Competitions for high school. Merry New Year's competitions for high school students

Baba Yaga, striving to become one of the main New Year's characters, steals the Snow Maiden and bewitches her.

Santa Claus conducts a casting for the role of a granddaughter, where Yaga participates.

In the end, she confesses that she stole the Snow Maiden and returns her. Now Frost needs to disenchant her so that she becomes the same.

Target: spend New Year fun, create a festive mood.

Registration.There are three seats in the hall: the stage is in the center, the New Year tree is away from it, so as not to interfere with the unfolding events, and places for spectators. Each part of the room is decorated with New Year's attributes - tinsel, rain, Christmas decorations, new year posters.

Required attributes:

  • Straw bag;
  • Ribbons for the winners "The most affectionate", "The most patient", "The most friendly", "Gentle voice", "New Year's dancer";
  • Prizes for participants.


  • Snow Maiden

5 girls are pre-selected for the role of the Snow Maiden. If there are more applicants, then more nominations can be made: “Craftswoman” (make a snowflake out of threads), “Most caring” (scatter snowballs under the bushes) and so on.

Event progress

Children go into the hall and take seats for the audience. Mysterious music sounds, Baba Yaga runs onto the stage. She has a bag on her shoulders (you can fill it with straw, as if there is a Snow Maiden in it). Yaga runs in circles, spins, casts a spell.

Yaga: Rakes, sabers and swords - Snegurka forever shut up! Stop resisting - you still can't wait for salvation! Ha ha ha!

Puts the bag on the floor in the center of the scene.

Yaga: I'm tired of playing dirty tricks and doing evil - now I'll be a kind and good grandmother! But in order for me to be accepted in a new image, I need to enlist the support of an authoritative person. I think Frost will be my ticket to new world. But he is fixated only on her - his granddaughter! He doesn’t want to hear anything - I already approached him this way and that. Turns up his nose, and that's it! But nothing, he will regret it! He doesn’t have a granddaughter now - he will crawl himself, he will beg for help. It is only necessary to hide this bag well so that Frost does not find his Snow Maiden.

Yaga pulls the bag under the Christmas tree in such a way that the Snow Maiden, who hid behind a tree before the event, could quietly hide in it. Then, giggling happily and rubbing his palms, he runs off the stage. Santa Claus comes out.

Freezing: Snow Maiden! Ay! Where are you, dear granddaughter? Guys, have you seen her? Not? What can I do without her? Recently, Baba Yaga asked me to work. I decided that I could become the main New Year's character. She thinks that if she wants it so much, then she will succeed. But it doesn’t always happen like that, and even for a while her ardor would be enough ... No, I won’t take her, she can’t cope! Maybe while my granddaughter is gone, open a temporary vacancy? Attention! In place of the Snow Maiden, a kind, economic craftswoman who knows how to sing and dance well is temporarily required. The ability to weave beautiful snowflakes and knowledge of the seasons is welcome, but not required. Who wants to become temporarily my granddaughter, please come on stage - today there is a casting for the role of the Snow Maiden!

Everyone comes on stage, among them is Baba Yaga. Santa Claus spends with applicants games, contests, revealing the winner in each competition - in each competition they are different, but not Baba Yaga. After each competition, she allows herself caustic comments.

Freezing: My granddaughter, even if temporary, should be kind and affectionate. And how does this manifest itself? Of course, in a gentle manner. Now let's check how kind the girls who came out are.

The game "Affectionate word" is held. The girls take turns calling Santa Claus affectionately: grandfather, grandfather, Morozushko. Among them, Frost chooses the one that pronounced his name most interestingly. She is handed a ribbon with the inscription "The most affectionate."

Yaga (under the nose): Well, of course, how can I be affectionate? If you tried to live with all kinds of evil spirits, you would be so “good” that you can’t say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen!

Freezing: It is not enough to be kind and affectionate, it is also important to be economic. Put things in order in the forest so that each snowflake lies in its place - how much patience is needed. Now let's check the ability to work.

Yaga (inwardly): And then I was not chosen. Although my hut is the cleanest room in the entire fairy kingdom. I have every speck of dust in its place! He is a sly old man. But nothing, all is not lost!

Freezing: Now let's check if you are ready to help me or not. Everyone knows that they are waiting for me on holidays to receive congratulations and a gift. The Snow Maiden helps me with this: she makes sure that there are enough surprises for everyone.

Holds a contest "Quick gift". A balloon is chosen as a gift. Each contestant chooses any row in the auditorium. As soon as the music begins to play, they approach their row, pass the ball to the first spectator. He hands it to the second, and so on until the end of the row. The last spectator in the row passes the ball in the opposite direction. Thus, the ball is returned. Having received a "gift", the girl goes on stage. Baba Yaga runs to the row, then runs to the stage very first.

Yaga: Yay, I'm first! I won!

Freezing: Not at all, Yaga - you rather lost!

Yaga: How so? Why?

Freezing: Because you didn't give the presents. And without them, the children will be upset and stop believing in New Year's miracles.

Yaga: Then they will believe in New Year's pranks! That would be funny: the child held out his hand, and instead of a gift, he got a cookie!

Freezing: I don't see anything funny in children's tears! And you can joke in April - a special day has been allocated for this, they call it. If you don’t want to obey the rules and conditions of selection, leave!

Yaga (Steps aside, muttering under his breath) Well, no. He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty. I'll still get my tape!

Freezing: Something strange is going on - all three qualities are found in different girls! Maybe things will get better? Ready for the next challenge? Then let's get started! You all understand that without dance and song it will not be so fun at the holiday. Do you know Christmas songs?

Conducts a contest "Auction of New Year's songs". The girls take turns singing a few lines from New Year's songs. Baba Yaga does not remember songs about the New Year. Instead, she sings about animals, about evil spirits. The girl who remembers the last song becomes the winner. She is handed a ribbon with the inscription "Tender voice".

Yaga: Not fair! I just haven't had time to learn yet. And I sing beautifully - right, guys?

Freezing: True true. But today is just not your day, Yagushka. Maybe you can rest?

Yaga: I'm not tired of anything! There is so much more I can do. Not like modern youth - they danced and got tired. Can we dance?

Freezing: I am already old, I get tired quickly. Therefore, my Snow Maiden often dances instead of me. Do you know how to dance? Show!

Frost (indignantly): Yaga, stop ruining my casting! Because of you, it's very difficult for me to choose a girl to replace the missing Snow Maiden.

Yaga: Choose, choose! And then she won't either!

Freezing: I'm sorry, what? How will it not? So you stole my granddaughter?

Yaga: Of course it's me. Who else? Do you think that Koschei had a crush on her? He needs her - skin and bones! He has enough bones of his own, but he took the skin from the frog. Now he likes people like me (raises his chin, sticks out his chest). I am perfect for him! But I don't want to live with him! I wanted to be kind, loved by all. But now I realized - it's boring!

Freezing: I knew you wouldn't be long enough. And why did you hide the Snow Maiden?

Yaga: What do you mean why? And who constantly gave me a turn from the gate? Who said that I could not be his companion? So I decided to take revenge on you, to prove that I can. And she interfered with me.

Freezing: But you couldn't prove that you could handle it. After all, she never won a competition!

Yaga: Didn't win. But she didn’t lose either - the Snow Maiden is still hidden, and you still haven’t found a temporary replacement for her. All the girls you have won in different categories. There is no one that excels in all!

Freezing: Truth. There is no equivalent replacement for the Snow Maiden. Do not be offended, girls, but for me she will remain the dearest person, an ideal granddaughter. Especially since now I already know where it is. Now it won't be too hard for me to pick it up.

Casting participants are awarded incentive prizes, they go to their places.

Yaga: Well, well, Frost. And how are you going to take it from me? Do you think I'll just give it to you?

Freezing: And what do you want in return?

Yaga: Moment of glory! I want to become famous for a while, so that they applaud me, throw bouquets of flowers.

Freezing: Well, with flowers you turned down. But we will provide you with applause. All you have to do is earn them!

Yaga: And I'm not asking for anything just like that! I know that every grain of attention must be earned with blood and about volume. Better, of course, about volume.

Santa Claus holds the game "Catch Baba Yaga". 10-15 participants are called to the stage. They stand in a circle. Each is given a card on which either "Yaga" or "Snow Maiden" is written. You cannot show your card to other players. On command, all “Yagas” should break through to the center of the circle, and “Snow Maidens” should not let them do this by holding them with their hands. The game is played 3 times. The first 2 times Yaga becomes 2-3 participants. The last time such cards are received by more than half of the players. When children collide, Baba Yaga laughs, claps her hands.

Yaga: So funny! How interesting!

Freezing: Have fun? Say "thank you" to the guys and give me my granddaughter.

Yaga: Well, of course you will give. And the guys are really great - they did not cry.

Participants receive prizes for participation and go to their places.

Yaga: You will have your granddaughter, Frost. Wait a bit.

A crash is heard, the light goes out. Baba Yaga pulls out a bag from behind the Christmas tree (neatly, since it contains a real Snow Maiden). He stops in the center of the stage, opens the bag, helps the bewitched Snow Maiden to get out. The Snow Maiden stands motionless and is silent.

Freezing: Yaga, what did you do to her?

Yaga: Like what - bewitched. Do you think she would follow me of her own free will? I had to use my own methods.

Freezing: So unwrap it quickly.

Yaga: I can not. And even if she could, she wouldn't. This is your silent ideal. She will sing so many songs now, she will dance so many dances! Live and be happy, and I ran to my Koshchei (runs away).

Freezing: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Addressing viewers: is silent, does not move - How to disenchant her? Probably, it is necessary to call the New Year's spirit. Can you guys help? First, we will summon the spirit of the Christmas tree, which lights up with colorful lights. To do this, you need to cast a spell: "The spirit of the Christmas tree, paint its needles!".

Repeat the spell three times, turn on the garland. The Snow Maiden begins to smile.

Freezing: The miracle has begun! Look, she's already smiling. Let's help her learn to walk again. To do this, you need to call the spirit of the dance. A single rhythm is what is needed now. Let's congratulate each other on the new year with our hands and feet.

The guys and Santa Claus clap their hands - "Happy New Year" - and stomp their feet - "year!". After a while, the Snow Maiden begins to perform movements with them. Then he happily claps his hands and smiles.

Freezing: It remains only to return the voice. And the good old song about the new year will help us with this. For the song to be the most effective, you need to stand in a round dance and join hands.

Sing any song about the New Year. Snegurka, after the first verse, begins to sing along with them.

Snow Maiden: Hooray, now I can dance and sing! Thank you for the release!

Freezing: I was so worried about you, granddaughter. Oh, this Baba Yaga - she decided to stay in your place.

Snow Maiden: But all's well that ends well. And we also need to congratulate the guys on the New Year. The clock is about to strike twelve!

Freezing: Happy holiday, guys, congratulations,

Snow Maiden: And we wish you much happiness in life!

Freezing: Live in joy and expectation of a miracle,

Snow Maiden: Someday it will come to you.

Freezing: Appreciate everything in your life

Snow Maiden: Love those around you here.

Freezing: And to the elders on your part - only respect,

Snow Maiden: And they have patience in dealing with you.

Freezing: All you wish is not enough night,

Snow Maiden: We wish that you yourself wish, in short!

Freezing: See you in next year!

Engage high school students with interesting and age-appropriate games and contests. We wish you a great time!

Dances are single, pair and group. Pair dances are performed standing face to face and supporting each other by the arms, shoulders or waist. Likewise, the man and woman look into each other's eyes. And what will happen if there is a fashion to perform pair dances, standing back to back? Try to check what comes out of it. Dance "back of the head" such famous dances as waltz, square dance, foxtrot, sambo, twist.

Slow down game

All movie lovers know what “slow motion” is. Directors and cameramen resort to slow motion when they want to dramatize the shooting or when they want to draw the attention of the audience to the finest shades of facial expressions and plasticity of the hero. - scenes of disasters.Try, without resorting to the means of film and video filming, to portray some non-traditional slow-motion scenes. In slow motion, show how a person sneezes, kills a mosquito, scratches under the shoulder blade, takes medicine, bites a nail.

Complicated version of the game "Broken phone"

Simple but very fun game known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and indistinctly, in a whisper, says a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly pronounces the word passed to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds the expectation. The variant of the game is "Associations", i.e. the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys an association with it, for example: winter - snow.


The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with a pre-prepared inscription is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be different: "Toilet", "Shop", "Institute", etc. The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as: "Why do you go there?", "How often?" etc. The player must, not knowing what is written on the tablet hanging on him, answer the questions.

Mobile game "Water Carriers"

Fill glasses with a teaspoon. Whoever completes the task faster gets the opportunity to drink the contents (juice).

This game will require skittles and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. Skittles are arranged in a "snake" in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to cover the distance without hitting the skittles. Whose team will have fewer knocked down pins will win the "journey". How many pins not knocked down - so many points.

Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group is given a task to write a story in 10-15 minutes on some topic (“How I was going to the camp”, “Our trip to the camp”, etc.). But at the same time, empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjective definitions. Then the groups get together and take turns writing adjectives into their stories, which are randomly spoken to them by representatives of other groups. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). Ready-made stories are read out, the funniest, most original work is determined. The duration of the game is 40-50 minutes.


And outside the Soviets were only those who lived by exploitation, deceit and violence - the capitalists, landowners and higher officials.
And Seryozha and I, sitting in the gallery, spoke with admiration that, it would seem, after the defeat of the revolution of the fifth year, the tsarist government, with the help of its various hangers-on, bourgeois lackeys, did everything to eradicate, obscure and completely destroy the very memory of the Soviets workers' deputies. But now, as soon as the autocracy collapsed, all over the country, first in the capitals and workers’ centers, and then in countless cities and towns, and finally in villages and villages, these condensing revolutionary the energy of the organization. It turned out that the political experience of the fifth year was not forgotten at all, the working people sacredly kept the memory of the revolutionary institutions they had created. And they rose, it would seem, from the very Russian soil, with the same features and tasks of their own, and with that regularity similar to natural, with which the earth in new spring gives birth to the same flowers that bloomed in her meadows and fields in the previous spring.
In all the cities of Russia, envoys elected by the soldiers, that is, peasants in soldiers' overcoats, with rifles in their hands, began to join the Soviets of Workers' Deputies. Then Lenin arrived from abroad, looked with his eagle eye and immediately determined that the Soviets of Workers' Deputies were the only possible form of revolutionary government! His penetrating words about the fact that next to the Provisional Government, the government of the bourgeoisie, there was formed a still weak, rudimentary, but nevertheless undoubtedly existing and growing government of workers' and soldiers' deputies, instantly spread throughout Russia. These words aroused hatred among the bourgeoisie, confusion and fury among the Compromisers, excited the minds and aroused hope for a better future among the workers and all for whom socialism was not an empty and beautiful word.
Lenin, then still persecuted and persecuted by the bourgeoisie, predicted that the many-headed Soviet behemoth, in the creation of which the whole labor Russia, has a great purpose. "All power to the Soviets!" - he said, and the Bolsheviks, followers of Lenin, proclaimed this goal before the whole people.
And I remember how, at one of the first meetings of the Chelyabinsk City Council, the thin soldier Zwilling, a deputy of the weapons workshops, again came to the podium of short stature, tightly tightened with a belt. In his harsh voice, reminiscent of a battle horn, he clearly and clearly said that the working people should not be deceived, that the Provisional Government consists of capitalists.
- No confidence in the Kaiitalist ministers! Down with the Provisional Government! All power to the Soviets!
And it was impossible not to recognize the truth of these words. It was impossible not to admit that the ministers of the Provisional Government - the Guchkovs and the Lvovs, the Konovalovs and the Tereshchenkos - were capitalists. But the people to whom Zwilling was addressing, workers and soldiers not experienced in politics, were still politically naive: after all, the autocracy had just collapsed, many parties that called themselves socialist and revolutionary entered the political arena, and all of them swore devotion to the interests of the working people , and all of them demanded the trust and support of the Provisional Government. And only one party of Lenin repeated its own.
She just insisted. I remember how the Bolsheviks, as if taking it as a rule, spoke at almost every meeting of the Soviet, spoke again and again about the same thing, varying only the content of their speeches, depending on the rapidly changing events of the current day of the revolution.
The question arose of the aggressive intentions of Foreign Minister Milyukov, and they began to talk about the imperialist character of the war, about the influence of banks, syndicates and trusts on the policy of bourgeois governments. Again and again about the division of the world between the imperialists. And now, under thunderous applause, the Soviet of the Bolsheviks met, and the representatives of the compromising majority, who were still sitting in the presidium, looked at each other uneasily, feeling that the chairs were swaying under them.
Building people's house stood on the highest spot in the city, and now that the Soviet of Workers' Deputies had occupied it, it seemed that it was no coincidence that it towered above the city. In this building, the uninterrupted work of the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies took place.

Several boy-girl pairs are invited to participate in the competition. The girl is given clothes with big amount buttons, and the guy - mittens. The task of the guys is that they must fasten as many buttons as possible on the partner's clothes.
Whoever fastens the fastest is declared the winner.


The players line up. The first player holds a cucumber behind his back. His task is to quietly pass the cucumber to a neighbor, the neighbor passes it to his neighbor, and so on. The host must guess who has the cucumber.
The complexity of the competition is that you need to have time to bite off the cucumber. If the leader guesses who has the cucumber, he takes the place of the player, and the player becomes the leader. The game ends when the cucumber is eaten.

Tic-Tac-Toe Championship

Previously, every second schoolboy knew this game, but for some reason modern students prefer computer strategies or shooters more and more. Therefore, it will be useful to stretch your mind with an interesting and entertaining game of tic-tac-toe. Everything is very simple: 2 opponents, a board and a piece of chalk, a simple lattice is drawn, if desired, 2 by 2, 3 by 3, and so on. The task of each of the participants is to put their cross or zero in one line faster than the opponent and cross it out. The winner is entitled to a prize. At the end, you can have a battle of the strongest and find out which of the guys is the coolest in this business.

Mark on history

The facilitator takes out sheets of paper and distributes them to the participants. Each participant must leave his mark in history in half a minute. How he will do it is a matter of his imagination. You can literally leave your mark, you can leave a lip print, you can sign and so on.
After that, the host calls two volunteers who will pull out a piece of paper and guess who exactly left this or that mark in history. At the same time, volunteers must explain their choice.


Participants are divided into pairs. Girls take the guys by the collars, playing the role of riders. Guys are horses. The girls try to push the guys in such a way as to knock them down. The girl who first managed to knock her boyfriend down wins a prize.

Take a gift

A circle is drawn in the center of the hall. Several people enter the circle. In the center of the circle is a gift. The host gives various commands to his players. For example, "sit down", "stand up" and so on. Then he says sharply "take it!". The one who managed to take the gift the fastest wins.


Two players become in a circle, but become one foot. The second leg should be bent at the knee and held by the hand. Players start jumping on one leg. The task of each of them is to try to push their opponent out of the circle. Whoever succeeds is declared the winner.

hit the target

Players are divided into two teams and receive the ball from the leader. The task of the players of the first team is to knock out as many members of the other team as possible by hitting them with the ball. The second team has the same goal.
However, if a player catches the ball in his hands, this does not mean that he was knocked out, on the contrary, he receives the privilege of throwing the ball. The team with the most players left at the end of the time wins.


The players are divided into two teams. Each team is given a balloon. Gates are installed in the hall. The players start playing football. One is not one ball, but two: each with his own. Whoever scores more goals into the opponent's goal wins.


A group of players stand in a line, holding hands tightly. On the contrary, the same chain is formed. The player of the first team calls the name of the player from the second team. The one whose name is called accelerates and runs straight at the opponent's chain, trying to break it. If it does not work out for him, then the opposing team takes this player for themselves. If the chain is still broken, that player chooses for his team any player from the opposing team.

This is a variant of the well-known game "Balls", only this time - for a group. Accordingly, you need to prepare balloons for the competition, which in the process are tied to the leg of each participant. You can tie one to the ankle, and if you don’t mind, two balls. It all depends on whether you can afford so many materials. A signal is given - and all the participants start a fight in which you need to keep your ball whole (or whole), but at the same time burst all the others. The winner is the one who last remains with a whole ball. Fun, movement and adrenaline is provided for everyone!

Relay race

This is a relay-type competition: you need to run a certain distance at speed. But you need to run it like this: two players stand back to back, and also hold hands. With such a pair, they must run the road there, as well as back. It is forbidden to lift and carry the second partner on the back or fall - in such cases, the contestants are eliminated.

feed an apple

We select several couples from the hall. We blindfold them all and put them opposite each other. Each is given an apple (make sure they are more or less equal in size). The task is to feed the one who is standing opposite, as quickly as possible.

Take off your hat

A minimum of two can participate in this competition, a maximum of two teams of several people. Draw a circle on the ground. We put a hat on the head of the participants, and tie the left hand to the body. Task: to take off the hat of the second player and not let him take off his own, and all this within the circle, beyond which it is impossible to go. For a team, each hat removed is a point, for a single case, the winner is the one who retains his headdress.

Look and remember

Prepare a tray on which to put various items: a pencil, a screwdriver, a watch - whatever comes to mind. Items can be both removed and returned to their place during the competition. A blindfolded person must guess everything that lies on the tray.

cut letters

The selected people are divided into two teams, who are given: rope, pencils, pins, scissors and several sheets of paper. The host gives a signal and two from each team must pull the rope, and the rest need to cut out letters from paper and attach them to the rope so that an interesting and beautiful phrase of at least two words is obtained. Either those who did it first, or those whose phrase turned out to be original, win.