What qualities should an ideal employee have? Qualities required by a modern employee

This quality will help the employee not only gain the favor of the boss, but also establish friendly relations with colleagues. In addition, respect for everyone around you, for their work, individual characteristics, and values ​​will significantly increase labor productivity. After all, when a person is in harmony with everything that surrounds him, and also in harmony with himself, he does not have to waste his energy on grinding and thinking about controversial situations in relationships with colleagues and superiors. Always adequately assess the situation and people's behavior. Be guided simple rule, which advocates behaving with others the same way you want them to behave with you, and then life will sparkle with new colors.

The pursuit of knowledge

Indeed, a good employee of a company not only solves its pressing problems and accurately fulfills his job responsibilities. In addition, he always strives to learn something new, simply because in the current era of constant innovation, you must always be aware of the main trends in the development of your industry if you do not want to be left out of work. You can study at home, or at special courses, anywhere, as long as you have the desire. Your employer will undoubtedly appreciate it if you do not wait until he forces you to go to the next advanced training course, but rather take the initiative in this matter. Remember that technology is developing all the time, and you must develop along with it, and, preferably, before everyone else. It will become clear to you competitive advantage in the struggle for promotion and favor of the employer.


Determination means the ability to make decisions and not be afraid of it. Potential problems cannot be avoided in any enterprise or in any field of activity. So, if you don’t learn to take them for granted and not be afraid when they arise, but simply act promptly in order to prevent problems, then you will never grow in the eyes of your superiors, and in your own too. In order to learn this, of course, you need to practice more, then over time any problem will be a trifle for you. It is also important how you approach problems, that is, whether you take them personally. If you accept the problem as close to yourself as possible, as your own, as one on which your future life depends, then it will be much easier for you to solve it in a short time. Don’t forget that any problem is a step that takes you higher, teaches you something new, which means that the next time it arises similar situation, you will know,

FinExecutive Russia website 2019-08-23

Portrait of an ideal employee or 12 personal qualities for an exemplary resume

Writing a portrait of an ideal employee is quite difficult. After all, when recruiting personnel, every employer, first of all, focuses on the needs and values ​​of their company. Therefore, what is important to one may not be of the slightest value to another. However, it is still possible to trace general trends and describe key personal qualities important for the resume of a successful applicant.

A carefully selected team is important for any company. After all, the performance of the entire enterprise, its profit, reputation in the market and strategy for further development depend on the work of each employee. Most employers believe that an ideal employee should have a whole set of qualities, which include:

  1. Performance. Every boss wants to see in his team a person who is ready to promptly carry out the orders of management, and not put them on the back burner.
  2. The quality of the work performed. No matter what titles, diplomas, certificates and skills an employee has, the quality of workmanship is valued first job responsibilities and the result of his main work.
  3. Attention to details. A manager highly values ​​an employee who pays attention to small details: be it a number in a report or a correctly formulated phrase in business correspondence. It's no secret that even the slightest mistake can sometimes be very costly.
  4. Ability to work in a team. In a full-fledged company, the ideal employee should be clearly aware of corporate values, see the employer’s goals, treat colleagues kindly and be ready to help them. A person who shares the vision of the organization and is loyal to the requirements of the employer is a very valuable “acquisition”.
  5. The desire to learn something new. Only such an applicant is considered promising and it is his resume that the recruiter will pay attention to first. After all, an employee who constantly improves his skills is ready to grow with the company.
  6. Leadership skills. The ideal employee must be able to make decisions independently and be able to take decisive action. Of course, all strategically important tasks are solved on top level. However, this does not mean that a subordinate is obliged to coordinate his every action with management and bother his boss over trifles. What distinguishes a true professional from an ordinary worker is the ability not only to efficiently perform the tasks assigned to him, but also to make rational additions to the specifics of his work.
  7. Initiative. Additions to the workflow are directly related to this characteristic feature The ideal employee is the ability to take initiative. After all, a leader is, first of all, a living person and he also has the right to make mistakes. It happens that he does not always see the situation through or focuses on tasks of secondary importance. Therefore, a subordinate not only can, but also must offer his own methods, fresh ideas for solving assigned tasks, and not just sit with his hands folded, waiting ready-made instructions to action.
  8. Motivation. The applicant's goals and desire to achieve something will be an additional argument in his favor. After all, such a person will do his job efficiently, master additional skills and work for results.
  9. Enthusiasm. A person who works under pressure will never become the basis of a strong team. An employer will not place its hopes on an employee who is not interested in the success of the company, so it is unlikely that a passive applicant will be able to truly interest the hiring manager.
  10. The ability to remain calm in any situation. Recruiters are looking for people who can maintain composure even in stressful situations, such as those caused by constant pressure, multitasking or deadlines. Only such an employee will be able to complete the task efficiently; he will not abandon it halfway under the influence of momentary emotions and will not jeopardize the success of the entire project.
  11. Business management. An employer is always happy to hire a person with good management skills to join their team. In practice, it often happens that a project ends in stunning success or hopelessly fails only because of the ability/inability to understand the needs of consumers, manage time, money or by human resourses, as well as make informed decisions in a timely manner.
  12. Communication skills. Communication is an integral part of the work process, so no employer would want to hire a person who cannot communicate effectively.

A manager doesn’t need excuses, he needs results. That is why employees value responsibility, the ability to make decisions independently, and be responsible for their mistakes. Working according to the principle “my house is on the edge” can lead to you being fired. The company does not need employees who do not want to be responsible for anything.
Think about it, the word RESPONSIBILITY itself is the ability to objectively answer for one’s words and actions or inactions, and not PERFORMANCE, which you are talking about right away, not INDEPENDENCE or QUALITIES OF A LEADER (DECISION MAKING). You, with a little desire, can be fired for any wrong decision, inappropriate result or excessive independence in the course of performing work.
Hard work
Show diligence and desire to work. All your actions should be as effective as possible and aimed at the development of the company. It is very important to be immersed in work. But do not overdo it: do not forget to have lunch, sleep and rest.
There is a very fine line between diligence and the desire to work with a desire to curry favor and hypocritical indulgence in the wishes of management. If the assigned task is not assigned a completion time, this may also be a reason for dismissal. As a rule, the employer confuses ENTHUSIASM with INVOLVEMENT IN WORK and wants to see an employee who unquestioningly works from dawn to dusk without breaks or lunches.
Managers dream that all their orders will be carried out efficiently and effectively. If you also learn to anticipate your boss’s wishes, then in his eyes you will become indispensable.
Managers dream of fulfilling all their orders YESTERDAY and it is not the anticipation that pleases them, but the arching of the employee’s back with the words “... what would you like, sir...”.
Many managers note that it is the implementation of all instructions that promptly causes an increase. wages and promotions career ladder. Complete assignments twice as fast as your colleagues, and in a few years you will rise to the rank of department head or deputy director!
In practice, it is impossible to grow up through honest work, even to the leadership of a department. As a rule, growth is associated with certain personal qualities the employee himself, which often border on moral decency
Fulfilling all assignments at the highest level, the ability to make decisions independently, and work without constant clarification is the key to success.
Nonsense, just nonsense. The rule is that the boss is always right.
Decisiveness is a valuable trait. An employee should not be afraid to take initiative, not give in to difficulties, and achieve their goals.
Decisiveness and initiative are great, but you should remember that such activity is punishable by execution, i.e. the activist will be put in charge of his initiative. Can he guarantee the same qualities for the entire team?
Multitasking refers to the ability to work on several projects at the same time.
The main thing is that multitasking does not come into conflict with labor productivity.
In addition to your field of work, master other related professions. You will be known as an indispensable specialist who understands the most complex issues. The main thing is to take on as much work as you can do, no more!
The management does not like irreplaceable people and always prepares replacements for them, since the irreplaceable ones quickly become too expensive.
A well-groomed and neat person evokes sympathy among both the manager and clients. Stick to it office style clothes, even if the company does not have a strict dress code.
You shouldn’t break away from the team too much; the team won’t forgive it.
Come to work on time, try not to be late, and you shouldn’t leave an hour before work ends.
In practice, this is regulated by penalties, which are explicitly or implicitly regulated in the team.

10 qualities of an ideal employee

There are several key applicant qualities that employers look for most when applying, they include:

1. Attention to detail

Employers value people who pay attention to details: a misspelled word or grammatical errors have become a headache for many famous brands. For example, spelling the word "Tecno" as "Techno" is an error that will cost the company millions to correct. Thus, employers need men and women who pay enough attention to detail in their work to avoid these types of blunders.

2. Ability to work in a team

Are you a team player or a person who believes only in your own strengths? Or maybe we should ask you next question: Do you work like Luis Suarez (Messi's teammate is known for his teamwork)? Or do you prefer to play solo like Arjen Robben, who has been repeatedly voted the most selfish player in Europe by fellow footballers and sports journalists?

3. Ability to learn

You have to love the process and the reason is very simple: employers value people who strive to develop their skills and improve every day!

4. Leadership qualities

There are two kinds of leaders - good and bad, and it generally doesn't take much effort for employers to figure out which team you're on. Your resume and the way you answer interview questions give an employer a very quick idea of ​​whether you are a good leader. Do you have leadership skills? Great! Are you not very good at this? Well, you have something to work on!

5. Ability to think beyond the task at hand

Are you the type of person who takes the initiative and offers management a couple of suggestions? non-standard ideas that move the organization closer to its goals? Or are you just sitting at your desk waiting for instructions? Employers love creative people ready to generate fresh ideas.

6. Drive and enthusiasm

Some employees show significant enthusiasm for completing their tasks and look forward to the next ones, while there are those who take forever to complete any assigned task and only sigh when they are assigned the next task. Which of these two types of people are you? It's important to ask yourself this question because these are the types of enthusiasts employers want.

7. Communication skills

Too many people tend to take this for granted. It is important to have the opportunity to prove yourself in communication skills. Communication is an integral part of the job. No employer would want to hire someone who cannot communicate effectively.

8. Ability to remain calm under pressure

What usually happens to you when you are under constant pressure? Can you stay calm and focus on your work or do you just explode like fireworks at one point? Employers are looking for people who can handle the pressure that often comes with pressing deadlines and multitasking.

9. Organizational and management skills

Employers are always happy to hire people who have good management skills. Projects have been a resounding success or failure just because of this skill, which is related to time management, resource management and decision making.

10. Ability to be flexible

Are you the kind of person who can accomplish a task in more than one way? Do you look for creative ways to solve problems and meet deadlines?
When you find yourself in front of an obstacle, do you give up or do you somehow get around it and keep moving? How you answer these questions tells you what employers think of you. The more flexible an employee you are, the higher your chances!