White label bank under its own brand. White Label in affiliate marketing: who is it suitable for? Who does this and how much does it cost?

White Label allows you to save on investments in the development and research of technologies and infrastructure. Manufacturers get the opportunity not to engage in advertising and marketing, but to focus entirely on the product or service.

White Label in fintech

In the financial technology sector, White Label has expanded to online brokerage services, security systems, credit services, ATM services, payment aggregators and e-wallets.

1. Setting up online brokerage terminals

White Label is about implementing and maintaining trading platforms. Small brokerage companies receive tools from well-known brands.

EtnaSoft also provides a software platform for brokers, historical trading reports, real-time quote data and a newsletter. The company's specialists are engaged in setting up and maintaining the functionality of the provided terminals.

Clients of the White Label solution will be able to provide ready-made brokerage terminals and search for and register new brokers.

2. Risk analysis systems

White Label is about providing reports on funds and stocks in the market. Essentially, the White Label provider analyzes the security of an asset investment based on its own metrics. Not all companies are ready to employ a staff of analysts, but White Label allows you to receive data online.

Similar services are provided by the Serbian branch of Societe Generale bank. Societe Generale analysts share investment risks and transmit information to partners who have issued a White Label. This allows partners to focus on portfolio management, sales and customer service rather than market analysis.

3. Credit service

White Label involves helping companies issue loans on behalf of large brands. The software helps borrowers pay off their loans online.

Australian Pepper Group Limited provides banks and credit organizations with a borrower analysis system, mortgage program packages and a customer support system: call center and online chat for prompt resolution of emerging issues.

Credocard company deals with payment instruments for loan repayments. Credit organizations have a ready-made platform that allows you to organize the repayment of loans and borrowings using online payments. Credocard helps send mobile notifications to 800 worldwide mobile operators and provides a White Label customer support system via phone and chat.

4. ATM maintenance

White Label solutions in the field of ATM servicing are typical for India. There are not many ATMs in the country. If in the USA there are 1,400 ATMs per 10,000 inhabitants, in the UK - 500, and in China - 200, then for India this figure is around 100.

To develop the sector, Tata Communications Payment Solutions Limited, together with the Reserve Bank of India, began servicing ATMs under the White Label scheme. The installed ATMs belong to non-profit organization and are not tied to specific banks. But customers of any banks can withdraw cash from ATM data. Banks pay for the operation of the system; for users, every five transactions per month are performed free of charge. Further, you will have to pay Rs 15 for each transaction and Rs 5 for checking your balance.

5. Payment aggregator and wallet

This White Label solution is relevant for Russia. For payment aggregators and wallets, White Label allows you to organize the acceptance of payments and the sending of payments in accordance with the norms of 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”. According to the law, the aggregator does not have the right to accept funds from individuals online into its accounts and carry out settlements with online stores that are registered as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities. To do this, you need a license from a credit organization - a bank or NPO (non-bank credit organization). A white label solution for aggregators involves the delivery of not only a technical solution for accepting payments, but also established cooperation with a partner credit institution. A settlement bank that organizes settlements in favor of third parties.

An example is the SimplePay service, which is a solution for accepting online payments from individuals and settlements in favor individual entrepreneurs And legal entities. The payment service that uses the White Label solution connects to SimplePay via open APIs, and develops the payment interface independently.

Similarly, SimplePay provides a platform for creating an electronic wallet for individuals to payment providers. The White Label solution has built-in functionality for deposits, withdrawals, transfers and payments.

White Label solution involves the transfer not only software, but also interaction with a partner non-banking credit institution. SimplePay provides templates legal contracts for working with user funds.

White Label users purchase technical components and agreements with a partner credit institution, and at the same time independently develop the user interface.

Advantages and limitations of the White Label model


The ability to quickly start working on a White Label solution without the need to negotiate with partners. Thus, White Label for a payment aggregator and electronic wallet eliminates the need for a project to negotiate with credit institutions: banks and NPOs (non-bank credit organizations) and negotiate terms of cooperation.

The ability to choose a White Label solution according to your business model and not have to deal with organizational issues from the beginning of the project: control of development and testing of the product.

When choosing White Label software solutions, only the technical platform is provided, and its interface on the website can be changed, focusing on customer needs, and maintaining the corporate style.

Reduce development costs and cybersecurity solutions. White Label solutions already have the necessary tools to protect user data. By saving on development departments, it is possible to direct the freed-up funds to the development of the company, product or service.


The need to always keep information about clients of a White Label solution secret so as not to damage their business. If the solution is used by an intermediary company, then open information information about the provider of such a service will encourage clients to cut out the unnecessary link in the chain and cooperate directly with the service developer.

The partner receives a platform that cannot be quickly “tailored” to the existing features of the consumer’s work. Moreover, any change or performance monitoring is carried out on the side of the white label solution provider, which means that changes to the code cannot be made quickly. You will have to work with what the solution provider provided or develop your own solution.

The client of a White Label solution depends on the quality of the software and the reliability of the partners that the supplier offers him.

For partnership you will have to pay either a subscription fee or a commission. In addition, the provider may charge a fee for service integration. But often a white label solution is more profitable for a business than developing its own solution.

White Label is a concept that suggests that one company can produce a product or service, and the second can sell it on its own behalf. Today we will talk about how it works in affiliate networks and who can take advantage of it.

Imagine that you are a large information portal where thousands of people come to read every day interesting articles about the world of fashion, cars, travel, business and much more. How do you monetize your site? Most likely, you sell banner space, placement of advertising materials (announcements, press releases, interviews) and special projects (from reviews to tests and games). In this article we will talk about another opportunity to monetize a large information resource, namely affiliate marketing.

White Label in Affiliate

No matter how strange the title may sound, the essence of the model is simple: on your website you place a ready-made page filled with useful content- affiliate links of online stores and online services embedded in a selection of coupons, cashbacks or trending products and services. Users follow links, make purchases, and you receive a share of their cart amount or a fixed reward for each purchase.

How does White Label differ from regular affiliate marketing, which we usually talk about on the Academy blog? White Label is a ready-made solution for work under a partnership scheme, which does not require the customer to develop it in-house. It often includes:

Showcase part. This is the page that users see. It can be filled with products, coupons or cashback offers. Typically, it contains all offers by category (for example, brand names, segments, popular or special offers), instructions for using the page and materials on the topic.

Caption: An example of a coupon display on one of the popular entertainment sites

Support. Here we are talking not only about the technical side of the issue, but also about customer support. For example, if you deploy a cashback service on your side, then users will contact you with questions related to the calculation of cashback - and here you cannot do without a support service.

Roughly speaking, by connecting White Label to your website, you get a full-fledged showcase with products, coupons or other services, which will give you additional traffic due to SEO optimization and a tool for monetizing this traffic.

Monetization and promotion

The main question that arises among the owners of such storefronts is how much effort, time and money need to be invested in them and what will I get from all this.

Let's start with the main thing, namely monetization models: such a showcase works on the CPA principle, that is, Cost per Action - the advertiser pays a commission for bringing him a buyer. This can be a percentage of the paid cart amount or a fixed amount for a confirmed order or referred customer. The affiliate network through which the advertiser (and you as a webmaster) works monitors the fact of placing orders, checks which of them were of high quality (that is, they were purchased, the user did not refuse or return the goods) and calculates a reward to the webmaster, the owner of the site .

There are several options for display cases that are installed using White Label solutions:

Goods. In this case, you aggregate offers from several stores on your website. Here it makes sense to choose only those product feeds that best match the theme of the site and the target audience. For example, if your site is read by people with above-average income, it makes sense to offer them products from the luxury segment (offers from TSUM, Farfetch, Wolford). If your audience is teenagers and students - mass market offers (Lamoda, ASOS, Shein). If the site is dedicated to automotive topics, post auto products.

This is what the page with cashbacks looks like on the website of the women's publication: a whole section is dedicated to it, where, in addition to cashbacks, there are also coupons and a product display

Make an appointment with a doctor. This is a showcase where doctors of the city are gathered (in this case we are talking about Moscow and the Moscow region). The functionality includes a directory of doctors with a filter by specialty, a card for each doctor, ratings, reviews, ratings, approximate cost and direct appointment functionality. Such a showcase is suitable for resources that touch on the topic of sports, health, diets - even if there is only one section dedicated to them on the site. Demand for remote appointment services last years has grown - users prefer to save their time (the same thing happens with food delivery, which has experienced an explosion in demand over the past six months). Payment here is per lead, that is, for a confirmed appointment with a specialist (usually a fixed amount for each client).

Such a showcase can become one of the sections of the website dedicated to healthy image life

Financial showcases consist of selections of financial products with a description of the main characteristics necessary for comparing products

It is worth noting that the more the theme of the storefront matches the theme of your website, the better your internal traffic will be converted into sales. But this is not a critical limitation: most of the traffic will come to you from search and may be targeted to the storefront page, but not to the site as a whole, which will not affect sales through the affiliate channel.

Now about promotion. In addition to internal referrals from your site, the storefront page will collect search traffic, but she needs help with this: place links on the main page (header, footer, current materials), write articles in the topic with a link to the showcase (for example, “Ten trendy skirts of this season” or “Strange finds in Chinese stores"), periodically mention on social networks about the opportunity to receive a discount or cashback. Naturally, the page with the storefront itself should also be optimized for search engines - but this will already be the task of those who will deploy the White Label solution on your side.

Pros of White Label

This method has its own advantages that distinguish it from conventional monetization methods:

Additional site monetization. To some extent, you can call this “passive income” - without requiring any special investment of effort and time on your part, you can earn income without changing anything in the way your site works and in current processes.

SEO. A showcase will add weight to your site in search engines: a strong site domain with good traffic, coupled with offers from popular brands on the showcase, have a cumulative effect and attracts users - not only your old subscribers, but also new clients from search services.

It is not noticeable and does not take up much space, unlike banners. A page with affiliate links, be it coupons, product displays or cashback, is a full-fledged section of your website, and the entire page itself is a promotional creative.

Faster than a special project. We don’t argue: special projects are beautiful, creative, conversion-friendly and, in most cases, profitable. But it takes a lot of time to prepare them, plus this is a temporary project: it only fires once. In turn, the display case will “work” for a very long time, requiring only small investment resources for its maintenance.

Ready-made useful content. This point is related to the previous one: you don’t need to waste time preparing content, because it’s already ready. All you need to do is keep it up to date (that is, update the feeds).

Thus, storefront and affiliate marketing can both complement existing monetization methods and replace them.

Who is White Label suitable for?

This solution will work best on large sites with good traffic. For example, among webmasters working with Admitad through White Label, there are sites with traffic from 6 to 110 million views per month - storefronts placed on such sites quickly reach the top of search results, which means they begin to monetize faster. Of course, all this works provided the page is placed correctly on the site. If the showcase with offers is hidden in the footer or there is no link to it at all with home page Naturally, neither search engines nor users will see it and will not be able to use it. Most best option- package the showcase as one of the sections of the site and gently “push” it, unobtrusively promoting users with the help of content that matches the content of your site. The developer of the White Label solution will take on most of the optimization.

Suitable for display windows not only information portals, but also forums and online services. The main thing that the target audience the resource was quite wide, as was its subject matter. The showcase should not cause the user to ask “What does this have to do with it?” - he must understand how the showcase is ideologically related to the theme of the resource, albeit indirectly.

Who does this and how much does it cost?

Often, White Label solutions are developed by those who already have experience in developing similar products and are ready to share their accumulated experience and technologies, thus scaling their business. By connecting a White Label solution, you essentially rent out a section of your website for a share of the webmaster’s income. The contractor fills the showcase pages of your website with the necessary content, optimizes them for SEO, updates them and maintains their viability. You get a ready-made solution, for which you pay with part of your earnings: for example, the advertiser pays 10% of the order amount, from which the developer of the White Label product will receive 5%, and the owner of the site on which this product was deployed will receive 5%. For the site, this is a relatively cheap additional way to earn money - you will not need to pay the developer, but you will share with him what you earn from affiliate networks.

If you want to place any of the storefronts that we wrote about on your resource, you can use White Label solutions from Admitad and its partners. To do this, just write to Egor Frolov by email [email protected]- he will help you choose a solution and answer all questions.