Presentation "This Wonderful World". Presentation “This amazing world around us” – project, report Presentation on the topic “This amazing world”

Author's development on the subject "The World around us" (UMK " Primary School XXI century", 1st grade). Lesson No. 1 "This amazing world". The presentation with animation uses materials from the textbook and additional materials on this topic,

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“Presentation for the lesson “This Wonderful World” (“Primary School of the 21st Century”, 1st grade)”

Hello, Earthlings!

We are glad to see you on our planet of Green Men.

Tell us what your planet looks like? What's on it?

What a beauty!

What an amazing world that surrounds you!





Nature includes everything that surrounds us:

sun, air, water, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests, plants, animals and man himself.

Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands.

1. are born; 2. have a life expectancy - they grow;

3. eat; 4. breathe;

5. move; 6. give offspring

7. die

1. All the guys stood up together

(Straighten up)

2. And they walked on the spot.

(Walk in place.)

3. They stretched on their toes.

(Bend over backwards, put your hands behind your head.)

4. We sat down like springs

(Sit down.)

5. And they sat down quietly at once.

(Straighten up and sit down.)







Come visit us when you learn something new about your planet!


Thanks guys for interesting story about your planet. It was very interesting.

- I'm happy with my job

- I made mistakes in my work, but I managed

- I'm dissatisfied with my job, I need help.

MBOU "School No. 33" Ryazan This wonderful world Author: Nikishova Svetlana Nikolaevna teacher primary classes 1 qualification category Today you will learn about the most unusual trees that appeared many centuries ago UNUSUAL TREES There are about 100,000 various types trees, including a quarter of all living plant species on Earth. But among the billions of trees around the world, there are completely unique and amazing representatives. Let's get to know some of them.

Until 2013, the oldest free-standing tree on Earth was considered the Methuselah tree, discovered by botanist Edmund Shulman in 1953. Its age is 4846 years. This tree is native to the White Mountains of California ( North America) and belongs to the species intermountain bristlecone pine

Angel Oak

In the USA, in the state of South Carolina, an oak called the Angel Oak has been growing for 1500 years. The approximate height of this giant is 20 meters, the trunk in diameter is 2.7 meters, and the longest branch is 27 meters. It is located in a remote wooded area of ​​John's Island.

Mendocino tree

The tallest tree on the planet. Between December 1996 and August 2000, it was the tallest tree in the world and was discovered in the city of Montgomery Woods.

Thule is the thickest tree in the world Yew - Europe's oldest tree The yew tree growing in the cemetery of the village of Llangernew in North Wales is also estimated to be at least 4,000 years old. The tree was able to survive for so long because it constantly sprouted new shoots. The thickness of the tree is difficult to determine, since it consists of several trunks, and the tree reaches a height of 10.75 m. Rainbow eucalyptus is the brightest tree on the planet Rainbow eucalyptus is the only variety of eucalyptus that grows in the northern hemisphere. In addition to the fact that eucalyptus grows up to 70 meters in height, it also shines with all the colors of the rainbow: its bark can be painted yellow, green, orange and even purple. Wisteria is the most beautiful tree in the world. An ancient and extremely beautiful plant... Wisterias in general are a range of large, woody, deciduous vines. Most often, wisteria is called the species Wisteria chinensis, which grows in Japan, and some other species. A well-developed perennial plant has a height of up to 15-18 m, with drooping branches-lianas, odd-pinnate leaves up to 30 cm long, with 7-13 leaflets. It blooms in spring at the end of March - purple fragrant flowers are formed, collected in hanging racemes. Indeed, looking at the trunks of sequoia trees, it is easy to imagine how someone lives inside - they are very voluminous. Their height can be more than 100 meters, and the age of some trees is estimated at thousands of years! distinctive feature Temple "Ta Prokhm" The roots of Bombaxes entwine the ancient temple, and the trees themselves grow to impressive heights.

Dragon's Blood BAOBAB These magnificent trees growing in Madagascar are over 1000 years old. Baobab is an endangered tree species. Many trees of this species reach more than 80 meters in height, and their trunks grow up to 25 meters in girth. The swollen trunks of baobab trees are a source of water, supplying it during the dry season. Baobab flowers only bloom for 24 hours.

"Underwater" mangrove tree Mangroves are trees that grow in the sea. Or rather, on the border between the shore and the sea., and bears fruit in the summer.

This amazing project by Sam van Eyken will delight any fruit lover. An artist from New York managed to grow 40 different types of stone fruits on one tree. The tree blooms in a variety of shades of pink, crimson and white in the spring and bears fruit in the summer.

Bamboo Forest of Japan We never cease to admire the beauty of the trees on our planet. But it’s not the only thing that attracts us to these amazing creations of nature. Trees are among the longest living organisms on Earth and they play a very important role in the planet's ecosystem. They purify the air and produce oxygen. Remember this children! Take care of the trees!

Source Photos taken from Internet resources

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Bamboo Forest of Japan We never cease to admire the beauty of the trees on our planet. But it’s not the only thing that attracts us to these amazing creations of nature. Trees are among the longest living organisms on Earth and they play a very important role in the planet's ecosystem. They purify the air and produce oxygen. Remember this children! Take care of the trees!

Source Photos taken from Internet resources

Slide 17 The presentation on the topic “This amazing world around us” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: The world around us. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 17 slide(s). Presentation slides In Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug

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, where I was born and live, the Khanty and Mansi people live. Once at the Festival of the North I saw reindeer, I really liked them. I wanted to know more about these treasures of the north and decided to conduct

research work

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The muzzle and the space between the nostrils are covered with hair. This makes it easier for the deer to dig out the snow. Deer have the best developed sense of smell, which is effective even in severe frost. The animal smells moss even through a thick layer of snow. The structure of the legs is peculiar: the hooves of the big toes form something like a large spoon, convenient for raking snow when searching for moss. The lateral hooves, which have 4 toes, are widely spaced forward, which increases the surface of the foot. Thanks to this, reindeer can easily walk through loose snow and swamps. Both males and females have large, annually shed antlers. Males use them in battle for females, and females use them to protect fawns and the place where they dig up food. The size and number of horn processes increases with age. The winter fur is long and forms a thick mane on the neck. The thick core of the hair is filled with air, so the hair is light and brittle, but the fur is very warm. Male reindeer have an inflatable leathery sac on their necks that amplifies the sounds the reindeer makes during the rut.

Characteristics of reindeer

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Diet and lifestyle of reindeer

Reindeer are herbivores. They feed on any available plant food. In summer - berries (cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries), grass, tree leaves, lichens, mushrooms (a favorite delicacy). In winter they eat moss, digging it out from under the snow (in summer they don’t eat it because it’s dry). They readily consume lemmings and bird eggs. They love salt. They live in fairly large herds. They use mooing and roaring to communicate. They migrate. In summer, reindeer move across the tundra to the seashore, where they drink salt water and take a break from midges and mosquitoes. In winter they go into the forests. The main enemy of reindeer is the tundra wolf.

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Everyone is well aware of this Christmas motif - reindeer harnessed to Santa Claus's sleigh. For many tribes, this deer became an indispensable helper. He plays a role vehicle, and is also a source of food and material for sewing clothes. “The deer is our father: he carries us, feeds and clothes us,” say the Khanty and Mansi. There is no animal in nature that could be used by humanity as multifunctionally as the reindeer.

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Just a hundred years ago, reindeer almost entirely provided the possibility of human existence in the Far North. I did a little research on what people “take” from the deer: The deer keeps their home warm: the Khanty and Mansi cover their home - chum - with reindeer skins. They retain heat well and do not allow moisture to pass through. Deer skins served as sheets, were used to make sleeping bags, and were used as “floor covering” - this was also for warmth. The Khanty and Mansi made clothes and shoes from deer skins. Of course, such clothes and shoes are not afraid of any frost; reindeer herders still wear them today. Women sewed clothes and shoes using threads twisted from deer sinews. Hoof bones and nails are used to make jewelry and amulets. The hooves and phalanges served as toys for children. Deer fat – good remedy for colds, and blood helps against scurvy. Deer serves as food for people. Deer meat is clean and delicious. The Khanty and Mansi eat not only deer meat, but also milk. It is richer in fats, proteins, and minerals than cow's or even goat's. The skins taken from the legs are used to make skins for skis and mittens.

Reindeer and man

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Reindeer were used as draft labor. The distances were long and it was difficult to walk. Children were also transported from the tundra to school on reindeer. There were also postal reindeer; they, under the control of an experienced reindeer herder-postman, brought mail. Today, many Khanty and Mansi race in reindeer sleds. Not every reindeer can be harnessed to a sled. They are selected. Preparing deer for racing begins long before the competition and requires a lot of time and patience.

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Reindeer in medicine

Even in ancient times, legends were made about deer. It was believed that antlers (young deer antlers) bring a person healing from all diseases and eternal youth. Modern medicine has confirmed the healing properties of antlers. Currently, two drugs, pantocrine and velcornine, have been developed from antlers.

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Through the centuries, the Khanty and Mansi carried legends, fairy tales, riddles and proverbs about reindeer. Deer is an image of kindness in folklore. In fairy tales, a deer is called a “kind old man”, a “strong fellow”, and an important woman is called a “beautiful girl”. Deer is often found in proverbs and sayings. For example, where two deer pass, there we go big road; a fool mistakes a horse for a deer. “The deer teaches” - the saying means that life does not always work out as planned. Most of the riddles are closely related to reindeer husbandry: fur in summer, birch bark in winter (reindeer antlers); the one who writes does not have time to write down, the one who counts does not have time to count (Deer Traces); not a tree, but rather gnarled (Deer).

Deer in folklore

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Burdukh - soup made from venison and wild berries. Vazhenka is a female deer, a doe. Girvas is a male deer, a leader deer. Kegora is an elevated place with reindeer pasture. Keryozha is a sleigh for riding reindeer in the form of a narrow boat or trough with a sharp nose. Malitsa - clothes made of reindeer skins with a hood. Let's go - a herd of deer. Fawn is a fawn. Toborgs are work shoes made from deer skin. Reindeer moss is the main food for reindeer in winter. Yars are boots with long tops.

Dictionary of “deer” words

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While working on this topic, I found out that the reindeer is truly a unique animal - a treasure of the North. But like any treasure, it must be protected and increased. Unfortunately, poaching is widespread nowadays, and the number of deer is becoming smaller. But it's not right. A person must take care of everything that nature has created.

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Bram A.S. Animal life: in 3 volumes. Volume 1: Mammals. – M.: Terra, 1992. Chaika E.S. My first encyclopedia - Minsk: Hatvest, 2010. Bazhanov A. The sun over the tundra. Collection of poems, 1983 "In the world wildlife": International Masters Publications LLC, 2009. Puzzles. Ed. Astakhova A.M., Bazanov V.G., Putilov B.N. – “Science” Leningrad 1968 Electronic resources: World Wide Web.


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Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 1 Habitat…………………………………………………… ………5 Reindeer: appearance, lifestyle, nutrition………………… 6 Reindeer and humans………………………………………………………….. 9 Use of reindeer in medicine………………… …………… 12 Deer in folklore……………………………………………………….. 13 Dictionary of “deer” words…………………………………… ………………… 14 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….. 15 References………………………………… ……………………………... 16

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

  • Stone houses in Africa

    The houses are covered with thatched roofs. Such a house keeps cool well, and you can hide in it from the hot African sun.

    cave houses

    Some of the old houses of this village in Cappadocia (Türkiye) are simply carved into the rocks and resemble an anthill.

    Huts made of bamboo and reeds.

    Thailand is warm, its light huts local residents and to this day they build with bamboo and reeds.

    What if there is a sandy Asian desert around? Since ancient times, many peoples living there (for example, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz) moved with their herds from one pasture to another, without having permanent place residence. And now nomadic herders carry their houses with them in the old fashioned way, like tourists carry their tents.

    This tent is called a “yurt”, it is round. The nomads will place long poles, tie them together like a cage, cover them on all sides with felt (a very dense woolen material, felt boots are also made from it) - and the house will be ready in just a few hours.

    In the far North, where trees, if there are any, are very small (they are called dwarf trees), there is also not much to build from. But you can’t live without a home - after all, there are terrible frosts in the North! The dwelling of the northerners - the Chukchi - is called "yaranga".

    It looks like a yurt, but it has a pointed roof and its walls are made of reindeer skins. In the event of a move, this home could easily be disassembled, transported, and then reassembled.

    An Indian wigwam looks like a yaranga, and it is not surprising - these peoples once upon a time had common ancestors. Indian houses - wigwams - were built in the shape of a dome from thin tree trunks and covered with branches, bark, skins or multi-colored woven rugs (mats).

    Igloo is a house made of snow.

    And Canadian Eskimos build from what falls from the sky! The igloo is their snowy home; it protects them from wind and bad weather, and the inside is lined with animal skins for warmth. This is probably what kind of masters built the palace Snow Queen!

    It happens in this room

    Most often our mother,

    Sometimes he runs away here

    Porridge from a saucepan.

    We brush our teeth, wash our hands,

    In the evening we go swimming.

    Every morning we are without boredom

    We just wash ourselves.


    Sweet Dreams

    I dream at night

    Always in this room.

    And in the morning a ray of sunshine

    Sometimes it wakes me up.

    Everyone in this room together

    Family gathering

    Sometimes have fun

    Sometimes to play

    Watch TV for everyone

    This room meets

    Everyone who comes to our house.