Is it profitable to grow vegetables in a greenhouse? Greenhouse business at home: profitable or not? Types of greenhouses: what to choose for a beginner

In most regions of Russia, the season for growing vegetables, berries and herbs is quite short. You can lengthen it using greenhouses. Growing various vegetables, fruits and herbs all year round you will be able to secure a stable income. To minimize losses, it is important to choose the right crops for cultivation and establish uninterrupted sales.

Growing vegetables, flowers, and other produce in greenhouses has many benefits that make this type of business attractive to beginners. Among them:

  • relatively low cost of entry;
  • the ability to work with a variety of cultures;
  • short payback periods;
  • good demand for quality products.

When planning to start a greenhouse business, you need to take into account the complexity. These include:

  • high costs for heating greenhouses;
  • implementation difficulties;
  • working with a perishable product guarantees a high percentage of defects.

In greenhouses, you can grow any crop, from banal leaf lettuce to exotic indoor plants. Beginning growers prefer tomatoes and cucumbers, these vegetables are the easiest to sell. However, experts assure that the most profitable option is flowers. The second place is occupied by a variety of greens, and vegetables are in an honorable third.

Types of greenhouses: what to choose for a beginner?

Greenhouses for growing plants can be built independently, but more often specialists are invited to build them. There are many modifications that differ in shape, size, materials and other features:

  1. The easiest option is an unheated greenhouse. It is suitable for growing early ground vegetables, seedlings. The greenhouse will protect plants from night cooling and the first frosts, but it is not suitable for use in winter.
  2. Partially heated greenhouse guarantees a temperature not lower than 5 degrees, which is suitable for growing seedlings of flower crops and heat-loving exotic plants.
  3. The most reliable all-season option is a heated winter greenhouse. This design is equipped with a heating system that prevents the temperature from dropping below 13 degrees. In such a greenhouse, you can grow any, even the most heat-loving vegetables and berries, herbs, flowers, seedlings.

The type of greenhouses is also influenced by its shape. Experts distinguish three categories that are most common:

  1. Wall. The structure is attached to the house so that one wall is common. Such a device makes it possible to save on heating, but significantly limits the size of the greenhouse. Ideal for a winter garden, covered porch or greenhouse.
  2. Arched. A popular design in which it is convenient to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers. This form is more often used for greenhouses and partially heated greenhouses.
  3. Pitched. A greenhouse in the form of a house is suitable for growing tall and climbing plants.

The glazed pitched roof provides good lighting and additional heating; in winter, snow does not linger on it.

Depending on the internal structure of the greenhouse, there can be:

  1. Shelving. Racks are attached to the side walls, on which plants planted in pots and boxes are placed in tiers. Often used when growing hydroponically (in a liquid nutrient solution).
  2. Ground. In this case, ridges are organized in the greenhouse, plants are planted in rows in prepared soil. For such greenhouses, heating with a cable laid underground is desirable.

Sales of finished products

The owner of a greenhouse or greenhouse business will have to carefully consider the issue of selling products. Grown vegetables, berries and greens can be:

  • sell on the market independently or through a hired seller;
  • sell it to a grocery store or supermarket;
  • sell to wholesale buyers;
  • offer restaurants and cafes;
  • sell through an online store or an agricultural cooperative.

The most profitable option is independent retail sales. Wholesalers buy products minimum price, and stores cannot guarantee the sale of the entire batch taken. The returned balances will have to be added to the losses.

Owners of several greenhouses who are faced with the need to sell a large crop should buy a car for the prompt delivery of products to customers, as well as hire a manager, who will be looking for new distribution channels.

How to open flower shop from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with calculations - read

Winter greenhouse business plan

The greenhouse business does not require excessive investments. You can start with the construction of one greenhouse, gradually expanding and improving the economy.

At the initial stage, you will have to spend:

  • for the construction and equipment of a greenhouse (about 120 sq. m) - 200,000 rubles;
  • for the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, fuel - from 30,00 rubles per month

Greenhouse as a business: profitability and payback period

When growing vegetables or herbs in such a greenhouse, it is possible to make a profit from 100,000 rubles per month. Thus, a single construction will pay off in 2 seasons. The profitability of the business is about 70%.

Winter greenhouse as a business requires a careful approach and a sensitive response to market fluctuations. Be prepared to change direction by opting for more popular crops. Mobility, entrepreneurial spirit and the absence of stereotypes in matters of implementation will allow you to quickly achieve success.

Growing vegetables and fruits is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to get a good income, moreover, without large investments. You can start small, and then gradually expand the range of crops grown and the sales area. Vegetable growing has always been and will be a promising occupation, the main thing is to draw up a competent, thoughtful business plan in advance.

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse for sale?

This is the first question that requires a clear answer. You can grow everything - from potatoes and herbs to decorative flowers. But for this to be profitable, you need to study the sales market in your region or where you are going to supply your products. Those crops that are not only in high demand, but can be grown without problems in the conditions available to you, and should be chosen.

Pay attention to the different varieties, the recommendations of the seed manufacturer, think right away whether you will plant vegetables, fruits or flowers on open field or closed. This will largely affect costs and future profits. In the northern regions, maintenance of greenhouses is much more expensive than transporting vegetables from the south - this is a fact. In the South, the day is longer, labor tends to be cheaper, and subsidies and benefits are easier to obtain. But all this does not matter if you have weak or no well-established logistics.

According to experts, the most profitable area of ​​greenhouse farming is floriculture: for Last year cultivation of flowers in terms of investment exceeded the cultivation of vegetable crops by five times! The second place is occupied by green greenhouses - they are four times more profitable than vegetable ones. The advantages here are obvious: parsley, onions, dill, lettuce and other greens are unpretentious in care and are always in demand, you can sell them in your own locality. And only then come various vegetables and berries: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, blackberries, etc.

Greenhouse profitability depends on weather conditions in your area. Natural factors determine the cost of maintaining the desired temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, while not forgetting the quota set by the state for the consumption of electricity and gas. The fine threatens both for overspending and for ... underspending!

Consider how you will grow your parsley or tomatoes. Products grown in hydroponics (that is, in a special solution, not in soil) lose in taste to natural vegetables and berries that were grown on open area. Our consumer is distrustful of everything artificial and is more likely to buy imported vegetables and fruits than those grown in their region, but “in vitro”.

And do not forget that the greenhouse business, whether you are going to produce flowers, herbs or vegetables, is always seasonal. Flower sales peak three times a year - on March 8th, graduations and September 1st. All the rest of the time, the flower greenhouse only pays for itself, without bringing real profit. The sale of greenhouse vegetables practically freezes in the summer, when there are enough cheap ground vegetables. The same goes for greens.

And one more thing: the greenhouse will generate income only if its area is at least 10 hectares. Otherwise, your business will very soon turn into just a hobby, providing only fresh vegetables on your own table all year round.

Growing flowers as a business

On average, from one small greenhouse a year you can get two million rubles - is it tempting? But this is subject to a competent organization of production. Here are some examples business plan steps for floriculture.

1. Legal aspect. If you have your own land plot that allows you to place a greenhouse on it, you can register as the owner of a personal household plot. This will save on taxes, but will deprive you of the right to engage in the sale of goods - everything will have to be sold to resellers. If you are planning to seriously engage in the flower business, it makes sense to register immediately individual entrepreneurship and choose the system of taxation that suits you best.

2. Building a greenhouse. Experienced people recommend a polycarbonate thermos greenhouse with an area of ​​​​approximately 20 by 5 meters. Important: do not save on the foundation so that the soil does not freeze in winter. The roof should be shed for even distribution of sunlight. The greenhouse is placed from west to east, while the northern wall is made opaque. Properly selected heating and ventilation systems are important to maintain a stable temperature throughout the building area. If you doubt that you can handle all the intricacies of arranging a greenhouse on your own, contact a specialized company. It will be more expensive, but more reliable.

3. Soil and seeds. Make purchases only from reputable flower farms. Be sure to find a good specialist agronomist who can give you, if necessary, useful advice if you do not have professional knowledge and experience. Choose those flowers that are in demand - in addition to classic roses and gladioli, something new comes into fashion every year, keep an eye on it.

4. Sales of products. You diligently looked after your roses or tulips, the result is obvious - the greenhouse has turned into a fragrant flower garden. Now what? Advertising. If you don't have your own flower shop or stall, you need to find buyers. Post photos, business cards and advertisements wherever you can: on the Internet, in wholesale markets, in flower shops. Keep in mind that you can sell not only the flowers themselves, but also seeds, tubers, seedlings, if desired, soil, fertilizers, pots and flower vases - this is also profitable.

In total, the approximate costs are 400-500 thousand rubles, the first income is after 6 months, the payback period is at least 1 year, net profit is 2-3 million rubles with annual costs of 80-85 thousand.

Growing greens as a business

Professional greenery producers have a net profit of at least 100%. This is achieved due to the short ripening period of green onions - up to 30 days - and high efficiency use of the premises - racks can be arranged in two tiers. From one cut per square meter, up to 1.5 kg of green onions are obtained, which, at an average retail price of $ 5 per kilogram, will make a profit of $ 7.5. In addition, 3-4 crops are harvested from one planting. The costs will be, depending on the season, no more than 50% of the total income.

Thus, having planted an area of ​​100 square meters with onions in two tiers, we get $ 1,500 in income. Minus costs - $ 700. Even if at first you don't have retail buyers for so many products wholesale trade bring in at least $500 in net income. More whimsical in the technology of growing lettuce and other greens, proper watering and good lighting for at least 10 hours a day are important here. But their price is also higher. And consumer demand is only increasing every year.

Growing champignons as a business

To start, any airtight, well-ventilated and humidified room is suitable - for example, a cellar. For industrial production mushrooms, you need to rent an extensive warehouse or farm. The room should be divided into two chambers: in one, more humid, the mycelium will germinate, in the other, cooler, mushrooms will ripen. Before starting work, it is advisable to disinfect the walls and floor with a special solution.

It is important to prepare good quality compost, following all the instructions, because. champignon is a rather picky mushroom. But you can buy a ready-made substrate with mycelium. Compost preparation will take about 20 days, after which the substrate is poured into boxes. Then the mycelium is inoculated. During the growth of the mycelium, the humidity in the room should be at least 70%, the temperature inside the substrate should be 20-27 degrees. After about 10 days, when the mycelium has grown, the boxes are covered with cover soil consisting of chalk and peat. After another five days, the temperature in the room should be reduced to 12 degrees.

The area should be well ventilated at this stage and the topsoil layer should be moistened regularly, but avoid getting water directly on the substrate. On average, after 3 months, you can harvest the first crop. If you bought ready-made compost, then even earlier. From 1 sq.m. it is realistic to collect up to 12 kg of champignons for the entire fruiting period. And the consumption of materials for this area will be as follows:

  • compost 100 kg
  • mycelium 500 gr
  • cover soil 50 kg.

The mushroom picker will bear fruit for 10-14 weeks in several visits, there may be more than five per year. The interval between visits will be 5-7 days.

In order to equip a room with an area of ​​150 square meters, you will need at least $ 3,000. If on average 1500-2000 kg of mushrooms are sold at a price of $2 per kg, the profit will be $3000-4000. That is, the costs will fully pay off, but the real income will be received only after the second harvest in the presence of regular customers.

Growing oyster mushrooms as a business

The technology for growing oyster mushrooms is simpler than mushrooms, therefore it is more popular. In order not to waste time preparing compost, you can buy ready-made bags with the substrate and mycelium. It is enough just to lay them out on the floor or racks in the room, make holes in the polyethylene (every 10-15 cm in a checkerboard pattern) and ensure a humidity of at least 95% at a temperature of 25 degrees. After 28-30 days, the bags should be transferred to a well-ventilated room with a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees. At this stage, the bags should be lit with fluorescent lamps for at least 12 hours a day.

Harvest from 1 sq.m. substrate will be approximately 100 kg per year, while every 3 months the substrate must be changed. To get a tangible profit, you need to start with at least 10 tons of substrate, the initial costs in this case will be approximately $ 1000-1200, taking into account the lease of the premises, the purchase of raw materials and the payment of taxes. From the first harvest, you will also only recoup the costs if you did not already have your own premises equipped. Additional profit can be obtained by selling the spent substrate for fertilizer for vegetable gardens.

Growing beans as a business

Beans are not the most popular crop in our country, but, nevertheless, you can make money on this vegetable, especially if you grow a fashionable one now. asparagus beans. This is a thermophilic plant that needs a lot of light. You can plant it for a start in your own summer cottage to check how profitable the business will be.

Sowing is done when the soil temperature is not lower than 16 degrees, the seedlings die during frost, so it is better not to rush. Seeds are sown in holes 6-7 cm deep at a distance of 70 cm from each other. The distance between the beds should be at least 80 cm. Later, the plant will need supports. To make the most of the space, you can grow beans along with tall plants like corn. After germination, the beds need to be weeded, and with the advent of the ovary, fertilize and water the plant.

It takes about 50 days for the beans to ripen, and it bears fruit twice a year. You can sell beans in the market, in supermarkets or wholesale buyers. If you correctly carry out all marketing calculations, you will get a good business with minimal cash investment.

Growing horseradish as a business

Few people consider growing horseradish as profitable business, and, nevertheless, the final income may exceed the costs several times. For 1 sq.m. land, you can plant 6 bushes, from which you get up to 2 kg of crop. You can also sell the leaves, which are used as a seasoning and raw materials for medicines.

Horseradish is a perennial plant, extremely unpretentious in care. It should be planted in a sunny area in loose soil, flavored with humus. Then you need to process the sprouts: weed out the weeds, water the beds during a dry hike, and if inflorescences appear on the bushes, remove them. After harvesting and digging up the beds, roots remain in the ground, which are on next year will grow again.

All costs per 100 sq. m., taking into account the purchase of raw materials for sowing, fertilizers, plant processing and harvesting, will amount to no more than 1600 rubles. If you sell roots at a price of 24,000 rubles per ton, 4,800 rubles will be received from one hundred square meters. Net profit on the face.

Growing potatoes

The idea is not new, but always win-win - potatoes are popular all over the world. The profitability of growing potatoes in the first year after deduction of all investments is 30%. You can plant this crop in greenhouses for the sale of early varieties, or on open ground. The greenhouse method of growing requires much larger investments, so it is better to start with the traditional, soil. Would need:

  • a plot of land, for example, with an area of ​​0.5 hectares;
  • equipment for tillage and harvesting;
  • quality raw materials for planting.

15-25 kg of potatoes are planted on one hundred square meters, therefore, about 10 centners of planting raw materials will be needed on our site.

At 6 cents per kilogram, the cost would be $600. Rent necessary equipment for a year - 700-900 dollars, fertilizers and pest control - another 150. As a result, we need to invest about 1500 dollars. Up to 200 kg of potatoes are harvested from one hundred square meters, that is, from our site we will get 10,000 kg. With a wholesale price of 2 cents per kilogram, the profit will be $2,000, which means $500 in net income after the first harvest.

When making the final decision on what is profitable for you personally, you should realistically assess your financial capabilities, knowledge, and willingness to invest your time and effort into the business. And if you have decided, do not be too lazy to study as much information as possible about the selected plant, its cultivation technology and the market.

Products grown on domestic farms enjoy great confidence among Russian consumers. For the development of private business, the state provides individual entrepreneurs special privileges. In this article, we will tell you what is profitable to grow for sale and what is worth buying for the production of agricultural products so that your business flourishes.

What is profitable to grow?

The demand for organic products is very high. Focus on the most consumed foods in your area or those that are hard to get in a particular season. With them, it will be easier for you to earn and get more profit. Greenhouses will allow you to grow vegetables all year round, which gives you especially high profits in the autumn-winter period.

Vegetables. Classic types that sell well are peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, and carrots. Tomatoes are better to choose several varieties: for canning, standard and small for salads. Pay attention to cabbage, especially broccoli. The year-round cultivation of greens has been very popular lately: onions, dill, parsley, mint, celery.

Fruit. We advise you to engage in crop production in several directions at once: while some fruits ripen, another type of crop will be ready. Apples and pears are good because the fruits can be harvested most of the year. There are summer, autumn and winter cultivars, so the harvest will be plentiful.

Berries. It is better to select varieties so that their ripening period does not coincide with the usual period in your area. Then there will be constant demand for berries. Strawberries can be grown all year round in greenhouses. The blackberry has a high yield and blooms quite late. Therefore, you are unlikely to have competitors.

Mushrooms. You can even grow on the balcony in the apartment. The most popular are champignons and oyster mushrooms. They are unpretentious and give a rich harvest.

Flowers. On the Internet you can find many recommendations for doing such a business. You can do floriculture in two directions:

  1. Domestic and thermophilic plants. Start with light-loving and fast-growing species. Desert flowers are very popular now: succulents and cacti.
  2. Outdoor plants can be divided into two areas: for seedlings and cutting. For planting, choose fast-growing annual varieties. Among them are calendula, marigolds, nasturtiums, dichondra, California poppy, petunias, dimorphoteca, iberis, lavatera. Tulips, astilba, peonies, gladioli, asters, chrysanthemums, roses, lilies, hyacinths are suitable for bouquets.

What do you need to buy to open a business in the garden?

To operate in this area, you will need a plot with fertile soil. You can improve the quality of the land yourself by using fertilizers and manure. When the site is already available, it's time to build greenhouses and sheds, provide them with everything necessary, then install irrigation systems, stock up on seeds, seedlings and literature on growing crops. All of the above requires serious financial investments, but in recent years the Russian government has been conducting various programs to support private entrepreneurs, especially in the agricultural sector.

What are the state programs to support entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture?

Grants are provided in the following cases:

  1. Creation of an agricultural IP. This grant can be used to purchase land plot, connection to systems and communications, design and construction of agricultural facilities. You can only get it once. To do this, you need to provide a report on where the funds will be sent.
  2. Household arrangement of novice farmers. This grant can be used to build an entrepreneur's home or improve living conditions. It applies only to new buildings and the actual construction from scratch. Useful for those who move to another area for the sake of business.

Please note that in order to receive state aid and loans in any banks, you will need to provide a clear business plan, taking into account all expenses and projected profits. You will need to evaluate everything that you need to purchase in advance, and in the long term. Mistakes in business cannot be made, therefore, every choice, from seeds to greenhouses, should be approached with the utmost responsibility.

How to grow in a greenhouse all year round? Get harvests whole year possible only when building capital winter greenhouses. Structures can be erected on a wooden or metal galvanized frame. for business must have a foundation, its thickness depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

A greenhouse in winter as a business covered with polyethylene will cost cheapest. However, the film coating has a number of disadvantages: brittleness, poor light transmission. The film will have to be replaced every season, which will significantly reduce the profitability of the structure. Film greenhouses are suitable for growing moisture-loving crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Greens, strawberries and flowers do not need the high humidity that the film creates.

Glazed greenhouses are more durable, but their construction will cost more. Greenhouses need not domestic, but tempered industrial glass, it is much more resistant to weather conditions. The disadvantage of glass greenhouses is an excess of ultraviolet radiation. On hot and sunny days, the plants will have to be shaded to avoid burns.

Perfect option- a greenhouse covered with sheets of acrylic or polycarbonate.

They are durable, easy to cut and bend, taking any shape.

Polycarbonate transmits sunlight, suitable even for the coldest regions.

Suitable for industrial cultivation shed structures.

This form provides uniform illumination and prevents snow from lingering on the roof.

It is desirable to make the northern wall of the greenhouse opaque by laying it out with timber or cinder blocks. A blank wall will create the effect of a solar battery, allowing you to save on heating.

The building must be equipped with a ventilation system, climate control and automatic drip irrigation. A double door or vestibule is needed at the entrance area, this will protect the plants from the cold in winter.

The most important issue for year-round greenhouses is heating during the cold season. To save money, you can combine conventional heating methods with biofuels. For heating, you can use wood stoves, fires, electric boilers, infrared cables. Most often, farmers combine several methods.

Industrial greenhouses are impressive in size. The most common area is from 500 sq. m to 1 ha. For strength, load-bearing columns are installed inside the structure. Farm greenhouse may be smaller. For vegetables and flowers, it is worth building structures of 150-200 square meters. m, greenhouses of 100-120 sq. m.

Choosing cultures

Experts are unanimous: it is most profitable to grow flowers in a greenhouse. Greens are in second place, vegetables are in third. Those who decide to bet on berry crops, especially strawberries, have good chances.

The choice of a particular crop for cultivation depends on many factors:

  1. The level of competition in the region. Before you start working, you need to find out what other entrepreneurs are growing. It is worth considering that in summer and early autumn the profitability of the greenhouse business falls due to an increase in the supply of ground crops.
  2. Consumer preferences. Bet on what is in high demand. Beginning farmers should grow the most popular crops that are easier to market.
  3. level of initial investment. The cheapest way to build a small greenhouse for greenery. Growing flowers is much more expensive, they are demanding in terms of heating, lighting, and the size of greenhouses.
  4. climate. The colder the region, the less profitable greenhouse farms due to high heating costs.

Characteristics of popular cultures

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse all year round? In a greenhouse, they most often grow, and, or. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to choose varieties cultivated for greenhouses, which are distinguished by a rich taste and correct form berries, as well as their density and moderate juiciness.

Basic costs

A winter greenhouse, as a business, requires a significant initial investment. These include:

  1. Purchase or lease of land. The price depends on the distance. It is worth considering that a farm located far away increases transportation costs.
  2. Construction and equipment of the greenhouse. The most expensive option is a fully automated building with a climate control system, drip irrigation, auto-ventilation, fogging and shading.
  3. Purchase of planting material. The cheapest option is to buy seeds. Grown seedlings and cuttings for stocking flowers are more expensive. In the future, in the greenhouse, you can allocate a zone for the constant cultivation of seedlings for yourself and for sale.
  4. Registration farming or IP. Required for entrepreneurs planning active work with retail and attraction of hired workers. A small greenhouse own site does not require registration, but limits the farmer's ability to find buyers for products.

In addition to one-time expenses, the farmer is also waiting for monthly expenses. These include:

  • spending on heating, lighting and plumbing;
  • buying fertilizers;
  • fare;
  • employees' wages.


Experts estimate the average profitability of a winter greenhouse at 20%.

When breeding flowers and greenery, it reaches 30% and above, profitability vegetable greenhouses - no more than 15%.

Payback periods depend on the size of the greenhouses and the level of demand.

To get the maximum benefit from the greenhouse business, you must:

  1. Choose the right crop to grow. Undemanding greens are suitable for novice farmers, flowers or strawberries for more experienced farmers. Vegetables should be grown only in regions with a temperate climate and low competition.
  2. Build a quality greenhouse, which will not require annual repairs. Buildings made of decommissioned double-glazed windows are not suitable for business.
    Consider lighting and heating.
  3. Select cultivation technology. Soil technologies are too expensive, hydroponic crops are not liked by consumers. A compromise option is suspended cultivation or rack technology. Soil layers are placed in tiers, each equipped with lighting and irrigation system. Strawberries can be grown in special mats placed in vertical or horizontal plastic sleeves.
  4. Control the composition of the soil. The greenhouse business requires frequent replacement of the soil, with continuous cultivation and dense plantings, it is quickly depleted. You need to fertilize every 2 weeks.
  5. Use varieties cultivated for growing in greenhouses. They are resistant to diseases, have a short growing season and excellent yields. It is recommended to bet on the 2-3 most popular varieties, excluding constant experiments with new products.

A greenhouse business can become successful and provide the owner with a steady income. In order not to be disappointed, it is important to analyze your capabilities long before the start, draw up detailed business plan and think over the issues of product sales.

The crisis, sanctions, and a ban on the import of vegetables, fruits and berries from Turkey, for many of which it was the largest supplier, have affected Russian agricultural enterprises. A study of consumer and production prices for individual crops, as well as an analysis of the situation with foreign trade made it possible to determine the most popular crops in Russia, the cultivation of which is promising and profitable.


Over the past 10 years, the export of agricultural products from Russia has grown six times; in 2016, almost $20 billion worth of goods went abroad. Vladimir Putin, in his message to the Federal Assembly, instructed that by 2020 only food products should be on store shelves. domestic production.

Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev said that the country is able to fulfill the President's order only with additional funding.

Over the past year, more than 50 billion rubles have been spent to support the village, but personal subsidiary farms (PSPs) have been left out of this assistance. This is due to the fact that it is beneficial for banks to cooperate with large enterprises who have well-established accounting, have collateral, as well as a strong reserve financial resources.

The question naturally arises, what is profitable to grow for sale in such a difficult time for the country?

Food embargo against Turkey in numbers

Russian government banned the import of vegetables and fruits from Turkey from the beginning of 2016. Under the ban were: pears, apricots, peaches, cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, gherkins, onions, tangerines, oranges, plums, strawberries, apples, strawberries, grapes. On March 17, due to infections with quarantine organisms revealed during inspections, the Rosselkhoznadzor banned the supply of pepper and pomegranates, from April 25, Russian counters lost Turkish eggplant, and on May 16, supplies of iceberg lettuce and lettuce are stopped.

In order to understand what the ban on the supply of vegetables, fruits and berries from Turkey entailed, we present some figures provided by Rosstat, FruitNews, Center international trade Moscow:

  • in 2015 from Turkey to Russia received foodstuffs for $1 billion;
  • out of 17 categories of goods that were initially banned, Turkey was the largest supplier for 5 of them for Russia;
  • Turkish deliveries of vegetables accounted for 20% of the total volume imported to Russia;
  • 70% of tomatoes in Russia are imported from other countries, Turkey accounted for more than 50%;
  • in December 2015, the cost of tomatoes increased by 29% compared to the end of November;
  • Cucumbers went up 35% in November 2015 compared to the same month in 2014.

Analysis of imports and price indices

Already in 2015, compared to 2014, imports of the main vegetable crops decreased significantly (see Fig. 1).

Thus, the supply of potatoes for the period from January to June 2014 compared to the same period in 2015 fell from 619.8 thousand tons to 498.8; tomatoes - from 599 to 494.7 thousand tons; onion and garlic — from 333.7 to 260.7; cabbage — from 229.1 to 161.4; carrots - from 224.7 to 171.6 thousand tons, cucumbers - from 121.1 to 78.9 thousand tons.

Rice. 1 Import of vegetables
Source: federal Service state statistics

At the same time, the analysis of consumer price indices and agricultural producer prices (see Fig. 2) allows us to conclude which crops are profitable to grow for sale.

Rice. 2 Agricultural producer and consumer price indices in July 2015 (at the end of the period, to the corresponding month of the previous year, in %)
Source: Federal State Statistics Service, materials for the press conference on the topic: “Import substitution in agriculture: myths and reality»

Thus, consumer prices for carrots (in more), beets and apples exceed producer prices, but prices for cabbage (especially), onions and potatoes are in the opposite plane - production exceeds consumer prices.

Therefore, despite the reduced volume of imports, it is not advisable to consider them in terms of making a profit, if we are not talking about global industrial scale with the attraction of significant additional investment.

Top five sought-after crops

Tomatoes and cucumbers

In 2015, Turkish supplies of tomatoes are estimated at 292.8 thousand tons for $281.1 million, according to the FCS.

According to CEO FruitNews Irina Koziy, the cessation of supplies of tomatoes from Turkey is now especially critical for Russian market. The assortment of these vegetables has noticeably decreased on store shelves (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Which countries will replace Turkey in the supply of tomatoes, the volume in million $
Source: Moscow World Trade Center calculations based on data from the Federal customs service(FTS)

Thus, imports from Turkey in January-February 2015 amounted to $58.2 million; Morocco supplied tomatoes for $21.1 million, and in the same period of 2016 increased the volume to $51.7 million; the share of deliveries from China decreased from $17.3 million to $15.5 million; Azerbaijani deliveries increased from 1.4 to 5.4; Egyptian — from 0.6 to 3.9; Armenia increased the share of supplied tomatoes from $0.01 million to $3 million; other countries - decreased from 9.4 to 7.6. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate how much the total supplies fell, and, consequently, there was a shortage of this crop in the Russian vegetable market.

Rice. 4 Which countries will replace Turkey in the supply of cucumbers, the volume in million $
Source: Moscow World Trade Center calculations based on FCS data

As mentioned above, prices for cucumbers increased significantly against the backdrop of a decrease in imports (see Fig. 3), supplies fell by 38.1% in monetary terms and by more than 33% in kind, Turkey left, Iran is in the lead, but also volumes of its deliveries decreased by almost a quarter. Thus, the number of cucumbers supplied from abroad is not enough to meet all the needs of the Russian market.

Growing tomatoes and cucumbers is beneficial all year round indoors. If we talk about what is more profitable to grow in a greenhouse for sale, it should be understood: it will not be possible to give an unequivocal answer to this question due to the fact that everything depends on the following factors:

  • production volume;
  • opportunities and their conditions;
  • varieties of cultivated crops;
  • sales promotion;
  • features of the region;
  • and a number of technical issues, such as the organization of the irrigation system, heating, lighting.


Import volumes fell and consumer prices rose significantly. The advantages of growing carrots are provided by the following factors:

  • carrots are unpretentious;
  • stored for a long time;
  • grown in open ground;
  • does not require expensive equipment.

In January 2015, residents of Vladivostok found imported carrots in stores at a price of 2,500 rubles, supplied from South Africa. Specialists of the Department of Licensing and Trade of Primorsky Krai noted that residents of Primorye prefer domestic carrots at a price of more than two thousand rubles per kilogram to domestic carrots, prices for which range from 23 to 43 rubles per kilogram. More than 5 tons of such carrots are sold per month. And the above imported - about 50 kg. per month.


The strawberry business is particularly relevant in the current situation. This is again due to the cessation of supplies from Turkey. In 2015, 13.1 thousand tons of strawberries worth more than $22 million were imported from this country, which is 47.7% of all imports of these berries to the Russian Federation. It is practically impossible to replace it with supplies from other countries, as Irina Koziy notes. In Egypt and Morocco, which theoretically could replace Turkey, strawberries ripen only in autumn. According to the Technologies of Growth company, in Russia until 2016 the annual volume of the fresh strawberry market was more than 220 thousand tons per year.

Both in greenhouses and at home, strawberries can be grown all year round.


According to the data of the World Trade Center for 2015, the Russian Federation received $ 14.8 million worth of imported lettuce, which is 64% less than in 2014. More than 23% accounted for Turkish supplies.

Lettuce can be grown at home, in the open field and in a greenhouse. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • before planting, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil;
  • sowing depth should be about 7 mm, the distance between rows is 20 cm, and for headed cabbage about 45 cm;
  • during watering, you need to make sure that water does not fall on the leaves;
  • avoid the appearance of a crust on the surface of the earth, otherwise the seedlings simply will not be able to break through the stronghold;
  • monitor a sufficient level of humidity, but so that it is not excessive, otherwise the crop may be affected by the fungus and partially die.

The greenhouse method of growing lettuce attracts with a quick harvest. So, in some varieties of leaf lettuce, in particular varieties "Parliament", watercress and others, after twenty days a rosette containing ten or more leaves grows. Leaf varieties can be sown every three weeks, which guarantees a consistent yield. It remains only to take care of the necessary care and marketing.

In addition to these crops, the demand for which is ensured by a decrease in imports, the cultivation of other types of plants, including non-food ones, such as flowers, can bring good profits if properly organized.