Customs clearance. Customs clearance! What is customs clearance of goods

Any product that crosses the border must undergo customs clearance (customs clearance), regardless of the purpose for which it is imported into the country. Most difficult process customs clearance awaits business owners purchasing large quantities in other countries.

We will talk below about what documents are required for customs clearance and how it goes.

Documents for customs clearance of goods

To select a HS code, fill out customs declaration, pay fees and duties in full and, in fact, go through customs clearance, the owner of the cargo will need:

  • A document that confirms the transaction. As a rule, this is an agreement between participants in an external economic activity(buyer from Russia and seller from another country).
  • Transport documents. Their composition and type depend on the type of transport you use to transport the goods. There will be no problems with them: such documents are drawn up in.
  • Papers confirming the origin of the cargo.
  • Passport of the owner of the cargo or other documents identifying the person submitting the declaration.
  • Payment documents for cargo.
  • Documents confirming payment of duties and fees.
  • Various licenses, permits and certificates, if required for the goods you are importing.
  • Transaction passport (for settlements in foreign currency).
  • Constituent documents of a legal entity.

The data specified in these documents must match those specified in the customs declaration.

Registration of customs declaration

A customs declaration is a document that is drawn up on special forms manually. Now, in some cases, you can submit an online declaration.

When registering you must:

  • Specify the HS code. This is important: the amount of duty depends on the product code. In some cases, duties are not levied at all, in others they increase several times.
  • Collect the package of documents listed above. You will have to check with them: due to inaccuracy or a simple mistake, the cargo may not be allowed through.
  • Directly fill out the declaration, indicating information about the parties to the transaction, the product itself, and its value.

You can submit a declaration in person or through a representative (including a broker).

How is the procedure done?

Conventionally, customs clearance can be divided into two stages - preparatory and main. The main one begins as soon as the cargo reaches the customs point.

Preparing for customs clearance

This is the most important stage. Errors and inaccuracies can lead to significant delays in cargo, and if it is proven that you violated one of the provisions of the Customs Code or other laws of the Russian Federation, the goods may be completely confiscated. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to double-check all information and obtain all documents that may be required.

So, as soon as you have made a deal and purchased the goods, you need to:

  • Collect and double-check documents (from contracts to payment papers).
  • Determine the HS code based on them.
  • Fill out the cargo customs declaration.
  • Calculate and pay duties and fees.

You can submit a declaration in advance or upon arrival of the goods at the customs point. It is not recommended to delay with it, otherwise the goods will be placed in a temporary storage warehouse, and it will await the submission and registration of the customs declaration.

Clearance at customs point

It happens in the following order:

  1. The responsible person (customs officer) evaluates the package of documents that you submitted. If something is missing, the documents will be returned to you, and the cargo will be sent to a temporary storage warehouse until you receive and provide the complete package.
  2. Verification of documents. If everything is in order, the employee checks the documents. First of all, the customs declaration itself, which is pre-registered. All data must be verified with the original documents (agreement, certificates, etc.).
  3. Currency control. The specialist checks to what extent your agreement complies with Russian and international laws, and to what extent you have the right to participate in foreign trade activities.
  4. Checking payments - duties and fees. The customs officer evaluates the correctness of the selected HS code, recalculates the duties that you had to pay, and checks whether the funds were received on time and in full. If you are late with payment, you may be subject to a fine.
  5. Only after processing the documents does the customs officer examine the goods themselves. In some cases, the packaging is opened.

The customs clearance period at the point itself is usually 1 business day. However, if the customs point is overloaded, or employees have suspicions about the correctness of the documents and the legality of the cargo itself, it may be detained. The maximum storage period at the customs warehouse is four months. After this, customs is obliged to either release the goods into Russian territory, or, if there are grounds for this, destroy the cargo.

Why do they most often work with customs through a broker?

In general, the answer is simple: the broker quickly, accurately and correctly fills out and submits documents. Errors and violations caused by ignorance of current laws and regulations are excluded.

A broker who works with someone else's goods as an intermediary will save time and reduce the clearance period to the minimum possible. The services of a specialist are quite inexpensive and depend on the working conditions and type of cargo, and not on its cost. In addition, with such customs clearance, you do not need to personally go to the border to pick up the goods - everything can be controlled remotely.

Most entrepreneurs ask difficult question, how to clear goods at the border. In this material we will tell you what customs clearance of goods is and how this complex and difficult process occurs. We will also look at what role do transport companies play in the customs clearance process?

What is the process of customs clearance of goods?

When organizing the transportation of goods, many companies experience a variety of difficulties in drawing up related contracts. Let us note that customs clearance of cargo is the most common process that must be carried out when importing goods into the country. Thanks to the registration of the necessary package of documents at customs, your cargo can be legally sold in Russia in the future through various distribution channels. This process also allows the state to control trade relations with various countries.
Customs clearance is an obligatory part of the transaction between the supplier of the goods and the client who ordered it. In this case, customs is only an intermediary who participates in the process of declaring cargo imported into the country. The main role in this case is given to the customs broker, who participates in the entire customs clearance process and acts on behalf of his client.
Most transport companies can carry out both cargo transportation and customs clearance at the border. Providing such a range of services is very convenient, because the customer does not need to look for a separate company that will deliver his goods and, separately, customs broker. A big plus here is also the fact that if any difficulties arise at the border or during transportation of goods, the company can quickly eliminate them, knowing the characteristics of the cargo or transportation route. With the SoyuzCargo company, customs clearance of goods is operational process. We know how to make customs clearance go smoothly.

The role of the transport company during customs clearance of goods

The transport company plays an important role in the transportation and customs clearance of cargo. Firstly, since transporters face daily problematic situations When delivering different types of products from all over the world, they are able to quickly deal with issues that arise. Secondly, a customs broker working on behalf of transport company, knows how to make sure that customs clearance of cargo takes place without any troubles. He will take on absolutely all the functions of preparing the necessary documentation, as well as declaring products to the customs authorities.
After you contact the transport company to organize transportation and further customs clearance of the cargo, you will enter into a special agreement. It is this paper that will regulate your relationship. It must describe in detail all the actions that the transporter or customs broker performs during the period of cooperation. It should also list the price you pay for shipping. An undeniable advantage of this type of cooperation is the legality of all actions taken.
The SoyuzCargo company provides prompt delivery and customs clearance of any type of goods. We have a team of professionals who thoroughly know their business. We value each of our clients, so we approach every issue individually. Customs clearance of goods is an easy and comfortable process if you entrust it to professionals.

The process of customs clearance and cargo clearance is a special set of activities, each of which is associated with the passage of goods across the border. Professional customs clearance of cargo, from a legal point of view, provides the opportunity to carry out transportation and transportation in the most timely manner.

Main stages

The process of customs clearance of cargo is carried out in several main stages. Consistency is very important, since the efficiency of the process and the guaranteed prevention of the possibility of cargo being delayed at customs and its return to the country where it was purchased directly depends on it.

Preliminary stage

As soon as the goods enter the main customs control area, the relevant customs authority is immediately notified. This notice provides information regarding the features and rules of treatment for a particular product. At the same time, the transported goods themselves are provided, along with the attached package of certificates and documents. They are drawn up in strict accordance with the rules and laws established in modern times.

Initial stage

The next stage of the process is based on such important processes as:

  1. Registration of a customs declaration, which contains information about the work of customs and the goods being transported.
  2. Checking certificates and documents. The codes of the main manufacturers, prices, and so on are also checked.
  3. Reconciliation of the correctness of payments made, the main financial official documentation is carefully checked.
  4. Optimal accuracy of accruals for customs payments. This may include duties, excise taxes, VAT and other payments.
  5. Final verification of the complete legality and literacy of the cargo registration process in a pre-declared mode. Payments may also be made here.

It is worth knowing that different categories and types of transportation objects may have different customs clearance procedures and different payments made.

The final stage

If the procedure was successful, if all the necessary formalities were met and no violations were found, the goods will be released into Russia for free circulation.

Required documents

According to Customs Code In Russia, customs clearance of goods is now a mandatory activity. This right applies to all types of goods without exception. The monetary costs associated with this process are borne by the recipient, who pays duties and carries out the transportation of other important transactions.

In the process of crossing borders, special attention should be paid to literacy and professionalism in the process of preparing all the necessary accompanying documents. It is not uniform for all cases and varies from country to country. First of all, the following package of documents may be required for customs clearance:

  1. Bill of lading.
  2. Official invoice.
  3. Special specification.
  4. Passport of the completed transaction.
  5. The main packing list, as well as its translation.
  6. The agreement and all documents attached to it.
  7. Other special documents – conclusion of the SES, certificates, and so on.

Important! For those states that are part of Customs Union, process necessary registration customs cargo there is no need to carry out, there is no need to decide how to clear the cargo through customs.

In this case, the interested person only needs to fill out a special official statistical declaration. It is in it that information about the cargo that is being imported or about the product is written down. It is equally important to complete the paperwork and make all the necessary payments. This may include payment of import and export duties, VAT, various fees for customs clearance and excise duty.

Possible risks

Help qualified specialist and the customs clearance of the cargo carried out by them are very important. If incorrect information on the transported cargo was provided, an attempt to transport it through customs may cause certain negative consequences. This is especially true when it comes to prohibited goods or those that do not correspond to the real information data specified in the official customs declaration.

Among the main difficulties of cargo clearance are:

  • Delay of cargo at the border for the purpose of examination;
  • Complete confiscation or official alienation of the cargo;
  • Imposition of fines;
  • Bringing the transport company to criminal or administrative liability.

In order to minimize the main listed risks as effectively as possible during the customs clearance process, you should seek help from professionals. Only with their help can transportation be made not just fast, but also safe.

Who does customs clearance?

Registration of competent customs clearance is carried out in institutions. Customs agents work here who take care of all the problems associated with competent and fast clearance. They collect all the necessary documents. Essentially, these are specialists who are intermediaries between all interested people and the organization.

The agent prepares documents for cargo transported across the border. This is a legally registered person who has a special license that allows such operations, and a qualified customs representative who has high level qualifications and experience to carry out the work. An agent is an authorized specialist who works specifically in the field of customs clearance, he is well acquainted with all the nuances this process. Only a professional knows perfectly how to implement it correctly documenting customs cleared cargo, and also has the right and skills to represent the interests of clients at customs.

Summing up

The thoughtfulness and correctness of such a process as customs clearance of various cargoes is necessary not only in order to effectively implement the main foreign economic activity. A legal and correctly carried out procedure for cargo clearance effectively protects small businesses and modern business associations, and the main activities for customs clearance are also significantly simplified.

We offer step by step instructions, which will probably do more transparent process customs clearance of a car brought from abroad. It is likely that we will convince someone that it is better to buy a car in Russia than to bring it from abroad and deal with customs clearance. But if you know what to do and in what order, the procedure is not so complicated.

In order to bring and clear a car without losing money, we need to understand in advance what kind of car we will go abroad for. It is worth thinking over the route, calculating the cost of customs clearance and figuring out the algorithm for your actions at the border. If at least one of these points gives you doubts, then this material will definitely be useful to you.

1. Decide on the imported car

If you are not yet sure whether to bring a car from abroad, go to a car sales website and find out the price of the model you are interested in in your city. Then check the price of cars abroad (for example, on the website and add to this the cost of customs clearance and delivery of the car (gasoline, hotel, travel expenses or ferryman services)

2. Calculate the cost of customs clearance of the car

The amount you have to pay is largely determined by the size customs duties on cars For individuals. This is the amount you will have to pay for the very fact of import.

For cars that have been manufactured for more than 3 but not more than 5 years, regardless of country of origin, the order of numbers is as follows:

Scott Griessel / Photoxpress

For example, a 2009 Volkswagen Golf V Variant with a 1.4 TSI engine (122 hp), with a mileage of about 70,000 km, costs about €10,900 in Germany.

How we pay: 1390 cc multiplied by the coefficient (€1.7) and we get €2,363 or about 95,000 rubles. To this we add a recycling fee (3,000 rubles) and 500 rubles for the registration procedure. total amount payments for such a car will be at least 98,500 rubles.

NOTE! We indicated minimum prices customs clearance of cars, since during registration, inspectors evaluate the cost of the car taking into account the installed equipment, options, year of manufacture, and so on. That is, the actual cost of customs clearance may increase.

Let's look at another example: BMW X3 2.0i (150 hp) 2009. with a mileage of about 50,000 km, it costs about €22,200 in Germany. Customs clearance of such a car will cost from 220,000 rubles. This amount was obtained based on the rate of €3 per “cube” multiplied by 2969 cubic meters. cm, plus 2,000 rubles for registration and 3,000 rubles for disposal fee. You can calculate how much customs clearance of other cars costs.

For vehicles that are more than 5 years old, regardless of country of origin:

For example, customs clearance of a 2007 Opel Astra Caravan with a 1.4 90 hp engine, which we found in Germany for €3,690, costs about 180,000 rubles. And a diesel 110-horsepower Peugeot 407 produced in 2007, the price of which in Germany is about €4,500, can be cleared through customs for no less than 224,400 rubles.

It turns out that customs clearance for a car older than 5 years is several times higher than it market value Abroad! So the most profitable cars for private import are between 3 and 5 years old with an engine capacity of up to 1500 cc.

3. Planning the route

It is important to consider how much it will cost you to travel abroad. Here we are unlikely to be able to tell you the exact amounts, since it all depends on where and for how long you are traveling, what hotel you want to stay in and what you like to eat for breakfast.

Please note that it costs (as of the beginning of 2013) an average of 40,000 rubles to drive a car with the help of a third-party company (drivers). So if your trip costs significantly more, this is a reason to think about it.

4. We pay a deposit to the customs office

Knowing how much you're willing to spend on a car is helpful for many reasons. In particular, because you will need to deposit a security deposit with customs BEFORE purchasing, and possibly even before leaving. The amount of the deposit must be equal to (or exceed) the cost of customs clearance.

Please note: money cannot be deposited at the checkpoint at the border - this must be done by money transfer several banking days in advance so that the money has time to reach the customs account before your arrival! If you don’t know what kind of car you are driving, you will have to pay a deposit with a reserve. The unspent balance after paying all duties and fees will, of course, be returned to you. But this may take time - up to two months.

When making a deposit and providing copies of all documents, you must immediately indicate the border crossing point through which you are going to import the car into Russia. Customs authorities will notify the border crossing in advance of your arrival time. Formally, you need to indicate the exact date, but in practice, arriving within plus or minus two days from it will not be a problem.

BE CAREFUL! Each car model is listed in a special customs catalog, and despite the fact that the market is full of offers for issuing any certificates, do not flatter yourself: discrepancy in data threatens the cancellation of the PTS, the seizure of the car and a fine for an individual of up to 400,000 rubles! Last year, more than 600 car owners already paid such a fine.

5. We fill out documents for customs clearance of the car

If you are crossing the border in a newly purchased car, do not forget to fill out the passenger customs declaration TD-6, indicating the car as accompanied luggage.

If you decide to send the car in a container or on a car transporter, then upon arrival in the Russian Federation, at the first border crossing point, in the passenger declaration you must indicate the car (make, model and VIN number) as unaccompanied baggage indicating the number vehicle, on which it is traveling, or the number of the container and the name of the vessel on board which it is being delivered.

When registering a car yourself (without resorting to the services of customs brokers), prepare documents for the customs inspector. He will affix stamps and issue a vehicle delivery control document (DKDTS), which will indicate the border crossing notification number and the delivery time of the car.

– copies of documents for the car;
– customs receipt and guarantee certificate certified by the inspector (issued upon payment of the deposit);
–passenger customs declaration TD-6, in which it is necessary to indicate the car (make, model and VIN number) as unaccompanied baggage, indicating the number of the vehicle on which it is traveling, or the number of the container and the name of the vessel on board which it is delivered.

The set of documents is transferred to the delivery control department, where the completion of the internal customs transit procedure is formalized. Returned documents must be handed over to the clearance inspector to complete the delivery procedure.

The amount deposited by you in advance with the customs office will be accepted as payment of the necessary duties and taxes. At the final stage, if all documents and their correct filling Customs clearance usually takes 1 day, although according to the law, 72 hours are allotted for clearance. In addition, its period may be extended to 15 days in cases provided for by law.

6. We insure the car

From January 1, 2009 Customs monitor how owners insure their civil liability when entering Russia by car and leaving the Russian Federation to other states where they apply international systems insurance. Don't forget to take out an MTPL policy!

Is there any easier way to clear a car through customs?

If the customs clearance procedure seems too complicated to you, then it is better to contact a customs clearance specialist - in other words, a broker. He needs to provide a passport, international passport, documents confirming the purchase of a car, a customs receipt and a guarantee certificate, a foreign PTS, a TD-6 declaration, a certificate of compliance with environmental standards (today, only vehicles that comply with Euro-4 standards are allowed to be imported into the Russian Federation and higher). Based on the specified documents, he himself will issue a customs declaration for the car.

The advantages of such mediation are that contacting a specialist will allow you to formalize everything in a few days Required documents. You will only be required to be present when receiving the PTS. Communication with government agencies at this stage is reduced to a minimum, and the probability of leaving “with our numbers” on the day of contacting customs is 95%.

There is, perhaps, only one downside: the service is paid, and its cost on average is 10,000 - 15,000 rubles per car. True, some brokers are ready to help you with independent customs clearance for a much smaller amount: for 5,000 rubles (approximately) they will guide you through all the windows, check the quality of filling out documents and, if necessary, give you a couple of valuable tips.

We thank the Avtolocator company and customs broker Vyacheslav Voitovich for their assistance in preparing the material

Many companies that transport goods manufactured abroad are faced with the problem of customs clearance of goods. This difficult process is one of the mandatory tasks when carrying out transportation. various types cargo

What is customs clearance of goods?

In order to obtain permission to import products into the territory of the state, it is necessary to go through a number of procedures.

First, you need to declare the goods that are being imported into the country. In this case, the owner of the cargo informs the representatives customs services all information about the product.

The owner of the cargo must pay. After this, the cargo undergoes the necessary control at customs.

Customs clearance of goods includes the following types of payments:

Import duty. It is paid for the fact that the cargo is imported into the territory of another state. Its amount depends on the cost. Also included in the price is the preparation of the necessary declarations.

The owner of the product pays all necessary taxes.

Customs clearance of goods is a rather complex process. To register the cargo, you need to collect a large package of documents. In addition, the owner of the goods, when registering it, may wait a long time for his turn if customs point arranges cargo a large number of of people.

Customs clearance of goods from China is a rather complicated process. In order for everything to go smoothly, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in legislation in the country. When importing products from this country, you should have with you not only declarations for the goods, but also certificates of their quality, as well as all necessary permits and certificates.

Customs clearance of goods from the USA also has many pitfalls. Importing products from this state has become very popular, as the price is quite high. When importing goods from the States, you must have all permits and certificates for it. Also, the cargo owner should know all legislative framework for the transportation of goods from this country. If cargo is not properly processed, it can be stuck in customs territory for many days. And for storing goods that have not cleared customs, you will have to pay a certain amount, which is registered in the register of the customs point.

When checking cargo, not only is it installed on customs territory correct design documents, but also the quality of the goods.

To ensure that customs clearance of goods from another country does not become a problem, it is better for cargo owners to contact special companies that employ specialists who know their business. They will help not only save time on the procedure for registering goods, but also the cost of their services will be significantly less than rewriting incorrectly completed declarations. Also, such companies employ highly qualified lawyers who monitor all changes in laws in the countries from which goods are imported. They will advise the owners of the goods on a type of transport that will significantly save the amount spent on transportation and customs clearance.