Regulations on the organization of labor protection services. Regulations on the labor protection service standard sample form




For implementation purposes State Committee The Republic of Tatarstan on Labor and Employment DECIDES:

1. Approve the Standard Regulations on the Labor Safety Service of an enterprise, institution, or organization.

2. Enterprises, institutions, organizations of all organizational - legal forms and forms of ownership, be guided by this document when developing regulations on the labor protection service and the organization of its work at an enterprise, institution, or organization.

Chairman of the State
Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan
on labor and employment


State Committee
Republic of Tatarstan
on labor and employment
dated February 22, 1999 N 5

These Regulations have been developed in order to ensure a uniform procedure for organizing the work of the labor protection service of an enterprise, institution and organization (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise), regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms.

The regulation was developed in accordance with Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On labor protection in the Republic of Tatarstan", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated July 29, 1996 N 603 "On measures to improve conditions and labor protection in the Republic of Tatarstan" and taking into account Recommendations for the organization work of the labor protection service at an enterprise, institution and organization, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1995 N 6.

In accordance with this Regulation, the enterprise is developing a Regulation on the labor protection service, taking into account the specifics economic activity and other features of the enterprise.


1.1. Occupational safety management at the enterprise is carried out by the manager (employer). To organize work on safety and working conditions, the employer creates a labor protection service.

1.2. The labor protection service (hereinafter referred to as the Service) is a separate structural unit (department, bureau) within the enterprise, consisting of a separate staff of labor protection specialists (engineers) headed by a manager (chief) and is equal in status to the production and technical services of the enterprise. The service can be represented by one occupational safety specialist (engineer) or by a person authorized by the manager to perform the functions of an occupational safety specialist.

1.3. The labor protection service is directly subordinate to the head of the enterprise or, on his instructions, to one of his deputies.

1.4. In its activities, the Service is guided by laws and regulations Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, regulatory documentation of the enterprise, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection and regulations on the labor protection service of the enterprise.


2.1. Organization and coordination of work on safety and working conditions at the enterprise.

2.2. Monitoring compliance with legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection by officials and employees of the enterprise.

2.3. Carrying out preventive work to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases and production-related diseases.

2.4. Promoting labor safety issues at the enterprise, studying and disseminating best practices in labor safety.

2.5. Consulting and informing employers and employees on labor safety issues.

2.6. Interaction with authorities government controlled labor protection, state supervision and control, public control and superior enterprises in the field of labor conditions and safety.


To carry out the assigned tasks, the Service is entrusted with:

3.1. Identification of dangerous and harmful production factors in the workplace.

3.2. Accounting and analysis of the state and causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and production-related diseases.

3.3. Conducted jointly with representatives of the relevant departments of the enterprise and with the participation of (trusted) authorized persons on labor protection of representative bodies labor collective checks, surveys technical condition buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, means of collective and individual protection of workers, sanitary conditions technical devices, the efficiency of ventilation systems for compliance with regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

3.4. Development, together with the heads of departments and other services of the enterprise, of measures, plans, programs to improve working conditions, prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, provide organizational assistance in the implementation of planned activities.

3.5. Participation in the preparation of the section "Occupational Safety and Health" collective agreement, labor protection agreements.

3.6. Participation in the work of commissions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction or reconstructed production facilities, as well as in the commission for acceptance after repair of installations, units, technological lines, machine tools and other equipment in terms of compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

3.7. Providing assistance to enterprise departments in organizing and conducting measurements of parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors.

3.8. Organization and control of certification of workplaces for working conditions and injury safety, certification production facilities in accordance with the requirements of regulations.

3.9. Coordination of design, technological and other documentation developed at the enterprise in terms of compliance with labor safety requirements, including:

regulations on the structural divisions of the enterprise,

job descriptions of employees,

enterprise standards of the SSBT system,

list of professions and positions of workers exempt from on-the-job training,

list of high-risk works,

labor safety instructions.

3.10. Program development and instructions induction training, conducting introductory training on labor protection with all newly hired (including temporarily), business travelers, students and students arriving for industrial training or practice.

3.11. Drawing up (with the participation of heads of departments and relevant services of the enterprise) a list of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed.

3.12. Maintaining records of instructions and records of the issuance of instructions to divisions of the enterprise.

3.13. Organization of provision of enterprise departments with regulations (rules, norms, instructions on labor protection), information and propaganda visual aids and educational materials on labor protection.

3.14. Drawing up reports on safety and working conditions according to established forms (7-T injuries, 1-T working conditions).

3.15. Assisting department heads in compiling lists of professions and positions, according to which employees must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations.

3.16. Organization of work on compiling lists of professions and positions, according to which, on the basis of current legislation, workers are provided with compensation and benefits for difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions.

3.17. Providing methodological assistance to heads of departments and relevant services of the enterprise in the development and revision of labor protection instructions for workers, enterprise standards, and a system of occupational safety standards.

3.18. Providing methodological assistance in organizing workplace training (initial, repeated, unscheduled, targeted), training and knowledge testing on labor protection.

3.19. Participation in the organization of timely training on labor protection for managers and specialists. Participation in the commission to test the knowledge of labor protection of enterprise employees.

3.20. Participation in the preparation of documents for the payment of compensation for harm caused to the health of an employee as a result of an accident, occupational disease during his work labor responsibilities.

3.21. Organization of the investigation of industrial accidents in accordance with the current Regulations, participation in the commission for the investigation of the accident, registration and storage of documentation for the investigation of accidents (form N-1 acts, etc.)

3.22. Organization and management of the work of the labor protection office, organization of information stands, labor protection corners in the departments of the enterprise.

3.23. Organization and holding of occupational safety days at the enterprise and in departments.

3.24. Organization of work to carry out 3 step control on labor protection in departments of the enterprise.

3.25. Promoting occupational safety issues at the enterprise, using for these purposes internal radio broadcasting, internal large-circulation printing, stands, showcases on occupational safety, organization of exhibitions, etc.

3.26. Bringing to the attention of employees and officials the new legislative and other laws being introduced regulations to improve the state of working conditions and labor protection, generalize and disseminate best practices, achievements of science and technology.

3.27. Informing employees on behalf of the employer about the state of working conditions in the workplace, about harmful and dangerous production factors and the possible consequences of their impact on the employee, about benefits and compensation for working in harmful, difficult and dangerous working conditions.

3.28. Consideration of letters, applications, complaints from employees on issues of labor conditions and safety, preparation of proposals on them to the employer, heads of departments to eliminate existing and identified shortcomings and omissions, preparation of qualified answers to the applicant, as well as on the rights, duties and responsibilities provided for by law.

3.29. Preparation and submission of proposals for the implementation of best practices, more advanced designs of fencing equipment, safety and locking devices and other means of protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors.

3.30. Analysis and generalization of proposals for spending funds on labor protection of the enterprise.

3.31. Exercising control over:

compliance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection;

provision and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment;

compliance with the Regulations on the investigation and recording of accidents at work;

implementation of program measures, plans to improve working conditions and labor protection, measures of the “Occupational Safety and Health” section of the collective agreement, agreement on labor protection, to eliminate the causes of the accident (from the N-1 form report), instructions of state supervision and control bodies and others measures to create healthy and safe working conditions;

the presence in departments of labor protection instructions for workers according to the list of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed, their timely revision;

compliance with schedules for measuring parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors;

timely carrying out by the relevant services of the necessary tests and technical examinations of equipment, machines and mechanisms;

efficiency of aspiration and ventilation systems;

the condition of safety devices and protective devices, the technical condition of machinery and equipment;

timeliness and quality of training, knowledge testing and all types of briefings for enterprise employees;

timely training on labor protection for managers and specialists;

organizing the storage, issuance, washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal, degreasing and repair of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment;

correct expenditure in departments of funds allocated for the implementation of labor protection measures;

organizing the distribution of milk, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, soap and disinfectants;

use of labor of women and persons under 18 years of age in accordance with the law;

timely and correct provision of compensation and benefits to employees for work in harmful, difficult, dangerous working conditions;

sanitary and hygienic maintenance of production and auxiliary premises;

proper organization of workplaces, technological processes, storage of materials.


For execution functional responsibilities Employees of the Service have the right:

4.1. At any time of the day, freely visit and inspect the production, office and household premises of the enterprise, get acquainted, within the limits of their competence, with the documents of the enterprise on labor protection issues.

4.2. Issue to heads of departments, officials and other responsible employees mandatory instructions (Appendix No. 1) to eliminate violations of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection identified during inspections and monitor their implementation.

4.3. Suspend the operation of production facilities, sites, machines, machines, equipment and other means of production, in-plant vehicles in cases that pose a threat to the life and health of workers or may lead to an accident, notifying the head of the enterprise, division or deputies until they are eliminated.

4.4. Require, by order from the heads of departments, the removal from work of persons who do not have permission to perform this work, who have not undergone preliminary and periodic medical examinations, labor safety briefings, internships, training and testing of labor protection knowledge in their work, and who do not use the provided equipment in their work. personal protective equipment, as well as those that violate the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

4.5. Send proposals to the head of the enterprise to bring to justice officials who violate the requirements for ensuring working conditions and labor protection.

4.6. Request and receive from heads of departments of the enterprise necessary information, information, documentation on labor protection issues, demand written explanations from persons who committed violations of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

4.7. Involve, in agreement with the head of the enterprise, relevant specialists in inspections and surveys of labor conditions and labor protection.

4.8. Submit proposals for incentives to the head of the enterprise individual workers behind active work to create healthy and safe working conditions, as well as to bring to justice those responsible for violating legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

4.9. Represent, on behalf of the management of the enterprise, in state, public and other organizations when discussing labor safety issues.


5.1. The head of the enterprise must ensure the necessary conditions for employees of the Service to fulfill their powers.

5.2. The organization of work of employees of the Service provides for the regulation of their job responsibilities and assigning to each of them certain labor protection functions and structural divisions of the enterprise in accordance with their job descriptions. It is not permitted to assign employees of the Service to perform work that is not related to their direct duties.

5.3. Workplace The employee of the Service must be in a separate room, provided with modern office equipment, regulatory legal and reference literature, technical means communications and vehicle(if necessary) and equipped for the convenience of receiving visitors.

5.4. To carry out a number of functions of the Service (conducting training, briefings, seminars, lectures, inserts, etc.) the enterprise must provide a labor protection office.

5.5. The head of the enterprise is obliged to organize systematic advanced training and testing of knowledge on labor protection for employees of the Service at least once every 3 years.

5.6. The labor protection service carries out its activities in cooperation with other services of the enterprise, the labor protection committee (commission), authorized representatives for labor protection of trade unions or the workforce, the labor protection service of the higher body of the enterprise (if any), as well as with government bodies labor protection management, state supervision and control bodies, public control and other organizations.


6.1. The structure, number and functions of the Service are determined by the head of the enterprise depending on the number of employees, volumes and working conditions, the degree of danger of production and other factors.

6.2. The calculation of the standard number of employees of the Service is carried out in accordance with the Interindustry standards for the number of employees of the labor protection service at an enterprise, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 1995 N 13.

6.3. Inter-industry standards for the number of occupational safety and health workers at an enterprise are intended to determine and justify job responsibilities and distribute the amount of work between performers.

6.4. At enterprises where, in accordance with the Interindustry standards for the number of labor protection service employees, less than one labor protection engineer (specialist) rate is required, the manager may, by order of the enterprise, assign labor protection responsibilities to another specialist or official (with his consent), who, after appropriate training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, along with the main work, will devote part of the working time to performing the duties of a labor protection specialist. The manager has the right to invite, on a contractual basis, an occupational safety specialist with appropriate qualifications.

6.5. The staffing levels of sanitary-industrial laboratory workers and sanitary doctors are not provided for by these standards.

6.6. In cases where individual production units of an enterprise are located from each other at a distance of 0.5 km to 1.5 km, a coefficient of 1.2 should be set to the number calculated according to the standards, and at a distance of 1.5 km or more - a coefficient 1.4.

6.7. The labor protection service is headed by the head of the Service (possibly as the deputy head of the enterprise for labor protection), who:

manages the labor protection service, plans and organizes its work, develops job descriptions for employees, issues orders within its competence, bears personal responsibility for the effective and high-quality implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Service;

ensures timely consideration and implementation of documents, proposals, letters, statements on issues within the competence of the Service.

6.8. As a rule, persons qualified as labor protection engineers or specialists who have a higher technical education, experience working in an enterprise, and who have undergone special training in labor protection courses should be allowed to fill the position of occupational safety specialist.


7.1. Control over the activities of the Service is carried out by the head of the enterprise, the labor protection service of a higher enterprise (if any), executive authorities for labor and government bodies supervision and control of labor protection.

7.2. Responsibility for the activities of the Service lies with the head of the enterprise and the head of the Service.

7.3. Employees of the Service are responsible for fulfilling their job duties as determined by the regulations on the enterprise’s labor protection service and job descriptions.

To Model provision about the service
enterprise labor protection,
institutions, organizations

Prescription form form

Front side (A4 format)

INSTRUCTION of an engineer (specialist) of the labor protection service

(Business name)

"__" ________ 199_ N _____


(position, full name)


(name of the enterprise division)

In accordance with the Regulations on the Labor Safety Service


(Business name)

I propose to eliminate the following violations:

List of regulatory violations
legal acts on labor protection with
indicating their names, NN
articles, points


Mark about

Reverse side (A4 format)

Please notify us about the fulfillment of the order after the specified deadlines in writing or by telephone:


The order was issued by: _______________ ______________________

Received the order: _______________ ______________________________

(signature, date) (full name, position)

At an enterprise of any category, it is important to ensure safe working conditions. The current legislation of the Russian Federation speaks about the approval of a system of occupational safety standards in the organization. Since the regulations on the security service must be developed in each institution, then we should consider in more detail what its structure and features should be.

Regulations on the occupational safety and health service at the enterprise

In order to organize proper labor activity at an enterprise, it is necessary to comply with all the formalities that Russian law forms today. A typical vision for safety rules at work is formed by a system of standards, the implementation of which will be mandatory in the institution.

A standard regulation on the labor protection service must be created based on the following tasks:

  • Ensuring clear planning important events to protect activities and its safety in the organization;
  • Distribute the responsibilities and duties of each stakeholder;
  • Ensure management in the field of safety activities;
  • Approve the current training procedure in the organization;
  • Monitor and evaluate what security conditions the institution actually provides.

Standard regulations on the labor protection service at an enterprise

Decides that a sample of such documentation is considered mandatory in an enterprise where more than 50 people work. If each unit in total constitutes a smaller number of personnel, then the order on whether the instruction will be approved is taken by CEO. The specifics of the activity are used as the basis for determining the relevance of this system in the institution.

The area of ​​work safety protection in an organization must have a clear purpose and refer to more than one official document, which was decided by the Federation or a separate republic. This may include an order, law and other regulatory documents.

The order to approve the norms on the labor protection service is adopted in the institution on the basis of the following:

  • Improvement resolution working conditions, Ministry of Social Development;
  • Standard formulation of actions aimed at improving working conditions;
  • Sections of GOST, Labor Code;
  • Information about the verification of safety by regulatory authorities in the institution, financial plan, order local authorities management and so on.

Regulations on the labor protection service at the enterprise - sample 2018

Today there is no standard formulation for sample safety documents. The manager must formulate an approval order based on which sample will not contradict the law. The regulations on the labor protection service in an organization as an order have a specific sample where you can view the standard design.

The regulations on the service that controls security are drawn up in the organization by one of the following persons:

  • Head of the organization;
  • HR specialist;
  • Engineer for labor organization at the enterprise;
  • Heads of departments at the enterprise.

Order approving the regulations on the labor protection service

The standard design shows a sample position. The approval order is brought into line with the standard structure.

A sample for drawing up a standard document for labor at an enterprise contains the following structure:

  • General provisions on service at the enterprise. This indicates how long the order is valid in the institution;
  • A block of information about what the work is aimed at and which employee has specific responsibilities upon approval of this document in the statement;
  • Information about whose responsibility the work is, who is on the service committee, and how the organization looks like a sample of monitoring and analyzing activities;
  • Standard design of training events and briefings;
  • Planned events and their typical vision.

The standard sample is suitable for registration in companies and institutions of various profiles. These rules are relevant for any persons, including LLCs, small enterprises, government agencies, for example, a bank or a school. More than one abstract or scientific article is devoted to the topic of document preparation in this category, where they talk about the peculiarities of presenting information and the correctness of the statement. The presence of such a document simplifies the solution of many corporate problems, so it is actively discussed by entrepreneurs. The creation of such internal standards as regulations on the labor protection service makes it possible to regulate the nuances of ensuring comfort and safety of work, training and instructions, rules of conduct and other features.

The occupational safety service performs one of the most important functions in an enterprise; it ensures that all employees of the enterprise are maximally protected and do not expose themselves and others to production risks. Not all legal entities are required to have employees monitoring labor safety standards in the company. However, their presence entails the obligation to draw up regulations aimed at ensuring the safety of a particular enterprise.

Regulations on the labor protection service according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges certain enterprises to introduce a full-time subordinate who will ensure control over labor safety. This could be one person - an engineer or specialist, or it could be an entire department. The number of employees is determined by the total number of employees in the enterprise. If the number of employees is less than half a hundred, the introduction of a position is considered inappropriate and remains at the discretion of the employer. If the number of working units at the enterprise exceeds fifty, then the unit is mandatory.

How to develop a regulation on the labor protection service?

For the initial development of regulations on the occupational safety service, the standard List of the Ministry of Health and Social Development should be analyzed. The purpose of the study is the subsequent selection of the necessary items from all that is proposed standard list. Each enterprise, based on its specifics, must choose points that are oriented towards it. It should be noted that the issue of unauthorized formation of points is currently a controversial issue. The Ministry of Health and Social Development does not prohibit adding your own items to the list. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance prohibits the unauthorized introduction of paragraphs into the contents of the document. Although such instructions contradict each other, allowing the employer to draw up the document at his own discretion, but all the best option will follow all legal regulations regarding this issue.

Who can develop regulations on the labor protection service

Developing a document is a very responsible undertaking. Usually, its registration and further approval are carried out by specialists with certain skills and knowledge.
The document can be developed by:
The head of the enterprise himself;
HR department employees;
Security Engineer production environment or a specialist from this department;
Other responsible employees.
One specialist is appointed responsible for development, but almost all departments actually participate in development. You should not forget to invite the chief accountant of the institution to the review.

Necessary regulations for drawing up regulations on the security service

A set of measures on this issue is transferred to the content of the document, taking into account legislative framework RF and individual regulatory acts of the enterprise.
To independently develop a compliance system production standards state standards should be considered:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation in terms of Article 217;
  • GOST 12.0.230-2007;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 14 with instructions on the organization of HSE work;
  • Model list from the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

In addition to the presented legal acts, one should also be guided by local norms that were previously adopted by the institution.

Model regulations on the safety and labor protection service in an organization

The standard regulation on the labor protection service contains the following sections:

  • Sections general plan, describing the goals and objectives of the document;
  • A paragraph covering the activities of the enterprise;
  • Specific instructions on the distribution of responsibilities;
  • Points covering safety briefings;
  • Separately, it is worth describing how control of instructions and document management will be carried out;
  • What activities will be regularly carried out to improve the production characteristics of workplaces.

At the end of the regulation on the occupational safety and health service at the enterprise, a list of appendices should be indicated, which are referenced in the text of the document itself.

Model regulation on labor protection and industrial safety service

The text of the document is developed by setting out the requirements for the safe implementation of work functions, investigation and elimination of negative conditions that have arisen. The text should be as clear as possible and not have ambiguous expressions, in order to avoid misinterpretation.

The relevant document must describe the rights and obligations of the parties. It is also worth remembering the purpose of the document. The main task during development is compliance with the requirements of standards industrial safety. Regardless of the type of instruction, a person responsible for conducting and monitoring activities is appointed.

Sample order approving the regulations on the labor protection service

The order for approval of the developed regulation must indicate the purpose of creating the document. Before giving instructions on how to implement what is written, you should argue for the need to accept the prepared paper.
The main purpose of the order is to approve the submitted project and appoint someone responsible for monitoring execution.
The order is approved by the director of the institution and brought to the attention of all departments.

When performing their work duties, every worker must be confident in the safety of their health. For this purpose, legislation has developed standards in accordance with which each organization must operate.

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At every enterprise, the described situation plays a key role. The employer in the conditional institution is obliged to ensure that this act is executed in accordance with relevant legislation (including the regulations on the labor protection commission). Activity of this enterprise it doesn’t matter - the document is mandatory for everyone structural unit. Next we will talk about the features of its compilation.

Regulations on the labor protection service according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The purpose of its mandatory approval is the safety of production personnel and each employee. In each case, the employee must independently familiarize himself with the described instructions, and ensuring such familiarization lies with the head of the organization. It is the director of the enterprise who is formally responsible not only for the development, but also for the familiarization procedure. This act is a kind job description for the local labor protection authority.

How to develop a regulation on the labor protection service?

The main element of this provision is the scope of activity of the enterprise. It cannot be the same educational institution and local industrial enterprise.

For 2018, the Government has developed general methodological recommendations (12/85.11), which should be followed. Initially, the specifics of the work are clarified, after which the corresponding industry is selected in the specified recommendations (in the table of contents). Separate standards are developed for each individual industry.

Who can develop regulations on the labor protection service?

The responsibility to develop a system of conditions rests with the person who is responsible for the general labor protection of the local enterprise. The specified specialist is appointed by the employer, after which he can independently engage in the formation of a service under his control and develop the described position. In addition, the employer can appoint any third-party employee of the organization with special specialized knowledge.

The implementation and accounting of such functions fall, as a rule, on a specialist with the appropriate education.

Necessary regulations for drawing up regulations on the security service

For any enterprise, even before the approval of the described regulation on the local security service, it will initially be necessary to prepare some regulations. These in practice include:

  • Charter of the relevant government ministry in a mandatory approved form;
  • Act of certification of workplaces to established standards;
  • The main order on the formation of the body.

Model regulations on the safety and labor protection service in an organization

In the Russian Federation for enterprises different levels a typical sample will look different - school and industrial enterprise operate according to completely different work rules, therefore workers carry out their activities here on completely different documentary basis.

The dispositive basis for all cases is described in the relevant Resolution No. 1/29. It is these data that should be used to guide the preparation of the described document.

Model regulation on labor protection and industrial safety service

As for industrial safety, in this case everything is more specific. The management of each enterprise, right up to its liquidation, involves the operation of a standard act, in accordance with which service employees will perform their formal duties.

In the industrial safety segment, the main importance is given to the safety of employees when working with production units. Accordingly, the main purpose of the service is to monitor compliance with labor protection imperatives at the enterprise.

Sample order approving the regulations on the labor protection service

Like any local document, the described act is not put into use until a specialized order is issued by the employer of the organization. Therefore, until this time, the previously issued act is in effect, which should be complied with. Immediately after the development of a new document, the authorized employee provides it to the employer for review. If the links to the documentation are correct, and general structure meets the previously mentioned recommendations, the employer issues a specialized order.


about the labor protection service

I. General provisions

1. Occupational safety management in an organization is carried out by its head. To organize work on labor protection, the head of the organization creates a labor protection service.

3. The Service is organized in the form of an independent structural unit of the organization, consisting of a staff of labor protection specialists headed by the head (chief) of the Service.

4. The service carries out its activities in cooperation with other divisions of the organization, the labor protection committee (commission), authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, the labor protection service of a higher organization (if any), and also with federal executive authorities and the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection. bodies of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements and public control bodies,

5. Employees of the Service in their activities are guided by laws and other regulations legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, agreements (general, regional, sectoral), collective agreement, agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization.

II. The main tasks of the labor protection service

1. The main objectives of the Service are:

1.1. Organization of work to ensure that employees comply with labor protection requirements.

1.2. Monitoring compliance by employees with laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, collective agreements, agreements on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization.

1.3. Organization of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions.

1.4. Informing and consulting employees of the organization, including its manager, on labor safety issues.

1.5. Study and dissemination of best practices in labor protection, promotion of labor protection issues.

III. Functions of the labor protection service

To perform the assigned tasks, the Service is assigned the following functions:

1. Accounting and analysis of the state and causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors.

2. Providing assistance to departments in organizing and conducting measurements of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors, in assessing the safety of equipment and devices.

3. Organization, methodological management of certification of workplaces for working conditions, certification of labor protection work and control over their implementation.

4. Conducting, together with representatives of the relevant departments and with the participation of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection, trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, inspections, surveys of the technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, means of collective and individual protection of workers , the condition of sanitary and technical devices, the operation of ventilation systems for compliance with labor protection requirements.

5. Participation in the work of commissions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction or reconstructed production facilities, as well as in the work of commissions for the acceptance from repair of installations, units, machines and other equipment in terms of compliance with labor protection requirements.

6. Coordination of design, engineering, technological and other documentation developed in the organization regarding labor protection requirements.

7. Development, together with other departments, of plans and programs to improve working conditions and safety, prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases, diseases caused by production factors; providing organizational and methodological assistance for the implementation of planned activities.

8. Participation in the drafting of sections of the collective agreement relating to conditions and labor protection, agreements on labor protection of the organization.

9. Assisting department heads in compiling lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which, on the basis of current legislation, workers are provided with compensation for hard work and - working in harmful or dangerous working conditions.

10. Organization of investigation of industrial accidents.

11. Participation in the preparation of documents for the appointment of insurance payments in connection with industrial accidents or occupational diseases.

12. Drawing up reports on safety and working conditions according to the forms established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

13. Development of training programs on labor protection for employees of the organization, including its manager; Conducting introductory training on labor protection for all persons entering work (including temporarily), business travelers, as well as students arriving for on-the-job training or internship.

14. Organization of timely training on labor protection for employees of the organization, including its head, and participation in the work of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

15. Drawing up (with the participation of department heads) lists of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed.

16. Providing methodological assistance to department heads in the development and revision of labor protection instructions, standards of the organization of the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS).

17. Providing departments with local regulatory legal acts of the organization (rules, norms, instructions on labor protection), visual aids and educational materials on labor protection.

18. Organization and management of the work of the labor protection office, preparation of information stands, labor protection corners in departments.

19. Organization of meetings on labor protection.

20. Conducting propaganda on labor safety issues using for these purposes internal radio broadcasting, television, video and films, small-circulation print, wall newspapers, shop windows, etc.

21. Bringing to the attention of employees current laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection of the organization.

22. Consideration of letters, applications, complaints from employees regarding issues of labor conditions and safety, preparation of proposals to the head of the organization (heads of departments) to eliminate identified deficiencies.

23. Control over:

Compliance by employees with the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization;

Providing and correct use of personal and collective protective equipment;

Compliance with the Regulations on the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1999 N 279;

Implementation of measures provided for by programs, plans for improving working conditions and labor protection, the section of the collective agreement concerning labor protection issues, an agreement on labor protection, as well as taking measures to eliminate the causes that caused an accident at work (information from the act on form N- 1), compliance with the instructions of state supervisory authorities and control over compliance with labor protection requirements, and other measures to create safe working conditions;

The presence in departments of labor protection instructions for workers according to the list of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed, their timely revision;

Carrying out certification of workplaces for working conditions and preparation for certification of work on labor protection;

Timely carrying out by the relevant services of the necessary tests and technical examinations of equipment, machines and mechanisms;

The efficiency of aspiration and ventilation systems;

The condition of safety devices and protective devices;

Timely provision of training on labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and all types of instruction on labor protection;

Organization of storage, delivery, washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal, degreasing and repair special clothing, special shoes and other personal and collective protective equipment;

Sanitary and hygienic condition of production and auxiliary premises;

Organization of workplaces in accordance with labor protection requirements;

Proper spending in departments of funds allocated for the implementation of measures to improve working conditions and labor protection;

Timely and correct provision of compensation to employees for hard work and work under harmful or dangerous working conditions, free provision of therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk and other equivalent food products;

Employing the labor of women and persons under 18 years of age in accordance with the law.

24. Analysis and generalization of proposals for spending funds from the organization’s labor protection fund (if any), developing directions for their most effective use, preparation of justifications for the allocation of funds to the organization from the territorial labor protection fund (if any) to carry out measures to improve working conditions and labor protection.

IV. Rights of labor protection workers

1. Employees of the Service have the right:

1.1. At any time of the day, freely visit and inspect the production, office and household premises of the organization, get acquainted, within the limits of their competence, with documents on labor protection issues.

1.2. Submit to heads of departments and other officials of the organization mandatory instructions (the recommended form is an appendix to these Recommendations) to eliminate violations of labor protection requirements identified during inspections and monitor their implementation.

1.3. Demand that heads of departments remove from work persons who do not have permission to perform this type of work and who have not completed preliminary and periodic tests in accordance with the established procedure. medical examinations, instructions on labor protection, who do not use the provided personal protective equipment in their work, and also violate the requirements of labor protection legislation.

1.4. Send proposals to the head of the organization to bring to justice officials who violate labor protection requirements.

1.5. Request and receive from department heads the necessary information, information, documents on labor protection issues, demand written explanations from persons who have committed violations of labor protection legislation.

1.6. Involve, in agreement with the head of the organization and heads of departments, the relevant specialists of the organization in checking the state of working conditions and labor protection.

1.7. Submit proposals to the head of the organization to reward individual employees for active work to improve working conditions and safety.

1.8. Represent on behalf of the head of the organization in government and public organizations when discussing occupational safety issues.

V. Organization of work of the labor protection service

1. The head of the organization must provide the necessary conditions for the employees of the Service to fulfill their powers.

2. The organization of work of employees of the Service provides for the regulation of their job responsibilities, assigning to each of them certain labor protection functions in the divisions of the organization in accordance with their job descriptions.

4. To carry out a number of functions of the Service (conducting training, instruction, seminars, lectures, exhibitions), it is necessary to provide for the organization of a labor protection office, equipped with the necessary regulatory legal and reference literature on labor protection.

VI. Formation of a labor protection service

1. The structure of the Service and the number of employees of the Service are determined by the head of the organization depending on the number of employees, the nature of working conditions, the degree of danger of production and other factors, taking into account the Interindustry standards for the number of employees of the occupational safety service at the enterprise, approved by the Resolution Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 10, 1995 N 13.

VII. Control and responsibility

1. Control over the activities of the Service is exercised by the head of the organization, the labor protection service of a higher organization (if there is one), the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection and state supervision and control bodies over compliance with labor protection requirements.

2. The head of the organization is responsible for the activities of the Service.

3. Employees of the Service are responsible for fulfilling their job duties as determined by the regulations on the Service and job descriptions.