Original office design for the New Year of the Rooster. How to decorate an apartment or office for the New Year - ideas

In this material you can find many interesting ideas, including photos and videos, on how to decorate your office for the New Year 2018. Every year, with the onset of December, it’s already kind of lazy to work and you want the holidays to start faster. To maintain such a wonderful mood, many people think about how to decorate their workplace. We offer our opinion on what the original decor looks like and what idea will be relevant this year.

Features of office decor

At the beginning, I would like to note that no matter what method is chosen to decorate the office for the New Year, it is always a pleasure to do so. Especially if you find great ideas and call on colleagues to help, and the management looks condescendingly at the desire in work time do something that is not on the direct list job responsibilities.

Advice! Before decorating your office yourself, you need to thoroughly wash the room, do a general cleaning, and clear the corners of dust and office trash. How to stick it on a window.

Office facade

New Year's office decoration for the New Year begins with the facade. Usually this is a decor with lights, and some will say that only at night such decoration looks stylish and impressive. This is true, but in our country in winter the night comes very early and the light comes late. Therefore, you can safely make this decor option, look at the photo. How stylish and interesting it looks. Again, such a decoration is a plus for the office’s karma, because the garlands will delight not only the company’s management and its employees, but all the people who pass by.

Luminous garlands can be hung in the windows of the office itself or can be used to decorate the outside of the room around the perimeter. By the way, the photo shows that you can place this decorative element to decorate a room or decorate an office not only in a horizontal position, which is more familiar to us. Vertical decor will look great. You can complement the compositions with your own hands with fir branches, New Year's balls and toys. In addition to lights, be sure to use New Year and Christmas paraphernalia when decorating the facade. You can also do some things with your own hands, these are in thematic section our site.

Ceiling decoration

In action, how to decorate an office New Year, attention should be paid to the ceiling. Not many people do this, but, meanwhile, such decor looks extremely unusual and stylish. In order to decorate the office for the New Year, perhaps you should not use ceiling ideas, but for the area where the reception is located, decorate the ceiling in New Year's style very relevant.

Here you can go the simple route and attach ribbons with New Year's balls to the ceiling. This is done simply, but looks stylish and beautiful. In addition to balls, you can add paper snowflakes on strings to your festive ceiling decoration. You can even decorate the space above the heads of employees and clients with themed balloons. New Year's wreaths and stars made of colored paper also look incredibly elegant. You can also cut it for a window.

Great ideas on how to decorate your office for the New Year 2018:

1. The Christmas tree, of course, is the main attribute of this holiday. Therefore, in many offices they place it in the most visible place and brightly decorate it. But, even if the office is small and there is no opportunity to put up a large Christmas tree, then pay attention to desktop options. You can either buy them in a store or make them yourself from sweets, tinsel, or even just paper.

2. A photograph when there is a wreath of pine needles on the table, decorated with tinsel and Christmas tree toys, also looks stylish in real life The beauty of such a wreath is incomparable. You can make a wreath yourself; watch video master classes on this topic. The cost of the craft is not high, but it looks great.

3. Rain and tinsel in itself are an excellent decorative option for decorating an office. This may be a traditional approach, but it always looks advantageous.

4. The inscriptions “Happy New Year” and “Merry Christmas” can be hung above the ceiling. The composition can be supplemented with paper ballerinas. This is a budget decoration option.

5. An unusual office Christmas tree can be made from gloves inflated with air. Perhaps people who, due to their profession, have to wear gloves every day should take a closer look at this decor.

Advice! Perhaps in the photo some ideas will seem very beautiful, but very complex. In fact, most of the options and ideas given in this material are simple and straightforward. It will be possible to quickly implement them. If you have any additional questions about how to make this or that craft, it’s just worth taking a look detailed video about this theme.

These are just some ideas that will allow you to make interesting Christmas tree and spruce decor for the office. The New Year's holiday can bring the long-awaited summer closer if you create the right festive atmosphere around yourself and try to move in this direction, charging yourself, employees and clients, management, with optimism, magic and just a great mood.

There are still a few weeks until the New Year 2017, and already everyone is living the holiday. After all, stores and special departments of supermarkets began selling bright Christmas tree balls, golden, silver and multi-colored tinsel, rain and, most importantly, fluffy green beauties. Even if they do not delight customers with the wonderful smell of pine needles, like real spruce and pine trees, they still create an uplifting mood. Everyone is slowly preparing for the New Year's celebration: buying gifts, Christmas tree decorations, sparklers and sparkles.

It's time to decorate your office and your home for the New Year. workplace. On the eve of the holiday, when the walls are decorated with New Year's posters, frivolous snowflakes have settled on the window panes, and a Christmas tree with colorful balls stands nearby, work is easier and more fun. Clients and visitors, looking at all these signs of the approaching holiday, also feel more relaxed and are more willing to conclude contracts and sign agreements.

No office is complete without a large Christmas tree, which is installed on the floor. Small trees decorate tables and counters. An original idea for the New Year, which will be ruled by the Rooster, is to hang sweet treats on the green beauties. After all, this is exactly what they did in the old days. At first, sweets and gingerbreads in beautiful multi-colored wrappers will simply decorate the branches of Christmas trees, and then, during the New Year’s corporate party, they will become a pleasant addition to the table.

There are master classes on the Internet on how to create mini-sized Christmas trees, which are made from candies in colorful wrappers. Such a surprise can be prepared just before the corporate event to please the employees. If possible, install in your workroom not a tree made of beautiful green plastic, but a real live pine tree. An artificial spruce undoubtedly looks more respectable; it has a standard height and correct form. But only living needles can fill a room with an aroma that is rich in phytoncides, and in itself creates a festive mood among visitors and office workers.

A beautiful wreath of pine needles attached to front door, will tell everyone that the office is ready to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017. Symbol of the year loves bright colors, so add some yellow, blue and red balloons to your store-bought wreath.

At the same time, a lot of bright decorations are only appropriate at a party dedicated to the New Year. Rain hanging from the ceiling and Christmas balls on ribbons that touch heads is not the best design for an office on weekdays. The company's clients should not think that they are in a carnival hall. Therefore, you need to remember about moderation when decorating your work space.

Beautiful plastic garlands in the form of pine branches attached to stands and plain balls that decorate them, a tall fluffy spruce - the optimal decor for a respectable office. The figure of a cockerel, as a symbol of the coming year, must definitely decorate the room. With its presence, the Rooster will bring a cheerful mood to work, improve relationships between employees and help establish contacts with clients.

In the living room you can also choose white winter decorations, sofa cushions and throws that look as if they were powdered thin layer snow. This design will be chic, surprisingly cozy and completely timeless.

For those who live in high-rise buildings, they are also concerned about the question: “How to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019?” This year, metallic shades appear in all possible details - decorations, lighting, tabletop items.

One of the hottest trends is copper combined with wood and neutral, elegant colors. Wanting to create an interior in this style, designers rely on fur. Ideal on the floor, chairs, but also an unusual table decoration.

If you really don’t know how to decorate a room for the New Year 2019, then We advise you to pay attention to the eco trend, it is gaining more and more fans. Natural materials, muted colors, inspiration from the natural world have also taken root in interiors. It’s worth transferring this eco-trend to New Year’s decorations. Furniture and accessories are made of natural wood - wicker with the addition of cotton, which will not only bring a winter aura to the house, but also make it cozy. Instead of traditional balls, decorations made of rope, paper or wood will appear on the holiday tree.

How to beautifully decorate your house with balloons?

Don't know how to decorate your house for the New Year with balloons? Here are some original ideas, photos:

Ideas for decorating the outside of your home for New Year 2019

If you live in a private house, you probably don’t mind decorating your home not only inside, but also outside, then here are some original ideas on how to decorate the outside of your house for the New Year not only beautifully, but also in an original way.

  • Wreaths;

The first thing you should pay attention to when decorating the outside of your home for the New Year is the design of the door; various spruce wreaths, as well as wreaths made from pine cones and other natural materials, are suitable for this.

  • Fairy lights;

Garlands, beautifully shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, are the most successful solution for outdoor home decoration for the New Year 2019.

  • Decorative animals;

Believe me, if you have a sleigh with decorative deer loaded in it in your yard, all passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off it. Also, squirrels or deer made from garlands, or rather deer made from a metal frame covered with electric garlands, will look very beautiful and original when decorating your home for the New Year.

Ideas on how to decorate a children's room for the New Year 2019

The New Year is a good time to plan changes and updates to our interiors. Interesting ideas for decorating a space can awaken the imagination, so they are justified, especially in a child’s room.

Sometimes even small little things give a baby joy that will attract his attention and awaken his imagination.

New Year's decorations can completely change the interior and create a Christmas mood at home. Just a few lanterns, a bouquet of holly sprigs and a festive headdress to create a magical atmosphere throughout the house. What New Year's decorations to choose for a children's room?

Christmas angel figurines, holly sprigs and candles will add sparkle to any room. You can make a festive wreath with your child. You just need to purchase a ready-made frame and decorate it with sprigs of holly, adding your chosen decorations.

Multicolored Christmas tree

The Christmas tree always looks beautiful, no matter how it is dressed. The decoration of the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 should be chosen to match the tone of the interior. Blue ones for a boy's room and gold ones for a girl's room. You can also put it on the avant-garde and buy a colorful Christmas tree. Children love to decorate the Christmas tree themselves with homemade decorations, for example, you can make glazed gingerbread cookies, decorations from paper, pasta, or yarn with your children and hang them on the Christmas tree

In the children's room to decorate the Christmas tree as original idea Stickers on walls, pillows or bed linen with New Year's motifs are also suitable. For a children's room, you can buy a very small Christmas tree in pots. Hang felt Christmas decorations, such as socks with Santa Claus, reindeer, snowman or rooster, on a door, wall or bed frame.

By the way, simply decorating a New Year tree for New Year 2019 in your child’s nursery can be turned into an exciting quest; children really love this activity.

New Year's lanterns

All kinds of lanterns are wonderful holiday decorations. There are many ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year; the child’s room should include the brightest and safest interior items.

You can insert small candles into them to create beautiful decorations. It is enough to put scented candles inside the lamp, and the whole room will be filled with a festive aroma! However, when decorating a room for a child, instead of a candle, it is better to use LEDs for decoration.

Glowing balls

Glowing cotton balls are the latest fashion statement and... a beautiful decoration for the holiday. Balloons are ideal for a child's room, will illuminate it with a gentle and soft light. The baby may not want to part with them even after the New Year. Here's another idea on how to decorate a room for the New Year, especially a child's room.

Festive table for New Year's party

White dishes are synonymous with elegance. Many stylists recommend decorating the entire festive table in this color, complementing the service with white candlesticks, candles or a wreath.

When preparing the decorations for the festive table, you should not lose sight of the rustic style, especially if you plan to celebrate the New Year outside the city. Fur skins in combination with wood can be used as decoration!

You can use wooden boards as a stand or take a piece of raw wood to write the menu on. Create your own composition in the central part of the table made of wood with a few shiny additions. Copper cutlery, as well as dishes decorated in a similar color scheme, are ideal for this role.

In order for guests to feel the unique atmosphere, it is worth preparing original vignettes for them and placing them on plates, between branches or attaching to a glass. The main thing in a festive arrangement is to create a good, friendly mood. Copper additives will provide a warm, cozy atmosphere in any apartment!

In the decorations of the festive table, you can use forest cones and fir branches, and replace paper napkins with cotton ones.

Black and white, as well as red and white, are timeless duos. These colors are perfect for New Year's styling. If you want to create something unusual festive decoration, a black tablecloth complete with white dishes, a Christmas tree decorated with black toys, preferably with a matte shade, and gifts wrapped in white and gold paper will look modern, elegant and dignified.

Decorating a bottle of champagne for the New Year

Of course, if you decorate champagne for the New Year with your own hands, all your guests will be delighted and the festive table will become much brighter. To ensure that decorating champagne bottles for the New Year with your own hands is not very difficult, there are a lot of ideas for decorating them, below step by step photos ideas, which will be useful to you.

If you decide not to decorate a champagne bottle for the New Year yourself, then there are a lot of options on how you can decorate champagne bottles for the New Year, for example, these are ready-made New Year's bottle covers, such as in the photo:

How to decorate a room in a store, school and office for the New Year 2019

Christmas is a magical period in which everyone wants to feel this special atmosphere, so it is worth taking care of creating it not only in the apartment. Appropriate decoration of an office, store or classroom will allow everyone in the environment to feel a magical aura.

How to decorate an office for the New Year is usually decided by the employees of this office, so when you get together as a friendly team, do not stop each other from expressing their opinions and ideas.

In this case, the Christmas tree creates a festive atmosphere. Therefore, the entire Internet is replete with options on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year and photo ideas on the eve of the holiday. For the New Year, you can use both natural materials and simple plastic or glass toys to decorate the Christmas tree. Decoration of the New Year tree 2019
should be adapted to the size of the room so as not to overwhelm the interior. A real, fragrant tree requires care, so purchasing an artificial one is recommended.

If you have been tasked with decorating your office for the New Year with your own hands and the hands of your employees, please note that the color shades of Christmas tree decorations and other decorations can be chosen in accordance with the company logo. In the decor of any official room, it is better to adhere to minimalism. A heterogeneous group of snowflakes, snowmen, angels and rooster figurines will give the office a frivolous look.

It is necessary to maintain balance and maintain style. For example, a small artificial Christmas tree and original souvenirs in the high-tech or avant-garde style.

Employees will feel the fullness of the holiday when they drink their favorite coffee or tea from a holiday-themed cup. You can see how the office is usually decorated for the New Year in the photo below:

On the eve of the holiday, teachers begin to figure out how to decorate the classroom for the New Year. Often you can also hear from schoolchildren that we decorate the classroom at school for the New Year - this is one of best solutions, since children always have a lot of original and beautiful ideas.

Also in every preschool institution it is necessary to decorate the group in kindergarten New Year. Most Garlands and pine wreaths will be common decorations for a school class and a kindergarten group., which are great for use in small offices due to the fact that they can be hung almost anywhere. Here's what decorating a kindergarten class and group for the New Year might look like, photo:

So, what DIY store decorations for the New Year are the most affordable and simple, but also beautiful and original?

The simplest ones will be all kinds of garlands, both luminous and simply beautiful balls and pompoms. Don’t forget to decorate the windows; you can see ideas on how to decorate them below.

If the space of your store allows, you can put up a small Christmas tree and decorate it, and you should not neglect the balls and decoration of the front door of your store. Here are some more ideas on how to decorate a store for the New Year, photos:

How to decorate windows for the New Year holidays

Before you start decorating a window for the New Year, you need to decide on a style so that it matches the rest of the room. If ideas for your home for the New Year just don’t pop into your head, then we will help you.

If the living room is decorated V classic style, traditional jewelry will look more appropriate. There are snowmen, Christmas trees or angels on the windowsills. The glass is decorated with winter landscapes, made, for example, with artificial snow. Drawings or accessories in white, silver or gold tones will bring light and warmth into the house.

Fashionable additions are also decorations made of pearls; they can be hung on the Christmas tree, but they will look no less beautiful attached to the curtains or placed on the windowsill.

Windows can be decorated pine wreaths, garlands of feathers, nuts and pearls. Stickers or stencils with Santa Claus, angels and carved snowflakes will create a festive mood. To decorate windows, you can use artificial snow in the form of a spray or special easy-to-clean paints.

Beautiful photo ideas for decorating a room for the New Year 2019

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During the New Year's Eve, the world transforms a little: shop windows and apartment windows are full of garlands and decorations, and a New Year's atmosphere reigns all around. But you can’t decorate your office and office with tinsel like in a store, but you want to create a feeling of celebration. There are a few simple tips, how to handle decorating your workspace with your own hands without going overboard.

First, let's look at decoration options using purchased New Year's toys and garlands, and then we’ll look at detailed master classes on what you can do yourself.

By the way, if you haven’t yet figured out where you will celebrate your New Year’s corporate party, you can look at a few ideas

How to decorate your office for the New Year.

There are no strict rules about this, but you shouldn’t cover everything with garlands and toys: all this will look better in the nursery, and will only give the workplace a frivolous look.

In some countries, decorating an office is considered bad manners for two reasons: it may offend the feelings of clients of different faiths, and it also creates a non-work environment.
The solution to the issue of decorations will be a small presence of tinsel and Christmas tree balls of two or three colors, no more. Here are examples of color combinations acceptable for the office:

  • black and white gamma,
  • blue and silver,

  • pink and gray
  • dark red with gold.

You can also get by with a patriotic option: a mixture of red, blue and white colors.

You can hang a Christmas wreath on the door and put a small Christmas tree on the table.

It bears little resemblance to a real living one, but it still turns thoughts into a New Year's direction, and it will fit perfectly into an office interior. Some people buy a relatively large artificial tree and place it near the entrance, which can also lift the mood.

DIY office decoration.

You can cut out various snowflakes and decorations from paper, all of which will give your office a festive and unusual look.

Now several New Year's master classes, ideas and photos made from paper, thanks to which you can beautifully decorate your office with your own hands.

Lacy Snowflakes

Snowflakes evoke bright and festive feelings in children and adults. So let's start with them.

1. For a detailed Master class with photos on making an openwork snowflake using the quilling technique, see the link (Copy) http://stranamasterov.ru/node/3419?tid=451

A beautiful and original New Year's decoration for the wall.

The master class is in English, but the progress of the work is clear. To make it, you will need an old unnecessary book or paper, of which there is a lot in any office.

Christmas tree made of paper.

You can put this Christmas tree on your desktop; to make it you will need one of the old glossy magazines or Old book, a can of glitter, you can take New Year's decorative things for decoration.

This is how beauty should turn out,

As we approach New Year's holidays, each of us has an incredible desire to decorate everything around us - an apartment, a country house, a personal car and, of course, our workplace, because that is where each of us spends most of our time.

On New Year's Eve, everything around is transformed: store windows are full of colorful Christmas balls, the streets are decorated with bright lights and garlands.

In order to breathe a little festive mood into a boring and gloomy office room, you will simply need to use ideas for decorating the office and, perhaps, it would not be amiss to decorate the employees of this office themselves: bright New Year’s hats, tinsel scarves, corporate clothing for staff with prints of the company's New Year's emblem, badges and badges designed in New Year's style, etc.

Wall mounted Christmas tree for office decoration

Not all office premises can boast of huge areas and a small number of employees who work there. Therefore, Christmas trees on the wall can be an excellent compromise solution. Such trees will not take up much space or interfere with the movement of employees and visitors.

A wall-mounted New Year tree can be made in the form of a poster depicting a New Year's beauty. Such a Christmas tree will be very easy to disassemble and assemble, because it will be enough to attach it to the wall with double-sided tape.

A bright and amazingly beautiful wall-mounted Christmas tree can be made from a simple electric garland, which must be attached with tape to the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree.

A wall-mounted Christmas tree can be made from any available materials - it can be decorative ribbons, company products, business cards, paper, candies, paper snowflakes, tinsel, etc.

In the end, you can make a Christmas tree from ordinary multi-colored stickers that you paste on a wall, board or cabinet.

Tabletop Christmas tree for office decoration

Every supermarket offers a wide range of tabletop miniature Christmas trees, which can be an excellent desktop decoration. But if your labor collective is distinguished by creative abilities, then why not make Christmas trees with your own hands.

Tabletop Christmas trees can be made from delicious candies, multi-colored paper pieces, ribbons, company business cards pinned on a skewer and advertising leaflets, paper decorative bags and even from ordinary diaries and notebooks.

Floor-standing Christmas tree for office decoration

If in your office space If there is a place for a New Year's beauty, then be sure to use this opportunity.

You can decorate a store-bought artificial New Year tree with toys, tinsel and bows, or you can do something more original and create a floor-mounted New Year's beauty with your own hands.

If your company sells goods or provides services, then be sure to use your products when creating a Christmas tree. If you sell, for example, bed linens and pillows, then a Christmas tree made from pillows could be a great option.

If you have a company that sells or prints books or magazines, then build original Christmas trees from your products.

Even companies that manufacture custom furniture can decorate their office with a charming Christmas tree made from boards.

Vases with Christmas tree decorations for office decoration

It’s very original and beautiful, and most importantly, simply decorate your office with glass or plastic transparent vases filled with Christmas tree decorations, tinsel and beads.

Vases can also be filled with delicious candies in bright wrappers, small New Year's gifts, apples and tangerines.

New Year's ceiling decoration in the office

The ceiling in the office can be decorated with threads hanging down from the bottom, on which snowflakes cut out of paper, Christmas balls, foam balls, candies, etc. will be attached.

The simplest solution for decorating the ceiling in an office would be Balloons gold or silver flowers, inflated with helium. Just remember, such balls will hang from the ceiling for a maximum of a week, and then they will all fall to the floor.

New Year's wreaths for decoration in the office

The first thing visitors to your office encounter is the door they enter. Decorate your office doors with New Year's wreaths. New Year's wreaths can be purchased ready-made in supermarkets, or you can make them yourself.