Origami paper envelope. DIY envelopes for any occasion (master classes)

Today we want to tell you how to make an origami paper envelope in the shape of a square with your own hands. In our master class we will look at two schemes for assembling envelopes using the Japanese art of origami, and step-by-step descriptions with detailed photos they will explain how to make them correctly.

Tools and materials Time: 10-30 minutes Difficulty: 4/10

  • patterned colored paper for origami/scrapbooking;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • universal glue;
  • pencil or pen;
  • decorative adhesive tape or stamp with sticker.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

To make the envelope, we used sheets of glossy patterned scrapbooking paper that were originally square in shape. Of course, you can use any other paper you have at home, but then your envelopes won't look as colorful!

Congratulate your loved ones for the holidays with gifts packed in miniature paper envelopes made by you yourself! Undoubtedly, they will appreciate such a present!

You can easily involve children in making crafts and it will certainly be a fun and interesting pastime for all of you!

Method 1. Simple origami envelope

Step 1: Cut out a square

Take a beautiful one colored paper and cut a square out of it. If your paper is initially square, skip this step.

Step 2: Fold Diagonally

Take your square and fold it in half diagonally.

To make the largest origami envelope with sides 14x14 cm, we used a square of white and green striped origami paper measuring 30x30 centimeters. The medium envelope with sides 11.5 x 11.5 cm was made from a piece of thick glossy paper in a red and pink checkered pattern measuring 25x25 cm. And finally, the smallest envelope was made using a piece of colored paper with a strawberry pattern measuring 20x20 cm. Size The finished craft was 9x9 cm.

Step 3: Fold the Corners

  • Place the resulting triangle of paper in front of you, folded diagonally side down.
  • Using a ruler and pencil, divide the bottom of the triangle into three equal parts.
  • Fold the right corner of the triangle a third of its length forward and fold it down toward the left.

In the same way, wrap the left corner of the triangle by a third of its length towards the right side.

Step 4: Fold the Corners

You now have two open triangle pockets.

Open the triangles back up. Slide the left triangle and place it in the right pocket. Using a ruler or your fingers, carefully press all the folds so that the envelope is as even and flat as possible.

Step 5: Roll the Top

Using a ruler, fold the top of the craft down evenly and form a neat envelope.

A simple DIY origami paper envelope is almost ready! All you have to do is fill it with small gifts, treats or money and seal it with a sticker or a piece of decorative tape.

If desired, write on the envelope the name, address or affectionate nickname, as you are used to calling someone close to you. Don't forget to add sweet words and wishes!

Method 2. Origami envelope from a square

This stunning origami square paper envelope has a double bottom. And if you decide to give a gift in such an envelope, you can create a double surprise by packing two different gifts in each bottom!

Step 1: Cut out a square

Cut out a perfect square from colorful origami paper. Keep in mind that the finished envelope will have sides that are 1/3 the length of the original sheet.

Step 2: Fold a Square

Using a ruler and pencil, divide one side of the square into three equal parts.

Make the folds as sharp as possible, which will make the work easier later on. Just don't crumple it too much, otherwise you might ruin the paper!

Repeat the same folds in the other direction.

You should end up with a square with nine identical square sections.

Step 3: Add Folds

Make a diagonal fold.

Repeat the diagonal folds in the other direction.

Take one of the corners and bend it to the point in the middle.

Fold the remaining 3 corners to the point in the middle. You should have the following folds.

Step 4: Make a Pinwheel

If you look closely, you will see a craft in front of you in the shape of a pinwheel with folds. You need to keep this in mind for the next steps.

Take two opposite corners and pinch them with your thumbs and forefingers.

Holding the corners, slowly twist them clockwise on both sides. You will feel the corners being pulled in opposite directions. Here you should understand how to twist your paper towards the center.

You'll know you did it right when your square looks like a pinwheel with a square in the center.

Smooth the folds well with a ruler.

Step 5: Close the Envelope

Now let's close our square origami envelope! Take the left half and fold it towards the center.

Do the same with the bottom flap.

Close the right valve.

Tuck the remaining top flap into a small pocket under the first/left sinus. This will allow you to maintain the closing area.

You did everything right!

Here you can see how to place a small sticker in an envelope. Instead of a sticker, you can use any small inscriptions, wishes or money. What would you put in such an envelope?

See how simple it is! We hope you enjoyed our tutorials with diagrams in which we showed how to make an origami envelope, and you will share with us photos of your products. And if you still have questions, watch the video, which clearly shows how to fold an origami envelope from a regular sheet.

Despite the variety of finished printed products, a do-it-yourself origami paper envelope, like any other hand made, is always appreciated and attracts attention. Money, greeting card and even a mini-surprise, will be elegantly packaged and will delight the recipient, thanks to the ancient Japanese art. Each message has its own model, for example, on Valentine’s Day it is customary to give a variety decorated with a heart, and small gifts are “hidden” in a special envelope with a double bottom.

Easy and practical

Gone are the days when every home had stacks of postal envelopes. Letters are now written exclusively electronically, and messages are sent to family or friends through numerous instant messengers. But if necessary, it costs nothing to fold an exclusive origami envelope in a few minutes. You can use both special paper and packaging paper, for example, “borrowed” from the main gift, craft paper, and even a piece of wallpaper from an old renovation stock.

You will need one square sheet with a side of 21 cm. It will make a universal envelope for both a monetary gift and a postcard.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place the square with its apex facing you. If one side of the paper is white, you need to start there.
  2. Fold from left to right.
  3. Let's reveal.
  4. Fold from bottom to top.
  5. Let's reveal.
  6. Bend the left outer corner towards the center.
  7. We proceed by analogy with the right one. We also fold the top corner towards the center. Having outlined the fold line, we return it to its original position. Now we raise the bottom corner to the mark we just made. Iron the fold and open it.
  8. Fold the bottom corner to the line you just marked.
  9. “Close” the right and left parts of the workpiece to the same mark.
  10. We push the central flap forward and, making a reverse fold, place it on top of the side elements.
  11. We fold the lower part, as is usually done with envelopes, and put the central flap inward - it serves as a retainer so that the paper structure does not fall apart. If desired, you can glue the part, but this is not at all necessary.

Based on this simple model, you can make a charming origami envelope with a bow that even beginners can do.


The Japanese often make decorative ziplock bags out of paper called tato. You can put souvenir coins, magnets, jewelry and other relatively flat objects in them. The package does not open on its own and reliably keeps its “secret”. It looks original and stylish, and after the gift is removed, it can be used as Christmas decorations or pendants for interior decoration.

In the Russian-language version, the tato bags were nicknamed “Windmill” due to the similarity of the lock on them to a children’s toy windmill. This origami envelope is best made from paper with two different colored sides.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We will need a square 21x21 cm.
  2. We mark diagonal folds on it.
  3. Bend the bottom corner so that its top is 1/3 above the center. Precision is not needed here.
  4. Bend the top back to the fold line.

  1. Fold the flap towards the center.
  2. Repeat steps 3 – 5 for the remaining corners. Let's start from the right. Now we fold it 1/3 above the center.
  3. We bend the valve in the opposite direction, aligning it along the middle axis.
  4. And return the top to the center.

  1. The same algorithm applies to the top corner.
  2. Now for the left.
  3. However, we have not yet succeeded in making a mill.
  4. In order to fully assemble it, you need to reopen the left side and bottom of the workpiece.

  1. Now we make a reverse fold at the bottom and left, bringing the previously open part under the bottom.
  2. We beautifully straighten our “mill”, which holds together origami paper envelope without any glue and does not allow it to fall apart.

Secret object

Based on special Japanese menko cards, origami envelopes with a surprise are made. Their peculiarity is the presence of a double bottom, which allows you to hide a miniature gift or a secret note. For the model you will need a square sheet of paper measuring 21x21 cm.

Step by step guide:

  • Place the sheet with the white side up.
  • Fold the bottom right corner to the top left. We open the workpiece.
  • Bend the lower right corner towards the central axis.
  • This is the resulting figure (see Fig. 4).

  • Lower the upper left corner to the bottom edge.
  • We partially iron the fold line, only outlining it.
  • Fully straighten the workpiece.
  • Fold the left edge to the last fold we created.

  • We unfold the model.
  • Fold the right edge to the same mark.
  • We bend the lower part up to the first diagonal line.
  • We lower the top edge to it. As a result, we should have a grid of 9 identical sections.

  • Rotate the workpiece 90° clockwise.
  • Bend back the upper right corner.
  • Iron the fold well.
  • Unfold and do the same with the other three sides.

  • This is what we should get.
  • “Close” the right side to the left.
  • Open the middle part upwards, as shown in the figure.
  • Straighten the bottom of the figure. We create a semblance of the basic form “Windmill”.

  • Pull the leftmost point down.
  • We press and smooth the resulting “blade”.
  • We extend and straighten the left side, continuing to act according to the “Windmill” scheme.
  • The top of the figure needs to be opened a little in order to fold the last “blade” of our conditional mill.
  • Smooth out the straightened part.
  • We get a shape very similar to “Windmill”, but with an envelope in the center.

  • Turn the workpiece over.
  • We bend the right corner to the left, overlaying it on the central part.
  • We lift the bottom one up.
  • Bend the left corner to the right
  • Top - down.
  • We insert it into the “pocket” of the right section.

The result is an unusual model with two “compartments”, like a purse. You can put a gift in one, and a congratulatory note in the other. Ready-made origami menko envelopes look sophisticated, especially if made from paper with an oriental pattern:

Mini models are often used for jewelry:


A “heart” theme is a traditional choice for Valentine’s Day, but it doesn’t have to be limited to just this holiday. Any note with warm words of love will touch the recipient even more if it is enclosed in an origami envelope decorated with a heart. Its design is simple, so the folding process will not take much time. Even in the morning, while running off to work, you can have time to make a “message” and leave it on the table or refrigerator door.

You will need a rectangular sheet, A5 or A4 format, if you need an envelope for a standard postcard. It is advisable to use paper with differently colored sides.

Fold the sheet in half along the long side and open it. Bend both upper corners towards the central axis. Turn the workpiece over. Fold the bottom part up along the fold line indicated in the figure. Return the model to the front side. Bend the sides towards the middle line.

We open the outer corners and, using the reverse fold, bring them inside the figure. Turn it over to the reverse side. We fold the upper part into a “valley” along the line indicated in the diagram. We bring the outer corners of the already developed “heart” inward. We bend the inner ones. The origami envelope is ready. Notes or postcards are placed in the pocket under the “heart”.

An elegant model for all occasions

An origami envelope decorated with an elegant leaf will be appropriate for any occasion: anniversary, wedding anniversary, declaration of love, gift to loved ones or friends. It is also suitable for effectively presenting money. The model is assembled without glue, from one sheet of A4 paper.

Gift envelopes in Japan

In Japanese culture, it is customary to treat gift wrapping with great care. Even the most beautiful and valuable things, if not wrapped and tied properly, will not only not bring joy, but will also be perceived as an insult. Each case has its own packaging, bearing a certain symbolism. This could be a good wish, an expression of gratitude, respect, admiration, and so on.

One of the most popular gifts among the Japanese is money, which is usually placed in special envelopes - noshi-bukuro. Similar packaging exists all over the world, but the inhabitants of the “Land of the Rising Sun” have brought it to perfection. It is thanks to the envelope, which is a work of decorative and applied art, that money is perceived as a full-fledged gift, and not as a way to show a minimum of attention.

Noshi-bukuro envelopes use paper self made“Washi”, which is classified as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Thanks to a unique manufacturing technology that originated in the 8th century AD. e., the sheets acquire an expressive, noble texture, their quality is considered unsurpassed. The envelope must be decorated with mizuhiki knots made of thin colored twine. This is not just an exquisite decorative element, but an encrypted message. Depending on what event was the occasion for a monetary gift, the weaving combines different colors and patterns. The etiquette in this regard is so complex that they issue board books with recommendations from experts.

To make life easier for modern Japanese who want to give money, special handmade kits are sold for folding beautiful envelopes, which already have everything they need - from paper and diagrams to a suitable mizuhiki. The packaging, like classic origami, does not use glue; it is held in place only by carefully thought out folds. The cost of the finished envelope should be no more than 2% of the amount invested inside. For example, with a package price of 100 yen (about $1), you will have to give at least 5,000 yen.

Origami is an amazing art that allows you to make amazing things from an ordinary sheet of paper that can serve not only as interior decorations, but also as useful, necessary things in everyday life, such as origami envelopes.

Exists a large number of a technique for making paper envelopes suitable for various occasions. In them you can include a small note for a loved one, envelopes are often used as original invitations to any events, such as a wedding, and are also convenient for storing and giving money as a gift. Therefore, people are often interested in how to make beautiful envelopes with their own hands? For example, a rectangular Japanese or an envelope flower? Where can I watch MK for beginners or children? Or for beginners? In our article, of course!

The easiest way to fold an envelope from a sheet of paper is make it square. Such envelopes are universal, as they can hold a note or a whole letter if the craft is made from a large sheet of paper, and can also be used for wrapping gift money. To make origami, you will need a square sheet of paper of the required size, and the paper can be regular, white, or special for scrapbooking, which is not only initially square, but also decorated with the addition of interesting patterns. How to make an origami envelope in this way, read below:

  • Cut out a square or use initially square paper.
  • Fold the shape diagonally to form a triangle.
  • Fold one corner at the largest base so that its end touches the middle.
  • Fold the second corner so that it overlaps the first, and its end reaches the opposite corner of the resulting square.
  • The triangles have created some kind of pockets, and now you need to tuck one triangle into the pocket of the other. Try to do everything as carefully as possible so that the envelope comes out even.
  • All that remains is to fold the top part, and the envelope is ready. To securely close the resulting envelope, use decorative tape or glue.

Money envelope

When there is no time to rack your brains over a gift and choose from a thousand options the most suitable one according to all criteria, they usually give money in its pure form so that the person himself can buy what he needs. However, even such a gift as money requires elegant packaging, in which it is pleasant to receive any little thing. An origami envelope for money is very easy to make and requires minimal time. With it, the gift will acquire a touch of originality, and receiving it will be doubly pleasant. Manufacturing scheme quite easy and uncomplicated:

Envelope in the shape of a heart

Heart envelope especially suitable for love notes or Valentine's Day cards. A loved one will always be pleased to receive such an envelope from a loved one at any time. In addition, the paper heart looks very cute, which makes it popular among other origami techniques for making envelopes. It’s very easy to make such a cute craft:

  • Place a square sheet of paper in the shape of a diamond.
  • Bend the sheet in half to the right and also down, obtaining a rhombus with two perpendicular diagonals inside.
  • Bend the top corner of the diamond towards the middle of the sheet.
  • Bend the bottom corner so that its end touches the center of the formed line at the top.
  • Now a line has formed below, and you need to find its center, aligning with which you need to bend the side parts of the paper.
  • Fold the sharp corners at the sides and top to give the heart a softer, rounder shape.

Surprise envelope

For small items, such as jewelry, it is difficult to find suitable packaging that fits the size of the items, is inexpensive and at the same time perfectly complements the gift. A surprise envelope is one of the origami techniques for making envelopes, which is distinguished by the fact that you can put small things in it, and they will not peek through the packaging, spoiling the surprise. How to make a surprise envelope, you can find out if you read a small diagram for making such a craft:

Origami envelopes are great for sending notes or donating money. A huge number of different techniques allow you to do original envelopes for packaging a small present or note, which will make its contents more pleasant and interesting.

This MK is for those who value originality even in small things. Now we won’t buy envelopes for money either, but will make them with our own hands - with soul!


  • a sheet of office paper (I use thin glossy cardboard)

How to make an envelope using the origami technique:

Origami envelope with leaf part 1

  1. We place the sheet in front of us like an album, wrong side up.
  2. Align the right side with the top edge. Smooth out the fold.
  3. The right corner is aligned with the upper intersection point of the front and back sides of the paper. Smooth out the fold.
  4. We unfold the sheet - we have marked folds. In the upper right corner, a square divided diagonally is clearly visible. We will make a leaf from it.

    Origami envelope with leaf part 2

  5. We outline the second diagonal of the square.
  6. We combine the upper right corner with the point of intersection of the diagonals of the square and iron the fold - the lines form a strip and a triangle. We continue to divide them into strips of equal width.
  7. There are 4 stripes taken in this photo. Let's divide further.
  8. There should be 16 stripes in total - then the leaf will be graceful. You can leave it at 8, but then the work will look too convex and rough.

    Origami envelope with leaf part 3

  9. Using the resulting lines, we assemble the corner into an accordion so that the first fold is wrapped under the sheet.
  10. Carefully crumple the accordion inside out.
  11. We lift the lower left corner up, folding the paper along the existing fold line (marked in step 2).
  12. Bend the triangle on the right along a vertical line, straightening the resulting leaf. The most difficult part of the work is completed.

    Origami envelope with leaf part 4

  13. We bend the corners on the left to the line of the front side of the paper.
  14. Combine the bottom corner with the top left. Iron the fold.
  15. We bring the left side of the figure under the bottom so that there remains a tail for closing the envelope. Ironing.
  16. We bend the tail forward and put it in a triangular pocket.

This is what a finished origami envelope with a leaf looks like:

Origami envelope with leaf

Origami is an ancient art that allows you to make incredibly beautiful things from a simple and nondescript sheet of paper. Such products can be used in interior decoration or used in Everyday life. One of the most useful is the origami envelope. There are many ways to make it, each of which is distinguished by its originality and embedded meaning.

The benefits of envelopes

After writing was invented, people somehow needed to transmit messages and thereby exchange information. Due to the large distances between settlements this became even more difficult to do. That's why people came up with the idea of ​​making envelopes. They easily contained a sheet of paper with a written message, which helped protect it from dirt and from being read by others. In ancient times, if the postman brought already open letter, he risked losing not only his job, but also his head.

Another useful purpose of the envelope is the ability to indicate the address and surname of the recipient on its front side. This greatly simplified and speeded up the delivery process.

Nowadays, envelopes are most often used for other purposes than their intended purpose. With the development of technology and the invention of the Internet, more and more people around the world are using by email. It is faster, and you do not need to buy an envelope and a stamp to send a letter. However, in the business environment, paper letters are still popular. They are divided into congratulatory, business and personal. Each of them must correspond to a specific type of envelope.

Recently, envelopes have begun to be used to transmit correspondence, postcards and Money. Now you can easily buy it at any post office. However, in order to fully convey not only the contents of the envelope, but also some meaning, it is better to make an origami envelope with your own hands.

Simple manufacturing schemes

Before you make an origami envelope, you need to decide on its purpose. Based on this, you can choose its shape, style, color and size. Working on the envelope will not take much time and effort, and the result will please not only you, but also the recipient.

Square option

This method of making an envelope is the fastest and easiest. The finished product can be used to convey a note, letter or even money. In order to make such a craft, you need to take a square sheet of paper (plain, colored or for scrapbooking) and prepare all the tools necessary for the work: scissors, tape, glue. To make a square envelope, you need to do the following:

Craft for money

More and more often you can see that people do not think about buying a gift, but simply give money in an envelope. This has its pros and cons. For your gift to be at least somewhat different from others, it needs beautiful packaging- envelope.

This will make it stand out from the crowd and make a pleasant surprise for the recipient. Making an origami envelope for money is very simple.

To do this you need to do the following:

Heart-shaped product

An origami heart envelope is perfect for sending notes, letters and congratulations that are related to love affairs. With this product you can add a little romance to an ordinary paper letter. Often such crafts are made for Valentine's Day. You can make a heart-shaped craft by following these simple steps:

Surprise envelope

For small gifts and decorations it is difficult to find beautiful and neat packaging. A surprise envelope will help solve this problem. It will not only hide the gift, but will also perfectly complement it. To make such a craft you need to follow these steps:

Original ideas

In addition to simple and standard options for making envelopes, there are also rarely used original designs. As a rule, they are selected for a specific holiday or occasion and additionally emphasize the reason and meaning of the departure.

For soldiers' letters

This version of the envelope is shaped like a soldier's cap. Letters to military personnel and conscripts are most often placed in such products. For a soldier's origami envelope, the manufacturing scheme is as follows:

Aristocratic English

If you want to pack your letter in an original way, then be sure to put it in an English aristocratic envelope. With its help, your message will take on a new, more elegant look. This envelope is made as follows:

Children's version

This envelope is suitable for a small gift for a child. Designed in festive style, it will become no less interesting an attribute than the gift itself. A children's envelope can be used by your child to store small money or any notes. In order to make such a craft, you need to follow the following instructions:

To congratulate your loved ones in an original way, you don’t need to buy expensive gifts, but just make beautiful envelope and put something really important into it. Before making such an envelope, you need to prepare the following tools and materials: pencil, glue, ruler, scissors, paper.

The work is carried out in several simple steps:

An origami envelope is a great solution for original design your letter, note or gift. With its help, you can not only decorate your letter, but also give it a special meaning. It doesn’t matter which manufacturing option you choose, the main thing is that all the work is done with soul and love.

Only in this case will the finished product not only pleasantly surprise the recipient, but also convey to him all your feelings.

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