International qualification program NIMA Marketing-A-B. NIMA International Qualification Program Marketing-A-B Online Learning Center "Marketing Education"

Kovalenko Evgenia team leader for work with regular customers Department of Marketing and Sales of CJSC Mir knigi

Training is very useful, first of all, by structuring information, communication
with students and excellent teachers. The ideas that arose during the course of training could be immediately put into practice, the cases that were understood were not just theory, but real application in specific enterprises, and also directly in their company.

Studying under the program of the Netherlands Institute of Marketing influenced my career
I got a promotion. There are additional opportunities, prospects, new acquaintances -
with the people I studied with. New information constantly appears, new meetings, I learn something new.

Sukhanov Roman Head of Marketing at Zelmer

Interesting and rewarding learning. I liked the teaching methodology the most
from the point of view of global business and the influence of some processes on others. This made it possible to bring my knowledge and skills in line with the standards - European, world and, of course, Russian. Before that, I did not have a specialized marketing education, but I had a lot of experience in marketing. Therefore, in this case, this program made it possible to systematize all my practical knowledge, back it up with theoretical skills.
and expand my toolkit in terms of different market research methodologies.

Today on Russian market not many employers who pay attention
for a certificate, but foreign companies that develop their business with us will definitely be a big plus for them.

As a result of the training, I received certificates, one of them is the Netherlands Institute of Marketing, where I passed the certification, the other is the European Marketing Federation. At least six European countries know these methods, and I think that in the competitive selection of a specialist for some position in a foreign company, this will be competitive advantage. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in marketing education.

Timofeeva-Tereshkina Dina senior marketing manager

I took online training under the program of the Netherlands Institute of Marketing. Since I did not have a specialized marketing education before, this was very useful for me,
and helped to clearly understand everything that I do, I began to apply marketing tools that I was taught in my current job.

Now I work as a marketer. I think that my training indirectly influenced my career growth - the knowledge and skills that I acquired were noticed by my management. I am ready to recommend this course to anyone who wants to become a professional in marketing.

Sergeeva Olga Eldorado LLC

Passed the NIMA-B program with interest. Useful cases, professional coaches, a strong group - I was definitely lucky! Yes, and there are many pluses as a result: a European certificate - important point to work in foreign companies, fellow students - useful connections in the professional world, a fresh look at familiar methods and concepts, etc.

I would attribute the following to the minuses: few companies in Russia understand the value of the NIMA certificate.

What has changed in my career? New job new interesting tasks. As an HR friend jokes, it is dangerous to send ambitious employees for training, they are either lured away, or they get bored in their current position, and they leave on their own.

“I need a website, Schaub sold, not complex marketing,” or how it all began

"Kompleto" does Internet marketing for its clients, in which there is much more marketing than "Internet promotion". Our marketers research the market, work out the USP and product positioning, develop a strategy, and only then lead leads to client sites.

Clients are also difficult - B2B companies with a complex product, manufacturers with dealer networks. Such clients are concluded up to several years. Finding customers for our services is really difficult, but you want to eat.

In 1998, when we started, the market did not understand our approach. They tried to look for clients through cold sales - like most companies. It turned out to be fruitless.

Clients said: “Here I want a website. Why do I need a strategy? What for? I need a website, not a system! Just a site. Schaub sold.

We realized that we will get more customers if we educate the market. This is how content marketing was born in Completo.

Completo Content Marketing Structure


  • events,
  • training center,
  • articles and content creation,
  • email marketing,
  • affiliate Marketing,
  • special projects,
  • advertising.

We can talk about each direction for a long, expensive and tedious, but in order not to overload with information, in the article we make an overview of the most interesting ones.

Events - an ancient sales tool in b2b

Exhibitions and offline parties are a selling tool in b2b, and our tops decided to start content marketing with it. We began to speak at every significant marketing and sales conference with case studies on how much money strategy work brings to clients.

We have transferred classic conferences to the Internet, and held 4 online conferences for B2B markets - EMB2B. The base of participants (10,000 addresses) became the basis for email marketing.

From a letter from our listener: “For about 10 years I worked in SEO offices and web studios as a project manager, for 1.5 years as the head of the client management department, and I know firsthand the pain of clients of such offices. For the first time in Completo, I was led by the desire to understand “how it should be”, studied the site, listened to webinars. What you broadcast is consonant and close to me.

Partnerships and a new event department have made it possible to complicate the grid of events. Today, event marketing from Completo is:

We broadcast videos of webinars and offline events on social networks and post some of them on YouTube channel :

Our genchiks at Yet another Conference - Yandex conferences

Vova Davydov on SeoPultTV swears that you are not making a site according to the system

Misha Fedorov at the next conference on the strategic approach to SEO

Online Learning Center "Marketing Education"

In 2013, together with the Netherlands Marketing Institute (NIMA), we opened our Training Center Now we have become the exclusive representatives of NIMA, we issue official diplomas according to the European standard.

In the center we teach 7 courses:

  • Corporate marketing training - a specialized course for employees of your company

All classes are held online, there are homework assignments, additional materials and coaching from teachers - everything is grown-up.

This is what learning looks like: the teacher's talking head and your comments

Letter from student Maeda

In order to teach students to work with their hands, internships were opened - in Completo, Maed and friendly companies.

Expert articles: from SEO to case studies

Initially, we wrote articles about our approach - about developing a strategy, working on a system, and that's it. We diluted them with some general educational and SEO articles - and sawed our content plan. But while we were doing the theory, the project teams were not sitting idle and did a lot of cool stuff for clients.

Since 2016, we have been writing only case articles and we barely have time to release what is planned for the year - the teams are doing too much cool stuff.

Articles are published by partners, in printed publications, in online media, in our .

Content announcements plan publications for business groups during In contact with, in Facebook and in our community of marketers of practice " Tyzhmarketologist ».

Popular articles:

About how we calculate the return on investment in marketing (calculator)

About our unique system in Russia for manufacturers #proudImpossible

About the context for a complex product: revenue increased 20 times (crazy!)

About end-to-end analytics, which no one knows about, and we ate a dog on it (or not)

So far we have 230 articles, but every month - +4 more (to karma, yes)

Email marketing: not spam, but useful

  • Thermal insulation manufacturers
  • Metal roof manufacturers
  • Laminate manufacturers
  • Furnace manufacturers
  • Gate manufacturers
  • Manufacturers of metal furniture
  • Manufacturers of video surveillance systems

  • Download now for free without SMS

    2. Handbooks, instructions, checklists

    In the instructions, we share tips and promote a corporate approach. We take as a basis internal instructions. We include useful links, services and tools for specialists in the text.

    The tutorials are free. Download for health:

    Over 100 SEO optimization tips - all for free!

    For those who want to break their firewood, and not to break after competitors.

    Checklist for developing a digital marketing and sales strategy
    Crazy hands: do the strategy yourself. And then come to us anyway.

    Start cooperation

    3. Video course on system electronic marketing


    We wrote down the steps of systemic email marketing, added links to tools and useful materials and made it available for free. We issue certificates to all who complete the video course. By the way, we often see such a certificate for candidates at the Headhunter.

    Each lesson has books, videos, articles and tools for work

    4. Video course: digital business transformation

    While Plants vs Zombies is being played in the State Duma, Completo's videos are being watched in the Government. Nicely

    For business owners, executives and marketing directors, we have filmed. In short videos on a whiteboard (practically on the fingers) they explained how to build digital marketing for companies.

    13 free lessons - and attach a certificate to your resume

    5. Completo.EDU: a project for pumping knowledge

    At some point, the idea was born to collect all the training materials on one page. The idea turned into a gaming special project - "". On this page, users take courses, watch training videos, read useful materials and receive medals and other goodies.

    Briefing for new users of "Completo.EDU"

    How do we measure the effectiveness of content marketing

    It is important for us to track not only the number of leads, but also their quality. We work with leads High Quality - big companies and manufacturers with dealer networks. But small businesses also contact us - we send them training materials and send them to Maed.

    Screenshot of end-to-end analytics before sales in PowerBI

    Since 2016, Completo has been developing Contrack. The service monitors the effectiveness of content marketing - articles, newsletters, posts in social networks, special projects, partner activities. Contrack is integrated with CRM, web analytics systems and all content marketing channels.

    Chains of touches are also built there. We know about each lead, from which platform he came to us, where he registered, what he signed up for, at what point he decided to leave a request for cooperation. These chains are used by salespeople to talk with customers about topics that are important to them. Through the system we create advertising campaigns aiming at visitors and literally chasing them with content.

    What is written is not visible, but the point is that each rectangle is a touch with our content, and we see the whole chain in Contrack

    Contrack calculates the ROI of content minus the cost of copywriting, layout, placement, advertising, and organizing events. This is a tool for working with all content. In it, we plan publications and keep statistics on content types.

    The system builds lead reports based on a variety of parameters: coverage, likes, comments, partner performance, channel performance, popularity of posts and articles.

    What have we achieved

    Once upon a time, recommendations were the only source of our leads. The triad of co-owners had to work damn hard - both lead projects and shine their face. Only in this way it was possible to convince the market to work with some incomprehensible unknown sect with this their " THE SYSTEM APPROACH» company.

    Leads by year. We have been conducting content marketing for six years, we have been tracking for the last five

    Today Completo is:

    • more than 100 employees;
    • 5 project teams;
    • internal departments of design, development, SEO, traffic, copywriting;
    • educational center;
    • 350+ complex marketing projects in the piggy bank.

    All of this is made possible by the content marketing machine.

    Content is King.

    Would you like to receive an offer from us?

    Start cooperation

    (Visited 2 568 times, 1 visits today)

    Dear colleagues,

    We invite you to undergo training and certification under the International Qualification Program NIMA Marketing-A-B according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

    Who are NIMA programs designed for?

    NIMA-A Level Program Marketing- operational level - designed for marketing professionals working on operational level(for example, assistant director of marketing), as well as for middle and senior professionals employed in other areas (finance, accounting, etc.).

    NIMA-B Level Program Marketing- managerial level - designed for professionals who are ready to learn an in-depth course in marketing, develop skills in development and implementation marketing plan and get certified as a marketing manager.

    NIMA and EQF International Qualification Standard

    Netherlands Institute of Marketing (NIMA) established over 40 years ago. Today it is an institution with more than 35,000 members and conducts about 10,000 examinations per year in the field of marketing, sales, PR and marketing research worldwide. NIMA exams are administered and supervised by the Board of Examiners Foundation. Director of NIMA, Ms. Petra Claessen is Vice President of the European Marketing Confederation (EMC). NIMA is one of 11 EMC members with full voting rights.

    NIMA the first and so far the only one educational institutions Europe, accredited by the EMC "Qualification in Marketing" (2006) for all its diplomas. NIMA certificates are recognized in all EU (27 countries) and EMK (17 countries) member countries and are mandatory for all professional marketers in the Netherlands.

    NIMA participates in the development of common European standards in the field of marketing within the framework of the Commission's project European Union CERCOM plays an important role in EMC's marketing education activities in Europe.

    Qualification Structure EQF (European Qualification Framework) developed by EMC and European Environment Higher education(European Higher Educational Area) within the framework of the Copenhagen process (part of the Bologna process for the unification of education systems). The essence of the EQF system is that each professional activity is divided into 8 universal qualification ranks. After passing the NIMA certification, each graduate receives a special EMC certificate, which assigns the appropriate qualification rank depending on the level of the program.

    NIMA in the world and CIS

    The NIMA diploma is recognized in all EU (27 countries) and EMK (17 countries) member countries. Per recent years the NIMA certification system has been implemented in the Czech Republic, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. For each of these countries, NIMA adapts its programs (certification is conducted in the native language, cases of domestic enterprises are used).

    Benefits of NIMA Programs

    · the main result - a prestigious diploma + development strategy and marketing plan of the company.

    adaptation to the requirements of the business environment in Belarus without downgrading international standards NIMA;

    · state-of-the-art marketing tools and approaches, competency-based education: NIMA Marketing programs use new tools that have not yet been offered for use in Belarus, especially for building a marketing plan, for distribution and SWOT analysis;

    · Acquisitions of neighboring countries and leading Western companies.

    · SATIO provides further consulting support to the trainee in the implementation of the developed plan in the enterprise.

    · highly qualified tutors, accredited by NIMA and ETCN;

    A convenient learning format for super-busy people.

    NIMA - maximum practical orientation

    For companies, the value of the program lies in the fact that its participants apply their knowledge and skills gained during the classes directly into the working practice of the enterprise. Thus, companies, by investing in their employees, can immediately see the result of their investment in education.

    The NIMA diploma opens the Belarusian business for the European consumer. And for domestic specialists, it increases the value of their own companies, arguing that real career growth is the success of your company.

    NIMA Trainers

    Officially accredited according to NIMA standards;

    · are listed in the international database of trainers-consultants NIMA;

    professional practitioners from Belarus and Ukraine who know the specifics of CIS enterprises and their competitive environment;

    · in their work they combine rich teaching experience (in leading universities of the country and abroad) with experience practical activities in business;

    Program language

    Studying proccess and examinations are carried out in Russian. Wherein:

    · European NIMA standards are not lowered due to the scientific development of the program specifically for Russian-speaking countries and the high qualification of trainers accredited by NIMA through ETCN;

    double information load is excluded (new information + foreign language);

    Significantly reduces preparation time, reduces stress in the classroom, which helps to increase self-esteem and increase the effectiveness of the learning process;

    All students are on an equal footing (there is no possibility that a more experienced employee is behind younger or less experienced colleagues due to insufficient knowledge foreign language).

    Exclusive in Belarus official partner Netherlands Institute of Marketing

    Thanks to professional European certification in Belarus, domestic companies expand partnership opportunities with European companies and get not just specialists with a diploma recognized in Europe, but also professionals who have confirmed their level solely on the results practical work over the marketing objectives of the enterprise. The creation of a certification system on the territory of our country will allow Belarusian specialists to receive a qualification status recognized by both Belarusian and Western companies, which will significantly expand their circle professional communication, will ensure in practice equal access with citizens of the states of Europe to professional activity.

    The NIMA program will help you become an international marketing specialist!

    Group classes begin in October 2011.

    To participate in the NIMA A and B professional certification program, you must

    1. Pass on-line testing to determine the level of knowledge in marketing

    2. Pass an interview at the office of the CSBT "SATIO"

    3. Provide documents:

    a copy of the passport;

    a contract for training;

    the application form of the program participant;

    The choice of the training program and, accordingly, the institution, I chose quickly. I consulted with the coolest Ukrainian marketers, and they recommended NIMA. It was important for me to teach in Russian/Ukrainian. I was personally fired from the position that I dreamed of for several years (the head of one of the three areas of the company) after graduating from NIMA :-) True, the next day I was appointed to the position of director of the company. Answering the question whether I justified the investment and whether I achieved the goal - the answer is “yes”. I recommend NIMA to those who want to develop "vertically" and earn decent money. Those who are merciless about their schedule, work schedule, put serious goals and moves towards them.

    Evgeny Velikanov

    Artem Boyko

    Studying on the NIMA Marketing-B program is one of the best short-term programs (as an additional education) in the field of marketing. This is an opportunity to get a decent level of knowledge without leaving Ukraine. In a fairly short time, the course allows you to get deep and, most importantly, close to practice knowledge in the marketing industry. The advantage of NIMA lies in the practicality of the knowledge that you get and in a good balance between theory and practice. A convenient schedule of classes (on weekends) allows you not to break away from work. Learning is very interesting and informative. Teachers are practicing businessmen and marketing directors who not only present theory, but share their experience. A large number of case studies contribute to the rapid consolidation of knowledge. A very friendly team gathered on our course, we all became friends and to this day we communicate and help each other in the field of marketing and share our professional experience.

    Shcherbak Natalia

    Project manager of Business Development at Delta Medical

    I needed to expand my knowledge towards classic offline marketing. Among the criteria - fast course learning in their native language and an international diploma. It was difficult to keep up the pace of learning, especially with studying additional materials. Self-training in this program is critical and there was not enough time for it.
    Most of all I liked the "math" of the course. Not general phrases, but specific calculated parameters and methods. I rate the level of teaching as high. The main course was given extremely well.
    The written exam was more difficult, although the presentation of the plan seemed like a mere formality, but turned out to be a rather difficult undertaking. My marketing company has been living according to the plan drawn up within the framework of NIMA for half a year now. So it's cardinal. I got exactly what I was looking for.

    Eldar Nagorny

    NIMA for me is trust in the training program, prestige and involvement with the European educational system. Ambition and desire for personal growth possible prospects work in Europe, as well as the need for knowledge of marketing as a holistic science led me to NIMA. To be honest, it wasn't easy. In the financial module, as well as in the assimilation of a very large amount of material. It was quite difficult to combine work with the learning process without slowing down. But it was incredibly interesting! Especially - to observe and feel how my own potential is revealed in the learning process. The mentor in the face of Yuri Robul was cool. After training, concreteness and consistency in goals, causes and consequences appeared. Marketing strategy received consistency, integration of all components of the marketing mix, and, most importantly, an orientation towards financial indicators. An international diploma is a must have if you are ambitious, open to new things, progressive. Strong self-confidence, as in a specialist, pushes to new achievements and gives confidence. NIMA is an important part of my life. To get this invaluable experience and knowledge, I recommend to all friends and simply interesting people.

    Olga Kuzmenko

    Marketing Specialist of CANTIK EL & HENRYLAND GROUP