Log house from year-round use. Round log houses for permanent residence: projects and prices

Save on building a house without compromising its quality: choose a standard project. On the page we have placed a catalog of wooden house projects developed by our architects and repeatedly implemented by builders.

We use only northern wood species, controlling every stage of building a house. The construction is carried out on a turnkey basis and includes all stages, from the installation of a log house and the construction of a foundation, ending with finishing and communications.

Catalog of projects from rounded logs or manual felling

In the catalog you will find:

  • compact one-story houses;
  • many projects of two-story wooden houses with a balcony;
  • spacious estates with an attic;
  • bathhouses with a porch or terrace;
  • projects of wooden houses with a garage.

You can look at the layout of the house or get acquainted with its parameters by clicking on the link of the selected project. Each house can be built from rounded or chopped logs (Canadian or Russian felling).

The choice of wood for construction

We build from Kirov pine, cedar and larch. We have two own production facilities located in Kirov and Sayanogorsk (Khakassia). When booking a forest during the development of a project, it is possible to choose the region of cedar harvesting: the available logging geography is the whole of Siberia!

A rational solution is a combination of different types of wood:

    Mortgage crown - Siberian larch. This durable and moisture-resistant wood will last almost forever, you will be relieved of problems with the blind crown.

    Walls made of Kirov pine - this solution will reduce the cost of a wall set by 15-20% compared to cedar of the same diameter.

    Above - a pair of cedar crowns that will improve the atmosphere in a pine log house, enrich the air with useful phytoncides and aroma.

We have 20 years of experience working with wood, we have permanent teams and hereditary cutters from Siberia. Our chief architect has been working with our company since 2002, all of his design and planning decisions are carefully thought out and calculated!

The SeverStroyLes company offers inexpensive log houses for permanent residence own production. By organizing effective control at all stages of the creation of materials and the construction of objects, we can guarantee the creation of high-quality buildings suitable for permanent habitation. All of them meet the regulatory requirements of modern legislation in the field of housing construction and provide living in comfortable conditions for a person.

Prices for a log house for permanent residence

The cost of wooden houses depends on their size and variety. You can choose one or two-story structures, options with balconies, verandas, attics. In any case, you can expect that the prices for log houses for permanent residence in our campaign are at the lowest possible level. All the houses presented here are distinguished by a number of features - here are just the main ones:

  • demonstrate a high level of strength, reliability and durability;
  • are made from hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly materials;
  • all log houses for permanent residence are different high quality;
  • provide a suitable temperature and humidity environment for humans;
  • differ in beauty and practically do not require additional finishing.

Our log houses for permanent residence turnkey are capable of thermoregulation, giving warmth in winter and coolness in summer. Special antiseptic treatment of logs contributes to the creation of an environment in which pathogenic microbes and microorganisms will not spread, which allows us to talk about the organization high level hygiene. In such houses, mold will never appear, insects and rodents will not start. And all this at affordable prices - the choice is yours!

Some of the most popular ready-made design solutions in our catalog are projects of log houses and cottages for permanent residence.

The use of modern equipment in the processing of wood has led to a reduction in the price of the material while increasing its operational and technical characteristics. Currently, standard projects of log houses and cottages from the following types of logs are used:

  • Rounded (calibrated). The most common type. The smooth surface and the same diameter along the entire length contribute to ease of installation. Projects of houses made of logs will allow you to build a cottage in a unique original Russian flavor.
  • Planed. Processing is carried out using an electric planer, which allows you to remove only the topmost layer of wood. The material is more expensive compared to the rounded version, however, it surpasses it in terms of technical specifications. Buildings are durable and reliable.
  • Scraped. The log is even less affected during processing. It is produced by scraping, which preserves the protective layer of wood as much as possible. Due to this, the durability of such a log house often exceeds 100 years.

Benefits of using a log

The popularity of log cabins is due to a number of indisputable advantages:

  • healthy microclimate - it is known that wood has a positive effect on the internal climate of the house
  • environmental friendliness - the naturalness of the material speaks for itself
  • durability - with proper construction, the cottage will be resistant to wear
  • aesthetic appearance- the building looks presentable and colorful even without outer skin
  • cozy interior - wood in design is often used to create a "warm" atmosphere

Our architectural office also offers

Everyone knows that wooden houses are good for construction. However, a more interesting question is whether such dwellings are suitable for year-round living? The answer will be an unequivocal yes. Moreover, log houses have a huge number of advantages over their stone, brick and concrete counterparts.

What exactly are we talking about?

  • Environmental safety and an ideal microclimate for life. All this is achieved due to the properties of the tree and its ability to "breathe".
  • Reduced heat loss at home. The technology of rounding logs makes it possible to achieve uniform dimensions of each building element. They fit tightly to each other during the assembly of the building, excluding gaps and, as a result, the occurrence of cold bridges.
  • Aesthetics. Houses made of logs are real works of art.

Geometrically correct and accurate, they will please even the most demanding customer. In addition, you can save on interior and exterior decoration, because the natural texture of wood is already very beautiful.

We take full responsibility for the construction

The Marisrub company has been specializing in wooden construction for a long time, which allowed us to gain valuable experience in implementing projects of various classes and complexity.

Each client is given the opportunity to choose a house to their liking from already finished projects or order a design service from scratch. If further construction will take place under the supervision of our company, then individual project created for free.

Building with Marisrub is beneficial for many reasons:

  • transparent pricing, staged payment and the availability of credit programs with favorable rates for customers;
  • own production, which creates rounded logs from pine forest northern regions of Russia. We track everything technological processes and we do not allow marriage, which allows us to vouch for the quality;
  • strict observance of the terms of construction works;
  • an annual guarantee for the house shrinkage process, which is prescribed in the contract. Any defects that appear during this period will be repaired free of charge.

Finally, the company's consultants are always in touch and ready to help with the choice, because our goal is to build houses that will be comfortable all year round, regardless of the weather outside the window.