Test responsibility earlier now ors. Psychological test with recommendations for identifying a person's leadership qualities

Responsibility is personal quality, which is difficult to measure. Our company uses three main methods: psychological testing, personal interview and assessment center.

Many say that responsibility should be checked even before the interview: check what time the candidate came, whether he prepared for the interview, whether he read information about the company. I attribute it more to commitment, punctuality or deep interest in a particular place of work.

Psychological testing is the least accurate (about 40%) method, so we use its results only as a test of one or another assumption.

Test, which is given to a person at home, can also talk about the responsibility of the candidate. But you also need to understand that a candidate who wants to get a job in a company is likely to perform test. In this case, it is more important to look at how he completed it, how much he worked through the material, how he structured it, etc.

One of the main elements of the assessment center used in our company is business game. The method is considered one of the most reliable (approximately 70-80%), because it is quite difficult to demonstrate unusual behavior in an active unpredictable business game.

If a person easily withstands the attention of the audience, simply comes into contact with people, then this will manifest itself in the game. It is important that based on the results of this study, we can reasonably explain to candidates why we made this or that decision, as well as give recommendations on developing certain qualities.

Personal interview- an interview, based on the results of which it is possible to draw conclusions about the responsibility of the candidate with confidence up to 99% J. In this case, the quality of the result depends on the variability of the recruiter.

From my own experience, I can identify a number of questions that help to reliably assess the level of responsibility of the candidate.

  1. Revealing responsibility, I always start with the question of what this quality is in the understanding of the candidate. This helps to align the conceptual apparatus. For me, responsibility is the willingness to do everything in order to achieve desired result, readiness to do more or otherwise, if the actions that the leader asked for were not enough to achieve the goal, the ability to act, realizing the consequences. And sometimes, already at this level, we can conclude that we may not be on our way, since candidates, speaking of responsibility, describe indicators of diligence or commitment, or by the way they say, you understand that responsibility for them is phenomenon is streamlined or undesirable.
  2. You can ask a direct question: "Are you responsible?". Few of the candidates will answer "No", more often they say much softer, for example, "Sometimes I can be irresponsible." And of course, in such cases, you need to ask for clarification, to explain why this is happening or why he thinks so.
  3. I find STAR questions to be effective: "Give me an example of when you took responsibility." It would be ideal if in the example the candidate describes any situation, the tasks that were set, the actions that he took, and the result that he managed to achieve. At the same time, if at least one part of the story fell out, then perhaps this situation did not exist in his experience.
  4. I also like questions with a little provocation. For example, if a candidate declares his high responsibility, then you can say the following: “There are no 100% responsible people, give an example when you behaved irresponsibly.” And look at the reaction, perhaps the candidate will try to convince you - this is a good sign, if he thinks for a while and says that sometimes he forgets to buy bread home - that's also good, but if he immediately gives a vivid example of irresponsibility - be careful, double-check with additional questions.
  5. It is quite effective to ask the following question: “If you ask five of your friends about your three most strengths how many times will responsibility be heard? Some are not shy and say "15", although the maximum result is "5". After that, you should definitely ask why they think so and how many times they really heard the characteristic “responsible” from others. Or like this: “And if we ask your former leader, what will he say about you, will he call you responsible? Do you have his phone number? Can I call him?" As a rule, after this question the most interesting begins. Either they say “Yes”, and then you can go for broke and call, or they start to avoid answering: “Well, I don’t know”, “Let’s not now”, “I don’t have a number”, etc.
  6. You can also ask to tell about the boundaries of responsibility at the previous place of work. If the candidate starts talking about his official duties, then this person, perhaps, is only a performer, ready to do what they say and not very interested in taking on "extra". And if he describes any of his initiatives, projects in which he proved himself, a difficult situation and how he got out of it, then the candidate is most likely interested and ready to take responsibility.
  7. It is also important to ask projective questions, for example, “Why do you think some people are responsible and some are not?”, “Under what circumstances do employees work effectively?”. If the candidate names external circumstances: resources, manager, good weather, etc., then this can be regarded as a tendency to shift responsibility. A good candidate response is related to his personal effectiveness, for example, "How successful I want to be."
  8. Indirect questions can also speak of responsibility. For example, "How did you choose the university?". If the candidate answers: “Mom advised”, “I went along with a friend”, then most likely you should not expect a high level of responsibility from him.

Of course, asking one question is not enough, it is important to look at the candidate in dynamics. It is most effective to jump from one competence to another, let the candidate talk for 3-5 minutes about one, and then return to the previous questions. You can reformulate his answer by adding what he did not say. And if he agrees with this, then it is worth considering: probably, at some point he was cunning.

Ideally, you need to test the qualities, knowledge and skills of a large number techniques - the more confirmation of a particular assumption, the better.

I do not oblige every recruiter to follow a strict plan and ask only the questions described above. Each of them understands what he needs to evaluate, and what to do for this, he decides for himself, because each recruiter has his own style, his own “effective” questions and methods. In addition, the naturalness of the recruiter's behavior and his sincere interest in the candidate are very important for the quality of the interview - no candidate will fully reveal himself in a meeting that most of all resembles a dry interrogation.

72-78 points- You are an organized person. The only thing that is fashionable to advise you: do not stop at the achieved level, develop further self-organization. Let it not seem to you. That you have reached the limit. Organization, unlike nature, gives the greatest effect to those who consider its resources inexhaustible.

63-71 points You see organization as an essential part of the job. This gives you an undeniable advantage over those people who become organized only when absolutely necessary. But you should carefully look at self-organization, improve it.

Less than 63 points- your lifestyle, your environment taught you to be organized in some way. Organization is manifested in your actions, then disappears. This is a sign of a clear system of self-organization. There are objective organizational laws and principles. Try to analyze your actions, spending time, work technique.

Test "Are you a responsible person?"

Choose from the proposed options statements the one that most accurately characterizes you. If you agree, put “yes” next to the statement number, and “no” if you disagree.


    I quickly achieve the results I need.

    If necessary, I can easily work seven days a week.

    I consider my work to be responsible.

    As a rule, I bring to the end the work I have begun.

    I am able to be objective in evaluating my achievements and failures.

    I always go back and correct my mistakes.

    Many people think that I am responsible for my work.

    I believe that work should not depend on personal life.

    When making decisions, I must clearly understand how it will affect the case.

    I always finish the things I started.

    I have had more successes than failures in my life.

    I am able to accurately prioritize my work.

    It is important to me that my work benefits others.

    If I lose my favorite occupation, life will lose its meaning for me.

    I believe that you need to constantly improve your professionalism.

    I can confess that I was wrong.

    I enjoy making responsible decisions.

    I am able to see my problems in their true light.

    A job well done brings me satisfaction.

    I am able to bring my plans to their logical end.

    Sometimes it happens that I take on the obligations of others.

    If I do a bad job, I don't feel well for a long time.

    The mistakes of my subordinates are my mistakes.

    I take the feelings of others quite close to my heart.

    I always obey the instructions of my superiors.

Add up all the “yes” answers, assigning 1 point to each.

20-25 points. We can say with confidence that you are a very responsible person and you have a developed sense of duty. Usually you prefer to bring the things you have started to the end, and if events prevent you from realizing your plans, then this gives you certain inconveniences. You, a person who often takes responsibility for other people, willingly helps everyone, is able to sacrifice yourself in the interests of others. Be critical of other people's inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and weaknesses. Therefore, they tend to build interpersonal relationships based on how people around you have a sense of duty and responsibility. To achieve your goals, you show perseverance and perseverance. You are purposeful. Your style of work is characterized by overcommitment and precision.

15-19 points. You certainly have a sense of responsibility and duty. But it is important for you to be sure that no one will demand more from you than you can do. Sometimes you are too passive - so that someone around you does not appreciate your desire to act as an attempt to take the reins of government and take full responsibility for what is happening. Fearing this, you sometimes hold back the desire to do something, while your natural activity and efficiency completely allow you to make responsible decisions and bring the work you have started to the end.

Less than 14 points. You are a person prone to spontaneous - and sometimes inconsistent - decisions. Often you don’t think about the fact that responsible decisions are expected from you as an employee, if only because you are paid money. Your inaccuracy and optionality can lead to a conflict with your superiors. An overly light-hearted attitude to your duties, and maybe to life in general, does not give you trouble just because you have never encountered serious demands from your boss, employees or loved ones. What you need is to imagine how pleasant it is to do everything that is planned on time, to show yourself and others that you are capable of being a responsible person and making strong-willed, responsible decisions.

    0 - 49 points- You are ready for decisive action only when you feel powerless and helpless, when you seem to be "pinned against the wall." The rest of the time, they are ready to endure not only humiliation, but even undeserved reproaches, believing that such a sacrifice will someday be noticed and appreciated. There is a risk of falling into a dependent relationship, as you look for the much-desired confidence and self-sufficiency in another person, often falling into an ordinary tyrant. Love to dream about how, thanks to some person or occasion, your life changes for the better, like in a fairy tale. Not at all daring to do something on their own, to take risks and declare themselves, their feelings and desires. But do not despair, you just have to make an effort and work on yourself, and then everything will change. You can start with the techniques described in the article.

    50 - 99 points- You are quite harmonious. You can act decisively without retreating in the face of difficulties. You conscious person, not fundamental, therefore, in situations requiring a quick decision, you are ready to take responsibility, and where there are people who want power more than you, you will completely calmly give in. What sets you apart from other leaders is that you are not driven by need and lust for power. You just know how to organize something, but you don’t claim the laurels of the only winner, especially at moments where you need to make a dishonest move. Although you are in balance, it will not hurt you sometimes to show initiative and perseverance, this will help you move even further. To maintain your desire for self-development and self-improvement, I recommend reading the article.

    100 – 150 - You are just a born leader who is sometimes even able to "go too far" in his actions. You are self-confident and believe that there is only one right answer - yours. Therefore, the desires and needs of others are often not taken into account. Why is this necessary, because they think wrong? You cope with the tasks set perfectly, your team always delivers the work on time, the result is on top and the company is rapidly moving forward. Only now you don’t notice that employees simply “fall out” and “drive” themselves to meet your requirements. You are considered a dictator, they are afraid of you and at the same time they dream of being at least a little like. I recommend reading the article in order to understand more about the advantages and disadvantages of such a tough position.

Are you a responsible person, is it possible to rely on you, or do colleagues and superiors consider you not a very reliable employee? If you answer the questions on this test honestly, you will probably find out what other people think of you.

1. After returning from vacation, you find that the person who replaced you has made a lot of mistakes and confused everything. You...

a) silently correct mistakes, believing that there is no need to offend someone;

b) go to the authorities and declare that the mistakes were not made by you, therefore you have nothing to do with poor work;

c) call your deputy for a conversation, then go with him to sort it out to the authorities.

2. You promised your colleague your help in solving some problem, but you forgot about it and...

a) pretend that you did not promise anything to anyone;

b) apologize and say that you will definitely keep your promise;

c) declare that you are swamped with things and cannot remember everything in the world.

3. You were invited to visit a colleague. Suddenly a friend came to you. You...

a) call a colleague, apologize and say that you cannot come;

b) go with a friend (girlfriend);

c) in spite of everything, you will still go to visit the person who invited you.

4. Overslept, you were late for work. Your actions...

a) carefully slip into the office, hoping that the authorities will not notice your lateness. If you do notice, honestly admit that you overslept;

b) try to come up with some plausible story that justifies your delay (someone close to you got sick, the bus broke down, etc.);

c) Call your boss from home and let them know you're late.

5. Do you work overtime?

a) yes, if necessary;

b) yes, but then you definitely demand a day off;

c) no, if you have not completed something, then leave it for the next day.

6. The boss is on a business trip, your immediate supervisor suddenly fell ill. However, an urgent matter must be completed, and there is no one else to do it except you. You...

a) you are nervous, afraid that you will make mistakes, so you wait until one of your superiors appears at work;

b) take everything into your own hands and start doing this business;

c) you won’t even think about it: this is not within your authority.

Calculate the number of points using the table.

9-12 points. You can be relied upon, and the authorities appreciate it. You are able to control the situation, are independent and can act and make decisions without instructions from the boss. It is not difficult for you to calculate all the consequences of your own actions. Just do not boast of your responsibility to others, behave modestly and calmly, do not emphasize that you are more capable than others. In any team there will always be envious people.

5-8 points. You are a good, executive worker, however, if you need to take responsibility, make an independent decision, you become uncomfortable. You are afraid because you are not sure of your capabilities, business abilities and professional skills. You are afraid to take risks, but it is known that those who do not work do not make mistakes. If you become a more confident and determined person, you will achieve a lot. 0-4 points. Bosses and colleagues do not consider you a responsible person. You are not assigned important tasks, because you can fail everything. If you want to change your opinion about yourself, try to offer your colleagues your help more often, even if you need to do very uninteresting, routine work. This will show that you want to work in a team, and you will be more trusted, and you will gain more self-confidence.

The key difference between managerial and executive responsibility is that the performer is responsible for the results of only his own activities, and the manager is responsible for the results of the work of the entire unit

The higher the level of management, the higher the level of executive responsibility. The head of the department should take managerial responsibility for the actions (or inactions) of all employees of the department. The head of the department - for the actions (or inaction) of all employees of the department. CEO- for the work of the entire organization.

Managerial responsibility: the tasks of the leader

  • form and consolidate agreements;
  • provide for possible risks and consider ways to minimize them;
  • control and analyze the results obtained;
  • provide options for correcting the situation in case of failure

It is for this difference in responsibilities that managers are paid an order of magnitude more performers. Management responsibility is high level qualifications and professionalism.

What kind of leader are you?Management Responsibility Test

This project is for Managers who want to see the managerial capabilities of all their subordinates in an absolutely transparent business environment; Executives looking for unclaimed talent; Company executives who want to understand who really generates effective solutions, and who will simply join or sabotage)


From 30 to 24 points inclusive: Happy for you! you are veryresponsible leader.

When setting a task, you clearly fix the agreements with the employee, and when controlling the execution, you directly point out his personal shortcomings. At the same time, you are ready to admit your mistakes and take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. Even if some issue requires coordination with higher management, and the document bears his signature, you do not disclaim responsibility for the ideas you proposed. You understand that there are no objective reasons for not completing tasks, there are only ill-conceived risks and poorly planned actions to minimize them. You own constructive ways non-material motivation employees and development techniques they have a responsible attitude to activities. You respect subordinates who openly declare their disagreement with your decisions, and are ready to discuss with them the most effective ways development of the situation in the framework of achieving common goals.

From 23 to 11 points inclusive: We will be glad to meet you! You have more to learn.

It is important for you that in the conditions of uncertainty "above" long-term goals are clearly and clearly defined. Otherwise, you will shift the responsibility for complex and risky decisions to higher management. In relation to subordinates, you have a fairly democratic leadership style: you are ready to discuss in detail with the employee how to achieve the goal and possible difficulties, as well as provide assistance and support in difficult situations for him. However, in the event that the employee suggested a path with which you do not agree, then, most likely, shift the responsibility for the lack of results to the subordinate. AT problem situations you spend a lot of time discussing, helping the employee to cope with the task, but perhaps the subordinate is waiting for you not to explain, but to take concrete and decisive action. Your employees often manage to evade responsibility for unfinished tasks, especially when they have well-developed communication skills and can convince you that they did not have necessary resources to complete the task. At the same time, you do some of the work that subordinates should do on your own, thus leaving them unloaded.

From 10 to 0 points: Are you sure you are a leader?

You give employees the opportunity to avoid personal responsibility for the results of their work, as you do not demonstrate by personal example the readiness to admit their shortcomings and mistakes. In difficult situations, you prefer to justify the lack of results by the actions of other people or circumstances that are difficult for you to influence. You do not form clear agreements with the employee about what you would like to see as the end result. In this connection, it is difficult for you to hold him accountable for failure to fulfill the set plans, since he can always say that he did not understand the task, or you did not give clear instructions on what and when to do. You rely too much on material methods of stimulating staff, spending budgetary funds where additional costs could be avoided. In order to deal with employee resistance, you often use authoritarian methods of management, thus depriving them of the opportunity to take the initiative and take responsibility for the results.

Purpose of the training:
The acquisition by participants of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in using the tools of cause-and-effect analysis, collecting information, generating ideas, evaluating alternatives and risks to a level that allows them to independently develop and offer ready-made solutions to higher management.