Opening a bar from scratch. How to open a bar: step-by-step instructions

There is an opinion that the most successful and profitable business can be built on human weaknesses. The love of entertainment and alcohol is precisely what belongs to such weaknesses. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about how to open your own bar from scratch. But in general you need little. To build such a business, the main thing is to have start-up capital and creative thinking to come up with an interesting concept for the establishment. Among the high competition in this segment of service provision, it is necessary to stand out with a non-standard approach and high level service.

This will ensure a stable and massive influx of clientele.

Pile bar like a business

  • There are three options for building a business:
  • an affordable bar with a small selection of dishes and low prices;
  • an establishment for the middle class with a wide range of dishes and drinks;
    a bar with high prices, gourmet food and expensive alcohol. Of course, you need to decide pricing policy

future establishment and based on this, it is worth selecting the location, the design of the premises, and the set of products.

Drawing up a business plan We will draw up a business plan for a bar aimed at the middle class, and, accordingly, with the most big amount

  • potential clients. Let's take a look at the costs. Here are the main cost items for opening a bar for 50 people:
  • registration of documents from 2 thousand rubles;
  • license to sell alcohol for a period of 5 years 40 thousand rubles;
  • rental premises from 60 thousand rubles. per month;
  • equipment for the hall and kitchen from 700 thousand rubles;
  • repairs from 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of food and drinks from 100 thousand rubles. per month;
  • initial advertising from 50 thousand rubles;
  • advertising from 10 thousand rubles. per month;
  • taxes depending on the form of ownership;
  • utilities from 15 thousand rubles. per month;
  • employee salaries from 165 thousand rubles. per month;

Having calculated all the upcoming expenses, we get the amount of the initial additions of 872 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses for your brainchild will be 365 thousand rubles plus taxes. Markups in such establishments start at 100%, so the average check will be about 900 rubles. To cover monthly expenses, 406 visitors per month will be enough, which is only 14 people per day. With a good and competent policy of attracting customers, the occupancy rate every day will be at least half, and on weekends and holidays your bar will be completely filled. That is, your establishment will be visited about 750 times per month and, accordingly, the income will be 675 thousand rubles per month. According to calculations, your establishment will pay for itself in 3 months. But in reality it will take at least 4-6 months, since you need to pay taxes and time for opening and promotion.

Selection of premises

The location of your future bar should be selected taking into account pricing policy. For an average or elite establishment, it is better to prefer the central part of the city. A bar with affordable prices will work well in a residential area, on the outskirts of the city.

The most the best solution to place a bar is the first floor of a non-residential building, preferably with a parking space, because people will come to you not only for a drink, but also for a snack. Establishments in basements and semi-basements now scare off most visitors, and this will add to the cost of repairs and provision of good ventilation.

The best premises would be a separate building.

It would be nice to have additional space that you can rent later if you decide to expand your business. The area of ​​the premises should be chosen depending on the desired number of clients. It is necessary to proceed from the requirements of the SES; there must be at least 1.8 square meters of space per visitor, plus space for a kitchen is required.

A cafe-bar with affordable prices can be located near a train station, river port or bus station. There, people who want to pass the time before the transport departs or are meeting people will be able to have a snack and possibly a drink.

Required Documentation

Of course, it is necessary to complete all the documentation for the operation of your establishment. To do this, you need to register ownership of the company. In this case, it can be an LLC, CJSC or OJSC. An individual entrepreneur will not suit you, since in this case you need a license to sell alcohol, and with this form of ownership you will not be given one.

In addition, you will need a whole package of documents:

  • liquor license;
  • trade patent from the municipality;
  • permission to open a bar from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission from the fire inspectorate.

In addition, your cooks, waiters and bartenders should have medical books. Employment contracts will need to be concluded with employees.

Equipment selection

Here is a list of what you need to open a cafe-bar:

  • furniture and textiles for the hall;
  • tableware;
  • cooking utensils;
  • barware;
  • columns and counters for beer;
  • kitchen refrigerators;
  • stoves and ovens in the kitchen;
  • electrical appliances for the kitchen (mixers, bread slicers, etc.);
  • cash register equipment;
  • home cinemas 1–2 pcs.;
  • karaoke;
  • a pool table.

It may be worth purchasing some of the equipment, furniture and appliances that are not new, which will help save a significant amount of money. A pool table and karaoke are also optional attributes, but their presence can attract additional clients.

What can you do to interest clients?

Among the high competition, the original concept of the establishment and delicious food combined with polite staff and affordable prices will help you stay afloat. You can use any theme as the concept for your bar - the establishment can be dedicated to a literary work, or a hero, or an entire era or profession. You can decorate a cafe-bar in the style of the well-known work “12 Chairs”; by playing with the idea in an original way, you can create a real work of art that a lot of people will come to admire and, of course, eat and drink in your establishment.

The main thing is the original concept and style

You can attract customers with original dish recipes and a wide range of cocktails. Let your chef prepare an interesting snack for beer or an exclusive dessert. All this will attract people to you.

Our step-by-step instruction about how to open a bar from scratch will help you in choosing a bar idea and in determining its pricing policy. The main thing is to interest customers; for this you also need to choose a bright and memorable name.

The main goal of any drinking establishment is to obtain commercial profit through the sale of alcoholic beverages. Opening a bar requires certain organizational skills, as well as knowledge of the specifics of this business. Experience working in catering establishments will be a big plus. The main nuances of organizing the work of an establishment are contained in a sample ready-made business plan bar with calculations.



The main service of a bar is the production and sale of drinks, as well as the creation of conditions for their consumption at the bar counter or in the hall. Some bars serve hot food along with drinks. Visitors are served by a bartender who is located behind the bar counter.

Leisure services include:

  • organization of music services;
  • organizing concerts and variety shows;
  • broadcast of sports matches;
  • showing video programs;
  • provision of newspapers, board games;
  • slot machines;
  • billiards;
  • karaoke;
  • hookah.

Other services include:

  • provision of a free telephone;
  • guaranteed storage of personal belongings ( outerwear) client;
  • calling a taxi according to the client's order.

Types and relevance

Classification of bars by type of drinks:

  • non-alcoholic - the establishment serves light snacks and drinks that do not contain alcohol;
  • wine - the main drink is different types of wine;
  • cocktail bar - an establishment that specializes in cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic;
  • coffee bar - it serves mainly hot drinks (tea, coffee) and dessert dishes (cakes, ice cream, etc.);
  • dairy bar - the menu is based on dairy dishes;
  • beer bar or pub - the main drink is .

Classification of bars by type of visitors:

  • biker bar - an establishment for bikers;
  • sports bar with mandatory broadcast of matches, the main clients are sports fans;
  • gay bar - an establishment aimed at the LGBT community;
  • vega bar - vegetarian dishes, no alcoholic drinks.

Classification of bars by type of service:

  • bikini bar with waitresses in appropriate uniforms;
  • the lobby bar is located in the hotel lobby;
  • mobile bar - a mobile establishment;
  • office bar at the office, the main clients are company employees;
  • server bar serves prepaid banquets;
  • The express bar is characterized by fast service.

Classification of bars by type of music and:

  • club bar with modern music, usually open at night;
  • music hall - an entertainment venue with music;
  • disco bar with dance music of the 20th century;
  • juke joint - a roadside eatery with jukeboxes;
  • lounge bar - a luxury establishment with background music;
  • dancehall - dance bar.

Classification of bars by type of entertainment:

  • cinema bar showing films and presentations;
  • pool bar with swimming pool;
  • strip bar - a bar with performances by strippers.

Classification of bars by assortment:

  • snack bar - a snack bar with light dishes for a “snack”;
  • tab bar - an establishment with a standard range of products without preparing cocktails with betting;
  • herbal bar - a department for the sale and consumption of teas and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

In Russia, bars according to the level of service and the range of services provided are divided into the following classes:

  • “luxury” - a luxury establishment with a wide range of services provided;
  • “superior” - a variety of drinks and cocktails;
  • “first” - a wide or specialized range of drinks and cocktails, including custom and signature ones.

Today, bars are not only drinking establishments, but also entire hobby clubs. Their popularity remains high - people are attracted by the speed of service and affordable prices, compared to restaurants. The relevance of choosing the type of bar for the implementation of the project is determined in the business plan based on market analysis and financial calculations.

Market description and analysis

Characteristics of the bar business in Russia look like this:

  1. The survey showed that the maximum number of visits to bars occurs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Half of the respondents in these cities visit bars.
  2. The number of establishments has increased by 24% over the past 6 years.
  3. Fresh bars are becoming a growing segment of catering.
  4. The average bill for most bars is 500–1500 rubles.
  5. Bars that broadcast sports matches are most often online establishments.
  6. The economic situation in the country with the population being forced to economize on the services of drinking establishments has led to increased competition in the catering market.
  7. The share of franchise projects in the total number of chain establishments increased by 4.2% over the past year. This followed a significant decline over the previous three years.
  8. Changes in legislation and the development of the catering industry are making adjustments to the requirements for employees - specialized education is required for work.
  9. Market analysis over the past two years has shown an increase in the number of wine bars in Russia.
  10. Breweries are actively developing, producing craft beer and promoting it to bars.
  11. According to some estimates, 3 out of 4 bars fail in their first year.

The target audience

The target audience depends on the intended location of the future establishment. The potential circle of clients of the average non-themed bar is young people aged 18 to 35 years (30% of the total population). Of these, 85% are men.

To identify potential clients, you need to analyze:

  • residential buildings in the area;
  • cars parked in front of buildings;
  • number of offices in the area and their level.

Competitive advantages

The competitive advantages of catering enterprises include the following points:

  • a decent level of services provided at an affordable price;
  • decent level of service;
  • additional services provided;
  • targeting a specific target audience.

Let's determine the competitive advantages of the bar:

  1. Convenient location of the establishment. Availability of parking and a clearly visible sign are advantages.
  2. Interactive bar counter. With its help, the interest of visitors significantly increases - every contact with such a stand is accompanied by a beautiful animation. In addition, such bar counters can be used as information platforms about company promotions and discounts.
  3. Having your own corporate style. This could be an original interior, targeting a specific segment of clients.
  4. Sufficient quantity working capital to cover expenses for the year ahead.
  5. Live music corresponding to the concept of the establishment.
  6. An intriguing name that impresses target audience. The name serves as an advertisement for the bar.
  7. Coin-operated machines - billiard tables, slot machines.

Advertising campaign

The marketing campaign is carried out with the following goals:

  • achieve brand recognition;
  • stimulation of trial purchase;
  • encouraging repeat purchases;
  • forming a circle of bar guests.
  1. Branding. Recognition of the establishment in order to form a circle of guests. To do this, you should use the services of media and online advertising. An elegant mini-brochure telling about the establishment, advertisements in the bar area are also included in the first step of the company.
  2. Performance. IN major cities bars can expect to attract additional customers through online advertising. A beautifully designed entrance lobby and an attractive sign increase the attractiveness of the establishment and are an advertisement in themselves.

Step-by-step opening instructions

It must be taken into account that new organization Successful business requires careful planning and costing.

Step-by-step instructions consist of the following points:

  1. Drawing up a financial plan for the project.
  2. Preparation of documents for the establishment.
  3. Rent (purchase) and renovation of premises.
  4. Purchase of equipment and supplies required for the operation of the bar.
  5. Hiring qualified employees or training.


List of documents to open:

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity and selection of OKVED codes (55.40 for a bar). If the bar plans to serve non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, then you can register an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Title documents for the premises (lease agreement or documents confirming ownership).
  3. Design documentation regulating the characteristics of the premises and the requirements for the communications system.
  4. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to operate the establishment.
  5. Technical documentation, on the basis of which it will be possible to repair the premises and make redevelopment.
  6. Production control program.
  7. License for retail trade alcohol.

Room and design

A good idea would be to rent space for a bar in a youth area with good traffic. It should be taken into account that the presence of bars and clubs nearby creates high competition.

Basic rules for choosing a place for a bar:

  • room area not less than 70 sq. m;
  • separate entrance;
  • the ability to equip a sanitary facility;
  • free access to the highway;
  • availability of parking;
  • the sign must be visible from the street;
  • proximity to clients' places of work rather than to their homes.

The bar design should not be too aggressive or discreet. The design must correspond to the concept of the establishment.

The development of a bar design project includes the following stages:

  1. Formulation of technical specifications.
  2. Defining the concept of a bar.
  3. Creation of a project for the interior of the establishment and entrance group.
  4. Technical and construction design.
  5. Project implementation.

The video shows the difficulties entrepreneurs face when choosing premises for a bar. Filmed by the Unfiltered Bazaar channel.

Photo gallery

Fresh bar Coffee bar Lounge bar Pincho bar Beer bar Sports bar Sushi bar Wine bar

Equipment and inventory

Calculation of the need for equipment and inventory:

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Bar counter200 000
Musical equipment100 000
Induction cooker20 000
rice cooker2 000
Juicer10 000
Pizza oven20 000
Fill type boiler8 000
Bar mixer35 000
Vegetable cutter35 000
Combi oven190 000
deep fryer15 000
Bain-marie for French fries25 000
Burger display25 000
Refrigerated bar cabinet25 000
Ice maker95 000
Juicer100 000
Ice crusher2 000
Coffee maker28 000
Hot chocolate maker24 000
Tables and racks50 000
Bar equipment1 000
Furniture60 000
Crockery and cutlery80 000
Total1 150 000


Bar workers must be honest and obliging. One of the most important qualities is the ability to communicate with people - to carry on a conversation or just listen. This determines whether a random guest will regular customer. The main categories of bar workers include: bartender, waiters, barista, barback.

Etiquette rules for employees:

  • do not have abstract conversations with colleagues;
  • keep your distance when communicating with clients;
  • maintain confidentiality;
  • be able to send home a drunk visitor without offending him;
  • take initiative in controversial situations.

Workers require uniforms, which they must keep clean. Personnel's hands must be clean with neat nails and no jewelry. The face must be clean shaven.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check and prepare the bar for service. The bartender must take care of the supply of drinks.

Bar staff requirements:

Job titleResponsibilitiesRequirements
  • serve customers at the bar, adhering to the bar concept;
  • take into account the needs of customers and increase the profitability of the bar.
GOST 50935-96 " Catering. Requirements for service personnel" defines the requirements for a bartender:
  • know the nuances of customer service and basic rules of etiquette;
  • be able to prepare various drinks according to recipes;
  • arrange and serve cocktails according to the rules;
  • possess the skills of serving snacks and dishes;
  • for bars of the highest and luxury categories, master the rules of international etiquette and the specifics of serving foreign visitors;
  • be fluent in English;
  • know the operating rules of cash register systems;
  • navigate dishes and cutlery.
  • come to work according to schedule;
  • work under the direction of a bartender;
  • wear a uniform and maintain a neat appearance;
  • serve customers by following the rules;
  • greet visitors with a smile and seat them at tables;
  • offer menus, bar cards;
  • provide a price list for additional services;
  • complete the order as quickly as possible;
  • Recommend specialty dishes and drinks to clients;
  • prepare workplace and tables;
  • monitor the condition of tables during shifts;
  • Do not serve dishes with defects.
  • know and organize customer service;
  • serve tables;
  • politeness and attentiveness;
  • know the availability of dishes and drinks on the cards and their prices;
  • navigate the order of serving dishes and the basic technology of their preparation;
  • know foreign language at the conversational level.
  • preparing and serving coffee;
  • adjustable coffee grind level depending on the drink being prepared;
  • determining an acceptable temperature for preparing a drink;
  • whipping foam to the required degree;
  • correct selection of dishes in which the drink is served;
  • compiling a coffee map, including both classic and barista-created recipes, which creates form style bar;
  • creating images on milk foam (latte art);
  • having artistic qualities, putting on a show that attracts customers.
  • feel the visitor's mood;
  • communication skills;
  • knowledge of the history of coffee, its composition;
  • know the rules for using a coffee grinder;
  • know recipes and be able to prepare different types of coffee;
  • be able to set tables for serving drinks.
Barback (bartender assistant)
  • clean the display case and bar counter;
  • collect used dishes and deliver clean ones;
  • replace ashtrays on the bar counter;
  • prepare equipment and inventory before opening the bar and monitor their condition during the work shift.
  • politeness;
  • diligence;
  • responsibility;
  • cleanliness.
  • menu creation;
  • quality control of products and dishes;
  • cooking.
  • high level of cooking skills;
  • calculating the cost of a dish according to the recipe.

Financial plan

Features of the financial plan:

  • the city's population is more than 1 million people;
  • the population of the area where the bar is located is 50 thousand people;
  • bar location: first floor of the building entertainment center with a separate entrance;
  • room area 54m2;
  • bar capacity – 60 people;
  • the bar is open from 15:00 to 03:00;
  • The establishment's staff is 5 people.

How much does it cost to open a bar?

An example of a financial plan with calculations contains average prices for Russian cities. A business plan will help you determine how much it costs to open your bar from scratch. The one-time fees required to open a bar consist of the cost of equipment, a preliminary advertising campaign and the necessary organizational fees.

Approximate cost estimate for opening a bar:

Regular expenses

Monthly expenses are calculated every month and, if necessary, adjusted:


Maximum visits to the establishment are planned on weekends and sporting events (approximately 12 days a month). The number of visitors will be approximately 90 * 12 = 1080 people. On other days, about 30 people are expected per day or 18 days * 30 people. = 540 people. Thus, 1,620 people will visit the bar in a month.

With an average visitor check of 300 rubles, the profit will be 300 rubles * 1620 people = 486,000 rubles. This revenue figure can be reached after about 3 months of work.

Calendar plan

Calendar plan for the implementation of the business idea of ​​opening a bar:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Preparing a bar business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents + + +
Obtaining additional permissions + +
Construction/rental of premises + +
Repair work + +
Purchasing and completing inventory + +
Recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

Among the main risks of the project are:

  1. Construction risk includes difficulties arising during the construction or renovation of an establishment. The risk is low due to large quantities firms that are able to do their work well and meet the given deadline.
  2. Technical risk refers to difficulties encountered during the delivery and commissioning of equipment. This risk can be minimized by carefully selecting equipment supply companies.
  3. Human risk lies in low qualifications of personnel. To minimize it, you need to work on the popularity of the establishment. The demand for the bar will serve as an attractive factor for the staff.
  4. Organizational risk includes force majeure situations during the operation of the establishment. To minimize this risk, management should contact only highly qualified specialists.
  5. Financial risk lies in the lack of sufficient Money. To eliminate this risk, you need to look for reliable investors.
  6. Commercial risk - low level of sales of products at stated prices. The decision factor is to increase the potential audience of the bar and take measures to increase competitive advantages establishments.
  • Project Description
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

We present to your attention a standard business plan for opening a bar in a city with a population of 400 thousand people. The material is equally suitable for attracting funds from a private investor and for approving a loan from a bank.

Project Description

General information:

  • City population: 400 thousand people;
  • Object location: 2nd floor of the cinema building;
  • Room area: 54m2, capacity - 70 people;
  • Bar opening hours: 15:00 - 03:00;
  • Number of jobs: 5 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 600 thousand rubles, borrowed funds(bank loan) - 1.59 million rubles;
  • Total cost of the project: 2.2 million rubles.

Indicators economic efficiency project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year: 996,920 rubles;
  • Bar profitability =25.5%;
  • Project payback = 26 months or 2.2 years.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new organization (IP);
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Assistance in the development of the city's entertainment infrastructure;
  4. Receipt of additional tax payments into the city budget.

Do you need a permit to open a bar?

The organizational and legal form of the future organization will be individual entrepreneurship (IP). The choice of this OPF is due to the following factors:

  1. Ease of registration of activities;
  2. Minimum costs for opening an individual entrepreneur;
  3. Possibility of registration at the place of residence of the entrepreneur;
  4. Minimum penalties in case of occurrence administrative offenses Unlike legal entities(OOO).

Which taxation system to choose for opening a bar (pub)

As tax systems A simplified taxation system (STS) was chosen, 15% income minus expenses.

The premises are planned to be rented. The planned opening hours of the establishment are from 15:00 to 02:00.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

  1. A suitable location for the bar has been selected in the building of the city cinema. A preliminary lease agreement for 54 m2 was concluded with the owner of the premises on mutually beneficial terms;
  2. Registered entrepreneurial activity in the Federal Tax Service, registration date - February 20, 2013;
  3. Compiled preliminary draft design of the establishment, a search for potential equipment suppliers was carried out.

Description of products and services

Our bar will strictly comply with the basic concept of this kind of establishment. People in such a place can chat with each other in a pleasant atmosphere over a glass of live beer and cheer for their favorite football team together.

The work area will not provide for cooking or washing greasy dishes. The range of bar products, unlike the restaurant format, will be strictly limited. It will include:

  • alcoholic drinks (bottled and draft beer);
  • beer snack (chips, dried fish, nuts...);
  • chocolate, confectionery, popcorn;
  • tea, coffee, cold drinks, milkshakes;
  • hookah;
  • karaoke .

The markup on goods will be on average 200%, which is typical for establishments of this type.

Implementation of strong alcoholic products, including cocktails, is not provided, since this requires purchasing a license and registering an LLC. And the popularity of strong drinks in these types of establishments is not too great, unlike nightclubs. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to selling only beer, while the assortment will include live beer supplied from a local brewery.

Great emphasis will be placed on the convenience and comfort of visitors. The bar will have a comfortable bar counter with high chairs, and the seating areas for visitors will be equipped with soft leather sofas.

We will also have a professional hookah man working for you. It is assumed that the main hookah customers will come on weekends and only after 21:00. Therefore, the hookah man will come only at this time and work until the establishment closes. It makes no sense to employ this person full-time; for this purpose, a contract will be concluded with him civil contract to provide services to the bar.

Our establishment will be more like a sports video bar. It is planned to install a large screen with a projector in the room, which will work during broadcasts of sporting events. Additionally, for the convenience of watching sporting events, it is planned to install two plasma TVs in the room.

Among other things, it is planned to organize a popular collective game today - “mafia”.

Download bar business plan

Do you want to know what else is profitable to invest in today to get a good income? Read the new book Territories of Investment “Where is it profitable to invest money?”. Such investments will bring good income in the near future.

Marketing Plan

The population of our city is about 400 thousand people. About 50 thousand people live in the area where the bar will be located.

The potential circle of clients is young people aged 18 to 35 years (30% of the total population). Of these, 85% belong to the stronger sex.

Let's determine the approximate flow of visitors to the establishment.

The bar will be located in a fairly busy area of ​​the area in the building of a popular cinema. In this regard, our establishment practically does not need advertising, since for the first time on opening days, all cinema visitors will learn about it.

It is expected that the maximum attendance will be on weekends and on days of major sporting events. On average, there are about 12 such days a month.

The number of visitors for these days will be: 12 days. * 90 people = 1080 people.

On other days, attendance will not be high, on average 30 people per day. Mostly these will be small companies and people waiting for their screening at the cinema. Total for other days: 18 days. * 30 people = 540 people.

In total, the estimated monthly attendance of the bar is 1,620 people.

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How much money can you make from this business?

Let's determine the potential revenue of our establishment. Let's take the average bill of a visitor to such an establishment - 300 rubles. Total potential revenue of our establishment per month: 300 rubles * 1620 people = 486,000 rubles.

However, on this indicator We won’t see any revenue right away. To do this, according to our calculations, it will take about 3 months of work:

The largest share in the revenue structure comes from low-alcohol drinks.

The planned annual revenue will be: 5,124,000 rubles.

We do not plan to use advertising on TV, as we consider it not economically justified. The best way promotion we consider the positive feedback from our visitors. After all, one satisfied customer can bring 4 more of his friends to the bar.

Seasonality, as such, is practically absent in an establishment of this format.

Speaking about possible competitors, it is worth highlighting other catering establishments in our area:

  • one sushi bar;
  • two pizzerias;
  • two nightclubs.

But such establishments should not be considered direct competition. Mostly couples go to the sushi bar, families go to the pizzeria, and nightclubs are visited by people who want to have an active time and spend a lot of money.

There are no other sports bars like ours open in the area.

In the building where the bar will be located, all communications have been provided and all conditions have been created for the legal functioning of the establishment (Conclusion of the SES).

The area of ​​the visitor service hall is 45 m2. The remaining rented area is allocated for staff rooms and storage.

The design of the establishment will be made in red and black format. The main equipment will include:

  1. Bar counter;
  2. Chairs with high legs - 10 pcs;
  3. Wooden tables - 12 pcs.;
  4. Soft sofas - 10 pcs.;
  5. Soft chairs - 20 pcs.;
  6. Bar and refrigeration display;
  7. Projector and canvas;
  8. Plasma screens.

Other equipment includes: dishes, juicer, coffee machine, ice maker, blender, hookah, etc.

The services of an accountant and cleaning lady are planned to be provided under contracts paid services(outsourcing). The manager of the bar will be the individual entrepreneur himself.

The following requirements will be imposed on personnel:

  1. Mandatory dress code for the team (branded bar clothing);
  2. Polite attitude towards bar clients;
  3. Strict adherence to bar operating hours.

To eliminate the possibility and temptation of theft of proceeds by establishment staff, it is planned:

  1. Install video surveillance in the bar;
  2. Develop a system of motivation for the establishment’s staff. For example, give a bonus to a bar employee for high revenue figures.

Main agreements with suppliers of products and services:

  1. As a security system, an agreement will be concluded with security company and a “panic button” was installed;
  2. Food and alcohol will be supplied under contracts from local wholesalers. There are about 30 similar companies operating in the city. Live beer will be supplied from a local brewery.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To open an organization, an investment of 2.2 million rubles will be required. Of these, own funds amount to 600 thousand rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) 1.59 million rubles.

Main fixed costs individual entrepreneur per month, will be the payment of wages to employees (35%). In addition to paying wages, the entrepreneur’s big expenses will be the payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: 262 thousand rubles per year for employees and 36 thousand rubles. per year for individual entrepreneurs.

The bar's fixed monthly expenses are presented in the following table:

Structure of fixed expenses:

Sales break-even point at average trade margin 200% will be 269.9 thousand rubles per month:

A list of all costs, including calculation of gross and net profit, is presented in the table - forecast of bar income and expenses:

Net profit based on annual sales results will be 996,920 rubles. The profitability of the bar according to the business plan is 25.5%. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in 26 months.

We recommend download bar business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for opening a bar, where to start

In order for your printing house to make a profit, you need to draw up a clear and verified business plan. It should include the following items:

Which equipment to choose

The main cost item in creating a printing house is the purchase of technologically advanced and high-quality equipment. This includes:

  • Risographs.
  • Copiers for Whatman paper in A3 format.
  • Color laser printers for printing.
  • Scanners.
  • One or more computers.
  • Monitors.
  • Multifunctional heat press
  • Cutter
  • Manual corner cutter
  • Laminator
  • Cutting plotter

In addition to the main equipment, you will also need consumables: films, replacement photo drums for a copier and laser printer, ink cartridges, toners, etc. Don’t forget about paper, the cost of which can exceed 200 thousand rubles per year. Due to the fact that the total cost of equipment can be over 500 thousand rubles, novice entrepreneurs often lease it.

If you are sociable, love fun, holidays and crowds of people, it is not surprising that you wanted to get your own bar and make a profit from it all. Many questions immediately arose: how to open your own bar, how much money needs to be invested in development, what is the profitability, what documents, equipment, premises are needed... A bar, first of all, is a drinking establishment and a place for communication, and opening it does not require so much money , such as for opening a restaurant. Where should you start, and what difficulties may await you along the way?

Location and bar space

How to open a bar in a place that will provide a stable income? To do this, you need to carefully select the area in accordance with the concept of the bar itself. For example, in outlying and residential areas, where residents like to sit on a bench with beer, opening an expensive bar with elite alcohol does not make sense, just as in an expensive area a beer bar without seats is unlikely to be popular.

You need to carefully study the situation in the proposed location of the bar, be sure to find out about the presence of offices, schools and kindergartens there. Obviously, you should not place a bar in close proximity to a children's educational institution.

Concept and staff

When a place for a future bar has been found, you need to decide on its type and approximate menu. The bar can be a beer bar, with a large assortment of coffee, and perhaps the main part of the drinks in it will be wine or another type of alcohol. If you are planning a drinking establishment with 20-25 seats, the list of personnel will be as follows:

  • two bartenders with shift schedule work;
  • two or three waiters to serve the hall;
  • cashier (this role can be performed by bartenders or waiters);
  • cleaner (this position can also be combined with the main one);
  • administrator;
  • security guard;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • IT specialist.

If it is expected that hot dishes will also be served as appetizers, a chef and a couple of assistants will be added to this list. The main thing is to carefully select personnel so as not to subsequently encounter the problem of theft or dishonest performance by employees of their duties.

You will also have to periodically conduct training and certification of personnel. Obviously, competent workers will be able to improve the reputation of your bar and speed up payback by increasing the speed and quality of work.

In the service sector, personnel decides, if not everything, then a lot.


To open a bar you will need - although this registration option is more expensive, requires an impressive amount of documentation and has more difficulties with tax reporting, a license to sell alcohol is issued only to an LLC.

After registration, you must obtain all the necessary permits and licenses to open a bar.

List of documents for opening a bar:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • license for retail sales alcohol (it will cost from 50 to 200 rubles depending on the city/region);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on alcohol consumption at the point of sale;
  • fire report;
  • agreement on the removal of food and industrial waste;
  • document on registration of settlement cash register in the tax office (4,500 rubles);
  • agreement to perform systematic cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • industrial and sanitary control program;
  • and, finally, state permission from Rospotrebnadzor for placement. It is this document that establishes the right to start the operation of the enterprise.

Brief business plan and prices

How much does it cost to open your own bar? The amount of money you will spend on opening a bar will depend on many nuances: the estimated area of ​​the premises, the number of employees and an approximate menu.

If you are going to open a bar without hot dishes, there will not be much equipment, and it will be compactly placed on the territory of the bar counter. It is mandatory for an establishment with 20-25 seats to purchase the following equipment:

  1. Bar counter.
  2. Cabinets for dishes and small equipment.
  3. Furniture for the hall.
  4. Cash machine.
  5. Fridge.
  6. Showcase.
  7. Coffee machine.
  8. Ice maker.
  9. Ice crusher.
  10. Module for installing beer taps.
  11. Shakers.
  12. Crockery and bar accessories for preparing drinks.
  13. Dishes for the hall.

For one bar outlet, you will need from 300,000 rubles at a time to purchase equipment and utensils, as well as to complete documentation. Next, let's look at expenses by month: the cost of renting premises varies in cities and regions, and ranges from 60,000 thousand rubles per month, that is, from 720,000 rubles. in year.

Don’t forget to add to this the salary of employees (from 500,000 rubles per year), costs of food and alcohol (from 50,000 rubles per month), communal payments, unforeseen situations (refrigeration equipment failed or a lot of dishes broke in a month), payment of taxes, etc.

In the first month you will have to spend about 600,000 rubles. In the future, the cost of a bar per month will be reduced to 100-200 thousand rubles per month, and when establishing contacts with suppliers, they will become even less. Now, depending on the amount of expenses you get per month, you need to start pricing so that the bar pays for the money invested in it.

The trading markup for the bar’s payback should be at least 300%, that is, the average check should be 600-700 rubles.

The minimum period for which a bar can pay for itself under a successful set of circumstances is six months, but most often it takes from a year to five years. This is why it is important to make detailed business plan bar, which will include all costs and estimated income.

If you plan to open a pub from scratch, then first you need to register. Individual entrepreneur has the right to sell only beer and beer drinks.

If In alcohol, the proportion of ethyl alcohol exceeds 9%, then it is necessary to register an LLC to obtain a license to sell strong alcohol.

You can open a beer pub by registering an LLC indicating the code OKVED 55.40 “Activities of bars”, as well as code 56.30 “Serving drinks” (in this case, the sale of packaged alcohol is not allowed).

What documents are needed to open a pub?

It is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Premises rental agreement.
  2. License to sell alcohol (license price starts from $900 and depends on the region).
  3. Sanitary and epidemiological report on alcohol consumption at the place of its sale;
  4. Conclusion from the fire service.
  5. Agreement for waste disposal and removal.
  6. Cash register registration document (costs about $80, registration must be completed at the Tax Office).
  7. Ventilation systems maintenance agreement.
  8. Sanitary control program.
  9. SES permission.
  10. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor for placement.

SES requirements for a beer bar

Business requirements are presented in GOST R 50762-92 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises".

Notification from the SES - a document confirming that the premises for the bar correspond to the existing ones sanitary requirements. The examination is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. This document indicates that the premises and technical equipment of the establishment comply with GOST.

Sanitary standards are set out in SanPiN 42-123-5777-91 and SanPiN 2.3.6 107901.


It is better to give preference to a room of at least 100 m2. Good places to open a bar:

  • central part of the city;
  • dormitory area;
  • places near large crowds of people (train stations, ports, production centers, etc.).

Premises requirements for opening a pub

You can open a pub from scratch in a room that meets the following requirements:

  1. Compliance with SES requirements.
  2. Availability of necessary communications, presence of a well-functioning ventilation system.
  3. Area of ​​at least 100 m2.


What do you need to buy to start a pub? To open your pub you need the following equipment:

  • Refrigeration unit – $1000
  • Bar counter - about $400.
  • Cabinets - about $400.
  • Furniture (tables, chairs or sofas for visitors) – $3,000.
  • Sinks – $100.
  • Industrial cabinets - about $300.
  • Coffee - machine - from $1000.
  • Module for beer taps – about $100.
  • Dishes – about $400.
  • Cash desk – about $200.
  • Slabs – $1000

You can purchase used equipment, which is much cheaper. The total cost is about $7900. When purchasing used equipment, you can save a lot by spending about $4,000.


You don't need to hire a lot of employees to open a pub. For the full functioning of the institution, it is enough to hire the following specialists:

  • 1 bartender;
  • 2 waiters;
  • administrator;
  • cleaning woman.

All employees must have experience in this field. total amount for employee salaries - about $3,000.

How to open your own pub?

Opening a pub is not limited to choosing premises, purchasing equipment and hiring staff. There are several necessary operations on which the success of opening a pub as a business depends.


It is necessary to think about what the specifics of the establishment will be, come up with a name, create general concept. For example, you can open a pub that specializes only in selling beer and beer drinks, where you can order any alcoholic drink.


To begin with, buy a sign that attracts attention. Advertising campaign to promote the project may consist of:

  • Radio advertising;
  • Conducting promotions and competitions;
  • Creating your own website;
  • Banners and pillars with signs, etc.

How to open a pub in a small town?

Pub in small town First you need to study the needs of potential clients in such an establishment. If there are competitive establishments, it is necessary to open a pub that will either provide more quality services, or will differ in specifics from competitors. It is advisable that the pub be located away from competing establishments.

Business plan

When implementing any business project, a detailed business plan is drawn up, including costs, organizational matters, as well as possible income.

Expenses and income

A pub is a profitable business that requires considerable cash outlay. You need to have about 20,000 - 30,000 dollars to start your own business. Here is an approximate list of expenses:

  1. Room rental – $1,500 (room from 100 m2 at a cost of $12-15 per 1m2).
  2. Decoration of the premises (repair, decoration) – $5,000.
  3. Registration of all necessary documents– about 2000 dollars
  4. Purchase of equipment - about 8,000 thousand dollars.
  5. Advertising campaign – from $1000.
  6. Wage employees – $3,000
  7. Utilities – about $500.

How much does it cost to open a pub from scratch?

Will be about 21 thousand dollars (small pub). The pub will bring in about $6,000 per month, after deducting all expenses net profit will be about 2500 - 3500 dollars.

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