Projects on ecology in the kindergarten of the bird. Project on ecology "Birds" project on the world around (senior group) on the topic


Project passport.

Project type: rewarding and creative.

Project duration: short-term (from 01/18/2016 to 01/30/2016).

Project participants: older children speech therapy group(5 - 6 years old), educators of this group, parents of pupils.

Relevance of the topic: one sees and hears birds every day. It's hard to imagine that they won't. The role of birds in the ecosystem is very large. Birds are faithful defenders of vegetation from pests.

Winter is a difficult time for birds. A large number of birds die in winter from lack of food (berries, seeds, insects). Children and adults can help them get through the cold.

Objective of the project: enrich and systematize the ideas of older children preschool age about the features of the life and behavior of birds in the cold season, to find out their food preferences. Develop interest in nature. Raise the desire and readiness to help birds that suffer from cold and hunger in winter. Develop communication skills.


    to form children's knowledge and systematize information about wintering birds, their lifestyle, connection with environment, the role of man in the life of birds;

    cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help and be useful;

    enrich the knowledge of children obtained by observing the habits of birds, their food preferences;

    teach children how to properly feed birds;

    expand horizons, develop coherent speech, a rich vocabulary of children.

    develop partnerships, involve parents in joint activities in the manufacture of feeders, an environmental magazine, and a photo exhibition about wintering birds.

Expected result:

1. During the project, children should systematize knowledge about the wintering birds of our region (titmouse, sparrow, bullfinch, magpie, crow, dove). Pupils will know their characteristic external signs, where they live, what they eat.
2. Find out which of the wintering birds prefers which food. They will come to the conclusion that it is necessary to constantly feed the birds in difficult winter times.

    3. Children will discover in themselves a benevolent attitude towards our smaller brothers.

4. Interest and desire to work in a team, for the common good, is activated.

    5. The project involves developing partnerships with adult family members.

    6. Involving parents in joint activities in the manufacture of feeders, an environmental magazine, a photo exhibition about wintering birds.

Plan to achieve the goal.

Find and systematize sources of information:


    Books about wintering birds;

    Internet resources;

    Help from parents;

    Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations with children.

1. Preparatory stage.

Problem situation.

Children find a letter from Mother Winter in the walls of the playroom. After discovering the find, the children wonder who wrote it. The teacher reads the text of the message.

Hello dear guys! Finally, I have come to you! She covered the whole earth with a white blanket. No wonder my name is Mother - winter. Outside, the frost is getting stronger. Winter cold is a hard time for birds. They are cold and hungry. Poor birds, in order not to freeze, huddle in flocks. They hug each other closely. They fluff their feathers and sit ruffled. But the worst thing for birds is not cold, but hunger! Without food, they will not survive until spring. They will not sing their cheerful songs They will freeze! .. Help, help! Save them from trouble! Feed the poor birds!

I expect good deeds from you, my assistants!

Leading questions are asked to read the letter.

    Guys, help the wintering birds?

    What winter birds do you know?

    How are we going to help them?

    What do we need to know for this?

    Where can you get the information you need?

    Who will help us learn more about wintering birds?

    How to properly feed the birds?

    Why are feeders needed?

    What do birds love?

    What food is dangerous for birds?

    Why do you need to feed the birds?

The children's answers are recorded in Table 1.

Table 1.


F.O. child

What does he know?

What does he want to know?

How to find out?

Perepelkina Dasha

Mom and I saw a titmouse. She flew home to us.

How do tits keep warm in winter?

Ask the teacher.

Gorodetsky Ruslan

What are migratory and wintering birds.

Why don't all birds fly away?

Ask mom.

Krivolapov Bogdan

Birds sing songs to us in spring.

What birds sing in winter?

Fighting Darina

Birds eat a lot to give birth to chicks.

How are their chicks born?

Tell me.

Rafatov Rasul

Birds live in the forest. They fly there.

How do birds sleep?

Pashkurov Maxim

Cats prey on birds in the feeder, they can turn it over.

How to protect the birds at the feeder?

Ask the teacher.

Rye Angelina

They eat a lot and fly close to people in winter.

What can you put on a bird feeder?

I'll ask my mom.

Main stage.

Getting parental support.

Drawing up a work plan.

Selection fiction, paintings, didactic and outdoor games.

Conducting consultations with parents. Theme: "Wintering Birds". It is necessary to highlight the following points in the implementation of the project:

1. What wintering birds are there in Zolotukhino.

3. Features of the habitat, food preferences.

4. How to design a page in an environmental magazine.

5. What can you make a feeder from.

Work plan for two weeks:

First week

Viewing images of wintering birds using ICT.

Reading the poem by E. Nosov "Feed the birds in winter."

Conversation: “What do birds need in winter, warmth or food?”.

Creation of the ecological magazine "Wintering Birds of the Zolotukhino Village"

(together with parents).

Didactic game: "Guess by the description" (appearance of birds based on pictures).

Creation of a book exhibition on the theme "Wintering Birds" (together with children).

Problem situation "If there were no birds ...".

Watching a magpie for a walk (consolidating knowledge about appearance, habits).

Problematic situation: dramatization “We'll live until spring” (adapted text, abbreviated).

Examination of the painting by O. Potas "Bullfinches have arrived."

Application from knitting threads "Bullfinches" (collective work).

Second week

Didactic game: "The fourth extra" (wintering and migratory birds).

Mobile game "Birdcatcher".

Didactic game: "Say the opposite."

Problem situation "Empty feeder". (how to feed the birds).

Assemblage "Bird Dining Room"

Didactic game: “Who loves what” (sorting bird food).

Carrying out the action "Let's share with the birds" (gathering food for wintering birds).

Conversation: "What can you make a feeder out of."

Making bird feeders Team work parents and children).

Solemn hanging of feeders on the territory of the kindergarten, filling them with food.

Creating a bird feeding observation calendar.

Schedule their feeding.

Photo exhibition "How we helped birds."

The final stage.

Conducting a quiz "What do we know about wintering birds" together with parents and pupils.

Quiz plan:

    Questions on the knowledge of wintering birds (work with parents).

    Board - printed game: "Collect a picture" (cut pictures depicting wintering birds).

    Riddles about birds (children and adults).

    Mobile game "Colorful titmouse".

    Didactic game: "Finish the sentence" (knowledge of proverbs).

    Didactic game: "I believe - I do not believe."

    Summarizing. Rewarding of all participants with memorable prizes.

    Awarding the winners with certificates.

    Conducting interviews with parents. Clarification, what do you like more? What else could be added? Listening to the opinions of parents, summing up.

    Conducting a self-assessment of the work done.

Birds is a powerful source of knowledge. They are an important factor in maintaining biological balance. Communication with birds ennobles a person, makes him sensitive, can serve as a rich material for the development of aesthetic feelings, sensory education, contributes to the formation of character and interest. To comprehend the art of communicating with birds, one cannot do without ecological knowledge. After all, misconceptions that cause an unfriendly attitude towards birds, this not only harms the birds, but also affects the psyche of children, hardens them. It is much more difficult to correct misconceptions than to form new, correct ones. We give knowledge in the form of environmental actions and activities with children.

Hello birds!

Lesson on ecology in preparatory group.


  • To form children's knowledge about birds.
  • To develop empathy for the troubles of birds, the desire to fight for their safety.
  • To cultivate love for birds through direct communication with them, perceiving their diversity.

Material: carpet, tree dummy, chicken egg, magnifying glass, illustrations with bird clutches, pictures of birds, a basket, leaflets with riddles about birds, a magnetic board, a hat for playing, birdhouses.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, talking about birds, looking at illustrations, outdoor games, making birdhouses with parents.

Lesson progress

Updating knowledge on the topic "Spring"

There is a tree on the carpet, birds on it. Sounds like a bird's chirp.

Buds swell quickly, leaves appear. Everywhere hubbub, bird trill, It's April that came to us. April has come to us. Spring came. And what miracles happen in spring: snow turns into water, water gurgles everywhere, streams run, icicles melt from the heat, ice floes come off (is it dangerous?), buds swell, primroses appear, etc. But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that some birds return, bringing spring on their wings, others survived the harsh winter and rejoice in the spring warmth (listening to the birds singing in the recording).

Good-bad game

What good is it that the birds flew away from us? (It is cold in our area in winter, they have nowhere to hide from the wind and snow, and it is warm in the south; hungry birds have nothing to eat, since all insects sleep in winter, and insects are found in warm regions all year round). What's wrong with birds flying away from us? (We do not see birds; we do not hear their singing; many birds, when they fly, die on the way, do not withstand a difficult road; without birds it is boring and quiet).

Conversation on the topic " Migratory birds»

— Diverse bird world! The spring parade of the feathered population is very interesting and bright! Rejoicing in the spring and warmth, they improve our mood with their bird songs. So let there always be a lot, because they are not crowded in the air. - Guys, why do birds return to us? (Continue your lineage). Arriving, birds occupy nesting sites, forming pairs. At this time, the bird song is most often heard. For example, a sparrow - dad and a sparrow - mom, are looking for a place to nest in any secluded place - in a hollow, birdhouse, under the roof of a house, in dense tree branches, etc. They collect branches for the nest, cover it with blades of grass, feathers, down, and tufts of wool. Then mother - a bird lays testicles in a ready nest and sits on them. Do you know how birds are born? I will tell you about a miraculous transformation. What do you think I'm holding? This is one of the miracles. The egg is life. The female bird lays eggs, and then incubates them for a long time, warms them with its warmth, protects them from predatory animals that want to feast on them, and protects them from bad weather.

Examination of illustrations with bird clutches.

- Look at the clutches of eggs. What do they have in common? What is the difference? What do you think they are made of? How long do you think it takes a bird to build such a nest?

cognitive activity children. Familiarization with the structure of the egg.

Why do we need eggs? And whose egg is in my hands? (Chicken egg). Look how beautiful it is. Let's take a look at it. The egg has a shell. What is she? Let's look at the shell with a magnifying glass. The shell has tiny holes through which air passes in. What's inside the shell? (carefully break the egg) What is that yellow thing? What is it for? This is a yolk, in the yolk there is an embryo, (consider it) which will develop from heat, developing this embryo will turn into a bird. Protein contains the necessary supply of water and nutrients that are necessary for the development of the embryo. Are all eggs like this? Can we go to the forest and check the bird eggs? Why? Why You Can't Crack Eggs wild birds? Imagine that you find yourself in a spring forest and find a nest.

Work on the content of the poem

- I found a forest nest, Of a small motley bird, Twisted in early spring. The eggs were in the nest. How frightened she was, The bird pretended to be sick, Dragging its wing, rushing about, In the thick grass, in front of me. It was given directly to me. She took me away from the nest. And how much flour was in it, And how much strength was in it. Why did the bird behave like this? (Birds will definitely hatch from the eggs of wild birds, so you can’t touch and break the eggs found in the forest, you can’t pick them up, because the mother, smelling someone else’s smell, can throw them and the unhatched chicks will die).

Familiarization with the rules of behavior in the forest.

- In late May - early June, chicks appear in bird nests. Caring parents feed them and, of course, protect them. Slightly extraneous sound, noise - mothers begin to leave their nests. Take enemies away from the bird house. People should remember this. Therefore, we should not make noise in the forest, so as not to frighten the mother from the nest, not to leave the kids without parents. Of course, other rules of behavior in the forest must also be observed.

Do not destroy bird nests!
Do not take chicks from the nest!
Don't break branches!
The sun laughs softly
The sun is shining hot.
And in the ravine it pours loudly
Talking stream.
After winter silence
After the cold of winter
From the mountains, from the seas
The birds are flying.

Here come the birds with me. Can you guess their names.

Game "Guess the bird"

On the table are cards with the image of birds, in a basket are leaflets with riddles about birds. A picture - a guess is attached to a magnetic board by a child.

Loudly - I sing loudly
Returning from the south on time.
But I take songs
Even forty. (starling)

Never build a nest
Leaves eggs for neighbors
And he does not remember the chicks. (cuckoo)
Vereshchunya - white-sided
And her name is ... (magpie)

The bird is small, has legs,
And he can't walk.
Wants to take a step
It turns out - a jump. (sparrow)

I knock on wood
I want to get a worm.
Though hidden under the bark,
It will still be mine. (woodpecker)

- Guys, do you want to fly, play with birds?
Game "Birdcatcher"

With the help of a rhyme, a driver is selected, a hat is put on him.
Tili - bodies, birds sang,
Soared to the sky, flew.
The birds began to nest
Who does not viet - to drive.

The birder must determine by his voice which bird he “caught”.
Children walk in a circle and say the words:
In the woods in the woods
On a green oak tree
The birds sing merrily.
Hey, is the birder coming?
He will take us into captivity.
Kar-kar-kar! (crow)
Chick - chirp, chiv - chiv! (sparrow)
Blue - blue - blue! (tit)
Tea - drink, tea - drink!
With sugar (thrush)
Five - five, five - black grouse (grouse)
Yula - Yula - Yula! (lark)
Chizhik - chizhik, cha - cha - cha! (starling)
Have you seen Vitya? Have you seen Vitya? (lentils)

Acquaintance of children with signs

By bird watching, we can also determine what the weather will be like. We can name one of the birds predicting the weather by solving a rebus.

If this bird flies low, then it will rain.


Also, what signs, you know.

Sparrows gather in the dense foliage of trees and noisily rally - by clear weather.

Pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

Birds flutter - to the rain.

The cuckoos chirped together - for clear weather.

Sparrows bathe in dust - to rain.

Birds sang in the rain - to clear weather.

Conversation "Save the birds"

- Guys, what would happen if - the birds did not return to us? (environmental disaster)

There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, fields, orchards from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation, destroy the crop of bread, fruits, vegetables. There will be no one to spread the seeds of berries, herbs, flowers on the ground. We will never hear their wonderful songs.

To from harmful insects
Blooming gardens did not die in vain,
Always, at any time of the year,
Take care of the birds friends!
What does it mean to protect birds?

Examining the birdhouse

- Look guys, what wonderful houses your dads made. After all, the birds are already rushing to us from the south. Starlings, wagtails and titmouse with sparrows will settle in them. They will line them with soft fluff, moss, blades of grass and lay their eggs. And little starlings, sparrows will appear from the eggs, and they will fly all day long, search, drag worms or caterpillars to their chicks. One starling makes up to 200 sorties per day.
And today is a spring day
Let's do a bird housewarming.
These houses are all together
We will hang on birch trees.
We guys are preschoolers
We invite all feathered,
Fly whoever wants.
We love you very, very much.

Knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters. He brought a telegram from the birds:

“Guys, please hang with your parents on the branches of trees and bushes - cotton wool, rags. We will insulate our nests with this material.”

Practical work on the street

Together with children and parents we go to hang birdhouses and cotton wool.

Oksana Kuzichkina
Pedagogical project on ecology "Birds of our region"

« Birds of our region»


One of the first and universally recognized conditions of happiness is such a life in which the connection between man and nature is not broken ... L. N. Tolstoy

creative title project.

“Children of Joy… Heralds of the Rainbow”

Members project: teacher, children.

Description project:

Work on a project to study the birds of our region will become milestone in the formation of love for one's own small homeland, respect for the environment, civic responsibility for ecology of the native land.

The work is educational, educational and developmental in nature.

Project consists of three blocks:

1. Outreach

2. Practice and research

3. Creative research

Each block reflects activity in a certain direction. According to this scheme, systematic theoretical, practical, research activities were carried out, analysis, diagnostics were carried out, conclusions were drawn from observations.

Type of project: creative, collective.

Members project: Educator, older children of the preparatory group.

Presentation Form: open classes, consultations for parents on parent meeting, and teachers, at the teachers' council, slide presentation and defense project.

Implementation timeline: 1 academic year.

Implementation conditions: interest of children and parents, methodological developments.

Controls and Implementation Assurance project:

questioning, organization of excursions, diagnostics of assimilation, photo and video materials.

Goals project.

Improving children's knowledge about birds of our region.

Tasks project.

1. Formation in children of the desire to relate to birds according to the moral and aesthetic standards of behavior;

2. Dissemination of knowledge about nature and its protection;

3. Improving children's knowledge about birds of our region;

4. Attracting public attention to the problem of wintering birds, their survival and increase in numbers, which will increase the biological protection of green spaces;

5. Increasing the level of the intellectual and creative potential of the child's personality, the development of research abilities in children, the skills of research behavior.


If you bring up in children an interest in nature, showing children what and how to observe birds, animals and plants, paying attention to their appearance, habit movements, then children form not only knowledge about nature, but also the attitude of children towards it.

A problematic fundamental question.

How to teach children to feel beautiful, so that in their later life they can perceive the world in all its beauty and all its diversity.


Each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, has experienced the influence of our native nature, and knows that it is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime.

The ability to see and hear nature as it really is, acquired in childhood, arouses a deep interest in children in it, expands their knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interests.

Children's lack of knowledge that correctly reflects reality often leads to the formation of various prejudices and superstitions in them.

Misconception often causes children's unfriendly attitude towards animals, their destruction of frogs, hedgehogs, beneficial insects, etc. This not only harms nature, but also negatively affects the psyche of children, hardens them.

It is much more difficult to correct existing misconceptions than to form new, correct ones. That is why it is very important that children receive correct information about nature already at preschool age.

In my work, I proceed from the fact that ecological education of older preschoolers is possible with certain conditions: the formation of elementary environmental ideas about nature (about animals and plants as living beings, about the unity of the organism and the environment, about the essence of the interaction between man and nature); understanding the importance of environmental protection; education of a humane-active attitude to nature, expressed in a careful and caring attitude towards living beings, in the conscious implementation of certain norms of behavior.

Developing a system of methods and techniques that contribute to solving problems environmental education , I limited my research to the area of ​​familiarization of children with birds. The selection of this issue is not accidental. As ornithologists testify, the child quickly forms psychological contact with birds, beings active, attractive, mobile. In addition, this object of nature is most accessible to the direct perception of children.

In my work, I mainly use methods that effectively influence the motivational, emotional and moral sphere child:

systematic observations and their fixation in the calendar; care work birds on the site of the kindergarten; games environmental content; reading fiction, etc.

In order to prepare children for the assimilation of elementary ecological ideas about birds conducted a series of observations of seasonal changes in their lives. Widely attracted fiction - the works of K. Ushinsky, V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov.

Stories by V. Bianchi, "heroes" which are often birds, helped to deepen, consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the appearance of birds, their lifestyle, behavior.

On targeted walks, classes, she led the children to the conclusion that everything in nature is interconnected, interdependent, and that every living organism is adapted to a certain habitat (forest birds cannot live in a reservoir or in a meadow, and waterfowl cannot live in a forest, etc.).

Watching fly away birds to the south, asked the child why they fly away.

Helped to conclude that birds those that feed on insects fly away earlier, and those that peck at grain and berries fly later. Even later, waterfowl fly away. So the child will understand that the way of life birds depends on a number of conditions.

Stages project:



Organizational and preparatory

№ Types of activity Terms

1. Organization of excursions to the meadow, to the birch grove. September December April June

2. Monitoring birds throughout the year

3. Listening to singing birds throughout the year

4. Preparation of theoretical and practical material for classes, consultations, seminars - workshops (for teachers) . September December

5. Selecting a topic and preparing material for an open lesson September October

6. Production of visual - informational material (clamshells, stands) During the school year


№ Types of activity terms

1. Conducting ordinary and open classes for teachers and parents During the school year

2. Making folders - moving for parents and children October December March

3. Conducting seminars - workshops, consultations for parents and teachers During the school year

4. Production of visual - informational material During the school year

5. Holding a competition "The best dining room for birds» January

6. Organization of excursions Throughout the year

The final stage

Performance analysis

Presentation project(for parents and teachers - open classes, slide presentation).

Practical results project:

Created bird canteens and separate feeders for birds;

Provided constant watch and feeding birds;

Prepared material for practical assistance birds;

Made birdhouses for migratory birds;

A set of measures was taken to solve this problem.

Environmental project"Birds of the Spring Land"

“From how childhood passed, who
led the child by the hand in childhood,
that entered his mind and heart from
the world around - from this to
depends to a large extent on how
today's baby will become a man.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Planet Earth is ours common Home every person living in it should treat it with care and respect, preserving all its values ​​and riches. Kindergarten today - educational institution, providing physical culture - health, cognitive - speech, artistic - aesthetic, social - personal development of children. The environmentally oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each of the above directions, as it has a huge impact on the intellectual, creative and moral education shaping the modern educational personality. Most effective method implementation of the tasks of environmental education is the organization of project activities. Participation in environmental campaigns, subbotniks, work with environmental projects is a unique opportunity for children and parents to prove themselves, to benefit the natural environment of their native land.
A huge role in the environmental education of preschool children is played by practical research activities in natural conditions. Indeed, in the process children's research the child receives specific cognitive skills: learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalize in a word, develop cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as a leading way of knowing the world around.
The novelty of our environmental project lies in the use of ICT. The main fact that ensures the effectiveness of the educational process is the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for a new generation, this inclusion can be ensured. The project allows children and parents to do what they love and at the same time benefit the world around them.
Purpose: To consolidate the ideas of pupils about birds, and their way of life, about the connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds. To draw the attention of pupils and parents to environmental activities and teach them how to organize it. To educate the defenders of nature, to give ecological knowledge, to teach to be merciful.
To expand the pupils' understanding of the birds of our Udmurt spring region.
Summarize the knowledge gained by pupils when observing the leashes of birds.
To expand the understanding of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how to make them from different material.
To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their consciousness the need to educate children in love and respect for birds, the formation of a conscious attitude towards the world.
Teach pupils to organize environmental activities together with their parents.
Teach kids how to properly feed them.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions.

The relevance of the project.
The task of adults is to raise children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. Give children basic knowledge about how to feed birds.
AT own work with parents to create conditions for communication of pupils with the natural world and for all possible assistance to our feathered friends.

Project participants:
Preschool children.
Parents, legal representatives of our pupils.
Doe teachers.
population of our neighborhood.

Project implementation period: September 2012 - May 2013.

Type of project: information - practice - oriented.

Stages of the project:

Stage 1: preparatory:
Creation necessary conditions for project implementation:
Discussion of goals and objectives with educators and parents;

Justification, prediction of ways to implement the project;
Selection of cognitive, fiction;
Guessing riddles, reading poems about birds;
Conducting discussions on the project;
Registration of consultations;
Prepare presentations "Wintering birds", "What are the feeders", "Migratory birds";
Manufacturing didactic games;
Design of didactic games;
Exhibition of drawings "Bird Cafe";
together with parents, making feeders from different materials.
Stage 2: Main (practical) stage:
Making descriptive stories about birds;
The study of food for feeding birds;
Exhibition of feeders;
Choosing a place for feeders;
During the whole project feeding of birds;
Design of propaganda posters “Feed the birds in winter”;
Preparation of booklets, memos;
Observation of the behavior of birds on the feeders;
Creation of a diary of observations;
Daily filling of the observation diary;
Development and accumulation of methodological materials, development of recommendations on the problem.
Stage 3: Final
Summing up the results of the project implementation;
Awarding of active participants of the project;
Organization of photo exhibitions: "Bird's canteen", "Such different feeders", etc.
Presentation of the project (coverage of work experience);
Coverage of work experience in the media;
Speech by the propaganda team.
An example of planning for one month.
- Directly educational activities
"Those Who Can Fly"
Purpose: To clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, their characteristic features, features. Introduce interesting facts from the life of birds, to show their uniqueness. Cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards nature.
- Leisure "Evening of riddles" (senior preschool age).
- Examination of illustrations Examination of illustrations "Birds of the spring region."
- conversation International day of observing the autumn departure of birds - 23.09
- Birdwatching:
- what birds fly to the site (sparrow, crow, dove, ..)
What sounds do birds make?
How many legs do birds have and how do they walk?
- Reading
** E. Blaginina "Swifts"
** G. Snegirev "Birds of our forests"
** E. Nosov "Like a crow on the roof got lost"
** Y. Tuvin "Bird Radio"
** E. Charushin “Why does Tyup not catch birds”
** A. Tolstoy "Magpie".
** S. Vakhrintseva "Birds"
** G.Kh.Adersen "Wild Swans"
** V. Garshin "Frog - Traveler"
- Directly educational activity *** "Journey with a bird along the forest path" - drawing junior group
*** « fairy bird» - drawing based on the Gzhel masters.
*** "Bird family" image of the drawing "Caring parents" - senior group
*** "Birds of other countries" - "Ostrich - the most large bird on the ground - preparatory group
- Outdoor games - "Birds in nests" and "Geese" - younger preschool age
- "Falcon and mother hen" and "Owl" - senior preschool age
- Inventing Think up a phrase related to birds for various sounds with older preschool children.
- Finger game "Birds" - the first and second junior group
- Learning Learning tongue twisters
- Game exercises "Show the bird" (sparrow, crow, etc.).
- Dramatization of "Russian Folk Rhymes about Birds".
- Didactic games "Who lives where?", "Flies, swims, runs."
- Plot - role-playing game"Bird Hospital"
Listening Listening to the audio recording of "Voices of Birds"
*** Design of the folder "Bird Holiday" (scenarios and entertainment)
*** Design of the folder “With birds in all seasons” (summaries of directly educational activities)
*** Drawing up a comprehensive - thematic plan of psychological - pedagogical work with pupils and narrow specialists
*** Consultation "Integration of educational areas as a means of development of preschool children"
*** Books - babies "Birds of our land" (A5 format) - riddles, poems, a story about birds.
Excursion to the library with children of preschool age

Relevance of the project: Many birds die in winter: out of ten, only one or two survive until spring. A hungry bird does not tolerate even mild frosts. The hypothesis of the project: If during the winter cold, we constantly feed the birds, then many will survive until spring and will bring more benefits, more often they will delight us with their beauty and singing. AT winter period without food, each of us can help the birds solve their problems! A significant problem for children: How do our friends, birds, survive in winter, how can we help them in this difficult time?

Project Objectives To expand the understanding of wintering birds. Summarize the knowledge of pupils obtained by observing the habits of birds. To expand the ideas of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how they are made from different materials. To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their awareness the need to educate children in love and respect for birds. Teach children how to properly feed birds. To teach children to perform partial search activities, analyze its results, draw conclusions. To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

Ways to implement the project: Examination of cognitive literature Viewing the presentation Pupil: - Having an idea about wintering birds. - Able to make a feeder from different materials together with adults - Knowing how to feed the birds with food. - Able to observe, analyze and draw conclusions. Didactic, outdoor games Work with the family Conversations Birdwatching

Preparatory stage Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project: - discussion of the goals and objectives with pupils and parents. - substantiation, prediction of ways to implement the project. - selection of cognitive, fiction. - Consultations for parents "How to help birds survive the winter", "Let's help wintering birds", "Types of feeders" - making didactic games. - design of the wall newspaper "Feed the birds in winter". - Exhibition of crafts from plasticine "Birds on a branch"

The main stage (practical part) is research activities on the site (how to help starving birds?), leading children to the conclusion about creating bird feeders; - competition of feeders (joint activity of parents and children); -assessment of feeders by children of preparatory groups; - choice of place for feeders ( homework, find out who and what the birds are afraid of); -during the whole project daily feeding of birds. -observation of which feeders it will fly to more birds. - daily filling in the diary of observations by children; -leading children to the conclusion about what feeders should be; - study of feed for feeding birds, the use of different feeds; -observation of what kind of food the birds prefer; -leading children to the conclusion about what kind of food can be fed to birds, and what can not.

Research activities on the site (how to help starving birds), leading children to the conclusion about creating bird feeders; They sprinkled food on the path But they trampled it down They sprinkled food on the snow near the bushes But the food was covered with snow The children came to the conclusion that we need to make feeders!

The birds flew to all the feeders, but most of all they were seen on the feeder of Marina Marina Andrey Vanya

The final stage Summing up the results of the project: - Final integrated lesson, presentation of the project for children (generalization of experience, summing up, analysis of the effectiveness of the work); -Making memos for children middle group(prohibiting signs, what kind of food can be given to birds); - Joint production of prohibition signs with parents for the territory of the kindergarten; - Processing and registration of project results.