Social protection. Prospects, goals and objectives for the development of the system of social protection of the population in Russia Problems and prospects for the development of social protection of the population


1. The current state of social security in Russia
2. The essence of social protection of the population
3. State policy in the field of social protection
4. Prospects for the development of social protection of the population


The transition period to market relations marks new stage in
socio-economic development of Russia. At the same time, being progressive,
in fact, he brought to life processes that even in the Western world have become
managed only decades later.
The ongoing transformations that have disrupted the existing more than half a century
economic structure, affected the fundamental interests of the entire population and
demanded the urgent formation of a fundamentally new social policy.
The difficulty lies in the fact that social policy cannot be guided
on short-term objectives, it should determine the strategic directions,
which, of course, can be subject to tactical adjustments, but in
as a whole, it should be integral, reasonable, rational and effective and
be formed taking into account historical conditions and national characteristics,
politics and economic situation, cultural traditions. Social politics
is also conservative and innovative. conservatism
lies in the fact that it preserves, as it were, what has already been achieved in
social sphere and passes it on to those who need social
intervention. Innovativeness is what the policy should adapt
social structures to ongoing changes.
In the conditions of Russia, this means that it should be used as much as possible
existing experience and existing infrastructure, which will serve as the basis for
formation of a new concept of social security.
In the formation of social strategy and policy, it is of particular importance
political aspect of social protection. Any social activities
support and social assistance measures should be planned in such a way as to provide
support the political line, promote the government's course on
implementation of reforms, not to weaken or discredit it. smart steps to
social sphere are called upon to strengthen confidence in the leadership of the country by
population, and they should also help reduce social tension

1. The current state of the social security system in Russia.
Each country's social security system has its own characteristics.
features in connection with specific socio-economic conditions. Right
for social security is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and
is a complex of interrelated organizational and legislative
Basically, in the Russian Federation, social protection of the disabled and
low-income groups of the population is carried out in two main areas -
social security and social assistance.
Social security in Russia includes the following types:
- pensions (for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for long service
years, social):
- benefits (temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, large families and
single mothers, children in low-income families and urgent military personnel
services, disabled children, etc.);
- the maintenance and service of the elderly and disabled in special institutions
(boarding houses):
vocational training and employment of disabled people:
- prosthetic and orthopedic care
medical and labor examination and rehabilitation of the disabled
- Benefits and benefits for the disabled.
And although the entire social security system has common features, but at the same
time, each type has its own characteristics.
Efficiency social system largely depends on thoughtfulness
funding mechanism. Payments for social insurance are made from
insurance funds, which concentrate collected in the form of taxes
funds. And government investments are made at the expense of appropriations from
budget funds (republican and local budgets). As a result, funds for
social security is concentrated primarily in the state
service and the social insurance fund.
The existing system of social services includes the state,
municipal and non-state service. All social services
focused primarily on providing people in need with various types of
social services.
Depending on the orientation of social services, their functions differ
implemented, which have been grouped as follows:
a) the actual function of social assistance, which includes both accounting,
identification of faces to us and the prevention of poverty and home services for those in need, etc.
b) the function of consulting, including consultations of specialists on various
issues related to social aspects;
c) the function of informing the population, studying and forecasting social needs;
d) a participatory function that provides for the development of emergency programs
and assistance in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and social
The importance of the following four principles should be noted:
- the principle of priority of state principles in the organization of social services and
guaranteeing the rights of citizens to receive social services:
- the principle of relying on public participation:
- the principle of territoriality:
- the principle of awareness: meaning the right to collect information and
information necessary for social services to perform their functions.
It should also be noted that for the successful functioning of the system of social
ensuring the role of the social service management system. Currently
social service management is carried out by social protection authorities
of the population together with the health authorities, public education,
culture, physical culture and sports, law enforcement agencies,
state services for youth and employment and other bodies
management, as well as with public, religious, charitable
organizations and foundations. In perspective
great help in coordinating social service activities
of the population can be carried out by the local administration, consisting of deputies,
representatives of interested organizations, financial and sponsorship circles.
2. The essence of social protection of the population
The system of social protection of the population as a special social institution is located
in the course of its development. The term "social protection" has various
values. In the new economic conditions, he replaced the term "social
provision”, used in the Soviet economy, where he characterized
specific organizational and legal form of social protection, carried out
directly by the state.
In modern conditions, it was necessary to develop other organizational and legal
forms of social support for the most vulnerable categories of the population. Was introduced
the term "social protection", which has long been used in world practice.
Social protection as social institution, which is a collection
legal norms designed to solve certain social and economic
problems, in an international context usually deals with established
legislation by categories of citizens who, due to the loss
ability to work, lack of work or for other reasons do not have
sufficient funds to meet their vital needs and
needs of disabled family members. Within social protection systems
to such citizens upon the occurrence of
adverse events, compensatory assistance is provided in
monetary and in-kind forms, as well as in the form of various kinds of services. Except
In addition, social protection systems implement preventive measures
nature, aimed at preventing adverse events. Social
protection is carried out in various organizational and legal forms, including
such as individual employer liability, insurance,
social insurance, targeted social assistance,
state social security, etc. The use of certain
organizational and legal forms of social protection may have different
social and economic impacts to consider when
management of this industry.
At the same time, social protection, being in its functional nature
a fairly complete system, which is an independent
social institution, has specific features associated with
technologies for its services. Technology of providing pensions
differs significantly from the technology of medical care, social
rehabilitation technologies or technologies for providing unemployed citizens.
To understand the state of development of the institution of social protection in Russia and
elaboration of a national policy regarding the ways of its further development in
our country, it seems necessary first of all to note that, although
such an institution exists in Russia and plays an extremely important role in the life of
Russian citizens, its development is carried out to a certain extent
spontaneously, without a proper idea of ​​what tasks and how he
must decide what its organizational structure should be, in terms of
view of both the organization of the system of legal norms and the administrative
structure of this institute, designed to develop and implement on
practice the legal norms of this institution.
In addition, it should be noted that, despite the actual existence
system of social protection in Russia and its rather rapid development, it is still
not accepted by the public consciousness in our country as an independent
social institution. In this regard, the scope of its activities is significantly
narrows. In practice, in the functions of public authorities having in
its name the words "social protection", such as the former Ministry
social protection of the population of the Russian Federation or ministries, committees
or departments of social protection of subjects of the Russian Federation, are not included
many functions that, by definition, should fall within their remit.
In the Program of social
reforms for 1997 - 2000 The concept of "social protection" is limited to
issues of social services for the population, social protection of the disabled,
social benefits, compensation payments, scholarships, as well as to
social support for citizens discharged from military service into the reserve or
The lack of a general idea of ​​the nature of the institution of social protection and its
content naturally leads to confusion and free interpretation of various
categories, terms and concepts that serve to reveal the meaning of this
In the Soviet period, due to the weak theoretical study of social
protection as a social institution, the term "social security"
was used in a broad sense to define the totality of social
economic relations in the country concerning issues of social protection, and in
In this sense, he defined the entire institution of social protection, called
"social security law". At the same time, the term "social
provision” in the narrow sense was used to define the system of relations in
areas of social protection related to the provision of certain types of
provision at the expense of the state budget.
In a country that has embarked on the path of developing a market economy, the term "social
provision”, reflecting the specifics of the organization of social protection in
centrally planned economic system, cannot be used for
definition of the entire set of socio-economic relations in the sphere
social protection, nor its administrative structures with new functions.
Therefore, the term "social security" has been largely superseded
from the practical sphere with the new term "social protection".
The term "social protection" is most consistent with the essence
given social institution, although the term "social security"
continues to exist as a "social security right".
Social protection is also provided for families with low
per capita income that does not provide the socially necessary subsistence
minimum, which usually results in a lack of means of subsistence
or funds to pay for essential goods and services (funds
rehabilitation, payment for housing, treatment).
Social protection can be provided in cash in the form of pensions and
benefits, in kind, as well as through the provision of various types of services
persons who are the object of social protection. She may have like
compensatory and preventive character.
One of the state-legal forms of social protection is directly
state provision of disabled persons. Main features
direct state support - financing of expenses for
account of the state budget and the establishment of categories of persons provided for and
the level of their provision in accordance with the priorities determined by the authorities
state power.
Direct state provision in countries with market economies
has a rather limited scope.
Another organizational and legal form of social protection is social
insurance, which is widely used in the vast majority of countries with
market economy in relation to many types of social protection. At its core
lies the concept of social risks and the requirement of their mandatory and voluntary
Funding for social insurance payments is carried out at the expense of
insurance premiums of working citizens and their employers, paid as
usually in equal proportions. In the financing of social insurance systems
sometimes the state is also involved.
In countries with market economies, such a method is also actively used.
organizational and legal form of social protection, as social assistance.
It is targeted and is provided to individuals after checking their
need, if they have no other sources of livelihood.
Other organizational and legal forms of social protection can be
provided funds - mandatory (compulsory) accumulation of funds for
the occurrence of certain circumstances. These funds exist in separate
countries (Asia and Africa, which were colonies) and are nationwide
intended for the implementation of mandatory savings by all working
citizens. Foundations aim to ensure individual responsibility
everyone working for their welfare in the future. They represent
savings bank institutions. These contributions can be used
in case of temporary incapacity for work, subject to termination of work, in case of
A characteristic feature of private forms of social protection is that they
are not necessarily created by virtue of the adoption of the relevant
legislation, and due to the private initiative of individual subjects of relations in
this environment, which assume obligations to implement
social protection of a limited circle of persons representing for them
a certain interest. Private forms can be used in such types
social protection, as provision of temporary disability, medical
assistance, pensions and others.
Thus, social protection in any state is a complex
a system of socio-economic relations designed to provide
comprehensive assistance to disabled or partially able-bodied persons, and
also to families whose incomes of able-bodied members are not provided socially
necessary standard of living for the family.
Effective social protection involves policies that are adequate
responding to the social well-being of people, capable of capturing the growth
social discontent and social tension, prevent possible
conflicts and radical forms of protest.
3. State policy in the field of social protection
The social policy pursued in modern Russia is based on the principle
when the state, recognizing the climate of market relations, only complements and
corrects the market mechanisms for the redistribution of GDP, while focusing on
to guaranteed satisfaction of only the minimum basic needs and
provision of social assistance to the most vulnerable categories of the population.
However, the tradition of active participation of the state in the management of economic and
social processes continues to influence the formation of the system
social protection, which also includes private initiative, the creation
charitable foundations, development of insurance companies.
Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 1995
approved a list of categories of the population that need social
service. They are the main objects of social policy and
social work.
These include:
citizens (adults and children) who are disabled;
participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them,
home front workers during the Great Patriotic War;
single elderly people and families consisting of only pensioners (by age,
disability and other reasons);
widows and mothers of servicemen who died in the Great Patriotic War and
in peacetime;
former underage prisoners of fascism;
persons subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated;
registered refugees, internally displaced persons;
persons exposed to radiation as a result of an accident at
Chernobyl nuclear power plant, nuclear emissions, nuclear tests;
persons returning from places of deprivation of liberty, special
educational institution;
persons without a fixed place of residence;
families with alcohol abusers,
families with disabled children under 16;
families with orphans and children left without
parental care;
low income families;
large families; incomplete families;
families of minor parents;
young, including student families;
mothers on parental leave;
pregnant women and nursing mothers;
independent graduates of orphanages and boarding schools
(before achieving material independence and social maturity);
children orphaned or left without parental care;
neglected children and teenagers;
children and adolescents with deviant behavior;
children experiencing abuse and domestic violence who find themselves in

Solving the problems of social protection of the population of Russia requires a serious analysis of the state of social sphere, established forms and methods of social assistance to the population, assessment of existing education, healthcare, social protection, employment, migration and other responsible structures. In the near future, the state will implement solutions to these problems.

The social protection reform is based on the following principles:

– Redistribution of social spending in favor of poor households;

– Redistribution of powers to implement federal social legislation;

– Service diversification. The main tasks in this area are to expand the opportunities for citizens using free or subsidized services to choose service providers, including in the field of healthcare and education, as well as to diversify the forms of service provision based on the active involvement of the non-state sector.

In addition, next year the amount of budget allocations aimed at the functioning of regional institutions of social services to the population will almost double.

During discussions in some regions of Russia, it was noted that this year was marked by the adoption of a number of new regulations social orientation. Over the current year, the number of families in a socially dangerous situation has decreased by 6.5 percent, the number of orphans and children left without parental care has increased, and 11 “social clinics” have been opened. These are just some of the performance indicators.

The allocated funds are directed to the payment of 137 types of social benefits, compensations and the provision of social services for 2.3 million recipients. The categories of recipients of payments and services are diverse - these are citizens of the older generation, people with disabilities, orphans and many others. Almost every second inhabitant of the region is a recipient of social services.

In 2011, social protection programs were adopted in some regions of the country: “Social protection of the population and social support for people with disabilities in Sverdlovsk region"for 2011-2015," Older generation”, whose funding will increase in 2012. In addition, 85.2 million rubles will be allocated for the activities of the program next year. This program has been extended until 2015.

One of the main tasks facing the bodies of social protection of the population is to increase the efficiency of their activities, including within the framework of the work of the modernization commission. For this, new directions have been developed, which are already being implemented this year. Thus, innovative principles of organizing social services are being introduced, such as the “social taxi” service, the conclusion of social contracts with low-income families, the functioning of a virtual concert hall and many others.

In 2011, work was continued to improve the quality of services for citizens living in stationary social service institutions for the elderly and disabled. For them, medical, rehabilitation, household equipment, vehicles were purchased, buildings were renovated, energy-saving equipment was installed and provided Fire safety training and retraining of personnel.

One of the main tasks in this direction is to reduce the waiting time and eliminate the queue in boarding schools. For this purpose, two-story amenity buildings for 200 people were built in psycho-neurological boarding schools with a medical unit and administrative premises, installation technological equipment in the food block.


In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were solved:

– studied theoretical basis social protection of the population;

– an analysis of the main problems of the system of social protection of the population was made and ways to solve them were identified;

– problems in the field of social protection of the population are considered;

– the prospects for the development of the system of social protection of the population are considered.

Social protection in any state is a complex system of socio-economic relations designed to provide comprehensive assistance to disabled or partially able-bodied persons, as well as families whose able-bodied members' incomes do not provide a socially necessary standard of living for the family.

Having studied the theoretical foundations of social protection of the population, it is necessary to consider in detail the mechanism that provides state social assistance.

Having determined the essence of the mechanism for providing social protection to the population, we can conclude that federal and territorial budgets are the defining form of financial planning, and without budgetary and financial planning, as the experience of states with developed market relations shows, market development is practically impossible. The conditions of the financial crisis necessitated the adjustment of the current social policy, which has a number of problems that need to be analyzed and possible solutions found.

In the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population next year, one of the first public authorities will start functioning electronic document management, which will speed up the execution of documents for receiving services, benefits, titles.

All areas of activity currently carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population will continue to be implemented next year. Social support next year will be increased in terms of funding and the range of services provided.

The state plays an important role in organizing the social protection of the population, organizing pension services and providing benefits, social services, medical and social expertise, rehabilitation of the disabled and the provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care, social assistance to families and children, preparing legislation on social protection of the population, provisions on the basics of social policy, social standards and recommendations for the development of regional social programs, providing foreign economic and international cooperation, analyzing and predicting the standard of living various categories of the population, etc. Despite the fact that, especially recently, the state has taken a set of measures aimed at improving the financial situation of pensioners, families with children, the unemployed and the disabled, there are a number of acute unresolved problems in the field of social security. The issue of the level of pension provision, the solution of which depends not only on the state of the economy, but also on the new concept of pension provision.

The solution of these problems is possible subject to the development and implementation targeted programs and laws to support socially vulnerable groups of the population with the attraction of funds from both the municipal budget and additional sources of funding, which may include charitable foundations, private entrepreneurs and organizations. Programs such as "Social protection of the population and social support for the disabled in the Sverdlovsk region", "Older generation" and many others are promising and aimed at improving the system of social protection of the population. In addition, all areas of activity carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population will continue to be implemented in subsequent years.

Summing up, it is important to note that the effective social policy of the state is one of the priorities of the exit Russian economy from the crisis.

Prospects for the development of social protection of the population

O.V. Zanina,

Lecturer in the department "Taxes, taxation and financial management”, Kursk State Agricultural Academy. prof. I. I. Ivanova (305040, Russia, Kursk, K. Marksa st. 70; email: [email protected])

Annotation. The article presents the prospects for the development of social protection of the population, substantiates the need for rationalization of social guarantees. Conducted structure analysis Russian society, on its basis the levels of social protection of the population are developed. According to the levels presented, recommendations have been developed to improve existing benefits and payments.

abstract. The paper presents the perspectives of development of social protection, the necessity of rationalization of social guarantees. The analysis of the structure of Russian society, on its basis the levels of social protection. According to the reported levels of recommendations on improvement of existing benefits and payments.

Keywords Keywords: social protection of the population, social guarantees, income level of the population.

Keywords: social protection, social security, in

Over the past twenty years, in fact, there has been no revision and improvement of social guarantees, the values ​​​​established back in the 1990s. even taking into account the annual indexation, they do not take into account changes in the development of the economy. In our country, most of the existing mechanisms for social protection of the population do not belong to the concept of "welfare state". The principles enshrined at the state level are not actually implemented, which causes social tension among society. Foreign experience has shown that equality before the law and social equality have opposite meanings. AT modern conditions the main principles are the adaptation and targeting of social guarantees. That is why it is so important to help the population, which is below the poverty line and needs support from the state. And also take into account the fact that there is no need to provide for those whose incomes are ten times higher than the subsistence level. Conventionally, by providing part of the wealthy population with an insignificant payment for them, it is more efficient to provide the population whose incomes are below the subsistence level, for whom this amount will serve as real social assistance. That is why the most important direction today is not only increasing the effectiveness of the social guarantees provided, but also rationalizing their application.

Rationalization is not only a reduction in the areas of social protection, to a greater extent, it is the effective and targeted use of the elements of social protection provided for by law.

Today, in the Russian Federation, unlike European countries, there is no model of social protection of the population as such. The 1970s and 1980s marked the end of the current “Soviet model”, which the “new” model never came to replace in our country. Figure 1 shows the protection system.

In our opinion, it is necessary to develop a completely new approach to establishing minimum social guarantees based on the subsistence level. It is the subsistence

the minimum should be the basis for establishing social guarantees, since the minimum wage can be higher than the subsistence minimum, and it, in turn, must provide a decent standard of living for an employee (citizen). Due to the fact that the minimum wage in the region can significantly exceed the PM, then, for example, it is necessary to pay benefits to the unemployed not on the basis of the minimum wage, but on the basis of the PM. This will stimulate this category to search for a job and at the same time, from the position of the welfare state, provide a minimum social guarantee.

The study showed an acceptable level of social guarantees for temporary disability benefits, as well as for unemployment benefits for citizens in the first year of job loss, therefore, we consider it acceptable to leave the indicated benefits at the same level. The state certificate for maternity capital also corresponds to an acceptable level, in addition, it is indexed annually. With regard to other types of benefits, it is proposed to make changes, the basis of which will be the subsistence minimum.

Particular attention should be paid to beneficiaries. Scientists distinguish up to six levels depending on the income received by the population. The All-Russian Center for Living Standards under the leadership of V. N. Bobkov presented a system of normative consumer budgets, focused on Russian society.

According to the data obtained, we see that in the Russian Federation and the Kursk region, the largest share among the population is occupied by groups - low-income (39.8% and 54%) and those who are below the average (36.85 and 33.1%).

Thus, the ongoing changes in improving the provision of social guarantees for the population must be carried out, firstly, on the basis of a living wage, this will restore the principles of social protection of the population, take into account the recommendations international organization labor, times

O.V. Zanina Prospects for the development of social protection

solve the problem of annual indexation. Secondly, based on the structure of society by income levels, which will make it possible to adjust the targeting of recipients of benefits and payments.

Depending on the considered income groups of the population, it is proposed to differentiate

categorize benefits for presented beneficiaries at several levels. Based on the structure of the income level, it is proposed to distinguish three levels of social protection of the population (Table 2).

Social security system

> subsistence

> labor

> allowances

> tax

> compensation



(corporate) system of social protection of employees

Social security Social insurance

> material

help: indexing



food, housing.

> compensation

> provision of conditions

labor: training

> in-kind help:

food, housing.

> corporate

e pension


> corporate



> insurance

from the unfortunate

Social guarantees

Corporate social guarantees

Rice. 1. The system of social protection of the population and workers.

Table 1

Structure of Russian society by income level__

Population groups Income level Number, in %

Relative to the subsistence minimum (PM) per month per capita, rub. Russian Federation Kursk region

Russian Federation Kursk region

The most needy Below PM less than 7326 less than 5925 9.8 5.3

Low-income From PM to 3PM from 7326 to 21978 from 5925 to 17775 39.8 54.0

Provided below the average level From 3RM to 7RM from 21978 to 51282 from 17775 to 41475 36.8 33.1

Average income From 7RM to 11RM from 51282 to 80586 from 41475 to 65175 10.4 6.2

Highly wealthy More than 11 SM more than 80586 more than 65175 3.2 1.4


table 2

Proposed levels of social protection of the population__

No. Level name Characteristic Population groups

I Poor population Provision of all elements of social protection of the population 1. The most needy. 2. Low income

II Average income of the population Provision of all elements of social protection of the population, except for all types of benefits for pregnancy 3. Provided below the average level. 4. Average income

III High-income population Provision of elements that involve state support in case of: - job loss; - burial; - the birth of a child; - being on maternity leave (child benefit); - full-time education. 5. Highly wealthy

Practice foreign experience shows that benefits and payments should be targeted. Targeted nature is the main direction of rationalization of the elements of social protection of the population.

In our opinion, it is necessary to single out three main levels: the poor population, the population with an average income, and the well-to-do population. Depending on the level, the set of elements to provide will vary.

Table 3

Proposed changes to minimum social guarantees_

Type of benefit Amount of benefit Differentiation of benefits by levels

actual proposed

Unemployment benefit

citizens, for the first time job seekers(previously unemployed) 1 minimum wage 1 PM 1-111 levels

seeking to renew labor activity after a long (more than 1 year) break 1 minimum wage 1 PM 1-111 levels

fired for violating labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation 1 minimum wage 1 PM 1-111 levels

dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the onset of unemployment, and who had less than 26 calendar weeks of paid work during this period 1 minimum wage 1 PM 1-111 levels

The minimum amount of scholarships for students (students) studying full-time in:

federal state higher educational institutions with state accreditation 1100 1 PM child 1-111 levels

federal state educational institutions primary and secondary vocational education having state accreditation 400 1 PM child 1-111 levels

Community support

Social allowance for burial 4764 2 PM 1-111 levels

It is proposed, instead of the actual size of benefits, to establish benefits at the subsistence level. It is not advisable to receive unemployment benefits in the amount of 1 minimum wage, so a person who is looking for a job must maintain a minimum level of life, which means that his income should not be less than Rm. In Russia, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that PM = minimum wage, but studies have shown that this condition is not met.

The majority of full-time students live independently, therefore, to ensure them, it is advisable to set the amount of the scholarship at the level of the subsistence level of the child. During the years of the USSR, a student's scholarship allowed full support, its size was 30-50 rubles, with a worker's salary of 60-100 rubles. For today


  • Prospects for the development of financial support for the system of social protection of the population in Russia

    SHANIKHINA N.N. - 2014

  • The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
    The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format


    1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Art. 22 proclaimed that every person, as a member of society, has the right to social security. This right, by its nature, should make it possible to ensure, taking into account the material opportunities available to society, a decent existence for a person in the event of such life situations when he is not able to receive a source of income in exchange for the labor expended. The norms of the declaration bind the realization of the right of every person to a decent standard of living, not only during the period when a person is working, but also in cases of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other cases of loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen.

    According to Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen of Russia is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

    Social protection and social security in a state-organized society is an area of ​​interweaving of the vital interests of citizens, property and distribution relations, legal methods and methods of their regulation, social policy of the state and socio-economic human rights. It is also the sphere of refraction of such universal human values ​​as equality, social justice, humanism, moral foundations of society. The intended purpose of social security is, first of all, that it is a special form of meeting the needs for sources of livelihood for the elderly and the disabled.

    The constitutive signs of social security include: objective grounds that cause the need for a special mechanism of social protection of citizens aimed at maintaining or providing a certain level of life support (illness, old age, disability, unemployment, etc.); special funds, sources of social security; special livelihoods; fixing the rules for the provision of social security in law.

    The objective foundations of social security, for all their differences, affect a person's ability to work in the direction of its temporary or permanent limitation or complete loss. It is they who predetermine the need of a certain number of people to receive a source of livelihood from society in exchange for new labor expended; the need for preventive and health-improving measures for able-bodied members of society with the aim of normal reproduction of the labor force and protection of their health, etc.

    Any of these needs can be realized if it is recognized by society as socially significant, that is, enshrined in law. Ignoring these needs by society will not be slow to affect its normal functioning. Another thing is that both the degree of recognition and the degree of ignoring the listed needs is connected with the economic basis of society. This is due to the fact that, by its economic nature, social security is directly or indirectly connected with the distribution and redistribution relations of society.

    It should be noted that in modern society, social security has ceased to act in the form of goodwill, beneficence provided by the more affluent strata of society to its less affluent categories of citizens. It also cannot be regarded as a right-privilege of individual sections of society.

    Social protection as a special social institution of the modern state is an indicator of social confidence, a social guarantee for the worthy development of each member of society and the preservation of a source of livelihood in the event of social risks.

      The main directions of social policy in

    Russian Federation

    Social protection is considered one of the most important directions of state policy. It supports the material and social position of each person in society. In other words, it helps those strata of the population who, due to some circumstances, cannot independently provide for their existence. The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to social protection is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which declared that the Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. The Constitution also says that every citizen of Russia is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

    Speaking more specifically about the very definition of social protection, we can say that social protection is a special type of socio-economic activity that focuses on different segments of the population. Social protection is a state policy aimed at ensuring social, economic, political and other rights and guarantees of a person, regardless of his gender, nationality, age, place of residence and other circumstances.

    Social protection should provide a guaranteed intermediate minimum, the purchasing power of citizens, the protection of health, life and property. The need for social protection comes from the existence of a social need to have a system of laws in the state that will compensate for the social imperfection of the organization of production. wealth and their distribution.

    Social security is the main part of the social protection of the population. The law establishes state pensions and social pensions, encourages voluntary social insurance, the creation of additional forms of social security and charity.

    Social protection and social security is the sphere of such universal values ​​as equality, social justice, humanism and the moral foundations of society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declared that every person, as a member of society, has the right to social security. The role of social security is that it is a special form of meeting certain needs in the sources of livelihood of disabled citizens and the elderly. In the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established.

    Forms of social protection of the population can be classified on various grounds: depending on the subject-addressee of social protection:

    General, aimed at the entire population.

    Exceptional, provided in special cases, on the basis of special regulations, support for persons affected by natural disasters, natural and man-made disasters, and so on.

    The main forms of social protection of the population are pensions, social benefits, benefits for especially needy categories of the population, state social insurance and social services.

    Social protection measures can be expressed in the form of cash payments or social services. Cash payments are pensions, allowances, scholarships, subsidies, grants and compensations. Services should include both natural types of content, for example, medicines, and the beneficial effect that arose as a result of labor, as a purposeful human activity, for example, the delivery of medicines. Among the means of social protection are also advantages and benefits.

    The benefits are expressed in granting citizens a primary or extraordinary right to receive a social benefit, and benefits facilitate the conditions for meeting social needs and make it free or at a reduced cost, more precisely, they release the recipient entity from the performance of any obligations. Benefits and benefits can also be extended to able-bodied citizens as an incentive.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation not only proclaims the right of citizens to social protection, but also clearly defines the ways of its implementation, this is, first of all, state insurance for workers, the creation of other funds that are sources of financing social protection of the population, as well as the adoption of federal laws guaranteeing the implementation of these rights , these are the law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” and the law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation”.

    According to the method of implementation, one can distinguish between active and passive social policy. Passive social policy involves artificial containment of prices, stabilization or growth due to this standard of living, and an increase in subsidies in all areas of social protection. But an active policy is most preferable. The main thing in it is the creation of conditions for the manifestation of initiative and an increase in the role of the state in supporting the standard of living of pensioners and children.

    The provision of state social assistance is carried out in two types:

    1) cash payments, that is, social benefits, subsidies, compensations and other payments;

    2) in-kind assistance, and these are fuel, food, clothing, footwear, medicines and other types of in-kind assistance.

    The essence of social protection is manifested in such functions as economic, political, demographic and social rehabilitation.

    The economic function is to replace earnings, income or maintenance lost due to age, disability, loss of a breadwinner; partial refund additional costs upon the occurrence of certain life circumstances; providing minimal monetary or in-kind assistance to poor citizens.

    The political function contributes to the maintenance of social stability in a society in which there are significant differences in living standards. different layers population.

    The demographic function is designed to stimulate the reproduction of the population, which is necessary for the normal development of the country.

    The social rehabilitation function is aimed at restoring the social status of disabled citizens and other socially weak groups of the population, allowing them to feel like full members of society.

    Social protection has been and will continue to play the most important role in the development and support of society. After all, if there is no social protection, then the low-income level of the population will be on the verge of poverty. Of course, someone will be able to survive, but someone will not, these people will simply become lost to society. You can give an example, a pensioner who lives alone or a person who has fallen ill and cannot take care of himself, how will they survive without social assistance? They won't be able to survive.

    The state plays an important role in organizing social protection of the population, organizing pension services and providing benefits, social services, social assistance to families and children, preparing legislation on social protection of the population, provisions on the basics of social policy, social standards and recommendations for the development of regional social programs, ensuring foreign economic and international cooperation, analyzing and predicting the standard of living of various categories of the population.

    Social protection of the population includes social security, social insurance and social assistance, is consistent with the social policy of the state, which, according to the Constitution, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person.

      Problems of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation

    Social protection of the population is always assigned a huge role. In order to develop and prosper, the state must embody law and justice, the support of its population. The stability of society, its sustainable development, and, as a result, its national security depend on the state of the social sphere, the effectiveness of the policy pursued by the state in the field of social support for citizens. The article highlights the existing problems of social support for the population in Russia at the present stage, as well as measures to improve its effectiveness. Keywords: social support of the population, social policy, problems of social support, measures to improve the effectiveness of social assistance, priority goals of social protection.

    Social support of the population is all kinds of activities that are carried out by social protection authorities as part of social policy in Russia. Such events are focused on providing assistance to certain categories of citizens who need support. They are carried out in accordance with the laws and legal acts countries. In the Russian Federation, there is a program called: "Social support for citizens."

    It outlines the main milestones and tasks to be completed by 2020. First of all, it is the fulfillment of the obligations of our country for the social support of citizens. The second task is to meet the needs of citizens in social services. The next task is to create favorable conditions for the functioning of the institution of the family. And the last task that stands in this program is to increase the importance of non-state non-profit organizations in the provision of social services to the population. To date, the Russian Federation has not seen the formation of sufficiently clear approaches to reforming the existing system of social protection. It should be noted that in the system that has developed in Russia, there is an extremely high role of the state. At the moment, the main problem of state social support for the population in Russia is the lack of a single federal law, which could fully regulate state support for Russian families.

    At present, there is only a draft of such a Federal Law: “On the Fundamentals state support families in the Russian Federation”, which establishes the legal basis for state support for the family, defines the goals, principles and priorities of state support for the family as an important area of ​​state social policy. Despite the fact that recently our state has taken a whole range of measures that could improve the financial situation of pensioners, families with children, the unemployed and the disabled, there are still a number of acute painful problems in the field of social security.

    We should especially note the problem associated with the state and prospects for the development of the pension system. These problems are by no means limited to questions about retirement age. Various proposals are put forward for the development of the pension system by abolishing mandatory pension savings, switching to voluntary savings, which will be stimulated by the state, and so on.

    The solution of these problems depends not only on the state of the country's economy, but also on the new concept of pension provision. next topical issue is to provide social support to people who find themselves in difficult living conditions. These people include the homeless, refugees, migrants and IDPs. To solve this problem, it is necessary to work together territorial bodies social protection with other interested services to resolve the issues of organizing overnight stays, as well as social shelters and hotels. It is necessary to minimize cases of denial of assistance to people who are in an emergency situation. In addition, there is a problem in Russia that is associated with the provision of a number of measures of social support to the population on a categorical basis. That is, in accordance with the existing status of a citizen, which is defined by both federal and regional legislation.

    So, for example, with this approach, social support measures are provided to labor veterans, home front workers, victims of political repression, as well as certain categories of rural specialists and others. The provision of other measures of social support is carried out taking into account the need, which is based on an assessment of income, property or housing needs. Most social support measures are financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there is a regional differentiation in the share of social support measures provided at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the total number of social support measures provided.

    Also, one of the problems of social support for the population is the presence of a dependent attitude among the population, as well as the lack of interest among some citizens in improving their own well-being. The Government of the Russian Federation plans to introduce some measures to improve the effectiveness of social assistance to the population until 2020:

    First, it is the modernization of the labor market. Our country has relatively low unemployment. It takes more effective measures to use existing labor resources, their distribution at points economic growth. To achieve this, it is necessary to reduce the cost of moving to new places of work, as well as to ensure the availability of infrastructure throughout the country.

    Secondly, the creation of new opportunities for the development of human capital sectors, namely education and healthcare.

    Third, providing families with children with intensive support. For example, maternity capital, which has become an important tool of social policy. The government has expanded the scope of its application and is extending the implementation of this program.

    Fourth, continued payments of monthly allowances to large families, including subsidies for housing and communal services.

    Fifth, the elimination of the queue for land for large families or providing them with housing. The government plans to achieve this goal in three years.

    Sixth, the development of a comprehensive program of assistance to the elderly. Such a program would aim to obtain adequate medical care. It is necessary to update the system of support for the elderly, which must meet the needs modern society. Structure modern life should also provide structure for the lives of the elderly. Seventh, the modernization of the healthcare system, since the level of its development determines the quality of life of any citizen.

    This task is quite difficult to perform. At least this is related to at great expense. For example, cash that have been invested in recent years in modern medical equipment, the scale exceeds anything that has been done before.

    Eighth, clear wording of state guarantees of free medical care. The priority is the development of primary health care, telemedicine, the introduction of a unified electronic card patient.

    Ninth, ensuring the availability and quality of medicines. This task is the most significant for the state. Even low-income patients need to be able to benefit from medicines. It is also necessary to increase the efficiency of the quality control system for manufactured drugs, medicines and medical equipment. In addition, on June 6, 2016, the “Action Plan of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation for 2016 and the planning period until 2021” was released, which identified five priority goals aimed at solving the tasks set for the state. Decent work, fair pay. Decent pension for long conscientious work. Improvement of the demographic situation. Social protection will come closer to the person. The state civil service should become open and professional.

    Thus, we can conclude that in our state there are a sufficient number of problems associated with social support for the population. However, ways to solve these problems have already been outlined. The state is currently focusing on the social sphere of our country, because this area is the most important for the population. It gives a person confidence in his state, a sense of calmness and a desire to develop and help his country "move forward."


    The most important attribute of the democratic model of social protection of the population is its multisubjectivity and polyformity of economic foundations, which are provided by the institutions of civil society, voluntary, informal efforts, corporate structures, and religious denominations. Non-state subjects of social protection, with their economic foundations and creative potential, should be fully integrated into the social protection system of Russia.

    The activity of the "third sector" limits the monopoly of the government bodies of social protection, so its initiatives are often met with resistance. At the same time, many types and forms of social protection, especially at the local level, can be implemented by non-state actors more efficiently and with significant cost savings, for example, on a competitive basis in the execution of state, municipal social orders, etc.

    The system of social protection of the population has a decisive dependence on the economy. It is in this area that resources are formed that are redistributed to social policy. In this regard, it is very important to significantly reduce the volume of the shadow economy, including the shadow labor market. “Optimization”, or even just tax evasion, unofficial and unaccounted payments wages significantly reduce the level of social guarantees for workers and worsen the economic opportunities for financing state off-budget social funds.

    In the sphere of economics, the self-realization of the individual as an economically independent, self-supporting subject takes place. Therefore, effective employment, the growth of national production, the restoration of the reproductive and stimulating function of wages, and the growth of real incomes are the best shock absorbers for the negative effects of social risks on workers. Undoubtedly, only as the real incomes of the entire population grow significantly, the mechanisms and institutions of social insurance stabilize, the participation and responsibility of non-state actors in the social protection system expands, the volume of functions performed by civil society structures increases, and the self-realization of the individual is ensured, we will be able to build our own system of social protection. of the population is quite effective and meets the Russian socio-culture and traditions.


      Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12/12/1993 (as amended on 07/21/2014).

      Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly in 2016.

      Article “On the results of the analysis of the socio-economic consequences of the implementation of social support measures for the population by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ (“Law on the monetization of benefits”)” of the analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

      Article by D. A. Medvedev from 2016 "Socio-economic development - the acquisition of new dynamics." Official website of the State social support of citizens: [Electronic resource]. Access mode: - "".

      Official site of the journal "Economic Issues": [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - (date of access: 03.03.2017). Official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection: [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: —

      Official website of the Government of Russia: [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: —

    The strategy for reforming the social sector, proposed by the current Russian government, includes proposals for the development of certain sectors of the social sphere complex (education, health care, culture, employment, social protection, sports, etc.). The general guidelines here are: ensuring universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of basic social services, which include, first of all, medical care and secondary education; ensuring the most effective protection of socially vulnerable households; creation for the working population economic conditions allowing citizens to provide more than high level social consumption.

    The social protection reform is based on the following principles:

    1) Redistribution of social spending in favor of poor households.

    In order to release the necessary budgetary resources, it is envisaged to reduce budget subsidies to producers of goods and services, as well as benefits and payments provided on a categorical basis. It is necessary to revise the federal social legislation. Social assistance should be provided primarily in targeted form and only to those households whose actual consumption is below the subsistence level.

    To this end, governments at the regional and local levels will have to make greater use of procedures for mandatory testing of the needs of recipients of social assistance. It also provides for the establishment of restrictions on the total number of types of social assistance and benefits that can be provided simultaneously to the same family.

    2) Redistribution of powers to implement federal social legislation. The strategy of reforming the social sector involves changing the current procedure for interaction between federal and regional authorities and local government in the field of social protection.

    In general, it is planned to transfer more powers to determine the amount and forms of assistance to the regional and municipal level. Mechanisms designed to ensure the targeting of state social assistance may vary regionally depending on the budgetary possibilities of the territories, living standards, employment characteristics, and local traditions.

    The needs of the regions in financing social assistance should be determined on the basis of an analysis of the level of poverty and taken into account when determining the amount of federal transfers. New system will require strengthening the methodological role of the federal bodies of social protection of the population, including the development of methods and model regulations.

    3) Service diversification. The priority tasks in this area are to expand the opportunities for citizens using free or subsidized services to choose service providers, including in the field of healthcare and education, as well as to diversify the forms of service provision based on the active involvement of the non-state sector. It is envisaged to ensure equal access to state financing through the mechanism of social contracting for state and non-state organizations providing social services.

    The main tasks in the field of social support for the population include assistance to households whose actual income or consumption is below the subsistence level; reduction of budget subsidies to producers of goods and services; reduction of socially unjustified benefits; transfer of in-kind benefits and payments established for certain categories civil servants, military personnel and workers law enforcement, in the form of wages and monetary allowance; expanding the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in determining the priorities for the provision of social assistance. The needs of the regions in financing social assistance will be taken into account in the formula for interbudget equalization. Only the so-called "socially unjustified benefits" are being reduced, part of the assistance will continue to be provided without regard to need. However, this is a definite step in the field practical implementation strategies.

    On July 30, 2014, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approved the action plan for 2013-2018. In accordance with it, the following goals of the Ministry were indicated: See: Activity Plan of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation for 2013-2018 (revised).

    1. Decent work, fair wages;

    2. Decent pension for long conscientious work;

    3. Improving the demographic situation. Families with children state support;

    4. Social support will get closer to the person, social support will become targeted;

    5. State civil service - open and professional.

    Goal 1. Decent work, fair wages

    Activities aimed at achieving this goal:

    1. Approval of the rules for the development, approval and application professional standards, recommendations for their development, qualification levels, professional standard layout;

    2. Approval of a comprehensive action plan for the development of professional standards, their independent professional and public examination and application for 2014-2016;

    3. Adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the establishment of the National Council of Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation

    4. Adoption of the federal law on the system of independent certification of qualifications;

    5. Development and annual updating of the national classifier (list) of species professional activity taking into account their demand in the labor market;

    6. Creation of a basic center for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers in order to disseminate the best programs training, support for regional and corporate systems training of workers, coordination of activities of centers for assessment and certification of workers' qualifications;

    7. Determination of the procedure for accreditation of organizations engaged in activities to improve the professional level of workers;

    8. Adoption of the Federal Law on minimum size wages;

    9. Increasing wages for social workers in conjunction with the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided, the complexity and responsibility of the work performed, the efficiency of institutions;

    10. Ensuring transparency of remuneration;

    11. Simplification of hiring and obtaining information about vacancies;

    12. The basic requirements for equipping (equipping) special workplaces for the employment of disabled people have been established, taking into account impaired functions and restrictions on their life activity;

    13. Encouragement of employees who have achieved the highest achievements in their professional activities, etc.

    For 2015, at least 800 professional standards were developed, the share of skilled workers increased, certification councils were created, the Jobs in Russia information portal provided access to information on: vacancies (vacancies), working conditions, social guarantees, transport accessibility of the workplace, living conditions, availability of infrastructure and other information aimed at increasing the mobility of citizens, including online; citizens who want to find a job, including outside the place permanent residence, released and part-time workers. The size of real wages increased by 1.5 times, the number of jobs increased by 1.3, and the number of jobs for the disabled tripled.

    Goal 2. Decent pension for long-term conscientious work

    0main activities:

    1. Ensuring the growth of labor pensions;

    2. Development of the distribution component of the pension system;

    3. Ensuring a simpler and more understandable system of pensions for citizens;

    4. Provide citizens with the right to choose the option of their pension provision with the ability to independently determine: to form their pension rights exclusively in the insurance or also in the funded component of the pension system;

    5. Establishment legal mechanism implementation of a new pension formula aimed at increasing the level of pension provision in the distributive component of the pension system;

    6. The level of pensions for agricultural workers has been increased;

    7. Development of the funded component of mandatory pension insurance;

    8. Creation of a regulatory and legal mechanism and adoption of by-laws aimed at implementing the Federal Law "On Funded Pension";

    9. Creation of a mechanism to guarantee the safety of pension savings of citizens who form their pension savings through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

    10. Extending the term for citizens to enter the system of state co-financing of pension savings of citizens in order to increase their pension provision in the future by increasing the size of the funded pension, etc.

    In 2014, information and explanatory work was carried out on the new pension legislation: video and radio materials, printed materials are produced and distributed, including in the media, a call center operates; Citizens were informed about their pension rights in electronic form, including through the “Insured Person’s Cabinet”, the ratio of old-age labor pensions to the pensioner’s subsistence level doubled.

    Goal 3. Improving the demographic situation. Families with children will receive state support

    Activities are necessary to achieve the goal:

    1. Protection of citizens from fraud when using maternity capital funds;

    2. Making decisions on additional measures to support families with the birth of children from 2017;

    3. Families with the birth of a third and subsequent children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with an unfavorable demographic situation should receive a monthly payment in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum until the child reaches the age of three;

    4. Citizens who are not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability due to motherhood receive state benefits in connection with the birth and upbringing of children;

    5. Approval of the Concept of the state family policy;

    6. Women who are on leave to care for a child until the child reaches the age of three should have the opportunity to undergo vocational training and retraining free of charge;

    To date, the incentive system for second and subsequent births has been improved, decisions have been made on additional measures to support families with the birth of children since 2017, the number of women undergoing free retraining has tripled.

    Goal 4. Approaching the person of social protection, social support will become targeted


    1. Provision of social services taking into account individual real estate;

    2. Creation of a regulatory and legal mechanism and the adoption of legal acts establishing uniform approaches to organizing the availability of the provision of social services;

    3. Approval of an approximate list of social services by types of social services;

    4. Establishing the procedure for calculating the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge;

    5. Establishment of per capita norms for financing social services;

    6. Establishment of a mechanism of public control in the field of social services;

    7. Determining the procedure for obtaining social services in various types of social service institutions;

    8. Make information about organizations providing social services for citizens;

    9. Giving citizens the right to choose an organization to receive social services;

    10. Providing benefits and preferences to non-governmental organizations;

    11. Simplification of the procedure for establishing disability;

    12. Creation of conditions for increasing labor productivity, creating and modernizing high-performance jobs.

    To date, almost all areas aimed at achieving this goal have been implemented, in addition, the availability of social, transport, engineering infrastructure for the disabled has increased to 45%.

    Goal 5. Public civil service - open and professional

    Measures necessary to achieve the goal:

    Security feedback with the society on resolving issues of the social and labor sphere on the basis of the standard of openness of the activity of the Ministry of Labor of Russia;

    Providing expert groups and representatives of professional communities with the opportunity to publicly discuss the implementation of the activity plan of the Ministry of Labor of Russia;

    Providing citizens with objective information on the issues of combating corruption in government bodies and other state organizations;

    Providing participation of representatives of civil society to participate in competitions for the selection and certification of civil servants;

    Obtaining access by citizens to a single database of vacancies for the state civil service on the Internet and the choice of employment options for the state civil service;

    Creation of a single mechanism effective management personnel government agencies;

    Carrying out approbation in the pilot mode of a single information system personnel management of the state civil service;

    Providing guarantees for an objective and transparent procedure for selecting candidates for the civil service;

    Inclusion of eligible citizens qualification requirements to government civil servants;

    Carrying out mandatory tests and professional adaptation when entering the service;

    Increasing the legal protection of persons;

    Compliance by public civil servants with the standard of openness;

    Ensuring access to public services on the principle of "one window";

    Ensuring the possibility of obtaining all services in electronic form;

    Providing opportunities for citizens to influence the quality of public services.

    The following was achieved: citizens participate in the decision-making process, civil servants undergo a mandatory rotation procedure, an objective and transparent selection of candidates for civil service has been introduced, all legislative initiatives are subject to expert discussion, 80% of citizens trust civil servants, citizens receive 100% of public services in the social and labor sphere principle of "one window", 70% - in electronic form.