Drawing a bullfinch in the middle group of kindergarten. Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in the middle group using non-traditional drawing methods "Look - bullfinches have arrived!"

A conversation about birds

U: And now you need to solve riddles, what kind of bird is this? The answer is on the board.

1. Who flies, who chirps, wants to tell us the news?

2. Kar-kar-kar screams cheat, well, a clever thief! All shiny things are very fond of this bird! And she is familiar to all of you, and her name is ......

3. Gray little lump, chirp! - He's very cold! Look out the sun soon, ours is waiting for you .......

4. Two huge scary eyes, the head turns around, you recognize it immediately, if it hoots.

5. Who, without notes and without a flute, best of all displays trills, louder, more tender! Who is this?

6. In winter, there are apples on the branches! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered, because it is .......

7. She is not too lazy to swim in the river, dive and quack all day: Well, take a break for at least a minute! Who can't live without water?

8. He is dressed in a working way - comfortable, simple, smart. He is wearing a crimson beret and a colorful overall.

W: Well done guys! All the birds were guessed. All the birds were divided into 2 groups. Who guessed which ones?

W: Right. And what is the most difficult time for birds?

Yes, winter. In winter, the birds are very cold and hungry. Migratory birds- and these are thrushes, larks, siskins, finches, swallows and others fly away for this period, but some - these are wintering birds remain. Wintering birds can find food. These birds are not afraid of frost, they manage to get food even in very snowy winters. They feed on seeds, buds, and insects. And yet they have a hard time in the winter. It is especially difficult for small birds. Out of ten, maybe one or two survive until spring. And if at this time you help the birds, you will make a feeder, pour some grains. Cereals or bread crumbs - then you will save more than one bird's life.

Explanation of new material

W: Now let's take a closer look at all the birds. What are the parts of a bird?

Q: What is the shape of the bird's head?

Q: What is the shape of the bird's body?

Q: How many wings does a bird have?

Q: What shape are they?

Q: Where are the wings?

Q: What part of the body do they attach to?

Q: What shape is the tail?

Q: How many legs does a bird have?

W: Right. Today we will draw a bullfinch.

The bullfinch is a wintering bird. Lives permanently in the forests. It feeds on berries of mountain ash, viburnum and other plants. Distinctive feature from other birds it is a red breast.

Look at the board, here is a bullfinch. This bird has a black cap on its head. Black is also the chin and the front of the face. The tail and wings are brilliant black, the back and shoulders are light gray, and the neck, chest, front of the abdomen and sides of the head are red. The beak is short and wide. The breast and cheeks of the bullfinch are red in the male, and gray in the female. Consider the execution steps:

1. Stage (in pencil).

Arranging a piece of paper


Outline the bullfinch pattern.

We depict a wing located on the body, pointed to the bottom.

The tail extending from the end of the wing and the bottom of the body.

We outline the location of the eyes.

Draw the beak, claws

We finish the tree on which the bullfinch sits.

2. Stage (in color),

Work in color. We draw, first with light colors.

We draw in dark tones, first large, and then small details.

Physical education minute

Rise once, stretch.

Two! Bend over, unbend.

Three! Three claps in the hands, three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider.

Five - wave your hands.

Six - sit quietly at the desk.

Fixing new material

T: Let's talk again about the sequence of drawing a bird.

Summary of the lesson.

W: Finish your work. Let's summarize. What was today's lesson about?

T: What 2 groups are all divided into

U: What bird did we draw?

W: And now each of you will come to the board and attach a red or brown petal to the middle of the flower. Red means that you liked the activity, and the brown petal did not like it.

Analysis of student work

W: Look at what beautiful bullfinches you have turned out.

Workplace cleaning.

T: Our lesson is over. We take our jobs.

Kolesnikova Dasha. Bullfinch.

Tasks. To teach children to draw bullfinches on snow-covered branches: build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird's appearance - body structure and color. Improve the technique of drawing with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outlines of the silhouette. Develop a sense of color and shape.

Materials, tools, equipment. Sheets of light blue paper, gouache paints (white, red and black), squirrel or coral brushes, paper and cloth napkins, jars of water, coasters for brushes.

Where the finches sang in the summer. Today - look! Like pink apples, Bullfinches on the branches.

The teacher shows the children the image of bullfinches and clarifies the children's ideas about their appearance (small birds with a black back, with a red or bright pink breast). Draws attention to the fact that bullfinches sitting on branches look like round balls or apples.

Then the teacher shows different options for depicting bullfinches. A mother and a chick are sitting on a snow-covered branch; mom's body is a big circle, her head is a small circle; the chick nestled next to its mother - it is all round and fluffy, you can’t even see where the head is and where the body is, so one circle is drawn.

The teacher explains the order of work:

I take a sheet of paper, place it horizontally so that the branches fit (shows and asks the children to put the paper also);

I take paint to draw a pink breast of bullfinches. Where can I get pink paint, because we only have red? (If the children find it difficult to answer, then the teacher shows how to add white to red paint to make it pink.) I will draw and paint a round bullfinch breast;

And now I use my brush and paint the head, wings and tail of the bullfinch with black paint (shows);

After we have drawn the body of the bullfinch, we draw finger gymnastics, for one and the paint will dry

Around the corner for the birds is a novelty (we walk our fingers on the table)

There is a dining room "Ryabinka".

Look, kids, (clench and unclench fists)

The red dawn has risen.

Bullfinches, wake up soon (we open the "beaks")

And treat yourself to a mountain ash. ("peck" fingers in a pinch).

And now I use my brush and paint the head, wings and tail, eye and beak of the bullfinch with black paint (shows);

We got wonderful bullfinches, but they have nowhere to sit, shall we draw a branch for them?

What treats did the bullfinches have? Let's treat the bullfinches with mountain ash in our drawing, shall we?

With a dry hard brush, draw snow, lay out the drawings to dry.

These are the bullfinches we got:

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil, paints.

If you think that drawing a bullfinch is an impossible task for you, then you should read this article to the end: here you will definitely find several options for creating a winter picture with the same red-breasted birds on the branches.

Since drawing is a simple and exciting activity, it will appeal to both adults who have been entrusted with the preparation of a festive New Year's poster, and children. The latter are especially interested in creating colorful drawings, which can then be framed and presented to mom or grandmother.

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil in stages for children and beginners?

  • If you and your children have long made and hung on a tree feeders for birds wintering in our area, in the spring you install birdhouses and titmouses, then sooner or later your child will ask you to draw birds. After all, kids love to transfer everything that they see around them to paper.
  • You can always opt out of this one. First, try painting with us! Don't worry: you will definitely be able to surprise your child with your drawing abilities: the article contains the simplest ways to draw bullfinches.
  • But this does not mean at all that the picture will eventually look primitive. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly and you will be able to capture a beautiful bird that can be seen so often in winter in our area.

Drawing bullfinches that are in the cold, we give them the shape of a lump

Let's try to understand the intricacies of creating a beautiful New Year's drawing with birds, without first mastering the basic lessons of painting. We don't have time for this!

  • Very soon, the kids will begin to flaunt their work at school, and your child will already be fully equipped: the result of creative activities in this article can be several original pictures or postcards, you will help your child learn the initial skills of creating a simple drawing, thereby educating him in a sense of beauty.
  • You should not count on an instant result: a good drawing will turn out only if the work is done in stages, and not in one sitting.

In order for the drawn bird to be recognizable, it is necessary to place the image of a bullfinch in front of you and focus on it while drawing

Tips for drawing bullfinches:

  • Drawing bullfinches that are in the cold, we give them the shape of a lump. This way they will look more realistic.
  • In order for the drawn bird to be recognizable, it is necessary to place the image of a bullfinch in front of you and focus on it while drawing.
  • In children's books, magazines, on postcards, you can find various pictures with red-breasted birds. Taking into account our advice, you can easily transfer your favorite image of a bullfinch to paper, and you can show off the result of your efforts to your relatives or friends.
  • On a sheet of paper, we mark, without pressing hard on the pencil, the boundaries of the drawing.
  • In the place where we will draw a bird, we draw a center line. Slightly shifted to the side, add an oval, tilting it to the right. This will be the belly of the bird, which sticks out a little at the bottom due to the fat layer.

Knowing the structure of the bird, drawing it correctly is not difficult

Video: New Year's card in watercolor. Bullfinches

  • Knowing the structure of a particular bird, it will not be difficult to draw it correctly.
  • Now, in the oval drawn earlier, you need to enter the contour of the body of the bullfinch. Give it the shape of a pear.
  • We finish the tail, focusing on the sample-drawing.
  • We outline the contours of the wings, head, beak, paws. Most often, bullfinches are depicted sitting on branches. Therefore, we outline a branch with several lines.
  • We designate the eyes of a bullfinch. We draw feathers on the wings. If the bird is standing on a branch, then draw the paws. We get rid of additional lines with the help of an eraser: we remove the oval and the center line. If you draw with a child, then you can safely entrust this task to him.
  • So that the bullfinch can be recognized from our picture, we will decorate the bird: we will make the chest, neck and cheeks red, fill the wings, crown, beak, back with black.
  • In winter, we can often see bullfinches on the branches of trees, near hanging feeders. These birds do not leave our region, but only in the background white snow their colorful plumage becomes noticeable.

So, let's replenish the collection of drawings with a beautiful New Year's picture, following step by step instructions. We will use a simple pencil in the first stages (remember that the initial lines are drawn without pressing on the stylus). Color the finished sketch with a pencil.

Step 1:

  • Visually divide a sheet of paper into two equal halves with a horizontal line. After that, we will draw more lines, dividing the sheet with three vertical stripes.
  • On the left half of the sheet, draw three circles. They will help us draw the general outline of the bullfinch. The oval in the middle will be the largest.

Step 2:

  • On a small (upper) circle, we outline the beak of a bird with a small triangle. Well, now it becomes clear what we are trying to portray!
  • We pass to the lower part of the contour of the bird. Here we need to draw a straight line and outline the paws with two strokes. Let's give our circles the shape of a bird's body: outline the preliminary contours of the torso on top of the circles. Let's outline the tail with a short line.

Step 3:

  • Let's draw a line on the beak, dividing it into two halves. Draw a small circle for the eye.
  • Let's draw the contours of the paws and tail. The main thing is to observe proportions and not deviate far from the preliminary contour.
Draw the contours of the paws and tail

Step 4:

  • Everything is quite simple here. We circle the tail, limbs with a pencil and work out the beak in more detail, designate the plumage on the wings and head.
  • Refine the contour of the eye and remove the auxiliary lines.
Refine contours

Step 5:

  • It is safe to say that we have coped with the task. Let's add a few more details: draw plumage and draw paws with claws. Let's decorate the bullfinch, focusing on the proposed scheme for applying shadows.

Video: How to draw a bullfinch in stages with a simple pencil

Video: How to draw bullfinches

Video: We draw bullfinches on a branch (New Year's mood)

How to draw a bullfinch on a branch with a pencil and paints?

If you need to draw a New Year's poster, then you simply cannot do without the image of elegant red-breasted birds. Following our step by step instructions, you can surprise your friends with your artistic talent and creativity, as well as teach your child how to work with paints.

  • We start drawing feathered beauties with a bright red chest with a simple pencil. In order to “not pull the bullfinch by the tail”, we immediately outline the schematic location of the spruce branches on the sheet.
  • Now we will show with barely noticeable lines the contours of snow adhering to the branches.
  • We remove the lines drawn earlier inside the branches with an eraser and mark with ovals the places where we will have birds. We draw hillocks of snow under the initial contours of birds. We finish the contours of the cones. Draw the tips of the branches peeking out from under the snow
  • We draw the head of the first bullfinch. Add a wing that is in view and a beak.
    We draw a bullfinch convex belly and tail. We pass to the second bullfinch: we draw in the same sequence: head, back, wing.
  • We finish the missing details for the second bullfinch, focusing on the already drawn bird. Fill the outline of the head with black.
  • We begin to draw the third bullfinch. Again, draw the head first, then draw the contour of the back, draw the wing, the beak. We work out the contours of the third bird in more detail. We draw a tail, a convex breast, we outline the second wing with a small curved line.

How to draw a bullfinch on a branch
  • We start coloring the picture: we decorate the breasts of the birds with orange-red color, fill the head, wings, tails with black.
  • We take a green pencil or felt-tip pen and with light dashed lines we denote needles on spruce branches. The contours of the cones drawn earlier are filled with brown.
  • With the same brown color, select the contours of the branches. Use a blue pencil to highlight the shadows on the bumps of snow.
  • We use a light green pencil to make sprigs of spruce thicker. Add shadows on the cones. Now you can add realism to the spruce twigs with a dark green pencil, let's go over the needles again, drawing new strokes a little longer. Let's add a red tint to the cones, and highlight the shaded places in the snow with purple.
  • It remains to add a background and write a beautiful New Year greeting.

Video: How to draw a bullfinch bird on a branch

On old New Year's cards you can often see bullfinches

Video: Learning to draw a Bullfinch! Educational cartoon

Synopsis of directly educational activities

for drawing in middle group"Bullfinches".


To form the ability to reflect a bullfinch in the drawing. Clarify the idea of ​​​​the appearance of the bullfinch (structural features, color). Generate interest in drawing birds on a branch. To cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, interest in drawing.

Materials and equipment: A4 paper, gouache, brush for drawing.

preliminary work:

observation of birds arriving at the site, viewing images of birds in illustrations, photographs. Reading and learning poems about birds, acquaintance with silhouettes various birds; a conversation with children about wintering birds, about how a person helps birds in winter.

Music sounds: birds singing in the forest.

Teacher: What do you hear?

Children: the sound of birds singing.

Educator: Indeed, birdsong.

Educator: Red-breasted, black-winged,
Likes to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.
Children: Bullfinch


What a miracle: on a winter day,
All the lilacs revived.
red-breasted lumps,
They rustled like leaves.
Like red roses bouquets
The lilac was thrown by the wind.
Flocks of friendly bullfinches
The crumbs eat on it.
Vova with little Tanya
Feeders were made for the birds.
Educator: Winter is famous for its white tones. In the white kingdom, the bullfinch is especially distinguished by its bright color - songbird kind of snowmen. The bullfinch looks smart - he is always in red. Forest territories are especially liked by the bird, because it is in the forest that it breeds chicks. The bullfinch is about the same size as the sparrow. The physique is dense. Nature endowed the bullfinch with a thick, wide beak.

In autumn, bullfinches gather in small flocks and settle closer to people's homes. Rowan and other berries left over from a generous autumn are the main food of bullfinches in winter. In winter, they wander through parks, gardens, groves and squares in the hope of getting food for themselves.

Bullfinches build nests on small Christmas trees. They are very good and caring parents. They feed on berries and seeds.

The peculiarity of bullfinches is also that they sing. Their trill is melodic, bright and clean. If you find yourself in the forest early in the morning, a pleasant song of bullfinches can reach your ear. Not only males sing, but also females. But in other birds, only males have this beautiful feature.

Educator: Look, what bullfinches? What do they look like? What colour?

Children: Bullfinches are beautiful, like apples, red.

Educator: Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak?

Children: to get the seeds out of the cones.

Educator: What else can a bullfinch eat?

Children: dried rowan berries, larvae.

Educator: Why do they fly to the city?

Children: In search of food.

Teacher: How can we help them?

Children: hang the feeders

Educator: That's right, we feed them by hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

Educator: We will start drawing a bullfinch in stages. How do you think, where will we start drawing?

Children: From the body, head, tail.

Educator: That's right, what geometric shape and color is the body of a bullfinch? Head? Tail?

Children: The body looks like an oval, red, and the head is round and black. Tail - slightly widened at the end, similar to a triangle.

Educator: Think about how to arrange the birds so that the bullfinch fits on a piece of paper. But before drawing, we will rest a little.

Physical education minute "Bullfinches"

Look at the branches, (Hands clap themselves on the sides)
Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Show breasts)
Feathers spread, (Hands slightly to the sides,)
They bask in the sun. (Move their fingers)
Head twirl, twirl, (Head turns to the right, to the left)
They want to fly. (Run in a circle, waving their hands)
Shh! Shh! Fly away!

Sounds calm music "singing bullfinch in the forest"

Teacher: And now let's get to work. We try to work carefully so that the colors do not mix with each other. Don't forget to rinse your brush. In case of difficulty, I suggest to some children in the course of the lesson.

Educator: So our drawing is over. What beautiful bullfinches you got. All are so different and wonderful. What is the name of the bird we drew? Who does she look like? What does a bird have? Etc. At the end of the lesson, arrange an exhibition "Bullfinches have arrived."

This material can be used in class visual activity senior age group. Children's use of various unconventional ways drawing has made the usual depiction of birds more interesting. The children were asked to use cotton swabs, a sponge, and a brush.



Synopsis of directly educational activities

GCD theme "Our feathered friends - bullfinches"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", " Artistic creativity”, “Musical and artistic creativity”.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, productive, motor.


Cognition: to teach children to reflect in the picture the idea of ​​wintering birds; clarify the idea of ​​​​the appearance of a bullfinch (structural features, color);

Communication: arouse interest in drawing a flock of birds on a rowan branch;

Artistic Creativity:introduce children to the concept of color and composition;

Musical creativity:cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, interest in drawing.

Planned results:

  • Has an idea about wintering birds, their features and appearance;
  • In the process of his own activity, he shows initiative, independence in the choice of materials for work,
  • Able to navigate in space
  • Exercise children in counting up to 10; in the ability to correctly answer questions how much? Develop logical thinking, fine motor skills of fingers;
  • Develop the habit of self-esteem and self-control.
  • The ability to mix colors on the palette to get shades of gray, red, brown.
  • The ability to describe the structure, shape, color of a bullfinch.

Materials and equipment:A4 paper, gouache, cotton buds, palette, oval-shaped foam rubber stamps, brush.

preliminary work:

  • observation of birds arriving at the site, looking at images of birds in illustrations, photographs, postcards, in encyclopedias for children;
  • reading and learning poems about birds, getting to know the silhouettes of various birds;
  • a conversation with children about wintering birds, about how a person helps birds in winter.
  • viewing illustrations of wintering birds, comparison by appearance bullfinch, sparrow, jackdaw.
  • observation of wintering birds, their behavior at the feeder.

drawing and modeling rowan branches with bunches of berries.

1. Introductory word of the teacher

We greet the guests and go to the location of our "Magic" forest.

Guys, today we will go on a trip to the fairy forest.

Music sounds: birds singing in the forest.

Please look carefully and tell me who do you see in our forest?

Indeed, many came to visit us beautiful birds. Let's guess together what kind of birds.

Who can name the birds that stay with us for the winter? How are they called in one word? And why do other birds fly away from us? What are they called? (children's answers)

So we came to the conclusion that birds can be divided into? (wintering and migratory)

- Now I will give you a riddleand you try to guess

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains,

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

Everyone agrees that this is a bullfinch? You guessed right, well done.

Guys, I suggest you get to know the bullfinch even closer. Therefore, I ask you to sit down at the tables and listen carefully to me. And we will sit at the tablesin an unusual way.Each of you is already familiar with our cheerful palette.

Let's remember what a palette is. (plate, plate for mixing paints)

I show the color and ask:

Who has yellow (red, blue, green) color on their clothes? Sit down - at the first table (then for everything). How can you get an orange color? Green? grey?

We reminisce about correct posture at the table.

And who knows about the snowman poem? (those who want to tell)

What a wonderful, interesting poem Vika read us. Thanks

I want to remind you that in our kindergartenthe project "Waltz of Victory" is underway, Let's listen to the song of a soldier- defender of the fatherland, who dreams of beautiful bullfinches.

We carefully look at the screen. (I turn on the video clip by Yu.Antonov "Bullfinches")

Hand clapping for emphasis.

Part 2 - description of the bird.

So let's trydescribe the bullfinch.

Who was watching closely? what do snowmen look like? What shape are they? What coloring?

And I would call these birds alive New Year's toys. Why do you think? (decorate the forest like toys)

Can they be called red apples? Why do you think so?

Bullfinches are very beautiful birds that live in a flock. Let's look at bullfinches together. This bird is slightly larger than a sparrow, very densely built. She has a bluish-gray back, black cap, chin, wings and tail, white rump and wing stripe.Males have a bright red chest. And the females are grey.

What shape and color is the beak? Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak? (to get the seeds out of the cones).

What else do you think a bullfinch can eat? (dried rowan berries, larvae).

Have you seen these beautiful birds? After all, sometimes they fly into the city, closer to people in search of food. How can we help them in a hungry cold time? (children's answers)

That's right, they will remain very grateful to all those who feed them, hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

I think that after our lesson welet's make a feederand hang it where they will often fly different birds for lunch.

3. Practical part - drawing.

showing technological map bullfinch images.

Guys, and now I offer you in the branches winter forest depict snowmen. But first, answer me with the help of which we can depict a bird (drawing with pencils, paint, non-traditional techniques, appliqué, plasticineography)

Consider the scheme of drawing a bullfinch in stages. How to start drawing a bird? - What is the geometric shape and color of the bullfinch's body? Head?

We pass to the tail - it expands a little at the end. What figure does it look like?

And now your a skillful hand will show us in the airhow to draw a torso, head and tail. (children draw with a brush in the air), our bullfinches are round, what else can be round? Ball. Puff out your cheeks and touch with your palms to imagine the torso of a bullfinch.

Think about how to arrange the birds so that the flock fits on a piece of paper.

Place your palms where your birds will be located.

You can draw two or more birds, but remember what more quantity birds, the smaller should be their size.

(Display on easel)

Decide in advance where you will draw the bullfinch and where the female. For her, we need gray paint. How to make it? (mix black and white on the palette).

We try to work carefully so that the colors do not mix with each other. We draw the beak, paws and eyes with squirrel brushes. Don't forget the white and gray details.

and for rowan clusters we use a cotton swab.

Calm music sounds “singing of birds in the forest”, “singing of a bullfinch in the forest”, I focus on the singing of a bullfinch. Children are working. In case of difficulty, I suggest to some children in the course of the lesson.

Physical education minute

While our birds are resting on rowan branches. Let's play with you.

I propose to dance, but do not get up from the chairs.

(I conduct dance movements on a chair for different parts of the body to the backing track of the cheerful song “Dance of the Merry Ducks”).

And who noticed that bullfinches flew into our group to visit? Let's try to find them, shall we? There should be exactly 10 of them. (Mathematical game - "Find and count")

Pictures depicting bullfinches are hung in a group of 10 pieces.

For those who didn’t have time, we finish drawing our birds, and for the rest, I suggest each of you take turns finding a bullfinch chick and planting it on our tree.

4. Outcome (reflection).

Well done! You have amazing work! Like festive lanterns, your bullfinches glow in the branches. Tell us what you liked about them? (Children talk, share their impressions).

Of your works, we will also organize an exhibition - a panorama "Look, look what kind of bullfinch birds" in our garden and invite guests - let them admire our works.

And after lunch, we will definitely make a feeder for our feathered friends. After all, it is so difficult for them to survive in the harsh winter. And we, people, must take care of our smaller brothers.