Qualifications in the direction of service bodies. Advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens

"Financial newspaper. Regional issue", N 26, 2000

Vocational training, retraining and advanced training (hereinafter referred to as vocational training) of unemployed citizens are a form of realization of their constitutional rights to work, protection from unemployment and an active employment policy.

The right of unemployed citizens to free vocational training in the direction of the employment service is enshrined in the Law Russian Federation dated 04/19/1991 (as amended on 04/20/1996 N 36-FZ) "On employment in the Russian Federation" (Art. 9, 12).

Currently, the system of vocational training for unemployed citizens is in operation and is constantly developing. It includes:

formation of a network of educational institutions and organizations that have a training and production base for vocational training of unemployed citizens;

formation and systematic updating of territorial data banks on professions, specialties, occupations for which vocational training is or may be carried out, professional selection of unemployed citizens, taking into account their right to choose the type of activity and profession;

methodological support for vocational training of unemployed citizens;

the formation of study groups from among unemployed citizens, as well as the direction for training on an individual basis;

material support for unemployed citizens during the period of study;

employment guarantees upon graduation.

Joint Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2000 N 3/1, the Regulations on the organization of vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were approved.

It should be noted that not all unemployed citizens can undergo vocational training in the direction of the employment service, but only those who meet one of the conditions specified in Article 23 of the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation".

In accordance with this article, vocational training of unemployed citizens can be carried out at the direction of the employment service, if:

it is impossible to find a suitable job because the citizen does not have the necessary professional qualifications;

it is necessary to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the citizen's professional skills;

the citizen has lost the ability to perform work in the former profession (specialty).

At the same time, some categories of citizens have a priority right to vocational training. First of all, the training is directed to:

unemployed people with disabilities;

unemployed citizens after a six-month period of unemployment;

citizens dismissed from military service;

wives (husbands) of servicemen and citizens dismissed from military service;

Graduates educational institutions;

citizens, for the first time job seekers(previously not working), not having a profession (specialty).

So, how can a citizen exercise his right to vocational training in the direction of the employment service?

First of all, you should contact the employment service office at your place of residence. After registering a citizen as an unemployed person in accordance with the procedure established by law, he has the right to receive full information about the possibilities of vocational training, professional advice in order to choose a profession (specialty) for which training will be carried out, as well as material support in the form of a scholarship for the period of study.

Vocational training is carried out in professions, specialties that are in demand on the labor market. At the same time, the possibility of vocational training in a profession (specialty) that is not in demand on the labor market, but for a specific workplace provided by the employer upon completion of training in accordance with the contract concluded with the employment service body. Employment service bodies can offer the unemployed, taking into account their education, professional experience and health, options for choosing a profession, specialty.

Vocational training of unemployed citizens in the direction of the employment service is, as a rule, of a short-term nature and cannot exceed 12 months. At the same time, educational institutions and organizations providing training are given the right, in agreement with the employment service authorities, to change the duration of training provided for by the training programs.

The Regulation provides different kinds vocational training:

professional training in order to accelerate the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a specific job, group of jobs;

retraining of workers for the acquisition of new professions;

training workers with professions, second professions;

advanced training of workers;

professional retraining of specialists to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities;

advanced training of specialists in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge;

specialist training.

Receipt by unemployed citizens of the second higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of the employment service is not allowed.

Vocational training for unemployed citizens can be carried out in full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education and may include a theoretical course, industrial training (industrial practice) and, if necessary, an internship. Extramural training is not provided.

The direction of unemployed citizens for vocational training is preceded by career guidance work, including professional counseling and professional selection, psychological support provided by the relevant departments (employees) of the employment service, career guidance services of educational institutions.

Training groups are usually made up of persons sent for training in the same or related professions, specialties that are close in terms of the level of qualifications they receive, taking into account their educational background and practical experience.

With a course (group) form of training for unemployed citizens, training groups are completed, as a rule, with a number of at least 10 people, with an individual one - for one teacher (consultant), no more than 2 people are assigned at the same time as an industrial training instructor.

Employment service bodies on a competitive basis determine educational institutions, as well as organizations providing vocational training for unemployed citizens, and conclude contracts with them in the prescribed manner.

After the selection has been made, the employment service bodies conclude contracts with unemployed citizens, on the basis of which they are issued referrals for training in the prescribed form. The direction of unemployed citizens for vocational training is carried out all year round.

Unemployed citizens sent for vocational training are guaranteed by the state free medical care and medical examination, free education, scholarships, including during the period of temporary disability of an unemployed citizen, established in the manner and in the amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 30 of the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation", unemployed citizens during the period of study are paid a scholarship, the amount of which is differentiated for various categories.

For citizens who were dismissed from organizations during the 12 months preceding the start of training, and who had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks during this period, the amount of the scholarship is determined depending on the size of their average earnings at their last place of work. In this case, the scholarship will be paid in the amount of 75% of the average earnings at the last place of work throughout the study. At the same time, the amount of the scholarship cannot exceed the level of the average wage that has developed in the subject of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who by the beginning of training have a period of paid work of less than 26 calendar weeks, as well as citizens who have a break in labor activity which exceeds one year, job seekers for the first time (previously not working), can count on a scholarship in the amount established by the state for educational institutions of the relevant profile, or in the amount established by law minimum wage labor.

After the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the prescribed manner, determine the subsistence minimum in a given republic, territory, region, the amount of the scholarship will not exceed this subsistence minimum and not less than 20% of the subsistence minimum in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have lost the ability to perform their previous work due to an accident at work or an occupational disease are given a scholarship in the amount of 100% of the average earnings at the last place of work for the period of study, and at the expense of these organizations. If there are persons who are supported by an unemployed citizen, the amount of the scholarship increases.

In case of poor academic performance or irregular attendance, the amount of the scholarship may be reduced or its payment may be suspended for up to one month.

If necessary, the employment service authorities may provide material assistance to citizens aimed at vocational training.

The current Regulation provides for the case when specialists cannot find a suitable job for themselves and wish to master working profession. They are given this opportunity.

An integral part of the vocational training system is the training of unemployed citizens in the basics entrepreneurial activity. The specified direction of training is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of training of the unemployed population in the basics of entrepreneurial activity, approved by the Order Federal Service employment of Russia dated April 18, 1996 N 93.

The direction to study the basics of entrepreneurial activity is preceded by professional selection. In the process of learning, unemployed citizens master such areas and disciplines as organizing their own business, drawing up a business plan, marketing, finance, accounting, taxation, legislation, resource management, personnel management, etc.

Educational institutions, organizations providing vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population, issue appropriate orders (instructions) on the beginning and end of training.

Unemployed citizens sent by the employment service for vocational training may receive at the place of industrial training (internship) the appropriate salary for the self-made by them finished products(work), which does not affect the amount of scholarship they receive.

One of the forms of vocational training is evening, so the training of unemployed citizens, if necessary and taking into account their desire, can be combined with the performance of paid public works on the basis of fixed-term employment contracts concluded with them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Successful completion of vocational training in vocational education institutions with state accreditation is confirmed by relevant documents state sample(certificate, certificate, diploma).

Employment service bodies are involved in monitoring the quality of education. An educational institution that has state accreditation and provides vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population, the state attestation service, on the proposal of the employment service authorities, may, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, send a complaint about the quality of education and the inconsistency of education with the requirements.

The expulsion of persons sent by the employment service bodies for vocational training, before the end of training, is carried out by educational institutions, organizations in accordance with the procedure established by them with the obligatory notification of the employment service bodies.

Citizens who have completed vocational training in the direction of the employment service and have not found a job (profitable occupation) are recognized as unemployed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Financing of vocational training for unemployed citizens is carried out at the expense of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation intended for these purposes, and other sources. Employment service bodies pay the following costs associated with vocational training of unemployed citizens:

salary teaching staff and persons carrying out theoretical and industrial training (internship), internship;

remuneration of members of commissions for attestation of persons who have completed training;

payment for the development, acquisition, production, examination of curricula and programs, educational and methodological materials, teaching aids;

payment for the acquisition, rent and maintenance of the educational and production areas, equipment, tools, fixtures, raw materials, and other material resources necessary for training;

payment of scholarships to unemployed citizens for the entire period of study;

payment, if necessary, of the cost of travel (to the place of training and back) and expenses associated with the residence of citizens sent by the employment service for vocational training in another locality;

payment, if necessary, for overalls, special footwear and other means personal protection, as well as special meals during the period of vocational training of citizens;

the costs of maintaining and equipping training centers of the employment service in accordance with contracts for these purposes;

other expenses directly related to the organization and implementation of vocational training.

Legal department

Vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens. Scholarship payment.

In what cases can an unemployed citizen be sent for vocational training or retraining? In what types and forms is vocational training carried out? How much is the scholarship for the unemployed if he is sent by the employment service for vocational training? What deductions can be made from the scholarship? Is a scholarship paid to a citizen who combines vocational training with the performance of paid public works? In what cases can the payment of a scholarship be suspended or reduced? Under what conditions can a scholarship be terminated? Is the scholarship paid to the unemployed, undergoing training in the direction of the employment service, during the period of temporary incapacity for work? Is it possible to re-register as unemployed if after graduation the citizen did not find a job? In what cases can an unemployed citizen be sent for vocational training or retraining?
- the citizen does not have a profession (specialty);
- it is impossible to find a suitable job because the citizen does not have the necessary professional qualifications;
- it is necessary to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the citizen's professional skills;
- the citizen has lost the ability to perform work in the former profession (specialty).
Vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens are carried out in educational institutions of vocational and additional education, training centers bodies of the employment service or other educational institutions, educational divisions of organizations or other educational institutions in accordance with the agreements concluded by the bodies of the employment service.
Unemployed disabled persons, unemployed citizens after a six-month period of unemployment, citizens discharged from military service, wives (husbands) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, graduates of general educational institutions, as well as citizens who are looking for work for the first time (who have not previously worked) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty) (Article 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment in the Russian Federation”).
2. In what types and forms is vocational training carried out?
Vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population includes the following types learning:
- professional training in order to accelerate the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a specific job, group of jobs;
- retraining of workers to acquire new professions for work (profitable employment) in these professions;
- training workers with professions in second professions to expand their professional profile and obtaining opportunities for work (profitable employment) in combined professions;
- advanced training of workers in order to update knowledge, skills, growth professional excellence and improve competitiveness in their existing professions, as well as learning new technology, technology and other issues related to the profile of professional activity ;
- professional training of specialists to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities in educational programs, providing for the study of individual disciplines, sections of science, engineering and technology necessary to perform a new type professional activity, as well as obtaining a new qualification within the existing area of ​​training (specialty);
- advanced training of specialists in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge in connection with the increased requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master new ways of solving professional problems;
- training of specialists for the formation and consolidation in practice of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, the acquisition of professional and organizational qualities for the implementation professional duties(clause 6 of the Regulations on the organization of vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 3/1, as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 17/1).
Vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population is carried out in full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education; it can be a course (group) or individual. How much is the scholarship for the unemployed if he is sent by the employment service for vocational training?

1. During the period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, a scholarship is paid to citizens:

dismissed from organizations own will(in connection with moving to a new place of residence in another area; in connection with an illness that prevents the continuation of work or residence in this area; in connection with the need to care for disabled people of group I or sick family members; in connection with a violation by the employer of a collective or employment contract ; in connection with the onset of emergency circumstances that prevent the continuation of labor relations(military actions, catastrophes, natural disasters, accidents, epidemics and other emergencies); in the event of dismissal of women with children under the age of 14), as well as those dismissed for other reasons, with the exception of cases specified in paragraph three of this paragraph, within 12 months preceding the start of training, and who during this period had a paid job of at least 26 calendar weeks full-time (full-time) or part-time (part-time) converted to 26 full-time (full-time) calendar weeks working week) - in the amount of 75 percent of their average earnings calculated for the last three months at the last place of work, but not more than the maximum amount of unemployment benefit and not less than the minimum amount of unemployment benefit. The indicated reasons for dismissal of one's own free will are confirmed by entries in the work book;

first-time job seekers (previously unemployed); seeking to resume employment after a long (more than one year) break; dismissed from organizations at their own request (with the exception of those dismissed at their own request for the reasons specified in paragraph two of this paragraph); fired for violating labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as those dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the start of training, and who had paid work for less than 26 calendar weeks during this period - in the amount of a scholarship established by the state for educational institutions of the corresponding profile, but not lower than the amount of unemployment benefits provided for this category of citizens;

those who have lost the ability to perform their previous work due to an accident at work or an occupational disease - at the expense of the funds of the relevant organizations in the amount of 100 percent of the average earnings calculated for the last three months at the last place of work, but not higher than the maximum amount of unemployment benefit and not lower than the minimum amount unemployment benefits.

3. Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of radiation accidents and catastrophes and duly recognized as unemployed, a scholarship during the period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service is paid in an increased amount in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the social protection of citizens exposed to exposure to radiation due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, an accident in 1957 at production association"Mayak" and dumping of radioactive waste into the river Techa.

4. Citizens sent by the employment service for vocational training, retraining and advanced training, a scholarship is accrued from the first day of their training.

Citizens dismissed from organizations in connection with the liquidation of the organization or a reduction in the number or staff of employees of the organization, recognized in the prescribed manner as unemployed and sent by the employment service for vocational training, retraining and advanced training, during the period during which they retain their last place of work average salary (including severance pay), the scholarship is accrued starting from the first day after the expiration of the specified period.

5. The amount of the scholarship may be reduced by 25 percent for a period of one month, or its payment may be suspended for up to one month in case of poor performance or irregular attendance without good reason.

6. All types of deductions from scholarships paid to citizens during the period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service bodies are made in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings.

7. Bodies of the employment service, if necessary, can pay the cost of travel (to the place of training and back) and the costs associated with the accommodation of citizens sent by the bodies of the employment service for vocational training, retraining and advanced training in another locality.

8. In the event of the death of a citizen during the period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, the payment of the scholarship is terminated. At the same time, the payment of the amount of the scholarship due to the citizen, which was not received due to his death, is carried out in accordance with civil law.

What deductions can be made from the scholarship?
All types of deductions from scholarships paid to citizens during the period of vocational training, advanced training and retraining in the direction of the employment service, are made in the manner prescribed by the legislation on enforcement proceedings. Is a scholarship paid to a citizen who combines vocational training with the performance of paid public works?
Unemployed citizens sent for vocational training, advanced training or retraining at the direction of the employment service authorities are removed from the register as unemployed and acquire the status of employed.
Public works are organized in order to provide temporary employment for the entire population, including workers and students.
Persons wishing to participate in public works, if at the same time they successfully combine this work with education, are also paid a scholarship. In what cases can the payment of a scholarship be suspended or reduced? Under what conditions can a scholarship be terminated?
The amount of the scholarship may be reduced by 25 percent for a period of one month or suspended for up to one month in cases of poor academic performance or irregular attendance without a valid reason. The scholarship will be terminated upon termination of studies. Other cases are not provided for by the legislation (clause 5, article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in the Russian Federation"). Is the scholarship paid to the unemployed, undergoing training in the direction of the employment service, during the period of temporary incapacity for work?
The state guarantees the unemployed the payment of scholarships during the period of vocational training, advanced training, retraining at the direction of the employment service, including during the period of temporary disability (clause 2, article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in the Russian Federation").
Is it possible to re-register as unemployed if after graduation the citizen did not find a job?
Citizens who have completed vocational training, advanced training and retraining at the direction of the employment service and are not employed are recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner.

6.3. Vocational training, advanced training and retraining of citizens in the direction of the employment service

In accordance with Art. 9 of the Law on Employment, citizens have the right to a free consultation, free information and services related to career guidance, in the bodies of the employment service in order to choose the field of activity (profession), employment, opportunities for vocational training. Those registered as unemployed are also entitled to receive free services for psychological support, vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service.

Vocational training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens can be carried out at the direction of the employment service in cases where:
the citizen does not have a profession (specialty);
it is impossible to find a suitable job because the citizen does not have the necessary professional qualifications;
it is necessary to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the citizen's professional skills;
the citizen has lost the ability to perform work in the former profession (specialty).
Unemployed disabled persons, unemployed citizens after a six-month period of unemployment, citizens discharged from military service, wives (husbands) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, graduates of general educational institutions, as well as citizens who are looking for a job for the first time (previously not working) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty).
Vocational training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens are carried out in educational institutions of vocational and additional education, training centers of the employment service bodies or other educational institutions, educational divisions of organizations or in other educational institutions in accordance with the contracts concluded by the employment service bodies.
One of the tasks of employers is to create conditions for professional training, retraining and advanced training of employees.
During the period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, a scholarship is paid, the amount of which is established on the basis of Art. 29 of the Employment Act.
The procedure for vocational training, advanced training and retraining of citizens is specified in the by-laws. legal acts. In particular, these issues are regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2000 (as amended on February 8, 2001), which approved the Regulations on the organization of vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population.


1. Expand the concept of employment. List the forms of employment.
2. Describe the main policy directions Russian state in the field of employment promotion and employment.
3. What are the basic rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of promoting employment and employment.

4. Expand the concept of employment and list its main features legal organization in RF.
5. What are the features of employment of the disabled, young people and other categories of subjects that are the least socially protected in the labor market? What is a job quota and for whom is it set?
6. What is legal status an unemployed person registered with the public service? What is community service?
7. What is the content of vocational training, advanced training and retraining of citizens registered with the state employment service?

Andreeva L.A., Medvedev O.M. Legal regulation employment in Russia: Textbook / Ed. ed. O.M. Medvedev. M., 1997.
Bugrov L.Yu. Problems of freedom of labor in the labor law of Russia. Perm, 1992.
Gomyen D., Harris D., Zwaak L. The European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter: Theory and Practice. M., 1998.
Gorbacheva Zh.A. Anchoring in the new Labor Code Russia guarantees the rights of citizens in the field of employment promotion // Reform labor law in Russia. Issue. 9. M., 2001.
Gorbacheva Zh.A. Legal regulation of testing in countries European Union// Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series "Right". 1999. No. 1.
World Employment Report 1998-1999. M., 1999.
Kiselev I.Ya. Labor contract: issues of regulation of hiring and firing (review foreign experience). M., 1997.
Council of Europe Conventions and the Russian Federation: Collection of Documents. M., 2000.
Russian course labor law: In 2 vols. Vol. 2. The labor market and employment ( legal issues) / Ed. E.B. Khokhlova. M., 2001.
Human Rights: A Collection of International Documents. M., 1986.
Lushnikov A.M., Lushnikova M.V. Labor law course. T. 1. M., 2003.
The International Labour Organization. Conventions and recommendations 1919 - 1990: In 2 volumes. Geneva, 1991.
ILO: Contract labor. Report No. 6(1). MBT, 85 session. Geneva, 1997.
Pashkov A.S. Employment, unemployment, employment. SPb., 1994.
Roshchin S.Yu., Razumova T.O. The theory of the labor market. M., 1998.
Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations / Ed. R.P. Kolosova, G.G. Melikyan. M., 1996.

As part of federal program development of Russia's personnel potential for the period up to the year 2000, a special Program for Assistance in the Development of Personnel in Production (1994)1 is being introduced. It provides for a system of measures aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy to assist enterprises in the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel. General strategy planned measures is to provide ample opportunities for personnel of enterprises to professional growth and self-realization, obtaining knowledge and skills directly at the workplace, necessary during the transition to market conditions management, and building in the future on this basis continuous training of personnel in production.

Vocational retraining of the unemployed belongs to the system of additional professional education. This uplift is wider than vocational retraining, because this process includes, in addition to teaching a “different” profession, the professional reorientation of a person who has lost his job, and his professional adaptation at a new workplace after retraining. The organizer of professional retraining of the unemployed is the employment service, the main function of which is to assist the unemployed; citizens in employment.
Employment service specialists provide professional orientation services to the unemployed at the stage of searching for a new professional start, at the stage of choosing a new one. professional path and areas of retraining. The unemployed person needs such help because he is not ready to make a choice on his own.

Chapter 7. Training and retraining of the unemployed

The State Employment Service participates in the program "Support for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment", which provides for a wide range of measures for the development of small businesses in Russia, and takes on the organization of vocational counseling and training in the basics of entrepreneurship, financial support small business in its infancy; creation of business incubators and social and business centers to promote self-employment of the population. During 1997, over 30,000 people entered into an agreement with the employment service as part of a training program on the basics of entrepreneurial activity and organizing their own business. During the reform period, the problem of increasing the qualifications of workers employed at enterprises sharply escalated.

Many of them lack not only professional knowledge, but also work culture, psychological stability, and the ability to work in crisis and extreme situations.

Advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens

Increasing the effectiveness of teaching the unemployed is impossible without resorting to andragogy, which focuses on the adult student with his life experience, problems, potential opportunities and interests. Therefore, it is important that teachers working with the unemployed have special training in the field of andragogy. Their activities should include: responsiveness to the requirements and expectations of adults who have lost their jobs, understanding their problems; the ability to realistically assess the potential of students and predict the difficulties that await them; Fluency modern technologies learning; Ability to work both in groups and individually.
The key issue in the organization of training for the unemployed is the development of its content.

Training, retraining and advanced training of employed and unemployed citizens

The implementation of this right entails the emergence of new obligations for the employment service authorities that sent the citizen for training, for example, to provide the unemployed with a suitable job in accordance with the skills acquired during such training. Whereas the refusal to exercise this right in some cases is associated with adverse consequences for a citizen. In particular, the termination of training in the direction of the employment service is one of the grounds for suspending the payment of unemployment benefits.
However, the presence of adverse consequences does not turn a citizen's right to vocational training into a duty. Refusal to exercise any right is always associated with adverse consequences, since in this case there is no obligation corresponding to this right.

Digital library

There are clearly fixed international requirements for the levels of development in English, the rules of driving transport in the conditions of a particular country, the preparation of competitive applications, the preparation of a resume, etc. It is important to emphasize that the choice of the content of education should be personally oriented. After all, an unemployed person, like any adult who starts training, has a certain stock of knowledge and an established set of personal characteristics that will inevitably affect the success of training and require the choice of an individual path in it.
Questions for self-control 1. What features of the unemployed as a social group should be taken into account in organizing their professional retraining? 2. What is the essence of the factors that determine the development of the system of professional retraining of the unemployed? 3.

The system of training and retraining of the unemployed with the help of the employment service

The first group of goals, directly related to the learning process, is andragogical in nature and provides for: - the formation of a minimum of professional knowledge and skills necessary for an employee to start performing his professional, production functions; - formation of readiness for mastery and mastery of generalized methods of activity, which in the conditions of accelerated vocational training is more important than the formation of knowledge and skills; - ensuring the adequacy of the specialist's training for his new workplace. The second group of goals is associated with the development of the individual's ability to actively act in changing socio-economic conditions, the ability to mobilize potential opportunities and secure employment guarantees. The implementation of these goals has a delayed effect and is of a socially significant nature.

The system of training and retraining of the unemployed with the help of the employment service

This prompted the state to initiate the reconstruction of the system of in-house training of personnel, bringing it into line with the requirements of the formation of the labor market. At the same time, it is assumed that the system of in-house training of personnel will provide expanded reproduction of the labor potential of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the demands of the development of technology, technology, organization of labor and production; at the same time adjust the quality standards of education in the country at all levels of vocational training; to be massive and at the same time differentiated; have a targeted focus on solving practical problems of enterprises; encourage employees to acquire new knowledge and skills.
To study and disseminate experience effective use professional potential, organization of labor, management, application of new technologies and reorganization of production, the Personnel Development Association (RPA) was created, which operates on a contractual basis between enterprises and organizations of various sectors of the economy and forms of ownership. The scope of activities of the Personnel Development Association includes monitoring production area; development of methodology for personnel development programs for enterprises, etc. modern conditions the importance of not only the entire training system as a special area of ​​social protection, but also vocational guidance is growing, which necessitates expanding the range of vocational guidance services in the labor market.

The social protection of workers carried out in this direction can be considered effective provided that it satisfies a number of requirements. Social protection of unemployed citizens seeking to improve their skills or get new profession, should be based not only on the free choice of the forms and types of education by the citizens themselves, but at the same time, if possible, continuity should be ensured between existing and newly acquired qualifications, work skills, as well as the correspondence of the acquired profession to the needs of the labor market. It is advisable to conduct training on a block-modular basis using highly effective intensive educational technologies and computer techniques in accordance with educational standards and employers' requirements1.

At the same time, in 1998 the share of those who completed training in vocational schools and technical schools was 21.9%; in universities, faculties and institutes for advanced training - 13.6%; in training and course complexes, technical schools - 32.9%; in the training centers of the employment service - 17.9%. Unemployed citizens in the absence of a suitable job, based on the requirements of employers and taking into account their individual interests and inclinations, the employment service may be offered primary vocational training if they do not have a profession, retraining and mastering a second (adjacent, combined) profession, if it is impossible to find them a suitable job, taking into account the previous profession and qualifications, as well as further training. The share of those who completed training (primary training) and retraining is 81.9%, those trained in second (related) professions - 15%, those who have improved their qualifications - 3.1%.

In paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in the Russian Federation" lists the possible cases of sending unemployed citizens for vocational training, advanced training and retraining. These include: 1) the inability to find a suitable job due to the citizen's lack of the necessary professional qualifications; 2) the need to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the professional skills of the citizen; 3) loss by a citizen of the ability to perform work in the former profession (specialty). Vocational training is the right of an unemployed citizen.

The employment service provides not only work for people, but also training. If your profession is not very popular, then you can learn a new one. Typically, such centers offer several specialties from which you can choose the one that suits you. Training from the employment center allows you to get a document with which you can. Moreover, all this is provided free of charge, since it is funded by the budget. You just need to know what is required for this.

Pros of retraining

After losing a job, a person usually turns to the labor exchange, where vacancies are offered. Sometimes people cannot choose the right specialty. But for this there is from the employment center. The benefits of these courses are that:

  • jobs in demand;
  • a new profession will be mastered;
  • new knowledge will not be superfluous;
  • education is free, because it is paid by the state;
  • many categories of citizens are given scholarships.

Training from the employment center is conducted by experienced teachers, specialists from various educational institutions. The unemployed are offered not only retraining, but the issued document will also serve for employment.

Cons of learning

But vocational training from the employment center also has disadvantages:

  • there are not always interesting vacancies, sometimes suitable ones have to wait long enough;
  • technical equipment in many regions is not so rich;
  • if after training to refuse several vacancies, then the unemployed person is not paid benefits.

Therefore, you should think carefully before signing up for training from an employment center. Reviews indicate the need for retraining, because after that there are employment opportunities. Many citizens are happy to receive free education in the specialty they are interested in, especially since it is held at a convenient time. Most people are attracted to courses because of the lack of fees.

Nevertheless, there are also such reviews testifying to the inefficiency of retraining. The stock exchange is not always able to offer an interesting profession for a person. And then you have to wait for the right vacancy for a long time.

Who needs training?

Free courses at the employment center for the unemployed are required by Russian law. All unemployed citizens can sign up for them. Training is performed in the following cases:

  • lack of qualifications;
  • difficulties with the selection of vacancies;
  • the need to change the profession;
  • the impossibility of a citizen to do his job.

The main goal of the courses is further employment, increasing competitiveness, opening your own business.

Types of professions

The list of proposals for retraining is quite rich. In many centers it reaches 70 professions. The most popular are the following areas:

  • economic: accountant;
  • working: plumber, locksmith, turner;
  • service: cook, security guard, secretary;
  • social: psychologist, educator;
  • entrepreneurship;
  • IT: designer;
  • creative and educational;
  • management;
  • medical.

In each region, the list of professions may differ, it all depends on the labor market of the region, as well as the availability of educational institutions and teachers. In many organizations, you can get training as a welder from the employment center. Accounting courses are also in demand, since employees with this specialty are required almost everywhere. All the necessary information can be obtained only at the employment center.

Each person has the right to choose a specialty, no one can arbitrarily enroll him in training in any profession. If you wish, you can not go to courses, but wait for a suitable vacancy to appear.

Features of admission

The term of study lasts 1-6 months, depending on the program. Groups are recruited at different times of the year. In some institutions there are queues, so you can learn the desired profession.

Accounting courses are the most demanded direction, since it provides an opportunity for profitable employment. This profession is always appreciated, and even more so, such employees receive a high and stable salary. The training of mothers on decree from the employment center is widespread. During this period, they receive benefits and learn a new profession.

Benefits in education

Although all unemployed citizens have the right to improve their qualifications, there are still priority groups of people who are given greater preference:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed, registered for more than 6 months;
  • laid-off citizens;
  • military personnel who have lost their jobs and their families;
  • school graduates.

The employment center offers such people all the available professions, from which you can choose the ones you like. It is important for the state to employ them in the first place.

If there is experience in vocational training, then at the employment center it is necessary to demand admission to the required course. It is also important to know where such training comes from.

Training from the employment center for many citizens is carried out with the payment of a scholarship. Also provided is a one-time material aid, compensation for travel, accommodation, if there is a need to stay in another area.

Funds may not be paid when a person does not attend training. After that, a document confirming the receipt of the specialty is provided. You can get a job with him.

On Decree

Training from the employment center is also offered for young mothers who are on maternity leave. It is important that the child is under 3 years old, and the woman has official employment.

The following conditions must be met:

  • you need to apply only to the employment center that is fixed at the place of residence;
  • training is provided only if it is one during parental leave;
  • at the time of graduation, leave must still be valid;
  • if there is no part-time work or work at home.

What is required from the documents?

Before starting training, the employment center offers to collect a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • a copy of the document confirming maternity leave.

What services are provided?

The Employment Center offers full-fledged training, which includes the following services:

  • vocational orientation: there is the possibility of passing a test, on the basis of which a suitable specialty will be selected;
  • familiarization with the labor market, providing employment opportunities;
  • direction for training.

Types of training

Depending on the need, the following types of training are selected:

  • Preparation: Skills are acquired in a short time.
  • Retraining: programs are being studied to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Advanced training: improvement of personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the received profession.

In the employment center, professions are selected on the basis of wishes, as well as existing education, professional qualifications, vacation time.

Where does the training take place?

Usually it is carried out by universities, educational institutions cooperating with the employment center. The list of establishments must be provided by employees of the labor exchange or on their website.

Sometimes they are sent to study in another city. In this case, compensation for travel and accommodation expenses is provided. All this is documented.

How is training carried out?

The forms of training are:

  • full-time;
  • part-time (evening).

Classes can be held in individual and group form. Distance learning is also practiced. The duration of the courses depends on the program, but usually it is no more than 6 months.

Features of employment

After training, you can get a job, but you should know how to do it correctly in order to find a suitable job. Employers put forward certain requirements for applicants. This is due to the fact that the employee will perform one of the important works for the development of an enterprise or company. Therefore, the following requirements are put forward for applicants:

  • Education: High school or higher education preferred.
  • Some positions require knowledge of a foreign language.
  • Work experience: important almost everywhere.

If a person meets all the criteria, then he will definitely be hired. Additional skills may also be required: driving a car, knowledge of English. This information in the resume must be indicated honestly, since the lie will still be revealed.

Resume writing

When looking for a job, it is important to write a resume correctly. The main information in it is:

  • the address;
  • marital status;
  • education;
  • citizenship.

The resume should include additional skills. Often this helps to find the right job. These include knowledge of languages, use of computer programs, driving a car.

After training, you can get a job offer. It is necessary to take a characteristic of the internship. The resume should include even a side job, if there was one. If there is no experience, then this should be indicated.


If the resume of the employer suits, then he invites the applicant for an interview. To prepare for this event, you need to use the following tips:

  • you need to behave confidently;
  • the voice should be firm and the smile calm;
  • the interviewer must be looked in the face;
  • questions should be answered honestly;
  • it is advisable to choose discreet clothing;
  • women should do makeup discreetly;
  • decorations in the image should be in small quantities.

Even if you have no work experience, you can get a job if you prove yourself. It is important to show a desire to work and develop further. Often this allows you to get the desired position.

After training, the employment center usually offers several vacancies, providing a job referral. Most people after training still find the necessary vacancy and successfully find a job.