Turning on the technological log in 1s 8.3. Technology magazine

I. The Technological Log (hereinafter TZ) allows you to log all 1C:Enterprise events (or a part, using a filter), for example:
- executable code 1C:Enterprise 8.1;
- Transact-SQL code for DBMS;
- interactive actions of users,

error messages,

Memory leaks.
In case of a crash, the log allows you to make a memory dump and a copy of the screen for transfer to developers.

II. The log is configured using the logcfg.xml file in the program folder C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\conf
1) To successfully create logs, you need to create directories for logs (for example C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\logs) and dumps (for example C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\dumps)

2) These TJ directories must have the following permissions:

Full rights to the technological journal catalog;

Read rights to the owner of the technology log directory.

Note. If you still do not write TJ, then give everyone the rights to this folder (temporarily, to make sure that things are in rights).

3) There should be no extraneous files in the technological log directory. A directory that contains extraneous files will not allow the creation of a log (logs).

4) Do not store dumps and logs together, because after the specified interval (1 hour by default) the contents are completely erased and you will lose the dumps

III. It is better to set up the TJ (with the help of filters - logcfg.xml tags) only for the events under investigation, do not collect the rest, otherwise you will catch "lack of disk space" and brakes in the server speed.

1) It's easier to set up filters using ITS processing. latest releases may be absent in the return line (each a new version adds new features, they are not reflected in processing). In this case, correct the logcfg.xml file by hand.

2) In order for the logs to stop being collected, it is enough to rename the file, there is no need to restart the server, the settings are recalculated every minute on the fly

3) set up logcfg.xml to filter events by a certain IB, you need to use "p:processName="

4) http://users.v8.1c.ru/Adm1936.aspx - examples of settings

IV. It is clear that collecting logs is not enough, they still need to be processed to solve a specific problem.

1) Difficulties in reading TJ:

Requires a good understanding of system architecture

Query texts are registered in the internal language of 1C:Enterprise and in the DBMS language

2) Technology log files are stored in subdirectories. The name of each subdirectory of the technological log of one process will be:<ИмяПроцесса>_<ИдентификаторПроцесса>, for example: rphost_4076. The log file name is given by the pattern YYMMDDHH.log. For example, in the log 07051819.log, the file name is formed from May 2007 18, 19 hours)

3) The log for analysis can be uploaded to Excel using a comma separator, for example

4)1С:TsUP uses logs of the technological log for its analytical indicators. When using DRM, no other data should be collected, delete logcfg.xml manually, DRM itself will create a file with the necessary settings.

5) There are no other log parsers from 1C, there is http://partners.v8.1c.ru/forum/getfile.jsp?name=ObrabotkaTehnologiceskogoGurnala.epf

v. Possible mistakes and additional information:

We are looking for logs in the directory on the server, although for a 64-bit server a different program directory

Track the failed request; the DBMSSQL technology log event is output only at the end of the query execution. If the request cannot be executed for a long time, then its execution can be interrupted, after which the related events will be displayed in the technological log.

< config xmlns= "http:>
< log location= "C:\Program Files\1cv81\logs" history= "24" >
< event>
< eq property= "Name" value= "EXCP" />
< /event>
< event>
< eq property= "Name" value= "SDBL" />
< eq property= "Func" value= "BeginTransaction" />
< /event>
< event>
< eq property= "Name" value= "DBMSSQL" />
< ge property= "Duration" value= "30000" />
< /event>
< property name= "All" />
< /log>
< /config>

More details about the features of using the technological journal can be found on the materials of the partners' seminar on March 2 - 4, 2007, the report "Tools for diagnosing the operation of the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 system".

The course where they teach this issue http://www.1c.ru/news/info.jsp?id=9144

All questions are answered in "C:\Program Files\1cv81\AddDoc\RU\V8AddDoc81.htm", Book "1C:Enterprise 8.1. Configuration and administration”, Chapter 21. Administration, Technology magazine

if you did not find the answer to your question, let's expand the material

Examples of setting up a technological log

Technological log is off
If the logcfg.xml file is not present in the C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin directory, no production log is created. If the logcfg.xml file is required for proper dump configuration, then it should not contain any log element. The following example determines whether to build a complete dump of an application if it crashes. Dumps are placed in the directory: C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\dumps.

< config xmlns="http://v8.1c.ru/v8/tech-log">
< dump location="C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\dumps" create="l" type="3"/>
< /config>

Complete technological journal
The configuration file below defines the output to the process log of all events along with all properties. The log will be kept for a week (168 hours). The amount of information displayed in this case will be very large, however, it can be useful in the analysis of complex emergency situations. This configuration is recommended for use during the testing phase and when investigating bugs.
The code

< config xmlns="http://v8.1c.ru/v8/tech-log">
< log location="C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\logs" history="168"> < event>
< ne property="Name" value="" /> < /event>
< property name="al1"> < /property>
< /log>
< /config>

Calls to the DBMS
The following configuration file defines that the technological log will contain only 1C:Enterprise calls to the DBMS, as well as information about error situations. The amount of information displayed is less than with a full technological log, but can also be very large.

< config xmlns="http://v8.1c.ru/v8/tech-log">
< log location="C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\logs" history="168"> < event>
< eq propertу ="Name" va1ue="DBV8DBEng" /> < /event>
< event>
< eq propertу ="Name" va1ue="DBMSSQL"/> < /event>
< event>
< eq property="Name" value="DBPOSTGRS"/> < /event> < event>
< eq property="Name" value="DB2"/> < /event> < event>
< eq proper t у ="Name" va1ue="EXCP"/> < /event>
< property name="al1"> < /property>
< /log>
< /config>

Administrator actions and errors
This configuration file creates a small technological log that contains information about starting and shutting down applications, establishing and disconnecting connections to the 1C:Enterprise server cluster, actions of the cluster administrator, and error situations in 1C:Enterprise operation. In most cases, such a log is sufficient to investigate erroneous situations both in the configuration and in the 1C:Enterprise technology platform.

< config xmlns="http://v8.1c.ru/v8/tech-log">
< log location="C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\logs" history="168"> < event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= PR0C"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= SC0M"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= C0NN"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= EXCP"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= ADMIN"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= QERR"/> < /event>
< property name="all"> < /property>
< /log>
< /config>

Mistakes and long operations
Compared to the previous one, this configuration file adds all operations whose duration exceeds 10 seconds. This can be useful for detecting user actions that have been running for a long time, for example, in order to optimize them later. The duration of events is expressed in hundreds of microseconds.

< config xmlns="http://v8.1c.ru/v8/tech-log">
< log location="C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\logs" history="168"> < event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= PR0C"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= SC0M"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= C0NN"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= EXCP"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= ADMIN"/> < /event>
< event> < eq property= Name" value= QERR"/> < /event>
< event> < gt property= Duration" value="100000"/> < /event>
< property name="al1"> < /property>
< /log>
< /config>

(or part, using a filter), for example:
- executable code 1C: Enterprise 8;
- Transact-SQL code for the DBMS;
- interactive actions of users,

- error messages,

Note. If you still do not write TJ, then give everyone the rights to this folder (temporarily, to make sure that things are in rights).

3) There should be no extraneous files in the technological log directory. A directory that contains extraneous files will not allow the creation of a log (logs).

4) Do not store dumps and logs together, because after the specified interval (1 hour by default) the contents are completely erased and you will lose the dumps


It is better to set up the TJ (with the help of filters - logcfg.xml tags) only for the events under investigation, do not collect the rest, otherwise you will catch "lack of disk space" and brakes in the server's speed.

1) It is easier to set up filters using the processing with the ITS Setting the Technological Journal.epf, but remember that new features of the latest releases may not be available in the return (each new version adds new features, they are not reflected in the processing). In this case, correct the logcfg.xml file by hand.

2) In order for the logs to stop being collected, it is enough to rename the file, there is no need to restart the server, the settings are recalculated every minute on the fly

3) configure logcfg.xml to filter events by a specific IB, you need to use "p: processName ="

4) http://users.v8.1c.ru/Adm1936.aspx - examples of settings


It is clear that collecting logs is not enough, they still need to be processed to solve a specific problem.

1) Difficulties in reading TJ:

- Requires a good understanding of system architecture

— Query texts are registered in the internal language of 1C:Enterprise and in the DBMS language

2) Technology log files are stored in subdirectories. The name of each subdirectory of the technological log of one process will be:<ИмяПроцесса>_<ИдентификаторПроцесса>, for example: rphost_4076. The log file name is given by the pattern YYMMDDHH.log. For example, in the log 07051819.log, the file name is formed from May 2007 18, 19 hours)

3) The log for analysis can be uploaded to Excel using a comma separator, for example

If you want to use the log to analyze error messages, use free service.

if you did not find the answer to your question, let's expand the material

The technological log is a special mechanism of the 1C 8.2 and 8.3 platform, which allows you to log all events occurring in the system, including system errors. Consider the instructions for setting up a technological log in 1C: Enterprise.

Instructions for setting up a technological log

  1. Create a special folder for the technological log on local disks of 1C application servers. For example, C:\LOG . And for dumps, for example, C:\dumps.
  2. Configure the log to collect error messages (see file ) to a subdirectory of this directory. The subdirectory will be named by date: C:\LOG\2014-04-22, etc.
  3. The logcfg.xml file itself must be placed in the conf directory of the server installation folder (!) 1C: Enterprise (for example, C:\Program Files\1cv82\\bin\conf).
  4. After that, after about a minute, make sure that the folder C:\LOG\2014-01-01 has been created in the directory, and there are also subfolders named rphost_XXXX, ragent_XXXX, rphost_XXXX, and files in them.
  5. If they were created, then everything is fine, if they were not created, then something is wrong.
  6. If something is wrong: the most common mistakes are: large/small letters in directory names (case must match), a slash was written at the end of the directory name in the configuration file (not needed), and sometimes you need to adjust user rights to the C:\ folders LOG, C:\dumps, C:\Program Files\1cv82\\bin\conf if they are too "twisted".

The inside logcfg.xml file should look something like this:

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Attributes for customizing the log

ALL All events Absolutely all technological log events
ADMIN Administrative action Administrator User Actions
CALL Incoming call Incoming remote call (remote call on the side of the call receiver)
CONN Server connection Establishing or breaking a TCP connection between the processes of the 1C 8.3 system
CLSTR Cluster activity Performing operations that change the behavior of a server cluster
EDS External data source All events external sources data
DB2 IBM DB2 Executing IBM DB2 SQL Statements
DBMSSQL Microsoft SQL Server Execution of SQL statements of Microsoft SQL Server DBMS
DBPOSTGRS PostgreSQL Executing PostgreSQL SQL Statements
DBORACLE Oracle Database Executing Oracle Database SQL Statements
DBV8DBEng SQL, File DBMS Execution of SQL statements of the file DBMS
EXCP Exception Exception situation of the application of the 1C: Enterprise system, which is not processed normally and can cause an abnormal termination of the server process or the client process connected to it
EXCPCNTX Exception context An event that started but did not end at the time of the emergency
HASP Contacting HASP Accessing the hardware security key ()
LEAKS Memory leak Event associated with a memory leak, which can be caused by errors in the 1C 8.2 configuration code
M.E.M. Server memory leak An event related to an increase in the amount of memory occupied by server processes (ragent, rmngr, ).
PROC Process An event related to the entire process and affecting the further performance of the process. For example: start, end, crash, etc.
QERR The request failed An event associated with the detection of query compilation errors or a limitation at the level of records and fields of the database
SCALL Outgoing call Outgoing remote call (outgoing call on the side of the call source).
SCOM Server Context An event for creating or deleting a server context, usually associated with an infobase.
SDBL Database query Execution of queries to the database model 1C: Enterprise 8.3
SESN Session Action related to the session. For example: session start, session end, etc.
SRVC Cluster Services Events related to starting, stopping, and alerting server cluster services
TLOCK blocking Managing Transactional Locks in Managed Mode
TDEADLOCK Deadlock detected in Managed mode
TTIMEOUT Time-out Transactional lock timeout exceeded
VRSCACHE http cache Operation of the server call cache
VRSREQUEST Server request Request to the server for some resource
VRSRESPONSE Server response Server response
SYSTEM System events System events of platform mechanisms intended for analysis by 1C employees

- executable code 1C: Enterprise 8;
- Transact-SQL code for the DBMS;
— interactive actions of users;
— error messages;
- memory leaks.

In case of a crash, the log allows you to make a memory dump and a copy of the screen for transfer to developers.

To enable the technological log, you must:
Create a logcfg.xml file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\\bin\conf folder (the path is the 1C Enterprise directory) on the 1C Enterprise server.
After that, you need to write the paths to the created folders in the logcfg.xml file (where the Specified path 1 is the path to the logs, and the Specified path 2 is the path to the dumps):

Here is an example settings from my server:

After completing these steps, the 1cv8 application will automatically start saving system information about all errors that have occurred in the system in these directories.
After running the analysis, the process log can be disabled by deleting or renaming the logcfg.xml file.
It is assumed that on computers where this log will be enabled, files can take up a fairly large amount of disk space (relatively, of course). Therefore, I recommend specifying paths to disks with a large amount of free space.
1) To successfully create logs, you need to create directories for logs (for example "D:\1Clog") and dumps (for example "D:\1Cdumps"), it is better to create them not on the system drive.
2) These TJ directories must have the following permissions:
— full rights to the technological journal catalog;
— rights to read the owner of the technological log directory.
Note. If you still do not write TJ, then give everyone the rights to this folder (temporarily, to make sure that things are in rights).
3) There should be no extraneous files in the technological log directory. A directory that contains extraneous files will not allow the creation of a log (logs).
4) Do not store dumps and logs together, because after the specified interval (1 hour by default) the contents are completely erased and you will lose the dumps
It is better to set up the TJ (with the help of filters - logcfg.xml tags) only for the events under investigation, do not collect the rest, otherwise you will catch "lack of disk space" and brakes in the server's speed.
1) It is easier to set up filters using the processing with the ITS Setting the Technological Journal.epf, but remember that new features of the latest releases may not be available in the return (each new version adds new features, they are not reflected in the processing). In this case, correct the logcfg.xml file by hand.
2) In order for the logs to stop being collected, it is enough to rename the file, there is no need to restart the server, the settings are recalculated every minute on the fly
3) configure logcfg.xml to filter events by a specific IB, you need to use "p: processName ="

With these settings, I collect information about:

exceptions, applications of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 system, which are not normally processed and can cause the server process to crash or the client process connected to it.

    events that started but did not end at the time of the emergency.

    events related to the entire process and affecting the further performance of the process. For example: start, end, crash, etc.

    control actions of the server cluster administrator 1C:Enterprise 8.2

    events related to the increase in the amount of memory occupied by server processes (ragent, rmngr, rphost).

    events related to memory leaks, which can be caused by errors in the configuration code.