Scenario for a festive event for Labor Day. Information and announcements

Scenario for extracurricular activities Glory to Labor!

Target: increasing the prestige of blue-collar professions, motivating students to master blue-collar professions


A person is born twice.

The first time it is born

The second is when he starts working.

By its very essence, work is intended

Give people joy and satisfaction.

We forgot about the moral side

Labor education, because work is


In the world of diverse words,
What shines, burns and burns, -
Gold, steel, diamond, -
There is no more sacred word: “labor”!
Troglodyte became human
On that cherished day when
He led the opener to the clearings,
Beginning the circle of labor.
Everything we drink with a full cup,
In the past, created by labor:
All the contentment of our life,
Everything that makes every home beautiful.
The new lamp is a victorious light,
Running engines, trains,
Monoplane years without a trace, -
Everything is a legacy of labor!
All arts, knowledge, books -
Embodied works!
In every step, in every moment
Their traces are clearly visible.
And the right to a place in life
Only to those whose days are in labor:
Glory to the workers only,
Only for them - a wreath for centuries!
But when the dawn laughs,
Having met a late star, -
What kind of joy flows into the soul
Everyone who cheerfully got up to work!
And, having finished the day, tired,
Everyone is generously rewarded
If the work, even modest, small,
Was successfully completed!


Many boys and girls just live

With a thought about the easy way enrichment.

There are groups of people lounging around on the streets everywhere.

Young people with cigarettes in their teeth,

bottles of beer in their hands and swear words

words on lips.

And how do these over-aged children get fed?

their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers.

Young people “take everything from life.”

Although they have no idea what real life is.

But they already know what boredom is.

“Work,” said Voltaire, “delivers us

from three great evils: boredom, vice, need.”

"By doing nothing, people learn to do bad things"

“Idleness is the mother of all vices” - these are classic aphorisms.


My years are getting older

I'll be 17.

Who should I work with then?

What should I do?

I would become a boss.

Let them teach me.

I come to work

Then I immediately felt bad -

Meetings, conferences, mountains of documentation,

Solid presentations.

The manicure is completely ruined

I’m silent about the perm,

That the day is completely ruined,

I'll tell you now.

My head hurts and my legs ache,

I'm not used to work

I want to command,

And here I walk all day, silent.

You have to remember everything like in school,

You need to know everything like in school,

I don't want this kind of work

I'll think again.


One mentor told his student:

“You are used to looking at work as a punishment.

So you can turn your whole life into hard labor.

Train yourself to look at the matter, treat the matter with

with pleasure, peer into it, master it,

and it will thank you and give meaning to life!”

During the construction of Chartres Cathedral in France

Three different workers were asked the same question:

"What are you doing here?"

One replied: “I’m carrying stones, damn them!”

The second replied: “I earn money for my family.”

And a third said: “I’m building Chartres Cathedral!”

It is the attitude towards work, not professional

skills or innate abilities are

the most reliable indicator of personality integrity

a person, his life activity.


There are enough professions for everyone these days.

Who to be?


What are you doing?!

We taught!!!

The cook makes cutlets

A pilot flies airplanes!!!


Various professions
There are a lot on earth
And after our hearts
Only one and forever.
And apparently, it’s destined to be so,
What's better is not
How to do everything
So that trouble does not come to people.

Day and night
We perform our service,
So that there is order on the roads


Big beautiful new house
It grows in our quarter.
How many turrets are there on it?
And how it is all decorated!
So that this house can be built
Architect worked:
I first composed it in my mind
Ten two projects.


There's a strange sky above our house
And someone else's sunset is looking through the windows.
I haven’t been to Moscow for two years now,
This is the service: I am a diplomat.
Everything is different here, everything is different,
Strangers, who is friend, who is enemy.
Let everyone see above our house
As a symbol of peace, the Russian flag.
And someone else's sunset is looking through the windows...
I'm a diplomat.
I'm a diplomat.


I'll tell you guys

Farmer - who is he?

He grows tomatoes for us.

He's busy working every day!

The birds sing loudly,

The leaves of the birch trees rustle,

The farmer sows rye, wheat,

And buckwheat and oats.

He grows in a wide field

Many different vegetables -

From cabbage to beans

For salads and borscht.

Fertilizes and plants -

After all, the earth loves sweat!

Farmer supplies greens

We are with you all year round.

Vanya Alexandrov:

Work is hell, day and night,
Like on fire.
There is no war today
And we are like at war.
And nerves clenched into a fist,
And every day is a fight,
But we can’t find something to our liking
The profession is different.
There is only one law -
We stand for honor and truth.
From criminal cases
Protect Russia.
And from sleepless nights
A veil covers the eye,
Whiskey not at all for his years
Gray hair covered.


Seller, well done!

He sells goods -

Milk, sour cream, honey.

And the other - carrots, tomatoes,

He has a rich choice!

The third sells boots,

Shoes and sandals.

And the fourth is a table and a wardrobe,

Chairs, hat hangers.

Sellers know the goods

They don't waste time.

Everything we ask for will be sold.

This is their usual work!

Vanya Petelin:

To the rocket soldier
Any garrison
Special care
Fits on shoulder straps:
The heart is always on edge,
Knocks, unaware of sleepiness,
High Availability
Familiar to the smallest detail.
The planet is spinning
In outer space.
Sail to all latitudes
Ruby dawns.
Our rocket scientist sees everything,
The soldier is responsible for everything.
And therefore above us
The sun is shining calmly.


A doctor? Not aesthetic...

An accountant? Not romantic...

Art critic? Not practical...

Housewife? Not decent...

Surveyor? It's a bit difficult...

An economist? A bit boring...

A parachutist? Scary...

Retired? It's a bit early...

One dream: to have a diploma...

At least for questionnaires,

At least for aplomb.


The joy of work is incomparable to any other joy.

The joy of work is the beauty of life.

Knowing it, a person experiences a sense of his own

dignity, pride because I was able to create something with my own hands.


You yourself, just answer honestly:
Who is the most useful and important in the world?

Vanya Alexandrov:

A mason builds houses
The dress is the work of a tailor,
But it's a tailor's job
Nowhere without warm shelter!
The mason would be naked
If only skillful hands
Didn't make it in time
An apron, and a jacket, and trousers.
Baker to shoemaker on time
He instructs me to sew the boots.
Well, a shoemaker without bread
Will he sew and sharpen a lot?
So it turns out this way:
Everything we do is necessary.
So let's work
Honest, diligent and friendly.


I decided!

I will... I will be a fashion designer!!!


What will you model?


I will combine blue... with red!

Or red and blue!


Young people today seem to have no idea about this.

The words “worker”, “labor”, “toiler”

completely disappeared from the lexicon.

They do not sound in the media either.

But from TV screens they insistently repeat:

"Take everything from life!"

And if, for example, you are thirsty in the heat,

shout about it to the whole wide world, break the glass...

Young people use the words “grandmothers”, “bucks”,

TV games offer "win a million"

hit the big jackpot, grab a piece of the tasty pie.

An inactive life is dangerous because it serves as an environment

For a variety of vices. A.P. Chekhov said:

“An idle life cannot be pure.”

Katya Mironova
Scenario for the Labor Day holiday


Form ideas about kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, driver, teacher, about the work processes performed by each of them; develop children’s cognitive interest in the work of adults in kindergarten, develop logical thinking, promote the development of imagination, visual attention, memory. Give children an idea of ​​the work of a teacher. The teacher must love and understand the child

To consolidate ideas about the work of a nurse: measures temperature, gives medicine, rubs abrasions, measures height, weight.

Clarify the idea of ​​​​the work of a cook: prepares food. Knows many recipes for cooking. Prepares delicious, healthy food.

Form ideas about the profession of a driver: driving a car. The driver must know the rules well traffic.

Cultivate respect for kindergarten employees and a respectful attitude towards their work. Using the example of adult work to cultivate mutual assistance, humane feelings, and respect for each other.

Preliminary work: indoor excursions to the kitchen and to the nurse, viewing illustrations about professions and the results of the work of people in different professions, learning poems, songs about professions, didactic and role-playing games on the topic, design of the exhibition “All works are good - choose according to your taste!”

Equipment: PC, clip, karaoke, screen, presentation “Getting to know the work of adults”, educational games, attributes: chest machines, steering wheels, medical cases.

Vocabulary work: email, medical case, windshield wipers

Methodical techniques: observing the work of adults, conversations, reading poetry, using presentations, games,

Children enter a festively decorated hall accompanied by cheerful music.

Host: We have guests today. These are teachers from other kindergartens.

Children: Hello.

(sit down)

Presenter: Teachers and other people from other professions also work in our kindergarten. They try to make you feel good, happy, safe and comfortable here.

There are many noble professions,

Both useful and pleasant.

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder...

I’m not naming everyone right away,

I suggest you continue.

Children: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Host: Guys, we received an email from the postman Pechkin. He asks you to name the professions he sent you.

D/I “Name your profession”

(children are shown a slide, they name their profession)

Host: You really know the names of professions. Let's see what's next in the letter.

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And how does he tell you to be treated?

Whoever is sick, he will offer to take drops

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Host: What is the name of our nurse? And here she comes to visit us herself.

Nurse: I wear a white robe, doing important work.

If the kids have a cold, I always give them pills.

I put thermometers on them, help all the sick,

And in severe cases I even give injections.

Be patient here, don’t cry, all diseases are treated by a doctor!

Host: When the head is hot, we quickly call a doctor.

My tummy hurts before bed – we’ll call the doctor again.

Let the thunder roar and the rain fall,

The doctor will definitely come!

The doctor is our good, faithful friend,

He will cure any ailment.

Reb: Protects our health


She looks at the necks

Gives vaccinations

Measures temperature

Gives us vitamins

So that you are strong and healthy

We quickly went to school.

Presenter: When a doctor goes on a call to see a patient, he takes with him a medical suitcase in which many useful and necessary things are stored. Do you guys know what a doctor needs to work?

Nurse: I ran to work and lost my tools

Who will help me, put down the tools?

Game “Assemble a medical suitcase”

(There are different objects on the tables. Children choose only those that the doctor needs.) The nurse checks that the task is completed correctly.

All roads are familiar to me,

I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.

The traffic light is flashing for me

He knows that I am...

Presenter: A driver also works in our kindergarten; he brings us food. What's his name? Listen to what else the driver does.

Reb: Drivers

Happy tires rustle along the roads,

Cars and cars are rushing along the roads...

And in the back - important, urgent cargo:

Cement and iron, raisins and watermelons.

The work of drivers is difficult and complex,

But how people everywhere need it.

Song: “Machine” karaoke (wear badges and take steering wheels)

Game: “We are drivers” (all children wear badges)

“We’re going, we’re going by car,

We press the pedal,

We turn on the gas, turn it off,

We look intently into the distance.

The wipers will clean the windows,

Left, right. Purity!

The wind will ruffle your hair,

We are drivers anywhere!”

Host: The work of a driver is very interesting, difficult, and dangerous. To avoid an accident on the road, the driver must be very careful. And the driver, of course, must know the rules of the road and follow them. Do you know them? Let's check.

P/i “Attentive Driver” (song “Traffic Light”)

Children with breastplates turn into drivers. The presenter shows cards of the color of the traffic light. Children act according to the color shown

He walks around in a white cap with a ladle in his hand.

He prepares us lunch: porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

Host: Name the chef and tell us what the chef cooks?

Reb: Kindergarten cook

A star sparkles in the sky,

Mustachioed cat sleeping in a ball

Only the cook can’t sleep -

The cook gets up after dark.

The porridge gurgles lightly,

And the omelette is already sizzling,

And to the delicious noise and hubbub

The group includes appetite.

Host: The cook handed over the games. Do you want to play them?

Game: “The chef is preparing dinner”

We were walking on the street.

Worked up an appetite.

The chefs cook delicious food

You will be healthy and well fed.

Game: “What kind of porridge?”

The squad is waiting for employees,

Children in kindergarten

Who replaces the mothers in it?

How many of you kids know?


Host: This is very creative, interesting and exciting work. A teacher must be able and know a lot so that you grow up as cheerful, smart, kind children. Reads a poem.

I love my kindergarten

It's full - full of guys.

One two three four five…

Maybe a hundred of them. Maybe two hundred.

It's good when we are together!

What can you say about the teaching profession?

Reb: Who will feed you porridge from a spoon,

Who reads us a fairy tale?

Who will put on our boots?

Who knows poems and songs?

Who will reconcile, who will tell

Who is the girlfriend and buddy,

Who will show us tricks?

Well, of course a teacher!

Reb: Who is called the teacher?

It's very difficult to tell.

Child teacher

It's like a second mother.

Who will understand the child better?

Who will give mommy advice?

Host: Guys, you like our kindergarten. Sing a song about him.

Song: "Kindergarten"

Host: What else do you do in kindergarten?

Dance: "Polka"

Host: There are many different professions on earth, each profession is necessary and important in its own way. But it doesn’t matter what profession people have. The main thing is that people do it conscientiously, efficiently, are kind, honest, hardworking and love the work they do. It’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.”

Reb: For everything that was created for us,

We are grateful to the people

The time will come, the hour will come,

And we will work

Host: You guys still don’t know how to write

You may not have enough knowledge, but you know how to dream

What do you children want to become?

Answer us quickly!

Reb: I want to be a driver.

Carry different loads.

Reb: I want to become a great doctor.

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Reb: I’ll be a cook in the dining room

That's what I decided now.

Reb: Well, me, friends! Affectionate, attentive

And I will always become a responsive teacher.

“What to become?” (clip) Children dance and go out.

Russian Federation

Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region

state budget educational institution Saratov region

"School for students using adapted educational programs No. 1 Saratov"

Extracurricular activity


Prepared and carried out

labor education teacher:

Paksyanova E. K.

G. Saratov

Goal: To develop interest in the subject being studied.


1. Expand and systematize students’ knowledge about professions.

2. Develop an understanding that the knowledge gained in labor training lessons contributes to the acquisition of life skills.

3. Instill interest in blue-collar professions and work.


"Labor Holiday"

A musical theme plays.


Hello, dear guys!

Today our holiday is dedicated to work. Labor was, is and will be

the basis of life on earth. Every person, young and old, should

work, because you cannot live without work.

Labor is our most faithful friend,

He feeds everyone around him.

He brings us happiness

Gives glory - for business.

We must remember from an early age -

Without work there is no life.

And always keep it in your soul

The smell, taste and color of labor.

Who will you become later?

But making friends is always difficult.


Work takes up a large part of life, and a person who has chosen the right profession can consider himself happy.

Every profession requires from a person special training, knowledge and skills.

To get a profession, you first need to learn it.

Today we will talk about the professions that you are taught at school.

Literary montage about professions - read by students.

(photo presentation)

White sawdust is flying,

They fly from under the saw.

This is what a carpenter does

Frames and floors.

With an axe, a plane

Planes the planks.

I made the window sills without a hitch.

A hammer is needed for work,

And the carpenter is friendly with the saw

He sawed the boards

And he made a birdhouse.

They say in girls

Hands are not simple.

They say in girls

Hands are golden.

Sew on buttons

Sew on the buckles.

Learn to sew aprons

Dresses and shirts.

We need to sew and embroider -

To be able to do everything and have time.

I sew for my mother and sister

Aprons and mittens.

Now I'm an adult

I always sew and I sew everywhere.


I mend shoes and sew boots.

I'm sewing sandals for the summer,

I put light horseshoes on my new clothes.

If you know me,

You don't walk barefoot.

Have you heard

Have you heard

How I make sandals.

I sew boots with fur

With durable leather on top.

I will sew the boots with harsh thread

The door is open, please -

You'll be with an update!


To become good specialist, a person must know a lot and be able to do a lot. And there is one more important condition: he must love his job. Remember what he says folk proverb: “Mastery is given to those who devote themselves entirely to the work.” There are 20 students in our school who have earned the title “Best in the Profession.”

We call their names: (awarding students with certificates)

Best by profession




Our school has a wonderful tradition of holding competitions on Labor Day, the motto of which is: “Ability, skill, mastery.”


Today two teams are participating in the competition: the “Pro” team and the “ Business people».

Captain of the "Pro" team -_______________________

Captain of the “Business People” team -___________________________

So, let's start the competition. Our first competition will help teams get into a business mindset.

Competition “Wear an apron”(musical accompaniment)

(Each team member puts on his own apron. The team that dresses faster and more neatly wins).


You have been studying your profession for several years now, you have learned a lot and learned a lot. The next competition, “Professional,” will help evaluate your skills.

Competition "Professional"

(musical accompaniment), (presentation-photo)

The girls cut out 2 potholders and pin them with three pins, inside out;

Shoemakers cut insoles;

Carpenters cut the bars to specified dimensions.


There are so many wonderful proverbs and sayings about working people and work. Now together with you we will remember some of them. (Presentation - proverbs)

Labor is the basis of life.

People honor those who love work.

The master's work is afraid.

(viewers guess the continuation of the proverbs).

And now we invite teams to participate in the competition. You need to make a proverb out of words.

Competition “Make a proverb”(musical accompaniment)

The whole team participates in the competition.

(The captain reads the proverb).


We all wear clothes. Sometimes clothes get torn. Or it happens that a button comes off. What is needed to repair clothes? (needle and thread).

We invite teams to participate in the next competition.

"Relay competition"(musical accompaniment)

(team members take turns cutting the thread, threading it into a needle, tying a knot, and sticking it into a pillow).


For your work to be successful, your hands must be dexterous and skillful. We suggest checking who has the most dexterous hands.

Each of you has pieces of cord. It is necessary to connect all parts of the cord into one whole.

Competition "Dexterous Hands"


Final (comic) competition for team captains.

Competition "Blow up the Balloon"

(Team captains participate)

(Musical accompaniment)


Guys, our holiday is coming to an end. While the jury is summing up the results, we would like to say thank you to everyone who took part in the festival and helped in its preparation.

Presentation of prizes, awarding of teams.

Scenario plan

celebration of Labor Day

Ruzsky municipal district

Date, time: Venue:

11.20-11.55. Gathering of holiday participants. View of the photo exhibition.

12.00. Prologue.

Performance by the children's and youth studio "Voskhozhdeniye"

(musical and poetic composition “The years are passing by me...”)

Presenter: “Good afternoon, dear friends, participants and guests of our holiday! We are glad to welcome you to the Labor Day in the Ruza municipal district!” Holidays are different - national and international, state and religious. Some fade into history, others appear and turn into tradition. “Labor Day” has taken pride of place among other holidays and, according to established tradition, has been held in the Moscow region for the 8th year already!

(The Anthem of the Russian Federation plays)

Presenter: “Address from the Governor of the Moscow Region B.V. Gromov and Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma V.E. Aksakov to residents of the Moscow region in connection with Labor Day."

Presenter: On the stage of ODANT “Ruzhanochka”

(dance composition “Varenka”, choreographer Lyubov Mishina).

Presenter: ... There is nothing dearer or more beautiful to us than our little Motherland

You are our pride and joy,

My dear Ruza region to my heart!

Glory to your beauty, glory to your purity,

deeds, people, kindness - Ruza region prosper!

Presenter: Head of the Ruza Municipal District - Oleg Aleksandrovich Yakunin

(Presentation of Awards of the Head of the Ruza Municipal District)

Presenter: Vladislav Kudenko (student of the Ruza Children's Music School, class of teacher V.G. Vinnichenko) “Dance” is playing for you.

Presenter: The holiday helps unite working people, develop cooperation and promote blue-collar professions. He entered the life of our city and region as a symbol of selfless and honest work.

The results of the regional and district competitions dedicated to Labor Day have been summed up. Awards are presented to the winners by the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Ruza Municipal Vladimir district Grigorievich Dobroskochenko

Presenter: On stage there is an ensemble of spoon players - “Smolensk Gander”.

(supervisor Svetlana Petrovna Bernhard-Nemyskaya)

Presenter: Labor Day has become the traditional finale of the labor achievements of the best representatives of work collectives, and resolving issues of ensuring worker safety is the primary task of trade unions in the Moscow region. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Association of Trade Union Organizations – Valentina Mikhailovna Akimova.

(Presentation of Diplomas to the winners of regional competitions)

Presenter: Olga Arutyunova gives you her performance (Romance “”)

Presenter: Our workers deserve high words of gratitude for their invaluable contribution to the development and prosperity of their native land.

The chairman of the district congratulates you trade union organization employees of government institutions and public services of the Ruza region

Natalya Stepanovna Kalinina.

(Award presentation).

Presenter: The folk ensemble “Sudarushka” is on stage -

(headed by Antonina Emelyanova).

Presenter: The students of the children’s choreographic school “Ruzhanochka” are giving you their performance - the dance composition “Let’s Take a Walk” (teacher Elena Zartdinova).

Presenter: Perhaps this April day will go down in the history of the city and will resonate with every resident, because it names its heroes and glorifies their names!

The song “Native Land” is performed by Sergei Bernov (all concert participants appear on stage).

Ainash Nurmukhambetova
Scenario for the holiday “Man is Glorious for Labor!”, dedicated to Labor Day

Event, dedicated to Labor Day celebration in Alimbetovskaya secondary school - kindergarten

« Man is famous for his work

Hall festively decorated music sounds on stage performer Song“But will the heart forget...”

The sun is capricious over the sports arena.

And not everyone will have luck

You accompany your pets to battle,

We will never be able to forget this look.


Will the heart ever forget?

The one who wants good for us,

The one who brings us out into the public,

Who makes us a master?

In this hall you did not read morals to us,

We just found a place in your heart for all of us.

Sometimes we just read in your eyes

And a smile, and anger, and hopeless tears

Having given everything to the end, hard day after working,

You began to dream about tomorrow.

You are the designer of victories, the Queen of our ups.

We believe in you, and that means we must win!

We will leave, champions and just athletes

You and others will have to start from scratch.

You know the price of talent and courage.

Let others learn to understand you.

On stage presenters

1 ved: Teacher's Heart... Well, what to compare it with?

With a cosmic Galaxy that has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?

With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?

No, we won't compare! Let's say We: “Knock!

Teacher’s Heart – HOPE, BELIEVE, LOVE!”

2 zhrgizushi:

Slemetsizder me, rmetti onatar! Bgin without elimizde alash ret toylanyp opened "Ebek meiramyna" jinaldy. Mektebimizdi e keremet izmetkerlerinen rmet, sy syyapatymyzdy, shapalaymyzdy ayamay!

1 ved: We want to congratulate all those present on Labor Day and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. Today to you, our dear, our loved ones, all the flowers, all the good wishes.

2 zhrgizushi:

Alashi ttytau szderi aul kimi ___ beriledi.

(congratulations from Akim)

Kelesi ttytau sz kesegi mektep directors ___beriledi.

(Congratulations from the school principal)

1 ved: Teacher! What a close and dear word! Forgets a lot Human, much is erased from his memory. Years pass, memories of childhood and youth fade, but the memory of your favorite teachers is timeless.

2 zhrgizushi: stasis. andai asietti sz! r adamny zregіne erekshe zhyluly nryn setetin, ayauly tla beynesimen zektes ym. anshama mamandyty arasynan "Malim" erekshe oryn alada. “stasis aty biik, ri mgilik”

1 ved: And not on Earth person who would not remember with a kind word his teacher, who gave him a ticket to a great life.

Galina Pavlovna Morozova is a teacher with a capital T, worthy of being an example to be followed by many, many, who has invested a lot of effort, patience, and talent in children. She is an excellent student of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. And today, we all - students, graduates, parents, teachers, are proud and rejoice for all her victories, for the fruits of her great labor. We wish you good health and all the best. We are giving you a song as a gift.

2 zhrgizushi: From here Gorshkov Danila “If you go on a journey with a friend”


Let in this hall, at this hour

The lights are burning brighter

And again we congratulate you, our teachers

Natalia Nikolaevna Yakaeva, a teacher of Russian language and literature, dedicated more than 40 years to the school. Back in elementary school, she fell in love with her first teacher Moro V.K., whom we also remember today. And, probably, then little Natasha also decided to become a teacher.

Today, dear Natalia Nikolaevna, we we dedicate the dance to you.

(Kazakh dance) 6a


stasis szin aytyp zhrdik n ylyp,

Odan basa zhrgen kim bar zhandy yp

staz degen lylardy bald,

Asietine bass eeik milik!

1 ved: We don’t always notice how much worries we have

And patient teacher gives labor.

With a barely noticeable head on a dark brown strand

She stands in front of you, stacking her notebooks.

And you love her as much as he does, and let’s face it

She is your second mother, and who is more valuable than your mother?

2 ved: "Ekinshi ana" balalar zderіni alashi malіmderin dl ossa szben stastyrada. Ayapova Azhar ablayyzy zhrekke zhylu berip, belim nrimen talay balany susyndat-

Anyyiz shin zor alysymyzdy bildirip, aldyyzda bass emiz!

Endi, s skirtteriizdi atynan tamasha ledi abyl alyyz!

(song 4 b)

1 ved:

The teachers were different

IN human hostel,

But our land rested on them,

Our discoveries...

They didn't expect us to

Indispensable fame

But they preferred the known reserve

Decency and honesty.

Many winced from the chatter,

Empty glibness

They taught by personal example

Elementary durability...

They had a strong mental backbone,

They respected their calling.

Some are honored, others

So without a title.

With what warmth the children remember the very intelligent and kind lessons of Maria Ivanovna Novoselskaya. Always tactful and inviting. Thank you! Accept a poem from Karina Taibagarova as a gift "My grandmother is walking".

(poem by Karina)

2-zhergizushi: “stazdy etken zhalypas, yeretuden balaa” dep Abay atamyz aitandai,

stasis ebegini yr-syry they say, iyn yes zhauapty shyarmashyly ebek ekendigin barshamyz moyyndaimyz! Zhne sizderge alys aitudan esh zhalypaymyz!

1 ved: Many will agree with me that “There are no uninteresting people in the world”. Every man = this is a great mystery. So person is Zhamburshinova Aiman ​​Sabirzhanovna. She knew how to captivate children not only with her subject of mathematics, but also with extracurricular activities, her beautiful clear voice and lively dances. Let me express our gratitude to you. Daria Abdrakhmanova will now speak to you and read a poem that she wrote herself and dedicated it to you, dear teachers.

(Poem Daria)

1 ved: Kaldybaeva Sholpan Kudaiberdievna worked for many years as the head of a boarding school.

She also became a second mother for many children, and for some she even replaced their real one. The guys, and even her work colleagues, still affectionately call her Aunt Shura. Please accept wishes for bright days, joy and a musical gift, thank you for your work!

(Musical gift dance 2b)

1 ved: Teaching is not work, and renunciation

The ability to give your all

Leave for a long feat and torment

And see light and grace in this!

2 zhrgizushi:

s isine berylgen zhaalyty zhatsynbay abyldaityn, sqirtіnі zhanyna nr yyp, mirge zi baytty bolyp, zgelerdi de bayta zhetkіzem dep zhrgen stazdardy biri Sarkulov aziza Anarbekyzy. aziza apai mirin yry zhylyn sikti mektebimizge arnada. We are alys sіzge!


1 ved: If only there were wings like these birds,

And easily rise to the skies.

But how many good songs have not been sung!

You missed your childhood destiny

Through myself, experiencing torment,

Mobilizing myself to fight,

Stained with chalk laboring hands...

How many roads have you traveled?

How many invisible barriers were taken!

And how many tears were shed... God knows,

Plus...minimum wage.

You, like a hero, are not afraid of comparison,

Don't stop your path on the road...

I bow to you today,

Only Gods can do this!


2 ved:staz degen laatty shayyry,

Adirin tietyn aiyr

staz degen shuay mol shapaat,

Sharshamaytyn, shaldypaytyn tyiri – dey kele, bilim kshin zhylzhytyp kele zhatan stazdar auymyna, sony ishinde mektepke otzyz bes zhylyn arnaan stazdar: Myltybaeva Roza Aitekenovnaa, Zhamburshinov Sandybay Kubaevichke, Murzalina Saule Ermkhambetovna zor alysymyzdy bildiremiz!

(Musical number Omyrzak O. Dombra "Adai")

2 zhrgizushi: Shkirtterine asa meyirimdi, sine berik, shynshyl minezdi, zregi batyr, negesi asyl, zhany zhomart, peyili daran, eren ebekshil, baylamy berik, oyy tk ir stazdar auymy, atap aitanda bylytyry zhildy orytyndysy boyynsha e keremet sonyp zhetekshileri: Kkeeva Zhmagl Seitbekovna , Taibagarova Alma Mutigulliovna, Klyants Olbasyn Akhmetzhanovna,

Medetova Ainagl Akimbaevnava, Zhangeldinova Alua Sabyrzhanovnaa zor alysymyzdy bildiremiz!

1 ved: Our teachers are selfless people. It seems that they are constantly at school, when you come to school in the morning, the teachers are already there, when you leave school, they are still there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they manage to educate them?

And here’s how... Karina Taibagarova will demonstrate this to us.

(Sketch by Taibagarov K)

Leading: The first day.

(The teacher answers the phone.)

teacher (into the phone). Hello, son, it's me, mom. I'm calling from school. I'll be a little late, we have a pedagogical council. So you and dad are somehow on your own, without me. Yes, have you learned your lessons? What did you ask? Sticks? Well done! And more ovals? Well, draw some nice ovals, oval ones. I am kissing you, bye! (Leaves.)

Leading: Second day.

teacher (into the phone). Hello, it's me, son. I'll be a little late at school; today the tenth graders have a disco. Have you eaten? How is there nothing? What about pasta? Run out? Well, then eat some porridge. Did you eat it yesterday? Then tell dad to look for crackers on the shelf. Boiling water will soak them. Kiss you. (Leaves.)

Leading: Day three.

teacher (into the phone). Hello, son, it's me, mom. Today I will be a little late - I have Parent meeting, tell dad. Does he watch TV? How's Maria doing? Have you broken up with Victor yet? And Yvon? Is she still pursuing Luis Alberte? What? Oh yeah, she's stalking Jose Ignacio. Well, okay, watch it, then tell me everything. Bye! (Leaves.)

Leading: Day four.

teacher (goes to the phone, dials the number). Hello, it's me, son, your mother. I'm calling from school. Have you already done your homework? Are you teaching biology? What theme? Hymenoptera? Do you need to give examples? Yes, Lord, these, what's their name, pterodactyls! Already extinct? Poor. Just ask your dad - he knows everything. Bye then! (Leaves.)

Leading: Day. eleventh.

teacher: Hello, son! So, how are you? Have you learned your lessons? Why didn't they ask? Don't they ask at all? How come? What? Session on the nose? So are you already at the institute? Which one, son?

Leading: This year.

Teacher. Son, how are you doing? Not son? Then who? Oh, grandson! Oh, grandson, forgive your grandmother, I’m completely overwhelmed at school, there’s so much to do, so much to do, and time flies. Did you do your homework? What did you ask? Sticks? OK then! And the oval ones? Well, try to draw good ovals - oval.

1 ved: You are the second mothers for the kids!

Let them be capricious or sometimes stubborn

Your charges are...

Your kindness is enough for everyone!

Wipe their noses tenderly,

Sing a funny song,

Tell me a fairy tale. Look,

And your baby is already laughing!

It's heavy sometimes the work is difficult,

Your motto: "Good. Love. Care."

Preschool education is an integral part of education. In kindergarten, children join a team for the first time. How will he be able to adapt there, make friends with the guys, get used to being left without mom and dad for the whole day? This is where teachers and nannies come to the rescue. Many thanks from the parents of kindergarten students ___ Suengarieva Umsundyk Sabirzhanovna. Your wards have come to congratulate you.

(musical number from kindergarten)

1 ved:

Educational the work is very difficult and important

The teacher must be strong and important

And like a trainer in an iron cage

Comes to where our children are sitting

Don't put your finger in the kids' mouths today

They'll sit on that one's head and look

They make noise and fight, the authorities don’t know

But the teacher comes in and everyone falls silent

He will look and calm you down with one glance

Well, how can we not say that you are just heroes?

And your children work, this is your creation

And the main gift from them is congratulations.

Next musical number dedicated to workers of the boarding school Zhangeldinova K.K. and Baygunosova A.A.

(Musical number 2a – 4a)

1 ved:

Everyday life at school is not always smooth and cloudless. The work of a psychologist, social teacher, medical worker school may not always be noticeable, but it is certainly very important and restless.

(Musical number 8 b)

1 ved: Any labor is in vain, if there is no result. Human must be focused on success. The success of our students depends on the investment in them teacher labor. The price of this labor– high scores at UNT. The pride of the past year was the students who were admitted on a grant. Uksukbaeva Gulnaz, Almagambetova Kamila - these girls are also the personal pride of teachers Ermolaeva Natalya Filippovna, Kenzhekhan Erbolat Kenzhekhanovich, Sarsembayeva Aziza Galymzhanovna. Thank you for the love invested in your students, for your personal example and diligence!

(musical number by Bazarbayev Sania)

1 ved: Our dear guests!

You always serve as an example for us

It's not easy to become like you

Healthy joy for many years to come

Let me sincerely wish you

It would be a blessing if it always stays like this

Let the years bring updates

We wish you joy and health

Give love to your loved ones

Song "We wish you happiness!"