Makeup salons, home visits. Prices of our beauty salon

Hairdresser services have always been in demand. Therefore, organizing a salon business today is a fairly expedient and profitable undertaking. There are a lot of business ideas for building a salon business. One of the most relevant at the moment is the opening of a mobile beauty salon. The benefits of this enterprise are obvious. The modern client no longer wants, and cannot afford, after a 10-hour working day, to sit in line at the hairdresser, look for and wait for a “window” with his hairdresser, and, even more so, visit a beauty salon from Monday to Friday. It is much easier to order a specific service to your home, office or anywhere where it is convenient for the client. You can place such an order using phone call or via the website.

The optimal method of promoting a mobile salon business is to create a company website on which it will be published detailed information directly about the services, their costs, information about specialists and, of course, customer reviews.

Advantages of a salon business at home

One of the biggest advantages of a mobile salon business is the absence of the need to rent and equip salon premises to receive and serve clients.

The second advantage of beauty treatments at home is the client’s comfort. First of all, the latter does not need to find time to travel to the salon to get a manicure, haircut or styling. And the presence of a website with a description of services allows you to expand your client base and range of services.

It will take about $1,000 to create a business card website and promote it. Equipment and special equipment, as a rule, are available to all craftsmen. For advertising skills and services, they will give the mobile beauty salon about 20% of the cost of orders.

By the way, to provide hairdressing and other salon services at home, there is no need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. And this also makes running such a business much easier.

Conditions for the profitability of a mobile beauty salon at home

One of the hairdressers may say: why should I open a beauty salon and offer work to other hairdressers, because I can work for myself and rely only on my own strength. However, self-employment in the mobile salon business can rarely be called profitable. This kind entrepreneurial activity belongs to the category “time is money”. The more clients served, the more profit. Involving several professionals at once in a beauty salon at home allows you to increase the profitability of the enterprise by up to 50% (if there are at least 100 orders per month).

Disadvantages of a mobile salon business

The main disadvantage of a salon business at home is high risks loss of clients due to the work of craftsmen not through an intermediary, but directly. To avoid this, you can carry out all kinds of promotions and loyalty programs, for example, for calling back and confirming the receipt of the service with the provision of the number of the mobile technician who served the client, 50% of the cost of the service is returned to him. Client bonuses can be paid for through the fines of the employees themselves.

The majority of advertising – 70% – should be done online. Internet marketing is the most effective. Otherwise, you can promote the salon’s services by word of mouth, offering group services with discounts, such as minus 10% of the cost of an order for a haircut or manicure for 3-5 people at once lunch break. You can advertise in magazines and newspapers, hand out brochures and business cards. One more effective look Advertising for a mobile hairdressing salon involves applying information to the master's car.

Types of mobile salon

A home beauty salon can have a wide or narrow profile. The latter will specialize exclusively in haircuts, styling, manicure and pedicure. While a wide-ranging salon business will offer hair removal, massage, spa treatments, bridal makeup, etc. to its clients.

The next criterion on the basis of which you can classify beauty salons at home is economy, middle or luxury class of service. At the same time, the economical option does not mean at all that the services of the master will be of less quality. The discount may be based on the low urgency of the order, its completion time and the use of less modern technologies and cheaper materials when providing hairdressing services.

The benefits of a salon business at home are obvious. The low prevalence in Russia of such a business idea as servicing clients of a beauty salon at home, where no more than two dozen companies practice it, indicates the promise of such entrepreneurial activity, which, moreover, does not require huge capital investments.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 15 minutes


A mobile beauty salon is a fresh idea for the Russian consumer, arousing great interest not only among clients, but also among businessmen. Such a business also has its own nuances, which will be discussed in detail in this article.

We are opening a mobile beauty salon, where to start? Required documents

Any business begins with an idea, but without proper implementation of it, it will not be profitable. First of all, you need to choose the concept of your salon - prices, come up with your own flavor. Often, businessmen are at a loss when faced with the need to draw up documents, but without them they will not be able to work legally.

A mobile beauty salon must be officially registered.

A businessman can choose one of the following legal forms:

The first option is most preferable because:

  • Registration is much easier.
  • An entrepreneur has the opportunity to use favorable tax regimes.
  • There is no need to draw up statutory documents.
  • There is no need to open a current account or order printing.
  • Fewer registration costs (in 2016, the state duty for opening an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, for opening an LLC – 4,000 rubles).

When registering, the entrepreneur must indicate OKVED codes for all activities that will be provided in the salon.

The following codes may be included:

  • 93.02 — Providing services to hairdressers and beauty salons.
  • 93.05 — Providing other personal services.

Before submitting documents, you also need to decide on the form of taxation. The OKUN code classifier says that beauty salon services fall into the household category. This allows the use of UTII. You can also choose the simplified tax system.

When working with UTII, a businessman pays a fixed amount based on the number of employees. This mode also does not require the use of cash registers, unlike the simplified tax system. Those whose incomes are above the regional average should choose UTII.

Beauty salon services are not licensed. The exception is cosmetology services.

By turning to the legislation, you can find out that it is now illegal to provide beauty salon services at a client’s home, because the SES issues a permit for a specific premises. The only way to do everything correctly and legally is to equip a minibus or other vehicle.

In addition to the conclusion of the SES, you need to obtain permits from the district administration and the fire inspectorate.

The organization must also have the following documents:

  1. Safety magazine.
  2. Agreement with third party for waste removal and disposal.
  3. Disinfectant consumption log.
  4. Agreement for the treatment of premises.
  5. Agreement with a dry cleaner.

There will be a lot of paperwork, but all of them will ensure the legal and correct operation of the beauty salon from a legislative point of view.

What services can a mobile beauty salon provide? Approximate price list

It is very important to decide on the specifics of the work.

There are several types of beauty salons:

  1. Beauty saloon narrow profile . It involves working in one or more directions. Usually this is a manicure, pedicure and hairdresser. This type is more economical and suitable for beginning businessmen with small starting capital.
  2. Wide range of beauty salon . In addition to the services listed above, such an organization may include in its price list massage (not therapeutic, since it requires a license), makeup, hair removal and other procedures.

Having decided on the direction, you need to create a price list. To do this, you need to understand what class the mobile beauty salon will belong to.

It could be:

  • Economy
  • Average.
  • Premium

The most promising niche is economy class salons, since the quality of services is not inferior to other establishments, and the demand is several times higher. Based on the type of organization, you need to develop a price list. The price should not be much higher than in stationary salons.

In the middle segment of this business, there is the highest demand for the following services:

  1. Women's haircut.
  2. Nail extension.
  3. Wedding make-up.
  4. Tattoo.

An organization's price list may look like this:

Additionally, other types of services will appear, based on the specifics of a particular salon. It must also be compiled in order to calculate revenue.

When talking about pricing, an entrepreneur should think about one more very important thing - discounts. Increasingly, people come to the salon not alone. Such a joint trip can be encouraged with a small discount of 5–10%, for example.

You can organize promotions - hold a week of manicures and pedicures, offering your services at a lower price. This approach will increase monthly profits due to increased demand for specific services.

What is required to organize a beauty salon from scratch? (transport, equipment, etc.)

To open a mobile beauty salon you will need premises. In this case, it can be a minibus or a large bus - it all depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

In order for salon specialists to carry out their activities, there must be power and water inside. You can get a special generator, and purchase water and pour it into a pump or tank equipped inside, since the car will be moving all the time.

Inside, you will need to equip workplaces for the entire shift of masters, and make the interior of the salon unusual and memorable.

The space can be divided into the following compartments:

  • Driver's cabin.
  • Passenger lounge with several seats.
  • Salon.
  • Manicure salon.
  • Sanitary and hygienic compartment.

To work, specialists will need working tools, there are two ways to do this:

  1. Hire employees with your own equipment;
  2. Purchase everything you need yourself.

The second option is more expensive, but will bring greater profits in the future. The number of tools will directly depend on the number of workers per shift. It is worth taking care of uniforms for employees, which will raise the status of the salon in the eyes of clients.

You'll have to buy it right away Consumables for smooth operation of offices. Later, it can be based on the demand for the services provided.

In this type of business, one of the components of success is promoting your own brand. About 60–70% of advertising today occurs on the Internet. It’s worth taking care of promoting the salon even before the opening.

The following tools can be used:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Various notice boards.
  • Advertise on local beauty and health websites.
  • Own business card website.

It is important to make your own website not only beautiful, but also useful to the client. It should contain information about opening hours, technicians, prices, promotions and discounts.

It is also necessary to take care of accounting automation. The salon must have its own customer base that will bring the main income. It is important to develop a loyalty program so that people come to the salon again and again.

Personnel for working in a mobile beauty salon

Recruiting qualified personnel is one of the most important components of the success of a beauty salon.

The number of employees will depend on the following factors:

  • List of services provided.
  • Volume of orders.
  • Capacity of the transport used.

Employees include:

  1. Hairdressers (1–2 people per shift).
  2. Manicure and pedicure specialists (only 2-3 people per shift).
  3. Makeup artists (1 person).

If the salon provides some other services, you will have to hire other specialists.

Since specialists work with people, they must have health records and undergo a medical examination on time. It will be a plus if specialists have certificates for completing courses.

It is worth getting an administrator who will work with the site, promote services on the Internet, call clients, communicate with them by phone and online. Of course, you will need a driver - one person per shift will be enough.

Specialists will work with clients, so it is important not to allow these services to be provided outside the salon. Otherwise, revenue may decrease significantly. Here you can either punish workers or create a cozy atmosphere in the team. The motivation for specialists will be wage as a percentage of the order .

There is no point in opening a salon with several employees - the profit will be small. There must be at least 8–10 people working in the organization.

It is important to determine the method of payment:

  • Piecework (% of orders).
  • Fixed (salary).
  • Mixed (salary + %).

The second or third methods are more suitable for the driver and administrator, and the first or third for masters.

Is a mobile beauty salon open 24/7 or not? Which work scheme is more profitable?

You need to talk about the profitability of a 24-hour beauty salon in the context of a specific city. For small areas, such a scheme is unlikely to pay off. But for megacities, where nightlife is in full swing, part-time work at a late time is very relevant.

In general, you can adapt to the wishes of your clients. It is very profitable to take large orders at a later time. For example, wedding hairstyle, makeup, manicure, pedicure for the bride and her bridesmaids. Services can also be provided at a big discount.

For a mobile beauty salon, peak activity occurs in the afternoon and evening. You can always arrange for a specialist to come to order for an additional fee.

The optimal work schedule is as follows:

Shifts can work 2 through 2, 1 through 1, or on another schedule.

Sample business plan for a mobile beauty salon without premises: calculation of income and expenses

To assess the prospects for an opening mobile beauty salon, you need to calculate approximate costs, income and initial investment.

Amount of initial expenses

Initial costs will be approximately as follows:

Thus, to open a mobile beauty salon, you will need almost 1 million rubles. You can save on transport and purchase a used car, as well as hire staff with your own tools.

Monthly income

Thus, average earnings per month is a little more than 700 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs

Each month the expenses will be as follows:

Calculation of business performance indicators

Thus, profit margin will be equal to: 720,000 – 455,000 = 265,000 rubles.

Profitability : 265 000/ 951 000*100% = 27,87%.

Payback : 951,000/265,000 = 3.58. Consequently, a mobile beauty salon will pay for itself within 4 months.

All these indicators indicate high business prospects. High demand for the service in megacities increases the likelihood of success. And this niche is still almost free, which opens up many prospects for a novice entrepreneur.

Does it make sense to open a mobile beauty salon in a small town or village?

Open a mobile beauty salon in small town you have to be very careful. Such an undertaking may not only fail to generate income, but also make the organization unprofitable. This is due to the fact that the size of the city is small, and people are not ready to overpay for field services. And this can pay for itself in quite a long time. The period can drag on for more than a year, and sometimes even lead to bankruptcy.

For small cities, we can only consider visiting specialists to the client’s home. But this will no longer be a completely legal business. If you start such a thing, then do it alone as a specialist. This will require little expense, and the business will pay off much sooner.

1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Mobile beauty salons are damn convenient: people abandon time-tested places for them when they realize that it’s better to read or sleep for two hours than to transport yourself to point B and back. Or when the face after Thermage looks so that you don’t even want to meet the eyes of your own dog. Or when a child appears, and the desire to get manicures regularly does not disappear. As in any field, there are good and not so good ones among mobile salons. In some places it is better to do your nails, in others you trust your body and face, in others you trust your hair. These three places shouldn't disappoint.

The mobile beauty salons have friendly administrators. They will wish you a good day, select a suitable specialist, and listen to your grievances. By calling a master who works for himself to your home, you are deprived of such service

Beauty Mum

Jun 1 2015 at 9:04 PDT

>The guys position themselves as the first traveling beauty salon for mothers. And indeed, the local masters do not react to heartbreaking crying; they confidently, but without much enthusiasm, support children’s themes; they allow an extra half hour for a manicure, because they know: the child can wake up at any moment, and the mother will smear the coating.

From the pleasant:

The masters wear a uniform and carry with them everything necessary for the procedure. By the way, you can sign up for it without calling, by leaving a comment with your number on the salon’s Instagram.


Manicure and pedicure without coating - 1,680 rubles, visit of a specialist within the Moscow Ring Road - 250 rubles.

Juice MUA

Jun 21 2015 at 1:56 PDT

The salon's profile is makeup and everything connected with it. The project was launched less than a year ago, and it was invented by makeup artists who have been using brushes and puffs for ten years. Those who don’t know which way to approach red lipstick, but want to learn how to handle beauty professionally, should call Juice MUA. A makeup artist either comes home and puts on your makeup—that’s one service—or teaches you how to do makeup—that’s another. The individual lesson includes a master class on makeup for daily use or for a special occasion, analysis of a cosmetic bag, coloring and shaping of eyebrows. The last point could be considered a bonus. The salon's menu also includes a make-up course, consisting of three lessons of three hours each.

From the pleasant:

The project’s makeup artists are not against giving group lessons for a group of friends. It will pass as a bachelorette party idea, remember. It will be cheaper and more fun. Once you become a client of the service, you can ask your makeup artist more and more questions online. A special item on the Juice MUA menu is beauty shopping. Although this service is only partially provided at home, we could not keep silent about it. The first step is to sort out your cosmetics with a makeup artist, and then go shopping together to update it. Your companion will save you from the intrusiveness of consultants, tell you about brands and products as an independent person, and select the products you really need. You can also take advantage of his personal discount; professional makeup artists have them in almost all stores.

The project's makeup artists do not work for any specific brand. Here it is, the guarantee of honest advice and recommendations


Individual makeup lesson – 8,000 rubles. (3 hours), training in a group of 3 to 5 people – 5,000 rubles. per person (duration – 5 hours).

Beauty Catering Peggy Sue

Jun 18 2015 at 12:47 pm PDT

The salon's menu is impressive: you can transform yourself from top to bottom, or more precisely, from a deep bikini to a wedding hairstyle. Beauty fairies are ready to tidy up men’s homes as well; there is a separate list of procedures for them, including spa manicures and beard trims.

From the pleasant:

The site has an online consultant who is really always on duty. The craftsmen agree to work even at night - plus 30% to the daily price. And if necessary, specialists will rush to you within 90 minutes after placing your order. Hence the pricing: the cost of services is not what Beauty Catering Peggy Sue is loved for.


Casual styling – RUB 2,500. (long hair), dyeing in one tone – RUB 4,500. (long hair).

How to understand that your home manicure is of high quality:

The master will open a craft bag with tools in front of you, demonstrate a sterility indicator and draw your attention to his actions;
along with varnishes and files, he will bring a table lamp with him, and will not ask you to turn on the light in the room or sit under the floor lamp;
the specialist will ask whether you prefer edged or waterless manicure, and will clarify whether to cut the cuticle;
will bring with him several shades of varnish, which you told the administrator about during the appointment - the client should have a choice;
At the end of the procedure, you will massage your hands and apply a delicious cream.

Glamor beauty salon invites you to visit us! This is a place where you will feel comfortable - our beauty salon offers you quality. You will also be able to fully fulfill any wishes according to various services services provided by our specialists: manicure, pedicure, high-quality nail extensions and development of their design. Glamor beauty salon invites you to visit us! This is a place where you will feel comfortable - our beauty salon offers you quality. You will also be able to fully fulfill any wishes for the various services that our masters provide: the full range of hairdressing services, manicure, pedicure, high-quality nail extensions and development of their design, cosmetology, massage, tattoo/permanent makeup.

Prices for a visiting beauty salon

24-hour mobile beauty salon. Yes, now the time you spend traveling to and from a regular salon is entirely yours. A 24-hour mobile beauty salon operates with the same quality high level services, as well as day rooms on the street. Nizhny Novgorod. But it gives 2 more new advantages: it frees you from unnecessary fuss and gives you bonuses. And now for the nice details. Services

Beauty salon in Moscow on Nizhegorodskaya street.

We are glad to every client

Our salon offers the service of calling a hairdresser to your home. Jewelry braiding using both traditional and the most modern styles and types of braiding that are sure to reflect and naturally complement your charm!“I am sure that every woman is unique and beautiful, and I never cease to be amazed at how women can transform, how they begin to radiate beauty and confidence. An individual approach to each client allows me to create a unique image and

great mood

"Be beautiful and happy always.

24-hour mobile beauty salon services Mobile beauty salon at home The Glamor mobile beauty salon works for your comfort and convenience, therefore we intend to come to you at any time.