Number of characters in the message. Counting characters in cells

Text editors

There are many different programs on the Internet for counting characters in a document. This could be some kind of online software specially created for such “work”. But most often, the text editors we are used to are used for this.

Microsoft Word is considered the most popular and simplest. It just provides a simple button that allows you to quickly and without much difficulty count how many characters you have already typed. Usually its name is “Number of words: …” (the number of words itself is marked in place of the ellipsis). This tab is actually called statistics. It can always be found at the bottom of the editor window.

If you click on this button, a window will pop up. There you need to pay attention to lines with characters with and without spaces. It is these digital combinations that show what we want to know. It is worth noting that the statistics window has many other useful functions. For example, the program easily calculates the number of: lines;

paragraphs. For secretaries, authors, and editors, such opportunities are a must. In Word of earlier versions there is also statistics accounting, the difference is only in the location. In older programs, this window can be accessed through the service tab. Already there you select the item of interest. In the newest versions of Word, “Statistics” is located in the “Review” menu. In LibreOffice Writer and OpenOffice Writer you also need to log into the service first. The appearance of the window itself remains unchanged. So the content won't change either.

It may also happen that you are interested in the number of characters only in some part. The editor described above will allow you to do this with ease. To do this, we do this: Select the required text segment;

Call up the window with statistics (perform the same actions as described above). There is a more efficient way - assigning a combination of “hot keys”. To do this, press Ctrl

The cursor transforms into an "interesting shape". Now click on the number of words in the panel below. A window with keyboard settings will open. Press the desired key combination (for example, Ctrl + Alt + S), which will make it easier for you to open the “Statistics” tab. After making your selection, click on “Assign” and close. Now the desired function will open after activating the button combination. If you want to count characters in Excel, you will need the LENGTH function. She is the one who does this “work”. With its help you can find out the number of numbers, spaces, letters in the cells. In order to use it you need to: Enter “=LENGTH (cell_address)” into the formula bar;

Press the ENTER key. To determine the total number of characters in several cells at once, you must use the SUM function together with LENGTH. The author recommends: Website builder - login and page creation

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Software developers do not sit still and are constantly creating new products that significantly facilitate our work and life. Any copywriter can easily name 2-3 sites that allow you to determine the number of letters in a written text in real time. In addition, such resources can check uniqueness, semantic core, spelling and other parameters. The list of their functions, as well as their selection, is quite wide, but we will consider only the most popular ones.


Serphunt is a comprehensive tool for determining text quality. Here's what it can do: count the number of characters;

analyze the density of key and additional words;

exact/inexact occurrences are taken into account;

Based on the scanning results, a lot of important SEO indicators are displayed: academic/classical “nausea”, percentage of spam/water, etc. ;

The presence of “stop words” and their number (frequency) are determined. Why is all this needed? This way you get a full picture of the text’s compliance with the existing technical specifications. You can make manual adjustments, run a rescan, and immediately see the impact of your changes.

Serphant is free service with a simple Russian-language interface. Just follow the link, fill out the required fields under the text insertion form (or you can leave it as is): Then click on the “Start checking” button and wait for the procedure to complete, look at the report in the table: First of all, it’s worth stopping at the full exchange - But in addition to this, the site may offer to determine uniqueness and other parameters.

Conventionally, a single service was divided into three parts: SEO section (definition of “nausea” and counting the number of characters);

Spelling section (errors and possible typos are checked);

Checking the uniqueness of the text. All these sections are used equally. If you want to count the number of letters, characters without spaces or with them, go to the main page of the resource, where there will be a special empty window for insertion - uniqueness is checked here.

To start checking, you need to insert a text fragment into the appropriate field. Worth: highlighting it;

press Ctrl

C for copy;

go to a still empty field and paste using the Ctrl combination

V. In principle, standard procedure. Immediately after you insert your passage into this field, the system will calculate the number of characters and immediately display the results of its calculations in three lines; total characters;

without spaces;

number of words. It is clear that in the first there will be a total number with spaces, in the second without them, but the third pays attention only to words. There is another option - go straight to check your SEO parameters - Everything is similar here - 3 blocks and after entering the text appears necessary information. This is interesting: How to download videos from Odnoklassniki to your computer

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Another famous exchange that provides its service for checking various text parameters is

Let me point out right away that home page you won't find anything you need. Here you will have to look for a tab with SEO verification. Next, the algorithm of actions is repeated - insert a fragment into the field, and the number of characters is noted in a small block at the top. But it will be marked with spaces, in order to find out the number of printable characters without them you will have to click on the check, it is located immediately under the large field. After you click on the button, a page with the required parameters will open. What is a virtual dedicated server VDS, who needs it and why?

Copy Clear

Brief description of the online service

Using this online service You can count the number of characters, words and lines. The length of a given text is determined both with and without spaces. You can see the result of the automatic counting of characters (letters, special characters, numbers, punctuation marks), as well as the total number of individual words and lines, right under the input form.

Why is our text length analyzer useful?

  • No need to count characters, words and lines manually.
  • Saves time when filling out forms and questionnaires on various sites.
  • Not overloaded with unnecessary functions.
  • There is no need to install special applications and programs on your computer.
  • Allows editing text message directly in the input form in real time online.
  • Allows you not to copy original text in Word for counting, and determine the number of characters online.

Who is the tool intended for?

  1. Copywriters, rewriters, editors and proofreaders.
  2. When writing technical specifications on content exchanges, the customer almost always indicates the required length of the finished text. Therefore, the tool will be useful for authors to check the number of characters before sending an article for review to the customer. Moreover, you can trim text and remove stop words directly in the text input window.
  3. For text customers and SEO specialists.
  4. The calculator allows you to quickly calculate the number of characters before paying for a copywriter’s work or measure the length of an article before publishing it on the site.
  5. Users of phones, gadgets, instant messengers and various websites.
  6. Sometimes a situation occurs when the phone balance is almost zero - there is enough money for one or two SMS, but there is simply no way to top up the account at the moment. Or you need not to exceed the well-known character limit in one Twitter message or some messenger. There are also a huge number of other sites where similar restrictions apply, for example, everyone’s favorite Instagram. The character counting service will help you stay within the specified limits.

One day we received this letter from a novice copywriter:

Hello! I recently learned about copywriting and decided to try my hand at it. And while communicating with one of my potential clients, I fell into a stupor from his the following questions: “Well, how much do you want per kilo? How much does a kilosign of text cost? What is the price per thousand characters? Can you tell me the price for a thousand characters without spaces of the rewrite?” I can’t understand what he wants from me? Are articles sold by the kilogram? If so, how to weigh them?

Experienced wordsmiths were probably smiling now. Of course, they understand what we are talking about. But what about beginners who can only intuitively try to understand this tricky slang of optimizers? This is what we will now try to help.

What did the optimizer ask the copywriter?

So, first of all, let’s figure out what the optimizer asked the novice copywriter about, and whether texts are really sold by weight.

No, of course, texts are not sold by weight (at least not yet). The most common way to estimate the cost of a copywriter’s work is to count the total number of characters (symbols) in the text without spaces and pay the agreed price per 1000 characters.

Price per kilo? Price per kilo? Cost of a thousand characters of text? How much is a thousand characters worth? - all these questions are asked with the goal of getting an answer from the copywriter about his prices for writing text of a thousand characters without spaces.

How to calculate the cost of a text?

For example, a copywriter wrote a text that consists of 2450 characters without spaces. Well, let’s say that the cost of 1000 characters without spaces is $2. To calculate the price of a written article, we must divide the total number of characters by 1000 and multiply by the price (in our case, by $2):

2450 / 1000 * 2 = 4,9$

From the example above, we see that the text written by a copywriter will cost $4.9. And there would be nothing complicated here if not for one question: How to calculate this very number of characters without spaces?

Use online services. On the Internet you can find many different online services for counting the number of characters in texts. But are they convenient to use? We think not. There are at least two reasons for this:

  1. 1. You have to make extra “body movements”. A copywriter writes an article (most often in the program Microsoft Word). And so, in order to check the number of characters through the online service, he must copy all the text from Word and paste it into the window on the service’s website, then click the “check” button and wait a while until the page is reloaded and the service displays the result. We believe that in our age of cybernetics and high technology, this useless waste of one’s time is simply unacceptable.
  2. 2. What to do if the Internet is turned off? A trivial situation: a thunderstorm passed, the equipment of the Internet provider could not withstand the overload and broke down. The copywriter calmly finishes his article while offline. And now he needs to count the number of characters in the text, but, alas, the service is unavailable.

There are many more reasons that speak against online services for counting the number of characters in texts, but we probably won’t waste time describing them. And it’s so clear that this method is not a very good solution.

Install special programs. You can find many special free programs, which have a function for counting the number of characters in the text. Here you are no longer afraid of an Internet shutdown, but you still have to make unnecessary movements. In addition, we believe that it is unwise to install additional software on your computer just to be able to count the number of characters in an article.

How to be? Is there a convenient way to count the number of characters?

Of course it exists! And we will tell you about it now.

The most convenient and effective way to count the number of characters in an article

Counting the number of characters in text using Microsoft Word 2007. If you use this particular version of Word, then to count the number of characters you need to do the following:

  • Go to the “Review” tab, which is located in the top horizontal menu.
  • Find the statistics calculation button in the leftmost block. This is a white square with the numbers “1,2,3” written inside it, and above this square are the letters “ABC”.
  • Click on this button, and a plate with statistics of your text appears in front of you.

By the way, you will receive not only information about the number of characters without spaces. Word provides data on the number of words, lines, pages, paragraphs, and characters with spaces in the text. For clarity, we have prepared the following picture for you:

Another interesting point is that you can get information both for the entire article and for its individual fragment. To do this, you simply need to select the desired section of text with the mouse cursor and click on the statistics calculation button, as shown in the figure:

Counting the number of characters in text using Microsoft Word 2003. If you could not find the tabs and menus in the interface of your Word program that are shown in the pictures above, then most likely you are using the old version of the program - Microsoft Word 2003. We hasten to reassure you right away - this version is also capable of producing the same statistics. To do this you need:

  • Go to the “Service” tab, which is located in the top horizontal menu of the program.
  • From the drop-down list, select “Statistics”.
  • Click on this item with the left mouse button and enjoy the result.

With the help of such simple steps, you can quickly and efficiently obtain data on the number of characters without spaces in the article you wrote. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  1. 1. A minimum of “body movements” - you don’t need to copy the text and paste it somewhere.
  2. 2. No need to install additional software.
  3. 3. No internet access required.

Agree, it is really convenient and comfortable! The Textodrom team wishes you success in mastering the intricacies of the copywriting profession. We hope our publications help you quickly find answers to all your questions.

Hello friends! Today I have prepared an article for you on how to count the number of characters in a text. I'll show you how easy it is to do this in a Word document. I’ll also tell you about 3 online services that I use periodically.

Watch the instructions in the video:

Let's start with counting characters in Word.

We select with the mouse the text in which we want to count the characters. At the bottom of the document on the left, click on the “Word Count” tab.

We see the necessary information and even more. :)

Number of words, characters with and without spaces, number of paragraphs and lines.

How to count characters in text online?

When I was a copywriter, I used several services for these purposes, which I’ll tell you about today.

1. SignCounter– a convenient online script for counting characters, words, commas. It also has some interesting additional features:

Converting text to lower case. That is, if you insert text printed in capital letters (CapsLock), when you select this option and click the “Calculate” button, the script will convert your text to normal.
Removing extra spaces. I sometimes make mistakes with them when I type quickly; in Word it’s not particularly noticeable, but here you can easily clean up the excess.
Counting without HTML and PHP tags, removing these tags.
And a mini SEO analysis - you can select the “display top 10” function keywords”, that is, words that are most often repeated in your text.

The output is the following text analysis (displayed on the side, on the right).

2. Text.rumajor service, with different tools for checking text. The main tool is uniqueness checking. Counting of characters with and without spaces, words occurs immediately when we add text to a special field, without clicking the “Check for uniqueness” button.

Along with the uniqueness check, we get a check for spelling errors, extra spaces, as well as SEO analysis.

In SEO analysis I want to highlight 2 useful parameters – water and spam.

The Water parameter displays the percentage of presence in the text of stop words, various expressions of words, and phrases that do not carry a semantic load. Up to 15% is the permissible water content in the text.

The Spam parameter – reflects the indicator of text overload with keywords. If the percentage is high from 60, then the text is considered to be over-spammed with keywords and unnatural in the eyes of search engines.

This data is available for free, without registering for the service. Registration speeds up the verification process and removes the limitation on the number of texts checked.

3. is another online tool for counting characters in text, with some additional features.

Paste the text into the provided field and click “Calculate + Analysis”. We receive information about the number of characters with and without spaces, the number of words, as well as a list of keywords most often used in the text.

By clicking on the “More” tab, we will open additional options: translation to upper/lower case, capital letters, transliteration.

The service will count the number of words and characters in the text, and at the same time conduct a SEO analysis of your article. For example, it will show the percentage of water in the text - the ratio of non-meaningful stop words, phrases, speech patterns to their total number. The higher this indicator, the more useless the search robot considers the article and lowers it in the search results.

Separately, it will display these stop words and their number so that you can reduce them in the text.

Also, the Serphant character counting service shows the semantic core of the article - the number and percentage of keywords and phrases that are most often mentioned in the text and make it clear what it is about. Based on these indicators, you can adjust the semantic core of the text to specific key queries for which you want to promote your article in the search results.

For this analysis you do not need to register on the service. Everything is fast and simple.

So, we looked at several tools for counting characters in text, which will be useful in the work of a blogger and web writer. Use them when needed.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

The tool counts the number of characters, marks and words in online text. Character counting can be done both in plain text and with HTML tags. The results display the number of characters with spaces, without spaces, and the number of words. The tool also contains a very convenient text cost calculation feature.

Number of characters online

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  • Characters
    • Total characters:
    • Characters without spaces (zbp):
    • Word count:
    • Punctuation marks:
  • Additional properties
    • Original text size:
    • Number of spaces:
    • Extra spaces:
    • Line translations:
  • Content cost calculation
    • Price:
    • 0.00 rub.
    • Price:
    • (0 characters) 0.00 rub.

(0 characters without spaces)

Below are descriptions of all the fields and values ​​that are used when counting characters and characters in text. It is also indicated how each such value is calculated.

Total characters

All characters in the text are counted. Everything is taken into account and counted - letters, numbers, punctuation marks, as well as spaces. The total number of characters in the text is displayed.

Number of characters without spaces (zbp)

All characters and characters in the text are counted, with the exception of spaces. All spaces are excluded from the calculation and are not included in this result. This value is very often used when calculating or indicating the cost of articles per 1000 characters without spaces (ZBP).

Word count

All found words in the text are counted and displayed.

Punctuation marks

Below is a description of all the additional properties of the text, such as the original text size, how many spaces there are in the text, and extra spaces. It is described how all these values ​​are calculated.

Original text size

The raw text size contains the length of the raw text, which may contain service characters such as tab, linefeed, carriage return, and other characters that should not be counted in the text count. Web browsers do not display such symbols and are not visible on the site page.

Number of spaces

Counts all spaces in the text, sums up the number of all spaces found and the resulting value is displayed in this field.

Extra spaces

Extra spaces are double spaces one after the other, the number of which can be two or more. All such spaces are considered unnecessary and should not be present in the text. Extra spaces also include spaces that appear before or after a paragraph, as well as on blank lines.

Count HTML tags

Additional option. By default, if the text contains HTML tags, they are ignored and not taken into account when counting the text, thus resulting in a character count of pure text, without HTML tags. This option is very useful, use it if you need to count text, including html markup.

Content cost calculation

This function will be interesting and useful to many journalists, copywriters and rewriters who write articles and texts to order. This function allows you to calculate the cost of text, indicate the cost per 1000 characters and enter the currency. The data is automatically calculated and immediately displayed, which allows you to instantly see the total cost of the entire text or article.

Are punctuation marks counted in the character count?

Yes, they count. Periods, commas, dashes, exclamation marks, question marks and other marks are counted when counting characters in the text. Suppose you need to add a site to the directory by coming up with a title that is only 80 characters long, and if this title contains punctuation marks, they will also be counted as characters. Space is also a punctuation mark and is also counted.

Copywriters in most cases indicate the cost of text per number of characters without spaces (ZBP) in favor of the customer, but all other characters are counted and taken into account. The remaining characters are not excluded because their number has little effect on the final cost of the text.