How to top up your MyTarget balance with a small amount. What can the GetUniq service do?

I always wondered where to get it traffic for arbitration? Where does it come from? Most issues can be resolved by using various advertising networks. But what to do when a large number of networks are used? Each needs to be given time - settings, analysis, management. Topping up your balance takes the most time, because each use of the wallet involves several extra authorization and identification processes.

In 2015, the service appeared - it allows you to simultaneously top up the balances of popular advertising networks from a single account.

When working with a balance from GetUniq, you can get an additional discount or get up to 40% of the funds spent on advertising back into your account.

What can the GetUniq service do?

For traffic arbitration, the service allows you to solve several important problems.

Quick replenishment of accounts of several systems— all transactions are completed in a few clicks from your personal account.

Detailed control of the balance of all networks in real time— you will always see the current expense, account balance and full account history.

Working with new networks— the list of networks working with GetUniq is constantly updated with new proven systems.

Results of work in the GetUniq system

Advertisers and arbitrage traders have the opportunity to comfortably replenish their accounts in various advertising networks: Vkontakte, Mytarget, Recreativ, Kadam, Direct/Advert and others. In addition to simple replenishment, the client has access to a convenient report on all charges.

Good day, dear readers. A long time ago, Odnoklassniki introduced the ability to promote posts from their groups through their advertising system MyTarget. Naturally not for free. Like: your posts don’t get into the “smart” feed, so pay and at least someone will see them.

Well, I'm kidding. In reality, the selected post will be shown to people outside your group, with the targeting settings you choose. In theory, if you choose a good, viral post, you can expect a good visit to the group. But for me this is still in theory.

Through MyTarget you can promote promotional posts, but posts leading to partnership programs, are unlikely to be approved. It’s still a mystery to me how some gurus manage to push prohibited and provocative products into Target. It is much easier to approve a promotion that links to a decent website or blog.

Mishutka advertises posts leading to our blog with varying degrees of success. With a variable, because not all of our articles are liked by the administration, some of them are too extreme to be missed. But when they miss it, the transition to the blog is carried out without a pad.

So that's what I'm getting at with all this. If you want to promote your posts from the group via MyTarget, then the system will offer you to top up your account with 3.5 thousand rubles. Not everyone has such an unnecessary amount lying around that they can just take it and add it to their balance at Target. Therefore, now I will tell you how to top up your balance with a small amount. Thanks to one talented admin who taught me this.

So, there is a service that allows you to conveniently replenish social network accounts. Including MyTarget.

Register, confirm registration and get access to new opportunities. To top up your account MyTarget You need to have an account with no history of replenishments, a completely new one. I don’t have an account at all yet, I’ll make one as I go.

We see all available offices and select the one we need.

Since this is my first time on this service, the first thing I did was read the instructions on how to connect an account MyTarget. The only thing I understood is that if you already have an account, it will be added immediately. And if not, then you will have to create it.

Naturally, in order to link an account, you need to have the profile on which you have the account authorized in Odnoklassniki. MyTarget.

After reading the instructions, click “Add” MyTarget.

I can't log in because... I don't have an account yet. So I click the Register button to become its proud owner. I specify simple settings, agree with the offer, which I never read. It's boring and there's no choice anyway. In no case do I agitate anyone with my example.

After registering your account MyTarget, I remember the instructions for synchronizing your account and service Getuniq. You need to go to your profile and enter the address of their agency. Everything is very simple.

A window will pop up asking you to allow access.

It is done. We return to Getuniq. It is already displayed here that the system MyTarget I have an account, but it is under moderation.

We are waiting for some time. I had it checked quickly. A verified account already has a “Top up balance” button.

The minimum replenishment amount is 300 rubles. But, of course, this is much less than the 3500 that the greedy for other people’s property initially offers us to pour in MyTarget.

Just in case, I decided to throw in 400 rubles. They will be useful for all sorts of tests, I’ll try to promote topics from groups and promos.

So, the payment has been processed and the money has been credited. And we see that not all of them reached the final conclusion, but lost some of their comrades in the form of a commission. The commission was something like 6%.

Now there is money in the account and MyTarget ready for work!

Save on advertising on VKontakte

In the previous article “”, an overview of advertising opportunities in social network in Contact, and we also got acquainted with the Get uniq service, which allows you to save 10% of the amount on advertising.

The fact is that payment for advertising in Contact is carried out not directly, but through the above service. This allows you to significantly save your advertising budget. If you make money online, this will significantly increase your income.

For those who have not read the previous article, let me remind you. For example, you want to launch targeted advertising on vkontakte, you want to use retargeting. To do this, you first need to top up your budget. Payment for advertising in Contact is carried out with bank card or from a Webmoney wallet in your personal account social networks VK. If you replenish your budget by 1000 rubles, then you can spend exactly 1000 rubles.

If payment for advertising in Contact is made through the Get uniq service, then you pay the same 1000 rubles. After they are credited, an amount of 1100 rubles appears in your account - 10% more than you put there. You can spend the same 1100 rubles on advertising, as you can see the benefits are obvious. So why not advertise on VKontakte through the GetUniq service? The service is quite young, it started working in 2015 and has managed to prove itself well.

For those who have not read, let me remind you that you can pay on the GetUniq service either through a Webmoney wallet or through Admitad, that is, from your partner accounts. In reality, it turns out that you can only pay with Webmoney. So, first you need to register on the Get uniq service, for this we go to the link. A service window opens, where we need to click the “Get Started” button.

Registration in the serviceGetUniq

where we fill in the following fields:

  • indicate your email;
  • come up with and write down a password;
  • repeat the password;
  • write captcha;
  • Click on the green “Register” button.

If you entered everything correctly, a new window will open to activate your account. Of course, you can enter your e-mail and password there, but it is better to go to the previously specified email and click on the received link from the service. You are taken to a page where all the services that Get uniq works with are listed. In our case, there should be payment for advertising in Contact, we select this social network, click on the plus sign (see screenshot).

A window opens showing the rules for working with the GetUniq service, read them, now press the green + button, a new window opens showing the rules for placing ads in Contact. If you have read these rules before, you can skip them; they are taken exactly from the VK social network. If you have not read these rules, then you should read them carefully. The point is that you need to undergo moderation advertisements It’s not that easy, you have to strictly follow the rules. We agree with the rules, check the box, click the “Agree” button and move on.

Payment for advertising on VKontakte

To replenish the balance, you need to click on the button in the form of a dollar, select the webmoney wallet, write down the amount and click the “Transfer” button.

We make the payment and return to the seller, that is, to the GetUniq service, and check the receipt of money for the service. If you deposited 1000 rubles into your account, then there should be 1000 rubles in your account.

You need to go into it and you will see that an amount appears on your account that is 10% more than you deposited. In our case - 1100 rubles, if you put in 500 rubles, then it will be 550 rubles. That's it, payment for advertising in Contact has been completed, we can start creating advertising campaign. This one exists wonderful service, use it for your health.

By the way, if you are engaged in arbitrage traffic, then this service will suit you and thanks to it, you can save tens of thousands of rubles. In addition, this service allows you to save your advertising budget not only in Contact, but also in MarketGid, BodyClick, Direct/Advert and other advertising platforms. You can view advertising platforms that work with GetUniq on the GetUniq service itself.

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Reviews from Admitad webmasters about the promotion from GetUniq

We asked active participants of the action to tell us about their impressions and results of the action;

“I use VK to work with targeted advertising. We managed to save 180,000 rubles. I’m happy - a convenient addition from Admitad.”

“The service is great! It is thanks to the promotion that we can gain profit in games that dropped significantly in the summer.”

“Of course, the action helped. If the offer is the same with the same payouts in different networks, then, of course, it’s more profitable to work through Admitad.”

“I’ve been using GetUniq for a long time, everything is great, and these additional summer interest when replenishing with Admitad are just a fairy tale.”

“Of course they help, I immediately receive a 10% discount when replenishing my balance in Admitad, and then I use it in the advertising exchange I need.”

“It really helped! Bonuses for the budget are always very good, because there is more money for tests. Well, the convenience of GetUniq is obvious, the money immediately goes to your account without any extra commissions.
I would like to see more events like this more often.”

— instant transfer from Admitad account
— from the general GetUniq balance you can top up Yandex Direct, VK and MyTarget and MT (and this is a lot of traffic)
— you can create several accounts on the source. For example, one account from which I consistently feed one offer + one account for tests. If in tests the offer shows good results, then I create an account purely for this offer. It’s easier to compile statistics later
“You don’t need to pass the turnover through your accounts.”

“everything is fine, we managed to increase our profit, I would like the promotion to last.”

"This great idea, and if I poured a lot from MyTarget, then this promotion would help a lot.”

“We discovered GetUniq a year ago. The result of this discovery was a very comfortable use of advertising accounts in various advertising networks with which we work + pleasant bonuses in the form of% for replenishing the total GetUniq balance. Thanks to this, we were able to replenish more and earn accordingly, because... % for replenishment gave us additional turnover. You can imagine if you replenish your advertising account with a one-time payment of 100,000 rubles. I also cannot help but note the convenience and methods of replenishment, in particular directly from the Admitad balance, which allows you not to make additional financial transactions, in particular to your account, and then to advertising network and lose on taxes, commissions, etc.

List of supported GetUniq services:

  • Yandex.Direct
  • MyTarget
  • Recreative
  • Direct/Advert and others

If you have any suggestions for improving GetUniq, we will be happy to consider them based on the results of a short survey.

How to get a 10% bonus from Admitad and GetUniq?

Do you want a 10% bonus on the money you earn in Admitad for traffic? Register with GetUniq and the bonus will be credited automatically every time you top up your total balance through Admitad.