Write an article for a car magazine for money. Real earnings: writing articles on the Internet for money

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to make money with talent to create captivating texts or how to write an article in a magazine for money?

It's so tempting... Forget about how to wake up every morning to an alarm clock and go outside in any weather... All you need to create a text is a laptop and the Internet, so you can work where it's convenient. Think it's unrealistic? Hundreds of success stories prove otherwise, today I will share one of them with you.

A young girl, my friend, having reached the age of 32 and the position of chief accountant, woke up one morning from the fact that a vague dissatisfaction with life had grown into a persistent disgust. A sure sign, it's time for a change. Writing a letter of resignation is only the beginning of the journey. What's next?

And then she remembered that while still at school she worked as a journalist in a newspaper, she dreamed of making a career as an author, but then for some reason she decided that the economy would feed, but writing was not a fact. Life has shown that the economy feeds something, but does not bring pleasure. Why not go back to what you once dreamed of?

I’ll get ahead of myself and reveal the intrigue right away, my friend managed to achieve her goal - to become a sought-after and well-paid author in Samara. That's why I talked about her, and she, in turn, shared recipes for how you can achieve the same result.

Where does the author's journey begin?

The easiest way to start the writer's path, or rather the path of the copywriter, is with text exchanges. For example, www.etxt.ru. This is a really good opportunity to gain experience, overcome the fear of communicating with the customer, get the first positive feedback and, most importantly, the first money.
Getting started is easy. You need to go through the registration procedure on the exchange. It is advisable to fill out your profile, post a photo, tell about yourself, choose your favorite topics. This makes it easier to find a customer and get exactly those orders that you are interested in. To reach a decent amount of payment, you will need to gain experience (on the stock exchange this is called a rating), create a high-quality portfolio, and build relationships with regular customers. Hard work and dedication will surely lead to success.

The only drawback of working on the exchange is that you will not see your name under the sold text, this is the law of working on the Internet. If you are interested not only in money, but also in fame, then you are interested in magazines.

How to get into glossy magazines?

If you think that only authors with higher journalistic education work in the media, then you are deeply mistaken. People with any education are taken to the position of a freelancer, the main thing is that there is at least a little ability and a great desire to work.

How to start publishing in a magazine? The first strategy is to ask all your friends and acquaintances to see if any of them work in the media or have access to publications. Found? Ask this person to look at your article. Just not just any article, but on the topic of the publication in which you are asking. Yes, you will have to spend time and write a text for free, but you want to get your dream job, right?

If there are no acquaintances, use strategy number two.

Explore best magazines in the city, choose those that are close and interesting to you in terms of subject matter. Write an article for these publications. Then, in the imprint or contact section, look for email editor and send the letter. In the letter, indicate what the article is about, emphasize that it was created specifically for this journal and has not been published anywhere before. Write that you will be happy with the decision to publish your material and are ready to finalize it.

The style of writing and, of course, the article should correspond to the format of the publication. For youth magazines this is one thing, for serious, analytical ones it is another. Demonstrate to the editor-in-chief that you are ready to work, but do not become intrusive at the same time.

Where can you learn to write texts?

If you do not have enough knowledge and experience, it is useful to take a training course on the Internet, for example " How to become the author of a popular magazine or website?". This will give you a methodology for writing an article, a specific plan for finding customers and add confidence.

If you want to not only successfully start, but also successfully continue to cooperate with magazines, always follow the deadlines, agreements and requirements terms of reference on the material. These are rare qualities among freelancers, so create a competitive edge for yourself right away.

By following these simple guidelines with diligence and perseverance, you will very quickly achieve desired job. That's all for today, but the topic of remote earnings has not been exhausted. Subscribe to not miss anything! Be sure to share this article with your friends if you found it helpful. Creative success to you! .

A journalist is interested in a novice author:

How did you come up with the idea of ​​becoming a writer?

We will talk about such earnings online - like paying for articles, I will bring to your attention a couple of sites where you will be paid for writing articles.

How to create passive income on the Internet on articles?

Copywriting is considered the most profitable activity on the Internet after the development and promotion of websites. Most copywriters receive a one-time profit, that is, for each completed order, they are paid a certain amount of money only once.

Today, the buzzword is "passive income". The goals of most people working on the web have shifted in the direction of:

Payment scheme for articles:


This is understandable, since passive income has a number of advantages over a one-time profit. Passive income is a money machine, once launched, you will constantly make a profit, even without working. Working for lump sum payments you will be forced to work constantly. That is, financial security in this case can be represented in the form of two schemes:








If you are new to the Internet, or if you have been working here for a long time, in any case, it's time to set a goal to receive passive income. For beginners, I advise you to first try your hand at making money on surveys or you can combine 2 jobs.

How can a copywriter start making passive income from their texts?

What sites provide such opportunities? Today there are two of them: KakProsto.ru and Guenon.

Let's take a closer look at the process of making money on these services, their advantages and disadvantages.


The site has an audience of approximately 5,000,000 people. Of course, this is a lot, such an amount allows you to be sure of the financial opportunities that the site provides to copywriters.

You post your article on the site for free on absolutely any topic and start earning income from each view. For a thousand views of your text, 50 rubles are credited to the balance, that is, for 1 view - 5 kopecks.

Is it profitable to work here? In order to answer this question, it is enough to do a little research. If your article is written on a popular topic, you do not make any efforts to promote it in search engines, in a year it will be able to gain 1000 views from the audience of KakProsto. You will receive 50 rubles. The number of characters in the article can be any, the editors especially do not find fault with this. Let's say you wrote 1,000 characters (although you could have written fewer). If you analyze advego rates, then for such an article you will receive only $ 0.75 at a time, that is, 22.5 rubles. Earnings with KakProsto more than doubled this amount.

When compared with the prices for etxt, then 50 rubles per 1000 characters is Medium - High level skill. In order to get it, you need to have high-quality knowledge of the Russian language, and on the service with payment for articles - KakProsto.ru this knowledge is not required.

In addition, remember that KakProsto gives you passive income, not a one-time one. No matter how much your article costs on the exchanges, over time you will still earn more.

Let's now calculate your profit. Let's say you work at some other job and you don't have too much time to write articles. You write 10,000 characters a day (with normal language and keyboard skills, it will take you 1-2 hours, but no more). Each of your articles has a volume of 1000 characters, that is, you write 10 articles per day. In 365 days you will have 3650 articles. We will not consider the profit that you will receive in the first year. For the second year, if you do not write anything during it, your profit will be 3650 * 50 = 182500. On average, this is 15,208 rubles per month. Now let's calculate your income for 10 years of hard work. It will amount to 1,825,000, per month - 152,080 rubles. This income is comparable only with earnings on games with payment, since although there is not passive income, but you have fun and earn ...

I think these numbers make you think. With that kind of income, you can afford a lot. And remember the main thing. We considered income without promotion, and passive income in any case implies promotion. By allocating a part of your earnings to the purchase of eternal links, you will multiply your income at times!

Consider now detailed instructions and earnings by writing articles for the site KakProsto.

After registering on the site, enter your Personal Account and click on the "Write an article" link. The service will prompt you to enter text in two formats: basic and step by step. IN step by step format instructions are usually written: what needs to be done first, what then. If you are writing an article for informational purposes, then you should choose a basic format and just write the text without dividing it into steps.

Worth mentioning a few important points about receiving payments from KakProsto.ru. This service, unlike most others, does not make payments to electronic wallets. Money can only be withdrawn to a bank account. Accordingly, you will not be able to withdraw them before reaching the age of 18 and without receiving all required documents, for example Certificates of Compulsory Pension Insurance.

On the one hand, this is a minus, but on the other hand, it increases the reliability of the project and the confidence of customers in it. Since from the online scam article, we know that there are a lot of scammers on the Internet and you should pay attention to this!

On "Your page" you can specify information about yourself. Also indicate on what topics you intend to write articles. This will increase the number of subscribers. Imagine if you have 1,000 subscribers, then in 1-2 days after the publication of an article, you will get all 1,000 views on it and receive money. That is, with such a base, daily earnings will be 500 rubles!

That's all there is to the site. KakProsto.ru

We read the following article about making money online on the Guenon website - Making money online on Guenon


Some people are much more comfortable working from home than commuting to the office every day. Writing articles to order telework via the Internet, which involves the creation of texts for websites, online stores (product descriptions) and forums. Authors who know how to write competent texts can earn good money, especially if there are regular customers.

Making money writing articles

Promotion of sites on the Internet occurs according to certain rules. Search engines index (read) the text content of the site and use it to provide a resource in the list when requested by the user. Important rule for successful promotion, the resource must be filled with unique content. Here, the owners of their own sites will need the services of a copywriter.

Writing articles for websites for money is well suited for people who, for one reason or another, are forced or at least stay at home. Freelancers themselves determine the amount of work, schedule and their earnings. The cost of the article depends on the level of complexity of the topic and volume. As a rule, customers pay a certain amount for 1000 characters without spaces. On the network you can find a variety of offers of payment for writing an article:

  • beginners are offered from 15 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • experienced copywriters can apply for an amount of 50 rubles per 1000;
  • for comments and reviews - 5-10 rubles each.

Where can I write articles for money

All novice authors face one problem - where to sell their work or where to find copywriting jobs. Writing articles for money is a sought-after service, but the competition in this area is high. Mandatory requirement literacy, understanding the basics of SEO (search engine promotion) will be a big plus. In TK, a beginner will encounter such concepts: keywords, anchors, sections H1, H2 and H3, exact or diluted occurrences, classical and academic nausea.

Many clients ask to see a portfolio of your publications. If there are none, then they will not be able to assess the level of ability. There are several main ways to earn money for freelancers:

  • Register on the copywriting exchange, where you can take technical tasks (TOR). In the future, it will also be possible to exhibit your finished articles there and earn money on them.
  • Find the owner of the site who needs to complete the filling of the Internet resource. It will be a large amount of work, but it will end at some point and you will need to look for a new employer.
  • Some online magazines buy ready-made articles, but there are fewer of them and they pay very modestly.


The most popular option among beginner copywriters, where you can write articles for money on the Internet. The sites are an intermediary. In the catalog, customers offer TK with a certain payment, and the authors can take orders for work and receive Additional income. The contractor is required to fulfill all the conditions of the terms of reference. The presence of errors, violation of deadlines, low uniqueness - all this will cause a decrease in the rating and refusal to pay.

Reviews and comments

This new type earnings on the Internet appeared due to the fact that search engines began to take into account the activity of users on the site. The presence of discussions on informational articles or reviews along with the product greatly increases the likelihood of getting to the top lines of the issue. This was the reason for the appearance of orders for writing or posting comments and reviews for money.

The task may consist of simply copying ready-made text to certain sites or writing from scratch. The more difficult the task is, the more money you can get for it. The average cost of one comment is 5-7 rubles. Orders can be placed on the following sites:

  • qcomment.ru;
  • advego;
  • Otzovik.com;
  • Irecommend.ru.

How to write articles online for money

To receive money for writing articles to order, you must be able to complete tasks under the specified requirements. This is not just a text in which you express your thoughts in a free form, this is not school essay where you will be paid for beauty. As a rule, they require the entry of specific key phrases (these are the words that people write in the search line when searching), the presence of a convenient structure for reading. Before delivery, it is necessary to perform a uniqueness check. Uniqueness is a parameter that is determined by a special program.

Articles on the Internet are repeated and it is difficult for a search engine to determine which one to display on the first line, and which one on the tenth. Therefore, she simply leaves those texts that were published later below. To break through to the top, the site needs materials that do not have copies on the network. This is the indicator of uniqueness. There is also a division into certain types and styles of writing:

  1. Rewrite. This type can be compared with exposition in school. You read a source on a topic, and then rewrite everything in your own words while keeping the meaning. The cost is higher than for a positive review, but lower than for copyright.
  2. Copyright. This is the author's text, which is based on personal experience, conclusions and research. As a rule, a professional copywriter who has knowledge in a particular area can write it. You can compare copyright with publications in scientific journals.
  3. Translation. With good ownership foreign language you can take a job to translate foreign articles with a good indicator of uniqueness.
  4. Selling text. A particular look that has an advertising intent, but does not aggressively promote the product. The article describes the benefits that encourage a person to buy.
  5. Comments and feedback on the order. It involves writing a short note on a topic. It can be both positive and negative.

Writing articles for websites

One of the main tasks of a freelancer who writes texts to order is to find customers. There are a lot of authors, so you need to find an employer yourself. You can take orders on content exchanges, but it will be extremely difficult to get a good income from them. The best option would be to work for one regular customer, who will provide the copywriter with a constant amount of work.

There are special platforms that recruit experienced writers and give them orders every day. This ensures high quality texts and good earnings for skilled copywriters. Examples of such sites are:

  • bytext;
  • miratext.


This is an example of a quality site that recruits professional copywriters. First you need to register and write to the administrator. You will be given test, files with the rules for writing texts to order, which are presented by the site. It will be difficult for beginners to cope, but if you have experience in this area, there should be no problems.

Standard requirements are imposed on the article: no errors, competent presentation of thoughts, a high rate of uniqueness, the use of all necessary thematic words. Across Personal Area the author submits the assignment and it is checked by Bytext editors. If everything is fine with the article, then you are immediately paid money for it and you have the opportunity to order the next TK. You yourself determine in your profile which topics are close to you and indicate the required number of characters.


  • lack of competition;
  • the rate starts from 50 rubles per 1000 characters and continues to grow over time;
  • in the future there is an opportunity to become an editor on a permanent basis with a fixed high salary.


  • high quality requirements for articles.

Websites for writing articles for money

It is difficult for beginners to find orders for writing texts, so it is better to start with special sites. Content exchanges act as an intermediary between the performer and the employer. The latter leave their tasks there and set a price that is comfortable for them for it. The authors, on the other hand, look for a suitable work in the catalog and undertake its implementation. For successful orders, the copywriter receives a rating, and the higher it is, the more likely site owners will contact him. Over time, it becomes possible to put ready-made articles on the site for money.


An old and popular site with a large number of registered users. On the Etxt exchange, registration is free, authors can apply for the execution of technical specifications, and employers themselves will determine who will write an article for them to order. Only cheap orders are available for newcomers, for which they will receive a rating. Over time, it will be possible to put up your own texts for sale. A high reputation also opens up access to expensive orders.


  • large client base;
  • convenient order search catalog.


  • high competition;
  • interest for withdrawing money from the system;
  • low pay.


Another giant in the expanse of unique content. The site has good reputation, registered in the system a large number of authors and clients. This resource is known to many thanks to the Advego Plagiatus uniqueness checker, which works directly from your computer. Calculation within the site is carried out in dollars, withdrawal to a currency web wallet. Otherwise, the principle of operation completely repeats the Etxt exchange.


  • many users, there are always orders;
  • you can put your articles for money in the catalog with a certain reputation;
  • there is a forum where beginners can get help from experienced authors.


  • big competition;
  • minimum prices for 100 characters on the Internet;
  • withdrawal of funds only from 5 dollars within 3-5 days.


This is a newer service that provides a convenient tool for checking uniqueness online and also has a catalog with articles and assignments. Site owners can buy ready-made materials for their resources, and authors can find a permanent employer or just an additional income. Order fulfillment will become available immediately after registration on Text.ru. Before submission, the article must be checked by the editors and, if there are errors, returned for revision.


  • convenient catalog for job search;
  • competitive payment for assignments;
  • handy tool for checking uniqueness.


  • high competition;
  • for the withdrawal of funds you are charged a percentage;
  • difficult to rank.


To work on this exchange, the author must first write a test task. This helps to weed out completely illiterate and inexperienced copywriters. This is how the Copylancer administration seeks good quality articles. On the site they offer TK with a payment of 30 to 7 rubles per 1 thousand characters, but when withdrawing, the system withholds 20% of the commission from you. The exchange has a rating system for authors so that customers can see who has necessary experience in writing articles to order.


  • good pay for 1000 characters;
  • low competition.


  • high requirements for the quality of texts;
  • big commission when withdrawing money.

text sale

A popular exchange, the basic requirements for texts are the same as other sites (uniqueness, literacy). Pay per 100 characters is low for beginners, but once you get a rating (1 star), you can put your own articles up for sale for money. Some authors take months to gain a reputation. To avoid this, you can subscribe to a paid subscription.


  • many orders from site owners;
  • a large number of registered users.


  • it is difficult to gain a rating, to get stars they require very High Quality articles;
  • for exhibiting finished works you need to buy a paid subscription.


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How to write an article to order on the Internet - rules and customer requirements

Do you want to have earnings on articles with a payment of $ 1000 per month? Yes? Then read on! Earnings on articles is a great way to make money on the Internet, spending only a few hours a day on it. This job is suitable for everyone who has a desire to earn money, has a computer / laptop and access to the Internet. In addition, you must be able to write beautifully or at least retell the text you read in your own words. Your proposals should be clear and well-formed, there should not be grammatical errors, and punctuation marks should be in their places.

Many job seekers think that in order to make money from articles, they need to be some kind of writing genius, that is, to have talent and a specialized education. They are afraid that they will be asked about their education, how many texts they have already written, etc. This is what most people stop, although in reality these are just excuses and excuses for lazy people. Yes, of course, you need to fill out a minimum questionnaire, but it is very simple and does not require any specific knowledge.

If you studied well at school and know how to compose words from words beautiful texts, then earning on articles is exactly what you need now! Don't waste your time, because every day you go without typing costs you money, and every month you go without writing articles can cost you $1,000. Yes, yes, that's right, the sale of articles can make you monthly $1000 richer. You can earn that kind of money, but don't think it's a ball. In fact, to receive $ 1000 / month. You will have to work hard.

The first thing to do is to register on one, and even better, on all of the resources listed below (article exchanges). Then you need to fill out a portfolio (if any) and start selling articles.

Below are some of the most popular and profitable exchanges for making money from articles.

The most profitable sale of articles on sites:

This content exchange etxt.ru just perfect for making money on articles. Both masters of the word and beginners in copywriting can sell their texts here. This exchange provides its writers with an average monthly salary of 13000r. or 200$. Earnings on articles on this resource very simple. That's why this exchange is for newbie copywriters fits best.

Here are some of the most loyal moderators, easy site navigation and good prices for articles. Over time, your rating will grow, and this will bring even more money.

The settlement on this exchange is made in Russian rubles.

Start with rewriting, that is, simply retyping the finished text in your own words. At the same time, be sure to observe the uniqueness of the texts. Yes, of course, you can write from the head (come up with texts), but in this case you need to be able to properly understand the subject of the article.

To add your new article, go to the "Add article" menu (column on the left), then paste the text into the field and fill in the required fields (article title, description, end, etc.).

Now a little about the cost of articles. You can’t set sky-high prices from the very beginning (no one will buy), even if you are a professional in writing articles. The thing is that first you have to raise your rating. Start with 12-15 ribs per 1000 characters. Then, after every 3rd article sold, raise the cost by 1-2r / 1000 characters. At the same time, write 3-5 articles daily. As a result, in a month you will sell your texts for at least 35-45 rubles / 1000 characters. Daily earnings under such conditions will be about 500-700 rubles.

Real masters of the word, able to create beautiful and interesting articles, on this exchange they can earn about 80-100 scars for 1000 characters, that is, 1000-1200 rubles / day.

In addition to simply writing texts, here you can earn money by completing certain tasks. To do this, submit an offer in the "New Orders" section and after the appointment, start working.

The interesting thing here is that you can work under your account together with your friends. In this case, your rating will skyrocket in the shortest possible time. Or you can just give your friends (or even strangers who want to earn money) a job, indicating the price, for example, not 10 rubles for 1000 characters, but 8 rubles. That is, you will not only quickly raise your rating on the stock exchange, but also earn the difference.

Here you also have the opportunity to sell photos for 200 rubles / piece.

Earnings on articles- real, affordable and, of course, very interesting way earnings. Get to work today, and in a month or two you will be glad that you decided to do copywriting instead of plowing for your uncle for a pittance!


Exchange text.ru in Runet, it occupies the third position in terms of popularity, but at the same time, many believe that it provides an opportunity to earn money on articles no worse than Advego (second place).

Novice copywriters and masters of the word can earn money here. Your income here directly depends on your rating. The higher it is, the more likely you are to grab an expensive task or sell an article at a higher cost.

  • +100 - add a photo to the account
  • +100 - fill in all your details
  • +100 - tell through a special field how you got or what brought you to the exchange

Further success depends on the activity of the copywriter. For each completed order or sold article, the rating increases by 50 or 100 points.

This exchange provides such earnings on articles:

  1. Earnings on orders. This resource has, as it were, two exchanges:
    • a copywriting exchange that is more suitable for experienced workers
    • exchange for rewriting - just right for beginners.

      To make money on orders, just go to the copywriting / rewriting exchange, submit work orders and, after agreement, proceed with the task.

  2. Writing articles and then selling them is the simplest form of income. Write texts and implement them. To do this, print an article, go to the article store and put it up for sale. For novice copywriters, this way of earning is the surest. This will quickly raise your rating (for each article you will receive points) and you will earn good money. You can sell 1000 characters here for 35 rubles.

The disadvantage of this exchange is the moderators who check each article. Therefore, so that you are not banned and forced to retype a hundred times, immediately print carefully and correct all errors before adding.


Advego- this is perhaps one of the most popular young exchanges. It is used by all copywriters - both beginners and professionals. It is noteworthy here that payment is made not in rubles or hryvnia, but in dollars.

Monthly average earnings on articles on this resource - $ 300-400. There is no such thing as a rating here, so beginners and experienced copywriters are almost on the same level here. You can sell articles here immediately from the price of $1/1000zn.

The advantage of the Advego content exchange is that in order to determine the length of an article, in addition to characters, spaces are also taken into account, and this makes the article longer and, accordingly, more expensive.

Another positive side of this exchange is that there is not only earnings on articles. With the help of Advego you can earn on posting (writing posts on various forums) or on advertising on various blogs. This is done so that a person can test himself in as much as possible more types of work, and only then decided what he liked best.

Start your earnings on articles with registration, and then click the link "Job" in the top menu of the resource.

To work on orders There is a Job Search section. Go there and choose tasks. If there is a "Get a job" button, then by clicking it, you will receive a task without any coordination at all. The link "Submit an application" means that you can start the task only after you have been approved as an executor.

For selling articles You must go to Jobs and then Sell Article. Fill out a short form and put your masterpiece up for sale.

Minus content exchange Advego- moderators who monitor the quality of the text very closely, especially for new copywriters. First of all, they look for spelling or punctuation errors. Therefore, the articles put up for sale in Advego must be of high quality. Under such conditions, after a couple of months of work on this exchange, you will have regular customers, and earnings on articles will be at least $ 500-800 / month.

Go to Advego

Copylancer is an ideal place to make money on articles for professional copywriters. Only people with the ability to print near-perfect articles get jobs here.

There are several ways to make money on the stock exchange. The "Articles Store" section provides an opportunity to sell your texts expensively. Each article here is only manually checked by moderators, looking for not only common mistakes, but also stylistic inaccuracies. But imagine that after passing the moderation, you can sell an article at a price of $4/1000zn.

There are always a lot of good orders on the copylancer service in the "Article Exchange" section. They are usually not so expensive, but they are always available. To have access to expensive orders, a copywriter must have the status of "Copywriter". To receive it, you need to make a request and pass a special test task. To be honest, this is not for everyone. But if you succeed, then access to expensive tasks ($3-4/1000zn.) will always be open to you.
There are also very expensive orders for a copylancer, having a price of about $ 8 / 1000zn., but to gain access to them you must not only have the status of "Copywriter", but also pass the exam to obtain the status of "Professional Copywriter".

Do you consider yourself a professional? So test yourself - register on a copylancer and earn $1000-3000/month on articles.


text sale or "Text Seller" - one of the most extensive resources for buying / selling articles. The calculation here is in dollars. The average price of texts is $1/1000 characters.

TextSale, like many other exchanges, has a rating system. Points are earned for all sold/bought articles. The popularity of articles directly depends on the rating of the copywriter, and therefore his earnings also depend on it.

Newcomers to the TextSale resource should lead yourself in the following way. First write articles and make free sales for $0.3/1000zn. At the initial stage, it is not recommended to take orders, since they will not bring a lot of money, and the brains will be steamed with requirements so that the desire to work will disappear completely. The price per article should increase by about $0.04/1000zn. every fourth sale. Try to write at least 2-5 articles a day. With such a pace, in a month your earnings on articles will be 1-1.5$/1000zn.

By selling 3-4 articles per day, you can earn $350-450 monthly. But everything at TextSale is, of course, only in your hands. More robots - more earnings!


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Hi all! I am with you again - Anna, a copywriter, freelancer, who has long said “no” to boring work. Today I suggest you learn about making money on articles. This is the easiest way to get into the freelance stream and become free.

I can't live on a rigid schedule, spend half my life commuting to work. Being someone's pawn is not cool at all. But you have to earn money.

During my searches, I managed to try various things on the Internet that supposedly generate income. many, but they must be carefully selected. Clicks, viewing ads, captcha - good as a hobby, fun. Buy an ice cream there or a character in the game - no more.

One day I learned that you can write for money. It turned my life around. I was able to fly to Thailand, change my laptop, travel around Russia. How many of you can work and not be tied to a certain place? Don't be afraid, I'll help you get started.

Try it and tell us in the comments what you got. Any difficulties? Ask a question at the end of the post.

Who is this type of income for?

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to work - a small child, there are no good vacancies.

Who can earn on texts:

  • mothers on maternity leave
  • students,
  • pensioners,
  • travelers,
  • free-spirited individuals.

Do you think that only an uncle with a philological education can do copywriting? Wrong! You just have to love to write and do it beautifully. Grammar is important, but you can always improve it. In the meantime, use Spelling or others to check for errors.

What you need:

  • laptop or PC
  • keyboard,
  • the Internet,
  • fingers and creativity.

I think most people have it now. Therefore, only you can prevent yourself.

What is this job

When I tell someone that I write for money, they tell me something like this: “How? You don't have higher education, but is it possible?” Yes, it's real. In our age, it is not necessary to squander best years his life in universities, and then frantically look for a job.

Everything can be learned online. For example, we have interesting, professional copywriting courses that will help you reach a new level. You will really spend your time on education. In a short time, learn what the teacher has been explaining for years. Fast, distance learning - rocks!

The main content of the sites is articles. When we're looking for something about sickness, linoleum, or tailoring, what do we need? That's right - good material that will help solve the problem, teach.

If the site is empty and the article is not structured, we close the page and move on down the list.

So our task is to fill the Internet space with this information. Promote websites, sell products or services using text.

Webmasters, businessmen, content managers, blog owners are ready to pay real money for it. But how much depends on the quality of your work, volume, complexity.

What to do with texts? You can immediately write to order, following the requirements of the client, or put your creations on free sale - there is no limit in the choice of topics and deadlines.

Often pay for the size of the article. For every 1,000 characters without spaces, you get from 10 to 350 rubles.

There is also pay-for-performance. Your income will depend on how many subscribers you brought or the goods you sold. Here you need to know the basics of marketing, psychology, sales.

What should a copywriter do

Remember how you were asked to write an essay from school? Nowhere to peep, the sources of words on paper are your thoughts, feelings, personal experience. Was it easy for you? If yes, then you are ready for, you just don't know about it.

Copywriting is writing texts from the head. For example, if you were doing repairs, you can easily tell how to hang wallpaper or putty walls. And young mothers can write about raising children.

Copywriters write not only informational articles for websites. They also do:

  • selling texts for online stores, advertisements, magazines;
  • description of goods, categories;
  • SEO articles to drive traffic to your website.

We come to the main question: “What should a copywriter be able to do?” You can start with a basic knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts.

I advise you to work with your favorite, understandable topic. You came to copywriting for freedom, and not to be bored, right? Give hate articles to someone else. Take what you would be willing to write for free day and night. Success, money, happiness are provided.

Not confident? Do you want to earn over $500 per month? Then I propose. You will learn how to write sales texts, reach large customers.

Who is a rewriter and what is he paid for

Remember how in class you were asked to read a text from a textbook and write a retelling in half an hour. Then you felt like you were wasting your time. It turns out not. Now you can write essays for money. In freelancing, this is called.

How it works:

  1. Enter the title of your topic or a subtitle from the structure into the search engine. For example, you need to write “how to make an owl out of felt”. Looking for a couple of articles about it, read.
  2. Make a plan for the article if it is more than 2,000 characters.
  3. Type the information you read in your own words.
  4. Check for errors, re-read.
  5. Rent to the customer or sell the article.

Need has forced me to plunge into freelancing. The amount needed at that time was large, and I came to the Etxt article exchange. I did not want to write masterpieces for 10–15 rubles/1,000 characters. I used one trick. She helped me get 100-200 rubles. per day even at this price.

Clearly proofread the text, correct the endings. It will take 15-20 minutes, but the work will look perfect.

How long does it take to write an article if you create it with a voice recorder? Let's count. I dictated a text of 2,000 characters without spaces in 10-20 minutes, edited 15. If you try hard, you can keep within 30 minutes.

Then the customers went more seriously, it became more difficult to dictate. I started typing.

You can rewrite behind the keyboard in 2 ways:

  • copy source to word document and edit each sentence;
  • start with a clean slate to write immediately in your own words.

Which way is more convenient is up to you. I am not critical of anything. I liked to write after reading the sources in a clean document.

How much can you write per day:

  • If you use the voice input method 5-7 articles, up to 3,000 characters without spaces. Only 15-21 thousand characters.
  • If you copy the source codes into a document and edit them in the same place, then 4–6 texts, up to 3,000 characters. It turns out 12-18 thousand characters.
  • If you write in an empty document, thoughtfully, then no more than 10-12 thousand characters.

You can dictate cheap articles, which are then resold. You will earn 20 * 15 = 300 rubles per day. Not thick, but better than nothing.

For high-quality rewriting they pay 20-45 rubles. kilosign. So even with a volume of 10,000 characters, you will receive more - 40 * 10 = 400 rubles. daily. This is 10,000 rubles. per month.

You think, who needs such articles, why do they pay for them. I will answer you. Search robots ban sites with plagiarism and lower them to low positions. Increasing uniqueness with the help of rewriting helps the page to get to the first lines of the search.

Rewriting is bought by webmasters, site owners. Why can't they write it themselves, since it's so easy? Lack of time and skills are the main reasons. They have other work, tasks and they are not able to deal with texts.

What to write about

When we fulfill orders, we do not think about the relevance of the subject. SEO specialists and webmasters think for us. Our task is to write interesting and competently.

With sales, things are different. You can write, put in the store anything you want. But will they buy the article? I do not advise you to dive into unloved, incomprehensible topics for you. In these wilds you will get lost, hate copywriting. Follow the golden mean between popularity and love for the topic.

What directions are popular now:

  1. Sport. There are few authors who write enthusiastically and are interested in sports games and competitions. The work is seasonal. More often, performers are searched for during the Olympic Games and championships. But they are well paid. One condition - you must understand this, it is desirable to engage in at least some kind of sport.
  2. Erotica. This includes product descriptions for online stores, and erotic stories. Topic +18 takes up 15–25% of all content. There will always be a job. One problem is that most exchanges do not allow the sale of articles for adults. You need to ask customers to create individual orders.
  3. Surveys, description of films, serials. If you like to sit in front of the TV in the evening or two, then this topic is for you. Retell the plot of your favorite paintings, write a description of the series and earn good money remotely.
  4. Repair and construction. People do their own repairs to save money. And how to learn it? Of course, use the Internet. Sell ​​articles about repairs - you will always find a buyer.
  5. Tourism. Where to go, what to see are hot topics that do not lose popularity over the years. You know how to beautifully and subtly paint the city, describe the sights. Then take note of “tourism” and start writing.
  6. Parenting. How to change diapers, what to do if the baby is crying - only part of the search queries. Thousands of young parents are looking for answers to these questions. So why not help them?
  7. The medicine. Long lines to the doctors, their incompetence make us refuse an unnecessary trip to the hospital. People prefer to look for answers on the Internet.

Now you know what topics to write articles for sale on, choose what you like.

Where to look for orders

Are you ready to scribble articles in full, but where can I find an order? There are so many deceptions all around. Don't worry, I'll show you text exchanges where you can write and earn real money.

TOP-5 exchanges of Runet:

  1. Etxt . This is where my career began. I collected a portfolio, learned to work with customers. You need to take a test, an essay is only necessary to increase prices, you can start without it. On Etxt you will find an article shop where you can sell your work.
  2. text. Earn from 15 to 150 rubles. per kilosign. Look for customers, submit orders, grow your rating along with your income. Access is open to everyone.
  3. Advego. More than 1,000 authors have found their place here, who receive from 80 to 500 $ per month. The cost of orders is indicated in e. After registration, everyone can work, there are no restrictions.
  4. Turbotext. The average price is from 50 to 300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. But in order to get into the golden ranks of authors, you need to pass an exam in Russian, write an essay.
  5. Text Sale . A hypermarket of articles where you can post your texts in batches. Beginners set a price of 0.3–0.5 $ per 1,000 characters. Experienced sellers sell everything for $1-3 per kilosign.

Check out the others, also in this article you will find more detailed description the above sites.

How to write for a magazine or newspaper

Do you read your favorite magazine and dream that your story is on its pages? Believe me, it's real.

Each magazine and newspaper has its own requirements for the material. Some are satisfied with the volume of 7,000–10,000 characters with spaces, while others are not averse to publications of 22,000.

How to find out the requirements of a specific edition:

  • Count the number of characters in the number. Multiply letters by rows, columns. Do for 5 minutes.
  • Read a few articles from the rubric you have chosen. Pay attention to style, words, structure. Many magazines forbid the use of the word "I" - keep this in mind.
  • See if there are quotes, callouts, highlights.

Send in .doc format to the e-mail indicated on the pages of the magazine. At the top should be a description of the article, in the middle - the content, and at the end - quotes and callouts.

Why not publish:

  1. Factual errors. For the wrong names of cities, dates, celebrities - your material will immediately fly into the trash.
  2. Style is not followed.
  3. The file format is not .doc.

For a small volume, there are chances that the work will simply be sent for revision. Good luck!

Your Own Boss - Selling Articles

I want to tell you right away - earnings on the sale of articles are fickle. It's like with a store - today there are a lot of buyers, and tomorrow there are tears of a cat. But you can influence the choice of the buyer a little.

How to earn a lot and quickly:

  1. Publish your portfolio on the article exchange.
  2. Write on popular, interesting topics.
  3. Post ads on the site.
  4. Set a competitive price. I advise you to start with 15-20 rubles. for 1,000 characters, raising the bar after every 4-5 articles sold by 2-4 rubles.
  5. Communicate with buyers, thank them for the purchase, offer other works.

I advise you to write 3-5 texts a day. Sales will go better when the store accumulates at least 40-50 articles. Do not try to grab all the topics at once, take no more than 2-3. So you increase the chances of bulk purchases.

Small business - text reselling

Earnings on the resale of articles is a good extra income for the author, which requires a little time. Not copywriters can be engaged in this business. But it is better when you yourself understand which texts are good, do not contain errors. Get ready for the fact that sometimes you have to correct errors yourself.

Which is better: buying articles or ordering? There is no single answer here. When buying, you can save money, but get complete nonsense, and you will have to spend more on orders. When ordering, you have the right to send the text for revision until it meets the requirements.

I advise you to buy in bulk. Buy 50-100 articles without regrets. On average, one text will cost 30–45 rubles. (15 rubles per kilosign). Filling the store will cost 30 * 50 = 1,500 rubles. Too much? Let's count the profit.

For all articles we will help out 50 * 70 \u003d 3,500 rubles. net profit- 2,000 rubles. Not bad? And with a high rating, you can release each text for 100 rubles. Then the benefit is already 3,500 rubles. And so we grow up to 100–150 rubles. per kilosign.

Every day you can sell 1-2 texts. This is 140-280 rubles per day. For a month we receive 6,300 rubles.

Publish all articles at once in several stores. This way you increase your chances of a sale. More often they buy on Etxt (there are low prices) or on Advego.

We all come in as newbies. It's so good when there is a person nearby who directs you in the right direction.

I offer you some tips to help you work better, more productively:

  • Fill out a portfolio, a profile on the stock exchange - do not be lazy. Customers are not telepaths. They need to show the quality of their work.
  • Do not write a standard request for an order in the style of “Ready to perform with high quality, on time”. So write dozens of performers. Describe in detail why you will do it well, how much you understand the topic.
  • Don't underprice. There are no orders, I want to make prices pleasant for the customer - be patient. It is better to write articles for sale at this time.
  • Develop. Wrote more than 30 works, there are positive reviews, links to texts? Start writing for websites/magazines with serious fees.
  • Decorate your text nicely. Do not forget about subheadings, quotes, lists. Customers appreciate it.

The most important thing is to plan your time, do not break deadlines.