Beautiful and unusual photos. The strangest and most unusual historical photos (26 photos)

There is a misconception that life used to be safer and calmer. Of course, this is just a delusion. Each historical period boasts a whole array of strange social habits, traditions, and beliefs. Some of them are really useful by the standards of that time, but for us they can still seem like absolute wildness.
In our selection of 26 of the most freaky photos about the oddities of the past.

Patricia O'Keeffe, a 30kg young bodybuilder, carries a 90kg man on his back. 1940

In 1973, motor driving was banned in Amsterdam due to a fuel crisis. But a solution has been found.

In 1939, in the USA, flour mills began to supply flour in colorful bags. This was done so that after the poor could sew clothes from sackcloth.

The photo shows a 200-kilogram perch and fisherman Edward Llewellen, who single-handedly managed to catch this monster. By the way, his record has not been beaten to this day.

In 1938, schoolteacher Helen Hulick was sentenced to 5 days in prison for wearing trousers to her trial. This was seen as contempt of court.

German soldiers photograph a dog in 1940.

1969 Niagara Falls temporarily shut down for "restoration work".

Between 1939 and 1945, British sappers often found such "mini-tanks". They were used by German soldiers to undermine full-sized military vehicles from below.

US President Lyndon Johnson liked to impress his guests and ride them on the lake in an amphibious vehicle.

Nothing unusual. Members of the Ku Klux Klan ride the Ferris wheel. 1925

An elephant helps load food onto an American plane in 1945.

During the filming of Dr. No, Sean Connery autographed a coconut for a little Jamaican fan. !962

So in 1890 a system of 5000 telephone lines in Stockholm.

Do you want to learn how to swim, but the water is far away? The solution came up in the 1920s.

Wacky animal photos have been taken since 1875.

Field, Friday, 1910 (joke - just 1910).

Period from 1941 to 1945.

In 1930, ponies were for girls and weaklings. And all real men rode exclusively on wild boars.

The Macy store often hired detectives to prevent theft. In 1948, all the "dummy" workers took a group photo, but they did not reveal their identity.

Chariots are cool. Motorcycles are cool too. The South Wales Police decided to combine all this coolness in one vehicle.

The most beautiful legs in 1930 were chosen in this way.

1950, a Russian tanker feeds polar bears.

Ann Hodges and her doctor, Moody Jacobs, show the press a bruise on Ann's body left by a fragment of a meteorite that fell in 1945.

Horrors of war. Soldiers use gas masks to peel onions.

Here are the winners of the Miss Perfect Posture contest at a chiropractic convention in 1956.

Football helmet testing in 1912

We offer you our selection of unusual photographs, in again proving how many extraordinary, frightening, but also beautiful things can be seen in the world around us.

(Total 17 photos)

1. What is it? Jelly-like railroad tracks?

In fact, the aftermath of the earthquake in Canterbury, New Zealand.

2. How to learn to walk on water?

No, but you can learn to photograph "at the right moment."

4. This is not photoshopped: the dog is called the "maned wolf", and she really has incredibly long legs.

5. When did you manage to invent androids?

In the photo, a living Ukrainian girl is Valeria Lukyanova, who has done many surgical procedures to achieve the external perfection of Barbie. Here is what we talked about:

6. “Oh, we took a wrong turn somewhere!?

“Calm down, this is just how the runway at the airport of German Leipzig was designed – over the autobahn!”

7. A man thought about the eternal at the time of the wreck of the yacht ...

No, he shows his ability to maintain balance, and the boat originally had such an unusual, to put it mildly, design.

8. On that day, the mountain was very angry! 🙂

9. Philosophical photo showing the perspective of life.

12. What is this!??

“Only seaweed floats in clear water at high tide.

13. The natural color of Venus the kitty, which made her extremely famous - she even had to start a Facebook page! 🙂

14. Original sculpture. We propose to call it "Keep the falling sky!" 🙂

Our world is full of such amazing things that we could not even imagine, but thanks to talented photographers who are there at the right time, we have a wonderful opportunity to see what a fantastically beautiful world we live in. Let's enjoy these incredible shots of the most exciting moments and discoveries together, which will surely come as a real surprise to many.

The tortoise saddled the jellyfish and now rides on it.

The highest tree on the planet is Hyperion. Its height reaches 115.6 meters, and its age is approximately 800 years.

A man holds the Fukang meteorite, a 4.5 billion-year-old precious gift from the universe.

This is how astronauts in space see the eclipse.

A flock of fire-lit birds against a background of black smoke.

A Japanese temple in Kyoto has been transformed into a fabulous place after a snowfall.

Shadows cast by clouds on the Earth.

A kayaker swims next to burning lava flowing into the ocean (Hawaii).

To date, this is the best image quality that managed to capture the Orion Nebula.

Opal photo. It seems as if dawn is born inside the stone.

Thor's well, called the "gates to the underworld" (USA, Oregon).

Ultraviolet image of the Sun.

This is the clearest photograph of Mercury ever taken.

All the beauty and power of a thunderstorm captured in one shot.

Macro image of the iris of the human eye.

A bizarre pattern of ice on the pond.

For 20 years this monk prayed in the same place.

In a small piece of amber, a well-preserved fragment of the tail of a feathered theropod dinosaur, whose age was about 99 million years, was found. Below is a photo of the same piece.

This amazing fiery cloud arose over Portugal and immediately received the name "Hand of God".

Sahara desert covered with snow. The last time this could be observed 37 years ago.

On our planet, there are many exotic animals that are not familiar to everyone. The small number and narrow habitat lead to the fact that not even all the inhabitants of the country in whose territory they live may know about the existence of these animals. With the most exotic animals belonging to a completely different kind and classes, this post will introduce us to you.

Sumatran rhinoceros. The smallest of the family: the body length of an adult reaches 200–280 cm, and the height at the withers is 100–150 cm

Madagascar arm (ah-ah). The only representative of the arm family, a lateral branch of lemurs. Scary and charming

Tree kangaroos. They live in the high mountain rainforests of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. They are excellent climbers and can jump from one tree to another for a distance of 9 m.

Moon fish. Can be over 3m long and weigh about 1.5t


The Japanese giant salamander is the largest amphibian that can reach 160 cm in length, weigh up to 180 kg and live up to 150 years.

Sulawesian bear couscous. A cute marsupial that lives in the treetops of the tropics and spends most of its time sleeping

Sumatran rhinoceros

Lori. A characteristic feature of this cutie is its large eyes, which can be bordered by dark circles. The muzzle of a lory can be compared with a clown mask (in fact, loeris in translation means “clown”)

Muskrat. The second name is no less beautiful - Khokhulya. Popularly known as the blind submariner. Indeed, it lives under water, according to its characteristics it is most similar to a mole and does not see anything. By the way, endemic in the territory of the former USSR and listed in the Red Book

Platypus. His duck beak allows him to find food in the mud like birds

A naked mole rat is a biological phenomenon: it is insensitive to pain, non-aggressive, it can be poured with acid or sprinkled with chili pepper without consequences. Lives ten times longer than any rodent and does not age. The society is organized in the manner of an anthill or a beehive: with castes and the main female

A fish with a transparent head. She sees through it. It was discovered in 1939, and was studied only in 2009, as it lives at great depths. Can only look up

Okapi, forest giraffe. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first explorers of the African continent mistook him for a small horse. It wasn't until the animal's skin and skull were obtained that scientists were able to discover that it looked more like a pygmy giraffe from the Ice Age.

Manul - main character Moscow Zoo

The capybara is the largest rodent in the world and the only representative of the capybara family. The weight of males can reach 65-70 kg

Belttail. Modern dragon. More specifically, the lizard

The slittooth is a mammal from the order of insectivores. Small and dangerous because it's poisonous. Fortunately, the poison of the open-toothed fish only kills its victims, and only some trouble can cause a person.

Lilac frog. The jelly-like amphibian grows up to 9 cm, lives underground, eating termites, and crawls out to the surface only for a couple of weeks for dates

Lamprey. Not a fish, but their predecessor from the class of cyclostomes. Endangered - delicious too

Sloth. He lives on trees, mimicking very successfully: real moss even grows in his wool!

Small red panda. It is found only in the mountain bamboo forests of the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, in the north of Burma, in Bhutan, Nepal and in northeast India.

Hellish vampire, clam. Not an octopus, and not a squid, but a separate detachment - vampires

Mud Jumper. Actually a fish, although it looks like a frog

Starfish is an insectivorous mammal of the mole family. It differs from other members of the family only in its characteristic structure of the stigma in the form of a rosette or a star.

Sifaka - monkey of the indriev family, Madagascar. A relatively new genus of primates, discovered only in 2004

Guydak - a large gastropod mollusk weighing up to 1.5 kg

Tarsier, a detachment of primates. At home, in Indonesia, the local population was terribly afraid of them: still, the pop-eyed monkeys could rotate their heads 360 °. The Indonesians were afraid to face them, because they believed that the same thing could happen to people in this case.

Tibetan fox. Found in Tibet, northwest India and northern Nepal at high altitudes

Fossa, endemic to the island of Madagascar. By appearance- a cross between a civet and a small cougar. Sometimes the fossa is also called the Madagascar lion.

Isopod. Giant woodlice about 30 cm long live in the depths of the sea (about 1.6 km)

Maned wolf. Long legs are the result of evolution, they help the animal overcome obstacles in the form of tall grass growing on the South American plains.

Tasmanian devil. He earned his nickname from the time of colonization, strangling almost all the chickens of the settlers - although a marsupial, but a predator!

A wombat is a marsupial that looks like a bear. It feeds on grass, digests it for up to 14 days and is the most economical consumer of water after the camel (22 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day). Curious fact: a city, an asteroid, a group and an anti-tank gun are named after wombats

Galago - the owner of a beautiful tail, the most numerous representative of primates in Africa

Fennec fox, desert fox

Gavial. Of course, one of the representatives of the detachment of crocodiles. Considered "kind" - never attacks people, the muzzle is too narrow

"Man and Turtle" - a photo exhibited at the Sony World Photo Awards 2013. Australia.

Portrait of a girl who was injured in the shoulder, stomach and thigh during the massacre on the island of Utoeya, Norway. “I am not ashamed of my scars for what I believed and continue to believe,” said 15-year-old Ylva Schwenke.

A large wasp (2.5 inches long) is depicted on a banana tree. One of those published in the Sony World Photo Awards.

Kłodzko valley. In this picture, the photographer Pawel Uchorczak tried to convey to us all of Poland.

Colorful rye fields in Italy. Although, why go so far, because you can buy rye in your native Ukraine -

Ghoramara Island, located in the Ganges Delta, West Bengal.
(cm. )

Extraordinarily beautiful photo gorilla entered the 2013 Sony World Photo Awards.

Poplar tops.

Portrait of an Iranian girl.

Face to face with a whale shark.

Havana, Cuba. The weather in July and August is very hot, so the children are very happy with short showers.

The dragonfly was taken by surprise by the sudden onset of rain.

The first snow falls on Hokkaido (Japan's second largest island).

An unusual photo put up for a photo contest in the category "". A family dressed up as zombies during a Halloween celebration.
(read about)

Jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) drifts near the surface of the water.

Coastal channel in Ponte Vedra, Florida.

Playing Arctic whales from A photo submitted to the Sony World Photo Awards.

A rainbow that appeared after rain on the island of Palawan, Philippines. The photo has been added to

Spider world.
(read about)

Pilgrims gathered to watch the priests lower a barren woman into a baptized pool. According to local residents, holy water will heal her and help her get pregnant. Every year, shortly before, thousands of devout Christian Orthodox believers make a pilgrimage to the small town of Lalibela (in the mountainous region of Ethiopia known as Jerusalem), which is famous for its 13th-century monolithic churches, equipped right in the rock.

83 year old Mikhail. Diagnosis: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The man used to work as a bricklayer at a construction site. At the next examination, the doctor found spots on his lungs, after which the patient was sent to the Kherson tuberculosis hospital, where he has now been treated on a case-by-case basis since 1983. In 1995, the World Organization declared a tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine. Over the past 16 years, the situation has worsened even more.

Another shot put up for the Sony World Photo Awards photo contest is in Barcelona (the second most populous city in Spain).

Unusual to the surreal desert world of Dubai.

Work from the category "Culture" -

Unusual photography of the urban environment (work with shutter speed on the camera).

Two butterflies waiting for the sun.

An employee at the Pamir Cinema sells snacks during intermission in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Edith, Hellrider and Dadmonster are the lead singers of Metal in Botswana (a state in South Africa), currently performing in nightclubs, concerts and festivals.

14 giraffes flee from lions on the hunt.

An unusual photo was taken on a train from Bucharest to Baia Mare, in a foggy

Photo taken during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang.

Jaipur is a city in India, the state of Rajasthan - called the "Pink City" because of the unusual pink color of the stone used in construction. It was founded in 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II (r. 1699-1744) as the new capital of the state.