Labor discipline of personnel and principles of its organization. Discipline management in the work team Violation of labor discipline

M.A. Lukashenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-President of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy", Leading Expert Consultant of the "Organization of Time" company

How to improve the discipline of subordinates or colleagues who distract from work

Did you know that the top ten time wasters of work time include unreasonably time-consuming communication with subordinates or colleagues? Meanwhile, there are quite simple tricks that can, if not radically change, then certainly significantly improve the situation. We bring them to your attention.

RECEPTION 1. Your subordinates write down questions that arise for you in advance, prioritize them(most important to least important) and remove them all in one visit to you. This way, they won't tug at you on every single issue. In addition, the most important tasks will be solved first. In the company where I work, it is customary to do just that: during the day, the manager only once talks with each department on the entire group of issues related to this department.

Time Eaters- these are any cases on which we want to spend less time.

The main thing is not to cross the line of reason. So, in one firm, the director, who was completely twitched by his subordinates, gave them coupons to visit his office - 10 pieces per month. The most curious thing is that the subordinates did not lose their heads, but, out of necessity, began to borrow these coupons from each other. It got to the point that one employee bought a coupon from another, and the boss, amazed by this fact, canceled this practice.

RECEPTION 2. Preparing questions to you, subordinates also prepare their own solutions in advance. This not only saves time for the manager, but also contributes to the growth and professional development of employees.

I had a colleague who, when asking a question, always offered three solutions and asked me to choose the one that suits me best. After that, the same thing always happened: when he heard my answer, he would pause for a long time, sigh thoughtfully and inform me that this option was much worse than the others and that there was only one suitable solution. But this is rather an example of how it should not happen.

RECEPTION 3. Do not discuss the same type of issues with each employee individually, collect flyers, RAM and other meetings. But with them, too, you do not need to overdo it, so that they do not become another waste of time - both yours and those of your subordinates.

For each specific purpose, there are different types of meetings. Take, for example, a meeting "brainstorm", the purpose of which is to generate and discuss new ideas. It is held in an informal setting, any criticism of what is expressed is prohibited, all ideas are recorded. At such meetings, a creative atmosphere reigns. The main thing is to collect more ideas. Further, these ideas are structured, the most fruitful are selected and worked out.

Concerning RAM, then they, of course, should be operational, no more than half an hour. I worked with a government organization where meetings took 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. Moreover, people did not work between the so-called operatives, but prepared for them. As a result, the leadership of this organization had to take emergency measures. It strictly regulated the holding of such meetings, limiting their duration to 20 minutes.

At meeting at which should be management decision has been made own rules. Firstly, it is necessary to pre-distribute the information on which the decision will be made to all participants so that they get acquainted and develop their opinion. Secondly, at the meeting itself, a certain sequence of actions is observed: speech → questions → statements → decision. In practice, it often happens otherwise. Since the materials were not sent out in advance, the participants of the meeting learn unexpected facts during the speaker's speech, their stormy, disorderly discussion begins with the incidental expression of counter ideas. Participants “get stuck” in this discussion, forgetting in the end how it all started. As a result, ideas are not properly generated, decisions are not made, and time is wasted.

Therefore, it is imperative prepare for the meeting and conduct it according to the required goals and results, inviting only the necessary people. We clearly keep the timetable and finish the meeting on time. By the way, now, in order to confer with colleagues or partners, it is not at all necessary to go or even visit each other, it is quite possible use skype.

RECEPTION 4. Transfer all non-urgent questions from the oral plane to the written one. What does it mean? For example, you are absorbed in reporting. But then one employee came in with a request to make him a salary certificate, the second called to find out if he was entitled to a child deduction, the third asked for something else. Answering everyone, you naturally get distracted from current affairs. And if there are a lot of workers who are eager to communicate with you, then, endlessly switching from one to another, you will endlessly perform a task that requires concentration, although in reality it can be done in just a couple of hours. Therefore, it is possible to agree that all "non-burning" requests and questions colleagues to you sent to your email. This will allow you not to be distracted from the work that is more important at the moment, and your employees to be sure that their requests will not be forgotten, and when you are free, you will answer everyone who wishes.

RECEPTION 5. Enter "marking" your emergency employment. It can be a red flag on your desk, which signals to all incoming that you are now asking you not to tear off. However, there must be agreements how much and how often you have the right to set such a flag. There are companies that prefer more complex markings, such as three-color: green flag - come as much as you want, yellow - come only with an important and urgent matter, red - do not come at all. You can also choose any other character. So, one chief accountant hangs a road sign "brick" on the door. In another accounting department, a sign with the inscription "No" is put on the table of the chief accountant. And one firm uses a souvenir teddy bear. Whoever he sits on the table, you can’t approach him, but everyone else is welcome.

But you need to avoid the situation “everyone went to the front”, when a person comes to the accounting department, and there is a red flag on each table.

RECEPTION 6. From Soviet times to this day, the so-called visiting hours and document signing hours. This is a smart and correct technique, but accountants should be very careful with it so as not to inadvertently cause direct damage to the company.

Here is a concrete negative example for you. A lawyer from a fairly large firm had to go to arbitration in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit, and the day before he saw that there was no seal on his power of attorney. He rushed to the chief accountant, who kept the seal in a safe. And she's not there. The lawyer calls her, and she says: "I'm sorry, but my office hours are on Thursday, from 3 to 5, and I would not want to see anyone at any other time." The lawyer explains for a long time to the chief accountant that without a seal on the power of attorney, the court will not consider him as a representative of the company, will regard this as the default of the defendant and may consider the case in favor of the counterparty. But the chief accountant was adamant, she decided to educate the young man and said: “In office No. 5, in a black cabinet, on the second shelf, in a blue folder, is the order of the head, who approved my reception hours.” As a result, the lawyer had to call the director and ask him to personally instruct the chief accountant.

The techniques that we talked about are designed to discipline employees, but in no case should they slow down the work of the company. Truly important and urgent issues must be addressed immediately.

And one more thing: at the heart of improving the discipline of subordinates and colleagues are corporate agreements. But any agreements work only when they are respected bilaterally. Do you want co-workers to save your working time? Then be more careful about their time too. For example, you should not invite people who are not related to the topic under discussion to a meeting. Or do other similar things that allow your colleagues to talk about you as time wasters.

One of the main aspects of management psychology is the issue of discipline. It's no secret that in many companies, this is a sore subject, which, as a rule, does not reach the hands of HR managers. However, it is worth paying special attention to this factor, since it directly affects the quality and efficiency of work.

Disciplinary impact of the HR manager

So, discipline is a process that is associated with the behavior of an employee at work. If the staff does not follow the rules adopted in the office, then here we can talk about a violation of discipline.

When we talk about a violation of discipline, we mean by this a violation of the so-called expected behavior. The HR manager and other employees of the company expect appropriate behavior from their colleagues. And if one of the workers violates generally accepted ideas, then the entire mechanism of interaction is violated.

The purpose of an HR manager's discipline is not just to help the employee understand that they really have problems with the performance of job duties, but also to explain that there is always a good opportunity to correct the situation and restore discipline. This, in turn, implies certain efforts of the HR manager, which must be applied so that the employee can correct the problem that has arisen for him.

However, it is worth remembering that disciplining employees does not mean punishing them. First of all, the HR manager must get to the bottom of the problem. Sometimes he can tell the employee the way to solve the problem. The disciplinary work of a human resources manager is most successful when it helps the individual to become an effective successful employee of the organization. This implies another rule - do not forget to praise the employee for successful work. You will say only two or three words, but this may be enough for the employee to spread his wings and want to achieve more.

In the event of non-compliance with the methods adopted by the HR manager to restore disciplinary behavior, the organization can legally, and in accordance with all regulatory documents, fire inefficient or unwilling employees.

Psychodiagnostic tests of professional activity can help an HR manager to understand the situation. They allow you to study the professional interests of a person with the help of indirect questions, based on the use of special psychological tests, which allows you to get deeper into the specifics of the professional orientation of the individual and makes it possible to identify the degree of its severity.

It is no secret that for a certain type of work, a preliminary diagnosis of volitional qualities is necessary. In order for an HR manager to be able to help an employee form a will, learn self-regulation and cultivate the necessary volitional qualities, it is necessary to first evaluate these qualities using such tests.

How to establish discipline

Below are some tips on how to discipline an employee.

    Recommend the employee to comply with certain requirements regarding the performance of work and establish with him a common understanding of these requirements. For example, for you to have lunch for a short time may mean half an hour, but for him - one and a half. Therefore, it is necessary to come to a common understanding of certain issues of discipline.

    If the employee has not changed his behavior, verbally reprimand the employee for unprofessional performance of work duties. Remember that such reprimands are made to the employee in private. In no case should an HR manager expose an employee's criticism for show, otherwise this can only aggravate the situation. Would you like to be scolded like a little one? Call the employee to your office and talk to him seriously, guarding a confidential tone and expressing a willingness to help.

    When an employee does not respond even to verbal reprimands, the HR manager should warn the employee in writing about the need to control his work discipline. A written warning always looks much more serious than a verbal one, so it should have more effect.

As a rule, such attention from the HR manager is appreciated by employees, and, most likely, they will meet you halfway. Do not forget that all this must be done not in a condescending manner, but in a friendly way helping a colleague.

If you, as an HR manager, have taken all the above steps, but have not achieved a result, then you just have to fire such a negligent employee.

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Law enforcement agencies are part of the system of state organizations and therefore their employees are in the public service and, as a result, are subject to the requirements of state discipline. Usually, state discipline is understood as the established procedure for the activities of state organizations, which provides for the conscientious performance by each employee of the duties assigned to him, certain rules and requirements of official conduct.

In general, discipline is understood as a quality of a person, including the habit of discipline, self-control, internal organization, responsibility, readiness and the habit of obeying one's own goals (self-discipline) and social regulations.

Discipline can also be viewed as submission to the established order, the ability to establish and maintain discipline in the team.

The disciplinary charter defines discipline as "strict and precise observance of the order and rules established by laws and military regulations." Compliance with the statutory requirements by each police officer is individually peculiar in nature and depends on his psychological characteristics. It is mediated by such a quality of personality, which expresses a stable subjective attitude of a policeman to order and rules, to orders to superiors, to his duties. That quality is discipline.

On the basis of previous studies, discipline can be defined as a personality quality that provides purposeful, stable and organized behavior in strict accordance with moral and statutory standards, based on a deep awareness of their social, official and personal significance, their unconditional acceptance and support.

Researchers of the problem of discipline have come to the conclusion that two sides can be distinguished in discipline: external and internal. The leading role is played by the internal side, since the requirements, orders, without their acceptance by the employees themselves, cannot become behavior regulators. Studies show that an external requirement without semantic identification, without a positive understanding and inclusion in the hierarchy of personal values ​​is not transformed into personal motives. Therefore, to form discipline is, first of all, to develop among employees the motives for disciplined, statutory behavior, since all "external influences are connected with their mental effect indirectly through the personality", are refracted through the "internal conditions of a person".

Each influence of an officer in the process of disciplining subordinates activates their semantic work. The employee evaluates the requirements presented to him, compares this requirement with his ideas about disciplined behavior and, ultimately, determines his attitude to this requirement and evaluates its value. This assessment by the employee of objective circumstances and his actions in these circumstances gives personal meaning to his requirements.

This is how the motive of disciplined behavior of an employee of the internal affairs department is formed. S.L. Rubinshtein wrote that “the motive as awareness of the motivation for a certain action is actually formed as a person takes into account, evaluates, weighs the circumstances in which he is and realizes the goal that confronts him: from the attitude towards them, the motive is born in him. specific content necessary for real life action.

The formation of the motive for disciplined behavior is the strengthening of the impulse to follow the model of behavior laid down in the statutes. But since this model does not reproduce the behavior in all its details, but reflects only the most significant features, the employee himself creates a mental model of behavior for himself. This model corresponds to the real conditions in which his work takes place, as well as to his previously formed ideas.

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3.1. The concept and meaning of labor discipline

Labor discipline is a set of moral norms and legal rules established for personnel in the course of the production activities of an enterprise and organization, in order to properly comply with the goals set. These rules include: internal labor regulations, regulations and charters on discipline.

It is necessary to distinguish between objective and subjective aspects of the concept of labor discipline. The objective aspects of labor discipline find expression in the internal labor regulations established in organizations, which fix the labor duties of employees and the employer, and the modes of their implementation. The subjective aspects of the concept of labor discipline are the conscientious fulfillment by employees and the employer of the duties established by local regulations.

Labor discipline is a means and function of ensuring the most effective achievement of political, social, economic, technical and other goals of the production process. Labor discipline is an integral part of economic and legal relations in the organization.

The importance of labor discipline is determined by the need to:

1) maintaining law and order in labor collectives;

2) instilling in the working people self-discipline, the natural need for conscientious creative fulfillment of labor duties;

3) creation at the enterprise of such working conditions under which the requirements of labor discipline would be placed above their own interests;

4) mobilization of the labor collective to combat the emergence of mismanagement, bureaucracy and disregard for the interests of society and the state;

5) creation in the labor collective and in the relationship between the employer and the employee of a normal moral and psychological climate based on respect for human labor, its honor and dignity.

The concept of labor discipline and labor discipline are used as synonyms. Labor discipline is impossible without a number of factors. Those factors are:

a) working conditions;

b) the level of organization of the production process;

c) material and technical support of employees of the labor collective;

d) the amount of wages;

e) timeliness of remuneration, etc.

The head of the organization must create the conditions and take the necessary measures necessary for the employees to fulfill labor discipline.

The labor schedule in the organization is determined by the internal labor regulations. The internal labor schedule is the order of relations between employees, as well as with the management of the enterprise and organization.

The internal labor regulations are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees and, as a rule, an annex to the collective agreement 6 .

In addition to the internal labor regulations, the employer must have such documents regulating labor discipline as staffing, job descriptions, shift schedules, vacation schedules, rules and instructions for labor protection and safety, and so on. All employees of the organization must be familiar with the internal labor regulations. The employer is obliged to post the internal regulations in a conspicuous place for general familiarization.

Thus, labor discipline is a prerequisite for the work of the labor collective of an organization and enterprise, as well as a condition for the growth of production results and a positive moral and psychological climate in the labor collective. Labor discipline as a set of moral norms and legal rules allows the organization to achieve economic, technical and other goals of the production process. The importance of labor discipline is determined by the need for numerous factors, at the same time, labor discipline is impossible without proper working conditions and wages, the level of organization of the production process and the material and technical supply of employees of the labor collective. As a result, the management of labor discipline becomes the most important and necessary function of management activities at the enterprise, the personnel management department in particular, which have a certain set of methods and tools for influencing labor discipline.

3.2. Methods of discipline management in the work team

The existing methods of labor discipline management can be divided into 3 groups: economic, psychological, legal.

Economic methods of stimulating labor discipline are carried out through a system of methods for calculating wages. The system of organization of remuneration at the enterprise, as a rule, includes the following elements: labor rationing, tariff system, forms and systems of wages. Each of the elements of the system performs a specific function: with the help of labor rationing, the amount of labor expended is taken into account; the tariff system makes it possible to measure various specific types of labor, take into account their complexity, conditions of performance, etc. The forms and systems of wages make it possible to link the earnings of an employee of the labor collective with his discipline and efficiency, and, consequently, with the quantitative and qualitative results of labor.

The real wage index is an indicator of material remuneration actually received in accordance with the recalculation to the existing consumer price index.

There are three main forms of remuneration: piecework, time and premium. The first two forms are built on the basis of the tariff system and labor rationing.

Labor rationing is a common method for determining the measure of labor, since according to the norms it is possible to take into account the amount of labor expended, which determines the amount of remuneration. This approach also requires taking into account the quality of labor (forming elements: the level of qualification of the employee, severity, complexity, working conditions, etc.).

Psychological methods of labor discipline management. The stable work of the labor collective largely depends on the psychological climate in it. The socio-psychological climate is characterized by contradictory intergroup and interpersonal processes aimed, on the one hand, at adapting to activities in significantly changed, both external and internal conditions, and, on the other hand, at striving to preserve the usual stereotypes of relationships and the style of work formed on over the previous long period.

The sources of moral and psychological illnesses of the labor collective, negative behavior are the thoughts and feelings of workers. The only way to change behavior is the leader's knowledge of the inner world of a person and mastering ways to rebuild it in a positive mood. Therefore, high psychological competence of leading personnel is of great importance.

First, knowledge is needed for self-esteem and self-improvement of the individual. Secondly, you should have a complex of knowledge and skills of communicating with people. Thirdly, psychological and pedagogical competence is necessary, associated with the implementation of the function of the educator of subordinates.

Fourthly, knowledge of the psychological patterns of the functioning of the team is needed, since the leader must accurately assess interpersonal and group relations in the organization and be able to harmonize them.

The ability to skillfully build business relationships, regulate the psychological climate is one of the main signs of the professional suitability of managers.

Methods of legal influence. The Labor Code distinguishes four methods: persuasion, encouragement, coercion, labor organization. Their practice dates back thousands of years. Over the centuries, it is not the methods that change, but their content and combination.

For example, the types of punishments, rewards, and beliefs are changing. Persuasion is the main method of managing work discipline. This is education, the impact on the mind of an employee in order to induce him to useful activities or prevent unwanted actions.

The most commonly used methods of labor discipline management are encouragement and coercion.

Encouragement is the recognition of the merits of an employee by providing him with benefits, advantages, public honor, and increasing his prestige. Every person has needs for recognition, for material values. Their implementation is encouraged. However, using encouragement, you can get a double result: to lead the team to conflicts up to its collapse and, on the contrary, to unite and rally it.

Encouragement is carried out with the help of rewards. Reward is the receipt of what a person considers valuable for himself. The concept of value varies from person to person. For one person, in some circumstances, a few hours of sincere friendship can be more valuable than a large sum of money. In an organization, we usually deal with two main types of rewards: intrinsic and extrinsic.

The internal reward comes from the work itself. These are such values ​​as self-respect, the significance of the work performed, its content, awareness of the result obtained, etc. task.

There are certain rules for the effectiveness of promotion:

    encouragement should be applied at each manifestation of the employee's labor activity with a positive result;

    it is expedient to use the whole range of incentive measures;

    encouragement should be significant, raise the prestige of conscientious work.

Opportunity to receive promotion in close terms, for example, in a week. If an employee knows that he will receive an incentive, but only after a year or several years, the effectiveness of this type of incentive is sharply reduced.

Encouragement publicity. Any encouragement raises prestige, respect for the employee and is often valued by people much higher than material goods.

Promotion availability. Incentives should be established not only for strong workers, but also for weak ones.

The use of incentives is a right, not a duty, of management. The employee is not entitled to these types of incentives. However, such a right may appear provided that the organization has adopted a provision on bonuses that establishes indicators, the achievement of which entitles the employee to certain incentives. In this case, the administration is obliged to apply the incentive measures specified in the provision on bonuses.

Performance indicators that give the right to promotion can also be established in the employment contract. In addition, it can also set the amount of the bonus that the employee will receive upon reaching these indicators. collective…………………………. Content ... desire) to participate in management. Thus, 74% of the respondents believe control the business of labor team, and in...

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  • For an employee, labor discipline is mandatory. Often the final result of the work, quality and economic indicators depend on it. But this does not mean that the employer himself sets the rules. There are requirements that are binding on the parties, which constitute the rules of labor discipline.

    Labor discipline is the observance by the employee of the generally binding rules of conduct determined by the Labor Code, additional agreements, the collective agreement and other regulations, and the creation by the employer of appropriate conditions.

    Obligations of employees and labor discipline

    The general duties of employees are determined by the Labor Code and include:

    • performance of assigned duties
    • compliance with internal labor regulations
    • compliance with labor protection requirements
    • careful attitude of the employee to the property of employees and the enterprise

    In addition, each employee must qualitatively and conscientiously perform professional duties defined by the contract, regulations and job descriptions.

    Labor obligations are fixed in the employment contract, additional agreements to it. As well as the rules of the internal labor schedule, the collective labor agreement, the provision on bonuses to employees. It is possible to require an employee to comply with labor discipline and fulfill the assigned duties only if the employee is familiar with the relevant document against signature.

    Obligations of employers aimed at ensuring labor discipline

    The employer also has a certain range of duties to ensure labor discipline:

    • creating conditions for the employee to perform job duties
    • ensuring labor protection
    • supply of necessary equipment and tools
    • provision of equal opportunities for remuneration of employees
    • full and timely payment
    • encouragement for conscientious performance of labor duties and punishment for their violation
    • mandatory social insurance for all employees
    • compensation for damage caused by the employee in the performance of duties

    One of the mandatory local acts is the Internal Labor Regulations. They are approved by the employer, but the provisions of the Rules should not contradict the mandatory requirements and rules.

    Encouragement as a method of ensuring labor discipline

    Labor legislation defines two main methods of ensuring discipline: encouragement and punishment.

    Encouragement - public recognition of the professional merits of the employee, the provision of public honor, rewarding. This method can be applied both to an individual employee and to the work team as a whole.

    For conscientious performance of duties, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of incentives:

    • bonuses
    • thanksgiving announcement
    • awarding an honorary diploma
    • rewarding with a valuable gift
    • presentation to the title of the best in the profession

    Other types of incentives may be provided for by the internal regulations, collective agreements, charters of enterprises and other regulatory acts.

    For special labor services to the state, an employee may be presented for a state award. An entry is made in the work book about employee incentives.

    Violation of labor discipline

    An employee often encounters violations of their labor rights, mainly in organizations of non-state ownership. The most common of them are: the use of unauthorized penalties, illegal dismissals of employees, non-payment or partial payment of wages, payment of amounts to employees that do not correspond to accounting documents, not providing regular vacations or providing them without pay, non-payment of temporary disability benefits, and so on.

    An example of such a violation is the arbitrary imposition of penalties by the employer on the employee at a time when the measure of such impact is not provided for by the regulations of the enterprise.

    Responsibility for violation of labor discipline

    Violators are brought to disciplinary responsibility through disciplinary action. The basis for such involvement is the misconduct of the employee.

    A disciplinary offense is an unlawful intentional or unintentional failure to perform or improper performance of duties by an employee.

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, these include:

    • comment
    • rebuke
    • dismissal

    Such a list is exhaustive and is not subject to additions to the internal regulations or, with the exception of a certain category of employees who are subject to discipline and statutes. For example, a law enforcement officer subjected to disciplinary action may receive a warning of incompetence, a reduction in rank, or the loss of a badge.

    The application of liability measures to an employee for violation of labor discipline must be justified and carried out in accordance with established rules.

    The order of the employer is issued on the imposition of a disciplinary sanction. After conducting an internal investigation and drawing up the corresponding. Employees may appeal any disciplinary action by filing a . In case of violation of labor discipline, compliance with the rules of bringing to responsibility is very important, and the employee can use the methods at the slightest violation.