Evening for serious older people. Festive evening for elderly people “Let the autumn of life be warm!”

Scenario of the event “With a cup of tea, without getting bored”

Purpose: The material is useful for teacher-organizers and class teachers.
Description: this scenario designed for an event that combines two holidays: Elderly Person's Day and Teacher's Day. The event takes place in the form of an evening of relaxation for older teachers who have worked and continue to work at the CDT.
Target: organize a relaxation evening for older people who worked and are working in the House of Creativity.
- introduce children to pensioners of the House of Creativity;
- promote the development of connections between generations; develop interest, cognitive activity, creativity, horizons;
- cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation;
- create a positive, festive mood among the audience;
- develop artistry and expressiveness in the performance of poems.

Equipment: Balloons, flowers, posters, hats, costumes for scenes, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Progress of the event:

The hall is festively decorated. Invited guests enter the hall and take seats at a common table.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests, in our House of Creativity it has become a good tradition to gather people dear to our hearts over a cup of tea. Today’s evening was no exception, but rather an occasion, because we decided to combine two holidays: Elderly Person’s Day and Teacher’s Day into one event, and thereby bring bright, pleasant colors into your life. So here we go!

Demonstration of a film about older people and teachers, and background The song “You know, everything will still be” performed by A. Pugacheva sounds quietly. The presenter reads a poem by Viktor Pavlov

Years like birds flew over you,
You created the happiness of life through your work.
Childhood is the beginning of the journey,
A happier time is hard to find.

Youth opened the paths of the universe
A time of wonderful learning in life.
Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many were hardened by the war.

Survived battles, had children,
They sang new songs with delight.
Believed in a miracle for all time,
Love gave happiness then.
The children grew up, and so did you.
The best people of a great country.
They built cities and grew wheat.
Space has opened borders for you.
In general, it was not in vain that we visited this world,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.
Your children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of great Russia.
Celebrate today, heroes of labor
congratulates you Mother country!
Leading: Each time has its own joys, its own colors.
Winter makes us happy with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Spring is the first greenery, freshness. Summer is full of colors and flowers. Autumn - with its generosity, rich harvest. This is probably how it is in human life. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years are the time for the blossoming of creative powers, the time for achievements, caring for children and grandchildren.
On this day we want to congratulate all the people dear and dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. Don’t let the appearance of wrinkles scare you - they, like rays, warm the hearts of those around you. Happy holiday, our dears, and all the best to you!

Musical number: the song “Give Warmth” performed by Sinenko I.V. to the words of E. Filipchik.

It doesn’t matter that the years, running away,
They leave the whiskey in silver.
Happy holiday, our dear ones,
On this October day.
If life is full and clear,
And the soul, without burning, burns,
Means, Life is going not intentionally,
This means that everything that hurts will go away.
Hope will smile at you more than once,
The dawn will caress you more than once,
Happy holiday, beautiful and fresh,
How happy to become October!

Nature changes color
The weather is changing
And the golden sun
The rains are coming,
And behind the warmth there is bad weather,
Behind grief there will be happiness,
And youth for old age
A person changes.

Musical number: dance “Mother Russia”

Leading: On this beautiful autumn day, I am happy, on behalf of the entire team, to congratulate former teachers and workers in the educational field on their professional day, on Teacher’s Day! Health, prosperity to you, thank you for your work, thank you for putting your soul into each child, believe me, such things do not happen in vain, live, love and be happy! Happy holiday! Accept a song as a gift!

Musical number: song “Don’t you dare forget teachers” performed by Sinenko I.V.

Leading: Today we dedicate our evening to those who have worked and are still working in the House of Creativity, to those who have invested their hearts, their souls and their love in the circle members, in their favorite work. These are our mentors. So, we welcome those who worked at the House of Creativity.

Former directors:
Anishchenko Lyubov Nikiforovna ( former director Houses of creativity)
Let's welcome Lyubov Nikiforovna.

Kolesnikova Ekaterina Ivanovna (former director of the House of Creativity)
Let's welcome Ekaterina Ivanovna

Teachers who instilled a love of creativity.

Averina Tamara Semenovna (additional education teacher)

Burlakova Taisiya Mikhailovna (teacher of additional education)

Who created cleanliness and comfort in the House of Creativity.

Orlova Nina Varfalomeevna (technical employee)

Kopaneva Tatyana Mikhailovna (technical employee)

And now we welcome those who are still making us happy with their work.

Keeps our cozy home clean

Spasova Maria Tikhonovna (technical employee)

Maintain order at night

Khvostova Tatyana Pavlovna (watchman)
Nitsenko Nadezhda Viktorovna (watchman)

In addition to our mentors, there are other guests in our hall who are somehow affected by our event:

The connecting thread with our dear veterans is
Tolkacheva Zinaida Viktorovna (Chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans)

Ryabchun Tatyana Lukinichna and Vasily Nikolaevich

Veteran of labour:
Koltakova Lyubov Polikarpovna

Representatives of the Cossacks in Art. Calm
Voloshin family: Vladimir Alekseevich and Elena Ivanovna

Military pilot:
Titov Vladimir Petrovich

Leading: Thank you for coming to us for a cup of tea! We have prepared a small surprise for you. We will show you the film “Our Pride”, in which we tried to reflect those we are proud of and admire! You will see many familiar faces here, remember the old days and perhaps guess someone. But for those who didn’t find themselves in the film, please don’t be upset, you still have everything ahead of you!

To the melody of “My Years, My Wealth” performed by V. Kikabidze, the film “Our Pride” appears on the screen.
Host: Elderly people not only take care of their grandchildren, bake pies and make jam, but also find themselves in creativity. Some write poetry, some draw pictures, some embroider, and some knit warm things for their loved ones and friends, putting their love into them. What do you do while on a well-deserved vacation?!

(Guests talk about their hobbies and show their creations)

To grandmother - the sun, to grandfather - a poem,
Lots of health for both of you,
I wish you happiness for two more centuries,
Happy Elderly Day!

The years go by, gray hair appears,
But spring comes again in your soul,
As soon as we talk about the past,
About first love, about something dear.

Musical number: sketch “Old Grandmothers”

Host: Since we remember our youth, it’s time for us to play.
Funny music. Game "Cap"

(Children and guests stand in a circle and pass the hat to each other to the music. The music is interrupted, and the one who still has the cap in his hands performs the task that the presenter says)

We don't grab stars from the sky,
But sometimes I want to become a star,
To illuminate your earthly path from heaven,
And keep you warm during the long winter.
Let it be good, let it be beautiful
In your life there will always be -
Good morning, clear sky,
Well, never cloudy days!!!

Leading: Dear guests and children, many warm words were addressed to the elderly. We all love our grandparents. How can we please our loved ones and show our feelings? (Answers from children and adults).
Host: That's right, one of the ways to show love is to give a gift, and the best gift is one made with your own hands. Please accept souvenirs from our students!

(Children give guests handmade souvenir gifts)

And now there's a surprise for you,
Meet, congratulations
Gives you with all my heart
Younger generation.

Musical number: dance “Don’t marry girls”

Elderly people, Mother Russia
You were not spoiled by an easy fate.
May God give you peace so that over the river
The sun illuminated the blue dome.
Elderly people, you are like this in everything:
Give your soul, experience and love
Dear home, young world
And everything that the heart remembers again.

The film “My Dear Old People” appears on the screen

Presenter. Life is a series of meetings and partings, events of which life actually consists. But it is very important to preserve the fire of the soul that was once given to us from above. Our dears, finally, we want to sing with you a song that warms the hearts of those who kept kindness and comfort in the House of Creativity, and which is passed down from generation to generation.

Song “About the House of Creativity”
(motif of the song “There Beyond the Fogs”)
There is sadness
Or maybe you'll be unlucky.
You House of Creativity
My friend, he’s calling me.
Here in the House of Creativity
No loneliness.
Any of you will find a hobby here.
What if suddenly you
Do you want to play?
Or maybe sing a song
Or just dance
It's friendly and peaceful here
The team lives with us.
And no one no one
Doesn't give offense.

Leading: You can talk about grandparents for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate them, be kind, sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions. They deserve respect and gratitude.
On this day we wish you all the best! You, your entire generation, brought through the difficulties of life what your grandchildren and children so lack - hope for the best. Only you help us, even in the most difficult times, to live and enjoy life, teach us optimism and perseverance. Let happiness not leave your home! Let the love of your children and the laughter of your grandchildren fill your soul with joy! Happy holiday!

The song “I Wish” plays in the background (performed by E. Vaenga)

Presenter: We wish the older generation respect from loved ones, health for all years and a long life for the joy of the whole family! Thank you for your kind hearts! And now we invite everyone to tea with grandma's pies.
(Collective photography)

Relaxation evening for seniors


Good evening, dear friends! The passage of time is inexorable. In childhood it seems to us that the years creep unbearably slowly, in youth they walk, in adulthood they already run, and now, alas, they fly. No problem!

Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?

By the number of years that have flown by?

Well, what if you are full of vigor?

And the threshold of victories has not been passed?

No need to look for unnecessary complexity

In our troubled atomic age,

Everything in life is possible over the years,

If a person is young at heart!

Today we have gathered here together to take a break from everyday worries and problems, give ourselves a pleasant, unforgettable evening, remember the past with a good feeling and show that years are not a problem for us!

(song )


The floor is given to the head of the administration, V.G. Makushev.

Today we decided to spend our evening at unusual shape. Since ancient times, people in Russian homes have communicated in so-called living rooms. Many of those present probably remember such evenings. In cities it was called “Living Room”, and in villages “Gatherings”. They had one thing in common: they were all going to socialize together: some would sing, some would read poetry, and they would all dance together. And now we invite you to a dance that has crossed centuries and outlived its noisy competitors. It can be festive and solemn, and deeply personal. Of course it's a waltz.

(sounds waltz, everyone is dancing)


Today at our holiday we see a participant in the labor front, Ushakova Maria Sergeevna. To you, Maria Sergeevna, our special respect and gratitude. Thank you for your courage, perseverance, for the fact that in our difficult times you are always with us, helping with advice.

Please accept this humble gift.(present)


The best thing about the living room atmosphere is its ease. Everyone rests as they please. If you just want to talk to each other, please talk. If you want to dance, you are welcome. And whoever wants to sing a song or read poetry, we too

glad to hear from you. (Guests sing songs and poems).

(The song “The leaves are burning”)


Autumn... This time generously gives us the richness of the harvest, diversity, beauty and brightness of colors, which, of course, we associate with flowers. People loved flowers always and everywhere and sought to decorate their home and their lives with them. On the Polynesian islands, for example, the ancient custom of greeting guests with flower garlands has survived to this day. The favorite floral decorations of both the ancient Greeks and Romans were wreaths. But the ancient Slavs especially loved garlands made of flowers and bunches of berries. The bouquet that is familiar to us today is a later form of expressing the festive mood.

I invite you to take part in our competition “Bouquet for a Beautiful Lady.” The winner will be the one who names as many garden and wildflowers as possible.

(A competition is held. A prize is awarded to the winner.)


Congratulations again to the winners! And now, for the competition of all participants, a popular and beloved song about flowers is played.



Among the many problems that concern humanity today, one of the most important is the problem of physical inactivity, that is, lack of movement. They say that movement is life and health, and it is especially necessary and important for older people.

How to deal with physical inactivity? let's look into the old days, into those distant times, and try to find the answer there. Socrates recommended to his contemporaries: “Whoever wants to have a light body and a fresh mind - dance!” This does not contradict the recommendations of modern doctors. Let's listen to this advice and move and dance more.

We invite everyone to dance. Please move, dance, get healthy.(Everyone wants to dance)

Look for a smile

Appreciate a smile

give a smile to your friends.

After all, to live without a smile,

Believe me, we can't do it.

And again the song...


Song... Each, like a person, has its own destiny. One has a very short life span, the other a little longer, and the third, having become the people's favorite, walks with him through life from decade to decade, from century to century. The time has come music competition. Who will remember the song faster?

starting with the letter indicated on the card?

(A competition is held. The winners are awarded.)


Our ancestors sought to live in harmony with the world around them, where many objects and phenomena were sacred to them: rivers and groves, forests and stones, fire and stars, plants and animals... The earth was especially revered, because it gave harvest, gave life, gave strength. A lot of holidays are dedicated to fertility goddesses. Many plants were rumored to have magical properties; this is the extraordinary power of the fern that blooms on the night of Ivan Kupala, and the overpowering grass, and the dream-grass, the datura-grass. Our next competition is called Ivan the Herbalist. Your task: to determine what plants we are talking about?


1. This plant helps with eye diseases, it is used to treat stomach ulcers, asthma, and burns. Its scientific name is “aloe”. What do we call it in Russian? (Agave)

2. This plant is called “betula” in Latin. It has healing buds, leaves and juice. It is the first to dress in green. Name it. (Birch)

H. It is generally considered a weed. But this weed is very beautiful. In addition, it helps with kidney and liver diseases. Blue fabric dye is obtained from it. Give the Russian name of this weed flower. (Cornflower)

4. This plant has healing roots, which is why in Russian it is called “the root of life.” And by what name do we know it?


5. This plant is included in many painkillers. It is called by the beautiful Italian word “belladonna”. Say his Russian name. (Belladonna)

6. What plant is said to help “from seven ailments”? (Onion)

7. Which plant drives away evil spirits and also helps with lack of appetite? (Wormwood)

(Awarding the winners of the competition).


Who said - ditties, like

No longer in fashion these days?

And is it really a matter of fashion?

If people love them?!

Kohl from Murmansk to Kushka

All the people sing ditties,

So he's alive still people,

It won't be lost for anything!

And as soon as the ditty rings, your legs ask to dance. We invite you to take part in the ditty competition and the dancers competition!

(Competitions are held. Winners are awarded).

Leading: When the soul is young, it doesn't matter how many years are left behind. The main thing is that there is tomorrow. And before we part, let’s all sing together one of our favorite songs, “My Village.”

(Everyone sings the song).


Let a smile light up your face,

even if gray hair is like snow.

Age is just a mistake.

If a person is young at heart!

Our dear guests! This is where our evening ends. Thank you for visiting our living room. May everything in your life be good, may a joyful and bright mood remain in your souls. May good luck accompany you, and most importantly, may you, your children and grandchildren have good health.(Poem)

We wish you optimism and vigor! There is a wonderful old recipe in Rus' on how to live your life happily ever after: “Take a cup of patience, pour in a heart full of love, throw in two handfuls of generosity, pour in a mug of humor, sprinkle with kindness, add as much hope as possible and mix it all well. Then spread it on a piece of your allotted life and take it daily, without restrictions!” Good, kind advice, let's follow it together!

All the best to you! See you again!

(The soundtrack of the song “My years are my wealth” plays.


A poem and text by the presenters are heard in the background of music.

Presenter1: The whirling of autumn enchants, the camp of bright days rejoices,
And the heart groans with excitement in the candles of rowan lights.
A simple melody sounds from the spring of my soul,
Along the blackening clouds, the flock floats in the radiance of rays.

Presenter 2: The leaves sing, autumn dances at the colorful fair of lights,
Painting the boring streets gray strikes a chord in my soul.

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello, dear guests!

Presenter 1: We are happy to greet you

Presenter 2: and sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful, warm, kind, autumn holiday -

Together: An elderly person's day.

Presenter 1:(addresses the co-host): Do you like autumn?

Presenter 2: perhaps...yes. There is something touching about it: the variety of colors, the slight coolness and farewell warmth of the passing summer, the blue sky in the reflection of puddles...

Presenter 1: and I love listening to leaf fall.

Presenter 2: Like this?

Presenter 1: In my opinion, there is some special music in the swirling of leaves. Each leaf is a note. When you put leaves in an autumn bouquet, you get a melody or a song.

Presenter 2: Today at our evening of relaxation there will also be a lot of music and songs, as well as autumn bouquets of notes. Competitions and musical gifts await you.

Presenter 1: Well, if there are competitions, then there must be teams.

Presenter 2: We already have: 6 tables – 6 friendly creative teams.

Presenter 1: Every team should have a captain who can take on difficult decisions if necessary. Let's choose such a person right now.
Within a few seconds, the teams choose a captain.

Presenter 2: Captains, please identify yourself and raise your hand. I ask the assistants to approach the teams and give each captain the required attribute.
Assistants distribute whistles to each captain necessary for holding competitions.

Presenter 1: There is one condition - with the help of this whistle, the sound signal is given only by the captain and no one else!
Presenter 2: And as a warm-up before the musical “battle,” we invite you to sing along with our artists.

Together: Everyone sing!

1. Musical number.

Presenter 1: The musical mood has been set and we are starting the competition program “”!

Presenter 2: The first competition is “Guess the melody”. Here are 3 music categories:
The presenters show the categories on the stand.

Presenter 1:“Color music” are songs whose lyrics contain some kind of color.

Presenter 2:“All about love” - the text of these songs contains the word “love” or simply sings about this feeling.

Presenter 1:“Russian folk songs” - the meaning of this category, I think, does not need to be explained.

Presenter 2: Each category has 4 songs.

Presenter 1: The team that guesses the song blows a whistle. Our assistants determine who did it faster.

Presenter 2: The first team to guess sings a phrase from the song that was played. For each melody you guess, you get the opportunity to choose the next category, and most importantly, this note (shows the participants a note in the shape of a wedge sheet cut out of paper).

Presenter 1: The team that assembled large quantity notes in your autumn bouquet, will take part in the Super game and, perhaps, receive a super prize!

Presenter 2: The team that shouts the answer is excluded from the game for two tunes. If the answer is incorrect, the opportunity to answer is given to other participants.

Presenter 1:

Competition 1 – “Guess the melody.”

Presenter 2: The competition has come to an end. The first autumn bouquets have already appeared on the tables. And we have a dance break.

2. Musical number.

Presenter 1: How nice it is to come to the park on one of the warm and sunny days of autumn, sit on a bench and, to the sound of falling leaves, dream about something. Yes, the music of leaf fall brings thoughts and memories to a person.

Presenter 2: Our next competition is directly related to memories, as it is called “Remember and Sing.” The rules are simple: you need to answer the question asked with lines from the song.

Presenter 1: For example: “What trees does a guy turn to when looking for his beloved?”

Presenter 2: The team that is the first to guess what song they are talking about gives a signal with a whistle, after which they answer: “I asked the poplar where my beloved was, the poplar showered me with autumn leaves...”.

Presenter 1: For the correct answer he receives a note.

Presenter 2: The team that shouts out the answer is eliminated from the game for two questions. If the answer is incorrect, the opportunity to answer passes to other participants.

Presenter 1: Are the rules clear? Then let's begin!

Competition 2 – “Remember and sing.”

Questions from the Presenters:

This old tree not only knocks on the window, but also invites you to go for a walk. (“Old maple, old maple, old maple knocks on the glass...”

They sing about this tree while watching a dark-skinned Moldavian woman picking wine berries. (“Green curly maple, carved leaf…”)
The girl learned the character of her little one when this bush matured. (“The viburnum is red, the viburnum has ripened, I recognized the character of the little one…”)

Which tree blossoms does the heroine of the song adore, claiming that this is the best moment. (“There is no better color when the apple tree blooms...”)

What kind of tree grows under the window of a girl who is staying at home. (“A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window…”)

In Odessa, a fountain was covered with the color of this tree. (“The fountain is covered with bird cherry trees, the French boulevard is all in bloom...”)

In what song does one lonely tree dream of moving to another, so that they don’t get bored separately? (“How could I get the rowan tree to the oak tree, then I wouldn’t bend and sway…”)

A song about a tree whose flowers drive you crazy all night. (“The fragrant bunches of white acacia drove us crazy all night…”)
Where did the path lead the heroine of the song after drinking alcohol? (“A long path took me to the cherry orchard...”)

Who can't wait for the groom at the gate, because he is always confused. (“They brought him out, they brought him in, they brought out Nastasyushka to him...”).

Presenter 2: Friends, I want to say with complete confidence that you did an excellent job!

Presenter 1: Now it's time to enjoy some good music.

3. Musical number.

During the number, the assistants count the number of notes on each table and determine the losing team.

Presenter 2: What distinguishes older people from younger people? Well, of course, experience, wisdom and deep knowledge.

Presenter 1: You can apply all of the above qualities in the next competition, which is called “Song Battle”.

Presenter 2: We have prepared cards with different song themes. Your task is to perform a line or verse on a chosen topic as a team.

Presenter 1: The teams will take turns singing. Thinking time – no more than 5 seconds. Songs should not be repeated. The team that last performed the song of the given theme will receive the note.

Presenter 2: Then the topic changes and the competition starts all over again.

Presenter 1: Let's start the song battle, perhaps, with the team that has the fewest notes so far.

Competition 3 “Song Battle”.

Topics for the competition: “Animals and Birds”, “Cities”, “Names”, “Seasons”, “Trees and Shrubs”, “Songs Using Colors”.

Presenter 2: Friends, the competition is over, and we invite you to listen to the song again.

4. Musical number.

Presenter 1: Autumn is an amazing time of year, inspiring the creativity of artists, musicians, and poets. At this time, I especially want to create, write, compose...

Presenter 2: Today at our evening we heard many songs by different poets and composers. All of them are different in character, but the main thing is that they convey feelings of joy, sorrow, love and warmth.

Presenter 1: Yes, but feelings and emotions cannot always be expressed only in words; gestures and facial expressions often help us with this. Our next competition is called “It’s clear without words.”

Presenter 2: Conditions of the competition: depict a phrase from a song wordlessly, using pantomime, i.e. facial expressions, gestures and plastic movements. I will hand out lyric cards to the teams and you will have 2 minutes to prepare to present the song.

Presenter 1: Once the team is ready to show, we will ask the participants to come out to us and show their song to other teams.

Presenter 2: Players who guess what song they are talking about sound a whistle.

Presenter 1: If the answer is correct, then both teams receive a note. If not, the right to respond passes to the next team. (After three incorrect answers, the song is announced by the presenters and the next team comes on stage to show their song.)

Presenter 2: So, before your eyes, I mix up the song options and ask the representative of each team to choose 1 card.
Teams choose cards.
Presenter 1: Time for preparation has begun!!!
Instrumental music plays for 2 minutes.
The teams are preparing to explain the given song.

Song options: “Don’t rub salt in my wound”; “The last train ran away from me again”; “Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree”; "Call me"; “At the edge of the forest”; "Two merry geese lived with granny"; “Felt boots, felt boots”; “There was a birch tree in the field”;

Competition “Without words - it’s clear.”

Presenter 1: It's time for the next musical gift.

5. Musical number.

Presenter 2: Friends, the competitions are over! We ask the teams to count the notes they earned.

Presenter 1: Ready? I ask you to announce the results.


Presenter 2: So, team No. __ won.

Presenter 1: We ask all its participants to come to our impromptu stage to thunderous applause!

Fanfare sounds as the team exits.

Presenter 2: Our dear winners, connoisseurs of song culture, we congratulate you - you become participants in the Super Game.

Presenter 1: In the Super Game you will be offered three tasks, for which you have two bonuses: “Help from the audience” and “The right to make one mistake.”

Presenter 2: Having completed all three tasks, you receive a super prize.

Presenter 1: You have no more than 30 seconds to think about each answer.

Presenter 2: Task ONE. Now the melody of three songs by one artist will sound. After 30 seconds, after consulting, answer who performed these songs.
Three melodies by Alla Pugacheva are played.
Then a 30-second screensaver starts, at the end of which the team must give an answer. If the team finds it difficult, the presenters offer to use bonuses.
Performer options: Nadezhda Babkina, Alla Pugacheva, Valentina Tolkunova.

Presenter 1: Task TWO. Three different songs will be performed, the words to which were composed by the same songwriter. After 30 seconds, after consulting, answer who is the author of the lyrics to these songs.
3 songs by Alexander Zatsepin are played.

Options for songwriters: Larisa Rubalskaya, Alexander Zatsepin, Ilya Reznik.

Presenter 2: And lastly, THIRD TASK Super - games. Three songs will be performed, the music for which was composed by the same composer. After 30 seconds, after consulting, answer who is the author of the music for these songs.
Three songs by Igor Krutoy are played.
30 second screensaver. The presenters work according to the same scheme.
Options for composers and songwriters: Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Igor Krutoy, Oleg Gazmanov.

Presenter 1: So, team No.___ becomes the winner of the Super Game! Applause!

Presenter 2: Dear friends! We thank you all for your participation and once again congratulate you on the holiday – Senior Citizens’ Day!

We wish everyone health, vigor, optimism and a wonderful holiday mood!

Presenter 1: And may your life always be beautiful and sweet, like this autumn pie!
Treating participants with pies.

Presenter 2: And at the end of the evening we announce a retro disco!

Presenter 1: Dance, have fun and let the fiery rhythms of the melodies take you to the wonderful world of dance!

Post Views: 62,437

The day of the elderly is approaching. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all people who have reached a respectable age on their holiday. It is also customary to organize various concerts and holiday events dedicated to this day. We offer you interesting scenario evenings of relaxation for the day of the elderly, which can be spent over a cup of tea in the nearest community center. The script for older people consists of jokes, competitions and songs with ditties.

But before we get to the script, take a look at what we already have on the site for Older Person's Day:
for holiday decoration;
so that guests can laugh heartily;
And, for a pleasant start to the evening;
Now let's move on to the script.

Good warm evening, dear friends!
I'm very glad you came here!
Today we will celebrate the holiday here,
And solemnly congratulate everyone!
Older Person's Day - October 1st!
And I am glad to congratulate you personally on my own behalf.
And we will begin our evenings of relaxation,
And on it we will dance and sing!

You pour tea into cups,
And cast your gaze on the stage.
The ditties are now playing for you,
And you will support all the guys!


Older Person's Day
The whole country celebrates.
We cordially congratulate you,
And we dedicate ditties to you!

You retired
So have fun from the heart!
You go to the resorts,
And improve your health!

You received your pension
And hurry to the store.
It's just enough for you
For a delicious, sweet orange!

Why are you so lethargic?
Come out and dance.
We will run, we will jump,
You're all about twenty-five!

Here I am going to the post office,
I keep my back straight!
After all, today I have
Pension. Wow!

Don't hide your years,
Don't be shy about wrinkles.
It all decorates you,
And it doesn’t bother you in any way!

And now ladies and gentlemen,
I am announcing a poetry competition.
Tell me your poems,
And you will receive a prize for them!

Those who wish go on stage and recite poems. And you can give prizes for poetry.

Well, stop sitting and drinking tea!
It's time to play a little!
Take part in the competition,
And you deservedly take your prize!

Competition 1.
Grandmothers and their grandchildren participate in this competition. If the grandchildren don’t come, then we need to find three or five young people who will help. You also need youth clothing. The task of grandmothers is to dress their grandson for the first date in three minutes. And then, by applause, we will determine who dressed better and who actually won.

Competition 2.
And this competition can be held while sitting at the table. The game is similar to the city game, only the rules are slightly different. Namely, you need to take turns naming something edible and something inedible. But everything else, as in the city game, the next word begins with the last letter of the previous one.
For example:
Cheese-river-watermelon-umbrella and so on.

Competition 3.
A competition that will make everyone laugh and show how much modern older people remember fairy tales.
The host from the stage asks a question either to each table or to each guest individually. And the answer must be given without hesitation - within three seconds! Examples of questions:
1. Who did the bun leave from at the very beginning?
2. In fairy tales he is always a fool.
3. What did the mouse touch with its tail and it broke?
4. What did grandfather catch the goldfish with?
5. Who was Little Red Riding Hood going to?
6. How was the real princess identified in the fairy tale?
7. According to the fairy tale, he is Ruslan’s wife.
And so on. The more questions, the better. You can even hold this competition by dividing everyone into teams.

Competition 4.
And one more competition, but you need to seriously prepare for it. Namely, you need to draw pictures from which you can guess the name of the song or the song itself. You show a drawing from the stage, and whoever knows the answer answers immediately.
For example:
Drawing – maple and water (song – where the maple makes noise)
Drawing - a slide and a man going down with it (song - someone came down from the hill)
By the way, such drawings can be “ordered” from kindergarten. Hold a competition among children for the best drawing. And the children will have fun, and you will have props for the competition. Just don't forget to give the kids prizes for their efforts.

That's all. If you have a music or dance group among the elderly, their performance will also be wonderful.

Ved. 1: Hello, hello, dear guests!

People are like themselves, simple, come in, come in!

Have some fresh tea and listen to our speeches!

Ved.2:It’s not for nothing, friends, we bow to you,

Using polite words.

We came here to relieve boredom.

We came to have fun, to play,

Sing songs with you in chorus,

Look at the fun, look at the fun!

Ved. 1: The tea is hot, aromatic and tastes very pleasant.

He heals ailments and drives away fatigue,

Gives new strength and invites friends to the table.

With gratitude the whole world praises the miracle elixir!

Ved. 2: We will drink fragrant tea, we will talk heart to heart,

In the meantime, everyone will eat, deign to listen to a fairy tale!

Music from a fairy tale

Girl in the window in Russian folk costume:

- Hello, good fellows, beautiful girls, invited guests, honest people, tea invites you all to visit.

A long time ago, one man decided to warm water for drinking. Suddenly the wind rose and several tea leaves fell into the cup. The man drank the drink and felt more energetic. This is how the custom of drinking tea arose.

For poor people, tea was almost inaccessible, and they drank it only on special occasions, because... tea was very expensive. That’s why the expression “indulging in tea” arose.

And many simple people They didn’t even know how to brew tea.

A guy in a Russian folk costume comes out:

Once the master sent me some tea and told me to brew it.

And from birth I don’t know how to make damned tea.

I took everything hastily, I poured the tea into the pot,

And in addition - pepper, onion and parsley root.

I put it on the tagan, boiled it twice,

And I also poured butter on top for decoration.

- Tea is ready! Please eat!

I took off the master's coat.

- Well done! “You know how to listen,” he praised me for that.

I hear the master was leaving, he called me to the upper room,

He grabbed my hair and dragged me, dragged me...

I thought for a long time, tried, why didn’t I please him?

Finally, I realized: I didn’t salt the tea!


1 . I drank a lot of tea, made samovar,

I broke all the dishes - I was cooking!

We have a pie on the table,

Donuts and cheesecakes.

So let's sing with some tea

Tea ditties!

2 .We don’t miss tea,

We write songs together.

We are glad to invite you all,

Drink plenty of tea.

3 .The samovar shines, boiling,

The tea is already foaming in it.

Look at yourself -

What a reflection!

4 .Give me a cup of tea

You don't mind the tea, do you?

I don't like tea.

Pour hot tea!

5 .He is a balm for all diseases

And there is no healthier drink.

Who wants to be healthy

You need to drink more tea!

6 .Tea with jam and lemon,

With pretzels and a bow.

Fresh tea after the bath

Give it to the Russian daredevils!

7 Oh, tea, strong tea,

Drink some tea!

To bring joy

Every day, little day

8 .We sang ditties for you,

To please the guests.

We baked trinkets,

Bagels and rolls!

9. If there was no water,

There wouldn't even be a mug.

If it weren't for us,

Who would sing ditties?

The Doctor enters:

I want to reveal a secret and give useful advice:

If someone gets sick, you can use tea to treat them.

Tea is the most beneficial of all medicines; it helps against illnesses.

Tea refreshes us in hot weather and warms us in cold weather.

And he will overcome drowsiness and compete with fatigue,

Will crush any ailment, tea is your health’s best friend!

Tea is richest pharmacy. Scientists have long established that tea contains useful, biologically active substances. They strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, improve heart function, and increase a person’s mental and physical ability. Tea strengthens the body's resistance to colds, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. For sunburn, lotions and compresses made from warm tea infusion help. Among medicinal plants, tea occupies one of the most honorable places.

Buffoons run out

Buffoons: Dear guests! Would you like to eat some candy and folk beliefs listen?

1 . If you don’t drink tea, where will you get your strength?

2 . Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.

3 . We miss tea - we drink three cups.

4 . There's no harm in tea

5 . Drink tea, don't get sad.

6 . Drinking tea is not cutting wood.

7. Beautiful dishes and delicious tea.

8 . Take care of the goodness in the house, and the warmth in the tea.

9. Drinking tea means living long.

10 . We don’t miss drinking tea – we drink seven cups each.

11 . Take a note and pour some tea

(song “Today is a holiday for the girls”)

Ved1: Well, while we were talking, the tea is ripe and ready to be brewed. In the old days, tea was brewed with herbs. Do you know what herbs were used for this?

Name it?

Guests call herbs. (Mint, thyme, currant leaf.)

Ved2: Know - you know the name of the herbs, but will you be able to recognize them?

(A tray with herbs is brought out, the guests call)

Ved.1: Let's remember what was the happiest thing in our lives. This is personal for everyone. Share the joy. Let's start with this table. Please……………….., tell us what was the most happy moment in your life.

We listen to stories from 3-4 people.

Ved. 2:We shared happiness. And what difficulties did you have to overcome in life? Remember the most memorable moments.

3-4 people are also interviewed.

Ved. 1: In order not to make us sad, we need to cheer you up,

Let's gather in a circle and let's all start dancing.

(song, dance “Oh, how I like you”)

Scene of the Old Grandmother.


Grandmothers are sitting on a bench in the yard.

They talk about their grandchildren all day long until the evening.

The grandmothers go out to the center of the hall.

1 grandmother:

What are young people like?

What about actions and words?

Look at their fashions.

The fools got dressed!

Grandmother 2:

Previously: dancing and quadrilling,

They wore full skirts.

But now it’s not like that.

Pants - in, (show the length) and skirts - in!

3 grandma:

Well, and dancing, and dancing!

Everyone became like foreigners.

How they start to dance,

Scratch your feet!

They are shaking as if in a fever,

To look at it is such a shame and disgrace!

4 grandma:

We didn’t dance like that with you,

We studied the figures

And went to balls!..


Enough, grandmothers, to grumble,

Young people discuss everything.

You were also like this:

Young, mischievous.

Take off fifty years like that,

Dance for the guys!

Song "Quadrille"

1 . Who came up with the idea that old age is not joy?

These are just empty words.

Let fatigue lurk in your eyes,

And your head turns grey.

2 .Well, my heart is still passionate,

And the thought works clearly.

Look how beautiful winter is!

The air is bright, the snow is sparkling.

3 .Under the ray that fell from the sky,

Like a mirror, the ice is blue.

There is beauty in every season,

So any age is beautiful.

4 .There is a lot of mental strength left,

Minds do not become scarce over the years,

And beautiful wise old age

Gets younger with the arrival of winter.

5 . And let a smile light up your face.

Tell your age – don’t rush!

We wish you all to be happy,

We wish this with all our hearts.