Increase salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Features of payments and workday flames for civilian personnel

The employee does not need to be provided with an apartment, nor does he need to provide the package required under the law on the status of military personnel social guarantees, there is no need to pay a large salary and provide early retirement for long service. Such a “knight’s move” in the face of economic problems was life-saving for the government. But what good did he bring for civilian personnel? BETWEEN US - nothing. Let us clarify this statement. Let's take a military psychologist as an example. Previously, this position was filled by military personnel. For example, in a regiment it was a whole major. Nowadays this position is filled by civilian personnel of the ministry. If a major received about 55,000 rubles in this position, then a civilian psychologist is paid at most 15,000 rubles. The difference is noticeable, isn't it? By the way, psychologists with their salary of 15,000 rubles per month are considered highly paid.

Increasing the length of service bonus for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

Sergei Shoigu also recalled that there is less than a week left until the most important and revered holiday in Russia – Victory Day. Preparations for the military parade are in full swing. Traditionally, it will feature promising models of weapons and military equipment. These include the TOR-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems, Terminator combat vehicles, Uran-6 and Uran-9 robotic systems, modern drones, army all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.

The aviation component of the holiday, in addition to modern Su-57, Su-30SM and MIG-29SMT aircraft, will feature modernized MiG-31K equipped with the latest hypersonic missile system “Dagger”. The Minister of Defense announced that the second night training of parade crews will take place today. The dress rehearsal will take place on May 6.

Salary GP MO RF 2018

The next item on the agenda was devoted to the implementation of government contracts in the interests of the Navy. The Minister of Defense recalled that, as part of the implementation of the state armament program, the construction, repair and maintenance of almost the entire range of warships and vessels is carried out by the United Shipbuilding Corporation. In March, the company handed over a new logistics support vessel Elbrus to the fleet.
In April, the first serial base minesweeper of Project 12700, Ivan Antonov, was launched. By the end of the year, sailors will receive six more built and four repaired ships. The conference call also discussed steps to improve the personnel training system for the engineering troops of the Armed Forces.
Currently, two universities are training specialists in this field. At the Combined Arms Academy (Military Institute (Engineering Troops)), 52 people are studying in the master’s program.

Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

As of today, it is already quite clear how much the salaries of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense and members of the Armed Forces will increase Russian Federation. This information is quite serious and objective in nature, as it is based on documents of the draft budget 2018-2020, the conclusion of the relevant Defense Committee of the State Duma and the speech of Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at parliamentary hearings on the budget in the Federation Council. The news, it must be said, is not comforting... Telling the background to the issue of increasing the salary of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, we note that it has not been increased for a long time in such a way that one could live with dignity on it.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018-2020. 4% will not save!

Will there be an increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry in 2018? On October 27, 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a draft budget for 2018 and the planned years 2019-2020, from which it follows that civilian personnel will finally begin to receive pay increases. The decision on the size of the salary increase for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense was made along with increases for other military personnel. According to the adopted draft Budget 2018 and the accompanying Budget 2019 and Budget 2020, civilian personnel of the RF Armed Forces will receive the following funding:

  • In 2018, 234 billion rubles.
  • In 2019, 236 billion rubles.
  • In 2020, 245 billion rubles.

From these figures it is clear that the salary of civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense will be indexed to the size of the forecast inflation: the salary of civil servants will be increased in 2018 by 4%.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

Precisely because they are less than or comparable to the minimum wage! THIS is truly possible only in the Russian Federation. Employees of the Ministry of Defense. who are also on combat duty have a salary below the minimum wage and, accordingly, below the subsistence level! And so, in the last two years, since the decision was made to increase the minimum wage, a parallel decision was made to increase the salaries of state enterprises - following the minimum wage. To bring it into compliance with the law. What is in store for civilian personnel in the next three years in terms of increasing salaries and wages: The Project federal budget For 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020, the following budget allocations are provided for the remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (according to the Register): for 2018 - 233.8 billion.

rubles; for 2019 – 235.8 billion rubles; for 2020 – 245.3 billion.
The average size of a military pension for length of service exceeds the size of the insurance pension of employees by 1.75 times and amounts to 24.6 thousand rubles,” said Tatyana Shevtsova. “Thanks to the consistently carried out work of the Russian Ministry of Defense together with the State Duma and the Federation Council, in the absence of indexation of monetary allowances, from 2012 to 2017, decisions were made to annually increase military pensions at the rate of inflation,” the deputy minister clarified. Tatyana Shevtsova also reported that in addition to military pensions, from April 1, 2018, social pensions were indexed by 2.9 percent for such categories of pensioners as participants in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, disabled war veterans, combat veterans, persons over 80 years of age.


Not to mention the fact that it is possible to survive on it. We are talking about inspectors and other job titles that have the lowest salaries. Although, in fact, civilian workers are not kicking ass, but performing the duties of reduced military positions, and sometimes two.


It is much more profitable for the state to pay 9,000 rubles to a civilian than, for example, 50,000 to a major. That is why such reforms were carried out. But the range of duties that the “major” performed did not decrease as a result of this reform, but quite the opposite. So the civil servant pulls the burden for a meager salary.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to achieve a targeted increase in salaries for civilian personnel. But it turned out quite paradoxically that with the increase in the minimum wage, the salaries of employees of the RF Armed Forces began to increase.

Additionally, taking into account the merits of the older generation in the Great Victory, on April 5, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation decided to pay annually (and not just in anniversary years), lump sum payment disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 at the rate of 10 thousand rubles. The Ministry of Defense actively participated in the preparation of the draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on this issue. In accordance with this decision, in May–June 2018, more than 10,780 military pensioners will be provided with additional payments.

As a result of the targeted work of the Russian Ministry of Defense, in the context of reducing federal budget expenditures, it was possible to maintain and further increase budget allocations for socially significant issues.
We must also draw the reader’s attention to the fact that if, for example, salaries are indexed to the level of inflation based on the results of 2017, which is 4%, then the increase in income for employees of the RF Armed Forces will be 200 rubles, since the basic indexed part of their salaries is scanty. So this won't solve the problem. It is necessary to globally review the tariff and salary scale, otherwise, after indexation, the income of employees will remain almost the same. Well, you can buy 4 extra cartons of cheap milk.
In 2018, the government has plans to index workers' salaries budgetary sphere, Firstly medical workers and education system workers. Then Putin mentioned increasing the salaries of so-called “non-specified” state employees. That is, for those who are not included in the “May” presidential decrees.

Benefit for state budget was more than obvious: the official retained all his previous duties, the list of which was even expanded, but at the same time everything was performed not by a military man, but simply by an employee. Everyone won except the employees themselves. People automatically lost all military privileges. Now, naturally, they did not have the right to apply for a package of social guarantees that were legalized for military personnel. In addition, the official salaries, and the possibility of early retirement based on length of service was cancelled. Such a decision in the context of the economic crisis was a good solution for the state. But it did not bring anything good to the civilian personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. Let's take a closer look at a few specific examples. In particular, the position of military psychologist.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

And the bulk of the civilian personnel are various inspectors.

For example, a personnel inspector or, in the old way, a clerk of a combat unit.
Their salaries are even less. The monthly salary of a HR inspector is about 8,000 rubles.
Moreover, the HR inspector now has much more responsibilities than 10 years ago. And the salary is 8,000 rubles. Profitable... The salaries of the majority of employees of the RF Armed Forces are the same as we cited above.
Moreover, civilian personnel have not seen any increase or indexation of salaries for a long time.
They survive as best they can. They run, but not all of them. The fact is that most civil servants are, in one way or another, connected with the army.


Or they are military pensioners or wives of contract servicemen who, due to frequent moves, cannot find a good permanent job.

The Ministry of Defense is successfully taking advantage of this situation, forgetting about civilians in terms of pay.

About poor gp mo - say a word

The year 2018 is significant for many events, not least of which is the Russian Presidential Election, but news about an increase in salary is also important.
Since the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are not only military personnel, but also civilian employees serving the army, many of them are interested in the issue of increasing wages in 2018.

Based on the results of the draft Budget 2018 adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, it follows that the long-awaited indexation will take place.

  • 1. Who belongs to the civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense
  • 2.

    Salary and bonus by order of 1010 civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry



    Will there be an increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry in 2018?

    Who belongs to the civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense? Civil servants of the Russian Ministry of Defense are almost half of all employees who serve for the benefit of the state.

    For many years now, civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense have been asking the question: “How can one live on such a meager salary and when will there be an increase or at least indexation of salaries?” I must say that this question is very fair.

    The number of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense is about 40% of the total number of the Armed Forces. Since the reduction in the number of military personnel under the legendary Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov (and it must be said that the reduction was very significant), military positions have been successfully replaced by civilian ones.

    The benefit was obvious: responsibilities official remained the same, even expanded somewhat, and the executors became an employee, not a military man.

    The difference is colossal.

    Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

    At the same time, the list of duties required to be performed by a personnel inspector has been significantly expanded. And such “ridiculous” salaries are laid down for the majority of civil servants of the Russian Armed Forces. At the same time, there has been no talk of indexation or salary increases for a long time. People are trying to survive as best they can. Some of them leave, but even more remain.

    The reason is the direct connection of employees with the army. Very often, such positions are occupied by military retirees or spouses of military personnel under contract, who, due to too frequent moves, are not able to get a permanent job.

    And the Ministry of Defense, unfortunately, uses this situation for its own purposes, completely forgetting about civilians in terms of providing salaries. 2017 has almost come to an end, but no changes regarding indexation and salary increases for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense will probably occur.

    Salary of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

    However, everything quickly died down and a budget with a 4% increase, which “does not solve the material problems of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense” was adopted. Most likely, the government knew about plans to increase the minimum wage to the subsistence level as early as May 1, 2018.

    The fact is that the meager salaries of the State Enterprise of the Moscow Region are included in the list of those salaries that, according to the laws adopted in this regard, must be raised to this level.

    But here another problem appears - leveling. Absolutely all categories of employees of the Ministry of Defense will receive almost the same salary - both simple clerks (inspectors) and highly qualified ones.

    The employee does not need to be provided with an apartment, does not need to be provided with the required package of social guarantees required by the law on the status of military personnel, does not need to pay a large salary or be provided with an early pension for long service.

    Such a “knight’s move” in the face of economic problems was life-saving for the government.

    But what good did he bring for civilian personnel? BETWEEN US - nothing.

    Let us clarify this statement. Let's take a military psychologist as an example. Previously, this position was filled by military personnel. For example, in a regiment it was a whole major. Nowadays this position is filled by civilian personnel of the ministry.

    If a major received about 55,000 rubles in this position, then a civilian psychologist is paid at most 15,000 rubles.

    The difference is noticeable, isn't it? By the way, psychologists with their salary of 15,000 rubles per month are considered highly paid.

    Salary and bonus by order 1010 of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense Currently, the wages of civil servants of the Russian Ministry of Defense are regulated by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2014.

    (with amendments and additions dated: September 22, 2015, August 18, 2016) No. 255 “On measures to implement in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583,” which establishes official salaries in accordance with tariff schedule. Compared to the salaries of military personnel, salaries of civilian personnel are much lower, although they often perform the same complex and dangerous work, risking no less. Also as additional measure financial support civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense are provided quarterly bonus in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2010

    Salary GP MO RF 2018

    • Email

    Quite a number of years have passed since the implementation of the reorganization of the Russian Armed Forces proposed by the Ministry of Defense Serdyuk (the Chief of Finance covered this information).

    According to the plan, the lion's share of military positions was replaced by civilian ones.

State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Federal service Security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and the former USSR, in which the legislation provides or has provided for military service; in positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers in medical institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, subject to employment in medical and pharmaceutical positions in military units (units); in the Armed Forces of the USSR, the KGB of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR; in the Armed Forces of the states - former republics of the USSR until graduation transition period(until December 31, 1994). 73.

Increase in long service bonus in 2018


In this way, the state gets rid of the need to finance people who take out early retirement. An employee’s work experience includes the following periods:

  • service in the armed forces;
  • work in government agencies;
  • accrual of length of service is not interrupted in the event of being captured (provided that the person has not committed illegal actions against his homeland);
  • time spent in custody due to unfounded charges is included in the term of service;
  • When calculating length of service, specialists take into account the periods of training before entering the service (no more than 5 years).

Important! When calculating additional payments for sailors serving on submarines, an increased coefficient of 1.5 is used.


The same procedure for calculating allowances applies to pilots and divers. The use of increased coefficients is associated with hazardous working conditions.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018-2020. 4% will not save!

This took into account the annual indexation of wages to the forecast inflation level from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0% and from October 1, 2020 - by 4.0%. In this regard, the Defense Committee notes that in the period from 2014 to 2017, no decisions were made to index (increase) wages for civilian personnel military units and organizations of federal executive authorities (with the exception of categories falling under “ May decrees»).
Moreover, from January 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017 minimum size wages (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage) increased by 40% (from 5,554 rubles to 7,800 rubles).

Increase in long service bonus from 2018

The government is taking measures to reduce the cost of early payments. In 2017, the minimum length of service for retirement is 20 years.

To receive a military pension in 2018, you will have to serve at least 25 years. The essence of pension reform is to reduce the budget deficit.

What will be the long service bonus for military personnel in 2018? Due to the economic crisis in the country, the inflation rate is high, and fluctuations in the currency market are forcing Russian citizens to think about whether they should expect an increase in their living standards. next year. Applicants will be required to serve for at least 2 years. After this, the serviceman will be able to receive an additional 10% of his base salary.
Thanks to changes in interest rates, the state will achieve an increase in payments for military personnel. To raise the standard of living of people, the state pays extra money for good physical training.

Salary GP MO RF 2018

Military personnel also receive a bonus for secrecy. In 2017 it is 65% of the salary. A project to increase long-service bonuses is under consideration by the Government.

Important! Amendments to Law No. 306-FZ will be made during 2017. Already in January, new rules regarding the procedure for calculating additional payments for length of service will come into force.

Information from the draft law regarding the increase in long-service bonuses The government plans to change the interest rates that are used when calculating long-service bonuses. Persons who have served from 6 months to 1 year will be able to receive an additional 5% of their salary.

With 1 to 2 years of service, a contract employee will receive a 10% bonus. People who have served from 2 to 5 years will receive additional payments of 25% next year. Service in the RF Armed Forces from 5 to 10 years entitles you to receive a bonus of 40%.

The size of the long service bonus for various employees in 2018

Not to mention the fact that it is possible to survive on it. We are talking about inspectors and other job titles that have the lowest salaries. Although, in fact, civilian workers are not kicking ass, but performing the duties of reduced military positions, and sometimes two. It is much more profitable for the state to pay 9,000 rubles to a civilian than, for example, 50,000 to a major. That is why such reforms were carried out. But the range of duties that the “major” performed did not decrease as a result of this reform, but quite the opposite. So the civil servant pulls the burden for a meager salary.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to achieve a targeted increase in salaries for civilian personnel. But it turned out quite paradoxically that with the increase in the minimum wage, the salaries of employees of the RF Armed Forces began to increase.


Lack of decisions on indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the “power bloc” during recent years practically led to the equalization of wage levels for low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions. The draft federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 provides for the establishment of a minimum wage from January 1, 2018.

in the amount of 9,489 rubles per month (an increase of 21.7 percent), which corresponds to an increase in the minimum wage to the level of 85 percent of the subsistence level of the working population as a whole in the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2017. And from January 1, 2019, there is another increase of 22.2 percent to 11,946 rubles.

We must also draw the reader’s attention to the fact that if, for example, salaries are indexed to the level of inflation based on the results of 2017, which is 4%, then the increase in income for employees of the RF Armed Forces will be 200 rubles, since the basic indexed part of their salaries is scanty. So this won't solve the problem. It is necessary to globally review the tariff and salary scale, otherwise, after indexation, the income of employees will remain almost the same.

Well, you can buy 4 extra cartons of cheap milk. In 2018, the government has plans to index the salaries of public sector workers, primarily medical workers and education system workers.

Then Putin mentioned increasing the salaries of so-called “non-specified” state employees. That is, for those who are not included in the “May” presidential decrees.

Increasing the length of service bonus for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

About 40 percent of the army is considered civilian specialists. Most of them perform work that is directly related to combat readiness. We include these civil servants as:

  • Drivers.
  • Cooks.
  • Storekeepers.
  • Psychologists.
  • Secret agency workers and so on.

Salary increase program for personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry

According to the article, remuneration for civilian personnel of military units and organizations is accrued to each employee. But then they add to the salary:

  • 40 percent of the salary for long service bonus.
  • 25 percent of the salary of the established allowance for the position held.

And 13 percent of income tax is deducted from this amount. The total will be 8570 rubles per month. This is the monthly salary of civilian personnel for the position of inspector. When the summer minimum wage increased, the salary became not 5970, but 6700 rubles.

If we take into account the total income of the most common position of civilian personnel for the year, it is equal to slightly less than 170 thousand rubles, including payments under Order 1010 and savings. Based on the analysis of data for 2017, it can be determined that civilian personnel in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarters of 2018 can receive such payments ranging from 2,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles.

Real numbers and salary calculations

Excessively active unrest in the foreign exchange market, the decline of the economy and the imposed Western sanctions have caused a rapid deterioration in the quality of life of the majority of Russian residents. So today many people not only live, but survive. The state budget deficit, according to preliminary data for 2018, will be about 1.5-2 billion rubles. so there are simply no available funds for salary indexation.

Today, humanity has quite naturally raised the question of increasing wages. Will this move with dead center? It was not possible to be very happy even in 2012, when salaries for military personnel were raised. For some reason, then the Ministry of Defense forgot about civilian specialists in the Armed Forces.

As for the trade unions, which are obliged to protect the rights of able-bodied people, all this time they have been trying to defend what the civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry deserved. Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense, spoke to reporters back in March last year and said that there would also be no salary increase by the end of the year.

In our time, additional payments are still in effect, which have been applied for some years to certain categories of civilian specialists. Shevtsova thus assured that salaries would not yet be increased for civilian personnel.

How have salaries changed in recent years?

Since 2012, the wages of such warriors have been much higher than the average wage in Russia. For example, starting from 2012, the income portion was equal to 57,800 rubles. the figure after two years increased to 62,100 rubles. At the same time, bonuses were made, which vary in accordance with the size of the salary in each specific case:

  • Salaries for diving work increased by 50 percent.
  • Explosive disposal and parachute jumping received a 50 percent bonus.
  • Performance large quantity flight hours increased employee salaries by 70 percent.
  • 20 percent for managing various departments.

Civilian personnel

If we return to civilian specialists, we must say that in 2014 there was minimal incentive for civil servants. Certain groups of employees received their additional payments: scientific, educational, government institutions of art and medical organizations. During the salary increase, about 6.7 billion rubles were spent. Nachfin says that this work will be extended in 2017-2018. But there won’t be a general increase in salaries.

What should civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry expect in 2018?

The procedure for calculating pensions for military personnel was created back in 2012. So the amount of pension payments on average has increased by 50-70 percent. Thanks to the accrual procedure pension provision could be provided:

  • An equal amount of pensions under other identical conditions, despite the number of dismissals of military personnel from all places of work.
  • An increase in the average pension for military personnel compared to the average labor pension.
  • Permitted in the future to initiate financial support for retired military personnel.

As of 2013, in addition, an increase in pensions was recorded by 7.5 percent, and in 2014 by 7 percent. If you count everything, then in our time the average aid from the state is about 21 thousand rubles. throughout Russia, the average pension is about 13 thousand rubles. Official data still show that in 2018 there will be no recalculation yet.

Similar materials

Currently, civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry make up more than 40% of the main army personnel. A larger number of employees perform work with combat readiness. Such employees include cooks, drivers, and psychologists. But the salaries of civilian personnel in the Ministry of Defense are lower than those of military personnel.

Salary increase program for civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry

Over the past few years, civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, unlike military personnel, have not seen an increase in salaries. At the same time, additional payments have been developed for these employees.

It is currently impossible to increase salaries for civilian specialists of the Ministry of Defense. This is due to the complex economic situation in the country and sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation.

Scientific, educational and medical civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense received additional wages. The government spent more than 6.7 billion rubles. This year there has been a salary increase for some departments.

How have salaries changed in recent years?

The salaries of civilian employees of the Russian Defense Ministry are calculated taking into account several factors:
Area of ​​activity;
Territorial affiliation.

The level of wages is influenced by the number of parachute jumps completed, explosive disposal and other skills. In such cases, the salary increase may be 50%. Since 2012, the salary of civilian employees of the Russian Defense Ministry has not increased.

Real numbers and salary calculations

Many civilian specialists work with varying degrees of combat readiness. At the same time, they receive a salary 1.5-2 times less than military personnel. Civilian specialists include cooks, storekeepers, psychologists, and drivers. This year it is planned to index the salaries of some employees.

Indexation is a necessary and necessary measure, since the standard of living is growing, but the salary is not. This could cause mass discontent among civilian specialists of the Russian Defense Ministry.

What should civilian specialists of the Russian Defense Ministry expect in 2018?

Taking into account the bill, which came into force on January 1 of this year, all indexations of military pensions and salaries are frozen. Saved cash will be spent on raising salaries for civilian specialists. Currently, the average salary of a military man is 62 thousand rubles.