How to become a farmer in Belarus. Farms: financing, government assistance, prospects ...

In Belarus, farms do not develop, but survive, says economist, ex-adviser to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Kazimir Romanovsky. He stated this BelaPAN, commenting on the data of Belstat, published in the collection "On the activities of peasant (farm) enterprises in the Republic of Belarus (2010-2016)".

Thus, according to official statistics, the number of registered farms is growing every year, albeit slightly: from 3017 in 2015 to 3066 in 2016. The number of employees in such farms also slightly increased - from 9200 to 9346.

Net profit increased from 518.9 billion non-denominated rubles to 64.1 million denominated. Return on sales decreased from 18.1% to 17.8%. The volume of production increased in 2016 by 14.6% against 3.3% in general for the agro-industrial complex. Investments decreased from 56.2 million rubles to 42 million. unprofitable enterprises amounted to 11.7%.

In the structure of production, the cultivation of potatoes and vegetables occupies 56%, cereals - 11.6%, industrial crops - 3.9%, fruits and berries - 7.4%, other crop production - 10.3%, livestock and poultry - 7 .2%, milk production - 3%, eggs - 0.1%, other livestock products - 0.5%.

According to Romanovsky, there is no growth trend in the number of farms. “Some farms appear, some die. They have slightly increased, but it cannot be said that this is a development trend and that they play an important role in the country's agriculture. Their share in our economy is at the level of statistical error, and the state has nothing to do with this industry.”, - says the expert.

Regarding the decline in investment, he noted that this was due to the high cost of credit resources and the insignificant amount working capital at the farmers. State support for the private sector of agriculture is also insignificant.

“Judging by the share of 1.9% in the gross agricultural production, this indicates that there are few farmers and almost no one needs this industry. If we talk about profitability of 18-20%, then it shows that peasant farms do not develop, but survive”, - says Romanovsky.

At the same time, he believes that the imbalance in development is caused by the fact that most farmers, due to the need for survival, are engaged in growing potatoes and vegetables, which brings a quick payback.

“We did not have and do not have a system to support farming and personal subsidiary plots. There are large farms that pull the entire industry. Farmers do not want to go into animal husbandry because it is, in principle, unprofitable and cannot survive without state support.”, - stressed the economist.

He gave an example: in 2000, 630,000 cows were kept in subsidiary farms, and 2,400 were kept by farmers, at the beginning of 2017, about 100,000 were left.

When asked what niche farmers could occupy in the country's agriculture, the expert answered: “Today there is an opportunity for development due to the fact that in the countryside high level unemployment. People, based on the needs of the market, could breed interesting breeds of birds (turkey, geese, ducks), goats, sheep, rabbits. It is also worth developing beekeeping. 3.4 thousand hives in farms is not enough. In Belarus, honey is popular among the population, but, unfortunately, about 80% of honey imported from abroad is fake. In the Gomel and Brest regions, you can grow gourds. Also develop horticulture and the cultivation of seedlings for farmsteads and cottages. We do not grow enough berries (currants, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries and others). You can also take a niche in floriculture. It's time for us to finish feeding the flower mafia. Grow aromatic and medicinal herbs for Food Industry and pharmacy. under supervision scientific organizations engage in the production of seeds of vegetables, berries and flowers for the population. It's big business and it's worth pushing Dutch seeds out of the market.".

“Farming has a future. But the state should be engaged in the development of programs for its development. A farmer, a peasant should know what the country needs today, and this should be included in the program. It is necessary to give them loans for development, and at 2%, and not at 30-40%. Support in every possible way", summed up the expert.


(as amended by the Laws of the Republic of Belarus of 18.02.1991 N 611-XII, of 19.07.2005 N 44-З, of 09.07.2007 N 247-З, of 15.07.2008 N 397-З, of 06.07.2009 N 37- Z, dated 09.11.2009 N 55-З, dated 12/31/2009 N 114-З, dated 01.07.2010 N 154-З, dated 09.01.2017 No. 19-З)

This Law determines legal status, conditions for the creation, operation, reorganization and liquidation of a peasant (farm) economy, the rights and obligations of its members.

Chapter 1


Article 1. The concept of a peasant (farm) economy

1. A peasant (farm) economy is recognized commercial organization created by one citizen (members of the same family) who made (have made) property contributions, for the implementation entrepreneurial activity for the production of agricultural products, as well as for their processing, storage, transportation and sale, based on his (their) personal labor participation and use land plot provided for these purposes in accordance with the legislation on the protection and use of land (hereinafter referred to as the farm).

2. A farm shall own by right of ownership the property transferred as a contribution to the charter fund of the farm by its founders (members), as well as the property produced and acquired by the farm in the course of its activities.

3. Members of a farm have rights of obligation in relation to this farm.

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Belarus on farming

1. Relations related to the creation and operation of a farm are regulated by this Law, acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, civil legislation, legislation on the protection and use of land and other legislation.

2. If an international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules than those contained in the legislation on farming, then the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

Article 3. State support and guarantees for the activities of farms

1. Farms whose income from the sale of products produced or produced and processed by them own production crop production (except flowers and ornamental plants), animal husbandry (except for fur farming), fish farming and beekeeping is at least 50 percent of the total revenue for the previous financial year, as well as newly created farms (within the first year from the date of their creation) receive state support at the expense of the republican and local budgets in the manner and forms prescribed by law. These farms are provided with state support in the field of material and technical supply, acquisition (including under a financial lease (leasing) agreement), repair and Maintenance agricultural machinery and equipment, land reclamation and soil liming, plant protection, seed production, veterinary and breeding, scientific services and other areas on an equal basis with other agricultural producers.

2. Farms have equal rights with other producers of agricultural products for the supply of goods for state needs in accordance with the law.

3. Setting boundaries land plots provided for farming, the development of projects for on-farm land management of farms, the execution of documents certifying the rights to land plots are carried out government organizations, subordinates State Committee on the property of the Republic of Belarus, in the manner established by law on the protection and use of land, at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the republican budget.

4. The President of the Republic of Belarus may establish other conditions and forms state support and guarantees for farm operations.

5. In the territory where there are no industrial infrastructure facilities, the district executive and administrative body ensures the primary arrangement of the farm through the construction of roads, radio and power transmission lines, water supply, gas supply facilities, telephone communication and other facilities, as well as land reclamation at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the republican and local budgets in accordance with the law.

Chapter 2


Article 4. The right to establish a farm

1. Capable citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus have the right to establish a farm.

2. Members (employees) of these agricultural organizations have the preferential right to create farms on land seized from liquidated and reorganized agricultural organizations.

3. The decision to establish a farm is documented by the minutes of the meeting of the founders of the farm (except for the cases when the farm is founded by one citizen).

Article 5

1. The farm operates on the basis of the charter, which specifies:

  • the name of the farm, which must contain the words "peasant (farm) farm" or "farm" or "peasant farm";
  • information about the head and other members of the farm (last name, first name, patronymic, details of an identity document, place of residence);
  • location of the farm;
  • the goals of the farm;
  • the size of the statutory fund of the farm, the amount of contributions to the statutory fund of its members, the composition, timing and procedure for making them;
  • the size of the shares of members of the farm in its authorized capital;
  • the procedure for the formation of farm property and the conditions for its disposal;
  • order labor participation members of the farm in the activities of the farm;
  • the procedure for distributing farm profits;
  • rights and obligations of members of the farm;
  • the procedure for the entry of new members into the membership of the farm, withdrawal and exclusion from the membership of the farm;
  • the procedure for managing the activities of the farm, its liquidation.

The charter of the farm may also contain other provisions that do not contradict the law and are related to the specifics of the activities of the farm.

2. The charter of the farm is approved by the decision of the meeting of the founders of the farm, which is drawn up in the minutes of the meeting of the founders of the farm. The protocol of the meeting of the founders of the farm is signed by all the founders of the farm.

In the case of the creation of a farm by one citizen, the charter of the farm is approved by this citizen (head of the farm).

3. Amendments and (or) additions are made to the charter of a farm in the manner prescribed by civil law, in the event of a change in the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, as well as in other cases provided for by legislative acts.

Article 6

1. When creating a farm, its statutory fund is formed in the manner prescribed by this Law, other legislation and the charter of the farm.

2. The statutory fund of the farm is formed from the value of the contributions of the founders (members) of the farm.

A contribution to the statutory fund of a farm can be things belonging to the founders (members) of the farm on the right of ownership (including common ownership), including money and securities, other property, including property rights or other alienable rights that have value.

The assessment of the value of a non-monetary contribution to the statutory fund of a farm is subject to examination in the cases and in the manner prescribed by law.

Property cannot be contributed to the charter fund of a farm if the right to alienate this property is limited by legislation, an agreement or the owner.

3. Excluded.

4. Raised funds cannot be used to form and increase the size of the statutory fund of a farm.

5. The statutory fund of a farm is divided into shares, with the exception of cases when a farm is established by one citizen. The share of the founder (member) of the farm in the authorized capital is determined as a percentage or as a fraction. The size of the share of the founder of the farm at the time of formation of the statutory fund of the farm is equal to the ratio of the value of his contribution to the statutory fund to the size of the statutory fund of the farm.

The cost of the share of the founder (member) of the farm in the property of the farm is equal to part of the cost net assets farm, proportional to the size of its share in the authorized capital of the farm.

6. In the event that property belonging to the founders (members) of the farm under the right of common ownership is contributed to the charter fund of the farm, the shares of the members of the farm are considered equal, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the farm.

7. Reducing the authorized capital of a farm is allowed after notification of all its creditors. The latter have the right in this case to demand early termination or fulfillment of the obligations of the farm and compensation for their losses.

8. An increase in the statutory fund of a farm is allowed after all its founders (members) make contributions to the statutory fund in full.

The increase in the authorized capital can be carried out at the expense of the property of the farm, additional contributions to the statutory fund of members of the farm and (or) at the expense of contributions to the statutory fund of citizens admitted to the membership of the farm as new members.

When the statutory fund of a farm is increased at the expense of the property of the farm, the size of the share of a member of the farm may be changed taking into account the contribution to the statutory fund and (or) the personal labor participation of the member of the farm in its activities by decision general meeting farm members.

Article 7. State registration of a farm

1. A farm is considered to be established from the date of its state registration.

2. State registration of a farm is carried out in accordance with legislative acts.

For the purposes of state registration, the location of a farm may be a dwelling (apartment, residential building) owned by the head of the farm on the right of ownership (including on the right of shared or joint ownership) or being his permanent place residence (with the exception of residential premises of the state housing stock).

Chapter 3


Article 8. Members of a farm

1. Members of a farm may be capable citizens who are members of the same family.

For the purposes of this Law, spouses, their parents (adoptive parents), children (including adopted children), brothers and sisters, spouses and children of these persons, as well as other persons recognized as family members in accordance with the legislation on marriage and family are recognized as family members.

2. Membership in the farm is reserved, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the farm, for members of the farm who cannot take personal labor participation in the activities of the farm in connection with:

  • retirement due to age or disability - for life;
  • transition to work in an elective position, passing military service conscription, alternative service, full-time education in educational institutions that provide higher, secondary specialized and vocational education - for the time of work in an elective position, military service on conscription, alternative service, full-time education in such educational institutions.

Article 9

A change in the composition of members of a farm can be carried out on the following grounds:

  • acceptance of a new member of the farm, including as a result of the assignment of a share (part of it) of a member of the farm in the authorized capital of the farm;
  • withdrawal of a member of the farm from the members of the farm;
  • exclusion of a member of the farm from the membership of the farm;
  • death of a member of the farm or declaration of death.

Article 10

A citizen who meets the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of Article 4 and paragraph 1 of Article 8 of this Law may be accepted as a member of a farm by decision of the general meeting of members of the farm or the head of the farm (in the case of the creation of a farm by one citizen), subject to payment contribution to the statutory fund of the farm, as well as as a result of the assignment of a share (part thereof) of a member of the farm in the statutory fund of the farm in the manner prescribed by the charter of the farm.

Article 11

1. A member of a farm has the right to withdraw from the membership of the farm at any time, regardless of the consent of other members of the farm, subject to their prior notification in the manner and within the time limits established by the charter of the farm, but no later than one month before leaving the membership of the farm .

2. A member of the farm may be expelled from the membership of the farm on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of members of the farm in case of failure to perform or improper performance of the duties provided for by this Law, other legislative acts or the charter of the farm, recognizing him as incapable, partially incapacitated or missing absent, as well as on other grounds established by the charter of the farm.

Article 12

1. When a farm member leaves or is expelled from the membership of the farm, he has the right to receive the value of his share in the property of the farm, as well as part of the profit determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of this Law.

2. The value of the share in the property of the farm, due to a citizen who has withdrawn or been excluded from the membership of the farm, is determined according to the balance sheet drawn up at the time of his retirement, and the part of the profit due to him - on the day of settlement with him. The payment of the cost of the share and part of the profit to a citizen who has withdrawn or been excluded from the membership of the farm is made at the end of the financial year in which he withdrew or was excluded from the membership of the farm, within up to 12 months from the date of filing an application for withdrawal or a decision on exception, unless a different period is provided for by the charter of the farm.

Article 13

1. In the event of the death of a member of the farm or declaring him dead, his heir (heirs) may be accepted as a member of the farm by decision of the general meeting of members of the farm.

In the event of the death of a member of the farm, if his heirs by will are a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus or an administrative-territorial unit of the Republic of Belarus, they are paid the value of the inherited share in the manner prescribed by Article 12 of this Law.

In the event of the death of the head of a farm established by one citizen, his heir(s), who has expressed (s) a desire to run a farm, is recognized as a member (members) of this farm.

If the heir (heirs) refuse to join the members of the farm or if the general meeting of the members of the farm makes a decision to refuse to accept the heir (heirs) as members of the farm, settlements with him (them) are made in the manner prescribed by Article 12 of this Law.

2. If the court cancels the decision to declare a citizen dead, the decision on the membership of the heir (heirs) of such a person is taken by the general meeting of members of the farm.

Article 14. Rights and obligations of members of a farm

1. Members of the farm have the right to:

  • participate in the management of the activities of the farm in the manner prescribed by this Law and the charter of the farm;
  • receive information about the activities of the farm, including its income and expenses, get acquainted with its charter, accounting documents and other documents in the manner prescribed by the charter of the farm;
  • participate in the distribution of profits received by the farm;
  • receive part of the profit in the manner prescribed by this Law and the charter of the farm;
  • receive remuneration for work in monetary units and (or) in kind, have daily and weekly rest, labor and social holidays in accordance with labor legislation;
  • sell or otherwise cede his share (its part) in the charter fund of the farm in the manner prescribed by the charter of the farm;
  • to acquire from members of the farm in priority order over other citizens (not members of the farm) shares (parts thereof) in the authorized capital of the farm;
  • withdraw from the members of the farm, regardless of the consent of its other members in the manner prescribed by this Law and the charter of the farm, and receive the value of their share in the property of the farm, as well as the due part of the profit;
  • receive, in the event of the liquidation of the farm, part of the property remaining after settlements with creditors, or its value in proportion to their share in the charter fund of the farm, as well as taking into account their personal labor participation, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the farm.

Members of the farm in accordance with labor protection legislation, social protection and social insurance have the right to labor protection, social insurance, pension provision and guarantees in the event of occupational disease, work-related injury, disability and job loss.

Members of the farm may have other rights provided for by legislative acts and the charter of the farm.

2. Members of the farm are obliged:

  • form the statutory fund of the farm in the manner and terms provided for by the legislation and the charter of the farm;
  • take personal labor participation in the activities of the farm, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 8 of this Law or the charter of the farm;
  • not disclose information that is trade secret farming;
  • comply with the requirements of the charter of the farm and implement the decisions of its management bodies that comply with this Law, other acts of legislation and the charter of the farm.

Members of the farm also perform other duties stipulated by legislative acts and the charter of the farm.

Chapter 4


Article 15

1. A farm may own plantings, utility and other buildings, reclamation and other structures, productive and working livestock, poultry, agricultural and other machinery and equipment necessary for the production of agricultural products, as well as its processing, storage, transportation and sale, vehicles, inventory, property of private unitary enterprises established by the farm, other property acquired by the farm, as well as property rights belonging to the farm or other alienable rights that have value.

2. The fruits, products and incomes received as a result of the activity of a farm are the property of this farm.

Article 16

1. Sources of formation of property of a farm can be:

  • contributions to the statutory fund of the farm;
  • income received from the sale of manufactured and processed agricultural products, as well as from other types of economic activity not prohibited by law;
  • other sources not prohibited by law.

2. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs has the right to lease unused buildings, structures, agricultural machinery and equipment to farms with their subsequent purchase and a delay in the start of payment of rent for up to three years.

Article 17

1. The profit of a farm is distributed according to the results of the financial year among its members by decision of the general meeting of members of the farm in proportion to the shares in the authorized capital of the farm and (or) the personal labor participation of the members of the farm in its activities.

2. The charter of a farm may establish a different procedure for distributing the profits of a farm.

Article 18. Responsibility of the farm

1. A farm is liable for its obligations with all its property.

2. Members of the farm are not liable for the obligations of the farm, and the farm is not liable for the obligations of the members of the farm, except as otherwise provided by law.

Chapter 5


Article 19

1. The management of the activities of a farm, which consists of two or more members, is carried out by the general meeting of members of the farm and the head of the farm.

The general meeting of members of the farm is the supreme management body of the farm.

The head of the farm is executive body farming.

2. In a farm established by one citizen, the head of the farm is the highest management body, which has the right to resolve all issues related to the activities of the farm.

Article 20

1. The exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of the farm includes:

  • introduction of amendments and (or) additions to the charter of the farm;
  • change in the size of the statutory fund of the farm;
  • admission to the membership of the farm, exclusion of members of the farm from the membership of the farm, including the adoption of a decision on the membership of the heir (heirs) of a citizen declared dead, in the event that the court cancels the decision to declare this citizen dead;
  • election to the position of the head of the farm and his dismissal from this position in the cases provided for in paragraph 7 of Article 21 of this Law;
  • statement annual reports and farm balance sheets, distribution of farm profits;
  • making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of the farm;
  • other issues referred by legislative acts and the charter of the farm to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of the farm.

Issues related to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of the farm cannot be transferred by the general meeting of members of the farm to the decision of the head of the farm.

2. Each member of the farm has the right to be present at the general meeting of members of the farm, take part in the discussion of agenda items and vote in decision-making.

Each member of the farm at the general meeting of members of the farm has one vote, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the farm.

3. The general meeting of members of the farm is authorized to make decisions only if at least two thirds of all members of the farm are present, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the farm.

The decision is taken by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes of the members of the farm, the decision for which the head of the farm voted is considered adopted. The charter of a farm may provide for a different decision-making procedure.

Decisions of the general meeting of members of the farm are documented in minutes, which are signed by the members of the farm that were present at it.

Article 21

1. The head of the farm is one of the founders (members) of the farm, elected to this position by the meeting of founders of the farm or the general meeting of members of the farm and specified in the charter of the farm.

The head of the farm is accountable to the general meeting of members of the farm.

2. In the case of the creation of a farm by one citizen, the head of the farm is this citizen.

3. The head of a farm cannot be the head of another commercial organization at the same time.

4. The head of the farm must meet the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of Article 4 and paragraph 1 of Article 8 of this Law.

5. The head of the farm without a power of attorney acts on behalf of the farm, including representing its interests in relations with government bodies, citizens and legal entities, makes transactions on behalf of the farm, issues powers of attorney for the right to represent on behalf of the farm, disposes of the property of the farm, is an employer of persons working in the farm for employment contract, exercises other powers that are not referred by this Law or the charter of the farm to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of the farm.

6. In case of temporary disability or absence (no more than four months in a row) of the head of the farm, by decision of the general meeting of members of the farm, the head of the farm may authorize him to perform his duties on the basis of a power of attorney from one of the members of the farm.

7. In case of temporary disability or prolonged absence(more than four consecutive months), refusal to perform the duties of the head of the farm, withdrawal or exclusion from the membership of the farm or death of the head of the farm by the decision of the general meeting of the members of the farm is elected new head farming.

8. If farming is carried out by one citizen, then in the event of his temporary disability or absence (but not more than four months in a row), he can authorize him to perform his duties on the basis of an agency agreement or an agreement on trust management of the property of a capable citizen.

Chapter 6


Article 22

1. The main activities of a farm are the production of agricultural products using the land plot provided for these purposes, as well as the processing, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products produced by it. The farm has the right to carry out other types of activities that do not contradict the law.

2. In cases provided for by law, certain types activities can be carried out by a farm only on the basis of a special permit (license).

3. The farm has the right to carry out foreign economic activity in accordance with the law.

Article 23

1. A farm has the right to dispose of its products and sell them at its own discretion in accordance with the concluded agreements.

2. When selling agricultural products, as well as in the process of their production, processing, storage and transportation, the farm is obliged to comply with sanitary norms and rules, the requirements of legislation in the field of quality and safety of food raw materials and food products for human life and health, as well as environmental requirements. security.

Article 24. Participation of farms in the creation of commercial and non-profit organizations

1. Farms can create unitary enterprises, be founders (participants) business partnerships and societies, members of consumer cooperatives.

2. For the purpose of coordinating their entrepreneurial activities, representing and protecting common property interests, farms may, by agreement among themselves, create associations in the form of associations or unions.

Article 25. Participation of a farm in financial and credit relations

1. The farm has the right to receive credit and borrowed funds in accordance with the law.

2. As security for the fulfillment of obligations under a loan agreement, a farm may use a pledge of its property, including crops, as well as a pledge of the right to lease property.

3. Farm enterprises may be provided with preferential loans within the funds of the republican budget allocated for these purposes, with the payment of interest for their use in the amount of not more than half of the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus starting from the second year after receiving the loan.

4. The farm has the right to open current (settlement) and other accounts for storage Money, implementation of settlement and (or) cash and other operations in accordance with the law.

Article 26

Article 27. Accounting and reporting in farms

Features of accounting for income and expenses of farms, as well as the procedure for compiling and submitting accounting, tax, statistical and other reports by them are established by law.

Article 28 Labor Relations in farming

1. The head of the farm enters into labor contracts with members of the farm in accordance with labor legislation.

2. If necessary, to perform work on a farm, persons who are not members of the farm may be involved under a labor or other contract, in compliance with the requirements of the law.

3. For members of the farm and other persons working on the farm under an employment contract, if the work on the farm is the main one for them, work books in the manner prescribed by labor law.

Article 29. Settlement of disputes related to the activities of the farm

Disputes related to the activities of the farm are resolved in court.

Chapter 7


Article 30

1. A farm may be reorganized by decision of the supreme management body of the farm, as well as in other cases provided for by legislative acts.

The reorganization of the farm is carried out in the manner prescribed by civil law and the charter of the farm.

2. Members of a farm newly established as a result of reorganization must meet the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of Article 4 and paragraph 1 of Article 8 of this Law.

Article 31

1. The liquidation of a farm is carried out on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by legislative acts.

2. Disputes on the liquidation of a farm are resolved in the economic court.

Article 32

The property of a liquidated farm remaining after satisfaction of creditors' claims is distributed among its members in proportion to their shares in the charter fund of the farm, and also taking into account their personal labor participation, unless otherwise provided by the charter of the farm.

Chapter 8


Article 33

Farms within a year after the entry into force of this Law are required to bring their founding documents in accordance with this Law.

Article 34. Transitional provisions

1. The requirements set forth in paragraph 1 of Article 4 and paragraph 1 of Article 8 of this Law do not apply to citizens who are members of farms established before the entry into force of this Law.

2. Article 26 of this Law is valid until the entry into force of the Special Part tax code The Republic of Belarus.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus N. DEMENTEY

How much do you need to invest to become a farmer? How can one not only get a harvest on Belarusian soil, but also be able to sell it at a profit? What risks are involved in the agricultural business? Read the story of Vladimir Krapivka's farming in the new issue of Posrednik.

The train noisily stops at the station - literally for a minute - and runs away with a hissing sound in the direction of Borisov. We are at the Krasnoye Znamya station in the Smolevichi district. From here we go to the village of Osovo, where the farm "Druzhba and Co" is located. The farm is managed by Vladimir Alexandrovich Krapivko, who, together with his wife Larisa Alekseevna, has been growing vegetables for ten years now.

From Don to Smolevich

Vladimir was born and raised in Rostov region, In A Small Village Near The Don River. He has a penchant for agricultural sciences from a young age: already in the 8th grade, he set up small experiments, trying to cross potatoes or determine how cultures interact with each other.

Fate decreed that, having gone to the army, the young guy ended up serving in Belarus, where he met his future wife Larisa. Since then, they have been together for 38 years.

After serving, Vladimir entered the All-Union Institute of Correspondence Education to study as an agronomist. In parallel, he began working on a collective farm - as a foreman. Then there was the work of the chief agronomist, and then the deputy chairman of one of the collective farms in the Smolevichi region. At the age of 35, Vladimir became the chairman of the collective farm. So he accumulated all his professional experience in one place.

"All was good, - shares Vladimir, - but even working, as they say now, on leadership position, chairman of the collective farm, I did not feel like a master. The earth does not like temporary workers, the earth loves the owner, and the chairman or other hired person is a temporary worker for the fields. Therefore, I always wanted to try my hand at crop production without instructions from above when, where and what to plant.

The farmer is the owner, he is not only a manager, but also an agronomist, foreman, accountant, security guard, driver and mechanic all rolled into one. You need to have an iron character in order to raise farming to at least zero profitability.

How to become a farmer

Ten years ago, in 2005, Vladimir decided to leave on his own bread. The main assistant then was a 28-year-old son, who graduated from BSU with a degree in economics. Today my son has his own business.

The first land allotment was only 80 hectares. Now the farm has more than 212 hectares of land. The first money that appeared from the sale of vegetables was invested back into circulation. The proceeds received were only enough for sowing next year, because during the winter inflation ate all the profits. But the excitement and perseverance, says Vladimir, forced to develop further.

In order to start our own business, we left all our crops, which we took from the subsidiary farm for seeds, plus we invested about 15-20 thousand dollars of our own savings in seeds, fertilizers, and equipment rental.

The investment was returned after about three years.

A novice farmer has enough difficulties.

Firstly, banks are always very wary of farming as a high-risk business with little profit. However, the Druzhba and K farm has proven itself to be a serious approach to business, revenue volumes, the number of contracts for the supply of products and other indicators by which the solvency of the organization is assessed. This made it possible, three years after the opening, to apply to the bank with a request to open a credit line, as well as arrange agricultural machinery for leasing. The expansion allowed farming to reach a new level: take more land for cultivation, speed up harvesting, reduce production costs.

Secondly, the farmer assumes all the risks of growing: from the time of planting to the time of harvest. At the same time, many nuances must be taken into account: top dressing, weeding, the right seed materials, etc. But the result is not long in coming. Vladimir's productivity is 3-4 times higher than that of the neighboring collective farm.

Thirdly, the land received is far from being the best. "Collective farm lands are always better, - the farmer says - after all, no one wants to give a fertile plot to a private owner. They give away “heavy” areas with sandstone, mountainous, flooded or, as happened last year, surrounded by summer cottages on three sides.

The Smolevichi District Executive Committee is considering an application for the allocation of land for farming.

Fourth, theft. During the ripening period of the potato crop, losses from it are measured in tons. “And it’s almost impossible to do anything, - the farmer is distressed. - To hire the same watchman means to increase the cost of the product, the farmer cannot always afford it. A statement to the police and patrol does not bring high score. In terms of costs, it is more profitable to steal “for themselves” than to hire a watchman. Naturally, when they are digging with bags, the farm will definitely not see the profit. But sometimes you have to be on duty in the field, otherwise dishonest citizens will “help” harvest the crop to the last potato.

Grow - not sell yet

But getting a harvest is only half the battle. Another question is how to save and sell the goods. After all, prices for vegetables are seasonal.

So, in the past 2014, the cabbage harvest in Belarus was small, and in Russia, on the contrary, there was an overabundance. “It turned out that we didn’t bring culture to them, but they brought it to us,” says Vladimir. - And sometimes there is a situation that it is easier to bury everything or give it away for nothing than to sell it. The market is very cruel to farmers.”

But the main buyers of "Druzhba and Co" are the nearby military units, schools, camps, boarding schools and outlets. Last year, more than 400 tons of potatoes were shipped by the farm to Borisov, Smolevichi, Zhodino and Minsk. And there are onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes.

Selling vegetables is a separate science. Today Vladimir has established contacts with many enterprises and shops. But I had to start with the sale of potatoes from the car, with a detour of shops and catering outlets to offer their goods. The efforts have borne fruit: the partners see Druzhba & Co as a reliable supplier.

As for the price, in contrast to the collective farms, where the order comes down from above, the farmer sets it himself. At the same time, due to competition, it is sometimes necessary to sell and change the price even against the will and below cost.

Labor and production resources

The farm has its own gas station, a box for storing equipment, and a number of greenhouses. Everything needs to be looked after, everything requires work.

Two or three dozen people work here all the time. But during the period of harvesting, weeding or sowing, Vladimir is glad for every additional hand - these are schoolchildren, and the military, and locals. The farmer is ready to give everyone a job and adequately pay for it - some with money, some with products. Up to 200 thousand rubles can go out per day with a bonus in the form of vegetables.

“There are only a few smart workers, and engineers, agronomists, equipment repairmen are generally piece goods, especially if they don’t drink”, - Vladimir admits.

But the main helpers are the family: wife, daughter and son. The daughter also followed in the footsteps of her parents. Today she is engaged in scientific work in the field of growing melons in Belarus and is already published in magazines. The wife used to work on a collective farm, but after the opening of the farm, she began to help her husband.

“Now my son has decided to separate himself and started growing various spice crops for delivery to the country's retail chain,” says Vladimir. - Purchased equipment for 40 million euros for packing and freezing herbs: parsley, onion, dill, basil.

To be honest, this is not a business for me, even though he is already doing better than me. A lot of fuss, work with retail network, and the packaging of greens turns out to be more expensive than the seasoning itself. But he likes it. Our business is growing."

Vladimir gave us a tour of the farm.

Potato harvester - one of the main assistants in harvesting, was leased a few years ago.

The future of the farm - an equation with many unknowns

“Making plans is a thankless task, but there are thoughts about expanding the landing area”, Vladimir admits.

The issue of development rests on the ground. If the local authorities give allotments, then we can think about sheep breeding. It was no coincidence that Vladimir chose this area: firstly, high profitability; secondly, this is one of the simple livestock breeding areas; thirdly, he has experience in farming, which can be developed to an industrial scale.

Any occupation can be profitable if you approach it with your head and hands.

The profitability of the farm today is up to 30%, depending on the crop and season, as well as His Majesty Chance. For example, when fires raged in Russia several years ago, vegetables in Belarus were bought at unimaginable prices - $500 per ton of cabbage, ten times more than the usual price. But this doesn't happen often.

Another pressing issue is the labor force. They are sorely lacking, even though the farm is assisted even by the labor exchange, which provides workers.

There is nowhere to retreat. The business is difficult, low-profit (for example, the same rabbit breeding can be three to four times more profitable than vegetable growing), but interesting, and most importantly, beloved. Therefore, all plans are only for expansion.

Own agricultural business. What's this? The desire to earn money or dedicate oneself to the realization of some special goal, dream and love for the earth, as well as those works that are associated with agriculture? Possibly both! And that is why it is becoming more and more topical issue how become a farmer in Belarus?
Surprisingly, if you ask novice farmers what motivated them when opening their own farm, then just the second part of the question, i.e. love for the earth will be their main answer! New farms are registered every year and, accordingly, newly minted farmers plunge headlong into hard daily work! However, already at the beginning of the journey, many of the farmers are faced with a lot of difficulties that literally pile up on the new farmer, dragging him into a network of non-payments, lack of material and human resources. As a result, some farmers stop their activities, disappointed in their failed business, and some continue to work, increasing their debts and already becoming debtors of other business entities, which adversely affects their image. But still, the question, for many novice agricultural businessmen, is relevant.
But how can a newly minted farmer not get into those troubles and financial troubles that lead to the closure of his agricultural business? Everything is very simple! Starting a business on earth just because you “love” or “like” such work is financially dangerous! And it is precisely such farmers who suffer losses, subsequently abandoning their business. Do you like to tinker on the ground? Please! Get six acres and do gardening to your heart's content! There are no risks, and their own agrarian spiritual impulses will find their way out through a chopper with a shovel! But if the decision to open your own farm is made, then before starting a business, you should definitely calculate very accurately possible risks, in any case, those risks that are visible to the “naked” eye. Those. farming should be treated like a well-planned business, which farming is! Give advice about how to become a farmer in Belarus, step by step analyzing what and how, is not planned in this publication. The purpose of the article in a different way is to convey to novice farmers the idea that farming is a very serious resource-intensive and financially costly business! At the same time, the choice of one's niche and the production of any product must necessarily be correlated with the demand of the population, the ease and speed of the sale of manufactured products, the region of business, taking into account climatic conditions, and other factors.
Surprisingly, often novice farmers prepare business plans considering only a small part of possible risks, which very quickly leads to negative results of their activities. However, not everything is so gloomy! And this is confirmed by the farms that are registered in our

You need to choose a niche. Let's talk about meat farming. Firstly, the cost of meat in stores is very high, and secondly, the percentage of vegetarians in our country is small. All this guarantees profitability and stable demand for products. Of course, this type of farming requires a lot of investment, especially when it comes to raising cattle.

But also net profit the average farm starts from 100 thousand rubles per month. With a competent approach, the payback period will not exceed six years. It will be cheaper to start a business in pig breeding, and the event will pay off in 2-5 years. At the same time, the demand for this product in our country is higher due to a more democratic cost than for beef. Another option is poultry farming. Eggs and chicken are the products that are always in the refrigerator of any of our compatriots. In addition, breeding birds does not require too much investment and space.

Payback can be approximately 2-4 years. Crop production is in some way seasonal business. However, this does not apply, for example, to cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries. They can be grown all year round in greenhouses. Such a business will be especially profitable in winter, when the price of fresh vegetables increases significantly. Payback business 12-18 months. Farming: where to start, or Developing a business plan Once a niche has been identified, it is necessary to create a business plan. This moment is very important, because on its basis it is possible to calculate the costs of creating a farm, the payback period and profitability. To assess the prospects of the project, the following points must be indicated in the business plan: funds (whether it will be own or borrowed, whichever start-up capital); land (you can get it for free, buy or rent); the cost of purchasing animals or crops; the cost of building structures (this is a barn for livestock or greenhouses for growing vegetables); equipment costs (eg manure removal system, milk pipeline, heating systems); personnel costs (even a relatively small farm will need it); costs for utilities, taxes; marketing costs; sales markets for products; net profit. All these points will help to calculate the profitability of the future business.

In general, a young entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan for following scheme: summary ( short description future activities, the farm and the goals that the farmer is striving for); detailed description economy (land area, availability of infrastructure, communications, structures, equipment, etc., these resources are leased or owned); summary of financial and production indicators(salary of employees and their number, the planned number of manufactured and sold products, profit); financial section (sources of financing of the economy, expenses, plans for the development of the economy and their financial support, payback, profit calculation); risk analysis (forecasting risks and describing measures to eliminate them). Why does a business plan need to be drawn up according to a certain scheme and approach the event responsibly? Because he is kind calling card future farmer: it is necessary to receive subsidies from the state, when looking for investors and other sources of financing. If the profitability of the business exceeds the possible risks, and this is clearly visible from the business plan, then the future farmer will be able to count on material support. Choosing the form of ownership: LLC or IP? The choice of form of ownership is also at least milestone. If a businessman decides to open a small farm, then registering as an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough. The undoubted advantages of this form of ownership are: simplified taxation system; there is no obligation to keep accounting; cash accounting is carried out according to a simplified system; it is not necessary to register a branch (if one is planned); no need to report on the origin of the equipment; no need to record decisions. On the initial stage IP is definitely convenient. Not yet a large number clients, while the business is just gaining momentum, you can take advantage of the privileges that an entrepreneur who is registered as an individual entrepreneur receives. However, this form also has disadvantages. The most significant of them is the difficulty in attracting investments and obtaining loans. If additional funds are needed to open a business, then such a disadvantage can play key role. If you plan to open a large farm or the business has begun to gain momentum, you should consider registering an LLC. This form of ownership is taken more seriously in the market. There are no barriers to obtaining investment funds. But you will have to conduct a more extensive document flow and pay taxes on common system taxation. At the same time, if reporting can be done by a hired employee, then you can generally make a profit from taxes. For example, receive VAT deductions. In addition, being a payer of such a tax, the farm will be able to attract major partners who are also interested in receiving deductions.