Organization of job search includes not only the definition of those places where. Active Job Search Job Search Tactics

To make a choice, you must take into account the qualities that you possess today and understand what type of personnel you are. The correct definition of your type will allow you to get a serious competitive advantage in the labor market, because with such an attitude you have every chance of becoming the best in your field.

Practical Tips

The first and most important step to a successful career is right choice your path, the professional area where you will realize your potential.

If you are attracted to some other role - for example, you want to work in the area where "corporate workers" are most successful, then first of all evaluate what you will need to do to acquire not only external attributes, but also the internal essence of a corporate worker ". If you are already in a situation of a certain choice and have begun your professional path, then you also need to understand what type of people in your chosen profession are most successful. Then you need to evaluate yourself, understand what type of employees you belong to, and develop and build your career based on this.

In business, only rare people, depending on the situation and goals, are able to move from one type to another. They are the most successful employees of the company and most often become leaders.

The effectiveness of your job search depends on your activity. It is important which way you lead your search.

Ways to find work:

1. Appeal to friends and relatives.

2. Continuous phone calls to firms.

3. Reading special editions.

4. Contact recruitment agencies and employment services.

(Employment agencies should be distinguished from recruitment agencies (recruiting agencies).

Employment agencies arrange jobs. recruiting agencies looking for workers by order of firms - employers.

5. "Mr. case."

Organizations, institutions, companies, firms increasingly prefer open competitive selection to other ways of finding an employee, including hiring on the recommendation of friends or relatives. Many conduct lengthy interviews and psychological testing with applicants.

by the most in an efficient way Finding a job can be considered using the opportunities of your parents, their acquaintances, as well as the parents and acquaintances of your friends and classmates. Try to inform everyone who can really help you about your plans and intentions.

Give up the idea of ​​keeping your plans secret from your parents. Consultations during employment with older family members are essential. Firstly, when applying for a job in some organizations, written permission from the parents is required, and secondly, at the first stage, you may need certain financial investments. For example, payment for the services of a recruitment agency to assist in finding a job.

Looking for a job in our time is not an easy task even for highly qualified specialists.

Dealing with the problems of your own employment, you will understand how it is customary to communicate and behave in a business environment, get acquainted with offices and work principles various organizations, learn to comply with the agreements reached, as well as be punctual and organized. If you have a habit of being late or not coming at all, if you think that others should delve into your problems, the employment process will quickly rid you of your illusions and force you to seriously engage in self-education.

In the business world, such tricks do not work on the first try, because no one will teach you if you don’t know how, and you won’t force anyone if you don’t want to. One, two delays, the solution of personal problems at the expense of working time - and the proposal follows to leave forever. This is what many reputable firms do in relation to their employees without discount for age, professional and life experience. So your employment, regardless of its results, will teach you how to solve your problems on your own.


To reach potential employers

competently and effectively conduct self-marketing (promotion).

Goal setting.

Types of goals when looking for a job.


2. Financial.


(Methodology of Napoleon Hill based on the book "Think and Grow Rich").

The same person can receive different offers from employers - by position, by the content and conditions of work, by its payment.

How to properly evaluate yourself without underestimating or overestimating the price?

To find out the correct “price of a product”, start selling it.

"I am the Product", "I am the Seller".

The main stages of self-marketing:

Determine your job search goals

Intensively carry out work to bring information about yourself to potential employers;

Properly compose a resume;

During telephone and personal contact with a potential employer, try to present yourself favorably as a future employee;

Competently negotiate and negotiate favorable working conditions;

Going to work, do everything necessary to gain a foothold and be a good specialist.

4. Preparation of a resume.

Majority business letters is a request or request.

The CV that you send out to employers is also a kind of request.

Your personal resume is yours business card, containing information about your professional merits, qualifications and work biography.

This is an essay on the topic "I am the best candidate for your vacancy."

The purpose of the resume.

The purpose of the resume is to interest the employer and get an invitation to a personal interview.

Therefore, you need to try to make the information comprehensive. single standard for compiling a resume does not exist.

Employers prefer to see a short, one-page, chronological resume.

In order to present professional merits in a favorable light, involvement in work that may be of interest to the employer.

Do not forget - the role of the resume is quite large: you will not have a "second chance to make a first impression" on the employer!

Your resume should stand out in the general flow of information. If you are talking with the employer personally, then your resume will help him quickly find out what kind of specialist is in front of him.

Rules for writing a resume.

Exist various ways compiling a resume. But in any case, the rules must be observed:

Under the vacancy and each time a new one;

Brevity (this is not an autobiography and not an extract from their employment record)

Accuracy and literacy;

Achievement orientation;

Information is presented in blocks

Clearly stated purpose;

You can't lie.

Resume style.

On average, it takes no more than one minute to read a resume, so it is very important to immediately attract the attention of the employer, interest him and encourage him to schedule an interview with you.

It represents summary the most important facts of your biography for a potential employer, mainly related to your work experience, skills and knowledge.

"Employment and unemployment" - Forms of wages. Unemployment. Reasons for unemployment. Wage. forms of unemployment. The sphere of demand formation. Labor market. Human capital. The consequences of unemployment. Factors. People activities. Types of unemployment. Living wage. Negative underutilization of economic potential.

"Types of unemployment" - Statistics. Unemployment among foreigners. Long time. Voluntary unemployment. The presence of hidden quantitative unemployment. Hidden forms of unemployment. National concepts of accounting for unemployment. Present tense. Low chances. Frictional unemployment. The specifics of Russian unemployment. Socio-economic phenomenon.

"Forms and consequences of unemployment" - The role of the state in providing employment. Types of unemployment. Looking for a job. Types and forms of unemployment. Population of the country. The consequences of unemployment. position in the economy. Familiarization of students with the phenomenon of unemployment. Satellite market economy. Unemployment. Forced character. Good. Reasons for unemployment. command economy.

"Essence and types of unemployment" - Scheme of the labor market. Macroeconomics. Acceleration of inflation. Actual and natural unemployment rate. The total workforce. Busy. Frictional unemployment rate. Natural growth factors. Reverse formula. Unemployed. Okun's law. Work force. The structure of the population. Potential GDP.

"Labor Market and Unemployment" - Place in the labor market. Inflation. Unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment. Creative team report on in-demand and in-demand professions. Blitz poll. Work. Employment of young people. Unemployment rate. The man has lost his job. What is a resume. Judgments about the unemployed. Professional education.

"Inflation and Unemployment" - Phillips Curve. "Rule of magnitude 70". Who can be declared unemployed Russian legislation? State regulation prices. Causes of inflation. Inflation. Topic 3. Violations of macroeconomic balance: inflation and unemployment. Social Consequences. Types of open inflation. Types of inflation.

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

There is such a pattern - hired work takes about 8 hours a day, and looking for work an hour and a half a day. There are rare cases when people spend 6-8 hours a day on employment, but it is this approach that allows you to find a job in 5-10 days.

Of course, not everyone needs such speed. if you have free time, you can act slower, calmer and look for a job for months. The matter is voluntary.

This article is about how to find Good work. The quick job search technology consists of 4 steps.

your desires

What do you dream of or just want to do? To begin with, you need to decide on this - this is the basis for further actions. When answering this question, follow these rules:

  • Distract from your present activity (especially if it does not bring you pleasure or does not meet any conditions)
  • Leave alone your previous experience. After all, it may be that you want to become a teacher, and you have a long work experience in construction. And what then, all my life to work as a builder??
  • Create a very comfortable, cozy environment for yourself. Do you like to spend time in the country? Go there, fire up the stove, sit back, feel free. Or you have a favorite cafe, go there, order a coffee and remember what you like to do.

Naturally, all the ideas that come to mind should be written down. You can also remember, but it’s better to write it down - so nothing will be forgotten or distorted for sure.


The ideas received from your consciousness and subconsciousness need to be turned into reality. That is, set goals.

If you want to help children, then this is not necessarily a job in a kindergarten. It can be the organization of holidays and the invention of educational games and medicine and the construction of playgrounds and ... There can be a thousand such options. You need to choose 1-2 of the most interesting and enjoyable of all that you see.

To do this, look at job sites, read newspapers, talk with your friends (or strangers). In this case, you need information from those people who have already done this. Then find out how at least roughly in the labor market the activity you have chosen is called.

The labor market often thinks in terms of certain clichés. Nobody is called engineers, marketers, programmers. But in every organization, these specialists are engaged in different things! Few jobs are the same.

When you have decided on the approximate name of your specialty, select companies that work in this area. By researching companies, you'll learn a lot about what you want to do and what's going on in the industry right now. If you see that there is little information on the site about the company's services, do not be lazy, call the manager in the sales department, ask him about the company's services. Communicate, learn, explore.

Choosing companies is one of the most important steps! At this stage, a clear goal of employment is formed. It is a clear and specific goal that helps to quickly find a job.


Specialization is selected, companies that deserve you are also selected. Now we need to prepare for a future meeting and negotiations with the leaders of these companies.

Well, to business!

  • A compelling and attractive resume. I previously wrote about how to write a good resume. Once again in a nutshell: structured, in simple and understandable words, clearly and, preferably, on one sheet of A4.
  • A well-written cover letter.
  • Thoughtful appearance. This handyman or taxi driver can come to an interview without thinking about the first impression, and you, I hope, have a different opinion about yourself.
  • Responsibility. First of all, punctuality! Be on time and keep your word.
  • Positivity and attitude to success. Are you on the phone with a company representative? Smile! Came to the interview, look more often in the eyes, again smile and glow from the inside. Positive people are remembered.

Active actions

You have a vision of the specialty, a list of companies where you want to work and you are ready to search for a job. We must act and be persistent.

I want to mention one point right away, the search for vacancies is a maximum of 20% of the result that you can get. That is why the article is titled active job search that the emphasis is on your initiative, and not on how many open vacancies are currently on the market. Moreover, there may not be any vacancies at all.

  • Call the company and meet with the head of the desired department or HR manager
  • Submit your resume there. Sending a resume to a specific person (in the letter you need to call him by name) gives you a higher chance of success
  • After sending your resume, be sure to call the company and find out if they have received the letter.
  • Gently ask when it will be convenient to call and talk in more detail
  • Thank the person on the other end of the line and record the next date of contact in the diary.

Do you know what this method of action gives?

You will be remembered! And this is already half the battle.


Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, The Game of Chess, 1841.

If before the interview the task was to arrange a meeting, then at the interview the task is to convince the manager that the company will need you and will be successful at work.

There are many books, articles, tips and trainings about how to negotiate. I wrote an article on how to prepare for an interview. Here I will give only 2 negotiation tips: show the boss a desire to work in this particular company and convince him that you will be successful and worth the requested salary. Persuade management, "sell" yourself, bargain.


My job search method does not answer the question "How to look for a job?". This method does not guarantee 100% success. This method gives self-confidence and allows you to find “the very job” (and maybe business partners or startups - who knows how things will turn out in the negotiations).

I assume that in 1 out of 7 companies you will find a job. But different arrangements are possible.

For everyone who dreams of a quality job (search for an ideal position according to their priority criteria) or a change of job and is actively working in this direction, it is important to decide on the most effective way realizing such a goal. There are few methods themselves, they are traditional and known to everyone. So.

  1. Protection, that is, the involvement of friends and relatives in the process of one's own employment. This is informing them of your intentions and asking for assistance, or at least a hint that the place is free, the company is expanding, etc.

The method is sufficient, on the one hand, effective and allows access to "closed" vacancies and offers, i.e. such that are not reported by employers to employment centers, recruitment agencies, or relevant directories.

On the other hand, there are also many nuances in this approach, which makes it insufficiently effective for most situations. This is the inability to control the course of events, fuzzy time parameters, patronage can also play against the applicant (not all employers like this tactic of searching, selecting and checking personnel), etc. In other words, the method has the character of "being in right place and the right time." And if a high-quality, good, promising job interests the applicant in the near future, then it will be more effective to use the “patronage” method in combination with other employment tactics.

2. Contacting a specialized agency is one of the most popular and common tactics.

There are many advantages that determine the sufficient effectiveness of this method. This is an opportunity to set clear criteria, goals and time frames. Further, the assistance of recruitment companies is not limited to the processing and analysis of open bases with offers from employers. This is also assistance in the aspect of compiling a resume, preparing for an interview, determining your optimal specialization, etc. You can also count on offers from the so-called "closed" bases, which are often staffing companies as a result of their direct cooperation with a number of employers.

There are also nuances. So, it is very important to find a really professional, reliable, right profile firm. As well as "his" specialist in it, who will clearly understand and feel the priorities of the candidate, his goals and abilities.

3. Independent search. Perhaps it can be called really the most productive. The reason for this is the precise control of all stages, as well as those modern opportunities that are at the disposal of the applicant, ranging from specialized portals to the ability to track vacancies on representative websites of companies.

In the program "YOUR WORK", the editor-in-chief of the STEP RUSSIA TV channel Gleb Mordovchenko and the head of the recruitment agency for job seekers "IM Consulting" Alexandra Grak discussed what mistakes job seekers make when looking for a job. Read about the difficulties of writing a resume and passing an interview, as well as various strategies and channels for finding a job, in this issue.

- Tell me, what are the key, most important and most terrible fatal mistakes people make when trying to get a job?

First of all, I would simply divide the errors into several stages - as they occur. The first is the lack of a clear understanding of their positioning in the labor market. When we go looking for a job, but we do not understand our value to the market. This is exactly the story when "I'm looking for a job, just to find some kind of job." Unfortunately, that doesn't work right now. It will take much longer than if we know exactly what we want.

The second is, accordingly, the lack of a search strategy. It looks something like this: we do everything and everywhere, but these actions do not lead us to any result. And the third - when we are already mistaken in some trifles: we do not prepare for an interview, we do not disclose information in a resume. This is already the implementation stage.

- Can you give a few examples from life, how it happens in reality?

In reality: for example, when a candidate says that he wants to find a job, but he does not know who he wants to work with, what this job might look like and what, in principle, he is ready to do to find a job. But at the same time, he sends out an insane amount of responses to all vacancies: from the chief accountant to the ballerina. Naturally, it is not taken anywhere.

- Good. It turns out that you need to do in advance and think about finding a job before you write an application to CEO about dismissal. Is it so?

This is true. And one of the most probably correct and competent strategies is to think about finding a job before you quit. And in general, it’s not very good to burn bridges like this, to part with the company, maybe not on the most positive note.

Of course, most job seekers enter the labor market while still employed. And this allows them to comfortably part with their current employer: to warn in advance, to hand over cases, to receive, perhaps, some recommendation from the employer, to keep good relationship and later enter the market - either in search, or to a new employer. Here is what works well. If we just abruptly quit our job and then started looking for a new one, then this strategy is usually a failure.

- Let's then talk about what, in principle, should be in general view job search strategy.

A job search strategy as a whole begins with the fact that we must think about who we want to work, where we want to work and how we want to do it. After that, understanding who our employer is, we select the channels that we will use: job search sites, recruitment agencies, social media. That is, how are we going to look for such a job. And depending on which channels we use, we already need to prepare the tools. For example, the same resume.

- Good. And what are the key mistakes that applicants make at the stage of preparing a resume?

At the stage of preparing a resume, there are actually quite a few mistakes. First of all, this is the desire to put as much information there as possible. Then we get a huge resume that HR does not read. They just don't read. This summary is over two pages.
Accordingly, the second option is a very short summary. The opposite story. This is when a couple of lines are given from the series “I worked as a chief accountant from and to - I completely led everything, was responsible for everything.” No specifics. This also doesn't work now. Lack of just contact information can be a fatal mistake. That is, they will not be able to contact you, no matter how cool your resume is.

Well, a resume is such a complicated thing that ... It turns out that not everyone understands what it should be. And even fewer people understand how to do it right. What are the ways, tools, possibilities for compiling a resume: maybe there are templates, maybe there are specialists who know how to do it better? Please advise what is the best way.

Of course, there is a lot of information on the Internet regarding resumes. In part, this is good, because there really is a lot of it. But in order to collect it, “digest” it and get something really working out of it, it will take a lot of time.
You can use a template: for example, go to the same and fill out a resume in the format that the site offers. You can turn to specialists: for example, career consultants. We at the agency help with resume writing. And here it is just important to take into account the peculiarities of each particular applicant. If we are just talking about some template standard that you found on the Internet - it is general, it will not give you a structure that suits you better, it will not offer you a volume that will most fully reveal your experience in a resume. If we are talking about such point work, then, of course, you always need to take into account the individual characteristics of the experience.

- Good. The resume is ready, HR read it, looked at it and even approved it. You have been called for an interview. Do you need to prepare for it?

You have to prepare for it. And yes, of course, a resume is the road to an interview. An important stage, but the interview - this is where the fun begins, because here we come face to face with the employer. And we need to prepare, because, again, there are cases when an applicant comes for an interview and does not have information about the company, does not fully understand the vacancy. Such an interview is a failure. Therefore, preparation is half the success.

- What should be the preparation? I am Vasya, I am going for an interview at Romashka LLC. What is important for me to know exactly, to prepare, so that I can at least pass this interview well?

First of all, you need to understand what kind of company, what is accepted there, what are the standards. And everything that concerns your work: if you are in sales, then what is sold, what place they occupy in the market, what is the specificity of the product. That is, you need to go, of course, ready precisely in terms of professional content in the first place and knowledge about the company.

Next, we prepare from the point of view of culture, that is, we can predict a little how the interview will go if we know what the corporate culture of the company is like. Most often, this information can be found on the website or in social networks (now this is very relevant, many companies are doing it) and see the style of communication, how things are going. And a little, maybe, somehow adjust your manner of presentation at the interview.

- That is, if you go for an interview at the Black Star company to Timati, do not go in a tie and suit - it is customary there. Okay, the interview is underway, and there is such milestone(as far as I know, very key in the West) are recommendations. Here in Russia is it important, is it accepted, does the applicant need to prepare them?

Recommendations are definitely important. And the employer starts checking the recommendations, as a rule, after the initial interview, that is, either after the second interview, between some stages, maybe.

What is important here: our task as a job seeker is to prepare, to warn those who will give us recommendations that we are looking for work. If it was a long time ago when we worked with these people, then recall: when we worked, who we worked with, how successful they were. That is, to suggest, maybe a little, what would be right to convey to those who will call. If it is possible to take some written recommendations When you leave, this is a must. And this can simply be collected as a kind of piggy bank to show at the interview.

Is there anything else worth taking with you? Portfolio, maybe some diplomas, something that confirms the qualifications. Or is it a line in the resume and nothing more?

Of course, it depends on the field of activity. If you can show something (in design it can be a portfolio), then this is a must. For other specialties, this is not so relevant. diplomas, work book, all certificates can be left at home, they will take your word for it.

- Some employers (including me) like to ask the applicant at the interview to briefly tell about himself. How much do you need to prepare such a mini-thing about who you are, what you can do and how important you are for the employer? How critical is it, how necessary is it?

Good question. And you very rightly noted: indeed, employers expect to hear such a brief presentation or a story about themselves. Most often at an interview, this is the very beginning of the meeting, when HR or a representative of the employer asks you to tell a little about yourself in order to get to know each other.

Here the main mistake (we are talking about them today) is, again, some kind of excessive presentation. And it happens that the candidate begins to either retell the resume, or talk in great detail about his experience - he tells in turn about all the places of work, what he did there, and this stretches for 20-30 minutes. Attention is already lost literally in the second minute. That is, it seems that he answered all possible questions, but there was no dialogue, no conversation. And this, of course, is also not a winning strategy, so preparing a presentation literally for one and a half to two minutes includes the most basic aspects - about your qualifications, maybe about education, why you are looking for a job, what attracted you to this particular vacancy . This is what has the employer for such positive communication already at the interview.

Good. Well, the interview was more or less successful, and the applicant and employer move on to the most interesting part - the bidding, the price negotiations. Here the question is: how can an applicant correctly evaluate himself in the labor market - not to sell cheap and not become on the same level with labor migrants, but also not to set himself a salary that no one will ever give him or hire him? How to evaluate yourself correctly?

A good question, because it is quite difficult to evaluate yourself correctly in the current labor market, simply because there is a very large spread in terms of wages, and the spread is many times. It really is. First of all, what we recommend: look at the job market as a whole. Not only the vacancy where you are going for an interview, but in general - what is expected in this position, how much employers offer such specialists. This is the first step.

Next, we go to the market of applicants (the same will help us), we can see what our competitors want. Because one thing is our expectations, and another thing is that we must fit into the market not only from the side of applicants' proposals. It is important for us to understand both sides of what is happening there. So we can see what competitors want.
Well, and such a very small life hack: if we go to an interview for some specific vacancy and we understand that the specialist in whose place we are being interviewed has recently quit, then we can try to find his resume in the public domain, see how much money he wants.

- Good. A very important question, we touched on it in one of our programs about leaders: how important is networking? That is, significance in the media space, behavior in social networks, the ability to make some connections - how much is it necessary for an ordinary, ordinary job seeker, and what mistakes do they make in this part?

Let's start with the mistakes. Just the main mistake is that, as a rule, networking is not used. And this is really lovely way in general, tell the world about yourself, your friends that you are looking for a job and what exactly you are doing now, what you are doing, how you can be useful.

And, again, this is one of those stereotypes that networking works only at the level of top management and only for executives. Not this way. If you are looking for a job, absolutely any - office, linear, you studied with someone, went to some courses with someone, attended some events, your former colleagues, work colleagues. You can also tell them about it, and it is quite possible that they know someone, have heard or seen something. Therefore, networking also works great in this case.

- The following question: does an ordinary, ordinary applicant need a personal brand in this case?

A brand, probably, in such an understanding of a global brand is not needed by an ordinary applicant. But take care, for example, of your reputation in social networks - please. Because many HR social networks are watching. Therefore, it is desirable that they be sharpened for job search. Of course, you should not post only professional information there, but you need to remove something compromising.

- Well, God bless them, with the accounts of the applicants themselves. And can social networks help in finding a job, in finding vacancies? Does it work or is it all unimportant, and you need to go where the vacancies will be posted?

Well, vacancies can just be posted on social networks. In general, many companies use a socially oriented policy, go where the people are, where the applicants are, thus reducing personnel costs, including for themselves. That is, it is also beneficial for the employer - to go to social networks to people. And there are a lot of profile groups, we can use the same Facebook, where you can get acquainted with vacancies, you can post your resume. Therefore, this channel also works.

So it would be a mistake to forget about him.

It will be a mistake. Another thing is that it is not suitable for everyone. For example, looking for a job as a builder or accountant on Facebook will not be so successful. If we work in the IT market, PR, marketing - everything that is somehow connected with the Internet, this is the first place.

- Well, we talked about the mistakes that applicants make. Let's say a few tips, a few life hacks that can make life easier when looking for a job.

First of all, in short, we formulate our value; write short summary up to one and a half to two pages; we tell all our friends and acquaintances that we are looking for; we post resumes on as a job search site; preparing for an interview; we know our employer and we go to the interview with a positive attitude, confident that we will be hired.