Special register of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation cash register. Register of cash registers

Cash register equipment includes computers, as well as their complexes, with the function of storing fiscal data and the ability to print them on paper.

Where to buy an online cash register

According to the new requirements, such equipment must also support the function of transmitting information online to the relevant authorities.

What information is contained in the registry

The register consists of a list of cash register models that entrepreneurs have the right to use in business.

Additionally, it displays the following information:

  1. Manufacturer data (names and legal form of activity).
  2. Manufacturer identification number.
  3. Information about the CCP model (number, series, model version).
  4. Information about fiscal documents that are supported by a specific model.
  5. Information about the types of fiscal drives supported by specific equipment.
  6. Possibility of maintaining cash registers in payment devices: automatic, using electronic payments, as automated system for BSO (forms strict reporting).
  7. Date and reason for inclusion in the state register of cash registers.
  8. Data on the date and reason for the exclusion of the cash register from the list, if this happened.

Thus, in the Federal Tax Service register online cash register you can find information not only about the cash register model, but also about what fiscal device is suitable for it and what formats of fiscal documents it supports. This makes the choice easier for the entrepreneur.

List of approved online cash registers

You can download it to your computer in Excel format with one click.

The document is distinguished by its functionality and convenience. There is a sorting function that makes it easier to find the equipment you need. In it you can see, for example, a list of models from one manufacturer.

This list is regularly edited and updated due to the emergence of new manufacturers and the production of other models cash register equipment and releasing them for sale.

The latest current edition of the register as of May 2018 contains 126 items cash register equipment, which can be used. The choice is wide, and it will not be difficult for an entrepreneur to choose something suitable for himself from the list.

additional services

If you need to check if the selected one is suitable cash register or not required by law, use a special service on the Federal Tax Service inspection website. The transition button is located immediately below the link to download the registry. By clicking on the “Go” button, you will be taken to new page, where you need to enter the model number and name. The service will provide the necessary information and indicate whether the model can be used or not.

The best offers in price and quality

If the organization decides not to buy new device, and to modernize the old one, you need to look at another list, which contains information about which old models of online cash registers are included in the register of cash registers allowed for use after modernization.

In addition to the register of online cash registers, on the Federal Tax Service website in a separate section you can find a list of authorized fiscal drives and accredited fiscal operators, with whom it is permissible to conclude a service agreement. To view the lists, from home page of the Federal Tax Service website, go to the “For individuals", find the tab in the horizontal menu "Other functions of the Federal Tax Service" and in the drop-down list select the line "registers and verification of counterparties".

Is it possible to use cash registers not included in the official list?

The Federal Tax Service does not register cash register equipment that is not included in the list of approved cash registers, so the use of such models is excluded.

If an entrepreneur installs equipment not from the register, this will be equated to a violation of the law and conducting business without a cash register. For such actions, taxpayers will face fines:

  1. For citizens – from 1500 to 2000 rubles.
  2. For officials– 3000-4000 rubles.
  3. For legal entities– 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Important! The sale of cash register models that are not certified by government agencies in accordance with the procedure established by law is prohibited. For violating the law, the seller is subject to a fine of up to 200,000 rubles.

Thus, before purchasing a cash register online for your business, you need to make sure that it complies with the requirements of the law and is included in the official register tax service.

Almost 2 years ago, most organizations and individual entrepreneurs switched to cash register equipment with the function of online data transfer to the tax service. The use of old cash registers was banned, and businessmen were fined 30,000 rubles for using them. But how do you understand which CCP model can be used and which cannot? For these purposes, the Federal Tax Service of Russia maintains a special state register of online cash registers.

As required by Article 3 Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ“On the use of cash register equipment when making payments in Russian Federation", The Federal Tax Service of Russia maintains a register of cash register equipment. In addition, tax authorities maintain separate lists of fiscal storage devices approved for use for these cash registers and data transmission operators with whom it is necessary to conclude agreements to start working with “smart cash registers.” All these lists are publicly available on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Why do you need a register of online cash registers in 2019?

As stated on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, cash registers (CCMs) are special electronic computers, as well as complexes and individual computer devices that allow, when making payments to customers, to record, store and transmit online fiscal data to tax authorities through the fiscal data operator. In addition, the cash register must provide the ability to print fiscal documents on paper, in accordance with the rules established by Law No. 54-FZ and others regulations. From 02/01/2017 the tax service stopped registration cash registers old model, although until July 1, 2017, businessmen still had the opportunity to use cash register systems that were registered earlier.

To separate old, prohibited models from new, approved ones, the Federal Tax Service maintains an online register of cash registers. At its core, this is a collection of information about each manufactured or imported copy of a model of cash register equipment that entrepreneurs have the right to use.

This list, which tax authorities publish on their official website in a special section and are regularly updated (the latest list can be seen below in the article), contains the following information:

  • name of the cash register equipment model;
  • details printed with a sample model of cash register equipment on a cash register receipt;
  • name of the supplier of the cash register equipment model and its location;
  • date of issue and number of the positive expert opinion expert organization on the compliance of the model of cash register equipment with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash register systems and the information contained in such a conclusion;
  • date and number of the decision of the Federal Tax Service on including the model of cash register equipment in the list of permitted cash register equipment.

As of May 17, 2019, the list of manufacturers of approved equipment includes more than 131 companies. The list of cash registers included in the 2019 register is given in the table, which can be downloaded. The Federal Tax Service included each model in it by a separate order. Details of these documents can also be found in the table.

State register of cash registers for 2019 (as of May 17)

So that organizations can quickly check the presence or absence of their model without revising the entire online cash register register for 2019, tax authorities have created a special resource where you can perform such a check online. There you can also check the possibility of using a fiscal drive, the models of which are collected in a separate list. The online cash register register is updated automatically as new models are added to it.

The register of CCPs subject to modernization is more voluminous and is also constantly updated with new models. Here is the current list of old cash registers that are currently allowed to be modernized:

Manufacturer name of KKM Cash register model
Spark PRIM-07K version 02

PRIM-08TK version 0

PRIM-08TK version 04

PRIM-09TK version 01

PRIM-21K version 0

PRIM-21K version

PRIM-21K version 03

PRIM-88TK version 01

Atol FPrint-22K

ATOL FPrint-90AK

STC Alfa-Project IRAS 900 K
Dreamkas VIKI Mini K

VIKI Print 57 Plus K

VIKI Print 80 Plus K

Orion Orion 100-K

Orion 105-K

Orion 110-K

Orion 200-K

Orion FR01-K

Incotex Mercury-115K




Mercury MS-K

RR-Electro RR-01K
Arkus-D AMC 100K
Schetmash EKR 2102K version 01

EKR 2102K version 02

EKR 2102K version 03




SHTRIH-MINI-FR-K version 01

SHTRIH-FR-K version 01




Pioneer engineering PIONEER-114K 7
Crystal Service Integration


Yarus Ltd YARUS M2100K
TRINITY Retail-01K 6
STC Izmeritel ELVES-MK 6

Online cash registers: Federal Tax Service register of fiscal drives and data transmission operators

To use new generation technology, it is not enough to have a modern device and software. The Federal Tax Service also registers fiscal drives, which must permanently store information about all transactions performed using cash registers. Such drives have a certain service life, depending on the model, and are collected in a separate register. The use of equipment that is not on the permit list is the same gross violation as working without a cash register.

In addition, “smart cash desks” do not have a direct connection with the tax authorities; all transfer of information about cash payments and punched checks is carried out through individual operators. These are specially accredited organizations with which trading firms and individual entrepreneurs are required to enter into contracts and pay for their services. The tax service also keeps records of such organizations in a separate register. As of March 2019, there are 21 data transmission operators throughout Russia with which businessmen have the right to enter into an agreement and work:

  1. JSC "Energy Systems and Communications";
  2. Taxcom LLC;
  3. Evotor OFD LLC;
  4. Yarus LLC;
  5. LLC "PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies";
  6. LLC "Yandex.OFD";
  7. LLC "Electronic Express";
  9. Tensor Company LLC;
  10. KORUS Consulting CIS LLC;
  11. JSC "Tander";
  12. LLC Certification Center "InitPro";
  14. NVision Group JSC;
  15. PJSC "Vympel-Communications";
  16. LLC "MultiKarta";
  17. Dreamkas LLC;
  18. LLC "Kontur NTT";
  19. LLC "Fiscal Data Operator "Online";
  20. JSC "Information Center".

The data of these companies can be seen in the table.

Register of fiscal data operators

All decisions on the issuance and cancellation of permission to process fiscal data, in accordance with Article 44 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, are made by the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

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State register of cash registers contains information about all released models of cash register equipment. It is publicly available and is intended to promote legal compliance and consumer protection in cash transactions of various types of businesses.

For most subjects exhibiting business activity in the market, when making cash payments, the obligation to use cash registers applies.

Under state register of cash registers should be understood full list models of cash registers approved for operation in the Russian Federation. The responsibility for keeping it up to date is assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service. When entered into the tax service register, the equipment must be checked for compliance with this list.

Until 2016, the use of devices simultaneously solved several problems:

  • issuing cash and sales receipts for consumers who could use receipts as proof of purchase in the event of quality claims or if the buyer decided to return the goods within 14 calendar days after the transaction;
  • preparation of total revenue amounts for a day or other period with the ability to view each individual transaction (such information is almost always requested during audits by tax authorities);
  • output of data on the results of the operation of this equipment.

However, since 2016, in connection with the entry into force of the law “On Amendments to the federal law“On the use of cash register equipment...” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” dated July 3, 2016 No. 290-FZ, there are slightly different requirements for cash registers:

  • the obligation to generate a cash receipt (strict reporting form) in electronic form at the time of calculation;
  • generation of a cash receipt (strict reporting form) in electronic form when making payments on the Internet;
  • transfer of calculation data to tax authorities online;
  • maintaining a register of cash registers and a register of fiscal drives based on information transmitted by their manufacturers.

The variety of models allows companies and entrepreneurs to choose the most suitable copy in terms of size, functions, and design. This technique is constantly being improved, updated product lines with expanded capabilities and increased protection against unauthorized access appear on the market.

All manufactured products for this purpose must necessarily comply with the latest requirements of the Russian Federation Law dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ. The mandatory conditions for their admission to operation include:

  • serviceability of equipment (it must ensure printing (formation) of cash receipts);
  • ability of CCP to work in fiscal regime, in other modes exclude the possibility of printing (generating) a cash receipt;
  • availability of operational documentation;
  • presence of a stamp seal;
  • presence of fiscal memory;
  • security technical support from the cash register equipment supplier or technical service center;
  • Availability of a passport of cash register equipment of the established form.

All terms and conditions listed above apply to all online devices.

Composition of the state register of cash registers

The applied state register of cash registers includes 2 parts. One of them reflects a list of samples of cash registers used by all organizations to process payments for goods, work or services in cash and payment cards. The other includes specific types of equipment for the banking sector; access to it is limited.

First part state register cash register equipment is presented in a tabular format and contains the following list of columns:

  1. Model name.
  2. Information about technical characteristics ah and industries where its use is permissible, a list of information to be printed.
  3. Manufacturer and supplier identification data.
  4. Information and documents that served as the basis for inclusion in the register, correction of sample data or removal from the lists.

It turns out that based on the data state register of cash registers you can verify the permissibility of using a particular model, find out in what area of ​​business it is expected to be used, and find out about the time during which the device is included in the list.

Adjustments when maintaining a register of cash registers

Changes to the structure and composition of the state register of cash register equipment are made under the following circumstances:

  • the emergence of a new model to be entered into the register;
  • the need to remove obsolete samples from the lists;
  • changes in technical characteristics, conditions and place of production of the cash register.

The initiator of corrections and additions should be the manufacturer or seller of the equipment. Based on the data he provided authorized body issues the appropriate order. According to clause 4 of Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003, all changes must appear in the official text of the register no later than 10 days after the decision to make them is made.

When making a decision to remove a specific piece of equipment from the list, the subjects using it are faced with the question: how to use the device in the future. Until 2015, the law allowed the use of units excluded from the state register until the end of their service life. After which, according to clause 19 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 470 dated July 23, 2007, the tax authorities could independently deregister them. A period of 7 years was used as the maximum period of use, based on the duration of use of objects belonging to the 4th depreciation group according to the classification of fixed assets, approved by resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 No. 1.

In the spring of 2015, clause 5 of Law No. 54-FZ added provisions allowing the operation of such equipment for the period specified by the manufacturer, but not more than 10 years.

Access to the state register of cash registers

The list of cash register models available for use is publicly available and can be found on the Federal Tax Service website. There are also explanations about the procedure for making changes. The first part of the register is available in the regulatory framework.

Models of cash registers permitted for use in cash payments in a particular business segment are recorded in state register of cash registers. It is maintained by authorized services and is available for viewing on official Internet resources. As necessary, the list of models is updated and outdated models are excluded from it. We also remind you that since 2016, new rules have been in force for the use of cash registers, suggesting a consistent transition to online cash registers, which should be completed in 2018.

CCP register online

CCP register online

Since February of this year, updated requirements for organizing the work of enterprises that pay customers using cash registers will come into force. The changes will affect, among other things:

  • Sellers of excise goods;
  • Organizations providing services to the public;
  • eCommerce.

To prepare for upcoming changes in trading conditions, you need to familiarize yourself with the new register of cash registers that meet the requirements of 54-FZ.

What information does the new cash register register contain?

According to regulations(54-FZ and its supplementary 290-FZ), all trading enterprises are required to start using devices, the functionality of which allows you to automatically send data on all sales of goods and services to the tax office immediately after the receipt has been punched.

Most manufacturers of cash register equipment almost immediately after the first publication of Law 54 stated that:

  • We started developing new devices;
  • Some old models will be modified.

First of all, the newly created online cash register register includes equipment from such specialized market giants as ATOL, EVOTOR, SHTRIKH-M and DREAMKASS.

There are three main types of CCP:

  1. Fiscal registrar;
  2. Autonomous cash register;
  3. Tablet cash register.

If your company is still using one of them, then contact us to find out if it is possible to upgrade the model to full compliance with current legislation. If not, then you need to select another device, the full list of which is presented in the new CCP registry.

The most popular models from the KKT online registry

We analyzed consumer demand for various devices that are included in the list of the new cash register register. As a result, we can highlight the following models that are most popular among our customers:

  • ATOL 30F and 25F, SHTRIH-ON-LINE, related to the category fiscal registrars equipped with a fiscal storage device;
  • ATOL 90F (belongs to the category of cash register terminals).

New items in the online cash register register

The current list of cash registers approved for use includes smart terminals from EVOTOR, which are representatives of a new generation of devices for trading. Such a device will be appreciated by small and medium-sized businesses, because it has a compact size that allows it to be used even in very small retail outlets.

But this is not the most important advantage of EVOTOR. This device provides not only standard cash register functionality, but also a number of additional options that will allow you to optimize your internal processes and thereby increase the efficiency of the company as a whole.

With the new smart terminal you can:

  • Monitor product residues;
  • Build sales charts based on historical data;
  • Create and implement loyalty programs for regular customers(bonus points, discount policy).

Another advantage of EVOTOR, which will help you take business automation to a new level, is the presence of a unique database in the cloud. It contains descriptions of more than 1.5 million products with names and photographs. With a stable Internet connection, you will be able to quickly download them from there and not waste time on creating item items manually.

This may be useful!

  • Check whether the operation of your cash register in a special