New business in the world. Delivery of purchases to the airport

It is quite possible to earn $5,000 - $10,000 a month selling cotton candy, provided that you work hard and hard. Balloons made from puffed sugar fibers were first presented at the World's Fair in 1904. There are many units designed for the production of cotton candy, but you need a quality machine for commercial use, intended […]

  • How to open a shoe store

    Shoe retailing is a competitive and interesting business idea. However, despite the fact that there will always be a demand for shoes, the success of a shoe store depends on how well your product is in line with fashion trends and meets the needs of customers. Footwear industry retail segmented in the following areas: Sports shoes 41.5% Women's shoes 24.2% Men's shoes 19.3% Children's […]

  • How to open a pastry shop

    Do you feel like you have great culinary talent? Then you may want to think about opening your own bakery. Homemade baked goods sell well, and not just during the holidays. The bakery is a great idea. own business for a professional pastry chef. In addition, people without work experience can try their hand at this business because the demand for confectionery never decrease. However, […]

  • Business plan: personal trainer

    For those who received higher education At the institute physical culture, there are a number of opportunities to start your own successful business. This could be a private gym, fitness club, sports section for children, or a sports and healthy nutrition company, diet food delivered to your home. Another potentially lucrative idea would be to start a career as a personal trainer. During the times [...]

  • Business idea for opening an antique store

    Many aspiring entrepreneurs want to open an antique store. In this business you can count on constant interest from people who are interested in antiques: Furniture self made famous manufactories Paintings by famous artists Jewelry and tableware Antique books Aged spirits famous brands Clocks Porcelain Antique Handmade Items If you are an avid collector and have an idea […]

  • Business idea for opening a professional nanny agency

    There is still a great demand in the labor market for the services of professional nannies. Because of the fear of losing their jobs, many young mothers after giving birth try to get back to doing their jobs as quickly as possible. professional responsibilities. For most of them, this requires finding someone who can help them care for the child. A nanny agency usually acts as an employment intermediary between the hired worker […]

  • Grooming is a sought-after profession for animal lovers

    A pet grooming salon is an interesting business idea for pet lovers. In order to become a professional hairdresser and cosmetologist for pets, you need to take special grooming courses, or hire a professional in this field. This successful business the idea will always be in demand, since pet owners care not only about their health, […]

  • Business idea: Construction and renovation company

    Despite inflation and the economic downturn, housing construction and renovation still remains a popular business. In some parts of the country there is a lull in construction, but despite all the financial troubles, people still need to repair their existing housing, which means your team will be provided with orders. Before starting a company Before implementing an interesting business idea [...]

  • Owning your own business is not only an opportunity to improve financial well-being. Entrepreneurs get a great chance to improve the world and give others new perspectives. Many people believe that modern world offers fewer and fewer opportunities to start, all niches are occupied, and spheres of influence are distributed. The era of making profits by only meeting the minimum requirements in terms of customer satisfaction is truly over. The consumer truly has the right to receive the most best services and goods. But also, each of us is looking forward to something new. Clients, like children, want to be surprised and pampered with new “toys”. The world is evolving and new needs are emerging. Their satisfaction, fresh and original ideas become the basis of successful business projects. We will introduce you to such ideas.

    “Fresh and successful ideas for trading”

    A store that pays to enter

    In the small Australian town of Coorparoo there is a store that specializes in selling gluten-free products, it is called “Celiac Supplies”. Recently, the store has become famous, and its name has even begun to appear in the headlines of foreign publications. The reason is an innovation invented by the hostess. Visitors pay for the right to enter the store. The entrance ticket price is low and is 5 Australian dollars. Pensioners, people with disabilities and children are exempt from payment. A visitor who purchases a product in a store receives a discount equal to the amount paid for entry.

    The owner of the store, Georgina, explains the essence of the innovation very intelligently: “People come in, look at the products and prices, leave and buy the same products in another store. Why should I waste my time and energy and work for free?” Georgina is trying to convey a simple concept - there are things in the world that you get for free (sun, air, birdsong), but other people's work should be valued with dignity.

    The innovative approach to trading was met with mixed reactions. Many criticize the entrepreneur, some openly laugh at her. There is considerable debate on the store's Facebook page about the appropriateness of such approaches.

    But Georgina still achieved a certain result. Although there was no noticeable increase in profits, there were much fewer thefts and idle onlookers in the store. But from a publicity point of view, Georgina has achieved an outstanding result.

    What is the point of this Australian store example? Look for non-standard approaches to attracting customers. Advertisements offering the “best” or “lowest” prices are quite boring and do not cause the expected influx of visitors. An advertising poster that reads: “We are the greediest sellers in town. We are so insolent that we demand money for entry!” will have the effect of a bomb exploding and will attract many new customers to your store. People will come to you just to watch and have fun. And they will definitely buy at least some little thing.

    Without packaging

    The lack of packaging significantly reduces the cost of any product. This technique does not always work, but in some situations it brings additional income. This principle is used in the work of Bulk Barn (Canada). A chain of retail establishments has installed special glass machines in which customers can choose various goods. More than four thousand items are sold without packaging: loose leaf tea and coffee beans, cereals, flour, spices, nuts, dried fruits, sweets and many others. In addition to the attractive price, the chain is developing a new movement to eliminate plastic packaging materials that pollute the planet. It is worth noting that the idea works and brings huge profits to the company owners.

    We sell muesli

    This business idea received the title of best young company in Germany in 2013. The business was created by three friends from the city of Passau. Young entrepreneurs managed to meet the deadline start-up capital 3,500 euros.

    The essence of the idea is simple and ingenious. The guys created an online store selling muesli. Buyers are given the opportunity to choose various, but always only environmentally friendly ingredients and mix them at their discretion. The assortment includes several types of cereal bases, a huge variety of fruit additives, and nuts. The store also offers high-quality teas, fresh juices, healthy cereals, and coffee.

    In 2007, when the business was just being created, it consisted of one point of sale and online store. Now it is a developed network with about 200 employees.

    Master class on how to properly sell men's jeans

    It is generally accepted that shopping is an exclusively female activity. For most men, any trip to the market or store turns into real torture. Standard shelves, on which various items of clothing are laid out in stacks in several rows, cause melancholy and despondency in men. Most of them consider searching and trying on the right size a waste of time.

    Nadya Shurabura, who created the innovative Hointer jeans store in the American city of Seattle, made a wise decision to take into account the peculiarities of male psychology and create the most comfortable conditions for customers.

    The store sells only men's jeans; the flocks of ladies chattering and choosing goods do not distract or confuse the stronger sex. There are no endless racks of folded jeans here. Only hangers located on beams. The front of the product is facing the buyer. Each model is presented in only one size, although all options are in stock.

    Buyers are offered a convenient application for their mobile device. With it, you can scan the QR code of the model you like and indicate your size. Literally within a few seconds, a notification is sent to the buyer’s device indicating in which fitting room the ordered jeans are waiting for him. The model you like and fit is paid for at the checkout. Anything that does not satisfy the buyer is sent to a special hole in the fitting room.

    Men will agree that such shopping conditions can be considered ideal.

    Freeosk - a special tasting machine

    The very first devices of this type were created by the German confectionery company Stollwerck in 1887. Customers were offered the opportunity to try the sweets before purchasing. Since 2013, Chicago supermarkets have revived this tradition and installed special Freeosk machines. To install a free tasting machine, it is important to choose the right location and place of maximum concentration of the target audience.

    The benefit for customers is obvious - the opportunity to try new products for free. The benefits of a supermarket are less obvious to the uninitiated layman - cheap marketing research interests and tastes of buyers. About how much a positive image rises trading network, not worth talking about.

    Delivery of purchases to the airport

    Popular Australian shopping stores Woolworths offers its customers new service– the ability to order and pay for goods through mobile app. The purchase is delivered to the airport and handed over to the client after the plane lands.

    U business people This service aroused great enthusiasm among tourists and immediately began to be in enormous demand. A tired traveler, upon arrival in the city, no longer needs to head to the store to fill an empty refrigerator with food. Everything can be ordered in advance and received at the exit from the airport.

    “Ideas for restaurant business”

    Admission with pre-purchased tickets

    The owner of Chicago's Nextrestaurant, Grant Achatz, got the idea from airlines. You can enter the airport only with a plane ticket purchased using an online service. A similar system works in this restaurant. It is simply impossible for a visitor from the street to get into it. Entry is limited to those who have pre-paid for a specific menu in advance through the online ordering system.

    The innovation was liked by visitors, who now do not have to wait for a free table and order fulfillment. Menu prices depend on the day of the week and time of day. The most expensive option is Saturday evening; on weekdays and at lunch the cost of the order is noticeably lower.

    The restaurant menu changes radically at least once every 3 months. The previous option is never repeated. The restaurant offers dishes from different national cuisines and has an endless supply of ideas. The establishment is extremely popular; there are no free tables here.

    Creative from Blockbuster

    While watching a movie, cinemas offer the standard set: drinks, popcorn and other snacks. While at home, many people like to eat well and watch a good movie.

    Entrepreneurs serving visitors to one of the film festivals in Toronto came up with the perfect idea - to offer restaurant guests dishes from films that are presented in films today.

    A restaurant that counts calories consumed

    Restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) offers guests original service. The waiter brings the bill, which indicates not only the prices, but also the number of calories in each portion eaten.

    This idea can be developed further. For example, offer a menu low in fat or carbohydrates. Protein options are available for those who are watching their weight and caring about their health. You can organize competitions and reward customers who use greatest number calories.

    The idea is a success, because most establishments Catering offers very high calorie and unhealthy food. The additional opportunity to control the composition of dishes and their impact on health is appreciated by guests.

    A restaurant where guests create their own drinks

    Simple and very cool idea were offered to visitors by the owners of the Japanese bar Logbar. Here the client is given the opportunity to create new cocktails by mixing different ingredients. Be sure to come up with an original name for the drink that is included in the bar menu and offered to other guests.

    If the drink is successful, its creator makes good money. According to the terms of the project, part of the bar's profits is offered to the creator of the cocktail.

    “Ideas for hotel business”

    Twitter hotel

    On the island of Mallorca there is an interesting SolWave hotel, which is used to attract guests to this super-popular social network. Each guest has the opportunity to download a proprietary application and gain access to original entertainment. Branded social network allows you to participate in competitions, communicate with other guests and make appointments at hotel parties, meet new people and flirt.

    The hotel also has original rooms. In one of them, on the wall hangs a huge mirror with a luxurious mustache painted on it. You can instantly send a funny photo of yourself in this mirror to your friends. Using special hashtags, you can order drinks to the administrator.

    “Earn money on the Internet”

    Online dining

    Sociability, attractiveness and cooking skills are characteristic features many girls. Seo-Yun Park from South Korea that there is good money to be made from these underrated talents. The girl quit her boring office job, bought a camera and started broadcasting her lunches online. A cool hobby has developed into a worthy source of income. From advertising and views, Seo-Yoon earns about $10,000 every month.

    The secret to the popularity of this show is simple. In developed countries, the number of single people who are entirely focused on their careers is noticeably increasing. For them, lunch with a virtual interlocutor becomes a real godsend, brings the joy of communication and brightens up loneliness. The girl also provides assistance to those who are forced to go on a diet, but are not ready to give up a traditional dinner in society and a pleasant conversation.

    The most profitable business in the world: 3 determining factors + 3 profitable business areas in Russia + Top 7 ideas from around the world.

    Every aspiring businessman at the start asks the question, what is the most profitable business in the world?

    We will try to answer it by identifying directions entrepreneurial activity, which are considered the most promising.

    By what criteria can a business be called the most profitable?

    Before determining the main directions, it is necessary to identify factors indicating that the business idea will be profitable:

      Speedy return on investment.

      This fact plays a significant role.

      A profitable business is a project in which investments pay off in the shortest possible time.

      Increased demand.

      The success of a business depends on many factors.

      It is impossible to name ideas that will give a 100% guarantee of success.

      But it is possible to identify such goods or services, the demand for which is initially at a high level.

      As a rule, we are talking about essential items.

      Minimal investments in raw materials and production.

      It is logical that the less finance an entrepreneur needs to invest in a business, the more benefits he will receive.

      This is especially important when there is a link to the exchange rate.

    If you already have your own business and it has at least two of these signs, you can rejoice - your business is potentially profitable.

    What if you are just taking your first steps and don’t yet know which direction to go?

    A review of the most popular ones will help you make a choice. profitable ideas in different areas of business.

    Small Business: Review of Profitable Ideas

    Almost all newcomers start with a small business.

    It requires a relatively small investment, a modest material base (premises, staff, equipment).

    It’s easy to register such activities – you can do it on your own, even without a legal education.

    Therefore, it is obvious that we should consider the most profitable ideas from this area of ​​business activity.

    a) Essential goods and services are a profitable business even during a crisis

    Let's remember one of the factors that determines the profitability of a business: .

    Areas that are related to satisfying primary human needs remain relevant even in times of financial crisis.

    As you can see, food, clothing and shoes are what people spend their income on first.

    It is worth adding that the cost of medicines is small only because in an ordinary family they are purchased relatively infrequently (if there are no members with chronic diseases).

    However, pharmaceuticals are also essential goods.

    If the need arises, people are ready to “give their last,” but buy the necessary pills and the like.

    Conclusion: potentially profitable business– grocery store, pharmacy kiosk, clothing and footwear trade.

    b) Auto repair shop - a profitable business idea

    After some time, every car requires repairs or routine inspection.

    Therefore, repair shops can also be classified as services for which the demand is initially high.

    Thanks to this, you do not have to convince the client that visiting an auto repair shop is what he needs by listing the benefits for the person.

    It's enough to stand out among your competitors.

    A service station can offer a number of basic services:

    • cleaning injectors;
    • repair and inspection of electrical equipment;
    • repair of fuel and brake systems;
    • replacing spark plugs;
    • headlight adjustment

    And this is only a part of the possible services.

    And if you open a car wash next to the service station, the business will be doubly profitable.

    Among the advantages of the business, it is also worth noting that in addition to a large service station with a large capital investment, you can open a simple mobile tire service.

    And such a business will still be profitable and in demand.

    Still in doubt? Pay attention to the “age” statistics on cars in Russia:

    c) How profitable is the vending business?

    There is a lot of debate regarding the profitability of the vending business.

    On the one hand, it exactly corresponds to one of the factors of a profitable business given at the beginning of the text: the entrepreneur is not required to make a large investment - it is enough to spend money on the purchase and installation of a miracle machine, and only replenish consumables from time to time.

    Moreover, if previously they offered a short list of services, now you can do literally anything with their help:

    Why is it controversial that this business is profitable?

    Please note the distribution of vending machines across Russia:

    As you can see, Moscow and St. Petersburg are open to innovation, and people do not find the use of automatic machines repellent.

    While in other cities, there is mainly demand only for payment and coffee machines.

    Accordingly, there is high competition in these areas of business.

    If you take your place, successfully choosing the location of the device, you have the opportunity to become the owner of a very profitable business:

    Top 7 most profitable business ideas in the world

    As already mentioned, it is impossible to determine the most profitable business in the world that provides a 100% guarantee of success.

    However, it is quite possible to conduct a thorough analysis of existing entrepreneurial trends in order to get inspired.

    That is why we will look at the top 10 business ideas, the implementation of which brought their founders wealth and recognition in the world. Who are these people?

    1) Profitable online store “Amazon”

    This ranking opens with Jeffrey Bezos, a businessman from the United States who is considered one of the richest people on the planet.

    His capital is $70.3 billion.

    This fortune was brought to him by the name “Amazon”.

    A profitable business was based on selling books via the Internet.

    The interesting thing is that only $300,000 of the initial investment was invested in the idea.

    Unexpectedly for Jeffrey himself, after some time, the project began to bring in huge capital.

    Thanks to this, the opportunity opened up to expand activities.

    Now this online store is known throughout the world:

    2) The sweet kingdom of Michel Ferrero.

    “Silver” goes to the Ferrero company, the founder of which is Italian businessman Michele Ferrero.

    According to Forbes, Michel Ferrero's capital is 600 billion rubles.

    What brought such success to the businessman?

    A regular chocolate butter that became something new and magical in the grocery industry during that era.

    At the moment, Ferrero produces products from equally well-known brands:

    • "Ferrero Rochen";
    • "Tic-Tac";
    • "Raffaello"
    • “Kinder surprise” and others.

    Russians can learn more about the business on the website:

    3) Idea on billion: storage cells.

    Bronze goes to South American businessman Brad Hughes. He earned his capital (about 200 billion rubles) thanks to a business that now seems commonplace.

    We are talking about storing things in a certain place (along highways) for a certain fee.

    Thanks to the Public Storage company, it has become possible to store your belongings in specially designated safe places in more than thirty countries around the world.

    If you need services of this nature or are interested in business details, visit the company’s official website:

    4) Can toys be profitable?

    American businessman Ty Warner earned his capital of 146 billion rubles thanks to a project that can easily be included in the ideas of himself profitable business in the world.

    Its condition is based on its manufacture soft toys"Beanie Babie"

    This product is produced in single copies and has the status of a collector's item, so it is very expensive.

    Buying one such toy can cost 10,000 – 60,000 rubles, while the cost of creating it does not exceed 600 rubles.

    Secret of success?


    Warner toys cannot be found in regular stores.

    And even more so, you will not find two identical copies.

    5) How to become billionaires through one product?

    The names Dietrich Mateschitz and Kaleo Juvidiha should be familiar to nocturnalists, athletes and young people who like to drink energy drinks from time to time.

    The fact is that they are the creators of the world-famous energy drink “Red Bull”.

    The drink has a rather simple composition:

    • water;
    • glucose;
    • caffeine;
    • vitamin B.

    But this was enough for the idea to earn the title of one of the most profitable business options in the world and brought its creators recognition and capital of 110 billion rubles.

    6) Another profitable business on sweets

    Brothers Paul and Hans Reigel invented chewable rubber candies. various shapes and tastes.

    Hans came up with 260 types of these sweets!

    Sweets are made almost all over the world.

    Each of the founders, thanks to this idea, has a capital of about 1.5 billion dollars.

    7) Profitable business on regular coffee

    To achieve this, Schultz opened a line of coffee shops.

    Currently, the Starbucks chain consists of 12,000 stores!

    The capital earned from this profitable business is $1.1 billion.

    Official website of the company:

    And to open your own profitable business, use the tips from the video:

    How to make your business profitable?

    If for some reason your business does not generate the desired income, pay attention to the following ways to make it profitable:

    1. Make a graph of expenses and profits - this will allow you to determine which area of ​​​​the business is stealing the most. Try to reduce it.
    2. Constantly improve your own qualifications and the interest of your subordinates in their work.
    3. Carry out a set of measures to prevent theft at work.
    4. Divide the business into segments, and identify a responsible person in each area.
    5. Launch a PR company to attract more clients.
    6. Buy new, better equipment.
    7. Raise workers' wages - this will help provoke greater returns on their part;
    8. Secure all company data located in in electronic format. This will save you from financial losses in the future.

    To sum it up, we can say that the most profitable business in the world is the one that you put your heart and hard work into.

    Nothing is given for nothing; you have to work at every task.

    Remember that there is always a place for young entrepreneurs!

    Therefore, you should implement your bold ideas for a profitable business without any fear.

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    There is a small gluten-free grocery store in Australia called Celiac Supplies. It is unusual in that buyers pay to enter, but the price is quite low and is about 5 Australian dollars. When purchasing goods, the client receives a discount commensurate with the entrance fee paid. The essence of the business idea is that consumers often come to look at a product and purchase it in another store; this does not happen when paying for entry. This approach to trading has caused a lot of controversy, with many criticizing this practice. However, the business idea brought its owner widespread fame around the world.

    Professional thief

    Belgium introduced innovation in the service sector. The essence of the business idea is that leading supermarkets hire fake thieves to check the quality of the security services. A “thief” launched into a store must steal as much product as possible without being noticed. Next, a survey is conducted to find out the main tricks. The responsibilities of the so-called thieves also include writing recommendations for improving the security system and automated systems. The business idea has not yet received wide recognition in the world, but it has brought the owners high profits in its segment.

    Shoes made of fish skin

    The following business idea was implemented in Brazil. In a small town there is a small shoe factory with a staff of 4 people, which produces and sells shoes from fish skin. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the product is in great demand. Buyers note that such shoes are especially durable and high quality. The company currently produces more than 60 styles of shoes, releasing 150,000 pairs per year. The whole world definitely has a lot to learn from them.

    Car accident belt

    Argentina also introduced the world to an unusual business idea. Inventor Matthias Gilly has come up with a special belt that prevents car accidents, the most common cause of which is falling asleep at the wheel. The design consists of a belt that is attached to the chest, and the head of the notorious Donald Duck is attached under the chin. As soon as the driver's chin drops, the character begins to quack loudly, causing the driver to instantly wake up. The invention brought great success to its developer; a large percentage of the country's population uses this device.

    Llama shepherd

    In the agricultural sector, the innovation of using South African llamas as shepherds is popular all over the world. Research from around the world has shown that llamas are excellent guards and protect everyone in their sight. Thus, one llama is assigned to the herd, which does not allow predators to approach it. If the animal notices them, it begins to chase. In this case, the need for extermination does not arise, since the lama does not trample its “victims”, but simply scares them away.

    Prison business

    The line was invented in Italy men's clothing, the tailoring of which takes place in prison. This business idea was a resounding success, and similar enterprises began to open around the world. In Germany, such a business idea was appreciated; inmates of Tegel Prison produce trousers, shirts, suits and shoes under the “Inmate” label. During the first month of the company's opening, orders amounted to more than a thousand copies. Then dealers appeared in Hong Kong, Los Angeles and other cities around the world. However, it ended up that the number of orders exceeded production capabilities, since finding personnel in this area is quite difficult.

    Places in the cave

    A businessman from Scotland owns a territory on which there is a cave three kilometers deep. After the news spread around the world that in 2019 an asteroid would hit the Earth and earthquakes would begin, from which one could only escape in caves, Ashford Price had a business idea. He sold places in the cave worth 2 thousand dollars. The actual capacity of the cave was about 100 people. To sell these places, the entrepreneur placed his advertisements in the same newspapers that talked about the disaster. In the first month, all seats were sold out, and the businessman’s capital increased by $1.5 million.

    Restaurant of original drinks

    The Japanese bar-restaurant “Logbar” introduced the world to a simple but effective business idea. The client is given the opportunity to mix cocktails himself, mixing various ingredients. In addition, the new drink must be given a name, which is immediately added to the menu and offered to other customers. If the recipe is successful, the creator receives a certain amount or percentage of the profits for it.

    Online lunch

    A girl from South Korea presented the world with an unusual business idea. After quitting her office job and buying a camera, Seo-Yun began filming her lunches and broadcasting them online. An unusual hobby brought significant income. The girl earns about 10 thousand dollars a month from views and advertising. The secret to the success of a business idea lies in the device modern society. In developed countries, the number of single people focused on their careers is growing. For them, online lunch is a good opportunity to communicate. Seo-Yun also provides assistance to those who are on a diet, but does not refuse lunch and pleasant communication.

    Business ideas of the world give you the opportunity to bring something innovative to the market. Don't be afraid of your ideas and boldly bring them to life. Perhaps your invention will become popular all over the world. Go for it!

    Making snowballs, standing in line, telling people they've been abandoned, painting pets - surprisingly, you can make good money from all this. A selection of the most original business ideas from around the world, as well as expert comments on how to come up with and test an unusual idea - read on

    How to come up with an original business idea

    Any marketer will tell you that the main thing in presenting a product or service is the uniqueness of the offer. But uniqueness in itself does not guarantee business success. The most difficult thing is to come up with a “trick” that will be in demand.

    A brilliant example of applying an original idea to a trivial business is the Australian health food store Celiac Supplies with a paid entrance. In fact, the entrance fee is conditional, because if a person buys something in the store, he receives a discount on the product in the amount of the entrance fee. This seemingly useless idea plays into the hands of the retailer: thanks to the paid entrance, the store “filters out” those who like to “just look” and reduces the likelihood of goods being stolen. On the other hand, paid entrance to the store arouses curiosity among passers-by, and the flow of potential buyers grows.

    Invention original business idea is based on a combination of a well-known product and meeting the current needs of the buyer.

    An example of such an invention is cereal bars (muesli bars). On the one hand, muesli is a well-known product that has nothing original about it. On the other hand, along with the need for a healthy diet to modern man There is always not enough time. Because of this, people are forced to snack on the go.

    That is, before the advent of muesli bars, a person had an alternative: a healthy breakfast, but a loss of time preparing muesli, or fast food. Thus, the inventors of granola bars simply solved both problems at once: they allowed them to eat a healthy product and save time.

    Tatyana Sheinfil, project manager “Marketing Complex”

    According to my observations, creative ideas come to entrepreneurs in two ways:

    1. Marketing while walking. I love this method for its simplicity and accessibility. It is based on observations. This could be a walk around the city – cafes, restaurants, attractions; travel to study the cultural or economic characteristics of the country; and maybe virtual trip- film, surfing the Internet. This does not mean direct copying of an idea, but rather inspiration.

    2. The “pain” method. We are talking about the client’s sore “pain.” When we see the inconvenience of a service, we want it to be different. For example, you cannot check into a hotel with animals or have no one to leave them with during your vacation. I am sure that this is how hotels for pets appeared.

    Below we will look at examples of unusual business ideas collected from around the world.

    Flying food

    The Australian company Jafflechutes organized food delivery... by parachutes.

    The cafe is located on the fourth floor of the house. Few people are willing to go that high just to grab a grilled cheese sandwich. The management of the establishment did not want to lose customers and came up with a food delivery service directly to the pavement - under the windows of the cafe.

    The client makes a pre-order, pays via PayPal, and arrives under the Jafflechutes window. A cross is drawn on the road, and at the appointed time a sandwich is dropped there by parachute.

    However, this interesting business the idea appeared in the world a little earlier: YO! Sushi uses drones to deliver food by air.

    But still, drones are too expensive for widespread use, and they are especially expensive for novice businessmen.

    Creative grooming (pet coloring)

    We have not been able to find out where this originated original idea. But at present, the business of creative animal coloring is developing well abroad, in big cities where many wealthy people live.

    Of course, it's easiest for practicing groomers, who can add animal coloring to their list of standard services. But this idea is quite interesting as an independent business.

    You will need special paints for animals (a tube of one color - from 200 to 600 rubles) and, in fact, an animal for the first experiments. It will also be a living advertisement.

    You can color not only dogs and cats, but also hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits.

    The only caveat: experts do not advise painting animals prone to aggression: increased attention from passers-by will only irritate them.

    Sewing toys based on children's drawings

    Vancouver-based artist Wendy Cao founded a studio for sewing soft toys based on children's drawings. Since 2007, Child's Own Studio has made hundreds of amazing stuffed animals. Parents send her children's drawings, she comes up with a pattern and sews it. Currently, the cost of one toy varies between 120 – 150 dollars.

    This original business idea was picked up in Russia. Today you can find both studios and private craftsmen offering sewing services for toys based on children's drawings. The cost of one toy, depending on the size and complexity of production, is from 500 to 5,000 rubles.

    By the way, sewing toys based on children's drawings - great idea business for women on maternity leave.

    Selling snowballs

    The image of a salesman who can “sell snow to Eskimos” was embodied in the city of Minneapolis. Advertising agency Space150 has installed vending machines around the city where you can buy a beautifully packaged snowball for a dollar apiece.

    One machine can hold up to 500 snowballs. Each can has a production date and the slogan: “Take a snowball home and throw it at a friend.”

    This original business idea is part of a regional branding program: Minnesota hosted the final game of the National Football League championship, the Super Bowl, in 2018. All proceeds from the sale of snowballs are donated to charitable causes.

    Outsourcing socks

    In principle, there is nothing original in the business organization itself: the world is full of companies providing outsourcing services for anything: legal support, development software... But outsourcing things is new.

    Probably every person is familiar with the problem of finding a decent pair of socks in the house: either you run out of clean socks (and always at the wrong time!), then one gets lost, then they all - suddenly - end up with holes. Swiss entrepreneur Samuel Liechti focused on solving this “mystical” problem, which is always relevant for the population. The company he founded, BlackSocks, specializes in “sock outsourcing” and offers everyone a subscription to socks: with at certain intervals The courier delivers a package of fresh socks to the subscriber.

    The most popular are classic black socks at $10 a pair. The bulk of BlackSocks subscribers are, of course, men.

    According to the entrepreneur’s calculations, the service allows subscribers to save about 12 hours annually. The company is now accepting subscriptions not only for socks, but also for underwear.

    Breakup agency

    Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a dating service, but a separation agency is a very original business idea.

    In fact, informing a loved one earlier that you are leaving him is a very difficult step. And few people decide to do this, fearing their partner’s reaction. Agency The Breakup Shop ready to take on these unpleasant obligations.

    For a certain fee, they are ready to write a letter, beautifully design it in the form of a postcard and attach a gift, and deliver it to the addressee. Imagine: you open the door, and behind it is a courier with flowers and a sad face: “They asked you to tell me that everything is over between you. But don’t be upset: you are still young, and the world is full of opportunities! Please sign for the service.”

    This unusual business idea is in good demand, especially among young people.

    Tramidator - professional waiter

    The story of Robert Samuel, an unemployed man who managed to “raise” $325 in line for an iPhone 5 in one day, became widely known on the Internet. As a result, Robert was thoroughly equipped (two smartphones so as not to get bored, a portable charger, a tablet, an umbrella, a portable heater, a chaise longue - everything for the most comfortable waiting) and made the service of changing in line his main income. He even had to hire assistants.

    For professional waiters, the Spaniards even came up with a special name - tramidator.

    In bureaucratic Russia, this unusual business idea is more relevant than anywhere else. And today many have already picked it up, offering waiting services for money. Thus, several groups have settled in VK (for example,), where clients and service providers meet. Mostly students.

    By the way, the price tag for waiting in line services correlates with the amount of earnings of the promoter (100 - 300 rubles per hour, depending on the city). The services of tramidators are used by those who realize that time is money.

    “Plasticine” cafe – “Didu”

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