Raising motivation for a healthy lifestyle. Basic Research

Generalization of work experience class teacher Govorovoy E.V. on the topic "Forming students' positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle and fostering a caring attitude towards their health" is presented in the zip document.



Summarizing the experience of the class teacher.

Experience Theme: "Formation of positive motivation of students for a healthy lifestyle and education of respect for their health."


Intensive changes in the education system, innovative processes in the Russian school raise questions about maintaining the health of schoolchildren.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev approved the initiative "Our new school”, one of the directions of which is the preservation and strengthening of the health of schoolchildren.

According to Gennady Onishchenko, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia, today's schoolchildren spend "an extremely long time" in educational institutions - from 8 hours. Therefore, the value attitude of children to their health cannot be formed without the participation of teachers.

According to official statistics, at present in our country the commitment of citizens to a healthy lifestyle is extremely low. Spreading bad habits among the younger generation and the deterioration of the health of Russians, associated with non-compliance with the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, require the search for effective measures to form the motivation for health-saving behavior. It is impossible to doubt the assertion that the health of the younger generation determines the level of development of society. Assessing the health of children today, we get a forecast of the country's well-being for the future.

The goals and objectives of the work of the class teacher in this direction:


Formation of positive motivation of students to a healthy lifestyle.


  1. to achieve children's understanding of the essence of health and a healthy lifestyle;
  2. educate a responsible attitude to their own health and the health of others;
  3. develop skills in managing your health;
  4. to form a culture of food;
  5. create a need for training physical education and sports.
  6. promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  7. raising students' awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol and cigarettes on human health, as well as the consequences that affect the health of future generations.

The degree of novelty consists of:

  1. In specifying one of the priority areas of the project "Our New School" in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren;
  2. In the systematization of the work of the class teacher on the formation of positive motivation of students for a healthy lifestyle

Brief description of the experience:

The work of the class teacher is aimed at forming a positive motivation of students for a healthy lifestyle and fostering a caring attitude towards their health. The beginning was laid in the 2009-2010 academic year, when the class teacher Govorova E.V. started working with the 5th "M" class and continues to this day (now the guys are in the 7th "M" class)

The very concept of "health" has several definitions. The work of Govorova E.V. relies on the most popular, and perhaps the most succinct, definition given by the World Health Organization: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Using this scheme, I outlined the following areas of activity of the class teacher in the formation of a value attitude towards their health in children:

  1. Maintaining and improving the physical health of students;
  2. Preservation mental health children;
  3. Improving the moral health of students;
  4. Preservation of the social health of children;
  5. Preserving the spiritual health of the younger generation

Activities by directions.




physical health

The work is carried out jointly with a physical education teacher, we involve parents in many events.

Preparing a team for participation in tourist rallies

The class health diary includes sections:

  1. General characteristics of the class;
  2. Surnames of students working with the left hand, with speech defects, slow, extremely mobile
  3. Surnames of children with posture disorders, chronic diseases, diseases of the nervous system, visual impairment;
  4. The development of the child, where the height and weight of children are recorded at the beginning and end of each study. of the year;
  5. Distribution of students by health groups;
  6. The level of physical fitness of the class;
  7. The results of diagnostics of the structure of relationships in the team.


mental health

Ensuring favorable psychological conditions in the class team:

  1. Monitoring the level of relationships of students with each other;
  2. Games for the formation of conflict-free communication;
  3. Games-competitions to overcome the internal complexes of children.

In this direction, it is necessary teamwork with the school psychologist. Let us dwell on what depends on the class teacher

moral health

Work in this direction includes all of the above, as well as:

  1. Organization of schoolchildren to participate in various competitions, olympiads;
  2. Preparing a volunteer group of students “We choose life” and speaking at classroom hours in primary school;
  3. Conducting various forms of classes: games, disputes, travel to the future, etc.

The priority direction of education in the field of healthy lifestyle should be the formation of the moral qualities of the child, which are the foundation of health.

social health

  1. Organization of meetings with doctors, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

(particularly with the school inspector)

  1. Sketches, dramatizations on the topic "Prevention of bad habits";
  2. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "This is not for me!";
  3. Student work on the memo “Say NO!”;
  4. Implementation of the preventive program "Useful skills" (for the prevention of substance use)
  5. Development of a memo "Being healthy is great!"
  6. Performance of a healthy lifestyle propaganda team at the regional competition in Veliky Novgorod

Spiritual health

  1. Visiting the Holy Spirit Monastery, a trip to the Iberian Monastery;
  2. Activation of children and their parents to participate in the annual Christmas marathon
  3. Cooperation with the local history museum

(visiting exhibitions, expositions)

Spiritual health is a system of values ​​and beliefs, it is a state that characterizes a person as a person capable of developing his skills and abilities.

Only a person who lives in harmony with himself and with the world will be truly healthy!

Practical significance. The materials of the presented work can be used by teachers, class teachers and parents.


(information obtained as a result of an anonymous survey of students and their parents)

  1. informed about the factors shaping health: 2009-2010 - 78,3%, 2010-2011- 80% , 2011-2012 - 94,1%;
  2. informed about the dangers of smoking, energy drinks, beer, alcohol, substance abuse, drug addiction: 2009-2010 - 84,5 %, 2010-2011 - 89% , 2011-2012- 97%
  3. participate in healthy lifestyle activities: 2009-2010 - 49%, 2010-2011 - 65%, 2011-2012 - 76% .
  1. do morning exercises (according to information from parents): 2009-2010- 16,7%, 2010-2011 - 23%, 2011-2012 -31%
  2. tempered: 2009-2010 - 8,4%, 2010-2011 - 11%, 2011-2012- 15,0%.
  3. regularly participate in sports competitions: 2009-2010 - 60,1%, 2010-2011- 73%, 2011-2012 - 83,9%;
  4. excluded carbonated drinks, chips from the diet (according to information from parents): 2009-2010 - 1,2 %, 2010-2011 - 6,6%;

2011-2012- 12% class students

Expected Result:

  1. Increasing the priority of a healthy lifestyle among students;
  1. Awareness by schoolchildren of the negative impact on health of bad habits;
  1. Growth in the level of physical development and physical fitness of students;
  1. Reducing the incidence of children, especially the so-called "school" diseases (visual impairment, posture disorders, etc.)
  1. Efficiency:

1. Systematic work on the formation of positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle of students in the class entrusted to me began in the 2009-2010 academic year.

Now the guys are already in the 7th grade, and we can say that the number of passes training sessions decreased due to illness, as children began to take better care of their health.

2. Reduced the number of missed lessons due to illness

3. Coverage of students in physical education sports work

Theoretical base:

  1. Bal L.V., Barkanov S.V. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of Russian teenagers. M., 2003.
  2. Boyko A. Healthy tests. M., 2003.
  3. Vasiliev V. Health and stress. M., 1992.
  4. Guzikov B.M., Meiroyan A.A. What is destroying us… About the problem of alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking. M., 1990.
  5. The class leader. M., 1999.
  6. Loransky D.N., Lukyanov V.S. The ABC of Health: A Book for Youth. M., 1990.
  7. Moroz O.P. risk group. M., 1990.
  8. Health Pedagogy. M., 1990.
  9. Rogov E.I. Human psychology: A book for schoolchildren. M., 1999.
  10. Rozhkov M.I., Baiborodova L.V. Organization educational process at school. M., 2000

11. Torohova E.I. Valeology: Dictionary. M.: M.: Flinta. Nauka. 1999.

12. Handbook of the class teacher No. 9.2007 / article by R.V. Babenko “Formation of class teacher documentation”

Handbook of the class teacher No. 9.2007 / article by R.V. Babenko “Formulation of documentation of the class teacher”

Motivation This is the impulse that causes the activity of a person to some action and determines the direction of this activity.

If the basics of a healthy lifestyle are taught from the very early age, then this process proceeds naturally. Just like breathing fresh air, brushing teeth, the child easily joins physical exercises, hardening procedures and other activities important for the formation of health. He develops a behavioral stereotype aimed at maintaining health. Such a stereotype is easily formed in a child in a family where the parents themselves profess a healthy lifestyle. Great importance The school plays a role in shaping the need to improve their health in children. The entire educational process in the school should be built in such a way as to, first of all, preserve the health of their pupils. In this case, the training will also be much easier, because. healthy children will learn the program material faster. They will have the joy of creativity.

Today's practice shows that there are too few such families where children join a healthy lifestyle from an early age. There are few schools in our country in which training is carried out on valeological principles. This is one of the main reasons for the poor health of school leavers. Many of them already have to continue not only to maintain health, but to restore what they have lost. Doing this is much more difficult.

However, it is never too late to join a healthy lifestyle and thereby actively shape your health. The truth is, the sooner you do this, the better. Firstly, you will live longer, and secondly, you will experience more joy in life. In order for an adult, including students, to join a healthy lifestyle, a serious motivation is needed, because. it is very difficult to break the existing behavioral stereotype. It is known that some people were able to do this under pain of death.

So, what motives can underlie the formation of a healthy lifestyle? First of all, this self-preservation. A person avoids many activities when he knows that they can cause some kind of injury, illness, or even death. So, for example, he will not jump from a very great height, will not eat poisonous mushrooms, will not go along the road towards a speeding car. It should be noted, however, that some people's sense of danger has become dull, and they often take risks by crossing the road in the wrong place. As we can see, the motive of self-preservation concerns extreme situations. Feeling healthy and strong, young people sometimes lose their caution, reduce their sense of responsibility for their bodies. This causes careless actions, the result of which can be serious injuries, infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately, retribution is inevitable.

Another motive for maintaining health may be adherence to ethnocultural traditions. Over the centuries, mankind has developed a lot of useful skills aimed at maintaining health. This applies to food, clothing, housing, hygienic skills, ethical and aesthetic requirements. People empirically approached a balanced diet, and the set of products on different continents of the globe is different depending on the conditions of life. The peoples living in territories where the long, cold winter consumes more fat, and the indigenous inhabitants of the Far North have adapted to eat raw frozen fish and venison. These products allow them to balance their nutrition, and therefore maintain health. The same applies to the features of clothing and housing. Compliance with hygiene rules also contributes to the preservation of health. For the purpose of maintaining health closed system water supply (plumbing), and not just for the sake of convenience. Hygienic, ethical and aesthetic requirements are met by a water closet created by man. A Russian bath gives a lot of useful things to a person. The wording of this motivation sounds something like this: "I obey the ethno-cultural requirements because I want to be an equal member of society." IN Everyday life We do not set ourselves such a motivation, since we have been taught to fulfill these requirements since childhood.

Many people have been introduced to a healthy lifestyle by such motivation as enjoyment of self-improvement.

A person likes to do something when he enjoys it. So children can easily be taught to wash themselves if warm water, acting on the skin of the face, causes pleasant sensations. Many people, doing some kind of physical exercise, experience pleasure not so much at the time of training, but after optimal physical activity and taking a shower. A person wants to experience a pleasant feeling of lightness of his body again and again, as this brings him joy. When playing team sports, the process of the game itself is of interest, it takes place against the backdrop of positive emotions, so most people love team sports. And what makes some people in 20 ° frost swim in the hole? Of course, getting pleasure from self-improvement, from victory over oneself.

Next to the stated motivation is such as the possibility of self-improvement. In this case, a person realizes that health will allow him to acquire the profession he needs or improve in an already chosen one. In the conditions of capitalist relations, this motivation puts pressure on many people in economic terms, a person is simply forced to think about his health, increase his potential, otherwise he workplace will take another, whose health potential is higher. On the one hand, this is a good incentive for self-improvement, but on the other hand, it can give rise to fear of losing a job and causing health problems.

Another motivation is possible: ability to maneuver. A healthy person has more opportunities (if necessary) to change his profession, change his place of residence, climate zone. However, the possibilities of such motivation are small.

There is also such a motivation to improve one's health as realization of sexual possibilities.

Good health provides an opportunity for sexual harmony, which in itself also affects health. The value of this motivation is not the same in terms of individual characteristics of a person, as well as depending on age and gender.

For someone achieving the highest possible comfort can also be a motivation to improve your health.

There is also this motivation: for company”, when children, adolescents and young people get involved in some kind of sport, wanting to be in the circle of their friends who are already involved in, for example, skating, swimming, etc. However, this same motivation can push on self-destructive behavior.

It is impossible not to mention such motivation as fashion for a healthy lifestyle. This motivation could be especially effective for young people, since they are characterized by an active reaction to various fashion trends, both in clothing and in behavior. But this requires a powerful promotion of a healthy lifestyle by means of mass media. Today in our country it is fashionable to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, drugs, walk without a hat in winter. Even children seize this fashionable bait, they are forced to lead a self-destructive lifestyle. Everything is turned upside down in this issue.

And finally, there is still quite a strong motivation: overcoming physical illness. Many examples can be given when people joined a healthy lifestyle, exercise in the hope of getting rid of some serious disease. Most of them succeeded. Some of them became famous athletes and even world champions.

It is difficult to imagine a case when all the listed motivations could simultaneously and equally induce a person to take actions aimed at strengthening his health.

Every age has its own motivational grounds for a healthy lifestyle. While a person feels healthy, it is difficult for him to realize that health must be maintained and strengthened. He does not even think that something can happen to his health. Related to this is the psychological difficulty of developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

It has already been said above that in order for a person to realize the need to improve their health, serious motivation is needed. But what conditions are necessary for a person, having motivation, to lead a healthy lifestyle, this will be concept healthy lifestyle.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle depends on many conditions and, above all, on health conditions specific person in exact time. This is the so-called objective factor of a healthy lifestyle. The rest of the factors are subjective. Only a healthy person can improve health. A sick person needs first of all treatment. After the appropriate medical correction of his health, he, observing an individual regimen, can move on to non-medical means of restoring and strengthening his health.

Even if a person has a low health potential, that is, he is in a state of pre-illness, he must first form health, then strengthen it and maintain it in the future. To be healthy, you need to learn how to constantly replenish your health reserves.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle also depends on the human environment (climatic zone, place of residence and study, living conditions and etc.). For example, in the conditions of our climatic zone, summer and winter types of recreational activities are possible, and in the conditions, for example, of the Krasnodar Territory, only summer types are possible. Someone may be able to place various simulators in their apartment, while another may not have such an opportunity.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle depends to a large extent on economic conditions person. From this, first of all, good nutrition depends, the opportunity to beautifully, in accordance with the season and weather conditions get dressed, take enough time to improve your health.

The ability to heal the body also depends on previously acquired healthy lifestyle habits. All people from childhood are brought up in different families. In some family, parents, professing a healthy lifestyle, managed to instill these skills in their children. In another family, the parents could not do this because they lead a self-destructive lifestyle.

Introducing a person to a healthy lifestyle should begin to form his motivation for health. Caring for health, its strengthening should become a value motive that forms, regulates and controls a person's lifestyle. The way of life of each person determines his ideas about the meaning of life, attitude to the world around him, to himself, to his health. It has been proven that no wishes, orders, punishments can force a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, protect and strengthen their own health, if all this is not controlled by conscious health motivation.

Health motivation is formed on the basis of two important principles - age, according to which the education of health motivation must begin from early childhood, and activity, according to which the motive of health should be created through health-improving activities in relation to oneself, i.e. to form new qualities through exercises. The experience of health-improving activity and exercises in it create the appropriate motivation (purposeful need) and attitude (readiness for activity) to health, just like “appetite comes with eating”. Based on this conscious motivation, one's own style of healthy behavior is formed. A healthy lifestyle is determined by different motives. Let's name the main ones:

ü Self-preservation motivation: a person does not perform this or that action, knowing that it threatens his health and life. For example, a person will not jump from a bridge into a river if he cannot swim, because he knows for sure that he will drown;

ü Motivation for obedience to ethno-cultural requirements: a person submits to ethno-cultural requirements because he wants to be an equal member of society and live in harmony with its members. During a long social evolution, society has selected good habits, developed a system of protection against adverse factors. All this was passed down in a certain ethnic group from generation to generation in the form of taboos or traditions. Failure to comply with the requirements was seen as a challenge to society and was punished. For example, based on hygienic, aesthetic and ethical requirements a person from early childhood is taught to send his physiological needs in certain closed places, specially equipped for this; violation of these norms is fraught with negative consequences;

ü Motivation to enjoy health: this simple hedonic (enjoyable) motivation, because the feeling of health brings joy. To experience this feeling, a person strives to be healthy. For example, children and teenagers love to run, jump, dance, as these activities improve blood circulation in the body, increase metabolism, evoke positive emotions, and improve mood. All this contributes to the formation of motivation, prompting to maximize the motor activity of this nature, and later to the formation of interest in systematic dancing or physical education. As they grow older, these activities will turn into a habit that will certainly bring pleasure, since the result will be not only good mood but also physical perfection. It's important not to overdo it;

ü Motivation for self-improvement: It is expressed in the realization that, being healthy, one can rise to a higher rung of the social ladder. This motivation is essential for graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions, when it is necessary to be competitive in order to achieve a high level of social recognition. A healthy graduate is more likely to succeed;

ü Motivation for maneuvering: it boils down to the fact that a healthy person will be able to change his role and his position in the community at his own discretion. A healthy person can change professions, move from one climate zone to another, he feels free regardless of external conditions;

ü Motivation for sexual fulfillment is formulated as follows: "Health gives me the opportunity for sexual harmony." The sexual potency of a man and a woman is directly dependent on health. BUT young man it is paramount to be sexually attractive;

ü Motivation to achieve the highest possible comfort, the essence of which boils down to the fact that a healthy person is not disturbed by physical and psychological inconvenience.

People in whom all motivations are equally significant are extremely rare. Moreover, the exorbitant concern of such a person with his health gives reason to think: is he too busy with the problems of a healthy lifestyle and has this concern acquired a painful character?

Throughout life, a person experiences different motivations. In adolescence, the leading motives are sexual realization, self-improvement, and maneuvering. If a boy or girl smokes, then such a motive as a threat to health in the future is not suitable for them, because the future for them is tomorrow, next Sunday, the end of the semester, and pleasure is now and here. The reference to ethno-cultural requirements is also not suitable for them, since this motive is insignificant for them. Moreover, breaking it, young people experience pleasure, believing that in this way they assert themselves. At this age, the motivation for sexual fulfillment has already been formed and can play a positive role in the prevention of alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse, if it is skillfully proven to have a detrimental effect on sexual potency in boys and childbearing function in girls.

Observations show that self-preservation motivation sometimes loses its significance for young people. Health and strength make it difficult for them to be careful in dangerous situations. They think: "It can happen to anyone, but not to me!". It is a weak sense of responsibility for one's behavior that is the main cause of venereal diseases after casual intimate contacts, the reason for being drawn into drug addiction, drunkenness, leading to alcoholism. It seems to young people aged 18-25 that the resource of their personal health is not limited. But this is a mistake. Try to protect yourself from it - scientists call.

What do we understand by the motivation of health and a healthy lifestyle? Before answering this question, let's consider the very concept of "motivation".
So, motivation is an impulse to action. A motive is a reason that compels us to perform an action. Both positive and negative emotions can serve as a motive. We may imagine how happy we will be after achieving a certain goal, or we may feel the inferiority of the present situation that we want to correct.

In order for a person to act, he needs motivation. Motivation is caused by motive. The motive is desire. A person must want to act in a certain way. He must want results. No other way. Nothing will force a person to act just like that, if he does not see any benefit for himself in this.

Health motivation is the motivation for actions aimed at maintaining or improving health. The problem is that a person cannot want to be healthy if he is healthy at the moment and does not experience any discomfort. You cannot want to be in Paris if you are already in Paris. This will not be your goal. But you may feel discomfort from the fact that you are sitting in some remote place and you have no money for a trip or you liked Paris so much that you will do everything to return there.

It's the same with health - what you want most is to be healthy when you're sick. When we are healthy, we simply do not realize all the beauty of our current state! And as a result, we lead a lifestyle that is not at all conducive to promoting or maintaining health.

How to develop motivation?

Speaking about the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, first of all, people should learn to understand that their health is a variable value. Health is like a flowering plant: if it is not properly cared for, not watered, not fertilized, then it will soon wither, its flowers will wither, its leaves will fall, and it will take a lot of effort to restore it to its previous state, if at all possible.

Secondly, you can help a person treat himself correctly by putting these rules into his still small children's head. And what rules does the child learn best? That's right, those that are performed by people who are authorities for him, or rather, his parents. And then, throughout life - friends, like-minded people and close circle.

In a group (fitness, mailing lists, forums) it is always easier to keep yourself motivated, especially during its “fall”. And that time always comes. The energy circulating in groups helps to “raise” motivation and gives a person new strength to advance.

One more effective way keep yourself motivated - visualization of what you want. Imagine what you want to achieve, the end result, and consciously go to the goal.

Take responsibility for your actions. If you have already decided something, then do it. Of course, it is difficult for us to constantly stay on the same wavelength, we feel sorry for ourselves and often give ourselves indulgences. You need to accept this as a fact and understand that no one is going to do anything for you.

Find and fix in yourself any excuses that will tempt you to abandon your plan. Feel free to discard the insignificant ones, and take into account the essential ones and, in accordance with them, adjust further actions to achieve best result in the most enjoyable way.

Types of motivation

Among the various motives are the following:

conservation motive

No special activity is required here. The goal is to keep what is already there. You simply do not perform those actions that can harm your health.

Disease Prevention

We suffer when we are sick. We have to go to the clinic, take medicine, put up with some physical limitations, spend time on physiotherapy, etc. All these activities are not pleasant and the desire to avoid them is often a powerful incentive for a healthy lifestyle.


The disease is a serious obstacle to study and career. An employer is more likely to hire a healthy person than someone who has health problems, because. his frequent illness will hinder the profit of the enterprise, create problems with work schedules and the need to pay temporary disability benefits.

The pleasure of feeling good

It takes place when a person enjoys his healthy state, his ability to improve physically, play sports, dance.

Subordination social requirements

It consists in observing the requirements and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation by the people, in order to protect themselves from adverse factors. Using the toilet to fulfill one's physiological needs is an example of such submission.

Possibility of sexual realization

The sexual possibilities of both men and women directly depend on their health. Being sexually attractive is very important for a person and therefore is a serious motivator for maintaining one's health.

Usually one motivation prevails in a person, otherwise one might think that he is overly concerned about his health. The type of motivation depends on the age of the individual. At a young age, motivations that predict good health in the future can do little to help. But the topic of sexual realization is very relevant and can make you think before the next bottle of beer or cigarette. In any case, if a person from childhood has not learned the value and rules of a healthy lifestyle, then in adulthood it will be difficult to reason with him until he encounters certain health problems. The surrounding society often affects young people in a very different way, telling them that alcohol and drugs are what make them happy. Thus, choosing a society, we choose a way of life.

To interest a person in a healthy lifestyle, the following requirements must be met:

  1. 1 The goal must be truly worthwhile: a person must see that he benefits from this
  2. 2 Desire to be prosperous
  3. 3 Desire to be the master of your life
  4. 4 Look at the world positively
  5. 5 Self-respect, allow yourself to enjoy all the good things in life

If you still decide to go to the side of health

On this difficult path, internal struggle, laziness, self-doubt and many other difficulties will await you. Here are some tips to help you deal with them:

  • The goal must be real and specific. Determine for yourself a realistic goal and the time for which you will achieve it. Break down your big goal into many small and easily achievable ones. Take small but sure steps.
  • The result will not be immediate. Have patience. Prepare in advance for the fact that you will want to leave everything in the very near future due to the fact that you will not see progress. But there will be progress, the main thing is not to retreat and not to succumb to our own weaknesses.
  • Effort must be followed by reward. So you will consolidate your efforts and successes. Give yourself nice gifts for a kilogram of weight lost, a month without alcohol or a week without a cigarette. It can be going to a concert, a new wardrobe item, a CD of your favorite band and other things that you like.
  • Compare your new self to your old self. Frequently evaluate how much healthier you have become since you started exercising, eating right, quit smoking. Don't be afraid to be proud of yourself.
  • Create an environment that will support you. It’s good if among your friends or work colleagues there are those who want to lose weight, quit smoking or go to the gym. You will also support them and thanks to common efforts you will definitely reach the goal together.

© T.V. Karaseva, E.V. Ruzhenskaya, 2013 UDC 616-092.11-02:614.2


Shuya branch of the Ivanovo State University, 155908, Shuya, Russia

The article clarifies the concept of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, considers the main factors that form it. The author's version of the classification of motives for the formation of a healthy lifestyle is presented.

Keywords: motive, motivation, healthy lifestyle


T.V. Karaseva, Ye.V. Ruzhenskaya

The Shuya Branch of the Ivanovo State University, 155908 Shuya, Russia

The article specifies the notion of motivation to healthy life-style. The main factors developing this motivation are considered. The personal proposal of classification of motives to develop healthy life-style is presented. Key words: motive, motivation, healthy life-style

The formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) of the population is one of the urgent tasks. The growth in the number of research in the field scientific knowledge requires the systematization of methodological approaches, an integral part of which is the concept of motivation, which makes it possible to reveal the mechanisms of development and ways of forming a healthy lifestyle. The complex nature of the phenomenon contributes to a broad interpretation of this concept.

In psychological science, such subordinate concepts as "needs - motives - worldview - attitudes - goals - results - assessment" are distinguished. Motives are internal forces associated with the needs of the individual and motivate her to activity. Motivation (lat. movere - move, push) is mainly understood as an impulse to act, a dynamic process of a psychophysiological plan that determines the direction, organization, activity and stability of a person's behavior, actively satisfying his needs. The motivational sphere as a set of motives and factors influencing them is of a different nature.

Depending on the grounds, motives are classified according to goals (needs) and the factors that form them. Goals underlie the classification of motives by A. Maslow. The hierarchy of motives reflects the hierarchy of needs. Health and self-preservation are located after the need for air, food and toilet.

Motivation for a healthy lifestyle is a combination of external and internal motives stimulating activities to preserve health, and conditions conducive to the implementation of health-saving behavior.

The structure of motivation for a healthy lifestyle changes depending on age, social status, health status and other factors. Thus, the analysis of motives for physical culture lessons made it possible to identify four blocks of motives that encourage female students of the university to engage in physical culture: health promotion motives, social motives, emotional motives and motives to have a beautiful figure.

According to Rosstat (2008), the adult population puts the importance of physical exercises for health promotion in the first place (77.9%), and in the second place - the preservation of physical shape and shape (48.5%). Further next-

Ruzhenskaya Elena Vladimirovna, [email protected]

*Work done at financial support Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

maintenance of working capacity (32.7%) and increase in life expectancy (20.8%) blow.

Of scientific interest is the factor structure of motives that encourage people with disabilities to go in for sports. According to a survey of 1133 disabled people from 67 regions of the Russian Federation, the main groups of motives that encourage people with disabilities to engage in physical exercises and sports have been identified. The leading role here is played by motives associated with improving the state of health and meeting the need for communication (33.5%). The second place belongs to the need for recreation and rehabilitation (13.3%), followed by the need to improve the level of physical condition (9.4%) and the rejection of bad habits (8.6%).

For teachers of all levels of education, professional motives are leading in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The vast majority of university professors (83%) also have professional motives for the formation of their own culture of health.

An analysis of the motivation for a healthy lifestyle of medical workers in the general medical network showed that one of the main motives among all categories of medical workers is the need to maintain professional health, primarily in the psychological sphere. Half of medical workers (51.7%) rate their own lifestyle as unhealthy. Among the factors of an unhealthy lifestyle of medical workers, stress is the leader (in 100% of cases in chief physicians). Among the main obstacles to a healthy lifestyle, factors of insufficient medical activity (laziness, lack of desire, willpower) are indicated, which prevail among chief physicians compared to other personnel of medical institutions.

Psychiatric personnel consider occupational health disorders to be the main reason for maintaining a healthy lifestyle; every third noted a health disorder in connection with professional activity. The main area of ​​violations of professional health employees of the psychiatric service consider the physical component, which manifests itself in physical distress (77.1%). Most of the physical problems were hypertension and peptic ulcer, in the pathogenesis of which stress is a significant factor. This was followed by psychological problems (20.9%) and mental distress

(12.7%). Impairment of health affects the satisfaction of medical workers with their professional activities and motivates them to restore and maintain it.

M.V. Sinelnikova (2010) presents a description of medical workers as subjects of preventive work among the population of a rural area. This characteristic is made up of the way of life, hygienic literacy and the readiness of medical workers in the rural area for preventive work. 30.2% of medical workers in the rural area assess their lifestyle as healthy. At the same time, doctors are much more likely to assess their lifestyle as unhealthy compared to medical workers middle management (50.9 and 33.3% respectively). Thus, the motives and factors that make up the motivation for a healthy lifestyle can be combined into the following groups:

1. Lifestyle related:

♦ humanistic motives (careful attitude to health, life);

♦ motives for rehabilitation and recreation (the desire to restore lost health and good rest);

♦ motives of personal prestige and achievement (striving for beauty, physical form, creating the image of a person with a high culture of health).

2. Related to personal and professional development:

♦ cognitive motives (expansion of horizons in the field of healthy lifestyle);

♦ motives for self-development;

♦ motives for professional improvement (in professions related to the protection of social health).

3. Related to the social environment:

♦ identification motives (imitation of friends, parents, idols);

♦ motives for socialization and affiliation (obedience to ethno-cultural requirements);

♦ self-affirmation motives (the desire to prove the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle);

♦ motives associated with a sense of responsibility and duty (the desire to be an example for their children, students, patients, etc.).

4. Pragmatic motives:

♦ competitiveness in the labor market (for persons with high level health);

♦ compliance with professionally significant qualities (for a range of professions where lifestyle indicators are among the regulatory requirements);

♦ cost-effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle (no expenses for treatment, purchase of cigarettes, etc.);

♦ educational motives (for students on prevention and health issues);

♦ negative motivation (awareness of possible illnesses, troubles, etc. due to an unhealthy lifestyle).

5. Hedonic:

♦ emotional (improvement of mood from physical training, water procedures, healthy food etc. and from ongoing positive changes);

♦ psychophysiological (reducing stress, improving mental and psychological health);

♦ reflexive-volitional (realization of the possibility of victory over one's own weaknesses, increased self-esteem).

The introduction of these approaches contributes to the awareness of the priority of the value of "health", the development of a broad social motivation for education in the field of health and the increase in students' readiness for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.


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