Why harmony is important for happiness. Inner harmony is a blessing for a person

“I pray that you are healthy and prosperous in everything, as your soul prospers”
(Bible, 3 John)

Coherence, choosing the right proportion for all components of the dish creates harmony. You have time to be the mistress of the house, while building successful career, communicate with loved ones, engage in personal development. You are living, not surviving. You look forward to the next day to continue doing what you love - Living. You playfully smile at your reflection in the mirror as you walk outside. Your eyes are shining and you cannot go unnoticed. You will never be part of the gray mass, the crowd, because you know what you live for. After all, you are the owner of a magical, divine recipe for female happiness. They look at you and want to imitate you. And you don't mind. The main thing is the desire to become the creator of your female happiness. You have the recipe and you are happy to share it.

Happiness is the Harmony of Spirit, Soul and Body, it is the knowledge of the Creator of your life in order to allow Him to fill your life with a wealth of blessings.

Your meaning, the message may be different in content, but always the same in essence. You will be filled with love, because this feeling is the main one. You are created in love, in the image and likeness of God. He is Love, which means that you are a part of it. Remember Love...

“Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, does not pride itself, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in untruth, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love will never end…"
(Bible, 1st Corinthians 13:4-8)

Final exercise: if you really want to be the creator of your own happiness, invite the One who will open the sky for you to meet your needs. The one who will open the door and help you enter new stage of life, paves the way for you to walk, and becomes the truth that sets you free. Invite the One who helped prepare the dish of female happiness more than once, because it is He who is its author.

“Heavenly Father, thank you that you love me, that before the foundation of the world you chose me. You are my true Creator, my Savior, the Creator of my happiness. Thank You for the forgiveness of my sins, the release from mistakes, failures, illnesses and curses. Thank you that You loved me so much that You gave Your Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ, so that I would not perish, but have a life filled with grace here on Earth and eternal life.
Thank You for the gift - the Holy Spirit, Whom I sincerely accept as my Comforter, the One Who endows me with wisdom, faith, hope and love.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the Holy Trinity. I offer you my life and put myself at your disposal.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The true key to harmony and prosperity is to be sought
not in external conditions human existence,
but inside people. It is necessary to develop the soul of each person.
To help him become more merciful, tolerant, simply kinder.

B. Akunin.

We must learn to keep
calmness in times of turbulent activity
and be internally mobile,
staying calm.

Indira Gandhi

God is inner harmony.

What is inner harmony? Harmony in Greek means connection, order, consonance, harmony, harmony, coherence, proportionality, harmonious order, correspondence. Harmony is unity in plurality. That is, harmony is intended to be a perfect connection between opposite properties.

There is nothing more valuable than being in harmony, in harmony with the whole. On how harmonious a person depends, in fact, his whole life, his relationship, both with himself and with the world as a whole.

I propose an experiment: observe two different people, a harmonious and inharmonious person. Which one is more pleasant for you? The answer is obvious. In a person who does not feel inner harmony, very often appearance, environment, leisure leave much to be desired. A harmonious person, on the contrary, radiates the energy of love, both for himself and for other people. He is calm, happy and enjoys his life. This is a self-sufficient person. He does not gossip, does not criticize, does not express dissatisfaction, does not assert himself at the expense of other people. The eyes of such a person glow with peace. Being close to such a person, you can feel the strength and charm. People are intuitively drawn to such a person, feeling their wisdom and possession of the truth. In a harmonious person, desires always coincide with opportunities.

How to be like such a person? How to find inner harmony? Where to begin?

And you need to start with inner work over yourself, over your self-improvement and personal growth. What is behind these words?

To be an internally harmonious person, you should understand yourself, in your nature. Develop your Divine gift and your talents. Do you need to make a thorough analysis, to understand what prevents you from being a happy, joyful and healthy person? To do this, you need to know yourself, answer yourself the question of who I am, what I want, why I am here. These are very important questions that need to be answered. If your goal is to find inner harmony forever (and not for some short period of time), then in this case, you need to prepare for a long and hard work on yourself, on your inner qualities.

Since we live in a society and are constantly in some kind of relationship with people close to us and around us, inner harmony(like many others personal qualities) are developed in the process of relationships.

Inner harmony comes from self-love, from acceptance and understanding of both yourself and other people. The ancients called us: Cognosce te ipsum, know thyself. They believed that this phrase contained absolute truth. And in order to know yourself, you need to study all your life.

Many people mistakenly try to achieve harmony through the acquisition of external material goods. But the state of harmony belongs to the spiritual category, it cannot be achieved through the acquisition of various material goods. Such a path will not lead to the achievement of the desired. Wealth appear as a reflection of the spiritual life.

To put it simply, harmony must not be achieved, it must be discovered in oneself. Harmony is our true nature. Discovering your true nature, realizing your values, attitudes, attitude towards yourself and people, there is an understanding that leads to inner harmony.

What do you do, for example, when things don't turn out the way you would like them to? What are you doing, what thoughts and feelings do you have? If you get angry and indignant, feel dissatisfied and irritated, then you need to understand that negative emotions and feelings never resolve conflicts that arise effectively. If you want to achieve inner harmony, learn to calmly respond to problems. Try to resolve conflicts constructively, calmly, without emotions.

It is clear that we communicate with people who are on different levels spiritual development of consciousness, and this communication affects us. But it is in our power to be conscious, to direct our inner gaze into the world of our soul and draw all the love and peace from there when conflicting feelings arise. You need to monitor the appearance of your negative emotions and not immerse yourself in them. Thus, it can be said that the secret of inner harmony lies in establishing the correct, balanced interaction of the mind, heart and soul. You must always live in harmony with your heart and soul, then harmony, happiness and love will always be in you!

To become a harmonious and holistic person, choose the golden mean always, everywhere and in everything!

May peace, love and harmony always be in your soul!

We usually talk about harmony when we want to emphasize a situation, a moment in which we like everything.

Where each particle performs its function in such a way that the whole becomes beautiful, coordinated.

The very word "harmony" evokes pleasant feelings, doesn't it?

And, of course, I want this very harmony to be in life more.

At different times, in different incarnations, harmony in life meant an internal holistic perception of life.

Harmony is an inner state, in which a person lives, feels his events, regardless of external circumstances and people around him. Regardless of the bright events or their absence.

Is it possible to bring harmony into your life in any way?

We know at least one reliable way for sure. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

You will get acquainted with the concept of harmony, with the manifestations of harmony in the lives of real people, you will learn the very way that we use to feel harmony in ourselves.

See what is the difference in the understanding of harmony in men and women. We will give examples of the most different lives where harmony was shown.

What is harmony

HARMONY (Greek harmonia - connection, harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, merging of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In ancient Greek philosophy - the organization of the Cosmos, as opposed to Chaos. In the history of aesthetics, it was considered as an essential characteristic of the beautiful (Great Encyclopedic Dictionary).

The definition is beautiful. But what is harmony in life?

We are talking about harmony in music and in art. It is present in works that have survived the centuries and happens in everyday life.

Once I had to be a witness to an ordinary situation. One friend told another about the new renovation:

“You know, when I saw the walls, I was even scared, I didn’t understand how you came up with the idea to combine these two types of wallpaper? They don't suit each other! But now that you've put the furniture in, everything fits so well! It matches so well! How did you manage that?"

Interesting, right? While only a part was visible, the harmony was not discerned. But, as soon as the whole appeared, it caused completely different feelings.

If you look at the artist's painting up close, you may begin to ripple in the eyes from multi-colored strokes. We see the parts, but the whole eludes us.

It is worth taking a couple of steps back, and all the splendor of talent will be revealed before us: the clear water of the ocean, a desert landscape, or a picture with fruits filled with the aroma of summer.

Moving back a little, we saw a harmonious whole.

Harmony is hard to put into words, but we feel it in our hearts. Of course, not every picture, not every melody resonates in the soul. We consider something harmonious for ourselves, but something is not.

That is, we have an invisible tuning fork that responds to a certain vibration of the outside world.

And when the soul responds to what is happening around with positive emotions and feelings, we can talk about the harmony of life.

Where to find your harmony

How to feel your inner harmony? It is easiest to remember oneself in a situation that has been preserved in memory as harmonious. Perhaps a person's whole life was harmonious?

  • What did the person do in that life?
  • What did his soul feel and feel?
  • What is the state of “harmonious life”?

Students went to their past lives for answers to these questions in one of the classes at the Institute of Reincarnation. Everyone saw one or more harmonious incarnations and was able to understand how the perception of harmonious life differs depending on:

  • era,
  • gender,
  • social status,
  • lifestyle
  • habits.

What is the difference between male and female perception of harmony

Such a study always gives vivid sensations, since one and the same person has the opportunity to remember his harmonious life in both male and female form.

It is possible to compare the perception of harmony by a man and a woman from their own experience.

Vitaly D.:

On the one hand, they are similar, but these harmonies are also different. In the male incarnation, it is rather harmony with the world, in the female - harmony within your world. At the level of sensations “in the body”, I also felt a certain difference.

Marina Sh.:

I saw my life in a male body. A very unusual experience to be in a male body. There comes an understanding of a deeper vision of the male way of thinking, internal state, sensations and feelings.

It is very interesting to feel yourself in a different body, with a different worldview.

Such memories of various incarnations allow us to better understand your partners, do not demand from them what is not characteristic of them by nature.

Harmony in life and success in society. Compatibility or contradiction?

Can a life connected with power and great success be harmonious?

Or manifesting yourself successful person in society, is stored by our memory in some other way?

Let us turn to how the students' past lives, where they achieved serious social success, were preserved in the memory of students.

Oksana S.:

I saw the life of a man who lived in Prague and bred Arabian horses. It was the most harmonious male incarnation for me!

Ludmila N.:

I am a young thin male living in Oakland, USA. I'm on the podium. There is a meeting. I see UN stars. I listen to the speakers, I feel satisfaction and a sense of my power.

Svetlana V.:

I managed to see a new incarnation - I am a man. The captain of his yacht. A very harmonious embodiment in all areas. In the body I felt the hairs on the legs, the muscles of the body, the soles of the feet and manhood.

Harmony from the fact that he himself - master of your destiny, the captain of his ship.

Roman M.:

It was one of the lost villages of Tibet. I realized in the boy's body that important guests had come to me - they were monks. Sweets and strange objects of worship and everyday life were laid out in front of the boy. I knew exactly what choice I should make, since I was the incarnation of a teacher of these monks who had passed away several years ago.

You see that lives are very different.

In any case, in these stories, personal success comes first - the realization of oneself in a leadership role, whether it be a religious association or a personal yacht.

The memory of our students preserved these lives as harmonious ones. Harmonious life gave feeling of fullness of life, self-importance and integrity.

Please note that all these stories are about male incarnations. This confirms that social success is much more important than male nature.

Will modern women, who are so strenuously trying to realize themselves in business and career, remember this embodiment as harmonious?

Let's leave this question open for research by future generations of reincarnists.

How harmony is manifested in love and family

The experience of traveling to past lives shows that life is perceived as harmonious, family is an important part.

Here there are some differences between men and women in how they perceive harmony in the family. Here are some examples from past lives.

Xenia L.:

Finally, I found the very resourceful state that I had been waiting for so long - a harmonious embodiment in the body of a woman. I characterize her as a “sunshine” for everyone and everyone who follows her own path.

Let her not create masterpieces, do not turn over money, but she ideally plays the role of mother, wife and mistress. And everything she does is so famously, blissfully, that it’s just “ah”!

Until now, at the level of the solar plexus, this is preserved in me feeling - a whole person.

Larisa G.:

I saw a male incarnation. Mediterranean coast, 15th-16th century. The man is the captain on a small fishing boat. He stands on the captain's bridge at the helm. Wind in the face, seagulls fly by.

Feels freedom, confidence, lightness, a sense of connection with the sea and nature. This is his element. In a small house on the shore, he has a beloved wife and 2 children. He loves them very much.

Alexandra N.:

I was a woman in the Middle Ages, next to whom was a beloved man. I felt a sense of love and deep mutual affection.

What events did not occur, everyday, joyful or bad, we coped with them. This love, support and softness just harmonized everything around, in the eyes of this woman.

Irina P.:

I also remember the feelings of an adult 40-year-old man who returned home after a long absence. He was met by his wife and 2 sons.

A feeling of poignant tenderness and pride: "this is worth living for." Purely masculine in my feelings.

It can be seen that in male and female incarnations there are differences in understanding the harmony of family life:

In male incarnations, external manifestations are more noticeable, for example, it is valuable for a man to be met at home, waited for and loved. This gives him strength. For him what is important is the manifestation of oneself outside the family.

For a woman, happiness is in the house and children, in a reliable male shoulder. More important here inner happiness, inner state, regardless of social implementation.

Silence in harmony. Rest of the soul or a way of self-knowledge?

There is another very interesting point.

Sometimes it seems to us that life should be filled with significant events, or be important mission, a great external success.

But it is not always the case. The harmony of life can manifest itself in the simplest situations. Read a few more stories about past incarnations.

Olga L.:

I saw my life in the male body of a Tibetan elder monk. This is a state of inner harmony and tranquility, with the attunement with nature very familiar to me lately. Got a strong resource.

Love and.:

I saw myself as a woman in the far north, the foothills of the Urals. I got an interesting experience of silence (when I was riding in a cart in a snowstorm), when life flows calmly, measuredly, naturally, naturally, without thoughts. Very informative.

It turns out that when nothing happens, when everything goes on as usual, when we do not run ahead with thoughts - everything is very harmonious.

Svetlana M.:

I was able to trace the life of a woman from England. She sat and embroidered. I was able to clearly feel her inner state of peace and quiet joy.

It was clear to me that these feelings are based on the ACCEPTANCE of everything that happened, without any evaluation. I realized how it is right for my current life.

Here are examples of when it seemed that nothing important was happening in life.

It is interesting that our memory retains such incarnations not at all as empty or incorrect. Vice versa!

By memory, such lives are preserved as a wonderful, beautiful and amazing experience of the Soul. This is another the opportunity to taste the current life.

And here is the conclusion after studying this topic.


I found out for myself that everyone has their own harmonious incarnations - starting with trifles, such as drinking water from a spring or being in a family circle, enjoying the closeness of relatives or living alone somewhere in a monastery, which can also mean a certain harmony.

Therefore, the experience of a harmonious life is completely different.

But there is something in common: this is a state of joy, harmony, unity and unity of inner feelings with the outside world.

For some, harmony depends on external circumstances and situations. It is possible for someone to be in a state of harmony, in harmony with oneself and with the world, regardless of what happens from the outside.

Having become acquainted with your inner tuning fork of harmony, once having heard its sound, it is already impossible to forget. The beauty of this experience is that at any moment you can re-attune with this inner feeling and be in a state of harmony here and now.

Why do you need to tune in with your inner harmony? Here are the five most obvious reasons:

1. Feeling yourself in harmony is pleasant in itself.

2. This is one way to calm down.

Often a person looks at other people and worries that in his life there is not what is in the lives of other people.

For example, no high office, there is not enough activity or bright events. But it is likely that once, having felt his inner harmony, a person will no longer want to compare his life. He will understand that everything in his life is harmonious.

3. And vice versa, this is one way to push yourself to achieve if inner harmony lies in greater activity than has been shown so far.

4. You can better understand yourself and your partner, become less dependent on the rules imposed by someone, attitudes in the field of personal relationships.

For example, seeing her harmonious life in a male image, it is easier for a woman to understand the male attitude to love and family. And vice versa, remembering his life in the image of a loving woman, a woman's understanding of love becomes clearer to a man. This helps smooth out misunderstandings in relationships and reduce stress levels.

5. Understanding inner harmony can make a person more free. This means that he can more easily afford what is closer to his soul, because he began to feel what actually makes his life harmonious.

We wish you to hear yourself, your inner harmony of life!

  • What is the concept of “harmonious life” for you?
  • Do you feel harmony in your present life?
  • What helps or would help you to feel harmony?
Harmony is a certain type of degree, where qualitative opposites are in qualitative unity and integrity. We often think about our spiritual well-being, trying to understand what is the essence of this word? In my opinion, the ability to coexist with people, empathize, understand, help makes us "cleaner", wiser, kinder, draws people's attention - you become needed by someone and you understand that you have a significant role in this life. This is, in fact, happiness. But isn't happiness a consequence of harmony? After all, when a person is calm and there is no burden on his soul, then everything is subject to him. More than once in a magazine or newspaper I had the opportunity to read the words that the body and soul are in perfect harmony. This means that a person appreciates himself, his qualities, his body is like an addition to the soul, its perfection. The harmony of the soul can be compared with the harmony of nature and man.

Recently, we do not appreciate what she gives us at all, we accept her gifts, while also bringing harm. But they say that if a person learned to appreciate nature and took up its restoration, then she would thank him a hundredfold. Then we would be in complete harmony with her: she - to us, we - to her. Everyone would enjoy all the privileges, but also knew the measure, was calm that in a hundred, two hundred, a thousand years there would still be something to take from her. Is this not happiness? Isn't the possibility of a calm, kind, charming future and faith in oneself a harmony?

Each of us is trying to tear off a tidbit from the general happiness. Everything in life a person does in order to be happy. And it doesn't matter when it happens. Perhaps in youth, and most importantly, we are chasing our happiness in order to feel, understand what it is, take a sip of it and believe in ourselves forever. It is not known who gives it to us, whether it is God, or we ourselves get it by our own efforts. I wonder if this cup of happiness exists, and what does it consist of? In my opinion, to be happy means to enjoy every new day, to see parents and friends healthy and cheerful; have a purpose in life and believe that dreams come true. But on the other hand, this is spiritual harmony.

When a person wakes up in the morning, sees the sun outside the window, rejoices that a new day has come, which is full of adventures, experiences, he understands and believes that perhaps today a star will appear in the sky that will have his name. This is harmony and happiness. These are two concepts that complement each other and become inseparable.

Today many people are not happy. If you ask them why? They will name many reasons, and not one of them will be significant, since the main one is the lack of harmony of the soul. These people simply do not have willpower, do not try to believe in themselves, appreciate life as the only opportunity to make mistakes and correct them.

Whoever came to harmony, he knew the revelation.

Trying to live in harmony with everyone, you end up in discord with yourself.

It is important - at all times - to be in harmony with the world and the Universe, and above all - with oneself. What's the point of going to Tibet if Tibet is everywhere, if you are your own Tibet.

It is impossible to find harmony with yourself quickly.

Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, in accordance with itself. Unnaturally and prematurely developed children are moral freaks. All premature maturity is like corruption in childhood.

The most important thing is harmony in your soul, because it is able to create happiness out of nothing.

There are only two options for a harmonious life: either love those with whom you live, or live with those you love.

A sense of proportion gives birth to a harmony of feelings.

Selected Harmony Quotes

The path to harmony lies through the golden mean between freedom and loneliness.

Earth needs not only rain or sun, it needs harmony.

Inner and outer harmony are reflected in a charming smile.

First Class Selected Harmony Quotes

You can be sexy and beautiful at any age. And, on the contrary, it is possible to feel like a nobody, a slut and hide in a cocoon of your own complexes in blooming 18. No, the point is precisely in self-awareness and inner harmony.

Ethnically homogeneous - harmonious society.

I think, then I act.

The harmony of the world is strung in opposite sides like the lyre and the bow.

Just imagine how harmonious our world would be if every person - young or old - would share with the rest what he does best.

Belief in oneself and the search for truth form harmony.

Where can harmony between soul and body come from if the soul is always ready to save itself at the cost of the body?

Confrontation of opposing truths creates harmony.

Women need harmony. They cannot live without endlessly warming themselves in the fire of feelings.

All political intrigues and intrigues, in my opinion, are a terrible abomination. It is better for a person who cares about his karma and inner harmony to stay away from such matters.

Rid yourself of the 5 components of emotional cancer: criticize, complain, compare, compete and compete.

Art - and I mean genuine, good art - is based, among other things, on the principles of balance, dynamics, location and composition. These elements must be in harmony, interact with each other, so that art has a deep meaning, so that it can touch the innermost essence of our souls.

Kindhearted Selected Harmony Quotes

Harmony is when a pure body acquires a pure soul.

There will be harmony, there will be no pain.

Harmony with people - when you do not consider yourself better or worse than them.

A truly whole and reliable person, whose feeling is in perfect harmony with his mind; about whom it can be said that he connects a truthful heart with a bright mind ...

Love is a high word, the harmony of creation requires it, without it there is no life and cannot be.

If you want to achieve harmony in love or martial arts, develop a quick reaction in yourself.

Find simplicity among the confusion; in the midst of discord, find harmony; in difficulty please find .

Two different extremes are not destined to find boundless harmony.

Beauty is a feeling of harmony.

Harmony must be sought not in communication with other people, not in life for someone, but in YOURSELF.

One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete absence of the need to prove something to someone.

Elegance is the outward expression of inner harmony.

Pretty Selected Harmony Quotes

Create for a person a harmonious combination of a firmly developed thought with a firmly developed practice of feelings, and you will have in front of you the person Diogenes was looking for.

Any man appreciates a relationship with a Feminine woman, because in these relationships his needs are met, he is respected, taken care of. Even with the most ordinary man, a Feminine woman can build a good, reliable relationship. The quality of relations between a man and a woman, the harmony in them depends primarily on the woman.

Learn to see where everything is dark and hear where everything is quiet. In darkness you will see light, in silence you will hear harmony.

Love does not mean unrestrained community. Loving people should not feel, think, understand in the same way. You can be separate and still love each other. One is a violin string, the other is a bow.

Fine and beautiful in a person is unthinkable without an idea of ​​the harmonious development of the body and health.

A successful combination of opposites is the most favorable condition for harmony, and what at first amazes, then often looks completely natural.

He who does not enjoy music is created without harmony.

If the day, the weather and your state of mind are in harmony with the surroundings, you will feel like a particle of what was before and what will be after. And maybe you will hear a voice that whispers to you: "Birth and death are not walls, but doors."

Tea drinking has a rare virtue: to bring a particle of calm harmony into our absurd existence.

The dominant principle of ancient music is rhythm and melody, the new one is harmony.

Secret harmony is better than explicit.

Often a person prefers to communicate with his opposite, and not with someone who is closer to him in terms of level. When two people who are close in strength meet, they rarely harmonize.

Harmony is an ordered combination of the opposite.

Dramatic Selected Harmony Quotes

Everything should be in heaven: and hell too!

Life is dialectical. You cannot always be happy, because then happiness will lose all its meaning. You cannot always be in harmony, because then you will not know what harmony is.

Myopia creates harmony, which sharp-eyed people do not even suspect.

The loss of balance from happiness is an important part of the balance of life.

Anyone who looks around to achieve harmony is an idiot or seriously ill.

The first half of our lives is poisoned by our parents, the second - by our children.

Only by being in harmony with what is within oneself, one can cope with difficult situations.

Equality is justice minus harmony.

The main thing is to get along with yourself.

Windows must be kept open, doors closed.

Education is the creation of harmony, the creation of religion.

The true key to harmony and prosperity should be sought not in the state system, not in the correct laws and not in other external conditions of human existence, but within people. It is necessary to develop the soul of each person. To help him become more merciful, tolerant, simply kinder.

Harmony is the agreement of the discordant.