Entertainment programs for children on the street name. Scenario of the competitive game program "Dobrograd" material on the topic

Entertainment scenario “Button Festival”

Purpose: 1. To introduce the history of the button and its varieties.

  1. Amuse children, create a cheerful mood;

Equipment: buttons of different sizes, colors, shapes; buttons cut from cardboard for decorating a music room and for games.

Main characters (characters): Glove puppets of the puppet theater - button, crow, reel, needle, Mrs. Button and her friend Needle, presenters.

Previous work: learning ditties with children.

Presenter: Now I'll tell you a riddle:

Are you going to get dressed?

You can't get by without me,

Adults and children know

I'll button up everything in the world!

What is this? ( button)

Today we will tell you about the simplest and most necessary thing for everyone, a button.

A Button, a Coil and a Needle appear on the screen.


Once upon a time there were three girlfriends, they lived, they didn’t bother, they were friends with each other! They helped people, sang songs!


All: We are girlfriends - laughing girls

We live a very fun life

And now there are ditties for you

We'll sing great.

Needle: I'm short,

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I'm dragging my tail behind me.

Thread: Everyone calls me Thread, (Lydia Kovalenko)

I am needed both here and here!

I come in many colors

I embroider, I sew!

Button! Ay - ah - ah, oh - oh - oh, (Kubaeva Tatyana)

I admire myself!

Everyone in the world needs me,

I'm just a button!

All: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

(everyone is dancing)

Button: Everything - everything - everything! Stop dancing

Yes, sing songs,

It's time to sew, knit,

Sew buttons.

Needle: What are you commanding?

Are you the most important?

Button: Didn’t you know?

Neither here nor there!

Just imagine a coat.

Well. .how is it without buttons?

Go around the whole world

There is certainly no one more important than me!

(walks back and forth across the screen)

Thread: Ha-ha-ha! I can't,

I'm dying of laughter now!

The most important thing in the world is ME!

Multi-colored thread!

I can be red, white,

Violet and gray

I can be yellow or blue,

I know all the colors in the world!

It's impossible without me,

The most important thing in the world is ME!

Needle: No no no! Enough quarreling

Look at me

I stand on one leg,

I'll inject whoever you want!

(stabs button, thread, they ooh and ahh)

Well! Answer, who is more important?

Who is sharpest and strongest?

Well, of course, a needle,

I can be sharp and caustic!

(everyone is arguing: “I’m the most important.”)

Host: The girlfriends quarreled

And sat in the corners,

And you can’t hear the laughter,

Just sighs here and there!

Button(sad): We used to live so nicely,

I don't want to be the most important

You need to be friends with the thread,

Well, let’s thread the needle,

There is no point in living without them!

Thread: We used to live so nicely,

I don't want to be the most important.

There's no point without girlfriends

You need to thread a needle into me,

To sew on a button,

It's boring - it's boring to live in a quarrel!

Needle: We used to live so nicely!

I don't want to be the most important!

I injected my girlfriends in vain,

My sweet laughter

We must live in peace with them,

Together we serve people!

Thread and button (together): Yes, needle, you're right,

We can't be apart!

Presenter: The girlfriends made peace here,

They hugged each other,

And they live, they don’t grieve,

They serve people with faith and truth.

Presenter: This is the story that happened to three girlfriends, but it’s good that everything ended well and the girlfriends made peace. And today Mrs. Pugovkina herself came to visit us. Meet her. (Mrs. Pugovkina comes in)

Pugovkina: Hello! Hello!

I'm very glad to meet you!

Guys, I am delighted that you organized this holiday in your kindergarten! Just great! (draws attention to the curtains) Ouch! And what kind of buttons you have here, different - different!

Presenter: Guys, do you know that buttons appeared a long time ago. In ancient times, people sewed clothes from animal skins, made a hole instead of a loop and stuck a stick through it! Only later they began to make buttons from gold, silver, and there were also glass and crystal buttons. There are buttons on legs and without them (show both at once).

Now our children will perform funny ditties about buttons for you!


  1. How many buttons are on the dress, (Alina)

Maybe 10, maybe 20,

Well, maybe 25.

  1. Gave it for me (Alena)

Little white dress

And on the dress in two rows

The buttons glow.

  1. It took me two hours to get dressed (Masha)

And I was completely exhausted,

I'm left without buttons

I'll tell everyone about this!

  1. Got off my coat (Vitalina)

White button,

I couldn't sew it on

What have I done?

  1. I pricked myself with a needle, (Roma)

Because I helped

I'm to my friend Toma

Sew on buttons.

  1. The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, (Muslim)

Well, it doesn’t matter to me,

Because I'm buttoned up

And order in everything!

Presenter: Amazing! Now let's play! Want to?

Games are played:

  1. Find the same button (in the basin);
  2. Sort buttons (from the basin - by color);

Playing with the audience.

(Pugovkina takes one of the buttons from the window). But this button is magical, it seems.

Presenter: Yes exactly! Here are riddles for our guests! Now the children will wish them for our guests. Can you help me guess?

Thin and sharp (Yaroslav)

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I'm dragging my tail behind me. (needle and thread)

This necessary thing (Arina)

On your clothes you will find

If she is not there.

You will be considered a slob (button)

Small circles (Svyatoslav)

dived into holes

Like locks

The jacket is buttoned up! (buttons)

Covers everyone in the world (Emir)

Whatever he sews, he doesn’t put on! (needle and thread)

Pugovkina: I really want to invite my friend Igolochka to a party, is it possible? I'll call her now.

Hello! Hello Friend! What are you doing? Are you bored? What are you talking about! Come to our kindergarten party soon, it’s so much fun here! We wait!

Presenter: Guys, while Needle is coming to us, let's sing a song about our friendly kindergarten

(song "Kindergarten").

Needle comes in.

Needle: Hello! There are so many guys here and they all have buttons sewn on with a needle. Guys, Button and I are inseparable friends! Now we will play with you!!

  1. (in a circle)"Take care of your hands"

I am a needle - a needle. I can be sharp and caustic. Take care of your hands. Hide it behind your back and in your trousers.

Presenter: Guys, have you noticed that my friend Button and I are very necessary, but not at all safe. That's why we are kept in special boxes in a place inaccessible to you kids.

Presenter: Do you want to see how these two

Municipal budget educational institution

additional education for children

"Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity"

Competitive game program

« Naughty buttons"

Developed by: teacher-organizer

first category

Kireeva Vera Vasilievna

Uzlovaya - 2016

Tula region

Target: creating conditions for the spiritual and moral development of students’ personalities related to handicrafts.


    cultivate respect for folk traditions, morals, cultural and customs;

Participants: students of the institution's creative teams.


musical arrangement, threads, needles, wooden sticks, flap.

TCO: stereo system, microphones – 2 pieces, camera.

Location: MBOU DOD "DDYUT" (disco hall)

Progress of the event.

(Music plays, presenters come out)

Presenter 1. Children are a lot of fun!

Presenter 2. Children are full of ideas!

Presenter 1. Lots of imagination, full of talent!

Presenter 2. We are all with you….

Presenter 1. Must see!

Presenter 2. Good afternoon

Presenter 1. Hello!

Presenter 2. We welcome you to the competitive game program “Naughty Buttons”.

Presenter 1. Today, 4 teams from the groups “Modnitsa”, “Paraskeva”, “Magic Chest”, “Art Workshop” are participating in the program. Each team is supervised by assistants; Lisa, Alina, Irina and Olya.

Presenter 2. At our celebration there is a guest, the director of the Palace of Children’s (Youth) Creativity” - Natalya Ivanovna Kaznacheeva.

Presenter 1. Methodist – Olga Vasilievna Zyabkina.

Presenter 2 The teacher-organizer is Lyudmila Vasilievna Fedorova.

Presenter 1. Teams will be offered 6 competition tasks.

Presenter 2. During the game, participants earn buttons and string them on a stick. This way (the assistant shows how) Presenter 1. At the end of the game, the number of buttons won is counted. Whoever has more is the winner.

Presenter 2. Shall we play?

Presenter 1. "Pugovkobank", this is the name of the first competition. Each team must count the total number of buttons on the clothes of its members (teams count buttons, assistants check)

Presenter 2. Now we're going to find out which team has how many buttons?

At “Fashionista”….., at “Paraskeva”…., at “Magic Chest”… and at “Art Workshop”... The team earns the most _________, the team earns ____ buttons.

Presenter 1. Let's move on to the second competition "Who's next?" There is a line drawn on the floor with chalk. From this mark, one by one, everyone tries to place the button as far away from themselves as possible with one hand (you cannot throw it). Team members can help each other. The team whose button is furthest away from the others wins.

Presenter 2. Are the rules clear? Attention! Let's start!

Presenter 1. Third competition - "Invisible button"". Each team has a thread tied at the ends, with a small button strung on it. All team members take hold of the thread with 2 hands, pulling it and forming a circle. While members of the other team turn away, they pass, moving along the thread, give each other a button. The second team must guess at the signal: who has the button in their fist at the moment. Each team member has the right to answer. If I guess, they get a button.

Presenter 2. Contest "Button Relay Race" The baton, of course, is the button. A button located on the outside of the hand is passed around in a circle while sitting at the table. You cannot help with your other hand. Who will pass it faster and not drop it?

Presenter 1. Teams, are you ready? Attention! Let's start!

Presenter 2. The _____ team completed it quickly and correctly, they earn 4 buttons; the second ones were _____, you get 3 buttons; the third team is ______, they get 2 buttons, the last ________ get 1 button.

Presenter 1. Next competition "Find a match." All team members receive 1 button; you need to find a pair for your button in 1 minute. For each correct pair, the team receives 1 button, a total of 5 buttons can be earned.

Presenter 2. Attention! Let's start!

Presenter 1. We check that “Fashionista” has ______ matches, “Paraskeva” has ____ matches, “Magic Chest” has ______ matches, and “Art Workshop” has ____ matches.

This means that the “Fashionista” receives (1,2,3.4) buttons

“Paraskeva” - (1,2,3.4) buttons

“Magic chest” - (1,2,3.4) buttons

“Art workshop” - (1,2,3.4) buttons

Presenter 2. And the last competition "Tough Button". Which team will sew the button faster and stronger, doing 1 stitch at a time? The last participant makes a knot.

Presenter 1. Let's get ready. Attention! Let's start!

Presenter 2. The assistants check how tightly the buttons are sewn. Team _____ did it well and quickly, they get 4 buttons

team ______ receives 3 buttons;

team ______ receives 2 buttons;

team ______ receives 1 button.

Presenter 1. Well, now it’s time to sum up the results of the competition.

Presenter 2. The assistants count the number of buttons in each team ( assistants report the number to the presenter).

Presenter 1. While the results of the show jumping are being summed up, we present to your attention the program of magic tricks “Merry Illusion”.
Presenter 2. To announce the results of the competition, the floor is given to the director of the Palace, Natalya Ivanovna Kaznacheeva. (presents certificates and gifts).

Presenter 1. Thank you very much to all participants of the competition! Well done!

Presenter 2. See you again!

Presenter 1. Goodbye!

Often parents, teachers, pedagogical organizers, and counselors at health holiday camps have the question: “How to organize an interesting, memorable holiday for children?”

What does this question have to do with children of very different age categories - from toddlers to pupils kindergarten, students primary classes, teenagers to already matured boys and girls.

Carrying out game program- the most suitable remedy to solve this problem. As a rule, game programs have a specific theme and focus. It could be New Year's party, game disco, stage performance with the participation of spectators, sports festival, etc. Conducted festive event animators are actors dressed in costumes familiar to children, characters from fairy tales, cartoons, and feature films. Games held at the holiday can be of various types of physical, intellectual and emotional activity: entertainment competitions, educational games, outdoor competitions, role-playing games.

As a rule, the action develops under conditions determined by the script of the game program. The games fit harmoniously into the holiday storyline. In general, this is a performance among spectators, involving them in participating in games and competitions with the presentation of prizes.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is very difficult to create a good game program without a pre-written script. To facilitate the work of animators (they can be parents, teachers, and older children), a section “” has been created. Here you will find scripts on various topics and tastes, for small and large children.

All that remains is to wish you good luck and a creative approach to bringing the chosen scenario to life!

To organize children's leisure time at school extracurricular activities and in summer health centers and holiday camps a variety of entertainment and activities will be very useful, because children simply love to play. It is especially good if these programs are dedicated to a specific topic - it is more exciting and educational. We offer a new script for the game program for children “Funny Broom”, written by a wonderful author and experienced children's party host A. Zaitsev.

Scenario of the game program "Jolly Broom".

(Music sounds - the presenter comes out in the guise of a janitor, he has a broom and a bucket. He sweeps, notices the audience.)

Street cleaner (leading ): I have a question for you: she is twisted, tied, impaled, and dancing around the yard. Think what or who is this? I give three possible answers: a victim of a maniac, a violent ballerina, a broom. Those who thought - a broom are right. But you, it seems to me, thought loudest of all!

Auction "Relatives of the Broom"

Street cleaner(Addresses one of the spectators): Can you name objects that are “relatives” of the broom, so to speak - representatives of the “clan of purity”?

(The player offers his options. For example, a broom, a mop, a vacuum cleaner, a lazy person... The winner is the one who remembers and names the last option or the one who names them the most.

Music plays in the background - The janitor presents a prize to the auction winner.)

Fun competition "Defile on a broom"

Street cleaner: The broom is not only an assistant in the fight for cleanliness, but also a significant object in Russian folk tales. In particular, one of the heroines of these fairy tales, Baba Yaga, actively used a broom as a means of transportation.

(addresses the audience) If it’s not difficult for you, remember who else from literary heroes flew on a broom?

(Viewer responses: Margarita, Solokha, Harry Potter, fairy-tale witches... The janitor invites the quiz participants to come up to him and demonstrate a defile with a broom, musical melodies are heard in the background, for each exit there is one.)

Relay "Team flight"

Street cleaner: I’ll tell you a secret: a certain technology is used to make flying brooms. There are family grade brooms, sports brooms, racing brooms, toy brooms and taxi brooms.

With family brooms, convenience and safety are at the forefront.

Sports ones have maneuverability and speed.

Taxi drivers have several seats. It is this type of panicle that I suggest you mount and take an exclusive team flight.

(The janitor divides the players into two teams and arranges a relay race between them.)

Street cleaner: The conditions for the relay are simple. The first participant in the competition sits astride a broom and flies from me to the buckets and back. Then the second player of the team joins him, and together they move along the same trajectory. Then a third player joins. The crew that comes first to the finish line becomes the winner.

(A relay race takes place, cheerful music sounds in the background. Rewarding: winners - bagels, losers - dryers.

Street cleaner: I think each of you can tell me: how many parts does a broom have?

(Answers from the audience.)

Street cleaner: So, together we found out that the broom consists of three parts: the sweeping part - the bundle, the holding one - the handle and the fastening - the string.

Relay race - Chistofeta

Street cleaner: According to popular belief, a broom should not be kept at home, it should be left outside, with the handle down, then it helps attract wealth. I don’t know if this is really true, but the fact that sometimes I find money while cleaning the yard is for sure. I suggest you try your luck too. Let's organize a relay race - a clean fete. Who found coins on the street? And who left them for good weather?

(Reaction of the guys. Two teams of three people are recruited. The teams are given a broom, dustpan and bucket.)

Street cleaner: Get organized with these simple tools. But first, distribute them among your teams.

(The janitor scatters fake banknotes on the playground.)

Street cleaner: I ask the participants of the relay race to be distributed throughout our territory: players with buckets stand at the finish line, players with brooms at the starting line, and players with scoops between them - in the center of the site.

(Players take their places.)

Street cleaner: Now the music will play for two minutes. During this time, teams are asked to clear the area of ​​scattered banknotes. This must be done using the team method: the first participant sweeps the bill with a broom up to the scoop of the second player, who runs to the bucket, which is in the hands of the third team member. You need to collect one bill at a time. The team that assembled large quantity money - receives a bonus. Let's start!

(The relay race is taking place. Cheerful music is playing in the background)

Street cleaner: The relay has ended. The team of young janitors that wins the cleanliness relay race is awarded prizes!

(The award ceremony is taking place. Carouses or fanfare sounds in the background)

Street cleaner: The team that took second prize place, a prize will also be awarded if they can guess by eye five times how much money they have collected.

Street cleaner: You see: they cleaned up the yard and competed.

How amazing this word “janitor” is. How many cognate words does he have: yard, courtyard, backyards, nobleman, palace, butler, composer Dvorak, mongrel - “yard terrier”...

There are also “windshield wipers” on cars; they are responsible for keeping the windows clean.

Game "Hockey with a broom"

Street cleaner: And in winter my broom turns into sports equipment. It happens as if you hit an ice cube with it. Why not a hockey stick?

(Addresses one of the spectators.) Ever played hockey? Come on, stand up, spread your legs wider to make a gate.

(The janitor takes a wad of paper out of his pocket and pretends to play hockey. The song “Cowards Don’t Play Hockey” is playing in the background.)

Now you try to do the same.

(The janitor and the player change roles. Music plays in the background)

Well done!

(Gives a prize.)

Auction "Rhyme"

Street cleaner: This is what my broom is like - a broom, as nimble as a bee. ABOUT! Rhyme! Can you find a rhyme for the word “broom”?

(The Rhyme auction is taking place: Christmas tree, coffee grinder, shelf, bangs, skullcap, T-shirt...)

Broom Transformation Game

Street cleaner: I praise this item, it has no equal in the world of things!

She works like a bee, her name is... panicle! And my broom can be turned into a guitar. (Depicts playing a guitar. Guitar sounds in the background) Try turning the broom into something else.

(The game “Broom Transformations” takes place: guitar, shovel, tightrope pole, ninja pole, barbell, gun, cue, fishing rod... Appropriate music sounds in the background for each exit.)

Competition "The most dexterous"

Street cleaner: With the help of a broom you can find out who is the most dexterous in our company. I ask those who wish to stand in a line and remember how agility is tested.

(The janitor puts the broom vertically, releases it, scrolls in place 360 ​​degrees and catches the broom.)

Let's try?!

(The game is playing, music is playing in the background.)

Competition "Most Flexible"

Street cleaner: Those who are not tired can test their flexibility. But first you need to stand to my left in a column, one behind the other.

(Children complete the task. The leader holds the broom parallel to the floor.)

Street cleaner: Try, bending backwards, to walk one after another under the stick, which I will slowly lower down.

(The game is in progress. A cheerful melody sounds in the background)

Game "Catch the Broom"

Street cleaner: Anyone can participate in the next game. It's called "Catch the Broom." Everyone stands in a circle and settles in numerical order.

(Players complete the task.)

Street cleaner: Remember your numbers! I will stand in the center of the circle and place the broom vertically. I'll call out a number, and the one whose number it is runs out and catches the broom. If he catches it, he becomes the leader; if he doesn’t catch it, he rides in a circle on a broom and returns to his place.

(The game is going on, funny melodies are playing in the background)

Game "Ghost"

Street cleaner: And now I offer you another game. It's called "Ghost". The music will play for twenty seconds, and during this time you turn into ghosts: you disappear from this site

and appear in your seats. Time has passed.

(Music sounds - the guys return to their seats.)

Street cleaner: It's time for me to continue my work. There's still a lot to do in the yard. And don’t forget to say hello to the janitors in your yards. Bye!

(The final melody sounds, the presenter leaves.)

The children go on a trip with the presenter. They will visit the forest, the river, the sea and even the mountains. Interesting games and competitions await them everywhere.


Create a festive mood, a friendly atmosphere.


  • Cones, baskets;
  • Wooden circles;
  • Ball;
  • Fins, diving mask.


  • Presenter

Progress of the event


Summer means sun, bright days,
Rainbow after the rain and moths.

Summer is happiness, sky, forest, water,
This is a flock of birds near a pond.

In summer you can run, jump and gallop,
And on fresh air fun to play!

Presenter: Guys, let's play and have fun! Today we will travel! Want to?

The children answer.

Presenter: But first, let's get acquainted. State your names.

Children call.

Presenter: I didn't hear everyone. But it doesn't matter! I'll see you now. Those whom I call, raise your hands up and shout “It’s me!”

The presenter calls names, the children complete the task.

Presenter: That's how we met. Well, now let's go on a trip. Tell me, where can I relax in the summer?

They answer: at the sea, on the river, in the forest.

Presenter: And you and I will visit everywhere! Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a forest. Oh, how fresh and beautiful it is here! It becomes easier to breathe. Let's raise our hands up and say "Hello, forest!"

Children complete the task.

Presenter: What is a forest? Who lives in the forest? What plants can be found in the forest?

The children answer.

Presenter: Guys, there lives in the forest... a centipede! Do you think it's easy for her to move with so many legs? Let's check. And for this we need to turn into centipedes!

Held Relay "Centipede".

Participants are divided into several groups and line up in a column. Then they bend over, stretch their right hand forward and their left hand back between their legs, grabbing the palm in front and behind the standing participants. The centipede is ready. Now she needs to run as quickly as possible, without falling apart, to a certain place and back.

Presenter: Now imagine that it rained and... What? That's right, rainbow! Tell me, how many colors does the rainbow have? Name them.

Children: Red, orange, ….

Presenter: Now let's test your dexterity and attentiveness!

Presenter: And after the rain, a lot of... what grows?

Children: Mushrooms!

The Mushroom Pickers competition is being held.

Presenter: We have collected mushrooms, now we will walk through the forest (she walks in a circle, the children follow her). Let's go and admire nature... Oh, what is it? It's like my legs got stuck. Where did we end up?

Children: In the swamp.

Presenter: To go further, you need to bypass dangerous places.

Presenter: We did it! We did it! And they went straight to the river! Guys, what do you do on the river in the summer?

Children: Swimming, sunbathing.

Presenter: Do you know that the river has a guardian - mermaids? Those who swim far, who violate the laws of the river, they take to the bottom of the sea!

The game "Mermaids" is being played.

A circle is outlined on the ground - a river. There are 2 willing people - mermaids, they go into a circle. The rest walk along the river bank along the drawn line. As soon as the presenter says “Mermaids!”, the children gather in groups of four (three). Those who do not have time to do this, the mermaids take with them to the bottom - now they, too, become mermaids. The game continues until all the children turn into mermaids.

Presenter: Let's take a walk, take a swim, let's light a fire and fry some potatoes!

The game "Hot Potato" is played.

The guys form a circle. Then they quickly throw a ball - a potato - to each other. The presenter times 20 seconds and blows the whistle after the time has passed. The one who has a “potato” at this moment is eliminated (can be seated in a circle). The game continues.

Presenter: Now let's check if you know animals.

Plays the game “Runs, jumps, flies.”

The presenter throws the ball to one of the participants and calls a word, for example, “Flies.” The participant names an animal that flies (falcon). If he can’t name it, he’s out.

Presenter: Now let's go to the sea, to the beach! Let's go diving. Or rather, I’m just learning to swim with fins. Who wants to try?

The relay race “With fins” is being held.

Those interested are divided into 2 groups. Participants take turns putting on fins (you can also use a diving mask), run the required distance, and return to pass the baton to the next one.

Presenter: Guys, we haven’t been to the mountains yet! It’s so cool there: you can even go skiing if there’s snow! But we won’t do this - it’s dangerous for your health to ski on the ground. Yes, and skis can be broken. We will get acquainted with a phenomenon that often occurs in this place and can cause a collapse. Can you guess what I mean?

Children: Echo.

Presenter: Right. You will now turn into an echo, okay?

Conducts the game "Echo".

The presenter names a word or phrase, the players repeat the last part: mountain - ra, read a book - yoke.


Let's continue this game:

The game is over - ra-ra-ra.
It's time for us to part - ra-ra-ra.
We say “farewell” to you - goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
Remember us, forget us - wai-wai-wai.

Presenter: Our little summer trip is over! Next time we will go on a sea cruise. But that is another story! Goodbye, guys!