Improving marketing activities at an enterprise (using the example of LLC "Maag-NN"). Development of proposals for improving the organization of marketing activities of a retail enterprise Analysis and improvement of marketing activities

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: 86 pp., 3 figures, 15 tables, 40 sources, 7 appendices.


The object and subject of the study is the organization of marketing in an enterprise.

The purpose of the work is to identify the main types and directions of marketing activities, evaluation and marketing methods.

When performing the work, methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were used.

In the process of work, the concepts, essences and main features of marketing management at the enterprise were defined, the organizational and economic characteristics of OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" were given, an analysis of the organization of the marketing service at the enterprise was made, and an analysis of the planning of marketing activities was made.

Elements of scientific novelty of the results obtained are the systematic coverage of some controversial issues related to the planning and organization of marketing activities at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

In progress thesis proposals such as: subordination of the logistics department were tested; the deputy director for production was offered justifications for increasing the salaries of highly qualified workers, engineers, and managers; a strategic marketing plan and a plan for ongoing activities to analyze the marketing environment were developed, and a new organizational structure for marketing management was proposed.

Technical, economic and social significance is to increase the productivity and sales of the company's goods.

The author of the work confirms that the calculation and analytical material presented in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process under study, and all theoretical, methodological and methodological provisions and concepts borrowed from literary and other sources are accompanied by references to their authors.


Currently, not a single enterprise in the system of market relations can function normally without a marketing service at the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This happens because the needs of people, as we know, are limitless, and the resources of an enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which cannot always be satisfied efficiently. Each requires its own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the enterprise that can most accurately highlight and capture the diversity of tastes survives. Marketing contributes to this.

Not all managers now have a clear understanding of the market and the difficulties they may encounter. Under conditions of centralized planning, when supplying manufactured products, managers did not think about sales: the sales network and trade were obliged to accept it. The budget covered the costs of inefficient production, financed capital construction. The main task of enterprise managers was the strict implementation of plans, in the development of which they practically did not participate.

In market conditions commercial network may refuse products, the state does not cover losses, banks dictate their terms when issuing loans, competition appears, inherent in the market. An enterprise that is not adapted to market relations can thus quickly go bankrupt. To avoid this, specialists in the field economic activity it is necessary to master management methods and techniques in market conditions.

In the modern Republic of Belarus, marketing is of particular importance in a competitive environment, therefore the experience of marketing activities of domestic enterprises is very limited. At the same time, they are often still guided by the principle “sell what they take, and for any price.” This certainly goes against the very idea of ​​marketing.

All companies need to think about the future and develop long-term strategies that would allow them to quickly respond to changing market conditions. Each company must find its own operating style that best takes into account the specific conditions, opportunities, goals and resources. Marketing plays an important role in strategic planning. It provides the necessary information to develop a strategic plan. Strategic planning, in turn, defines the role of marketing in the organization. Guided by the strategic plan, the marketing service, together with other departments of the company, works to achieve the main strategic goals.

Any activity presupposes the presence of a goal - a state to which one should strive. If this condition is not met, then it is hardly worth getting down to business, because it is simply not clear what kind of business it is. From this it should be clear how important goal setting is.

Goals are also important from a coordination point of view. Since an organization is made up of people, it will only be successful if every employee strives for the same goal as everyone else.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of an enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer needs in order to direct production to satisfy these requests. The marketing system makes the production of goods functionally dependent on requests and requires the production of goods in the range and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods for studying markets, also directs its efforts to creating effective sales channels and conducting comprehensive advertising campaigns.

Interest in such a multifaceted and now so current topic as marketing, and it should be noted that every year it becomes larger, if not global, growing not only within a single country, but also in the world as a whole. This is because marketing affects the interests of each of us every day of our lives. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

As already noted, in conditions of market relations and especially in the transition period to the market, marketing is one of the most important economic disciplines. The effective functioning of the entire national economy depends on how well the marketing system is structured.

At the moment, there is a lot of all kinds of literature on marketing, and Western countries have accumulated a huge amount of many years of experience in the functioning of the marketing system. But due to the fact that marketing in Belarus operates in specific conditions, today there are very few monographs by domestic authors on marketing in which one could find competent, deeply thought-out, calculated proposals for creating a Belarusian marketing system that meets our realities.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop measures to improve the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The stated goal determines the main tasks to be solved in this work:

determining the essence of the concept of marketing activities;

determining the need for strategic marketing planning;

determination of measures for organizing marketing management and the main directions of marketing activities;

analysis of the organizational and economic state of OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist";

analysis of the organization of the marketing service at the enterprise;

analysis of the company's product and sales policy;

analysis of marketing activity planning;

proposal of directions for improving the management system of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

1. The role and place of marketing in the production and economic activity of an enterprise at the present stage

1.1 Essence, content and main factors of the enterprise’s marketing activities

The emergence of marketing as a specific management system, a method of solving production and market problems is nothing more than a response of an economic unit to such processes as the complication of the problem of production and sale of goods due to the rapid expansion of their range, rapid renewal, unprecedented increase production capabilities, frequent shifts in the nature and structure of market demand, its market fluctuations, and increasingly intensified competition in the market.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition give a complete description of marketing adequate to its essence, principles and functions.

Currently, about 2000 definitions of marketing have been put forward, each of which examines one or another aspect of marketing or makes an attempt to comprehensively characterize it.

Experts put a double meaning into the term “marketing”: it is both one of the management functions and an integral concept of management in market conditions.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, scientific research, logistics, etc.

As a management concept (business philosophy), marketing requires that a company view consumption as a “democratic” process in which consumers have the right to “vote” for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company and allows it to optimally satisfy the needs of the consumer.

Since marketing is a way of convincing the masses to make a purchase, most people mistakenly equate the concept with sales and promotion. The difference is this: Sales primarily involves face-to-face contact—the salesperson deals with potential buyers. Marketing uses means mass media and other ways to capture the attention and persuasion of many people - people who may not have any direct contact with anyone in the marketer's company at all. One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. His goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly suit the latter and sell itself.

The term "marketing" originated in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, and marketing began to be considered as a leading management function in the 50s.

F. Kotler offers the following definition: marketing is social and management process aimed at satisfying the needs and wants of individuals and groups through the supply and exchange of goods. Key Concepts this definition- needs, requirements and demand; product; costs and satisfaction; exchange, transactions and relationships.

The UK Public Marketing Institute defines marketing as “the management process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements and generating profit.” Similar American organizations define marketing in approximately the same categories.

Basic principles follow from the essence of marketing. However, in domestic and foreign literature, “marketing principles” mean quite different things. Having examined the positions of various authors and compared them, we will highlight the following fundamental principles:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions.

2. Creating conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand (and not based on immediate benefits, but on a long-term basis).

3. Influence on the market, on the buyer using all available means, primarily advertising.

Marketing activities are a set of activities focused on researching issues such as:

analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply and much more. The analysis allows us to identify factors that contribute to or hinder commercial success. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed for making informed marketing decisions;

analysis of consumers, both current (current, buying the company’s products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant). This analysis consists of studying the demographic, economic, geographical and other characteristics of people who have the right to make purchasing decisions, as well as their needs in the broad sense of this concept and the processes of purchasing both our and competing products;

studying existing and planning future products, that is, developing concepts for creating new products and or modernizing old ones, including their assortment and parametric series, packaging, etc. Outdated goods that do not provide a given profit are removed from production and export;

planning of product distribution and sales, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and stores, as well as agent networks;

providing demand generation and sales promotion (FOSSTIS) through a combination of advertising, personal selling, prestigious non-profit events (“public relations”) and various types of economic incentives aimed at buyers, agents and direct sellers;

ensuring pricing policy, which consists in planning systems and price levels for exported goods, determining the “technology” for using prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.;

satisfaction of technical and social norms the country importing the goods of the enterprise, which means the obligation to ensure adequate levels of safety in the use of the goods and protection environment; compliance with moral and ethical rules, proper level consumer properties goods;

management of marketing activities (marketing) as a system, i.e. planning, implementation and control of the marketing program and individual responsibilities of each participant in the enterprise, assessment of risks and profits, and the effectiveness of marketing decisions.

To implement the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the large role of those on whom, in essence, the effectiveness of the marketing strategy depends, namely marketing entities, which include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesale and retail trade organizations, marketing specialists and various consumers. It is important to note that although responsibility for implementation marketing functions can be delegated and distributed different ways, in most cases they cannot be completely neglected; they must be carried out by someone.

The marketing process begins with studying the buyer and identifying his needs, and ends with the purchase of goods by the buyer and the satisfaction of his identified needs.

The market in which marketing entities operate can be divided into a “seller’s market,” where the enterprise sells its own products, and a “buyer’s market,” where it purchases the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to both sellers and buyers of goods.

However, before establishing contacts with partners of interest, it is necessary to establish:

whether the other party is interested in this;

are there any technical means communications (telephone, fax) and the person responsible for communications.

Communication and business conversation with actual and potential partners is the most important part of marketing.

Obviously, the type of marketing determines the way it is managed. Marketing management, as defined by F. Kotler, is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain profitable exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain organizational objectives, such as making a profit, increasing sales volume , increasing market share, etc. .

The task of marketing management is to influence the level, timing and nature of demand in a way that will help the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management.

Commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities mainly on the concept of socially oriented marketing.

The socially-oriented concept of marketing, characteristic of the current stage of development of human civilization, is based on a new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of the carriers of effective demand. Its goal is to ensure long-term well-being not only separate enterprise, but also society as a whole. The difference between this concept and the traditional one is that from its point of view, an enterprise in its activities cannot be limited solely to satisfying its needs (making a profit) by satisfying the needs of customers. It must also take into account the interests of society as a whole.

An important premise of this concept is that the activities of an enterprise always lead to more significant changes in external environment than it seems at first glance. Of course, by producing a product and selling it, the company satisfies objectively existing needs. In addition, by acting honestly in the market, the company contributes to economic development. However, the consequences of activities are often non-economic in nature. A plant that produces cars indirectly affects the state of the external environment, since it itself pollutes it; negative impact Exhaust gases generated during the use of cars also have an impact on nature. A film that shows violence not only brings in big profits and supports the existence of cinemas, but also has an impact on the consciousness of the audience, on their moral principles. Nature and morality are universal values; By influencing them, a market participant affects the interests of society.

The main idea of ​​socially oriented marketing is that any market participant should think about what his activities lead to in a broad perspective, and, if possible, minimize its negative aspects. At the very least, if it is not possible to completely stop the negative impact, the market participant should make efforts to reduce its consequences. It is hardly possible to imagine that people will soon give up cars that run on gasoline and pollute the environment. However, their manufacturers should strive to keep this impact as small as possible. And this involves investing in scientific and technical development, environmental protection, etc.

Marketing is the process of managing all the main aspects of an enterprise. It is designed to form the most rational management decisions of a particular enterprise, coordinate various areas of its activities and ensure high efficiency the final results of this activity.

The following factors are identified that influence the marketing activities of an enterprise.

General (determine the market capacity of any product)

Socio-economic factors

Volume and structure of product offerings

Product range and quality

Export and import sizes.

Purchasing power of the population


Level and consistency of prices for goods

Degree of market saturation

Geographical location of the market

State of the sales, trade and service network.

Specific (determine the development of markets for individual goods)

Natural and climatic conditions

Changing fashion

National household traditions

Achieved level of security in the region

In the process of market research, it is necessary to identify the mechanism of action of the system of factors and assess their degree of influence on the volume and structure of demand in a specific product market.

Determining the prospects for the development of a particular market cannot be carried out in isolation from other socio-economic forecasts. Influence large quantity factors requires building several models of market development and finding the optimal one. It is necessary to clearly decide at what level of consolidation to forecast the capacity of the commodity market. The degree of aggregation (enlargement) depends on the degree of forecasting and planning.

There are several types of forecasting:

Opportunistic (up to 6 months)

Short-term (up to 2 years)

Medium term (up to 5 years)

Long-term (up to 10 years)

Promising (more than 10 years)

Marketing should be focused on the strategic development goals of the enterprise.

Careful planning helps a company anticipate and respond quickly to changes in the environment, and always be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Successful companies work according to a plan, but it is designed in such a way as not to limit entrepreneurial initiatives.

Typically, companies create annual, long-term and strategic plans.

An annual plan is a short-term plan that describes the current situation, company goals, strategy for the coming year, program of action, budget and forms of control.

The long-term plan describes the major factors and forces that will influence the organization over the next few years. It contains long-term goals, the main marketing strategies that will be used to achieve them, and defines necessary resources. This long-term plan is updated annually in order to make adjustments in accordance with changes that have occurred. Annual and long-term plans are related to the current activities of the company and help in its implementation.

A strategic plan is created to help a company take advantage of opportunities in an ever-changing industry. It is the process of establishing and maintaining a strategic fit between the company's goals and capabilities, on the one hand, and changing market opportunities, on the other.

Strategic planning is the foundation for other types of planning in the company. It begins with defining the company's global goals and mission. Then more specific goals are set. For this purpose, complete information about internal environment the organization, its competitors, the market situation and everything else that in one way or another will help influence the work of the company. After conducting a SWOT analysis, a detailed report is prepared on the company's strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that it will have to face. Top management then decides which specific activities and products to pursue and what support to provide for each. In turn, each department responsible for separate product or type of activity, must develop its detailed marketing and other plans in accordance with general plan companies. Thus, marketing planning is carried out at the levels of departments responsible for individual activities, product categories and markets. It facilitates strategic planning through detailed planning of various marketing situations. The planning process covers four stages: analysis, planning, implementation, control.

The planning process begins with a complete analysis of the state of affairs in the company. The company must analyze the environment in which it operates to identify favorable opportunities and avoiding threats. It is necessary to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, the marketing activities carried out and possible to carry out in order to determine the opportunities that they defend. The analysis provides each subsequent stage with the necessary information.

SWOT analysis means studying the factors of strength (Strength) and weakness (Weakness) of the company in relation to the SBU in question, as well as opportunities (Opportunity) and threats (Thread) for the company in connection with the opening of activity in the corresponding market segment. SWOT analysis is complemented by analysis past activities(if there is one), which allows you to establish the existing strategy and detect trends in the development of the situation. SWOT analysis refers to a conceptual approach rather than a specific technique. If you try to develop it into a real methodology, you will have to use the results of classical economic and organizational analysis of the company, approaches developed within the framework of strategic planning, for example, competitive analysis M. Porter, as well as analytical concepts of marketing and, first of all, market segmentation.

To predict the development of the external environment, it is necessary to take into account situations that may appear over time; situations that are most likely are selected.

The next step is to establish the possible impact of the identified environmental events on the firm that may occur in the external environment, classified according to the nature of their possible impact on the firm and the likelihood of this impact. For further analysis, negative and positive situations are selected whose impact on the company is quite likely. Accordingly, many situations are divided into two groups: positive (opportunities) and negative (threats).

Positive situations that may occur in the external environment are classified according to the degree of their favorability for the company and the degree of influence on the company. For further analysis, a favorability rank is determined for each situation (the product of the degree of favorability and the degree of influence).

Similarly, negative situations that may occur in the external environment are classified according to the degree of their unfavorability for the company and the degree of impact on the company.

For further analysis, the rank of unfavorability is determined for each situation (the product of the degree of unfavorability and the degree of influence).

Identified situations, both positive and negative, are listed in descending order of favorability ranks. For each situation, characteristics of the corporate profile are identified that allow or do not allow the company to take advantage of a favorable situation or resist a negative situation.

Obtaining assessments at the SWOT analysis stage serves to formulate a list of problems and develop initial versions of the strategy concept in the course of strategic thinking, which, in turn, are the material for selecting key problems and strategy concepts. This stage is difficult to formalize. The main approaches here are ranking and expert assessments.

The strategic plan also includes the mission of the enterprise. The mission defines the main goal of the company. A firm often begins its business with a clear mission established by its founder. However, over time, the mission is gradually erased as the company develops new products and conquers new markets. The mission may remain clear, but some managers forget about it.

Many firms develop formal company mission statements that provide ready-made answers to these questions. A mission statement is a statement of a company's purpose: what it wants to achieve in the broadest sense. A clear mission statement acts as an "invisible hand" that guides a company's employees, allowing them to work independently and at the same time collectively to achieve the overall goals of the enterprise.

The firm's mission statement should reflect the company's vision and direction for its development over the next ten to twenty years. Companies should not revise their mission every few years in response to the slightest changes in the market environment. However, a company should redefine its mission if it does not inspire consumer trust or conflicts with the optimal path for the company. The company's mission determines the philosophy of the enterprise and the main purpose of its activities, and strategic goals are real measurable tasks facing the company.

The strategic plan defines general purpose and company objectives. Within each division, marketing helps solve common strategic problems.

Marketing strategy focuses on target customers. The company selects a market, divides it into segments, selects the most promising ones and concentrates its attention on serving and satisfying these segments. She develops a marketing mix, which consists of components under her control: product, price, sales and promotion of the product. To compile and implement the optimal marketing mix, the company analyzes marketing information, marketing planning, organizing a marketing service and marketing control. Through these activities, the company monitors the marketing environment and adapts to its changes.

In order to succeed in today's highly competitive market, firms must focus on customers in their activities, attracting them with higher customer value than competitors. But before a company can satisfy a customer, it must understand their needs and wants. Therefore, real marketing requires careful analysis target audience. Companies realize that they will not be able to satisfy all customers in a given market - or will not be able to satisfy everyone equally. There are too many buyers, and everyone has different needs. But some companies have an advantage in serving certain market segments. Therefore, each company should divide the entire market, select the most attractive segments, and develop a strategy to serve the selected segments more effectively than competitors do. This process consists of five stages: demand quantification and forecasting, market segmentation, selection of target segments, product positioning in the market, and competitive product positioning analysis.

1.2 Place of the market for household steel enameled cookware in the Belarusian economy

The market for household steel enamel cookware is significantly affected by changes in consumption culture. Today, a favorable situation has developed for the emergence of a new formation of tableware that more fully takes into account the preferences, tastes and values ​​of consumers.

The range of enameled steel cookware on the market of the Republic of Belarus was constantly expanding and improving own production, supplies were made from Russia and the CIS countries, new technologies for applying vacuum decorative coatings were introduced.

Enameled steel cookware is convenient and practical for everyday use. Multicolor decor is used for decoration. At the request of the customer, dishes can be produced in the form of individual products and sets. Sets of household utensils, enameled steel sinks, stainless steel sinks, standardized sinks, tin products, and custom-made sinks are in constant demand in the country and abroad. The Belarusian market offers high-quality products at very reasonable prices.

On the market of Belarusian steel enamel cookware, the following products are in greatest demand:

sets of household kitchen utensils;

pans with a capacity of 2.0; 3.0 and 5.0 L can be produced with a stainless steel rim;

mugs with a capacity of 0.25; 0.4; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 l;

pans with a capacity of 0.6; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 3.0; 5.0 and 5.5 l;

ladle with a capacity of 0.5 l;

oil dish, salad bowl with a capacity of 1.5 and 2.0 l;

plate with a capacity of 0.25 and 0.4 l;

can with a capacity of 2.0 and 3.0 l;

kettle with a capacity of 1.5 and 3.5 l;

teapot for brewing;

sugar bowl;

form for aspic;

bowls with a capacity of 0.6; 1.5; 2.5 and 4.0 l;

basins with a capacity of 9.0 and 16.0 l;

pans with a capacity of 9.0 and 12 l;

tank with a capacity of 25 l;

bucket with lid (without lid) with a capacity of 12 l.

In the development of the range of household steel enamel cookware, the following main directions can be distinguished:

increasing the share of complete products-sets of dishes;

increasing the comfort of products;

creation of multifunctional products;

development of highly specialized products;

development of compact designs of folding products, combined products, etc.;

increasing the aesthetic merits of goods through more varied decoration, harmoniously combined with the form and function of the product and the properties of the metal.

Among the most large enterprises manufacturing and supplying enameled steel cookware to the Belarusian market are:

OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" (Borisov);

Slutsk enamelware plant (Slutsk);

JSC "Emalposuda" (Minsk);

Belpromservice LLC (Moscow);

"Neva-Metal Tableware" (St. Petersburg).

The products of these enterprises are well known to domestic buyers. They are widely represented in the windows of the largest trading enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, such as OJSC TSUM, OJSC GUM, the Belarus department store, the Neman trading house and many others.

Based on the results of studying the market for household steel enamel cookware, we will assess the competitiveness of all products of these enterprises.

List of enterprises participating in comparative analysis selected in such a way that they can be compared in terms of volumes and range of products.

Table 1.2.1 Analysis of enterprises supplying enameled steel cookware to the Belarusian market



Slutsk enamelware factory (Slutsk)

OJSC "Emal-Posuda" (Minsk)

OJSC "Borisov plant "Metallist" (Borisov)

Belprom-service LLC (Moscow)

"Neva-Metal Utensils" (St. Petersburg)

Availability of advanced equipment

Making cookware from high quality steel

Possibility of various decorations

Customer service level

Making tableware of complex design

Demand for products


Availability of own raw materials

Volume of production

Availability of the most advanced quality control service

The most favorable location in relation to consumers

For more effective activities enterprises producing enameled steel cookware in market economy, the following market research is recommended.

Note. Source: own development

2. Analysis of the implementation of the marketing concept at OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist"

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

OJSC "Borisov plant "Metallist" was organized in 1929 on the basis of a small artel producing simple cutlery (knives, forks, potato peelers).

Since 1945, the plant began producing enamel cookware.

Since 1975, the plant has mastered the production of heating and cooling units for the cabin of MTZ-80 tractors.

In 1977, a workshop for the production of household products made of tinplate (graters, baking dishes, milk pans, milk tanks, garden watering cans) was added to the plant.

Since 1985, the plant has mastered the production of enameled steel sinks and sinks.

The organization is constantly working to update its product range, so in 2001 it mastered the production of pans with a thickened bottom and a stainless rim, in 2002 it mastered the production of stainless steel sinks, 2003 - round enameled sinks, 2004 - protective screens for batteries, 2005 - set for steaming food, lid for seaming, milk settling tank 7.5 liters.

Currently, the plant specializes in the production of household steel enameled cookware (more than 50 items), sanitary steel enameled and stainless steel appliances (5 items), household products made of metals and their alloys (more than 30 items).

The products manufactured by the plant are in demand not only in the Republic of Belarus, but are also exported to the CIS countries Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine.

Based on the order of the founder - the Minsk Regional Territorial Fund of State Property dated December 30, 2004 No. 33 - by transforming the republican unitary enterprise Borisov plant "Red Metallist" was created and registered on March 2, 2005. open Joint-Stock Company"Borisov plant "Metallist".

OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" is part of the Belarusian State Concern for the production and sale of goods consumer consumption"Belmestprom".

The organization is an independent economic entity with the right legal entity, has an independent balance, current and other bank accounts, including foreign currency, seals and stamps, samples of which are approved by the head.

The company's relationship with legal services and citizens in all areas of its activities are determined by treaties and legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The main goal of the policy is to produce competitive products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers in the domestic and foreign markets.

The management of the organization has identified the following objectives in the field of quality, in the achievement of which all personnel of the organization are fully involved:

market research and focus on market demand and specific customer requirements and expectations;

expanding sales markets and increasing product sales volumes;

product improvement and production processes through the introduction of advanced technologies and developments;

development of fundamentally new high-quality competitive types of products;

long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with reliable suppliers, which contributes to the creation of value and increased productivity;

continuous training of employees in professional skills, issues of the quality management system, recognition of the performer’s merits;

continuous continuous improvement of the quality management system, which increases the effectiveness and efficiency of work.

The management of the organization takes responsibility for providing funds and resources to ensure the implementation of the enterprise's policy, and encourages each employee of the organization to accept Active participation in completing assigned tasks.

According to statistical reporting In 2006, OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist spent 440 million in capital investments and introduced fixed assets worth 300 million rubles, with the finalized plan being 300 million rubles. own funds due to depreciation charges, which amounted to 60% in comparable prices compared to 2005. Technical re-equipment in reporting year was not carried out.

Source of funding production costs is depreciation. During the reporting period, stamps were manufactured in the amount of 294 million rubles. and put into operation for the production of main products, 140 million rubles. funds have been used for the reconstruction of the heating main.

The plant has 394 physical units of various equipment, including the following groups:

Metal cutting 72 units.

Forging and pressing 122 units.

Technological 96 units.

Lifting and transport 55 units.

Ovens, dried 15 units.

Woodworking 5 units.

Welding 29 units.

Total 394 units.

Let's analyze the age composition of equipment at OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist"

Table 2.1.1 Age composition of equipment at OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist

Name of equipment

From 5 to 10 years

From 10 to 20 years

Over 20 years

Forging and pressing

Metal cutting


Lifting and transport

Ovens, dried



In accordance with Table 2.1 1, three quarters of the equipment are over 20 years old and require updating.

As part of the main production assets working machines and equipment have the largest share - 62.1%.

Characteristics of fixed production assets are given in Table 2.1.2.

Table 2.1.2 Main production assets of OJSC "Borisov plant "Metalist"

Note. Source: own development.

According to the results of Table 2.1 2, the degree of wear is quite high (74.9% on average), which indicates physical and moral obsolescence of fixed production assets. This in turn reduces equipment productivity. The company should think about upgrading its equipment.

According to annual documentation, in 2006, the production volume of OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist amounted to 5324 million rubles in comparable prices, which amounted to 104.5% of 2005. Production of consumer goods amounted to 5622 million rubles, 133.3 % compared to 2005.

Release commercial products in kind and in comparable terms (in actual prices) for the main nomenclature is presented in table 2.1.3

Table 2.1.3 Output of commercial products of OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" in 2006

Note. Source: own development.

In accordance with table 2.1 3, the largest share in the production of commercial products is made up of sanitary products (sinks and sinks), which is due to the stable demand for them. In the total volume of production of sanitary products, 23.4% is accounted for by sanitary products made from raw materials supplied by customers (out of 225.2 thousand pieces, 98.2 thousand pieces from customer-supplied raw materials.

The growth rate of consumer goods for 2006 was 133.3%, with the adjusted figure being 105%. Production of consumer goods amounted to 5622.2 million rubles. The largest specific growth in the production of consumer goods is occupied by sanitary products - 72.4%, enameled steel utensils - 23%, tin products - 4.6%.

Thus, in the future, the company should pay attention to promoting enameled steel cookware and steel products to the market. To do this, it is worth studying the market for these goods in more detail and attracting buyers.

No less important is research in the field of foreign economic activity.

At JSC Borisov Plant Metallist, the volume of exports and imports in thousands of US dollars for 2006 is characterized by the following data:

Table 2.1.4 Foreign economic activity

Note. Source: own development.

Thus, the volume of exports in the reporting year increased 1.7 times and amounted to 167.2% against the plan of 105%, mainly due to an increase in supplies to the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

The volume of imports decreased by 3.1 thousand US dollars and amounted to 99.4% - all supplies - from Russian Federation with a plan of 104%.

Positive balance foreign economic activity amounted to 907.8 thousand US dollars (264.1% compared to 2005). However, due to the difficult financial situation, there is no foreign investment in the enterprise.

Adjusted specific gravity indicator new products in the total production volume was completed within 1.1% with a target of 2.0%. The share of certified products was 91.2% with a target of 87.1%.

The level of profitability of sold products is not ensured: +5.1% against the plan of +8%.

The energy saving indicator was not met; with a plan of 9%, the actual value was 1.6%.

Reserves finished products in stock at the end of the reporting year to the average monthly production volume amounted to 2.4 months. with a standard of 1.0 months.

The main reason for the failure to meet the forecast indicators of the socio-economic development of the organization was the low volume of production and, as a consequence, the lack of necessary working capital for the purchase of raw materials and materials in sufficient quantities.

Any shipment of goods from the Borisov Plant Metalist OJSC is done on the basis of an agreement. Agreements are used to facilitate the achievement of obligations.

Standard contract OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" (Appendix B) has the following sequential sections;

characteristics of the parties;

subject of the contract;

price and amount of the contract;

conditions and terms of delivery of goods;

responsibility of the parties

terms of claims;

penalties and damages compensation procedures;

other additional conditions contracts;

legal addresses and details of the parties.

Since the shipment of goods from the warehouse of OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" is mainly carried out by car, then the main document is the consignment note. Bill of lading forms are forms strict reporting. They are issued in a numbered form to prevent the possibility of releasing unreceived goods.

The main type of supply of goods at OJSC "Borisov plant "Metallist" is self-pickup by road. The supply is made on the basis of a concluded agreement for the supply of goods. The recipient's representative presents the issued power of attorney to the recipient's organization to receive material assets, as well as a copy of the payment order (if the agreement provides for prepayment) or letter of guarantee(if the contract provides for payment after receipt of material assets from OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist. After this, a consignment note form TTN-1 is issued. The invoice is issued in four copies: the first copy remains with OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist, the second is handed over to the consignee, the fourth to the carrier (the third copy remains at the checkpoint of OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist as a pass for the removal of products from a warehouse located on the territory of the organization).

Before payment (during vacation or before it, depending on the terms of the contract), the accounting department issues an invoice and a price agreement protocol, which must be signed by the seller and buyer of the goods.

Today, the plant is working to improve its financial situation; the company has developed measures to achieve break-even operation and an action plan to ensure the achievement of target parameters for the plant’s development.

2.2 Organizational characteristics of the enterprise

We will analyze and present the existing management structure.

For the purpose of the most rational functioning, the enterprise must have such organizational structure, which will allow: to make changes, if necessary, adequate to the conditions of the enterprise’s activities; carry out the minimum time transfer of capital from one area of ​​activity to another based on an assessment of their effectiveness; ensure the fastest possible transmission of accurate and reliable information across management levels from top to bottom and back to quickly make decisions to improve the efficiency of a specific area and the entire enterprise.

The OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist has a matrix management structure. The advantage of this structure is the presence of both horizontal and vertical connections.

The main manager at the enterprise OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" is the General Director. He organizes the work and effective interaction of production units and other structural divisions of this enterprise directions of their activities to achieve high rates of development and improve production.

The General Director is assisted by a special management apparatus consisting of functional divisions ( personnel service, financial department, etc.). These units carry out their decisions through general director, or (within the limits of special powers) directly bring them to specialized services or individual performers at a lower level. Functional units, as a rule, do not have the right to independently give orders to production units.

Financial Director organizes traffic control financial resources enterprises and regulation of financial relations, for the purpose of the most effective use all types of resources in the process of production and sales of products and obtaining maximum profits. Provides development of the financial strategy of the enterprise and its financial stability. Manages the development of draft long-term and current financial plans, forecast balances and cash budgets. Determines the sources of production and economic activity of the enterprise. Conducts research and analysis of financial markets, evaluates possible financial risk and develops proposals to reduce it. Implements investment policy and manages the assets of the enterprise, determines their optimal structure, prepares proposals for the replacement and liquidation of assets, and monitors the portfolio.

Organizes the development of working capital standards and measures to accelerate their turnover. Analyzes the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Monitors the implementation financial plan and budget, product sales plan, profit plan and other financial indicators, proper spending of funds.

The accounting department consists of 8 people: chief accountant, 7 accountants.

Chief Accountant ensures control over the reflection in the accounting accounts of all business transactions carried out, provision of operational information about financial condition associations, compilation deadlines accounting reporting and conducting economic analysis financial and economic activities of the association. The chief accountant reports directly to the general director.

Accountants report directly to the chief accountant and perform work in various areas of accounting (accounting for fixed assets, inventories, production costs, sales of products, results of financial and economic activities, settlements with suppliers and customers, as well as for services provided, etc.). P.). Receive and control primary documentation in the relevant areas of accounting and prepare for counting processing. Accrue and transfer taxes to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, funds to finance capital investments, wages personnel and other payments and payments.

The HR department is responsible for selecting and hiring qualified employees.

The commercial director manages the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in the field of logistics, procurement and storage of goods, sales of products on the market and under supply contracts, transport and administrative services, ensuring the effective and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses , acceleration of turnover of working capital.

Transportation Department delivers raw materials and goods, ensures their proper safety during transportation.

The warehouse provides storage, warehousing and release of inventory items, organization of loading and unloading operations.

The Raw Materials Supply Department organizes the uninterrupted supply of raw materials and material resources to the enterprise and enters into contracts with suppliers.

The marketing department studies the market and predicts its development, analyzes and develops the most effective methods sales and advertising, determines the competitiveness of products, organizes advertising in the media, organizes and conducts exhibitions, fairs, presentations.

Thus, the organizational structure of enterprise management of OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist is a multi-stage matrix structure.

Let us give an organizational assessment of the existing management structure of OJSC Borisov Plant Metalist.

Table 2.2.1 Organizational assessment of the current structure of the enterprise OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist"

Note. Source: own development.

In accordance with table 2.2.1, all department heads interact with each other, for example, the head of the human resources department provides documents and data on staff turnover to the accounting department, which in turn keeps records of the organization’s employees. The chief accountant is responsible for calculating and issuing wages to management and workers. The deputy director also informs accountants about the volume and amount of goods sold.

At the OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" there is a marketing and sales department, which reports to its director. Its activities are regulated by the regulations on the marketing department (Appendix A)

The quantitative and qualitative composition of this department is given in Table. 2.2.2

Table 2.2.2 Number of employees in the marketing and sales department

Note. Source: own development.

The marketing and sales department is headed by a chief who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist. He searches and studies potential markets for profitable sales of the plant's products:

reveals the dissatisfaction of demand in the market being studied, as well as the capabilities of the OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist enterprise to satisfy it;

identifies requirements, requests, wishes of consumers for the quality, assortment, design and methods of selling the enterprise’s products;

participates in the development of a market behavior strategy for OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist;

collects, studies, evaluates, analyzes and enriches domestic and foreign materials on the state, capacity and development trends of potential markets for products, the possibility and economic feasibility of entering these markets;

is engaged in collecting and systematizing data on enterprises and foreign companies that produce similar products, the behavior of competitors and their intentions in the markets being studied;

conducts a comparative analysis of the properties and quality of products of the OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist enterprise and competing companies;

organizes study consumer ratings, opinions, claims of consumers regarding the quality and range of products offered, their receptivity to advertising; identification and accounting of unsatisfactory demand and need for goods that the enterprise can master;

makes proposals to management on the need to conduct comparative tests of samples of enterprise products;

takes part in the organization and holding of international republican exhibitions;

informs the plant about the claims and wishes of consumers identified at exhibitions, fairs and during negotiations with wholesale buyers;

informs the management of the division about the identified unsatisfactory demand for products and the wishes of consumers. Based on the results of marketing activities, draws up a report and gives short description products required on the market;

receives from management information about the inclusion in the plan, development timeframes and expected properties of new types of goods and their modifications;

collects information about customer refusals from the company’s products, organizes trial sales of pilot batches of new products;

collects information about the nature of consumer complaints about the quality, consumer and other properties of the enterprise’s products;

every six months, presents to management a market review with an analysis of the results of studying sales markets and proposals for the market behavior strategy of Borisov Plant Metallist OJSC for the upcoming planning period;

carries out the organization of sales of the enterprise's products in accordance with planned targets, concluded contracts, their shipment to consumers within the time frame and volume established by the sales plan.

is responsible for violations of loading deadlines, preventing vehicle downtime - and railway transport;

ensures control over the fulfillment of orders and contractual obligations by the enterprise's divisions in a timely manner, in terms of the volume of products sold, nomenclature, completeness and quality, and the state of stocks of finished products in warehouses. Takes measures to ensure the timely receipt of funds for the sale of products, ensures accounting for the fulfillment of orders and contracts, shipments and balances of unsold finished products, timely execution of sales documentation, stipulated reporting on sales (supplies) on the implementation of the sales plan. Coordinates the activities of finished product warehouses, manages department employees

Appendix B presents job description Leading Sales Economist.

Personnel training and advanced training at the enterprise are carried out in accordance with the plan, based on requests from department heads and in accordance with production needs.

Preparation, retraining, training in related professions and advanced training of workers at the plant are organized according to coursework (production-technical and targeted courses) and individual forms training. Training is carried out in accordance with approved plans and programs. For professions requiring special training, workers are trained in training centers and factories in Borisov, Minsk or at their own enterprise with the invitation of teachers training centers who have a training license.

Managers and specialists improve their qualifications off-the-job at advanced training institutes, at seminars organized at various educational institutions and at the enterprise without interrupting production.

The rational distribution of responsibilities between workers and services of the enterprise is of great importance in the organizational structure of the enterprise OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist". Responsibility represents the obligation to carry out delegated tasks and be responsible for their satisfactory resolution. The distribution of powers at the enterprise OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" predetermines centralized nature organizational structure. In a centralized structure, decision-making rights are assigned to managers more high level. The decision on the level of centralization depends on a number of factors: the nature of the business environment, the decision-making style of senior management, the type of strategy implemented by the company, qualifications and experience management personnel lower link.

A special issue is the organization of relationships between the marketing department and other divisions of the enterprise OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist. Much here depends on how well the structure of the enterprise as a whole meets the principles of marketing.

As is known, the structure of the enterprise OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" is focused on production, then most of its departments and structural units are not interested in the implementation of marketing goals, but only in the utmost minimization of production costs. Thus, product developers strive to create the most economical models, often to the detriment of the popularity of goods on the market. Supply departments are focused on the purchase of cheaper and not always high-quality materials and raw materials. The focus on reducing labor costs, which is typical for production departments, conflicts with the need to improve the consumer properties of goods. Warehousing of goods also often does not meet any requirements. the needs of safety of manufactured products, nor the needs of the dynamics of market demand.

Such a target orientation of the production-oriented structural units of the Borisov Plant Metalist OJSC inevitably leads them to constant and unproductive conflicts with the marketing department and goals. The implementation of a unified strategy is also made difficult by the fact that the development, production, planning, and sales departments are scattered, are subordinate to different managers (deputy directors), the connections between them are complex and multi-stage, and these departments themselves are very little responsible for the final market goals and sales results.

It is clear that the effectiveness of the functioning of the marketing organizational structure largely depends on those personnel who are engaged in marketing. And this is not only about their professional qualifications, but also about the level of responsibility, about knowledge and acceptance of the marketing concept in force at the enterprise, and stimulating the initiative of marketing specialists. The heads of the marketing department and each of its divisions must have functions, means, duties and rights, responsibility and power, enshrined in the relevant documents (primarily in the “Department Regulations”), including in relations with other divisions, branches and branches of the company , its representatives.

The central task of the marketing department at the Borisov Plant Metalist OJSC, focused on taking into account customer requests, is to ensure product quality as the depth of satisfaction of customer needs at a level that allows maintaining the desired market conditions.

2.3 Economic characteristics of the enterprise

The main source of analytical information is the balance sheet (form No. 1), which represents grouped in a certain order and generalized information about the amount of the organization’s funds in a single monetary measure at a specific point in time.

Funds, their composition and placement, as well as the sources of these funds and their placement, are grouped in the balance sheet in sections and articles.

Another important source of analytical information is the “Profit and Loss Statement” (Form No. 2). From this form we obtain information about sales revenue, cost of goods sold, profit and others.

For financial analysis commercial activities The organization requires additional information in addition to the data presented in the balance sheets. They will be extracted from synthetic and analytical accounting, as well as other forms of reporting.

Let us analyze the structure of the liability side of the balance sheet and the influence of the main sections of the balance sheet on the replenishment of its active part.

Table 2.3.1 Analysis of the liability structure of the balance sheet and the influence of the main sections of the balance sheet on the replenishment of its active part.

Name of the organization's balance sheet items

Indicator of the balance sheet liability structure

Gain (+),

decrease (-)

Specific gravity.%

Absolute value, million rubles.

Specific gravity.%

value, million rubles

Sources of own funds

Income and expenses

Long-term loans and borrowings

Short-term loans and loans

Accounts payable

Settlements with suppliers and contractors

Payroll calculations

Settlements for other transactions with personnel

Calculations for taxes and fees

Calculations according to social insurance

Settlements with shareholders

Settlements with various debtors and creditors

Other types of obligations

Analyzing the activities of Polar LLC, it can be noted that marketing activities at the enterprise are carried out, but not at a high enough level, that is, the enterprise does not use all the opportunities that marketing represents for this industry.

The main task of the marketing department should be the development of recommendations for the formation and implementation of the production and sales policy of the enterprise, as well as the coordination of activities in this area of ​​all divisions of the enterprise. His recommendations on market orientation of production, economic and sales activities enterprises, after approval by the management of the enterprise, are obligatory for the relevant services engaged in the specified types of activities.

All departments of the enterprise will have to make decisions that affect the market orientation of the enterprise based on the recommendations of the marketing department.

In connection with the above, the main tasks of the marketing department should be the following:

  • - assessment of market conditions, constant analysis of the results of the enterprise’s commercial activities and the factors influencing them; developing sales forecasts and market share of the enterprise, conducting situational analysis;
  • - together with other departments of the enterprise and the management of the enterprise, development of goals and strategies market activity enterprises in domestic and foreign markets;
  • - development of long-term and current marketing plans for the enterprise as a whole and individual product groups and coordination of the activities of the enterprise’s divisions in this area;
  • - operational information support for the marketing activities of the enterprise and its divisions;
  • - development of recommendations for improving its production and marketing activities, changing the range of products, and increasing the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • - development of recommendations for establishing contacts with external organizations, and in some cases representing the enterprise in its relations with other organizations, enterprises, and individuals. The procedure and level of such contacts are determined by the management of the enterprise;
  • - creating an image of a successful and reliable company.

Since the main goals of marketing must be subordinated to the overall goals of the enterprise, then at this stage For the development of the industry, they are to minimize the costs of services, and on this basis create reasonable prices, as well as ensure optimal lead times for orders. Therefore, the goal of marketing at the analyzed enterprise should be to attract a larger number of customers to ensure maximum utilization of the enterprise, as well as to find the necessary material resources. To do this, marketing information and marketing research specialists must collect and analyze information about potential consumers, what types of products they need, their long-term plans, technical innovations, and develop measures to attract new customers. It is also necessary to collect information about competing enterprises: how long the competitor has existed, its connections with the regions, technical potential, price policy, actual loading. It is recommended to combine all this information into the appropriate database cards (cards of suppliers, competitors, customers).

Marketing research must be carried out by highly qualified specialists who are proficient in scientific research methodology and able to analyze the data obtained.

An important component of marketing in food production is Advertising activity within its framework, access to certain objects is carried out, planned activities are implemented and new information is collected. Enterprise management should not wait for the customer to come to the enterprise. You need to meet them yourself: establish contact with key people in large domestic and foreign companies.

An important element advertising work is publishing activity. It is necessary to place publications about the functioning of the enterprise in specialized domestic and international magazines, newspapers, and place advertising information on the Internet.

It would be advisable to have your own publication in which information about the enterprise would be regularly published: on the introduction of new technologies, new projects, services provided, completed orders, achievements, tariffs, etc. It is necessary to regularly participate in specialized exhibitions, display your billboards there and distribute booklets with information about the enterprise. On holidays or weekends, it is recommended to organize visits to the plant by clients and other people related to its activities, which will help disseminate information about this enterprise.

In marketing Food Industry Establishing mutual understanding with customs and other regulatory organizations and local government bodies is of great importance.

A very important factor in the situation modern market and a high level of competition is to raise the culture of the enterprise, which should be subject to the most serious analysis in the process marketing research, which is not carried out at the analyzed enterprise. You can achieve success faster and more efficiently, or pay more attention to working with personnel, since personnel is also wealth. Work with personnel must be structured in such a way that the concept of corporate culture becomes dominant among both the director of the enterprise and the cleaner. To this end, the enterprise must:

  • - emphasize the importance of the people working for them, promote their products;
  • - build relationships with competitors on a mutually beneficial basis (exchange of accumulated experience, cooperation);
  • - treat the client so that he feels comfortable;
  • - give the opportunity to employees of the enterprise to express themselves in their work, encourage initiative and listen to suggestions for improving work, give the opportunity to advance in their careers.

Numerous marketing activities at Polar LLC must be implemented not only by the marketing department of the enterprise, but also by almost all of its production and auxiliary departments. Therefore, this type of activity should be headed by the Deputy Director of Marketing - the head of the marketing department, whose instructions, orders and recommendations should be accepted for execution by all services of the enterprise.

Event 1

First of all, the company undoubtedly needs to introduce a marketing service into the management structure. Marketing makes it possible to combine the company's strategic planning with marketing planning, subordinating organizational forms management strategic goals and tasks. As a result, the organization can act as a single mechanism.

The growing importance of marketing in the activities of an enterprise is ultimately reflected in the construction of organizational and management structures and their functions. World experience shows that restructuring the organizational structure of an enterprise for its subsequent reorientation towards marketing is a long and difficult process, in which not only management, but also all personnel need to participate.

The introduction of marketing into the organizational structure of an enterprise can occur through the creation of a specialized service, that is, a marketing department, or through the modernization of basic services in order to adapt them to market conditions and a changing external environment.

Event 2

Undoubtedly, for the further growth and development of Stroy Contact LLC it is necessary to develop marketing plan, both tactical and strategic marketing plans. They may consist of:

1. Product plan. Stroy Contact LLC should pay attention to what is planned to be released and at what time, what services will be provided.

2. Research and development of new products. Here Stroy Contact LLC needs to pay attention innovative products V construction industry, which have different effects. For example:

The use of heat-saving materials that allow you to maintain a stable temperature in the room with less energy consumption. This innovation is designed to reduce the amount of total costs while maintaining the magnitude of the effect. Defined as cost-saving innovation;

Installation of air conditioning and supply ventilation systems. This type of innovation is aimed at increasing the effect while maintaining the amount of total costs. Can be defined as an effect-adding innovation.

3. Advertising and sales promotion plan. During the analysis, it was found that recently the Stroy Contact LLC enterprise had problems with volumes construction work associated with a decrease in the number of investors and customers. It also turned out that the company does not have a department for attracting clients, which is, in principle, typical for the construction business, where personal connections of management play a significant role. However, in order for the company to keep up with the times and not miss any opportunity to attract investors, it is proposed that after creating a marketing department, significant attention should be paid to advertising the company on the Internet. Namely, it is necessary:

Create and maintain a company website;

As well as monitor ongoing tenders, collect the documents necessary for them and submit applications for participation in tenders.

This marketing ploy will bring not only economic, but also social benefits: the creation of a website will allow Stroy Contact LLC to acquire an image modern enterprise, advertising on the Internet will allow you to convey the activities of the enterprise and the services it provides to the general public; participation in tenders will allow you to declare yourself as a serious enterprise, which will help attract customers.

4. Plan for the functioning of distribution channels.

5. A pricing plan that includes future price changes. Stroy Contact LLC is characterized by a flexible system of prices and discounts for regular customers. To determine the cost of a construction project, an estimate is initially drawn up, which is confirmed by both parties: the customer and the contractor.

6. Marketing research plan. Stroy Contact LLC should pay attention to the demand for certain goods and services in the construction market. That is, it is necessary to determine competitive positions specific types enterprise products. For example: today monolithic housing is very popular, and monolithic construction is one of the promising technologies for the construction of buildings and structures.

7. Plan for the operation of the physical distribution system. It should be noted here that Stroy Contact LLC has its own warehouse necessary for storing equipment and building materials.

8. Marketing organization plan.

Event 3

The SWOT analysis made it possible to clearly identify the strengths and weak sides enterprises, as well as identify existing problems in the enterprise. Many of these problems can be solved by entering new market segments. Therefore, in the role of marketing activities, measures to enter new target segments. There are several opportunities to develop new target segments.

The most profitable segment for an organization should have:

High level of sales;

High rate of profit;

Weak competition and the possibility of free access.

In reality, such a successful combination is extremely rare, so an enterprise should be able to make compromises. After an enterprise has identified segments that are attractive to it, it should highlight those that are most relevant to its strengths. At the same time, the enterprise needs to realize that not only attractive segments must be selected, but also those in which the enterprise has everything necessary to operate effectively.

Having selected certain segments, the construction organization must come up with a plan to penetrate these segments. If the segments are established, with competing enterprises present in them, then before deciding on its own positioning, the organization should determine the positions of competitors. Taking into account the position of competitors, the organization has two possible options:

1. Positioning yourself with existing competitors and fighting for market share. This strategy is acceptable: if the market is large enough so that there is enough space for all competing enterprises; and if the enterprise has strong competitive advantages.

2. Offer a material or technology that is not yet on the market or is in insufficient quantities, which will cause high demand. Therefore, offering the consumer a product based on a new product with its special characteristics will help attract the consumer to your side. But first, the management of the enterprise needs to make sure that the enterprise has the ability to work with such a material or technology, the ability to produce goods within the planned prices, and a sufficient number of potential consumers whose preferences will be on the side of the enterprise. If the results are satisfactory, then the enterprise must take measures to fill the market niche.

To keep the company afloat, during periods of insignificant volumes of work or their absence, it is proposed to create a subsidiary construction organization engaged in the construction of private houses, cottages, repairs and decoration. This will allow the company to occupy a new segment of the construction services market.

Creation subsidiary company will allow Stroy Contact LLC to: avoid long periods of downtime in work, make a profit from the company’s activities, use its existing construction equipment, and save jobs. Do not disband construction teams, distributing them over several small orders, with the possibility of their subsequent use when a large order appears.

Thus, the implementation of the listed activities: technical, commercial, marketing and organizational will allow Stroy Contact LLC to increase sales volumes, achieve planned indicators in gaining market share, and also strengthen its position in the market.