only. An experienced worker is allowed to work by the signature of the instructing person in column 9.1.

If necessary, departmental rules may provide additional columns, for example, to indicate the type of work for the target briefing and their conditions: climbing height, diving depth, permissible weather conditions, etc.

How to write a safety briefing log

For such a document, a sample of a single type is not provided. There are only two requirements: the pages must be numbered, and the magazine must be durable, i.e. should not wear out before filling and should allow long-term storage.

In departmental magazines, especially in the nuclear industry or in secret production, the corner near the spine is stitched with a strong thick thread so that it does not overlap the spine, and the ends of the thread are securely sealed with a paper wafer with the company's seal. This is perfectly acceptable.

Maintenance and storage of a safety briefing log

The presence and condition of the safety briefing log daily, regardless of the need for records, is checked by the head of the unit in which it is used, in order to operationally control the health and safety of the first stage.

His immediate supervisor at least once a month also checks the document and makes an entry in the entire line: Checked in the order of operational control of health and safety of the second stage of such and such a date. Violations were not found (or Violations such and such a list, eliminate and report to such and such date).

A similar check and record is made at least once a quarter by the general director, Chief Engineer or responsible for health and safety of the enterprise in the order of control of the third stage.

If the journal is used in a small enterprise, and all management is reduced to its owner, the second and third stages of verification are carried out by external controlling organizations. If they neglect their duties, then the owner has nothing to worry about: he is not responsible for them, his business is only the first step.

Upon completion, the safety briefing log is handed over to the archive of the enterprise and stored there without limitation of the statute of limitations.

Safety in any organization is the basis of its smooth and efficient operation. In order to record the familiarization of employees with it, a special document is used, which is called the safety briefing log.


What is "safety"

The definition of "safety" means a set of certain rules, drawn up in the form of a single document, which the employees of the enterprise must comply with in the performance of their labor functions. These rules are usually developed at the very beginning of the creation of an organization and are based on individual norms of legislation and the specifics of the company's work.

The safety precautions reflect the measures that must be applied when working with certain devices, equipment, information about the means personal protection, the procedure for actions in the event of life-threatening or health situations.

Not all employees of the company are required to undergo this type of briefing, but only those who have direct access to production lines or some technique. And, for example, in relation to office workers, such briefings are usually not carried out.

Most often, safety briefing is in demand at enterprises with dangerous and harmful conditions work (chemical, biological, physical or radiation).

General information about briefing

The first safety briefing is carried out in conjunction with other types of briefings directly upon employment. At its core, it is a theoretical and practical training in the basics that help staff maintain a safe regimen when performing work functions. Without a mark on its passage, an employee cannot be allowed to perform work. At the same time, the briefing is not one-time, over time or for objective reasons (for example, when changing equipment or introducing new technologies), it can be repeated more than once.

The briefing can be carried out individually or in a group form, all employees who have passed it must attest to this fact in the safety briefing log.

The duration of the briefing is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Non-compliance with safety rules by an employee gives the right to the management of the organization to apply one of the forms to him disciplinary action(remark, reprimand or even dismissal - in especially difficult cases). In addition, if the employer has suffered material damage as a result of the violation, he also has the right to recover compensation from the subordinate.

What is the journal for, its meaning

The value of the magazine is difficult to overestimate. It captures the fact that all employees performing their duties in difficult or dangerous working conditions, completed the necessary training in a timely manner and in full. Thus, it serves as a direct basis for the admission of an employee to work and in some way relieves the responsibility for the occurrence of unforeseen situations from the management of the organization.

Absence of a safety briefing log during external inspections labor inspectorate or others oversight bodies can lead to a punishment of the company's management, which is usually expressed in the form of a fairly large fine.

Who is responsible for maintaining the document

Responsibility for the formation and maintenance of the journal, as a rule, lies with the same employee who conducts these same briefings.

That is, an occupational safety engineer or a specialist in the personnel department (it is these employees who are most often involved in preparing personnel for work). In addition, the responsibility for conducting safety briefings may be assigned to the head of the structural unit (workshop, site), under whose leadership the instructed person will work.

How to write a journal

There is no unified sample of the journal, so representatives of organizations can easily form it in any form. But if the company's management offers its own unique document sample, then it is necessary to use it.

Design features

There are also no conditions specified in the law regarding the design of the magazine, i.e. it can be “drawn” by hand, or it can be done in electronic form. If the second method is chosen, the prepared form must be printed out, since employees who have been instructed should be able to sign it.

The journal is formed in a single original copy, no additional copies are made.

If you are faced with the need to compile a safety briefing log that you have never encountered before, check out its sample and read the explanations - given them, you will not special efforts create what you need.

At first everything is standard. Specify in the document:

  • Name of the organization,
  • the position and full name of the employee who is responsible for conducting safety briefings and keeping a journal,
  • the date when the above magazine was opened (after the end, also do not forget to put a corresponding mark).

The main section of the document is formed in the form of a table, which is compiled arbitrarily, i.e. the number of rows and columns in it is not limited. But the journal must contain the following items: the date of the briefing, position, full name of the employee who passed it, and exactly the same information about the instructor. In addition, both of these people must put their signatures on the form. The rest of the information, which can also be added to the log, remains entirely at the discretion of the creator of the document.

To ensure the normal operation of the enterprise and avoid emergency situations, regardless of working conditions, it is necessary to follow the safety rules. To this end, the law requires legal entities conduct training and briefings with their employees, and reflect information about this in special books - registers for registering safety briefings.

At the enterprise, in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90, the following safety briefings are carried out:

  • Target.
  • Primary in the workplace.
  • Introductory.
  • Unscheduled.
  • Repeated.

Induction training is carried out when hiring new employees, regardless of profession, education, qualifications, working conditions, etc. Training is conducted by a safety engineer in accordance with the developed and approved instructions.

Initial on-the-job training carried out before the employee starts work. Professions requiring this training are determined by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the safety engineer and heads of structural divisions. Basically, these are specialties related to the use, maintenance and repair of specialized equipment and tools, as well as work with dangerous and harmful working conditions. This briefing is carried out by the heads of structural divisions on an individual basis with each newly arrived employee.

The facilitator explains what can be done, describes and demonstrates the procedure, and explains what is prohibited. In some cases, it is required to conduct an internship and affix admission to work in documents.

Re-briefing should be carried out with all employees of the enterprise at least once every six months. It is carried out by a safety engineer or the head of a structural unit. Its main goal is to check the existing knowledge of employees, and, if necessary, fill in the gaps.

Unscheduled briefing must be carried out with all employees of the company upon entry into force of new labor protection standards, the introduction of new equipment or changes production process, revealing the facts of safety violations, in case of accidents and emergencies, at the request of the inspection authorities, etc. It is carried out by a safety engineer or the head of a structural unit in the scope and subject matter, depending on the reason that caused this training.

Targeted briefing is the acquisition of knowledge on a specific one-time function (for example, elimination of accidents, etc.)

All safety briefings should be recorded in the appropriate logs.

Who is assigned responsibility and who keeps a log

In accordance with the law, the manager and safety engineer must have valid certificates that they have been trained in specialized institutions. At the same time, it must be remembered that the manager must be trained once every 5 years, because only he is responsible for organizing HSE at the enterprise.

Read also:

Before choosing a person responsible for occupational health and safety, it is necessary to check the candidate's relevant education. In small enterprises, the director can take over the functions of an HSE engineer. Large organizations may have entire H&S departments, or staffing attend the corresponding position.

Responsible for health and safety at the enterprise are appointed by order of the director.

It is also necessary to take into account that if the enterprise works with dangerous and harmful working conditions, then it must have specialists trained to act in these conditions. Only they have the right to conduct briefings directly with the performers involved in such work.

All logs are kept either by the director or by the safety engineer, who should keep them. Safety briefings are carried out at the workplace by the heads of structural divisions, so they make up the relevant logs. The safety officer checks these registers, tracking the frequency and composition of those instructed. The head of the firm must also from time to time control the order of keeping the briefing logs. Each time looking through the log, the manager and the safety engineer are required to make notes about the check made, indicating the date and signature.

The procedure for keeping a TB journal and a sample filling

The safety briefing log must be kept at the enterprise continuously in a standard form in compliance with the mandatory details provided for by GOST 12.0.004-90. This document may be supplemented by the firm depending on the type of activity carried out. As a rule, these magazines can be purchased in printing houses already in finished form. It is desirable to have a separate register for each type of briefing. The safety journal must be laced, numbered, sealed with the company's seal and endorsed by the head's signature.

During the training, the employee is provided with a safety instruction, which he studies. The safety officer explains the main points and answers all the employee's questions. After that, the engineer checks the acquired knowledge and enters the relevant data into the safety briefing log.

The title page contains the name of the organization, its structural unit. The name of this register follows. In the lines "Started" and "Finished" it is necessary to write down the corresponding dates.

The tabular part of the document indicates the date of the training, full name, year of birth of the instructed, his profession or position, structural subdivision where the employee is going to work. Then information is filled in about the type of briefing being carried out, full name. instructing. As soon as the employee becomes familiar with the safety rules, the log is signed by the person responsible for the briefing and the employee himself.

When a mandatory internship is provided, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate columns with the number of shifts, the signatures of the probationer and the person who conducted it.

In the case of an unscheduled briefing, in the line with the type of training, the reasons that caused it to be carried out must be indicated.

In addition to this journal, the organization can use personal training cards that are compiled for each employee.

Obligations of employer and employee

Safety is the responsibility of both the employer and his employees. Only the fulfillment by each party of its obligations will allow avoiding accidents and emergencies, as well as ensuring the normal functioning of the enterprise.

Another name for this journal is the register of instructions on labor protection at the workplace. About what it looks like, what types of briefings and how to register in it, and we will talk today.

How to issue a magazine on safety and labor protection

It is issued in the form of a stationery book of A4 format. The cover of the journal contains the name of the organization, the name of the department (if any), as well as the start and end dates of the journal. The very form of the journal is contained in GOST 12.0.004-90 and is freely available. For your convenience, we provide a form of this magazine right here, and below is a link so that you can download magazine on safety and labor protection(sample).

Workplace log
Compiled in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90, Appendix 6.

Types of briefings recorded in the journal

Must contain records of the following types briefings at the workplace: primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

Primary briefing held again for everyone accepted employees immediately before admission to work. The purpose of this briefing is to learn safe techniques and methods of work at a particular workplace.

Re-briefing on labor protection at the workplace is carried out at least once every six months (or three, if we are talking about hazardous working conditions). The purpose of this briefing is to remind employees of the basic safety rules in the workplace, as well as to sort out those that have arisen in the past (if any).

Unscheduled briefing carried out in several cases, for example, if:

  • new labor protection rules were introduced;
  • it was changed technological process(new equipment was installed);
  • there was a break in work lasting more than 60 days (and for work with increased danger - 30);
  • instructions were received from the supervisory authorities.

And finally target briefing carried out before one-time work that is not part of the duties of employees. This can be business trips or work to eliminate accidents.

How to fill out a health and safety journal

The left side of the safety and labor protection journal sheet is filled in intuitively simply: the date of the briefing, the surname and initials of the instructed, his position. As for the type of briefing, we examined them a little higher, along with the reasons for their conduct. Do not forget to affix the signatures of both parties, and check for the presence of the instructing person.

It also contains columns for registration of internships in labor protection. These columns indicate the number of shifts in which the internship was carried out, as well as the signatures of the trainee and the person responsible for admission to independent work.

In conclusion, we recall that some employees of your organization are far from obligated to sign this journal. Read more about this in our other article. Good luck!