Helping those in need is a way to find true happiness. Essay on the importance of helping those in need

Do you want to become happy? Certainly! Otherwise, why are we given this life? Each person, one way or another, strives to achieve this desired, sometimes elusive state. Someone is chasing him, falling and rising, approaching and falling behind again. And for some, happiness is a constant companion of life: where a person is, there it is. Oh, how I long for happiness! But what is it? What does it look like? What does it consist of? And how can you buy it?

If you ask completely different people about what they associate with such a concept as happiness, the answers will be strikingly different:




Don't know,

For there to be no war

So that lessons are not asked,

Get a chocolate

Go for mushrooms

Snuggle up to your favorite dog

Rare flower grown by own hands,

You can continue indefinitely. Why? Yes, because happiness is different for everyone! Therefore, it is acquired different ways! Each of us can tame happiness. Yes, yes, everyone. And what is needed for this? Oddly enough, but not much: you just need to develop the ability to enjoy every moment of your life, learn to enjoy what is around us, appreciate those around us, see the amazing in simple things.

And one more thing: to send positive rays of your happiness into the world (remember the phrase from the Soviet song: “... when you are happy, share your happiness with others”). Anyone who sincerely considers himself a happy person fills every day with this amazing feeling, generously shares it with others. Remember how after talking with such a person, you were charged with positive energy, you wanted to do something very, very good. This is because a piece of happiness has been shared with you!

Are all ways to acquire happiness good? No, not all. Let's remember the world-famous phrase: "Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune." It contains very wise thought that the natural need to be happy should not be realized at the expense of the suffering of others. In the event that those who value moral principles unintentionally caused others this or that harm, the resulting happiness will not bring any satisfaction and delight, as it will be accompanied by strong remorse and, as a result, a person will understand that he does not need such happiness at all.

But there is another category of people who intentionally and consciously do things in order to get the cherished happiness into their thirsty hands. For this, they are ready to sacrifice literally anyone. But let's not forget one simple truth of life, which has proven its worth for centuries: the pain and suffering inflicted on others, as a rule, in one way or another return to the one who started the destructive actions. Therefore, it is useful to remember this from time to time and think carefully: is it necessary to acquire happiness in such a destructive and dangerous way? After all, it turns out that such a person stole happiness from someone else.

Imagine a situation if in the distant future happiness can really be bought, since it is simply vital for everyone! You come to a pharmacy or, for example, to a store and ask for a portion of happiness, pay money. Many modern people already today they lose the ability to sincerely enjoy life, wasting their energy on maintaining, first of all, their physical shell and its satisfaction, experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome, stress. And what will happen in the future? No, it will not be real store happiness.

Happiness is in the human soul. So it is near, always near us. Our task is to find a way to it. Someone looks for it very quickly, and such a person considers himself happy from childhood, and even experiencing adversity, treats them wisely, processing suffering into experience. And the other only after many years will understand that all this time, when he was looking, striving, trying, he was already happy. And only after losing something or someone, a person overestimates his life and actions.

Happiness lives next to us. It is elusive when a person persistently strives to get it and malleable when he invites him with a smile every day. If you keep happiness on a tight leash, afraid that it will leave you, it will wither away. Let happiness go free - and it will always be with you.

Happiness cannot be acquired, but it can be found by creating and nurturing ourselves. And again, a simple truth: “If you want to be happy, be happy!”

Elizabeth Babanova

Every person sooner or later asks the question “How to find happiness?”

But what is "happiness"?

For some people, this is the ability to stay in a state of "here and now", for others - the achievement of goals, for others - a fleeting illusion under the crystal ringing at the festive table.

When was the last time you felt truly happy? How long did this state last? What caused it?

According to my observations, the era is now ending when most people strive only for material success, without perplexing themselves with the question of the meaning of life.

In its place comes an era in which the harmonious development of a person will be possible only with the help of disclosure in oneself as one's own.

In this new era, each person will understand why and for what he lives. Everyone will have the opportunity to realize their destiny, which will eventually lead to a sense of happiness.

Have you already formulated what happiness is for you?

Then I will share my vision, although you probably already understood what the meaning of this word is for me. Finding happiness for me means realizing my potential in the spiritual and material world.

Realization in the non-material world is an understanding of the meaning of life, following the laws of nature and a feeling of unity with God.

Realization in the material world is the ability to bring maximum benefit to society through one's work.


Let's analyze if there is a difference in what religions and business teach.

In religion, "benefit" is called service. Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandhi and other great spiritual leaders saw the meaning of life in serving people.

In business, this is called such an expression that is difficult to translate from English as “value creation”, or “value creation”.

All brilliant entrepreneurs and leaders unanimously repeat that the most important task of a business that will lead it to success is to create unsurpassed value for its service or product.

In simple terms, the main task of a business is to bring maximum benefit to the maximum number of people.

When we buy high-quality goods, such as a great car, a perfectly functioning computer, a comfortable home, etc., we benefit greatly from their manufacturer.

And only those businesses that aim to create value for us, and not "cutting the dough", have a chance of long-term success.

By the way, the lack of feeling of value from my work was the main reason why I quit my multibillion-dollar investment fund.

My material ambitions were satisfied, but the non-material component of the work - the feeling that my activity benefits humanity - was absent.

Now that I'm taking over new project, I ask myself the question: “Is this the best investment of my resources?

Is there any other activity that will bring b about greater benefit to people and fill me with happiness?


If you want to find happiness, look for opportunities to benefit people. The larger the scale of your activities, the more happiness you will receive as a reward.

To feel the taste of real happiness, you should not wait for grandiose projects.

Just as a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so the journey to happiness begins with small things.

Look for where you can be useful and invest your soul in projects that can improve the lives of others. And then happiness will cease to be an illusory dream for you, it will take permanent place in your life.

Each of us can benefit from CEOs corporations to salespeople who can brighten up a buyer's day with their smile. Having received warm service, the client will return again and again, knowing that in this place he will receive a charge of positive energy. Only such businesses, capable of leaving a sweet aftertaste after receiving money from customers, will be able to succeed in the new era.

By the way, my free online video course "" is just created for those who want to introduce new creative habits into their lives and become happier.

And what benefit do you bring to humanity by doing your job? Share what profession you are realized in, and how does your work help other people?

In one way or another, we have all killed our own happiness at some point through worry, fear, or just plain wrong. decision. Life can certainly throw a person into a tailspin, but the real culprit is not adversity, but how we perceive and respond to adversity. This is what determines the outcome.

Sometimes it's just a matter of wrong motives in life that can lead us down - the poisonous route, not the one that leads to the antidote.

1. Your envy can destroy any relationship.

It's best to start dealing with envy as soon as it rears its ugly head. Most people don't want to face the fact that they've been bitten by a green-eyed monster, but it can happen from time to time.

There are people who exude envy to the point that it destroys relationships. This usually starts with a feeling of inferiority, and these are things that a person must pay close attention to in order to save their relationship. Happy man is one that is free from envy, and this is seen in a healthy relationship.

2. Your desire for superficial things can poison your happiness.

You can often hear that the most happy people are those who do more for others than for themselves. If you have the type of personality that chases after the superficial things in life: wealth, cars, clothing brand, etc., then it's safe to say that you are poisoning your own happiness.

Desire for the superficial will only lead to more dissatisfaction because our brains are wired that way; this is called hedonic adaptation. A moderate life will bring you more happiness in the long run.

3. If you hold a grudge, it will destroy your happiness.

Stoic philosophers believed that not everything is in our power, and therefore, in short, insults are not worth worrying about because of them. Happiness comes from moving forward in your life and letting go of any resentment that might be holding you back.

4. Your regrets will destroy your world.

Your life will surely be filled with regrets from time to time; mistakes. Mistakes are only there to teach you that a certain path is over and so it's time to try another. There is no use in looking back with regret, because you cannot change the past. Just keep moving forward and try a different path. You will surely be happier.

5. Your dependence on others will interfere with happiness.

If you are a dependent person or, to use another phrase, co-dependent on another person for your happiness, then you will undoubtedly wait a very long time. happy life. Happiness will never come to you through another person, it can only come from within you.

You can find happiness with someone in a relationship, but that cannot be a solid foundation for your own happiness, because at some point in time, that person will let you down. Looking inward is the only way to true joy.

6. Your need to fix other people will ruin your happiness.

It is also related to codependency. If you feel the need to “fix” others, then you will never be focused on your own well-being and happiness. When your attention shifts away from yourself, you will always find something that needs to be corrected in others so that you can feel happier.

The only person you can control is yourself; so why not focus on self-realization for long-term happiness.

7. Your fear can keep you from experiencing true happiness.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Fear conquers more people than anything else in the world." It can come from many things, but you will experience true happiness when you let go of your fears and just do what you are afraid to do.

8. Your selfishness is poison to your happiness.

Being a selfish person means that you always want things to be your way, and the needs and opinions of others are often discarded in the process. Most people don't want to be in a relationship with a selfish person, and if that's the case for you, you may find yourself lonely and miserable at some point if you don't change anything.

Take a close look at yourself and examine the areas of your life that have fallen prey to selfishness and make the necessary changes; you may find that happiness has been waiting for you all this time.

9. Your happiness will be eroded when you set unrealistically high expectations for others.

Your need for everyone to fit your living standards is an unreasonable expectation that most people will never be able to fulfill. Therefore, you will almost always be disappointed in people and thus unhappy in life.

All people have their own individual personality type, which will prevent them from living the way you expect them to. They can't live like this. When you stop demanding that others meet your standards, you will see that they, like you, will be in a much more upbeat mood. A free person is a happy person.

10. Your self-righteousness will stop your happiness.

If you are a self-righteous person, it means that you feel that you cannot do anything wrong and that other people are always wrong. You can't be perfect all the time, so why not throw away your self-righteousness and experience true happiness? Not only will this lead to your relationships flourishing, but you will also become a much more relaxed person.

11. If you live in the past, it will become a hindrance to your happiness.

If you are living in the past, it means that you are unhappy in your present. Your happiness is your current state of mind, and if your life isn't making you happy, then it might be time to test your situation and make some changes for the better.

Maybe you need new goal at work? Perhaps it's time to finish the project you've been putting off? Either way, moving forward in life will help you feel like you're living in the now.

12. Your dishonesty can dampen happiness.

If you are a dishonest person, chances are you have alienated yourself from others. It often happens that dishonest people have earned a reputation for being untrustworthy, therefore, they are viewed as an unreliable friend and partner. Alienating yourself through dishonesty will certainly lead to unhappiness and isolation.

13. The use of any dope changes the state of happiness

Some may disagree, but even if you use substances for temporary states“happiness”, it will be short-lived, and once the vivid sensations pass, your feelings of an unhappy person will appear again, staring you in the face. Even those who use chocolate and caffeine as an escape route must admit that the euphoria is short-lived.

14. Your pessimism leads to a constant unhappy mood.

It is believed that if you have a personality type that always has a pessimistic attitude, it can lead to an unhappy life. In a way, your words and thoughts have power and if you constantly use “negative talk” it is like sending negative vibes into the world. Thus, it seems that misfortune haunts you like a virus that does not go away.

The cure for pessimism is to recognize your negativity and work on changing your thoughts and words for the better. Read, exercise, take up a hobby, anything that can make you feel better.

15. Your prejudices about other people can make you unhappy.

You might think that if someone has a prejudice against a certain group of people, it means that they are unhappy with that group, but the exact opposite is true. A prejudiced person is often an unhappy person who spouts his displeasure at the “scapegoat” in a group of people. Prejudiced people look for opportunities to vent their rage on others. They think it will help them feel better, but it doesn't.

If you find that you are a biased person (we all have certain prejudices), maybe it's time to sit down and really take stock of yourself and stand up to these things? You'll be glad you did.

16. Your lack of self-confidence can lead to feelings of unhappiness.

If you doubt yourself constantly, it goes without saying that this will lead you to feel sorry. A person who is insecure may be drawn into negative self-talk, which leads to deeper and deeper feelings of unhappiness. This is a vicious circle that needs to be worked out with a close friend or counselor who is able to help you through these feelings.

Perhaps finding an activity you enjoy volunteering your time for will also boost your self-esteem and take you away from yourself to change activities.

17. Feeling unhappy may stem from unchecked mental health.

If you suffer from anxiety or depression, then it is not difficult to understand that unhappiness follows. Take the time to talk to someone you trust who can help you sort things out. life's failures. If in doubt, seek professional help.

18. Your pet can be an antidote

Pets are beautiful way to enhance your happiness. If you are someone who doesn't like or want a pet, consider volunteering at special place with animals or some other option where it would be possible to interact with pets. It has been found that when a person pets an animal, their mood automatically rises.

19. Time spent volunteering to help those in need can help you be happier.

Time spent with those in need will help heal the unhappiness in your life. Sometimes seeing those who are less fortunate than you helps to see things in the right light.

20. Stress can prevent happiness in your life.

Stress is not only bad for your physical well-being, but your emotional well-being as well. If you are the type of person who is constantly under stress, then maybe it's time to make a drastic change? Take inventory of your life and get rid of unnecessary things. A life of simplicity can sometimes be just what you need to prevent stress and improve your happiness.

I hope you find these ideas useful in your life. If you find that your happiness is poisoned, then maybe one of these points is the cause. In any case, look for happiness within yourself. Meditate, read, pray, exercise, whatever it takes to improve yourself, and happiness will surely follow.

Hello dear friends!

Happiness is a powerful motivator! It is worth remembering yourself at the moment of victory or a long-awaited miracle: problems fade into the background, horizons and prospects seem feasible, and the day is wonderful!

But what to do when the soul is cloudy and hands drop by themselves? The work does not inspire, the existing benefits and ambitions are fading, and the future does not seem welcoming! Familiar sensations? At the same time, there is a state when there is no reason for negativity, and the long-awaited lightness still does not come! The lack of happiness and satisfaction from the world borders on signs of apathy, or seasonal melancholy, and this leads to stress.

What to do in this case? You need to learn to quickly change gray clouds to positive thinking! How to find happiness and live to the maximum? Thanks to what methods can you systematically warm up the spark in the eyes so that every moment passes joyfully? It is to these questions that I dedicate today's article.

happiness from life

Life is not easy! It is full of surprises, lessons and precious experience. Happiness is the measure of your own understanding of life. The brighter and more iridescent it is, the more favorable the Universe is. In order to find happiness from the outside, you need to make an effort and find it inside yourself!

Man is a multifaceted being. And not always the desired leads us to a euphoric mood. In the summer - I want winter, on a hot day - rain. And when the desired falls into the hands, it is very difficult to stop at the right moment and say: “Hurrah! I'm happy!".

An inspiring feeling sits in every person, but it is not always easy to use it. There are weaknesses that prevent you from seeing the good in the current situation, focusing on the negative aspects in life. What prevents a person from fully experiencing happiness in the soul?

Barriers to Happiness

  • Critical attitude to the world (bias, high standards);
  • distrust of people and the world (“Everyone wants to offend me”);
  • position of the victim ("I'm so unhappy! ..");
  • removal of responsibility (“Everyone is to blame, but not me!”);
  • low self-esteem (“I am not worthy of a good relationship”);
  • fear of difficulties ("I can't do anything...");
  • attachment to the material world (“I will be happy when I buy this dress or car!”);
  • envy;
  • live in the future or the past;
  • the role of a constant whiner ("Everything is bad ... And always!")
  • lack of gratitude ("I accept the gifts of fate for granted").

It is these qualities that do not allow people to enjoy themselves and the world. The true happiness of a woman is impossible without flexibility and self-acceptance, it is equivalent to other people! Allow yourself to become a better person and eliminate any reason to resort to negativity for help.

In addition, in other articles we will talk more about finding female happiness, and now I suggest that you familiarize yourself with 5 important tips helping to rebuild in a new way.

Principles of "education" of happiness

Honest Answers

Very often we chase after invented images and ideals, missing the opportunity to enjoy the moment. This applies to both the work field and happiness in personal life. Most of us categorically do not know what actions or events make us feel harmony and inspiration?

You need to find the strength in yourself to stop and ask yourself: “Am I happy?”. I recommend that you create a notebook and write in it daily, answering simple questions:

  1. How many times a day did I experience a state of happiness?
  2. What specifically makes me happy?
  3. What can I do now to have more of these moments?

Here and now!

The principle of life "here and now" helps to prioritize and realize what is happening. Try to be attentive to what is happening before your eyes? The ability to see positive little things allows you to collect a complete picture of a happy attitude.

When was the last time you looked at the clouds while lying on the grass? When did you really get involved in the game with a child, imagining yourself a pirate? These little joys help a person realize the importance of every minute. By learning to notice them on a bad day, you can keep yourself upbeat without falling into a stupor!

It is very important not to get hung up on the material world, believe me, happiness is not hidden in it! The euphoria of buying things lasts for seconds and then brings you back to the feeling of emptiness.

You can learn more about how the happiness paradox works in this video!

Do not exaggerate the importance of difficulties

Be sure that you are already happy! If you tend to experience stress painfully, plunging into them headlong, you run the risk of obsessing over the negative. You need to switch, distract yourself from bad thoughts that can poison the whole day.

Take an example from your child: he fell, cried, and after a minute we smile again! Find positive moments in the most difficult situations, stringing them over malicious or offended phrases, like beads. Turn big troubles into small troubles. This is the key to a happy life!

Emotion control

Frequent mood swings are familiar to many! And at the same time, this is not a reason to justify their lack of happiness in the soul! It is extremely important to learn to understand your feelings and be able to control them at the right time. Excessive temper leads to irreversible consequences and a deterioration in the quality of communication with people.

Try not to conduct important business in a bad mood and do not break out on loved ones. Find out the reason bad mood and try to eliminate the root of evil. Ask yourself a direct question: “What can I do now to correct what happened?”. If you have tried all the methods, there is only one thing left - to change the approach to the situation and calm down!

Zone of personal space and responsibility

Happiness in the family helps a person overcome all worldly hardships! And it is very important to make every effort so that your fortress is built on a solid foundation and has strong walls. Do not try to make changes to other people's settings!

The important rule is to strive to change yourself, not others! When you begin to adhere to this principle, then life together will become calmer, more harmonious and more correct. After all, it is impossible to avoid conflicts with the constant imposition of one's opinion about the quality of life on another!

This is the finishing point!

Subscribe to blog updates, and in the comments, share tips on cultivating a sense of happiness within yourself!

If you find it difficult to imagine your life outside material assets, Deepak Chopra will reveal seven ways to change lives once and for all and find true happiness.

One of the most positive outlooks on life is the ability to see a hidden opportunity in every obstacle. Even if you don't fall into the extreme category of the homeless or unemployed, just watching the evening news carries a lot of negativity, from scarcity to terrorism. But what if we try to find a common root in the problems, and try to see new opportunities?

The problem is that we do not know how to be unconditionally happy.

The American way of life (same with most countries) tells us that happiness is associated with things that go out of fashion very quickly:

  • You will be happy if you consume as much as possible;
  • You will be happy only when there is money. And the more the better;
  • You will be happy if you can distract yourself with video games, the Internet, watching movies and TV shows;
  • You will be happy if you fall in love with the “right” person, build a family in your own house, which you pay from a stable salary.

The current economic downturn has affected all of these factors, but even before it hit, high divorce rates were undermining the traditional family model, frequent job changes became more common, and levels of depression, aggression, and drug use continued to rise steadily. The background to all of the above is an indicator that the level of stress has increased in the life of each of us.

Instead of ignoring these trends, why not look at the root of all problems and understand that we need a new way to be happy. What do divorce, terrorism, unemployment and buying a new TV mean? Yes, just what when happiness depends on external factors, it is vulnerable.

The new way to be happy is based on the following principles:

1. There must be a purpose in life.

As you move towards your goal, inner happiness develops as well. Everyone's life should have a meaning, and the more people around are inspired by this meaning, the better. What destroys happiness more than anything else? Loneliness and emptiness that are the result of feeling that your life is meaningless. Millions of people live with the motto: “Family is the main thing,” but this is not so. Meaning and purpose are the main things.

Where is the meaning to be found? Here is a standard list, choose what is in tune with your soul.

- Work;

- Love;

— Return (ability and willingness to help);

- Personal growth;

— Hobby, rest;

— Study, education;

- Creation;

- Friendship.

Most people choose several options, such as family, friends, hobbies and work, and hope that this will be enough. But what about the higher values ​​that provide more stable, secure happiness? Among them, you can choose love, personal growth, the ability to help. After all, if you ignore them, happiness can evaporate with the departure of friends or the loss of a job. You run the risk of being left in an "empty nest" when the children grow up and start families of their own. Set higher values ​​(preferably right now) and then your future will not depend so much on external changes.

2. The inner feeling of happiness cannot be ignored.

We often hear the phrase “Internal feeling of happiness” so often that it has lost its meaning for us. Facilities mass media propagandize that the feeling of happiness will come to us with a thin waist, properly selected cosmetics, well-groomed hair and indispensable youth. However, true happiness can be measured. If you are comfortable with being in company with yourself, you do not need anyone, do nothing to distract your thoughts and at the same time feel happy - you have reached the present. inner happiness. It is characterized by a sense of security, the understanding that you have enough of everything, and the achievement of peace of mind and tranquility. Sometimes this state can be expressed in one phrase: "You are truly happy if it is enough for you that you are simply here and now."

3. The foundation of daily happiness is relationships, not consumption.

The world's leading economy calls on us to consume more and better, newer and more expensive. Neither you nor I can change this fact, but we can look at the world through glossy promises. Goods will not make us happier. Just like money won't do it. Research shows that as soon as we reach the level of income that is necessary to meet daily needs, our income begins to decrease. Neither rich people nor lottery winners become happier than most of us. In both cases, too much money brings psychological imbalances, such as anxiety, greed, and the fear of not having enough money.

It is much more important to have a sincere relationship that reflects your true self. Of course, this is more difficult than buying a new computer or a more powerful car, because it is actually more difficult. But only relationships can bring inner fulfillment, expensive things can only hide the emptiness.

4. Instead of distraction, fill your time with activities that make your heart grow.

Distractions are good for passing the time, but the more time you spend online or playing video games, the less time you have for what really matters. We all know that filling the heart with emotions is very important, but it requires a lot of time and attention. As children, we counted on the participation of our parents in our lives. And in that knowledge there was security, we could play and be carefree. But when we grow up, no one can replace our heart and its needs for us. By "heart" I mean emotional fulfillment, compassion, kindness, rapprochement - the full spectrum of life's emotions. Distraction will never bring these qualities into your life, and they are the most important components of a happy life.

5. You can find your corner of fearlessness, which will not be touched by crises and worries.

Modern life is characterized by instant connection and its global reach. On the one hand, this is good, but also these achievements of civilization fill the life of each of us with great fears. We live in a world where strangers hundreds of miles away can harm us. There is no absolute security anywhere except within us. We do not have many opportunities to reduce the causes of anxiety: bad people and troubles have always been around. But each of us can manage our own fears, worries and worries. Security is within us, and if we can find it, then no amount of trouble or bad people can destroy it.

6. You can find inner peace that is not subject to stress.

We all know that life is full of stress, but most of us think that it is an external element, such as traffic jams, stress at work, naughty children, etc. in fact, stress is the answer. How you react to the outside world matters more than the outside stimulus. The zone of peace is within you, the inner corner of the world. When you find it and learn how to use it, external tension will never make you its hostage. This does not mean that stress will cease to exist at all, just that you will have a different reaction to it. You will know what to fix, what to put up with, and what to just close your eyes to. This is a very important skill for achieving your own happiness.

7. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

We've been ignoring for decades healthy lifestyle life and disease prevention, although their value has not diminished over time. In fact, our body wants us to be happy, so it constantly sends us signals of both contentment and distress. We, not paying attention to them, deprive ourselves of the main ally in the struggle for happiness. I'm not talking about dropping everything, getting a gym membership, and starting to jog (although that's also a positive lifestyle change). Your body does not have to be thin, beautiful or athletic for you to be happy. It speaks to you and you must listen to it. Everything you do in search of inner happiness requires the participation of the body - the mind does not live in separate subdivision. You will not be able to force yourself to go on a strict diet, exercise and meditation until the body is comfortable with it. Good health is the union of mind and body. I suggest you work on this alliance. Distractions keep us from thinking about the mind, consumption takes us away from thoughts about the body. I am bringing this up because the mind and body are not at peace with each other. But, nevertheless, mutual peace is their natural state. A healthy body will make you happy, because it will support you in everything.

As a summary, I would like to say that integrity is a key concept in the search for inner happiness. In this article in short form new principles for its acquisition are outlined. After spending so much time looking for happiness in the old ways - not always successful - you must understand that there are new ways that can change your life right now.

Start using them today.