Scenario for girls for 8th Miss Spring. Competitive and entertainment program “Miss Spring” dedicated to International Women’s Day (March 8)

Author: Alena Aleksandrovna Kondratyeva, additional education teacher
Place of work: MBOU "Secondary school No. 19", Kamensk-Uralsky

1. Development of the ability to perceive and evaluate the world from the point of view of harmony of perfection and beauty.
2. Development of students’ skills to actively demonstrate their abilities, ingenuity, and creativity.
3. Instilling in students universal and moral values.
This scenario can be used for a competition for girls of secondary and high school, dedicated to March 8th. The development can be used class teachers and teacher-organizer.
The event is based on the cartoon “Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen”.
Tsar _____________________________________________________________
Alesha Popovich____________________________________________________
Dobrynya __________________________________________________________
Ilya Muromets _____________________________________________________
Nastenka ______________________________________________________________
Vasilisa __________________________________________________________
Music from a fairy tale sounds and the Tsar and three heroes appear on stage.
Tsar. Oh, how boring... To come up with something like this? Should we declare war on someone?
Alesha Popovich. Come on, king - father, let's have a disco?
Ilya Muromets. What are you doing, Alyoshenka? The king needs to get married. He will finish school here soon, but still no bride.
Dobrynya. What do we need for this, Ilyusha?
Ilya Muromets. Not what, but who is needed for this! Girls are needed.
Alyosha. Why do we need these girls? They squeal, gossip, and constantly betray the elders...
Tsar. Oh, no, don’t invite people like that! I need a worthy bride.
Alyosha. And there are no other girls.
Ilya Muromets. But they do happen. Such that neither could be said in a fairy tale nor described with a pen. Vasilisa the Wise, Marya the mistress, the princesses Nesmeyan.
Dobrynya. Yes, you won’t find such people even during the day with fire.
Tsar. So. Come on, call my best assistants to me!
The heroes are together. We are already here, king - father.
Tsar. Yes, no, not you. You keep fighting and fighting, you can’t be relied upon in matters of love. (the presenters come out) Well, here they are - the delight of human eyes, and the consolation of the royal soul. Here is my royal decree. (The king hands over the scroll). To go there, I don’t know where, to find such brides and invite them to the court.
The king and the heroes leave. Music sounds - participants come out, fashion show1.
The presenters come out.
Nastenka. Well, the Tsar gave us a task.
Lyubava. Vasilisa, look how many brides of different stripes there are here. We can return to the palace; we have carried out the royal order.
Vasilisa. That's not where it all happened. How do we know which of them is wise and which is beautiful?
Nastenka. Don't forget to us advertising projects It is necessary to make one for each bride.
Lyubava. Oh, these PR campaigns of yours.
Nastenka. How will we choose a suitable bride for the king?
Lyubava. Let our husbands help us.
Vasilisa. Why are you Lyubava, I don’t trust these overseas beauties. Remember that queen of Shamkhan. What if they also put a spell on you and put you into hypnosis?
Nastenka. And then we’ll call other husbands. Let our people fight. And here they are, by the way:
Sikirko A.G. - voivode.
Kaleev A. – Russian hero.
Well, of course, they can’t do without sensible heads, otherwise they too will suddenly succumb to the hypnosis of beauty. Therefore, simple Russian girls:
Buslaeva Tatyana and Cheremukhina Alena.
Lyubava. Let's start quickly, we don't have much time. I still need to prepare dinner, wash my chain mail, polish my sword, and remove my horse.
Vasilisa. Oh, you don’t have to continue, we already understood. And so, the first task for the applicants. Let them show themselves so that others can look at them.
Competition "Business card"

Lyubava, Nastenka, Vasilisa appear on stage.
Nastenka. Apparently our tsar is famous abroad. (Everyone laughs)
Lyubava. Yes, how many foreign princesses have come in large numbers. And how talented they all are. And they sing and study.
Nastenka. Our Russian girls are not inferior in any way. If we stop a galloping horse, then we go into the burning hut with a song and dance. What am I actually telling you, see for yourself.
Lyubava. Yes, well done. But these foreign princesses are also beautiful... (dreamy)
Vasilisa. Beautiful doesn't mean smart. Although our king is not distant, he needs a wise and smart wife. So that he doesn’t look at any shaman queens again.
Nastenka. Duck, what are we waiting for, friends? Let's call the applicants here and ask them a couple of tricky questions.
The participants take the stage.
Lyubava. Well, here they are, overseas brides. Let's check them quickly. How smart they are. Ask questions quickly, Vasilisa.
Nastenka. Wait, don’t rush, Lyubava, as statistics show, the husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the brain.
Vasilisa. Now we’ll check how well our princesses’ brains work. We will ask you several questions, and you should answer them, but not just correctly, but pedagogically accurately.
Lyubava. Here's a hint - a list useful words, which you need to use in your answers.
Intellectual competition
Vasilisa. Well, let's get started.
1. Tell me, what do they teach at school?
2. Is it true that knowledge is power? Why?
3. Continue the phrase - “Under a lying stone...”
4. Do you believe that there is only one step from teacher to director? Why?
5. I don’t want to study, but I want to get married. What choice did you make?
Nastenka. Yes, we did a great job with our task, but how original the answers were will be decided by our jury.
Lyubava. Well, girlfriends, is this enough to choose a suitable bride for the king?
Vasilisa. Take your time, Lyubava, you know that our Tsar is such an inventor. It can also put you in an awkward position. Therefore, his wife should be ready for anything.
Nastenka. We need to rehearse. Now each applicant will be given a situation from which she needs to emerge with dignity. I ask the first participant to come to me.
Lyubava. Imagine that you and the king came to have dinner in the cafeteria. And in honor of March 8th, he gave you a gift. (a table is brought onto the stage, the waitress comes out, the king sits down, the participant brings a drill to her)
Nastenka. This is the situation for the second contender. You and the Tsar are invited to a dinner party in honor of March 8th, where he publicly gives you... (pump)
Vasilisa. The following situation. You came to the grocery store, left your wallet at home, and instead of it you have this item in your pocket. In an hour, guests will come to you, and you are on the other side of the city. You need to pay with what you have. (roulette)
Nastenka. You are going on vacation to your parents abroad. Arriving at the airport, you discover that there is nothing except this item in your suitcase. The king even forgot to take tickets. And the plane is in 20 minutes. Your actions. (hammer)
Lyubava. And the last situation. During the disco, the king stops the music, goes up on stage and publicly gives you... (a car wheel)
Vasilisa. The contenders came out of our situations with dignity. I think it's time to give them a break. (participants go backstage)
Lyubava. Oh, how I love all kinds of holidays. Dancing, songs, various games, and I especially love gifts.
Vasilisa. Indeed, gifts. What are we going to give to the king for his wedding?
Nastenka. In one modern magazine It is written that the best gift is the one made with your own hands.
Vasilisa. Exactly. And we will make a gift with our own hands, not with our own, but with our guests. Tell me, what other necessary wedding attributes, besides a gift? (witnesses, glasses, rings, those who gave the correct answer are invited to the stage - 6 people in total).
Nastenka. Our gift will be a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, made by hand. Here's the whole thing for you required material. (take out Balloons). In one minute you need to make a beautiful and original bouquet. Time has passed.
Lyubava. Oh, I love daisies so much. You look at them and remember summer.
Nastenka. Do you know that a rose is a symbol of beauty and love?
Vasilisa. And red chrysanthemums, tulips and carnations also mean love.
Nastenka. Come on, girls, it doesn’t matter what flowers the bouquet was given to you, as long as it’s from the heart.
Vasilisa. What's true is true. And I see our bouquets are almost ready.
Lyubava. And the first couple to complete this task... (asks the names of the participants)
Nastenka. Well, for those who later made the bouquet, we give this source material - practice. (gift - balls). And for you – the most spring gifts in honor of March 8th. (tulips)
Vasilisa. And according to the rules, every bride must have a dowry. In our case, these are all the talents that our applicants possess. Now we will look at them.
Lyubava. First contender ________________________________________
Nastenka. Second contender_______________________________________________
Vasilisa. Third contender_______________________________________________
Lyubava. Fourth Contender _____________________________________
Nastenka. Fifth Contender _____________________________________________
Vasilisa. Somehow we completely forgot about time. We must return to the king. Therefore, now we are giving the jury the opportunity to sum up the results while the overseas queens show themselves once again.
Fashion show.
Nastenka. Before we announce the result, I would like to invite the director of the royal school, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Ryazantseva, to join us.
Word from S.A. Ryazantseva.
Lyubava. Our dear jury, hurry up to us to make your verdict.
The jury's word. Announcement of the winner.
Vasilisa. Well, you and I have chosen a bride suitable for the king.
The king and the heroes come out.
Tsar. Well, why are you girls taking so long? I was already tired of waiting and decided to come myself.
Lyubava. Here is the king - father, accept your overseas bride.
Vasilisa. She is both wise and beautiful to you. I coped with all the tests.
Tsar. Glad I am. Thank you (addresses the audience and jury), and you, masters of love affairs. And you, dear guests, I invite you to my feast.
Final song.

Purpose: congratulations to the employees of the boarding school on International Women's Day.

Formation of adequate self-esteem of the personality of pupils;

Strengthening the skills of reciting poems, coordinating speech and movements;

Speech development, vocabulary enrichment.



State budget educational institution Republic of Crimea "Bakhchisarai special boarding school"

Extracurricular activity for students in grades 1-9

"Miss Spring 2016"

Bakhchisaray, 2016

Purpose: congratulations to the employees of the boarding school on International Women's Day.


Formation of adequate self-esteem of the personality of pupils;

Strengthening the skills of reciting poems, coordinating speech and movements;

Speech development, vocabulary enrichment.

Venue: assembly hall.

Progress of the event

M: Hello, dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate the dearest, sweetest and most beloved women on the holiday.

Q: Every year in March we celebrate the holiday of spring, a holiday of beauty, tenderness and love, your holiday, dear women! Accept it rather congratulations on this bright day, from a loving heart and pure soul.

Congratulations from the boys. Boys come out and read poetry

M: For everyone present, the first gift is “Dance of Gentlemen”.

"Gentlemen's Dance"

The girls-competitors come out and argue about which of them is the most beautiful in the school.

Q: Girls, don’t quarrel, because today is such a wonderful holiday, look how much warmth, light and smiles there are around.

M: I got a great idea! Let's have a school beauty contest! The winner of the competition will be the most beautiful, and our guests will determine her).

Defile of the contestants (they walk around the hall and take their place).

M: Dear women, our students are in a hurry to congratulate you.

Q: We invite participants to the first “Musical” competition

Song of the contestants.

M: now let's check how smart our beauties are. Let's see how you cope with the next task?

Guessing riddles (we lay out the answers on a board of letters)

Loose snow melts in the sun,
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder bird voices
So, she came to us...

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
The sparrow is happy about the weather -
Visited us for a month...

Housewarming party at the starling's
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This is the name of the house...

Q: Spring is a time of spring, flowers, beauty. For all guests of our holiday, the following gift.

"Waltz of the Flowers"

M: you are beautiful, you can sing songs, you can solve riddles, you are cheerful and smart, but what kind of hostesses are you? I, and I think all our guests, find this very interesting.

Q: Every housewife knows how to cook deliciously and knows what ingredients are included in the dishes. So, the next competition: you need to choose a dish and tell us how and what you will cook it from? (Borscht, cutlets, compote, fish soup)

M: Congratulations to the most beautiful and beloved from our students.

Song of 6th grade students “Mama”

M: Our participants need to prepare for the next competition, let’s greet them with friendly applause.

The girls walk through the hall and exit

Q: Women have a lot of worries, they spend a lot of time in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, washing, and doing a lot of other household chores.
- Now we’ll see, can you guys help your beloved women, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters?

The game is called "Going to the Store."
- We need two teams.
(I give each team a bag. This is your store. You run up, take one product at a time, put it in the bag, come back and give the bag to the next participant. The team that completes the task first wins)
- How fast and dexterous you all are.
- You guys have grown into excellent helpers.

Now we will see how children can help their mothers.
- And our game is called “Mom’s Helpers.”
(6th grade game, game with the audience).
- For the game we need two teams of six people.
(And the task is this: Whose team will hang up the handkerchiefs the fastest? You need to run to the rope, hang the handkerchief on a clothespin, then the next participant runs. The team that completes the task first wins.)
- Well done boys. Let's give some more clapping to the winners!
Address the hall -
(The game goes with the audience)

M: Our participants are ready to demonstrate the latest number, let's welcome them!

Waltz of the contestants.

M: Our competition has come to an end, it’s time to choose the winner. Dear guests, the winner of the first school competition beauty will be chosen by you. The participant who will receive greatest number applause and wins. So, your applause to every beauty.

The honorary right to present a diploma and the title “Miss Charm” is granted

The honorary right to present a diploma and the title “Miss Tenderness” is granted

The honorary right to present a diploma and the title “Miss Grace” is granted

The honorary right to present a diploma and the title “Miss Modesty” is granted

M: dear girls, I hope you will no longer argue and quarrel over which of you is better? After all, the main wealth and beauty lies not in how you look and what you can do, but in what kind heart and pure soul you have.

Let's once again congratulate our participants and escort them to their places.

Q: Dear women, school has become a second home for us. And every day we give our whole heart to children. We are with maternal care and we worry and worry with love, with trepidation and tenderness we wait and forgive. Please accept this last gift.

"Dance of Angels"

Me: This ends our holiday!
-Thank you everyone for your attention!

Tatyana Alekseevna Vakulenko

Beauty contest« Miss Spring»


1. Presenter

2. Thorn-Thorn

3. Contestants 2 ml. And middle groups

4. Helpers (boys 2 ml. and middle groups)

Leading: We welcome you, our dear guests! We are very glad that you are in our hall today! 8 March is the most tender, the most affectionate holiday who brings a lot of smiles and good mood! We sincerely congratulate you on it! We wish you simple female happiness!

Boys read poetry:

Happy eighth day Martha

WITH spring holiday

With the first flowers

In this bright hour!

Our dears


This holiday decorated with flowers

Warmed by the lights of smiles,

Mothers, grandmothers, older sisters

Our warm spring greetings!

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words,

Let's friends, let's talk about mom,

Let's talk "Thank you" we are for you today

After all, the earth is warmed by the kindness of mothers!

The stream runs and laughs

At our window.

Came to my mother's holiday

Enchantress- spring.

Drops fly from the roof,

And the sky is high,

Most we hear spring

Our dear mothers,

Our grandmothers, friends,

On this spring day

The earth is waking up!

The music sounds, which means

What's on stage the spring ball has begun,

And we must add that he.

Dedicated to our dear women.

Leading: We are starting our spring Beauty contest« Miss Spring» . IN girls of the second junior and middle groups participate in the competition. And what kind competition without jury. Welcome: 1___2. ___3. ___

Dear jury, a difficult job awaits you, because you have to choose the most charming girl in each category! All competitions will take place during holiday. (Grace, Acquaintance, Smile, Visiting a fairy tale, Crystal voice, Hostess, Dancing, Artist). I ask you to be careful and not to judge us harshly!

Meet us! Our contestants! Look how they are beautiful, charming, light, airy! Little princesses! Real princesses spring!

(the girls walk in a circle twice to the music and sit down on chairs, there isn’t enough room for one to the contestant)

Leading: Here's the first one contest"Grace" ended. Who is this? Guys, look, this is Zlyuchka-Thorn, a woman related to the Christmas tree!

Z-K: Yes! Woman! And also 8 I want March! And no one remembered me! And I, by the way, am a pleasant-looking thorn and I also want to participate in your competition, so to speak, shake the needles.

Ved: Why are you so upset? Stay with us and you will help me. Agree?

Z-K: Yes!

Ved: Second competition"Acquaintance". Each participant talks about themselves (F. And how old, mom, dad, what I like to do, favorite toy).

Children read poetry:

Mom is the child's first word,

Mom - the first steps in life.

Mom is the most sacred thing in the world,

Mom, take care of your mother.

Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

There is nothing more important for her, brown eyes for me.

There are a lot of kind words in the world,

But kinder and more important than everyone else one:

Simple of two syllables word: "Mother"!

And there are no words more precious than it.

Mom means tenderness

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer,

This is autumn snow!

Mom is a ray of light

Mom is Life!

For you, our dear mothers.

Let the flowers bloom

The sun gives its rays,

Let your dreams come true soon!

Let it be every day festive

And wonderful, like in a fairy tale!

Life will be merry and joyful,

Good sweet and beautiful!

Mom was busy for a long time

All things to do, things to do, things to do...

Mom was so tired during the day,

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand next to you

Let her sleep a little

I'll sing her a song.

I will become closer to my mother -

I love her very much!

It's just a pity that he doesn't hear

Mom my song.

There is no more wonderful song

Maybe I should sing louder

To give this song to mom

Did you hear it in your sleep?

A song is being performed "Congratulations" (2 ml. gr.)

Children read poetry.

To mothers, the closest people in the world,

Sometimes we smile sweetly,

But to say that we love them,

We don't have enough time.

The sun has disappeared behind the mountains, we are leaving the kindergarten,

I tell my mom about myself and the guys.

How we sang songs in chorus, how we played leapfrog,

What we drank, what we ate, what we read in kindergarten,

I tell you honestly and in detail about everything,

I know mom is interested in knowing how we live!

Our girls are princesses

Our girls are lovely

Heels crystal knock

In the dance you can hear knock-knock-knock!

Dance being performed "With Hearts" (2 ml. group)

Ved: And now it’s announced contest"Smile". Our little princesses will sing ditties.

Dear and family

We'll sing ditties for you

Congratulations on holiday

And we send greetings to you!

I love my dear mother

I'll give her candy

I'll bring it home

-Mom, will you share it with me?

I found a broom in the kitchen

And swept the apartment

But what's left of him

Three straws in total.

After a delicious lunch

I’ll help mom right away.

And get up from the sofa

For some reason I can't.

Some people work with a spoon

He still can’t

Puddles pour and crumbles crumbs

What a shame!

Vova polished the floor until it shined

Prepared vinaigrette

Mom is looking for what to do

There is no work!

Like our guys

Head from spare parts

Carburetor, fan

And a gearbox.

Just clean it once a year

Andrey decided to frying pan

And then four days

His whole family washed!

Vanya was lazy in the morning

Comb your hair

A cow came up to him

I combed my tongue!

Our Tanya has made some wisdom

Fell in love with the astronaut

And Tanya’s friend is an alien!

Oh my friends, trouble

The guys were eaten by midges

Only those left

What dust they sprinkled!

So as not to sleep in kindergarten

We need to try

I need to ask my mom

Get up at five o'clock!

Our accordionist is tired

Started to stammer often

Give me a jug of milk

Feed the player!

Well, who squeaks and cries?

The day always aches - the day

Everyone knows this boy

Guess who this is?

And the night of cheese, and the grass in the dew

And it's time to sleep, and that's it!

We sang ditties for you,

How much we love you!

And now we ask you,

Let's clap now!

Children read poetry

Who came to me in the morning? - MOMMY!

- Who said: “It’s time to get up!”- MOMMY!

Who managed to cook the porridge? - MOMMY!

Who poured tea into the cup? - MOMMY!

Who brought us to kindergarten? - MOMMY!

Who kissed me? - MOMMY!

Who cleaned everything at home? - MOMMY

Who loves our cheerful laughter? - MOMMY!

Who is the best in the world? - MOMMY!

MOM" - what beautiful word,

There is no better person in the world.

You say "MOTHER"- will shine in the soul

Affectionate, gentle light.

Mom, like a star lights the way,

Mom loves me so much.

Dear mother, I dedicate to you

These are tender words.

I am a colorful gift

I decided to give it to my mother.

I tried, I drew

Four pencils.

But first I'm on red

Pressed too hard

And then, right after the red one

Purple broke,

And then the blue one broke,

And the orange one broke.

Still a beautiful portrait,

Because it's mom!

A song is being performed "Mom's holiday» (s. gr.)

Children read poetry.

Our grandmother walks around, knocking with her stick,

I tell my grandmother: “I’ll call the doctor,

His medicine will make you healthy,

It will be a little bitter, what’s wrong with that.

You will be patient for a moment, and the doctor will leave,

You and I, grandma, will play ball.

Let's run, grandma, jump high,

You see how I jump, it’s so easy.”

Grandma smiled: “What do I need doctors for?

I'm not sick, I'm just old

Just very old, gray hair,

Somewhere I lost my young years.

Somewhere behind the huge, dark forests,

Behind the high mountain, behind the deep river.

People don’t know how to get there.”

I tell my grandmother: “Remember this place!

I'll go there, I'll swim, I'll go,

I will find your young years!

I love my old grandma very much!

I will save money for my dear grandmother.

My grandmother’s pension is very small.

I want my grandmother to live well.

I'll save money on popsicles,

I won't go with my friend to watch a movie.

So that the grandmother does not know any worries or troubles,

I may not have breakfast or eat sweets.

I will drink tea without sugar in the morning,

To quickly collect a full piggy bank.

I will save money for my grandmother,

So that my grandmother could buy me ROLLERS!

I am for my beloved grandmother

On this day I am ready for anything,

I'll drink tea with her raspberries,

I'll eat a dozen pies

And I’ll wash the dishes myself,

I'll put grandma to bed

It's very easy to be a hero

We must help the weak!

Dear grandmothers

We love you very much

A song for grandma

We'll sing now!

A song is being performed "Our Grandmother" (cf. gr)

Z-K: And now contest"Visiting a fairy tale".

I'm going through the forest to my grandmother,

I sing a sonorous song,

I bring her treats

Pies, compote, cookies (K. Sh.)

I am my stepmother's servant,

There is ash on my cheek,

But yesterday I danced in the castle

At the king's ball. (W)

For insects, fleas, flies

I baked pancakes and buns,

I almost got eaten by a spider

Evil plans were disrupted by the Heroic mosquito (M-C)

I ran away from the theater

My friend Poodle Artemon

And the hairstyle is blue

And Piero is in love with me. (Malvina)

I own the snow kingdom

The Ice Palace is my home.

Coldness, pride and deceit

In my heart is icy. (S. K)

Black cloak and half mask,

There is a star on the cloak

I wave my hand and immediately

Darkness is coming (Princess Night)

I can handle all the tasks,

I'm not afraid of Koshchei

I'll shed the skin of a frog

And I’ll turn into a princess (Princess Frog)

I'm still crying in the palace

Tired of shedding tears

Well, when will Emelya come?

To cheer me up (Princess - Nesmeyana)

Z-K: What good guys you are girls!

Children read poetry:

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

Before parting at the door

Say goodbye to them more gently.

And go around the bend

Don't rush, don't rush,

And to her, standing at the gate,

Wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence,

In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.

For them we are forever kids,

And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder

Don’t be annoyed by their care,

Don't offend mothers.

Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation

And we are on a boundless road

Without mother's kind hands -

Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly

And don’t be shy about lofty words,

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

We have known the word since childhood "MOTHER",

It was given to us from birth.

From the mouth of a child very early

Suddenly it will fly out.

Who gives us the most affection?

Will it be filled with warmth and kindness?

She always understands everything

Her gaze inspires peace.

It can be difficult - mother will help,

Support, help out, save.

After all, her heart cannot live,

It will die without love!

Sometimes it hurts my mother,

But not on purpose, not out of malice,

You apologize if you offended me,

And look into her eyes.

You will see a sea of ​​light there,

Smiles, happiness and warmth,

I'm ready to do anything for you,

What you won’t sacrifice if you love!

You are mom. Is this a lot or a little?

You are mom. Is this happiness or a cross?

And it's impossible to start all over again,

Are you praying now that There is:

For crying at night, for milk, diapers,

For the first step, for the first words.

For all children. For every child.

You are mom! And therefore right!

You are the whole world. You are the rebirth of life.

And you would like to hug the whole world.

You are mom. Mother! This is a pleasure

No one can take it away from you!

From the earth to the moon and then back

That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear...

Having tucked a blanket around the bunny on all sides,

Quietly before bedtime mom whispered:

It's very, very much, it's so nice

When they love to the moon and then back!

A song is being performed "Everyone loves mom" (2 ml. g)

Dance being performed "with flowers" (cf. gr)

Ved: Girls, you are so great! We completed all the tasks! But we have one more contest"Mistress". In that competition girls participate together with their mothers. Present your culinary skills and treat the jury!

Ved: Our The beauty contest has come to an end. While the jury is deliberating, our the holiday continues!

Children read poetry.

Our girls, congratulations to you,

We wish everyone happiness and health.

If we teased you offensively,

Honestly, we are very ashamed.

And not out of anger, but out of habit

We often pull your pigtails.

We are all badasses, you know it yourself

But we won’t offend you anymore.

We beg you to forgive us

And please accept our congratulations!

May Women's Day never end,

Let the streams sing in your honor,

Let the sun smile on you,

And men give you flowers.

With the first drop, with the last snowstorm,

WITH early spring holiday

We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you

Joy, happiness, health, love!

A song is being performed “Today is an unusual day” (2 ml. and avg. g)

Ved: Our mothers stayed too long. Let's invite them to dance!

Dance being performed "With Moms" (general)

Ved: Our jury is ready!

The jury awards contestants ribbon with the name of the nomination, tiaras and chocolate!

Ved: Our girls are great! We once again congratulate everyone on International Women's Day! We invite you to a tea party!


1. « Miss Spring»

2. Miss Grace

3. Miss Charm

4. Miss charm

5. Miss Smile

6. Miss Two-Bit

7. Miss Joy

8. Miss Danceability

9. Miss Plasticity

11. Miss Artistic

12. Miss Modesty

13. Miss Courage

14. Miss Audience Choice

15. Miss Cuteness

16. Miss Kindness

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The cultural event was held in a auxiliary school for children with intellectual disabilities.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere.


  • Cultivate a sense of pride and respect for women, a caring attitude towards your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, friends, classmates.
  • Instill a sense of mutual assistance and friendly relations between participants.
  • Develop the creative abilities of students.

Forms of organizing children's activities: reading poems, singing, participating in self-presentation and creativity competitions, a blitz survey, as well as “Handicraft”, “Culinary”, “Fashion Designers”, “Handbag”.

Progress of the event

(Slide 1)


She came down to earth
The rays of the morning dawn
And she walked with a light tread,
Leaving beads of dew.
And in the clear, blue sky
Flocks of birds fluttered behind her.
And mesmerized by beauty
The revived look of tired faces.
It seemed like she had absorbed everything:
Love, and youth, and dreams.
But I gave a hundred times more
To the joy of the young soul.
And every step - the grass is fresh,
The flowers woke up from their sleep.
With its magical charm
The Spring Girl appeared.

(Musical card - slide 2)

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I'm glad to meet you again.
It's spring now. We associate it with such words as life, beauty, love, charm. And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our Miss Spring competition dedicated to International Women's Day. (Slide 3)

Look how many lovely faces there are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, with fiery hair, blue-eyed and black-eyed. And all, of course, beauties and the first applause to all the girls, mothers and teachers gathered in this hall. (Slide 4)

Poem "Women's Day"
(Vitalik Guzov, Julia Kupava)

The sun is shining outside the window,
There is less snow.
Happy Women's Day
All beloved women.

Mom, grandmother, girlfriends,
All neighbors and old ladies,
Aunts, sisters, teachers...
Because because
It's better and warmer with them!

Leading: The participants in our competition are like spring flowers: so delicate, fresh, beautiful. And who doesn't love beauty? Beauty will save the world! And so, meet our contestants! (Slide 5)

The time has come to introduce competent experts, on whose kindness and objectivity the fate of our contestants largely depends. They will certainly be able to distinguish real beauty, resourcefulness and talent. So, the competition will be assessed by a jury consisting of ________________________________________________________________

The maximum score for each competition is three points.

Leading: The first competition of our program is called “Business Card”, since in any business card we find everything necessary information about its owner. And so that we can get to know our contestants better, and they get to know each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. tell us about themselves and their interests. (Slide 6)

Leading: We got to know the interests and hobbies of our contestants, and now we want to find out how wise, witty and resourceful they are. (Slide 7)

"Blitz survey"

We move on to the next task, which is called “Blitz Survey”.

Each participant must answer 3 questions, 1 point for each correct answer. Remember, you need to show ingenuity, resourcefulness and originality in this task, as the questions will be comic.

– What is the name of the girl with unusual blue hair?

Snow White


– What do you call your father’s or mother’s mother (grandmother).

– Continue the proverb: “Patience and work will ... (grind).”

– What is the name of the girl who finds herself in the fairy-tale country Through the Looking Glass?

Little Red Riding Hood


– What is the name of a woman’s dress without sleeves (sundress).

- Continue the proverb: “I’ve finished the job, ... (walk boldly).”

– How many petals does the famous magic flower have?


– Who doesn’t teach a chicken? (eggs)

- Continue the proverb: “In a healthy body - ... (a healthy mind).”

- How many dwarf friends did Snow White have?


– Grows in the garden; put in salad; happens on a dress (polka dots)

- Continue the proverb: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have... (a hundred friends).”

– What kind of person spoke while looking out of the train window?

Lost Man

Absent-minded man

Confused man

- He is running in the forest; This is what boys' hairstyles are called; deliciously cooked meat (hedgehog)

- Continue the proverb: “You can’t pull out... (a fish from a pond) without difficulty.”

– How many bears did Mashenka visit in the famous fairy tale?

– What is the name of the vessel in which porridge is cooked in the stove? (cast iron)

- Continue the proverb: “When the sun is warm, when mother is ... (good).”

– How many naughty kids defeated the wolf in a fairy tale?

– The key to health (cleanliness)

“Continue the proverb: A friend is known... (in trouble).”

Leading: Everyone knows that the most beautiful posture and the graceful gait of the girls of the East. We believe that our girls are no worse and now we will be convinced of this. Participants must walk across the stage with the crown on their head without dropping it, then give it to the next participant and return to their place. (Slide 8)

Poem "Mom"
(Trusov Stas)

In the world of kind words
A lot lives
But one thing is kinder and gentler than all of them -
The simple word “ma-ma” is made of two syllables.
And there are no words dearer than it!

Leading: The next competition is called “Handicraft”. We will check whether our girls often help their mothers and whether they are good needlewomen. To do this they must sew on a button. Speed, quality, and aesthetic appearance are taken into account. (Slide 9)

Leading: Now our participants will demonstrate their culinary abilities, as well as imagination and creativity. In the “Culinary” competition, girls need to create a dessert quickly and beautifully from the proposed fruits, and then come up with a name for it.

Evaluated appearance dishes and the speed of its preparation. (Slide 10)

While the jury sums up the results of the three competitions, the boys will read the poem “Flowers” ​​for all girls and women.

Poem "Flowers"
(Zinkevich Yuri, Belsky Denis)

On holiday we will give
Tulips for mommy -
Lovely, beautiful,
Like a mother's smile!

On holiday we will give
Snowdrops for grandma -
Strict and kind
How gentle granny is!

On holiday we will give
Crocuses for all the girls -
Naughty, bright,
What funny tricks!

On holiday we will give
Flowers for all women
After all, the eighth of March -
Celebration of beauty!


Fashion always walks next to us,
Somewhere serious, somewhere funny.
Fashion in deeds and actions, but first -
The main fashion is fashion in clothing. (Slide 11)

Our next competition is called “Fashion Designers”. Participants need to dress their models beautifully, in a modern, stylish, fashionable manner (paste pre-cut clothes onto the dolls located on the sheets - Appendix 1).

(A musical gift for all women present in this room - slide 12.)

Leading: No matter who the woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. The most necessary accessory to complement your look is, of course, a handbag. So our next competition is called “Lady's Handbag”. Many young people are wondering what the secret of this accessory is, because at the right moment completely unusual objects appear from it. By the way, girls sometimes themselves cannot understand where such a treasure comes from in their purse and do not always quickly find what they need.
Now each contestant must take an object from her bag with her eyes closed and name it. (Slide 13)

Leading: Our participants are truly beautiful, resourceful, and economical. But besides that, they are truly talented. And now, on this stage, a “Minute of Glory” will take place for them. Dear experts, I would like to ask you to evaluate the talent of our participants. (Slide 14)


There is a great power in the world,
What deprives you of peace and sleep.
Winter has retreated before her,
And this force is called Spring.
She is subject to nature and feelings,
We are all completely in her power.
Agree that it would be sad
If there was no spring in the world . (Slide 15)

The most exciting moment of our Miss Spring competition program has arrived. Our participants are invited to the stage for the award ceremony. (Slide 16)

The floor for congratulations is given to our esteemed jury - Appendix 2.

Leading: The song “Mom, there is light in this word of the sun” will be performed for all mothers present (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)

Photo album “Dedicated to our mothers” (Slides 17-50)

Leading: And at the end of today’s holiday I would like to say: dear women, today you are shining with happiness, we are glad to see your warm smiles and sparkling looks. Therefore we tell you:

Dear women, even though you are different,
One thing is for sure - you are all beautiful!
Be happy!
Be loved!
Be lucky in everything
So that all sorrows pass by,
To bring only joy to your home!
To make the sun smile
Friends were true
Everything was decided
Everything came true
Forever – from “A” to “Z”! (Slide 51)

Scenario for the holiday of March 8 “Miss and Mister Spring”.

Script for students

The scenario is suitable for a youth disco with performances by student amateur music and dance groups and soloists. The holiday is held by two presenters - a girl and a guy.

The song “Spring” is playing (from the repertoire of Sergei Trofimov).

The presenters take the stage.

Leading: Good evening! Hello everyone! It is doubly pleasant to welcome spring. After all, with it comes this wonderful holiday, a holiday of beauty and love! Happy holiday, dear, sweet, beautiful girls!

Presenter: We came here to celebrate this important event with you - International Women's Day! I immediately noticed how many guests we have today!

Leading: And I immediately noticed how many beauties there were among them!

Presenter (to the presenter): Hey, I might be offended!

Leading: But, of course, I couldn’t help but pay attention to how beautiful you look today!.. On this day, dear girls, we give you, incomparable and irresistible, everything we have! (He brings out a bouquet from behind the scenes and gives it to the presenter.)

Presenter(to the presenter): If this modest bouquet is all you have...

Leading: Not at all! I still have a huge and warm heart, and it belongs only to you! (Kisses the leading hand.)

Presenter: Yes, it’s immediately clear that March 8 is not only a women’s holiday, but also, so to speak, the official arrival of spring! And even if the snow has not melted yet, everyone is already in a spring mood! Eyes sparkle and hearts glow. I want warm communication, humor and - love!

Leading: All this awaits you right now and right here! After all, today is not just an evening, but an evening of competition for the title of Miss and Mister Spring!

Presenter: This is not a beauty contest, as some might think, or even a talent contest. This is an opportunity to show yourself in a new way, show off your sparkling humor, conquer everyone with your charm and at the same time receive fame and good prizes!

Leading: In spring, a person’s senses become more intense, so go for it! We need exactly eight participants and eight participants. And from among the free! Who knows, what if by the end of the evening we get eight new couples in love?

A solemn march is playing.

Those who wish to participate are invited to take part on stage.

Leading: Here they are, great competitors! They will have the opportunity to introduce themselves, but for now we will name the members of our competent jury.

Several students from different faculties were invited to the jury.

Presenter: As you can guess, competitive program will consist of eight tasks. As a result of each of them, one participant and one participant will be eliminated...

Leading:...with the exception of the first competition, in which we will not eliminate anyone: we will provide more opportunities to express themselves. So overall it won't be easy to win!

Well, is everyone ready?

Presenters (together): We are starting a competition for the titles of Miss and Mister Spring!

An excerpt from the song “Spring” (from the repertoire of the group “Virus”) is played.

Participants take turns calling their names and faculty, and the presenters write their names in paper hearts, which they attach to the contestants’ clothes.

Task No. 1. “Question for backfilling”

The task is to give a short and humorous answer to a question that begins with the words: “On the eighth of March I usually...”

The presenters thank the participants; at this stage no one leaves the competition.

An excerpt from the song “Vision Girl” (from the repertoire of Maxim Leonidov) is playing.

Leading: So we met our applicants. It is still unclear who will become Miss and Mister, but they are all more than worthy!

Presenter: The next task will clarify the situation...

All contestants receive one item each: guys get cosmetics and other feminine things (for example, lipstick, nail polish, perfume, cream, mascara, hairspray, hair clip, mirror), and girls get men's things (belt, machine oil, cigarettes, a bottle of beer, a lighter, a tie, a corkscrew, a hammer).

You are given a couple of minutes to prepare, during which time is running concert number.

The jury determines those who leave the competition, leaving seven boys and girls each. The presenters present small memorable prizes to the dropouts.

Leading (to those who dropped out): Thank you for your participation, even if it was short-lived! All the same, one can only admire your courage - not everyone would dare to come here on this stage!

Presenter(to those who dropped out): Enjoy the evening, because it remains to be seen whether you will breathe a sigh of relief as you watch us torment the remaining participants! After all, the most difficult thing is yet to come.

Leading: Exactly. And the difficulties will begin right now, in this task! It's about artistry and resourcefulness!

An excerpt from the song “Spring Day” (from the repertoire of the group “Bravo”) is played.

Presenter: Ah, spring... So we've been waiting for it! Nature woke up after the winter cold...

And drops and streams

They sing about love

These warm days

They bring us joy...

Leading (presenter): Wait, aren't you wishful thinking? Nature is still waking up and waking up, and we haven’t even heard any drops yet!

Presenter (dreamily): But I really want real spring... I’ve already forgotten what our city looks like in spring!

Leading: No problem! Our participants probably remember this better than you and now they will gladly tell us, or rather, demonstrate it!

Task No. 3. “Spring has come”

This is a staged competition. The presenters name actions associated with the arrival of spring, and the participants must portray what they hear, and as funny as possible. If the action of an object is masculine (for example, “the streams began to gurgle”), then the boys depict it, and if it is feminine (for example, “the birds began to sing”), then the girls.

Leading: So... Spring has come. A warm southern breeze blew...

Presenter: Sounding icicles fell from the roofs...

Leading: Fast streams began to gurgle...

Presenter: The songbirds chirped merrily...

Leading: The buds are swelling on the trees...

Presenter: March cats appeared everywhere...

Leading: And also March cats...

Presenter: Colorful butterflies fluttered...

Leading: And the first mosquitoes...

Presenter: The doves cooed and flapped their wings...

Leading: And the doves...

Presenter: Beauties in open clothes went hunting...

Leading: And the students abandoned their coursework and laboratory work and came to us for this holiday!

Thank you very much participants, you were amazing in this competition!

Presenter: And now the jury will decide who was less amazing, to our great regret.

One more guy and one girl are eliminated, and the presenters present them with memorable prizes.

An excerpt from the song “May” (from the repertoire of Kristina Orbakaite) is played.

Host: We continue our competition. Despite the fact that we were all looking forward to spring, many with the onset of this time of year begin to experience sad signs of vitamin deficiency...

Presenter: I know how to deal with this - you must always smile and laugh, then the body produces vitamin C itself!

Leading: And where did they teach you this? If you laugh all the time, you may be misunderstood.

Presenter: Well, there is another way - freshly squeezed juices! It's also very tasty!

Leading: It seems that the next task of our contestants will be the fight against vitamin deficiency...

Task No. 4. “Fruit Delight”

For this task you need to prepare oranges, cut them in half and put them in a basket. Each participant is given a glass into which he must squeeze as much juice as possible while the music is playing.

Those who have less juice are eliminated (one participant and one female participant).

Leading: I propose to treat our jury to orange juice so that they always have good mood and my health was fine too!

Presenter: We said goodbye to two more candidates. Thanks to them for their participation, and to the rest - good luck in the future!

Leading: Dear viewers, greet the contestants louder, they still have to fight and fight!

Presenter (to the presenter): Be honest, do you like my new dress?

Leading: Oh yes, I'm absolutely delighted! Is this the latest in fashion?

Presenter: Squeak, not squeak! However, nothing surprising: men don’t understand fashion at all! Do you know, for example, what the most fashionable “trick” of the upcoming spring-summer season is?

Leading: Let me think... (thinks). I have no idea!

Presenter: Of course! But this is nothing more than body art! You, of course, hardly know what it is, unlike our competitors.

Leading (dreamily): Well, why? It's very well known! This is when absolutely naked girls are painted with various fantastic drawings... Lovely... Am I really going to see something like that right now?!

Presenter: Daydreaming! No! No naked girls! How about naked male torsos? In the next task, our participants will act as models for body art. And the participants will prove themselves as artists!

Leading (disappointed): There it is... But I was hoping. Can I at least be a model in the hands of such lovely artists, huh? At least a little?

Presenter: No you can not. But after a couple of cocktails, I promise to paint you so that you will never forget!.. And now it’s time to start the task.

Task No. 5. “Body art competition”

Participants choose which of the participating “models” they will paint. Participants will have to undress to the waist.

The presenter brings out watercolor paints, brushes and a small bucket of water.

The song “Spring” (from Alsou’s repertoire) is performed. The song lasts several minutes, during which time the girls must finish their drawings. Then the guys demonstrate them as original as possible, and the girls explain what these drawings mean.

Based on the results of the competition, one more couple is eliminated.

A pause is announced during which the participants wash off the paint.

The presenters perform a song.

Song " Spring Tales» (to the tune of the song “Oriental Tales” from the repertoire of the group “Brilliant”).


Somehow in early spring

Met you.

Something suddenly happened

How the eclipse found itself!


I brought you flowers

Only you are more beautiful than them!

You didn't take the bouquet

How, how could you?


Spring tales,

You want love and affection

But you won't tell

About this to no one.

Be careful in spring:

It's not difficult to fall in love,

And you won't order

To your heart!


I tried again

But he didn’t give bouquets,

I brought you some sweets...

You laughed in response!


You can't forget

Chocolate dreams!

I'm on a diet

I don't look at candy!



What should I do, what should I do?

I can't forget you!

I won't sleep at night,

Watch at the door!


You're in a hurry, weirdo

And you're doing everything wrong!

Do not say anything,

And look me in the eyes!


Presenter: So, we said goodbye to another great couple of participants. There are fewer and fewer applicants left, there are already exactly half of them. And the tests are getting more and more complicated! Let us applaud those who continue to fight, and especially the boys who bravely endured all this.

Leading: Still, it’s a pity that the girls weren’t painted... Next time I’ll come up with tasks for the competition myself!

Presenter: Please, you can start right now! You, as a leader, also have the right to give tasks, of course, under my strict guidance.

Leading: This is another matter! In the next task I want to see something romantic.

Presenter: Romantic... Maybe a dance?

Leading: Good idea! Moreover, we have already formed couples, so dance is just what is needed now. Let them show everything they are capable of!

Task No. 6. "Dancing Without Rules"

The song “Love Me Tender” (from the repertoire of Elvis Presley) is playing. Couples are dancing.

The presenters warn that they will be assessed not so much on the ability to dance, but on the emotionality of the performance. The jury determines those who “fly out”; the presenters give them souvenirs.

An excerpt from the song “Love, Girls” (from the repertoire of the group “Bravo”) is played.

Leading: Our potential Misters and Misses dance superbly. But this is not enough to qualify for such a high title!

Presenter: What other talents would you like to see in applicants? Maybe musical talent?

Leading: You are right, as always! Everyone knows the television show where pop stars and others sing duets. I really love watching this show! Let's do the same thing right here and now!

Presenter: I support this idea! But again, I warn both the contestants and the jury: it is not the timbre of the voice or the absence of false notes that is assessed, but the enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

Task No. 7. “Karaoke Stars”

To perform songs as a duet, you will need karaoke recordings and printed lyrics -

The songs selected are simple and well-known, for example, “The girl is crying in the machine gun” (from the repertoire of Evgeny Osin), “Girl-girl” (from the repertoire of Zhenya Belousov), “White Roses” (from the repertoire of Yuri Shatunov).

Couples draw lots to see who gets which song.

By decision of the jury, one duet is eliminated, and the contestants receive prizes from the presenters. Two pairs of participants remain.

Leading: It is with sadness that we say goodbye to one of three amazing couples. How they sang! What voices! But the rules of the competition are undeniable, and the jury is adamant...

Presenter: This couple is just great, they fought to the last! I hope they will cherish the memories of tonight for a long time.

Leading: I wonder how those who remained feel? Scary, perhaps?

Presenter: Don’t escalate the situation, the contestants are already worried! Still - the final task! Based on its results, everything will be decided. And so that the participants can take a break before the final, I suggest watching the concert number.

Dance number.

Presenter: And again we ask our magnificent finalists to take the stage!

The four remaining participants come out, solemn music sounds.

Leading: Here they are, the best, the most charming and talented! One of them will receive an honorary title today and experience the joy of victory!

Presenter(to the finalists): Congratulations, you are already winners. The fight was hard, and there was very little left until the cherished minute. So, gather around, and you, the audience, will support the finalists with deafening applause!

Leading: Well, are you ready? We announce the task for the final! Attention. The culmination of any competition is the traditional appearance in evening dresses.

Presenter: I love fashion shows! But our contestants did not know about this turn of events and did not bring evening dresses with them...

Leading: And for this I turned to our student club and was kindly allowed to use the services of the costume department! So the outfits are waiting backstage!

Presenter: I believe these are not exactly evening dresses, but rather carnival costumes...

Leading: It doesn’t matter, any of them are at the disposal of the participants! And the ability to demonstrate and play with the costume, no matter how it turns out, will be assessed.

Presenter: Forward, finalists!

Task No. 8

While the contestants are changing clothes, a song is performed by a soloist or group. Then the “show” itself begins, the contestants come out one at a time to energetic music and show off their costumes.

After this, the jury deliberates and solemnly announces the winners of the task and, accordingly, the competition.

The winners are awarded gold Miss Spring and Mr. Spring ribbons, paper leaf crowns (or wreaths) and prizes. A solemn march sounds.

The second couple receives the titles of Vice-Miss and Vice-Mister, and is awarded with silver ribbons and prizes.

Leading: Congratulations! Hurray for our winners! They are the best, they are the king and queen of spring! It was difficult for them, but they won!

Presenter: Dear viewers, don’t miss the opportunity to photograph them on stage at this finest hour! They became the pride of their faculties and the entire institute!

Leading: Yes, such a title obliges! But I hope that during the session the teachers will not question our Mr. and Miss more strictly than the others...

Presenter: Well, dear Miss Spring and Mister Spring, join your friends, accept their hearty congratulations, and celebrate your triumph today! Special thanks to our strict but fair jury, because it is also not an easy job to kick someone out.

And our festive evening continues and the fun is in full swing!

Leading (addresses the presenter, embarrassed): You know... Of course, you can laugh... But I composed poems for you! I so wanted to congratulate you romantically.

Presenter: How lovely! No poems have ever been dedicated to me before!

Leading: Listen...

You believe in miracles, and not in vain,

There are so many undiscovered secrets in life!

Let everything that happens turn out great,

Always hope and always dream!

May it also give warmth and joy

Your soul is a beautiful light

And it will become a day of fulfilled wishes

Wonderful this March day!

Presenter: How touching! Did you really create this yourself? Thank you! But I want these words to be addressed to all the girls gathered here today!

Leading: Happy holiday again, dear girls! Happy day of spring, love, flowers and beauty! Always be as beautiful, irresistible and stylish as you are today! You are all just real queens!

Presenter: And let men let you feel like queens not only on Women’s Day, but all the time! Let them give you flowers! Let them say great compliments and promise to get a star from the sky! We don’t really believe them, but how nice it is to hear all this! Actually, this is why we love Women's Day.

Leading: Happiness to you, girls, success on the personal front and in all other matters, and always a spring mood!

This is a wonderful holiday

Spring brings with it...


He is the freshness of bouquets,

Blooms with smiles...


Let life be like a fairy tale

Today and always...


Let affection greet you,

Love and kindness!

Leading: And we continue this March concert for you. Have fun, dance and recharge yourself with positive energy for a long time!

The presenter performs a song.

Song "My Spring" (to the tune of the song “I will Survive” from the repertoire of Gloria Gaynor).

Tired of you, cold winter,

Get out of here, you are no longer needed!

Even though it's not your fault,

Let's open the doors for spring,

She is in a hurry, she smiles at us!

Don't be sad, wait a little

And very soon the spring rains will sing,

The sun will give bright light,

And that love that is not stronger,

Suddenly there's a knock on your door

A huge rainbow from the sky!

Chorus(2 times):

I know she will come,

My sunny and happy spring!

I can survive the cold

And I will call you,

My spring, my spring!

Let it snow while it lasts

And they don’t even want to melt, but that’s just for now!

We'll survive a little longer

Someday, someday

Let's see a pink dawn and clouds in the blue sky!

My love Is You,

All my songs and my dreams are only about you,

Let's forget about everything

And it will be just the two of us

Welcome spring, welcome spring!

Chorus(2 times).

Disco, concert numbers.