How to cheer up for your birthday. How to be in a good mood always: advice from a psychologist

Below I offer an exercise in planning your day. But this is no ordinary planning. This is a change in the usual daily routine and habitual stereotypes that will help you move from the state of a biorobot to the position of the master of your life.

Morning. Wake up five minutes before the alarm (the alarm should sound quiet). To do this, before going to bed, give your subconscious an installation. Something like this: “Now I am falling into a deep sleep. During sleep, my body rests. All organs and systems of the body work clearly and smoothly. Every cell is filled with energy. My willpower is getting stronger. And I wake up five minutes before the alarm goes off, full of energy and energy, in a great mood."

When you wake up, do not rush to get up. Take a mental look through all parts of your body, through all the cells. This will wake up your body and bring it to a state of readiness. Think of something good, greet a new day.

After that, set the program for the day. Speak to yourself (you can lie in bed) your intentions. They must sound positive. For example: "Today I am taking the necessary and desirable actions to submit my report on time to tax office. And all the forces of the Universe help me in this." Or: "Today I easily realize my intention to see my husband sober and healthy."

Create an image of the implementation of your intentions. Imagine the day ahead from the moment you get up until the moment you are back in bed. Let the whole day pass before your mind's eye. Don't try to plan too many things at once. And in no case do not write them down in a notebook. Try to do only what you can easily remember. Don't overload yourself.

After that, you can easily get up. Greet your loved ones and the Universe. Give them a smile.

Next, I give a meditation thatwill help tune in and live your day in joy and harmony. For the best effect, you need to perform it immediately after waking up, until your mind has plunged into the hustle and bustle of the day. The power of this meditation is in the mood for the desired result.. Perhaps this meditation will become an alarm clock of happiness for you, when instead of the usual call, birdsong and words of harmony will sound.

After that, getting out of bed, pour yourself a glass of water, put it between your palms and say words of love to this glass that you love it, that it will bring you happiness, health, well-being and so on. The word "love" has a very harmonious, positive vibration. and thus you charge the water with these vibrations. A glass in the morning and a glass in the evening. This habit can lead to amazing health outcomes.

In the morning, when brushing your teeth in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say compliments, positive attitudes or any other pleasant things that increase self-esteem and positively affect life. In order not to forget, stick a "reminder" on the mirror.

It is very useful to eat daily (especially for breakfast) porridge from germinated wheat. This will charge you with strength and energy for the whole day, increase efficiency and stress resistance. In addition, if you add honey and dried fruits there, then it is also very tasty.

There is such a truth: how you spend the first hours after waking up, so the day will pass. How to wake up full of strength and energy, because awakening is reflected in appearance and well-being.

Such elementary things as morning exercises and a healthy tasty breakfast make it possible to be collected during the day and allow you to tune in to positive. Exercise done in the morning stimulates the metabolism, which, in turn, helps the body burn calories faster.

How to start the day right?

1. Planning for the next day

Before you go to bed, you need to write down interesting events that await you tomorrow on a piece of paper. Many wake up in a bad mood. This is due to hormonal fluctuations at night. If, before going to bed, thinking about the pleasant events that await you the next day, you can quickly cheer up.

2. Bright colors

If you see bright colors when you wake up, there will be an adrenaline rush and a burst of energy. Of course, you should not repaint the walls in "thermonuclear" colors, it is enough to see a bright pillow or a picture when you wake up, where red-orange shades predominate. Also, getting out of bed, you can throw on home clothes in bright colors. During breakfast, it is good to drink a glass of pomegranate or cranberry juice.

3. Fresh air

It is easier to fall asleep in warmth, but after sleeping in a well-heated room, people often wake up with a heavy head. To sleep more efficiently, before you lie down, the room must be ventilated. The most comfortable temperature for sleeping is 15-20 degrees.

4. Flowers

A bouquet of flowers in front of the eyes upon awakening will cheer women up and energize them for the whole day.

5. Visualization

After opening your eyes, immediately close them in order to visualize a certain image: imagine yourself active and energetic. If you visualize pictures of violent activity, those parts of the brain will begin to work, as with real activity.

6. Alarm clock

The alarm starts ringing and many people press the button to snooze the alarm and start falling asleep again. But the brain knows that soon the alarm clock will ring again, so you won’t be able to get enough sleep. The alarm should be set for the time when you really need to wake up. Continuous sleep will allow you to recover better and feel more alert.

7. Glass of water

To replenish the fluid lost during the night and cheer up, you need to drink 250 ml of cold water in the morning. If the body does not have enough fluid, then it has a very hard time, fatigue is felt. The loss of even a few percent of water causes a physical and emotional decline. You need to drink about two liters of fluid per day.

8. Stimulate facial muscles

Facial massage will increase blood circulation and serve as a good remedy helping to wake up. You need to start from the forehead and go down to the chin, pressing on various points or patting the skin with your fingertips. Such a daily morning procedure will give the skin a healthy glow.

9. Sunshine

Sunlight causes joy, a surge of energy and vivacity, stops the production of melatonin - the hormone that is responsible for falling asleep, and increases the level of serotonin - the hormone that elevates mood. It's nice to go out on the balcony with a cup of coffee. If you have to get up after dark, you must immediately turn on the light. Light alarm clocks are now on the market. They depict the dawn, which breaks for half an hour before rising and reaches its highest brightness when the alarm goes off. Penetrating through the eyelids, the light sends signals of awakening.

Each of you must have faced the problem of a bad mood and lack of energy for action, starting in the morning. You haven’t had time to get up yet, and already, you don’t have the strength to do anything, and in general you want to “send away” everything. Such a mood does not give you any charge for new ideas, actions, decisions! How to overcome this melancholy, having killed it “in the bud”, without leaving such a mood a single chance to settle in your soul, to occupy your brain with negative thoughts!

I will tell you the secret of how to start your day without worries and stress:

1. To get up positive, it is necessary, it is simply extremely important to go to bed with positive thoughts in the evening. Think in the evening about plans, ideas, get the accumulated problems out of your head, since it’s not at all worth falling asleep with such a “burden”. Evening problems and negativity will manifest in your mood in the morning, and take away the energy of your upcoming day.

2. It is best to get up to cheerful, joyful, cheerful music, and not to the nasty sound of an alarm clock that makes you flinch at the first sound.

3. Morning exercises to the same peppy music will give you confidence in the upcoming day and energy to complete the planned tasks.

4. A breath of fresh air open window, even if the weather is rainy and gray, refreshes and tones.

5. Be sure to drink some water right in the morning, even before breakfast. Water charges with positive energy, and improves metabolism, and, accordingly, physical condition.

6. In the morning, you should definitely have breakfast, even if you find excuses for not having breakfast: I don’t have time for work, I need to take the child to kindergarten, I need to fly to couples and other excuses. It is better to get up these 15 minutes earlier, but breakfast is a must! It is best to have breakfast with porridge, fresh fruit, boiled egg or yogurt. All of these foods are light enough, good for a morning meal, and give your body the nutrients it needs to go on.

7. It is necessary to charge yourself with energy by looking in the mirror, smile, you can make faces, and exhale say “Fuh!! Life is Beautiful! I live and this is happiness!” This momentary impulse of childhood will give your mood playfulness and contagious cheerfulness.

8. Before leaving the house, be sure to plan your affairs for today. At least just figure out what, when and how. This process will force you to organize, and as you know, any plans that are built give energy to achieve them.

9. If you take your child to kindergarten or school in the morning, be sure to hug him before parting. You can also hug your husband, mom, someone close to you, or even a pet if you live alone. After all, as you know, sincere hugs have great power and have a striking effect on raising the mood.

10. And the last advice, even if you have a lot of problems, you suffer from spring blues, there is no energy for any undertakings - close your eyes before leaving the house and say: “Everything will be fine. This too shall pass! Life should be treated with humor. Today is a new day, which means everything will be different. There are no unconquered peaks! Going forward, you overcome difficulties, which means you become stronger.”

Go through life positively! How you start your day is how it will go!

Each of us must have had periods in life when it was not possible to carry out the planned for the day. For example, if your plan is shopping, your favorite store is closed for the weekend or inventory. In this state of affairs, your mood worsens, and it seems that the day was wasted. It cannot be argued that a bad and unplanned day cannot be fixed by anything. It is quite possible to make the passing day better, the main thing is to know how to improve this day. We have prepared a selection of tips, using some of them that are most suitable for you, you can significantly improve your mood, and today's unlucky day will no longer be so dull and bad.

1. Hug more. Start your day with a hug from your loved one. This will help you get a charge of vivacity and positive mood for the whole day.

2. Make yourself something delicious for breakfast. Good food is always uplifting.

3. Set aside 15-30 minutes a day for meditation exercises. Relaxation will allow your body to recuperate and perform its goals more efficiently.

4. Call old friends, talk to them, find out the latest news.

5. Dial five funny and positive messages on your phone, send them to different strangers. Surely they will be pleased to receive good words at your address from a stranger.

6. Choose clothes in colors that you like, wear bright and iridescent colors more often.

7. Go outside in the morning, take a deep breath and straighten your shoulders. Your lungs will be filled with fresh air, your blood will be saturated with oxygen, your body will receive a charge of vivacity and good mood.

8. On the way to work, listen only to your favorite songs in the player or car radio. If possible, even sing along to your favorite performer, as singing also gets your lungs working.

9. Give more compliments to your family, friends and colleagues.

10. Set aside half an hour a day to play with your children, help them learn their lessons, just talk to the child about what worries him.

11. Pray for a stranger who at the moment is in great need of help from above.

12. Try to bring some humor into your life.

13. Write down the most important points your child's life, from birth. In the future, it will be interesting for children to look at themselves, small and taking their first steps, saying the word “mom” or “dad” for the first time.

14. Revisit old movies you loved to watch as a kid. Such a view will return you to those distant past, allow you to relax and rest your soul.

15. Brew fresh coffee, sit for a few minutes, savoring the aromatic drink.

16. Take ten minutes a day to play with your pets - dogs or cats. Animals are very sincere interlocutors and are always able to cheer up with their spontaneity.

17. Take a long contrast shower. This will give you vivacity and excellent mood.

18. Tidy up your desktop. Often Bad mood happens due to the lack of order on your desktop.

19. Sort out things in your closet, get rid of everything old, unnecessary and not fashionable. By getting rid of the old, you can open the way to the new in your life.

20. Seize every moment in your life. Walking down the street, catch a slight breath of the breeze, inhale more fresh air into the lungs.

21. Try your favorite chocolate. Eat treats in small portions with your eyes closed for a better taste sensation.

22. Buy bread or other food for a homeless person. For you, this will mean nothing in a material sense, but for a homeless person, bread is an opportunity to live.

23. Renew your memory of the past with a family photo album. If you are sad and have nothing to do, open old family albums, plunge into the atmosphere of the past and remember all the pleasant moments.

24. Make it a rule to walk for a long time and admire the world around you more often. A person is often in a hurry, not noticing the natural beauty around. To find harmony, you just need to get out of the cycle of life for a few minutes and look around. There is really a lot of beauty around, you just have to see and appreciate it.

25. Decorate your home with fresh flowers. It is so nice when there is a piece of wildlife in the room, it smells of freshness and spring.

26. Arrange jogging more often, while running, oxygen enters the body more actively, the lungs open more, blood circulates better through the vessels, all organs and systems of the body receive more nutrients, a person feels a surge of vigor and strength to implement his plans.

27. Inspire yourself to new feats by reading new quotes from wise philosophers.

28. View motivational positive videos by choosing one of the Internet video resources for this.

29. Give your spouse a relaxing massage more often, bring more joy and pleasant moments to loved ones, bring only joy to your home.

30. If you have a spouse, just a loved one - in the evenings, holding hands with him, admire the sunset.

31. Listen to classical music more often. It has long been proven by scientists that classical musical sounds have a positive effect on the pleasure centers of the brain.

32. Do not let negativity into your life, exclude stress and negative experiences.

33. Write a thank you letter. Indicate there to which people you want to say “thank you” for bringing a lot of good things into your life or giving invaluable experience.

34. Get up from your desk from time to time to do a couple of stretches. This will give the body new strength for further work.

35. Place wallpapers on your computer desktop that will inspire you to work.

36. Give up your seat in line to a person who needs to get a quick physical or a shopping spree.

37. Host a candlelight dinner for your loved one.

38. Do not rush things, do not rush to complete tasks.

39. Let go of everything that cannot be changed.

40. Go on a picnic with your family or friends.

41. Take up Pilates or yoga. These calming exercises will allow you to achieve harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

42. Always plan your vacation in advance. In the end working week always think about how you will spend the weekend.

43. Pick up a book that inspires you to do good deeds and try to read at least one chapter a day from that book. Discover new works, in general, try to read more new books.

44. Once a week take a bath with foam and a decoction of medicinal or aromatic extracts.

45. Do something spontaneous that you've never done before. Perhaps a new activity will cheer you up.

46. ​​Look for more reasons to be happy. Perhaps the coming day is marked by some important events - the birthday of a friend, professional holiday, new discovery or invention, conquest and victory. Celebrate the holidays and do not let blues and sadness into your life.

47. Do some kind deed for yourself or others.

48. Eat more crunchy fresh apples and other fruits. They charge us with energy and useful substances.

49. Arrange a meeting with cheerful friends who, despite the troubles and problems, will always find a reason for laughter and fun.

50. Remember some positive moment from your life, it will surely cheer you up.

51. Dance while no one is watching. Dance is an element, an occasion to improve mood. When no one is looking at you, dance and saturate your life with positivity.

52. Smile at an unfamiliar passerby, give a smile to a friend or loved one.

53. Teach foreign languages and expand your horizons. The ability to communicate with foreigners, to understand their language always brings something new into our lives.

54. Treat yourself to sweet homemade cakes. Delicious crumbly cookies prepared by yourself - isn't this a reason for a good mood?

55. Give more hugs to close and dear people. When you get home after work, hug your mom, dad, brother, or sister. This is not a manifestation of excessive tenderness, but rather a manifestation of respect and love for a loved one.

Morning is not to blame for the fact that you did not get enough sleep. And “good morning” is not a time of day, but a state of mind. How to combine mood and clock hand? We know!

Healthy morning habits

1. Start in the evening. At least style and plans. The more clearly you imagine what you will do during the day, the easier it is to start in the morning. And it’s better to wash dishes and clean up in the evening - it’s 4 times easier to wake up in a clean room than in one where flowers grow on the ceiling. And, of course, the quality of sleep = the quality of the morning. 22.00 - we do not get tired of reminding this time.

2. Get up right away. Do not jump out of bed, as if you saw "Heroes" in full force, but also do not push the alarm clock back for endless 5 minutes (by the way, it is better to change the melody every week). The brain will be helped to wake up by light (open the window) and a simple exercise (it can also be reading a friend's tape, but it's better to choose a puzzle to your taste and keep it next to the bed).

! Time managers advise not to check messages until 12.00 - they say, they would have called you on an important issue, but mail can put an end to morning plans.

3. Move. If you don't run, then dance with headphones on. If this is also difficult, such an exercise will help to cheer up: stand on your toes and maintain balance as much as possible.

4. Pamper. You definitely have a morning ritual, even if you don't know what it is. Maybe it's coffee bean soap? Surround yourself with nice little things.

The perfect refreshing drink is ginger. Rub a ginger root (the size of an apricot), pour boiling water over it and a few slices of any citrus fruits, cool slightly, add honey and cinnamon.

6 songs for your morning

  • For Jogging - Tim McMorris, It's A Beautiful Day
  • When you don't know what to do - Muse, Feeling Good
  • If you woke up at dawn - Nelly Furtado feat. Timbaland, Say It Right
  • For a lazy breakfast - Kanye West, Good Morning
  • Just like that - John Paul Young, Love is in the air and George Harrison, I've Got My Mind Set On You
  • Like in a clothing store, to quickly choose - David Guetta, I Just Came To Say Hello!

Breakfast rules for two

1. If there is a nest on the head, and daylight made the pimple on the nose so noticeable, the maximum program is to wash and comb your hair. Just forget about a wrinkled T-shirt, bruises from lack of sleep and old wallpapers - the MCh has seen nothing like that. We feel insecure in the morning and so does the guy, especially if he's out of his own territory, don't push him any further.

2. Stretch and say how great it was, and talk about breakfast and what you will do after (if it's pleasant, about other things later).

3. A simple rule - if it happens to you, you are the mistress. Give him a toothbrush and do not forbid stroking the cat against the coat - a guest. If he has tea and everything he does. And you talk about trifles and show how pleasant his chores are.

4. Eating is the best thing you can do in the morning, especially after a shower if you want to go there together. Find out if the guy has allergies, otherwise breakfast with eggs benedict may not go according to plan. Best of all - cereals, smoothies (from strawberries, bananas and cherries will be appreciated even by those who have not heard of healthy way life). By preparing breakfast, you learn a lot about each other. For example, are you able to compromise?

Set your alarm to his favorite song.

Put away your phone. He wants to see you eat, not take pictures.

Put on his T-shirt.

To turn the morning into a real date, go to a cafe. Find out where the perfect morning pastry is.

Test for the morning

Psychologists say that morning is a day in a concentrated form, and by answering a couple of questions, you can understand why something does not work out during the day. You need to pay attention to this: 1) What mood do you wake up with? And why with this? 2) How do you look in the morning? Would a guy like it?

3) How fast are you going? If in a hurry, then you do everything chaotically, you don’t know how to relax.

4) How long does it take you to choose clothes? It's a reflection of how you generally make choices.

! +1 way to get up earlier: promise your friends to fight against sovietism and report daily on social networks at 7. The best way deal with the problem - be inspired by it. For example, draw pictures about a cheerful morning.

6 good morning reasons

For those who claim otherwise. Being happy in the morning is normal, no matter what anyone says, but getting up early is worth it ...

  • For a dream. When you know that today you will become a little closer to your dream, the pillow has no arguments. “If you wake up every morning with the thought that something good will happen today, it will!” says Nina Dobrev, and we agree.
  • To have breakfast. How many times have you skipped breakfast because you overslept and had to run? Even if you don’t feel like eating in the morning, your appetite will appear while you are making toast with blueberry jam. Italian Torello Cavalieri came up with an alarm clock that wakes up not with sound, but with the smell of freshly baked bread. Much nicer when you cook something like that yourself.
  • For the dawn. Just think that every day you miss one of the most beautiful events in the world. And the city is quiet and calm in the mornings - it's a pleasure to leave early.
  • Because the morning is the most fruitful part of the day. During the day there are many small things, in the evening - fatigue and impressions of the day. More than 92% of executives and high achievers wake up at 6 or earlier. They know the rule: the sooner you start, the sooner you finish; the more you do in the morning, the more pleasant the evening will be.
  • For kind words. Why dissemble, many in the morning the mood is not very good. How nice it is to be a fairy and instead of "Don't ask about anything until I've washed my face", smile and help wake up.
  • To be alone with yourself. During the day we are surrounded by people, and when everyone is sleeping, you are the master of the universe for a couple of hours. Do what you want is the secret to success and the perfect start to the day.

! American researchers have studied biorhythms and determined that we look the worst from 4 to 5 pm, when daytime stress is at its peak (and especially for some reason on Wednesdays). At this time, all the flaws in appearance come to the fore. And we look best in the morning (on any day of the week) - the muscles of the face relax, the skin is smooth. Remember when you wake up with a guy.

Photo: BigLike Images, GTeam, nikolazivic/